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Re: Have adrenal/thyroid problems but finally lost 46 lbs

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Sorry about not putting it in post...lol....I had it in subject area

and took it out. Duh!


> I just wanted to tell everyone that there is hope. My wonderful


> (Dr. Gedde from stopthethyroidmadness) introduced me to this


> and I have now lost 46 lbs and keeping it off. Before this, I


> exercise over an hour a day, six days a week and eat right, but


> still gaining at a steady pace. I even had lap-band done, but


> not lose.

> This has been a dream come true for me so I wanted to share. There


> numerous boards on yahoo.....come on over and take a look around.


> you there!


> Michele


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There are PLENTY of people with diabetes doing this protocol. In

fact, there have been lots and lots of type 2's that have been able

to come off of or drastically reduce meds. Do a search for diabetes.


> Well I just did a quick look an dofr me with Diabetes it would not


> SIGH.. I have way too many dietary restrictions and musts already.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane



> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


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I'm sorry, I missed it: what is the protocol and what is the link?



-----Original Message-----

There are PLENTY of people with diabetes doing this protocol. In fact, there

have been lots and lots of type 2's that have been able to come off of or

drastically reduce meds. Do a search for diabetes.

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My hubby and I have used the hCG protocol

with great success. He lost 35 lbs, I lost 23 lbs – in 6 weeks. However,

at the time we didn’t know about our adrenal issues, and we had some

family difficulties that kept us from eating right and doing the diet for a

second round, so we did end up gaining most of it back (over a 6 month time). Also,

I didn’t lose as much because the protocol states if you’ve ever

taken thyroid, your weight loss will be less, but the most they want you to

lose anyway in the 6 weeks is 34 lbs.

I didn’t feel good on the diet –

I was hungry and mad all the time. But now I feel it was because my

adrenals couldn’t handle it! Just make sure your adrenals are

supported first. I think the diet would have been much easier for me if I

had known that. Hubby had NO issues whatsoever with the diet! The

weight just melted off of him. I will absolutely do the diet again when

my adrenals are better! (If I need to.)

I was telling hubby just a couple of days

ago that I wanted to know how hCG worked with thyroid. I then stumbled

across this article just yesterday morning! Here’s a link to the

article. http://www.thyroidmanager.org/Chapter14/14-frame.htm

I think the diet will work if you have

adrenal support. I think the extra thyroid that it stimulates could make

your adrenals stress too much. Just be careful and listen to what your

body is telling you. (As always…)

Happy weight loss!

From: RT3_T3 [mailto:RT3_T3 ] On Behalf Of Michele

Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008

7:47 AM

To: RT3_T3

Subject: Re: Have

adrenal/thyroid problems but finally lost 46 lbs

The Simeons hCG protocol



> What has finally worked? I wanna lose some too!


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane



> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


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Val, here’s the part of the protocol

that talks about diabetes. Don’t discount the diet just yet! It could

work for you. And what you eat on the diet is definitely within diabetic



In an

obese patient suffering from a fairly advanced case of stable diabetes of many

years duration in which the blood sugar may range from 300-400 mg, it is often

possible to stop all anti-diabetes medication after the first few days of

treatment. The blood sugar continues to drop from day to day and often reaches

normal values in 2-3 weeks. As in pregnancy, this phenomenon is not observed in

the brittle type of diabetes, and as some cases that are predominantly stable

may have a small brittle factor in their clinical makeup, all obese diabetics

have to be kept under a very careful and expert watch.

A brittle

case of diabetes is primarily due to the inability of the pancreas to produce

sufficient insulin, while in the stable type, diencephalic regulations seem to be

of greater importance. That is possibly the reason why the stable form responds

so well to the HCG method of treating obesity, whereas the brittle type does

not. Obese patients are generally suffering from the stable type, but a stable

type may gradually change into a brittle one, which is usually associated with

a loss of weight. Thus, when an obese diabetic finds that he is losing weight

without diet or treatment, he should at once have his diabetes expertly

attended to. There is some evidence to suggest that the change from stable to

brittle is more liable to occur in patients who are taking insulin for their

stable diabetes.

From: RT3_T3 [mailto:RT3_T3 ] On Behalf Of

Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008

8:09 AM

To: RT3_T3

Subject: Re: Re: Have

adrenal/thyroid problems but finally lost 46 lbs

Well I just did a quick look an dofr me with Diabetes

it would not work.

