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Re: Val, I got some

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You CAN get isocort, 1% HC cream, and you CAN get HC ordering outside

the U.S.

IF you are willing to self treat, but only if you are sure you need it

and ramp it up according to the schedule on STTM.

I am NOT telling you you need to treat with HC, I am telling you it can

be done without a drs approval. many of us are forced to self-treat.


free2ridejones wrote:

> would have 2 doctors against me on this. I do have some HC left but it

> may not be enough.


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So you were never tired at all on it. I am only on 15mcg at this

stage. I almost feel more hypo on it but if I don't take it I get

hyper symptoms.



> Doesn't make me feel tired. Once I got up to a high enough dose, I

> started feeling much stronger.


> Dorothy


> > > can you keep us posted if the t3 continues to make you tired.


> > is my fear as I consider switching to t3.


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yep can order heaps of stuff but we have sritct guidelines get

medication into the counry past customs. They are really tough. Jus

tneed a list of something to order form. I am in NZ and don't know

where you guys get it from

Thanks Margo

> > would have 2 doctors against me on this. I do have some HC left

but it

> > may not be enough.

> >


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> So you were never tired at all on it. I am only on 15mcg at this

> stage.

> Margo

No. the only thing that makes me tired is not enough. I was tired

until I worked up. I have no idea how you can be hypo and feel hyper.

What do you mean by feeling hyper? Maybe you already said that. If so

I am sorry, I can't find it now.


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Hello Margo

Fellow Kiwi!

I too am struggling with similar issues I think.

Are you trying to get adrenal glandular?

If so I know where you can get it in NZ.

I am also on HC but have a new doc in Auck who is much more supportive

and knowledgable about dosages etc. I have just got my saliva results

back on HC and he agrees that I need to be taking it while I am

getting the thyroid sorted. I asked about the RT3 test but was told it

would cost $190 and what ever the result it would not change his

treatment approach which is at this stage 45mg of SR whole thyriod

which he tells me is the same as Armour.

He has also got me on Clinicians Adrenal Support



Wonder if you think this is too stimulating also Val?

He is concerned that my saliva eastrogen (estradial) is way high

though I don't look high eastrogen (I am thin and small breasted)I

showed him a paper that discussed " Cortisol Abnormality as a cause 0f

elevated Estrogen and Immune destabilisation " I think I found it

through one of your groups thanks Val.

Anyway best of luck Margot and keep me posted.

Val would like to ask more ? but don't want ot take over this discussion.




> >

> > Doesn't make me feel tired. Once I got up to a high enough dose, I

> > started feeling much stronger.

> >

> > Dorothy

> >

> > > > can you keep us posted if the t3 continues to make you tired.

> That

> > > is my fear as I consider switching to t3.

> >


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I am not sure being moody and crying a lot is due to thyroid level. I

think it is adrenal. Depression would be hypoth, maybe adrenal, I just

felt over-reactive emotionally and cried a lot for low adrenals.


> I'm not depressed as I have some good days, I'm sure I am on some

> hormonal roller coaster but don't know what to do about it. It

> frightens the hell out of me.


> Margo

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Will snoop around for that, but pretty sure it on script for us.

Thanks Margo

> > yep can order heaps of stuff but we have sritct guidelines get

> > medication into the counry past customs. They are really tough.


> > tneed a list of something to order form. I am in NZ and don't


> > where you guys get it from

> >

> >


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thats me totally. Progesterone changed my life. I have to take it from day 6 all the way till my period starts. I have a bad case and endometriosis..so some days I use it 2 xday

Subject: Re: Val, I got someTo: RT3_T3 Date: Thursday, December 18, 2008, 11:34 AM

Val thinks it could be low cortisol causing the hyper. That fine just have to find some way of dealing with it.Cane some one tell me why I feel so good a couple of days before my period and about day 6 of my cycle (used to be day 12) I get moody big time want to cry all the time and just find life not worth it. This sucks. I'm not depressed as I have some good days, I'm sure I am on some hormonal roller coaster but don't know what to do about it. It frightens the hell out of me.Margo>> > > So you were never tired at all on it. I am only on 15mcg at this > > stage. > > Margo> > No. the

only thing that makes me tired is not enough. I was tired> until I worked up. I have no idea how you can be hypo and feel hyper.> What do you mean by feeling hyper? Maybe you already said that. If so> I am sorry, I can't find it now.> > Dorothy>------------------------------------

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I've just been to my other doctor and asked this very same quetsion.

Your answer Val works better for me than hers. She thought I had too

much progesterone at this time which could make me feel like sh$t but

when I have my period it would be lower. At least that's what I

think she said. I was such a mess in there. She is very supportive

though and gave me a big hug when I left.

