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My mom's lab results

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Because of my hashimoto's and hypo, I suspected that my mom also has

this problem. She did not take any replacement hormone before she had a

thyroid panel screening and results came out as follows

TPO AB 1000 (0-35) ==It is fun that it is at the same level as mine when

I diagnosed firstly (Of couse tests were done in the same hospital).

FT3 4.96 (2.5-6.5)==It is fun that it is at the same level as mine when

I take 62.5 mcg of T4 (see my labs below)

FT4 13.48 (11.5-23.2)

TSH 12.45 (0.35-5.5)

TGAB 492.60 (0-40)

What confused me is the FT3 and FT4. FT3 seems good without any

hormones. And funny thing is at the same level as me when I take 62.5

mcg of T4. But FT4 is pretty low. Could that be caused by AF? But she

sleeps well, and just feel cold and has dry skin. I think she should

take 12.5 mcg intially then increase the dose by 12.5 mcg every two

months because her heart rate is a little bit low and so is the BP. What

is your thought?

I have another question. Are there different good TSHs for different

ages of patients? Because I ever heard that the TSH around 1 is good for

the young, but blow 3 or 5 is OK enough for the elderly. Is that true or

false? (Forgive me that I am not a TSH worshipper, just curious.)

Thanks again


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First a FreeT3 of 4.96 wiht a range upt o 6.5 is not good. FT3 needs to

be at the very top of it's range to slightly over for best health. FT4

needs to be MID range. BOTHof you need Natural thyroi and not 4 meds.

You woud feel So much better. Low T4 an high t3 can be from thyroid

pooling in the blood due to low cortiosl. Beofre adding ANY thyroid meds

for her i woudl suggest a saliva cortisol lab. If in the uSA you can

order these yourself from www.canaryclub.org


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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