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Re: How Many Cleanses??? 1000-2000 stones????

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I know it can get discouraging, thinking about how far you have to go

to restore health to your liver, but try to pace yourself. Sounds like

your first cleanse was successful, and most likely, so will the

subsequent cleanses you do. Think of it as a life-long thing you are

going to do for your health, not just a temporary fix. You will start

to see positive changes in your health as you continue to do the liver

cleanse and make dietary changes. I would encourage you to do the

parasite, kidney, and bowel cleanses as well.


--- nova502bgs <pizzaboy7166@...> wrote:

> I have done one cleanse so far but I'm constantly hearing people talk


> about their fifth and sixth cleanses on here. Hilda says that

> if your having back pain that is gallbladder related then your

> problem has become so big that there are thousands of stones to

> remove. I did get probably 30-40 stones out only about 5 large ones

> on my first flush and now my problem has come right back to being a

> major problem after about two weeks. So once again i have started on


> my second flush I just feel like I'm a long way from home when it

> comes to recovering my health through proper liver function. I would


> like to here from some people who have had similar experiences. I

> have alos heard that a person should do a parasite cleanse and a

> kidney cleanse before they work on their liver. I have a few

> cavities that need to be taken care of too, I've heard that cavities

> can play a major role in toxifying the liver and causing it to have

> to work hard.


> Im hanging in there just barely right now I've heard that people can

> have as many as like 1000 stones.




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In a message dated 1/7/02 3:57:15 PM, fairyflight@... writes:

<< How could 2000 stones even fit in someone's

system? Am I the only one to whom these numbers seem illogical?


LOL! No, you aren't the only one. However my husband who did have his

gallbladder out was completely packed and had at least 100 stones. We

retrieved them from the lab. We have them in ziplocs. Pic is in the archive.

I think what people are getting out in the flush is olive oil. The stones are

green and clear looking (exactly like the olive oil). My husband's were the

texture of cheese opaque and black inside. The reason the flush sometimes

gives relief in my opinion is that olive oil makes your gallbladder begin to

work. Maybe some actually get stones out, like Dale, who has the ultrasound

as proof. Who knows? I took a human anatomy class and worked on a cadaver and

the gall bladder is about the size of a small unblown up balloon. 2000


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>>Hilda says that

if your having back pain that is gallbladder related then your

problem has become so big that there are thousands of stones to

remove. <<

Just my opinion here, but I find these numbers so hard to believe. I had

back pain, and I only had about 4 stones in my gallblader, and absolutely

none in my bile duct or liver. How could 2000 stones even fit in someone's

system? Am I the only one to whom these numbers seem illogical?



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How many flushes have you done? How do you know you only had 4 stones

in your GB and none in your liver? You may have stones that do not

show up on ultrasound and are stuck to the insides of your GB and

have not come out yet. Also, usually if you have GB stones that are

harder, this means that you most likely have them in your liver as

well. From what I believe, stones start as softer cholesterol stones

in your liver and then roll down into the GB where they will increase

in size and even get calcified if your digestive system is not

excreting the bile from your GB properly. Sluggish liver will cause

your system to slow down and not expell the stones in the normal

digestive process. Also, you may have not been totally successful in

eliminating all your stones on your first flush(es). I have done two

flushes now ( Dr. Hulga ) and the first flush eliminated around

40 stones and a lot of sludge from ducts and liver. The second flush

eliminated around 80 stones two weeks later. I will continue for at

least 5 times and then twice a year. I still have a 1cm harder stone

in my GB because ultrasound shows it. I'm determined to get that

thing out even if my liver continues to expell the softer stones

anyway. My liver and GB needs to really be working strong, and the

stone has to soften or breakup with good dieting and herbal intakes

before it will come out. Could take a while but I'm determined.

Dieting right and not feeling pain is my ultimate goal.

