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Re: Re: Still sweating @ 35 msg of cytomel

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Hi Dorothy

Thanks for your answer. My legs burn. I can not describe is as pain. It burns as if there is circulation problem.Is this different than yours? bw


Re: Still sweating @ 35 msg of cytomel

> Legs burning?> I started having this problem,too. What do you think the cause is?> nilI decided it was fibromyalgia. I have never in my life been able tostand for long without fainting when young (a couple of times), laterback ache, then leg pain. The leg pain had been building for severalyears,

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Hi Val

Thanks for your answer.I can not say i feel any numbness yet. I can describe it as excessive burning at this moment.It feels as if my ankles or swollen inside and there is a circulation problem. Unfortunately i am a smoker. Gets worse when i smoke. It is only localised at my feet,including ankles at this moment. I am really scared of this.



Re: Re: Still sweating @ 35 msg of cytomel

This sounds like neuropathy. Do you have any problems with numbness in feet/legs of fingers?-- Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/ http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/ http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/------------------------------------

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Well neuropathy is often descrinbed as burning and it owuld not hur tto

try something that helps it. Iwoud take Benfotiamine 450mg daily (I buy

150mg and take 3 a day spread out. that cured my neuropathy in my hands

and may help this no matter what as it helps all nerve issues which this

sounsd like.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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Does it burn like needles? It might be neuropathy. That's how it started

with me.

Janis Whitcomb, Auburn, WA



Re: Still sweating @ 35 msg of cytomel

> Legs burning?

> I started having this problem,too. What do you think the cause is?

> nil

I decided it was fibromyalgia. I have never in my life been able to

stand for long without fainting when young (a couple of times), later

back ache, then leg pain. The leg pain had been building for several



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thanks Val..Will try that.


Re: Re: Still sweating @ 35 msg of cytomel

Well neuropathy is often descrinbed as burning and it owuld not hur tto try something that helps it. Iwoud take Benfotiamine 450mg daily (I buy 150mg and take 3 a day spread out. that cured my neuropathy in my hands and may help

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yes,exactly... what could be the cause?

low cortsiol?

b12 def?




Re: Re: Still sweating @ 35 msg of cytomel

Does it burn like needles? It might be neuropathy. That's how it started with me.

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There is often " no known cause " according to doctors. That's the way it is

with me. I had such pain in my feet, I thought it must be from my lower

back, but I've done the whole neurological testing and they say no. I have

polyneuropathy and " sock effect " foot numbness and they don't know why. I

had burning needles and stabbing knives so bad I had a terrible time

sleeping, but one thing that I *know* that's helped is Armour! I'm no less

numb in my feet and they hurt to be walked on, but they don't burn and zing

all the time and I rarely wake up with my hands numb anymore. Exercise also

helps. My MIL takes Neurontin like candy and she just has burning in her

feet. I think they have now found that to be a not-so-hot a thing to take.

Janis Whitcomb, Auburn, WA



Re: Re: Still sweating @ 35 msg of cytomel

Does it burn like needles? It might be neuropathy. That's how it started

with me.


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Your problem sounds similar to mind.I also thought it could be from my lower back. It may not be a cure but i noticed bromelain helps. you may wish to give a try.should be taken on empty stomach.



Re: Re: Still sweating @ 35 msg of cytomel

There is often "no known cause" according to doctors. That's the way it is with me. I had such pain in my feet, I thought it must be from my lower back, but I've done the whole neurological testing and they say no. I have polyneuropathy and "sock effect" foot numbness and they don't know why. I had burning