SIGH.. I have way too many dietary restrictions and musts already.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane





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I don;t havetto do a search for Diabetes. I have studiesd it intensely.

Low fat is NOT good for Diabetics. That si one huge reason so many

diabetics ahve all the health isses thaey have POOR GLUCOSE control

which si WAY more important than weight loss. My A1c is 5.4 On that diet

i coulsd not maintain that withotu hypoglycemic episodes that could kill

me. No thanks.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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Losing weight causes less insulin resistance, BUT eating fats enabkles

the glycemic load to sopread out. My gluciose NEBVER reaches 300 now but

it used to from eating chicken baked with no skin go to 500. I anm a

type 1.5 which m4eans insulin resistant and low to no insulin

production. Believe me ti would nto work for me.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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The minute I saw " very low calorie " I closed the page. Not for me.



> Well I just did a quick look an dofr me with Diabetes it would not work.

> SIGH.. I have way too many dietary restrictions and musts already.



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Val, I meant a search withing the hcg group.

Sol, you should really look before dismissing it so quickly. Yes, it

is low calorie, but there is MUCH more to it than that.

, I was hungry the first round, but the second time around I

changed the dosage and wasmuch better. In fact, I am on 4th round

now, have lost 9.8 lbs. since Wednesday and not hungry or tired at

all. What was your dosage?


> > Well I just did a quick look an dofr me with Diabetes it would

not work.

> > SIGH.. I have way too many dietary restrictions and musts


> >

> >


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10 pounds in less than a week. That's seems crazy fast.

Val, I meant a search withing the hcg group.

Sol, you should really look before dismissing it so quickly. Yes, it

is low calorie, but there is MUCH more to it than that.

, I was hungry the first round, but the second time around I

changed the dosage and wasmuch better. In fact, I am on 4th round

now, have lost 9.8 lbs. since Wednesday and not hungry or tired at

all. What was your dosage?


> > Well I just did a quick look an dofr me with Diabetes it would

not work.

> > SIGH.. I have way too many dietary restrictions and musts


> >

> >


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Yes it does, but it works and the weight stays off. Trust me, this

is the only thing that has worked for me. Like I said, I even have a

lap-band that DID NOT work. I was exercising like crazy and eating

what I thought was right. This protocol has taught me so much about

myself it's not even funny. I now know what is right and what is

wrong for me. It can't hurt to go to the yahoo site and look right?

There are thousands of us who have lost weight. You only have to


Dr. Gedde truly believes in it and I know people have heard of her.

I found her on stopthethyroidmadness.


> > > > Well I just did a quick look an dofr me with Diabetes it


> > not work.

> > > > SIGH.. I have way too many dietary restrictions and musts

> > already.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >


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I completely came off of diabetes meds and fasting glucose is now

84. My female hormones also regulated and I no longer have to take


Trust me, it's worth looking. I'm not trying to sell something

here....only to help.



> I don;t havetto do a search for Diabetes. I have studiesd it


> Low fat is NOT good for Diabetics. That si one huge reason so many

> diabetics ahve all the health isses thaey have POOR GLUCOSE


> which si WAY more important than weight loss. My A1c is 5.4 On

that diet

> i coulsd not maintain that withotu hypoglycemic episodes that

could kill

> me. No thanks.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane



> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


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Oh, I know you're just trying to help but I'm wondering how stressful it is on your body to lose 10 pounds in less than a week. That just doesn't seem right.

I completely came off of diabetes meds and fasting glucose is now

84. My female hormones also regulated and I no longer have to take


Trust me, it's worth looking. I'm not trying to sell something

here....only to help.



> I don;t havetto do a search for Diabetes. I have studiesd it


> Low fat is NOT good for Diabetics. That si one huge reason so many

> diabetics ahve all the health isses thaey have POOR GLUCOSE


> which si WAY more important than weight loss. My A1c is 5.4 On

that diet

> i coulsd not maintain that withotu hypoglycemic episodes that

could kill

> me. No thanks.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane



> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


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You have your own insulin, I do not. Yesterday my calorieds for the day

were 620. 300 of them were from fats. My glucose yesterday peaked from a

high Dawn Rise at 165 but my daily average of 10 tests was 82. I could

not do that on that diet. I would die of hypoglycemia. Taking insulin

you HAVE to eat pretty regularly and stil be bale to control the high's

like Dawn Rise. I loked at the files section of the group for a diet

sample. Between IBS and Diabetes and needing fats I could not do that

diet. Caloric restriction does NOT pull weigh off me, it lowers my



Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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I would definitely agree with that your adrenals need to be

taken care of before starting this.