I personally feel that the 1,000 stones etc is a normal bodily

function. Our livers are always cleaning our blood of toxins and fats

and normally eliminating stones and sludge through regular bowel

movements. This is the way the body works. Flushing only helps clean

the liver faster and more thoroughly. Some people think stones are

not a normal body activity, whereas I believe all of our bodies are

creating (cleaning) and eliminating this stuff all of our lives

anyway. When our bodies become sluggish then the stones don't move

out as fast and increase in size, get stuck in GB, ducts, etc and

problems or pain tells our bodies that something is wrong and we had

better adjust our diets and get the digestive system working strongly

again. This is only my explanation in thousands of stones in our

bodies. They come out everyday with bowel but fasting-epsom salt

cleanses clear them faster and without other foods in the bowel, the

stones will show up clearly and even float.

Anyone else?

Thank you.




> >>Hilda says that

> if your having back pain that is gallbladder related then your

> problem has become so big that there are thousands of stones to

> remove. <<


> Just my opinion here, but I find these numbers so hard to believe.

I had

> back pain, and I only had about 4 stones in my gallblader, and


> none in my bile duct or liver. How could 2000 stones even fit in


> system? Am I the only one to whom these numbers seem illogical?


> Debra





> _________________________________________________________________

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><< How could 2000 stones even fit in someone's

>system? Am I the only one to whom these numbers seem illogical?

> >>


>LOL! No, you aren't the only one. However my husband who did have his

>gallbladder out was completely packed and had at least 100 stones. We

>retrieved them from the lab. We have them in ziplocs. Pic is in the archive.

>I think what people are getting out in the flush is olive oil.

Sound logical to me.

I think those stones are actually olive oil.


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><< How could 2000 stones even fit in someone's

>system? Am I the only one to whom these numbers seem illogical?

>I think what people are getting out in the flush is olive oil.

Sound logical to me.

I think those stones are actually olive oil..

You drink yellow oil in the evening, your body converts it into the stones,

and in the morning you get yellow or greenish, fatty " stones " looking just

as if they are made from olive oil.

Anyone else doubt that stones are olive oil?


This message is very long, but I suggest you to save it on your hard disk

and read it slowly.

You can also read it here:

http://www.curezone.com/art/read.asp?ID=58 & C0=2

I will try to test this hypothesis with 10 questions and answers.


Hypothesis: Stones we get are made over night, inside our intestines, and

are made from olive oil and bile and other digestive juices.


Testing hypothesis with 10 questions:




1. Test Question: If the stones are olive oil, Why do people who attempt to

flush " gallstones " out get that confirmed by ultrasound?


<gallstones >

From: " Koeller " <dwkoeller@...>

Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 19:37:17 -0500


Subject: Success Story

I just wanted to post another success story. I am a 33 year old male. I

started having attacks back in August, while on a vacation in Niagara Falls

after a heavy meal. I had lost about 25 pounds over the spring and summer

and I had cutback on eating almost any fat through most of June and July. I

thought at the time I ate something that was bad and had an episode of food

poisoning. A couple months later I had another attack early in the morning

right after consuming a bowl of cereal with milk. Once again I attributed

it to something I ate and I was ready to get the cereal tested for poison

or something along those lines due to the severity of the pain and the fact

that it subsided after I had vomited . My grandparents, mother and uncle

all had their gallbladders removed later in life, but I never thought of

myself being afflicted at my age. My mom suggested it might be a

gallbladder attack based on the

description of the pain. I continued with attacks for about one week

straight. I could not even eat any dairy or other fatty foods at all

without suffering for a couple hours with dull pain with occasional sharp


I had mentioned my symptoms to a friends father at our church who had had

severe gallbladder attacks two years ago and was diagnosed with a

gallbladder problem that would probably require surgery. He did the olive

oil and lemon juice flush. I started researching the flush since he was not

sure of the exact recipe he had used. I found the following link:


I decided to give this recipe a try. I didn’t do any apple juice prep since

at that point I was having attacks daily and I had already been diagnosed

by my physician with a gallbladder problem after several days of continuous

discomfort. I didn't want to wait any longer.

I fasted the next day and tried to get down the 16 oz of olive oil and 8 oz

of lemon juice. I managed to get down about ¾ of it over an hour and a half

and I couldn’t bear no more and fell asleep on my right side. I could feel

my gallbladder area surging and I knew something was going on. I finally

managed to fall asleep and managed to get through until morning. I didn’t

pass any visible stones, not that I checked all that thoroughly, but I did

pass a very greenish stool and I felt pretty good.