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Janis,Do you have Hashis? I also had the same thing come on very suddenly (the neuropathy part) altho I had great fatigue symptoms for about 9 mo prior and was put on antidepressants, of course, for depression (which really wasn't how I felt). At the time this fatigue overwhelmed me, it came on after a major 10 day flu following just a month after major abdominal surgery. I FELT like my immune system had been wiped out, which was pooh-poohed and it was assigned to being 'just' depressed' (TSH 1.32). 8 mo later I had some odd out of nowhere swelling of my feet (never had before during 2 pregnancies) and the burning, stabbing you described (and feet fireworks) began (TSH 3.5). For a couple years it was hard walking (hurt) and I slipped down the stairs a lot. Getting to sleep was impossible w/o vico until sent to neurologist, who also Dx me w/sensory polyneuropathy. I did use Neurontin (up to 3600 for a while w/o problems, then slowly went down (TSH 2.8). Raynauds was also a real problem in there at times, was actually better the last 2 years until very recently. I actually have MORE feeling in my feet now, again.Idiopathic PN as you say, BUT my reflexes w/slightly brisk which was odd, so was tested for MS (neg) year after this began. I wonder now whether this was Adrenal or beginning of Hashis. I don't know, because it wasn't until my TSH went up to 31 and a new doc (I was fired) that Hypo & Hashis Dx'ed 7 yrs later. Anyone have any guestimates/experiences?When I couldn't even keep my eyes open (2006), TSH was only 2.8, fT4 .8 (.8-1.8) SBHG 118 H ( 18-114), am Cortisol 23 H (4-22), D.3 12 L. But 6 mo later in 2007, TSH 31, aTPO 61 (under 35) Cholesterol 260 H (under 200). Once on T.4, and a bit of T.3, Cholesterol higher 296, fT4 still L, but fT3 high indicating (I now know), hormones pooling with dropping Ferritin 37 down to 16 and adrenals tanking. So frustrating when consistent tests not done!Now that I am on 50 T.3 only w/supported adrenals & 30 HC, consistent temps, Raynauds is again bothersome! There is often "no known cause" according to doctors. That's the way it is with me. I had such pain in my feet, I thought it must be from my lower back, but I've done the whole neurological testing and they say no. I have polyneuropathy and "sock effect" foot numbness and they don't know why. I had burning needles and stabbing knives so bad I had a terrible time sleeping, but one thing that I *know* that's helped is Armour! I'm no less numb in my feet and they hurt to be walked on, but they don't burn and zing all the time and I rarely wake up with my hands numb anymore. Exercise also helps. My MIL takes Neurontin like candy and she just has burning in her feet. I think they have now found that to be a not-so-hot a thing to take.Janis Whitcomb, Auburn, WAjanisw2mindspringhttp://trotting-horse.com/ Re: Re: Still sweating @ 35 msg of cytomelDoes it burn like needles? It might be neuropathy. That's how it startedwith me.----------------------------------------------------------No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.comVersion: 8.0.175 / Virus Database: 270.9.7/1799 - Release Date: 11/19/2008 8:58 AM

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Thanks, Nil. (Out of curiosity, what does Nil come from?) Your problem sounds similar to mind.I also thought it could be from my lower back. It may not be a cure but i noticed bromelain helps. you may wish to give a try.should be taken on empty stomach.bwnil Re: Re: Still sweating @ 35 msg of cytomelThere is often "no known cause" according to doctors. That's the way it is with me. I had such pain in my feet, I thought it must be from my lower back, but I've done the whole neurological testing and they say no. I have polyneuropathy and "sock effect" foot numbness and they don't know why. I had burning

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What is Bromelain? Yes, I will go look it up <G> I have a terrible back,

but the 2 neurosurgeons said that they couldn't guarantee that they could

help the numbness or the neuropathy. One said " but I can keep you out of

diapers! " . Gee, good reason to let someone mess with my back.

Janis Whitcomb, Auburn, WA



Re: Re: Still sweating @ 35 msg of cytomel

There is often " no known cause " according to doctors. That's the way it is

with me. I had such pain in my feet, I thought it must be from my lower

back, but I've done the whole neurological testing and they say no. I


polyneuropathy and " sock effect " foot numbness and they don't know why. I

had burning


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I have some antibodies, but the doctors all ignored that. My pain and

numbness came on gradually 20 years ago and it was after moving 3 times in 2

months! I did have bad disks, which have since improved to almost normal. I

have spinal stenosis and bad joints in 3 lumbar vertebrae plus a node on a

joint pushing into the spinal column. That's where I get the bad back and

sciatica from which is what I thought caused the feet problem, but have been

told not likely. Pretty wierd, though.

I used to have exceedingly cold feet and legs, but they've not been since

I've been on Armour!

Janis Whitcomb, Auburn, WA



Pretty wierd! Re: Re: Still sweating @ 35 msg of cytomel


>> Does it burn like needles? It might be neuropathy. That's how it

>> started

>> with me.


>> ----------------------------------------------------------


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It is an enzyme found in pineapples.Has anti inflammatory and anti coagulant effect.



Re: Re: Still sweating @ 35 msg of cytomel

What is Bromelain? Yes, I will go look it up <G> I have a terrible back, but the 2 neurosurgeons said that they couldn't guarantee that they could help

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