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Re: Heart Palps

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> So I don’t really have a clue what the palps are about. I apparently

> have an rT3 problem (test was near top of range), so could that be

> it (e.g. hypothyroid symptoms)? One more thing – these seem to

> bother me more when I’m lying down flat, though right now I can feel

> them too. My heart rate isn’t fast – was 78 earlier this morning.

> Any thoughts?


I get these (also worse when lying down) when my magnesium levels are

too low. If I start getting them, I drink some magnesium mix I have

and they usually go away within 30 minutes.

Janet Szabo


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Thanks Janet. I do take around 700 mg magnesium per day -- maybe I need



-----Original Message-----

From: RT3_T3 [mailto:RT3_T3 ] On Behalf Of

I get these (also worse when lying down) when my magnesium levels are

too low. If I start getting them, I drink some magnesium mix I have

and they usually go away within 30 minutes.

Janet Szabo


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The minute oyu take HC it changes your cortils rythm due to the super

sensitive feedback loop it has. So you cannto use old testing ot knwo

except a startuing point for HC replacement. Pakos are OFTEN from

hypothyroid as the heart struggles ot meet the demands in a situation

where it cna;t win!


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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Hi Dana:

Same thing happened to me the other night. I got up, drank 1/4 tsp of sea salt in about 8 oz of water, took 100 mg. of CoQ10 and one 400 mg. of magnesium and they went away in about 30 minutes. I also take mag during the day. I've had these troubling symptoms earlier in the year and found a website called Irishhealth where I read a pretty comprehensive thread on this. This was BEFORE starting Isocort. Folks were using Aloe Vera, Omegas and then Mag. I got some Aloe capsules from the health food store, started Coq 10 twice a day (100 mg. each time) and upped my magnesium and in three days they stopped completely. I do think dehydration also plays a big part in this. Read the book "Your Body's Many Cries For Water" - a lot of interesting discussion about this. Last week's episode was after forgetting my afternoon Isocort dosing and drinking one glass of wine...Oh well...!!!!


Heart Palps

Hi Val or anybody. . .

I was just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on the cause of heart palps. I’ve had them in the past – a few years ago (they came and went with no explanation), but last night I was awakened with them. I’ve been taking Armour (now at 2 grains) along with HC (actually part prednisolone and part HC), but the Armour doesn’t seem to be working for me so I have some srT3 on the way.

One thing that has changed is that I had been decreasing my HC from around 35 to around 30 or even 25, and when I went back up to 35 my symptoms improved a bit. Strange since my saliva test showed high normal to barely above normal in the AM. I’m a “fast oxidizer†so maybe I just burn through cortisol pretty fast.

So I don’t really have a clue what the palps are about. I apparently have an rT3 problem (test was near top of range), so could that be it (e.g. hypothyroid symptoms)? One more thing – these seem to bother me more whe

n I’m lying down flat, though right now I can feel them too. My heart rate isn’t fast – was 78 earlier this morning. Any thoughts?



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Wish that would work for me. Actually, I think my last round was brought on

by high Zinc levels. I take a gram of magnesium a day and on these days I

double it. I take CoQ10. I take potassium, etc., etc., etc. I can go 3 days

like this with a heart like a frightened rabbit. My brother was just

talking to me about this and he goes to the VA hospital and they give him a

shot which stops it! I wonder what that is. I have never yet gone to

emergency with this because I hate hospitals and I hate emergency rooms


Janis Whitcomb, Auburn, WA




Re: Heart Palps

Hi Dana:

Same thing happened to me the other night. I got up, drank 1/4 tsp of sea

salt in about 8 oz of water, took 100 mg. of CoQ10 and one 400 mg. of

magnesium and they went away in about 30 minutes. I also take mag during the

day. I've had these troubling symptoms earlier in the year and found a

website called Irishhealth where I read a pretty comprehensive thread on

this. This was BEFORE starting Isocort. Folks were using Aloe Vera, Omegas

and then Mag. I got some Aloe capsules from the health food store, started

Coq 10 twice a day (100 mg. each time) and upped my magnesium and in three

days they stopped completely. I do think dehydration also plays a big part

in this. Read the book " Your Body's Many Cries For Water " - a lot of

interesting discussion about this. Last week's episode was after forgetting

my afternoon Isocort dosing and drinking one glass of wine...Oh well...!!!!