By 12 noon I felt pretty good and actually got out of the house. My three

year old had to go to the doctor for some tests which thankfully turned out

negative that afternoon. My wife decided to treat her to ice cream at

Friendly's that afternoon. I decided I would try to eat a little. I felt

decent and decided to do a test. I ordered a great big

cheese burger and a large chocolate milk shake. Prior to the flush for over

a week, even the slightest fat consumption and I was keeled over in pain, I

figured if I got through this meal okay, then I was cured.

I’m happy to say that I have not had any pain now for the last month and a

half since I did the flush.

I recently went for an abdominal ultrasound and I was diagnosed with an

empty healthy gallbladder.

The ultrasound technician had had her gallbladder out and mentioned that

she wish she had known about the flush as well before taking to the knife.

I plan to do a flush every year as preventive maintenance since this tends

to run in my family. My mom was amazed with the success and wished she had

known of this before she had surgery five years ago. It seams that this

recipe was more extreme than others I have read about on

the internet in regards to quantity of oil and lemon juice, but I figured

the more you get down, the more work it will do. I hope others can benefit

from the flush. I figure what have you got to lose. Your only taking in

natural items, it's not like your drinking gasoline or something toxic.


Dave Koeller

Message: 6

Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2001 15:31:23 -0000

From: ranefjord@...

Subject: irregular shaped stones - hard to flush, but....

Well,,, my problem seems to be that these big irregular shaped stones

dont want to come out, they get stuck before the bile duct. Well, I

had a succesfull cleans a couple of days ago, and got a big irregular

out. They are also much harder that the other ones, beggining to get


Well, the good news is that my gallbladder is working for the first

time in ... years probobly. When I eat now i get this 'fluid' -

'getting hungry' - 'bowel movement' sound that I havnt had since I

got sick (ibs - constipation). Hopefully this was the last 'hard to

flush' stone. I have had some real problems flushing, but now Im on

the track again. Lets see what the lecithin and flaxseed really can

do now.

take care - keep on getting healthier!



1. Conclusion and Answer: Stones are not made from olive oil.

Hypothesis did not satisfy test question!




2. Test Question: Why do people, who do bowel cleanse, get " fatty stones "

out, though they didn't take one drop of oil ?


I spoke with many people doing herbal bowel cleanse, and many reported

getting out " fatty stones " .

There is a clinic in Sweden where you can undertake 1 or 2 weeks of fasting

and bowel cleanse.

People working there say that patients get occasionally gallstones ( " fatty

stones " ) out by just doing herbal bowel cleanse and fasting.

Also, people who do water fast for many days report passing gallstones.

Water fast does not include drinking olive oil.

2. Conclusion and Answer: Stones are not made from olive oil.

Hypothesis did not satisfy test question!




2. Test Question: Why do people, who do bowel cleanse with homozon, report

getting out " fatty stones " , though they didn't take one drop of oil ?

One Example:



From: Jim Lambert jim@...


Subject: [oxyplus] Re: liver flush

I've done her (Hulda) flush method, and consider it the best of the

methods I have tried, but BE SURE to deparisitize first,

as Ms. is correct that you will get more stones out

if you do.

Also, you have to do another 2-3 liver cleanses at about 2

months invervals to get them all out.

When you do the first cleanse you will get out the bigger stones

and then the smaller ones will move forward & clog the liver

even more, and you will feel bad again in a couple of months.

It is NOT a one-time thing.

When I started on Homozon several months ago I chose to take it

with the juice of a whole lemon in a glass of orange juice.

I took this twice a day with the Homozon.

Every time I visited the toilet I noticed my movements were pea

green and I swore I saw soft cholesteral stones passing.

In about 7 weeks my liver was all cleaned out, and my bowel

movements turned a light brown & have stayed that way.

All of the upper back pains I had are gone, I can drink coffee

again (tho I only do it rarely) and I can eat pork without

getting a headache.

All of these things confirm my liver is flushed out.

The Homozon is optional for this. IMO it is better to do it

with the Homozon, because the constant trips to the toilet

keeps the toxins being flushed from being reabsorbed

on their way out.

jim :)






amicus certus in re incerta



3. Answer: Stones are not made from olive oil.

Hypothesis did not satisfy test question!