I have been given 50mcg T4. And still to take the T3. I'm just

going to end up in a mess aren't I? She looked at my FT4 and thought

it was too low. I tried to explain that I could not even tolerate

15mg of NT.

She is also going to test my Parathyroid hormone and parathyroid

antibodies. I have also asked that she write a letter to the

hospital regarding the Endo's comment as I left the one where he said

he would not help me when I crashed and that I could blame him. She

said I could write on too but I said it would not be nice.

This has become so bad and I laugh at this and shouldn't that I have

pre written a ta ta letter. I have days where I just don't want to

be here and that my family should not have to put up with it. I

can't control these thoughts they are just horrid, then the next day

all is roses and I wonder what I was thinking. But id don't have

many rosy days now.

Do you think the T4 will do me any good. My last results just to

refresh you were

FT4 10.8 (10-23) TSH 5.3 (0.30- 4.00) FT3 3.9 (3.5-6.5) so as of

today I am on 50mcg T4 15mcg T3. I'm also on a list of other crap as

I have kidney stone that apparently has not caused my pains over the

last 8-9 years and stuff for candida.

Sorry to b**tch but I've just had it.

Thanks Margo

Thanks Margo


> Right before oyur period is when progesterone is highest. It can


> cortilsl and actually binds ot cortisol receptos so that would

leave more

> cortilsl in oyur body for metabolic things thius making oyu feel


> Bythe time oyu are past oyur period these levels drop, and oyu go

back to

> low coritls symotoms all the itme.

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


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Margo if your RT3 is already too high the T4 will make you feel worse.

If it is able to convert to t3 as it is supposed to you will feel

better. Plain and simple.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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I think I get like that when Im hypoglycemic...I even woke in the middle of the night cryng o nce. For me its the low adrenal funtion and low thyroid at the same time..I think.

Subject: Re: Val, I got someTo: RT3_T3 Date: Friday, December 19, 2008, 5:24 AM

For me overly emotional and weepy came from too high and too low thyroid. I know it wasn't cortisol for me during these episodes as I was on the right dose of HC. The only exception to this is when I was low cortisol with adequate thyroid as it didn't allow the thyroid to be used. The only way I can tell which is which is through constant monitoring of BP/HR (sitting/standing), BS and temps. Eventually a picture forms that tells what is what. I have been super low cortisol with adequate thyroid and find myself wanting to lie down all the time, get weak, have no ambition and no appetite. It doesn't make me weepy and roller coastery like thyroid does. Doesn't mean it's not different for others because I am sure it is.


am not sure being moody and crying a lot is due to thyroid level. Ithink it is adrenal. Depression would be hypoth, maybe adrenal, I justfelt over-reactive emotionally and cried a lot for low adrenals.Dorothy> I'm not depressed as I have some good days, I'm sure I am on some > hormonal roller coaster but don't know what to do about it. It > frightens the hell out of me.> > Margo

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Read the prescribing info put out by King Pharmacy for Cytomel. I would be easy to be tired, ie. low cortisol, after 6 hours.Since liothyronine sodium (T3) is not firmly bound to serum pro- tein,it is readily available to body tissues.The onset of activity of liothyronine sodium is rapid, occurring within a few hours. Maximum pharmacologic response occurs within 2 or 3 days, providing early clinical response.The biological half-life is about 2-1/2 days. T3 is almost totally absorbed, 95 percent in 4 hours. The hor- mones contained in the natural preparations are absorbed in a manner similar to the synthetic hormones. AGMargo,I don't see how T3 could make you tired 6 hrs later. It is all gone bythen. T3 has a half life of 1 1/2 hrs according to one source I read.Others say 6 hrs to 1 day. After six hours you are tired because youeither it is half gone or you don't have any T3 left in your body. IfT4 is going to RT3, that is what makes you tired because it blocks thegood T3.Dorothy> What do you do. T3 makes me terribly tired. I thought it was not > long after I took it the tired set in but it is about 6 hours later > and it hits hard.

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Could it make you more tired than you were.

Would this mean I take a second dose earlier. I have only been on

15mcg (1) per day and increase yesterday to 30mcg (2) but was told to

take them 12 hours apart.

Got a little flushed and shaky at one part today nut felt better

after some food. My mood has improved but still have trouble about 6

hours later. Very odd. Still waiting to hear back if I can start HC

Thanks Margo


> Read the prescribing info put out by King Pharmacy for Cytomel. I

> would be easy to be tired, ie. low cortisol, after 6 hours.