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Thanks Val. Interesting that the night I awakened

with palps (night before last) I had eaten a pretty big “snack”

before bed. For some reason I was really hungry later in the evening so ate a

small bowl of the beef stew (mostly meat) I’d had for dinner. Seems to me

I remember you mentioning that protein metabolism takes a lot of thyroid so

maybe that’s what triggered the palps. I often have a little milk at

bedtime with my dose of HC but not usually anything as heavy as stew. The palps

continued on and off all day yesterday but have settled down pretty well today

(having a few mild ones – not too bad).

I’m already taking almost bowel

tolerance of magnesium and lots of salt (though I could add a bit more to water

– just haven’t been doing that lately), so I don’t think

those things will help. Last night I was starting to have a few palps when I settled

down for the night. On a whim I took 4 digestive enzyme caps (the plant-based

ones) and the palps stopped. Might have anyway – hard to tell. In any

case, I’m thinking it makes most sense that it’s thyroid.

I started on 15 mcg SRT3 this morning. We’ll

see how that goes. . . As far as HC goes, I just think it’s strange that

my saliva tests indicated that I was not lacking in cortisol, though I had many

low cortisol symptoms and taking HC (quite a bit) has helped. I used

DiagnosTechs – maybe ZRT is better (??).



From: RT3_T3 [mailto:RT3_T3 ] On Behalf Of

The minute oyu take HC it changes your cortils rythm due to the


sensitive feedback loop it has. So you cannto use old testing ot knwo

except a startuing point for HC replacement. Pakos are OFTEN from

hypothyroid as the heart struggles ot meet the demands in a situation

where it cna;t win!

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Ibelieve the folks that have low cortils symtpoms with normal/high

cortil labs stil may benefit form HC as ther si such a thing as

cortiosl resistance.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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Hi Sharon-

I read Your Body’s Many Cries for

Water years ago. I’ve been drinking a fair amount of water daily for many

years and have drunk as much as 3 or 4 quarts per day. Mostly it just goes

right through. Also, I was doing the salt and vitamin C protocol for Lyme

(which I have since decided is not a factor in my health problems). With that

protocol I took as much as 3 teaspoons per day (maybe even a little more for a

short time), which never helped me get hydrated though I think it probably

helped my adrenals a bit and definitely lowered by blood pressure to normal. Anyway,

if palps wake me up again, I’ll try 1/4 teaspoon salt in water.

I take 100 mg CoQ10 per day in the AM but

added one at bedtime last night. That might have helped since I had a better

night. Hard to say.

At the moment I’m taking quite a bit

of magnesium and if I take it near bedtime it keeps me awake. Yesterday I took

extra mag and ended up finding my bowel tolerance today J. I do well on

700 mg per day – any more than that gives me the runs.

As far as dehydration – my aldosterone

tested at 7 which is pretty low, but my doc says she never adds Florinef with a

sodium level of 141 (which I had) so I guess I’ll just stay a bit

dehydrated since salt doesn’t seem to do anything for that (for me

anyway). Maybe when I get my thyroid optimized things will balance out a bit. Thanks

so much for your comments and suggestions.


From: RT3_T3 [mailto:RT3_T3 ] On Behalf Of althosc1@...

Same thing happened to me the other night. I got up, drank 1/4 tsp

of sea salt in about 8 oz of water, took 100 mg. of CoQ10 and one 400 mg. of

magnesium and they went away in about 30 minutes. I also take mag during

the day. I've had these troubling symptoms earlier in the year and found

a website called Irishhealth where I read a pretty comprehensive thread on

this. This was BEFORE starting Isocort. Folks were using Aloe Vera,

Omegas and then Mag. I got some Aloe capsules from the health food store,

started Coq 10 twice a day (100 mg. each time) and upped my magnesium and in

three days they stopped completely. I do think dehydration also plays a

big part in this. Read the book " Your Body's Many Cries For

Water " - a lot of interesting discussion about this. Last week's

episode was after forgetting my afternoon Isocort dosing and drinking one glass

of wine...Oh well...!!!!


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Dana: I am so interested in the Lyme protocol you mentioned since I had a horrible experience with it about four years ago. I have hesitated bringing it into the RT3 equation because I am truly exhausted just getting thru the experience ( I've done IV Rocephin once). Val mentioned that she had Lyme and I've seen infrequent posts mentioning it. I almost feel like it is bad luck to even talk about since I am now feeling better than I have in four years even though I had to leave my job. Today I put out 160 luminarias and cried as I was doing it (happy tears). Two years ago I could not even bend over without my heart going crazy! So many things to consider, please let me know about this protocol when you get time. In the interim, do have a great holiday. I am in Florida where temp is 78 and sky is sunny and beautiful. Life is good. Guess we will nix bonfire for Christmas day...