> > >

> > > I don;t havetto do a search for Diabetes. I have studiesd it

> > intensely.

> > > Low fat is NOT good for Diabetics. That si one huge reason so


> > > diabetics ahve all the health isses thaey have POOR GLUCOSE

> > control

> > > which si WAY more important than weight loss. My A1c is 5.4 On

> > that diet

> > > i coulsd not maintain that withotu hypoglycemic episodes that

> > could kill

> > > me. No thanks.

> > >

> > > --

> > > Artistic Grooming- Hurricane

> > WV

> > >

> > > http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> > >

> >


> > > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> > >

> >

> >

> >


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But the hcg is pulling calories from your abnormal fat storage.

There are plenty each day. Just because you're only eating 500

calories doesn't mean anything, there are still roughly 1800

floating around from your fat.


> You have your own insulin, I do not. Yesterday my calorieds for

the day

> were 620. 300 of them were from fats. My glucose yesterday peaked

from a

> high Dawn Rise at 165 but my daily average of 10 tests was 82. I


> not do that on that diet. I would die of hypoglycemia. Taking


> you HAVE to eat pretty regularly and stil be bale to control the


> like Dawn Rise. I loked at the files section of the group for a


> sample. Between IBS and Diabetes and needing fats I could not do


> diet. Caloric restriction does NOT pull weigh off me, it lowers my

> metabolism.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane



> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


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You are not listening to me, even the quote you posted said this doet

will not work for people they call BRITTLE diabetics who do nto have

enough insulin. I am nto brittle becauswe I test 10 times a day and

inject insulin 5-6 times a day. Brittle is nothing but someone that has

not found out how to control Diabetes. But wiht no insulin of my own I

cannto eat like that.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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Ok, ok, no problem....just trying to help.


> You are not listening to me, even the quote you posted said this


> will not work for people they call BRITTLE diabetics who do nto


> enough insulin. I am nto brittle becauswe I test 10 times a day


> inject insulin 5-6 times a day. Brittle is nothing but someone

that has

> not found out how to control Diabetes. But wiht no insulin of my

own I

> cannto eat like that.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane



> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


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I agree with you here. I know it

sounds like a crazy diet that you are only eating 500 calories. But the

thing is, you are using your FAT STORES in your body, which is around 2000

calories a day – and it’s all from fat! The hCG itself

mobilizes those fat stores for your body to use as fuel, so you don’t

have to take in as many calories. Besides that, you CAN eat more than 500

calories a day if it’s too little for you. You may not lose as much

weight, but you can eat more. I did towards the end and I still lost.

The thing that bothers me is this. People

are dismissing this without research. This is just like some people on

other boards don’t believe in RT3 as being a problem – that it’s

a fad that won’t last. People on this board DO believe it’s a

problem. Aren’t we trying to convice our doctors that our issues

are real, and they dismiss us because they don’t do the research? This

diet has been around for 50+ years and has helped thousands of people. Talk

to some people who have done it successfully before you dismiss it. Granted,

like most things it probably doesn’t work for everyone, but it’s been

live-saving for others. I think it CAN work for most everyone, if

adrenals are supported. Like with me, I was angry and hungry. But now

I know it was because of my adrenals being in such bad shape. I will do

it again if this weight doesn’t come off with getting my adrenals and

thyroid straight!

I won’t say anymore about it…

I’m sorry that this got so long…

From: RT3_T3 [mailto:RT3_T3 ] On Behalf Of Michele

Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008

12:00 PM

To: RT3_T3

Subject: Re: Have

adrenal/thyroid problems but finally lost 46 lbs

But the hcg is pulling calories from your abnormal fat


There are plenty each day. Just because you're only eating 500

calories doesn't mean anything, there are still roughly 1800

floating around from your fat.