> Since liothyronine sodium (T3) is not firmly bound to serum pro-

> tein,it is readily available to body tissues.The onset of activity


> liothyronine sodium is rapid, occurring within a few hours.

> Maximum pharmacologic response occurs within 2 or 3 days,

> providing early clinical response.The biological half-life is about

> 2-1/2 days.

> T3 is almost totally absorbed, 95 percent in 4 hours. The hor-

> mones contained in the natural preparations are absorbed in a

> manner similar to the synthetic hormones.


> AG



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Subject: Re: Val, I got someTo: RT3_T3 Date: Friday, December 19, 2008, 7:59 PM

Difficult to separate aren't they? I've had too much of both and too little of both and all variations in between..... and it mostly tastes like soup at times for all the distinction availed. I find myself stalking the symptoms. Sorting, culling, note taking..... always an inner focus. Same happened to me waking at night crying. It was low thyroid at the time. Messed up the dose and took too little. But T3 drives the adrenals when it's working, so it's easily both thy and adr.


Posted by: "Leisa Forman" leisamelanie@... leisamelanie

Fri Dec 19, 2008 7:03 am (PST)

I think I get like that when Im hypoglycemic. ..I even woke in the middle of the night cryng o nce. For me its the low adrenal funtion and low thyroid at the same time..I think.

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Yes Margo, I think it can make you more tired if it uses up what cortisol you have.You really need to make sure you have adequate cortisol before increasing T3. Not sure about taking 12 hours apart. This might not work for you. Everyone finds their own zone in which to dose. I dose 6 a.m., 10 and 2 p.m. Can't take T3 later as I won't sleep. For some T3 is too stimulating and then for others it helps them sleep. If you got flushed and shaky and then felt better after eating, this is a sign to me that you needed to raise your cortisol levels. Food increased blood sugar which increases cortisol. You will have a much different experience and be able to progress faster when on HC.AGCould it make you more tired than you were. Would this mean I take a second dose earlier. I have only been on 15mcg (1) per day and increase yesterday to 30mcg (2) but was told to take them 12 hours apart. Got a little flushed and shaky at one part today nut felt better after some food. My mood has improved but still have trouble about 6 hours later. Very odd. Still waiting to hear back if I can start HCThanks Margo

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> last saliva results and thought they were fine. I am allowed to take

> something to support the adrenals to keep them happy he said. Yet to

> find that magic supplement here.

He won't prescribe hydrocortisone for you?


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Well hello

Nice to know I am not alone over here. We have a fab bunch of

knowledge in this forum and that is just wonderful.

I would not be here if it were not for the Rt3 group and others.

Will email you re the glandular etc and give you some info on the RT3

test I got.

I ask this group the same question re the Clinicians but have a

feeling it might be a bit busy as well. I've tried a couple of

bottles and to be honest I didn't benefit from it, not did it make me

worse. I have found though that their thyroid support was good as it

had a good amount of tyrosine in it but ithas kelp. Besides that I

didn't want to take it with taking proper forms of thyroid.

Maybe between the two of us we can kick some butt over here.

Flick an email soon


> > >

> > > Doesn't make me feel tired. Once I got up to a high enough

dose, I

> > > started feeling much stronger.

> > >

> > > Dorothy

> > >

> > > > > can you keep us posted if the t3 continues to make you


> > That

> > > > is my fear as I consider switching to t3.

> > >

> >


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Not at this stage. He seemed to be happy with my previous saliva test

and urine one. I do plan to do a Canary test as I don't think our

saliva testing is reliable. Too many variances. People have come out

with some weird results. I think I was lucky mine appeared to be the

most normal looking.

I only had a short spell of fatigue after the 5-6 hours of taking T3 so

maybe things are picking up.

I have some more T3 being sent to me so I am hoping they are in smaller

doses as I think the increase of 15mcg is a tad too much. I have only

had one extra capsule but it was enough to know I had it on board. I'm

up and about doing things and feel much happier. Still away to go but

it's been a big improvement. Life is more doable now.

Doctors still amaze me. You can tell them until you are blue in the

face what has worked and how you feel but they still disagree with

you. Darn text books they need re written. I've been to hell and back

over the last few days proving to the hospital I have a thyroid


My regular doc is going to write a letter to the Endo's that basically

said I was fine didn't need NT. I will be interested to see if I get

some corresondence from them. I was shocked at what they said to me.

Anyway hopefully on the right road now




> > last saliva results and thought they were fine. I am allowed to


> > something to support the adrenals to keep them happy he said. Yet


> > find that magic supplement here.


> He won't prescribe hydrocortisone for you?


> Dorothy


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