RE: Heart Palps

Hi Sharon-

I read Your Body’s Many Cries for Water years ago. I’ve been drinking a fair amount of water daily for many years and have drunk as much as 3 or 4 quarts per day. Mostly it just goes right through. Also, I was doing the salt and vitamin C protocol for Lyme (which I have since decided is not a factor in my health problems). With that protocol I took as much as 3 teaspoons per day (maybe even a little more for a short time), which never helped me get hydrated though I think it probably helped my adrenals a bit and definitely lowered by blood pressure to normal. Anyway, if palps wake me up again, I’ll try 1/4 teaspoon salt in water.

I take 100 mg CoQ10 per day in the AM but added one at bedtime last night. That might have helped since I had a better night. Hard to say.

At the moment I’m taking quite a bit of magnesium and if I take it near bedtime it keeps me awake. Yesterday I took extra mag and ended up finding my bowel tolerance today J. I do well on 700 mg per day – any more than that gives me the runs.

As far as dehydration – my aldosterone tested at 7 which is pretty low, but my doc says she never adds Florinef with a sodium level of 141 (which I had) so I guess I’ll just stay a bit dehydrated since salt doesn’t seem to do anything for that (for me anyway). Maybe when I get my thyroid optimized things will balance out a bit. Thanks so much for your comments and suggestions.


From: RT3_T3 [mailto:RT3_T3 ] On Behalf Of althosc1aol

Same thing happened to me the other night. I got up, drank 1/4 tsp of sea salt in about 8 oz of water, took 100 mg. of CoQ10 and one 400 mg. of magnesium and they went away in about 30 minutes. I also take mag during the day. I've had these troubling symptoms earlier in the year and found a website called Irishhealth where I read a pretty comprehensive thread on this. This was BEFORE starting Isocort. Folks were using Aloe Vera, Omegas and then Mag. I got some Aloe capsules from the health food store, started Coq 10 twice a day (100 mg. each time) and upped my magnesium and in three days they stopped completely. I do think dehydration also plays a big part in this. Read the book "Your Body's Many Cries For Water" - a lot of interesting discussion about this. Last week's episode was after forgetting my afternoon Isocort dosing and drinking one glass of wine...Oh well...!!!!



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Hi Sharon-

The best place to learn about the salt /

vitamin C protocol for Lyme is at the Yahoo group “lymestrategies.”

Many have recovered using the protocol, and some don’t seem to. Of those,

I know of at least some who are self diagnosed so may not be treating Lyme at

all. Others, it’s my guess, need adrenal and / or thyroid support and can’t

seem to get beyond “herxing.” There are also other complicating

factors such as heavy metals and other infections.

The protocol was originally developed by

the site owners at lymephotos.com, but their protocol is too harsh for many

(most?) people. Marc Fett, site owner at Lymestrategies, recommends starting with

1 gram each vitamin C (any kind) and salt (good salt such as RealSalt,

Himalayan, or Celtic or pure sodium chloride tablets – which are hard to

find these days) then increase very slowly so as to avoid too much stress on

the body. I was up to 20 grams each for a short time and altogether did it for

2+ years with no results one way or the other (besides having it fix my mildly

high blood pressure). I had a positive Bowen test for Lyme in 2004 but it was a

very low titer so may have been a false positive.

Happy Holidays!


From: RT3_T3 [mailto:RT3_T3 ] On Behalf Of althosc1@...

Dana: I am so interested in the Lyme protocol you mentioned since

I had a horrible experience with it about four years ago. I have

hesitated bringing it into the RT3 equation because I am truly exhausted just

getting thru the experience ( I've done IV Rocephin once). Val mentioned

that she had Lyme and I've seen infrequent posts mentioning it. I almost

feel like it is bad luck to even talk about since I am now feeling better than

I have in four years even though I had to leave my job. Today I put out

160 luminarias and cried as I was doing it (happy tears). Two years ago I

could not even bend over without my heart going crazy! So many things to

consider, please let me know about this protocol when you get time. In

the interim, do have a great holiday. I am in Florida where temp is 78 and sky is sunny

and beautiful. Life is good. Guess we will nix bonfire for

Christmas day...


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Thanks Dana: I will check it out. I had + for acute and chronic Lyme from IDX Lab in California and have thought about doing the Bowen test but felt the cost was not equal to probability of diagnosis -- but I'd love to get the titer. My Lyme doc in Tampa is not big on it...(I live on the edge of a 10,000 acre woods full of deer, got bit cleaning up hurricane debris from my own yard!) Of course, I monitor my CMV, HH6 and Epstein Barr - all activated when I got Lyme. Thanks so very much for responding. All the activity yesterday has left me feeling punk this AM, but will do Xmas lunch. : ) Can't afford NOT to eat!


