Guest guest Posted February 17, 2008 Report Share Posted February 17, 2008 Agrawal et al 2007 is one of the cites in Deth et al 2008. - - - - free online: J Leukocyte Biol. 2007 Feb;81(2):474-82. Epub 2006 Nov 1. Thimerosal induces TH2 responses via influencing cytokine secretion by human dendritic cells. Agrawal A, Kaushal P, Agrawal S, Gollapudi S, Gupta S. Division of Basic and Clinical Immunology, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697, USA. aagrawal@... Thimerosal is an organic mercury compound that is used as a preservative in vaccines and pharmaceutical products. Recent studies have shown a TH2-skewing effect of mercury, although the underlying mechanisms have not been identified. In this study, we investigated whether thimerosal can exercise a TH2-promoting effect through modulation of functions of dendritic cells (DC). Thimerosal, in a concentration-dependent manner, inhibited the secretion of LPS-induced proinflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha, IL-6, and IL-12p70 from human monocyte-derived DC. However, the secretion of IL-10 from DC was not affected. These thimerosal-exposed DC induced increased TH2 (IL-5 and IL-13) and decreased TH1 (IFN-gamma) cytokine secretion from the T cells in the absence of additional thimerosal added to the coculture. Thimerosal exposure of DC led to the depletion of intracellular glutathione (GSH), and addition of exogenous GSH to DC abolished the TH2-promoting effect of thimerosal-treated DC, restoring secretion of TNF-alpha, IL-6, and IL-12p70 by DC and IFN-gamma secretion by T cells. These data suggest that modulation of TH2 responses by mercury and thimerosal, in particular, is through depletion of GSH in DC. PMID: 17079650 Murata, Y., Shimamura, T., Hamuro, J. (2002) The polarization of T(h)1/T(h)2 balance is dependent on the intracellular thiol redox status of macrophages due to the distinctive cytokine production /Int. Immunol./ *14*,201-212 [Abstract/Free Full Text] < & journalCode=intimm & resid=14/2/\ 201> Ohtani, T., Nakagawa, S., Kurosawa, M., Mizuashi, M., Ozawa, M., Aiba, S. (2005) Cellular basis of the role of diesel exhaust particles in inducing Th2-dominant response /J. Immunol./ *174*,2412-2419 [Abstract/Free Full Text] < & journalCode=jimmunol & resid=174\ /4/2412> Kuppner, M. C., Scharner, A., Milani, V., Von Hesler, C., Tschop, K. E., Heinz, O., Issels, R. D. (2003) Ifosfamide impairs the allostimulatory capacity of human dendritic cells by intracellular glutathione depletion /Blood/ *102*,3668-3674 [Abstract/Free Full Text] < & journalCode=bloodjournal & resid\ =102/10/3668> - - - - How environmental and genetic factors combine to cause autism: A redox/methylation hypothesis /Volume 29, Issue 1, (January 2008) Pages 190-201/ Deth, Muratore, Benzecry, Verna-Ann Power-Charnitsky and Mostafa Waly SummaryPlus < & _udi=B6W81-4PWKSH2-1 & _user=\ 10 & _coverDate=01%2F31%2F2008 & _rdoc=25 & _fmt=summary & _orig=browse & _srch=doc-info%2\ 8%23toc%236641%232008%23999709998%23678402%23FLA%23display%23Volume%29 & _cdi=6641\ & _sort=d & _docanchor= & _ct=25 & _acct=C000050221 & _version=1 & _urlVersion=0 & _userid=10\ & md5=f7442b23815c1436a376191c11797602> Full Text + Links < & _udi=B6W81-4PWKSH2-1 & _user=\ 10 & _coverDate=01%2F31%2F2008 & _rdoc=25 & _fmt=full & _orig=browse & _srch=doc-info%28%2\ 3toc%236641%232008%23999709998%23678402%23FLA%23display%23Volume%29 & _cdi=6641 & _s\ ort=d & _docanchor= & _ct=25 & _acct=C000050221 & _version=1 & _urlVersion=0 & _userid=10 & md\ 5=9ba04c8c5bf9389ac6349bbb14f28141> PDF (551 K) < & _imagekey=B6W81-4PWKSH2-1-7 & _cdi=\ 6641 & _user=10 & _orig=browse & _coverDate=01%2F31%2F2008 & _sk=999709998 & view=c & wchp=d\ GLbVzb-zSkWA & md5=d693bb7584c8690ab1707b6f326574d6 & ie=/sdarticle.pdf> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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