4. Test Question: Why do some people get " fatty stones " out, in the

evening, before even drinking Olive oil ?

Why do some people get " fatty stones " out, in the morning, after throwing

up Olive oil in the evening ?

I read reports from people who did liver cleanse, got diarrhea before 10pm

(before drinking olive oil), and got stones in that diarrhea.

Whole that day, they didn't eat fatty foods, no Olive oil.

4. Answer: Stones are not made from olive oil.

Hypothesis did not satisfy test question!




5. Test Question: Why do some people get cured from " incurable " ASTHMA,

Allergies, Cancer, Food Intolerance after liver cleanse and after passing

numerous " fatty stones " ?

If stones are olive oil, and if liver cleanse is just a way of producing

" olive oil fatty stones " , then how it comes that people get cured from

INCURABLE diseases by doing cleanses.



From: " Karma Tucker " <karma@...>

Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 17:22:23 -0500


Subject: liver flush

I don't remember if I posted about my daughter and her cleanse. She is

ten, but has had allergies and asthma for quite some time. When she was a

baby, she had trouble getting her bowels moving even though I nursed her.

My husband's grandfather said that her bile was slow to kick in. I have

wondered if these things were reasons that she had allergies and asthma.

About a month ago, maybe a little longer, she was having some really bad

asthma problems. I was having to put her on the nebulizing machine each

night for several treatments. I was beginning to think I was going to have

to take her to the emergency room because we couldn't get her airways

opened up. Each night was getting worse, so we decided to give her a liver

cleanse. It was a pretty rough night for her even though we gave her the

Ornithine capsules.

She kept the olive oil down for a few hours, then threw it up, which was

discouraging to me. I thought we had wasted our time. But the next

morning, she started passing HUGE stones. I had done three cleanses prior

to this, so knew what she was going to go through. Her stones were much

larger than anything I passed though.

She passed hundreds of small ones, but the most amazing thing was the

amount of large ones she passed. If you put your forefinger and thumb

together to form a circle that is an idea of the size of stones she passed.

I'm saying at they were over 1 1/2 " in diameter. She passed about 15 of

them this size and one that was even bigger. It was about the size of a

golf ball!!! I was teasing her that her liver wasn't even as big at these

HUGE things coming out of her. The most important thing about it was that

she hasn't had an asthma attack since!

That is incredible.

Another benefit that I have notice from both of them, plus myself is weight

coming off. My daughter lost about ten pounds, which put her right where

she needed to be for her age and height. My husband lost weight, but it is

too soon to see if it will stay off. :-)



Message: 5

Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 06:50:11 -0000

From: woman1998a@...

Subject: Many cleanses... and still going on

I'm the ONLY one of 36 cousins who has NOT had her gallbladder

removed. My family fits the " fair, fat and forty " profile. I've done

at least 12 cleanses over the past 5 years and I KNOW I've prevented


For me, I had interesting symptoms... yellowish eyes, shoulder pain,

nausea, and after each cleanse, all have lessened or disappeared.

It took at least 4 cleanses before the really BIG stones came

forward. Since, all the stones that come out are not calcified or

even the slightest hard.

When I am losing weight, and metabolizing my own fat, they are the

black stones. Nothing is going to keep me from cleansing.

My 72 year old mother has had numerous tests and a diagnosis of

collagenous colitis. I've begged her, for years to do a cleanse.

Finally out of desperation, years of vomiting after eating and

continuous runs, she did it. You would NOT believe what she passed on

the very first cleanse. On repeated, she kept passing stones.

Immediately she stopped vomited. Her skin improved. She had classic

liver itching.

I am a firm believer that this is something that should be as routine

as brushing our teeth or blowing our nose.


Other References scroll down:

5. Answer: Stones are not made from olive oil.

Hypothesis did not satisfy test question!




6. Test Question: Why do " fatty stones " that some people get out look

exactly like stones on those photos?


1. Pictures showing gallbladder removed and gallstones:


2. Pictures showing liver and intrahepatic stones:


References to this question can be found here:


6. Answer: Stones are not made from olive oil.

Hypothesis did not satisfy test question!