RE: Heart Palps

Hi Sharon-

The best place to learn about the salt / vitamin C protocol20for Lyme is at the Yahoo group “lymestrategies.†Many have recovered using the protocol, and some don’t seem to. Of those, I know of at least some who are self diagnosed so may not be treating Lyme at all. Others, it’s my guess, need adrenal and / or thyroid support and can’t seem to get beyond “herxing.†There are also other complicating factors such as heavy metals and other infections.

The protocol was originally developed by the site owners at lymephotos.com, but their protocol is too harsh for many (most?) people. Marc Fett, site owner at Lymestrategies, recommends starting with 1 gram each vitamin C (any kind) and salt (good salt such as RealSalt, Himalayan, or Celtic or pure sodium chloride tablets – which are hard to find these days) then increase very slowly so as to avoid too much stress on the body. I was up to 20 grams each for a short time and altogether did it for 2+ years with no results one way or the other (besides having it fix my mildly high blood pressure). I had a positive Bowen test for Lyme in 2004 but it was a very low titer so may have been a false positive.

Happy Holidays!


From: RT3_T3 [mailto:RT3_T3 ] On Behalf Of althosc1aol

Dana: I am so interested in the Lyme protocol you mentioned since I had a horrible experience with it about four years ago. I have hesitated bringing it into the RT3 equation because I am truly exhausted just getting thru the experience ( I've done IV Rocephin once). Val mentioned that she had Lyme and I've seen infrequent posts mentioning it. I almost feel like it is bad luck to even talk about since I am now

feeling better than I have in four years even though I had to leave my job. Today I put out 160 luminarias and cried as I was doing it (happy tears). Two years ago I could not even bend over without my heart going crazy! So many things to consider, please let me know about this protocol when you get time. In the interim, do have a great holiday. I am in Florida where temp is 78 and sky is sunny and beautiful. Life is good. Guess we will nix bonfire for Christmas day...


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Also try propping yourself up with pillows. If raising your upper body

stops them, that is fairly definitive of reflux. Enzymes help me but

only when I am vertical. It seems like they increase the esophageal

irritation if taken at or close to when I'm going to lay down.

D-limonene I can take immediately before laying down, and it does help a

LOT. Best to take it regularly, with meals, but I forget.


Dana Black wrote:

> Interesting. I have occasional reflux but not too much of a problem. Some of

> the palps lately have seemed connected to foods, and taking a few enzymes

> caps has helped. The incident the other night was quite a while away from

> food, though. Anyway, if it happens again I'll try taking some enzymes to

> see if it helps.


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Even without palps, I often have trouble

falling asleep lying flat. I always fall asleep in my LazyBoy then move to bed

after the first (usually only) bathroom call. So in many cases I do better

having my upper body slightly elevated, at least until I’ve been asleep

for a while. I can fall asleep anyway, but it usually takes longer. I’ve

had heartburn / reflux in the past, and it involves some (to lots of) digestive

discomfort. These days my digestion is in pretty good shape, so I’m

thinking it’s either thyroid or food reactions (of which I have many). Last

night after being asleep in the chair for a couple of hours I had some strong

palps (irregular, strong, seems to “skip a beat”) which stopped

after a bathroom trip and switching to the bed (lying flat – and didn’t

take any enzymes). So. . . who knows?!

I’ve tried propping myself up with

pillows but can’t get comfortable that way. Thank goodness for the

LazyBoy. My best remedy for heartburn / reflux is to chew some papaya enzyme

tablets. Works almost every time.



From: RT3_T3 [mailto:RT3_T3 ] On Behalf Of sol

Also try propping yourself up with pillows. If raising

your upper body

stops them, that is fairly definitive of reflux. Enzymes help me but

only when I am vertical. It seems like they increase the esophageal

irritation if taken at or close to when I'm going to lay down.

D-limonene I can take immediately before laying down, and it does help a

LOT. Best to take it regularly, with meals, but I forget.


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Yeah, and obviously they haven't hit the " brick wall " we have.....





> Subject: RE: Re: Heart Palps

> To: RT3_T3

> Date: Saturday, December 27, 2008, 9:27 AM



> I had been on 2 grains Armour and was feeling worse and worse.

> Dana


> -----Original Message-----

> From: RT3_T3 [mailto:RT3_T3 ] On Behalf Of

> sol


> Had you been on any other thyroid med at all before starting the SRT3?

> sol




> ------------------------------------



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