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An Open Letter to Helmut F. Prahl, Ph.D.

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Below, please find a copy of an open letter that I

sent to Drs. Prahl and Levy last Thursday, November


My apologies for the length of the letter.



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I am looking forward to reading Dr. Prahl's response

to my letter. But please don't make it appear that

what I have done is unfair because my conclusions are

that Dr. Prahl is not who he claims to be and that his

drugs do not work.

For over 10 years Dr. Prahl's miracle drugs have been

glowingly promoted in the PLS Newsletter. Not one

word was ever mentioned about PLSers who determined

that Dr. Prahl's drugs did not work, and then

quit--with no significantly increased progression of

symptoms. No one ounce of doubt was ever printed

about Dr. Prahl's claims in the past 10 years.

Now I refute his claims, and the situation is unfair?

Don, you wrote that " (t)he case presented took at

least two years of research and investigation. It is

only fair to allow Dr. Prahl some period of time to

compile a reply. "

If Dr. Prahl really has been researching PLS for over

30 years, then I suggest that Dr. Prahl needs very

little time to reply.

Dr. Prahl knows more about himself than anyone on the

planet. He need not conduct research to respond to the

facts and questions about his background that I


Likewise, if he truly had been researching PLS for

over 30 years, he would need little time to respond to

the facts and questions about his drug that I


I suspect that he needs time to obtain and study the

medical literature about PLS (for the first time),

since it appears that he has never done so before.

As we both know, my letter and enclosures were in Dr.

Prahl's post office box in Egg Harbor, WI last Monday.

(I sent it to Florida thinking he had moved south for

the winter. I was wrong--he was still in Wisconsin.

The Express Mail folks forwarded it to Wisconsin.)

Certainly it will take Dr. Prahl some time to reply.

But at some point, it will become obvious that until

forced to learn about PLS, he really knew little about



--- dcwilso@... wrote:

> Greetings, all,


> It seems to me that a man has been placed on trial.

> The case

> presented by the prosecutor was extensive. As in

> many trials, some

> " evidence " presented was not pertinent to the case,

> but as defense

> was not present to object and there was no judge to

> rule, the

> " evidence " was entered into the record. Without

> having an

> opportunity to reply to any comments or accusations,

> the man was

> found guilty. The findings of the jury included

> words like " fraud " ,

> " evil " , " depraved " , and " quack " . " Stoning " was

> recommended as

> punishment. The verdict was reached by good people

> who have

> never met the man in question. I have known the man

> for more than

> two years. We have corresponded by letter and

> telephone, in addition

> to personal contact, where over a period of about

> three days, I learned

> more about PLS that I thought was possible. Dr.

> Prahl is in no way

> evil or depraved. In my opinion he is neither a

> fraud or a quack.

> Contrary to the opinion of others, Dr. Prahl will

> reply to pertinent

> portions of the document posted on the Internet.

> The case presented

> took at least two years of research and

> investigation. It is only fair to

> allow Dr. Prahl some period of time to compile a

> reply, which will then

> be posted on PLS-FRIENDS and PLSer-NEWS. I can only

> ask that

> interested persons attempt to keep an open mind

> until that reply is

> posted.


> Don



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Yes, I'd love to have all the pictures I can get. I'll try to put them in the video.

Re: An Open Letter to Helmut F. Prahl, Ph.D.

:I will send you a group picture along with the other's if you want.Rita*************************************Some people succeed in spite of their handicap. Others succeed becauseof them.

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