7. Test Question: Why are not all " fatty stones " that some people get the

same color and density?

Explanation: Many people reported getting stones of different color: Black,

RED, White, Yellow, Multiple colors,...



7. Answer: Stones are not made from olive oil.

Hypothesis did not pass test question




8. Test Question: Why don't people get always the same amount of " fatty

stones " ?


If you always take the same amount (1/2 cup) of olive oil, it would be

logical to always get out the same (or similar) amount of " fatty stones " ?

Wouldn't that be logical ?

I have done over 20 cleanses, sometimes I got many stones, sometimes 0.

People reported getting in one cleanse from 0 stones, up to amount larger

then the amount of oil.

Sometimes, amount of stones was double the amount of olive oil !!!!!

Few stories to illustrate this:





I must underline, that I showed the stones to my aunt, and

she refused to believe me that those were gallbladder

stones. I warned her, not to open the lid of the box,

because of the unpleasant smell, but she did. Even today,

she is in a shock. She cannot believe what happened.




10. Answer: Stones are not made from olive oil.

Hypothesis did not satisfy test question!





Enough testing.

There are 15 more selected stories used in testing of this hypothesis here:

http://www.curezone.com/art/read.asp?ID=58 & C0=2

Anyone still believes that stones are actually olive oil ?


Well, sound logical to me.

I still think those stones are actually olive oil. But, forgive me, I am ...



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First, I want to thank Agnes for a great response to the olive oil

question. I had some immediate thoughts, but wanted to wait to post

anything until Agnes had done so ( I was hoping she would!)

I'd like to respond to: " The stones are

green and clear looking (exactly like the olive oil). "

Well, the stones I've passed have varied in color, dark green to light

green, yellowish to darker brown. They could be described as

cheese-like in texture, I guess....they are mushy. But, they are not

clear, and certainly doesn't look like olive oil to me. The green ones

are always darker green in color on the inside and could also be

described as pea-like in texture. It looks like a green pea on the

inside. One of the larger stones I passed (1.5 cm) was green on the

outside and inside, and when I cut through it, the outside shell, if

you will, was crusty in texture...like stale bread, and soft on the

inside. I find it hard to believe that the body transforms the olive

oil of the liver cleanse into the kind of substance I've described. If

you've ever seen olive oil that has been refrigerated, it takes on the

appearance of off-white/yellow cottage cheese. When it warms up

outside the refrigerator, it takes on a liquid form. So, the body being

warm, would not turn the olive oil into a solid, would it? The oil is

going through the digestive system very quickly. How would the bowel,

in that short of time, turn the oil into solid clumps? in so many

different variations of color. My husband, who has no history of GB

problems, did the liver cleanse with me last week. He passed 13

stones, between 2mm and 5mm in size, and they were very dark, almost

black in color. So different from me! Yet, they had the same kind of

mushy texture. I don't know...and I'm obviously not a scientist, but

it just seems logical to me that these stones I'm passing are not

composed of olive oil. One other note: On my second cleanse, I passed a

light green 1.5cm stone that had a harder " shell. " When I cut through

it, it seemed like I was cutting through toasted bread, however, it was

soft and pea green on the inside. So, tell me how the body turned

olive oil into that? One of the most logical reasons posted by Agnes,

it seems to me, is that the body is passing the olive oil through our

bodies at such a rapid rate, it could not have time to form it into the

clumps of solid material (cholesterol), in such varied shapes and

colors as I see being passed.

I guess people will always be skeptical...but if you're unsure, why not

take your stones to a lab and have them tested/analyzed?

" The proof is in the pudding, " as the saying goes. Before doing the

liver cleanse, I was in excruciating pain after a meal containing fat.

Now, after doing 6 cleanses, I'd never know I'd been through such

misery, except for the memory! I can't say enough good things about

the liver cleanse!


--- ssskrc@... wrote:


> In a message dated 1/7/02 3:57:15 PM, fairyflight@... writes:


> << How could 2000 stones even fit in someone's

> system? Am I the only one to whom these numbers seem illogical?

> >>


> LOL! No, you aren't the only one. However my husband who did have his


> gallbladder out was completely packed and had at least 100 stones. We


> retrieved them from the lab. We have them in ziplocs. Pic is in the

> archive.