> You have your own insulin, I do not. Yesterday my calorieds for

the day

> were 620. 300 of them were from fats. My glucose yesterday peaked

from a

> high Dawn Rise at 165 but my daily average of 10 tests was 82. I


> not do that on that diet. I would die of hypoglycemia. Taking


> you HAVE to eat pretty regularly and stil be bale to control the


> like Dawn Rise. I loked at the files section of the group for a


> sample. Between IBS and Diabetes and needing fats I could not do


> diet. Caloric restriction does NOT pull weigh off me, it lowers my

> metabolism.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane



> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


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I am so surprised that this is coming up today. My naturopath wants

to start me on this protocol. I am very reluctant. I heard there are

side effects to the injections that one needs to administer. I also

thought if one has adrenal issues, it should not be attempted. I need

to make a decision, in fact I was to let her know today what I wanted

to do. I am not sure I would be have the gumption to do this protocol.


> >

> > You have your own insulin, I do not. Yesterday my calorieds for

> the day

> > were 620. 300 of them were from fats. My glucose yesterday peaked

> from a

> > high Dawn Rise at 165 but my daily average of 10 tests was 82. I

> could

> > not do that on that diet. I would die of hypoglycemia. Taking

> insulin

> > you HAVE to eat pretty regularly and stil be bale to control the

> high's

> > like Dawn Rise. I loked at the files section of the group for a

> diet

> > sample. Between IBS and Diabetes and needing fats I could not do

> that

> > diet. Caloric restriction does NOT pull weigh off me, it lowers my

> > metabolism.

> >

> > --

> > Artistic Grooming- Hurricane

> WV

> >

> > http://www.stopthet <http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/>

> hyroidmadness.com/

> >

> http://health.

> <http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/>

> groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/

> > http://health. <http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/>

> groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> >


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Michele wrote:

> But the hcg is pulling calories from your abnormal fat storage.

> There are plenty each day. Just because you're only eating 500

> calories doesn't mean anything, there are still roughly 1800

> floating around from your fat.

Just to put in my two cents, I looked at that diet very carefully and

after looking at all the research both well done and poorly done (and

there's not much out there), I found the evidence compelling that it is

the low calorie part of the diet that results in the entire weight loss

and that HCG contributes almost nothing if that. Any diet that cuts

carbs a lot leaving primarily protein and fat (with no trans fats) will

result in fasting insulin dropping which allows fat to be mobilized from

storage; and with insulin low and plenty of fat being released for

energy, hunger drops dramatically. HCG has nothing to do with that.

Keeping insulin elevated is constantly telling the fat cells to take up

more trigs/sugar and to not let any go, hence weight loss is extremely

difficult on diets that still allow a lot of carbs, even if low calorie.

I highly recommend the book " Good Calories, Bad Calories " , one of the

best books I've purchased in years (and I buy about 200+ books a year).

The Trudeau book on diet loss was the worst book I've purchased in years.


Steve - dudescholar4@...

Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at


" If a thousand old beliefs were ruined on our march

to truth we must still march on. " --Stopford

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My doctors is saying using the HCg protocol will reset the

hypothalomus so it makes ones metabolism work properly. Any thoughts?


-- In RT3_T3 , Steve wrote:


> Michele wrote:

> > But the hcg is pulling calories from your abnormal fat storage.

> > There are plenty each day. Just because you're only eating 500

> > calories doesn't mean anything, there are still roughly 1800

> > floating around from your fat.


> Just to put in my two cents, I looked at that diet very carefully and

> after looking at all the research both well done and poorly done (and

> there's not much out there), I found the evidence compelling that it is

> the low calorie part of the diet that results in the entire weight loss

> and that HCG contributes almost nothing if that. Any diet that cuts

> carbs a lot leaving primarily protein and fat (with no trans fats) will

> result in fasting insulin dropping which allows fat to be mobilized


> storage; and with insulin low and plenty of fat being released for

> energy, hunger drops dramatically. HCG has nothing to do with that.

> Keeping insulin elevated is constantly telling the fat cells to take up

> more trigs/sugar and to not let any go, hence weight loss is extremely

> difficult on diets that still allow a lot of carbs, even if low calorie.


> I highly recommend the book " Good Calories, Bad Calories " , one of the

> best books I've purchased in years (and I buy about 200+ books a year).

> The Trudeau book on diet loss was the worst book I've purchased in



> --


> Steve - dudescholar4@...


> Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at

> http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz.html


> " If a thousand old beliefs were ruined on our march

> to truth we must still march on. " --Stopford


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