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Re: low cortisol or aldosterone???

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Sure glad that you agree that might be the problem, makes sense. I

will ask for the aldosterone, plus ferritin, Vit B12 and Vit D plus of

course my FT3 and FT4. My RT3 is down to .03 the last test on the T3

only, so don't have to worry about that one. My thyroid puts out very

littloe T4 on its own. Sure hope the new doc I see keeps me on if she

is as good as she sounds, supposes to be knowledgeable on hormones and

cortisol, so pray for me that this one works out, not like the last


> It is possible you need aldosterone ad ti would be good to get it

tested .


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


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Hi -

What books are you reading on low aldosterone? I need more info. :)

To: RT3_T3 Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 5:48:55 PMSubject: low cortisol or aldosterone???

I am still having trouble getting my cortisol leveled out, temps arent stable yet but closer. But I was reading the books and I really think I may have low aldosterone because of the sweats I get all the time. Anything physical I do seems to make me sweat, even the slightest thing. I am on Triam/HCTZ 50/25 and still have some fluid retention in the evening. I read that you can have sodium & potassium in normal range but still have low aldosterone. Could that be why my adrenals have not gotten stable you think? My standing Bp is still going down almost all of the time, especially in the morning. Course I know I had a bout of stomach flu, sore throat, then a cold. Never use to catch everyhthing even on the HC. Am still on 40mg HC a day and when stress dosing the BP standing would go up more. Now on just regular dose and its not good. I am still on 75mcg of T3 throughout the day. I go see a new doc

on Tuesday and would like to be somewhat stable, but from what I understand she is quite knowledgeable on hormones and cortisol, sure hope so.

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