> I think what people are getting out in the flush is olive oil. The

> stones are

> green and clear looking (exactly like the olive oil). My husband's

> were the

> texture of cheese opaque and black inside. The reason the flush

> sometimes

> gives relief in my opinion is that olive oil makes your gallbladder

> begin to

> work. Maybe some actually get stones out, like Dale, who has the

> ultrasound

> as proof. Who knows? I took a human anatomy class and worked on a

> cadaver and

> the gall bladder is about the size of a small unblown up balloon.

> 2000

> stones....doubtful...LOL!



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OK, someone Swallow Radioactive Olive Oil and Check ! y, the 400+

'Stones' I have produced were Bile-Coated Fat-Balls (Yum Yum) It took me 40+

Years to GET This Unhealthy. I believe my body has stored ALOT of these

Toxins. The Uphoric Feeling after a good Cleanse must be the result of

Removed Toxins.

Wether them 'Bile-Balls' are 'stored fat' or 'Removed Toxins' I believe ONCE

is NOT enough. 2,000 'Stones' is a Quite Reasonable GOAL. The real Teller

of this Tale is the Cleansers that have 'No More Stones' after Multiple



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I would now like to thank you too for having posted such a show of logical

thought regarding olive oil being the stones that are being passed. We've been

through this many times on this group, people questioning whether the stones

were the olive oil or from preformed cholesterol balls of fat. I have talked to

a chemist who is envolved in the process of making soap, which is what the

stones would be if in fact they contained the olive oil and alkakaline mix that

would be necessary to make them at the right temperature. Shoot with the cost of

what olive oil soap is if that was the case then it's really a pretty easy way

to make high quality soap. However, chances are pretty good you had to use

another soap to get your fingers clean after examining the stones like I have

had to do.

Adrienne, you've made numerous good notes of some facts regarding stones of

which I would like to just reiterated upon. You noted the fact that the stones

will in oxygenized conditions return to a liquid state outside of being

refrigerated. By noteing that we can see why there is a strong potential for

stones being reduced in size and quantity by use of oxygen therapies.

You also noted that in your particular case there where varied colors. IF the

olive oil had sapponified it wouldn't have done that, it would have all been the

same color.

There is one other thing to note, and that's the fact that often times once

someone has started eating in such a manner so as to having an intake of foods

that help the liver it in turns help to reduce the number and size of stones

passed, dispite the fact that the same amount of olive oil was consumed at the

time of the succeeding flushes. So, some are disappointed because there just

wasn't the treasure hunt that they were expecting. Where as to me now having

smaller and fewer stones from a flush is an indication that I'm really doing

something right.

I have to admit I've certainly passed a lot of stones and especially during the

first seven months of having done so. Now, however, I tend to not do the flush

the standard method because of my having access to the use of a colonic. I found

that by taking olive oil around two to three hours before a cleanse I can get a

pretty goodly amount of stones to come out just laying on my back. I made this

little discovery by experimenting just before one that I was to be getting

around a year ago and have continued to do it since then. I get oxygen therapy

and a colonic at the same time so it seems to have worked quite well for my

flushing purposes.

The fact that your husband wasn't noted as having had any symptoms of

gallbladder problems just goes to show that many people will carry them around

without them causing any problems, or so it seems. It was noted somewhere that

80% of the people who die had gallstones of which never caused them any trouble,

or so it seemed.

So, if someone has been living the western diet of high fat and low fiber then

chances are pretty darn good that in one way or another they are suffering from

the effects of having gallstones, without even having a clue that something is

wrong. This includes those who've gotten various checkups from doctor after

doctor and still are not having any better results, other than more pills to

burden the liver and gallbladder more. So, taking a bit of olive oil to clear

the system's main source of digestion and waste control seems to me to be a very

worthwhile endeavor to better health.

Thanks again for your post, Adrienne


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Dale is right, the whole " stone or not " thing has been discussed many times.

People are divided in their opinions on this, and that's OK. It's good

that both sides post their opinions, and that way newbies can hear both

sides, and come to their own conclusions, or ask more questions. The

important thing is the respect which is shown here from the people who post

on either side.




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