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Dr. Frim

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I don't know personally about Dr. Frim, but when we were looking for a

surgeron, his name came up frequently as a really good source. Of

course there also is Dr. Heffez in Chicago and Rosner in NOrth

CArolina, but right now they seem to be it. My husband is an

orthopaedic surgeon at Indiana University School of Medicine and we are

trying to get the neurosurgeons ther educated n this field. It is a

shame that so many docs are clueless to this defect and it's problems.

WE are bent on educating our physicians here.

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" ellen s. seigel " wrote:

original article:/group/chiari/?start=28307

> Hi:


> Can anyone give me any credentials on Dr. Frim, Dr. Batzdorf and Dr.

> Milhorat?


> I would also like to know where they are all from? How long they have

> seen and operated on patients with ACM, and do they primarily operate

> on adults?


> Just a word of caution to all of my ACM friends, beware of Dr.

> Menenzes. I sent him all of my mri's and he told me that I didn't


> ACM. This was after 6 neurosurgeons and 8 neurologists told me that I

> did and even showed me where in my mri's.

Dear Ellen and Chiari Friends....

I had a decompression surgery in July by Dr Menezes also a laminectomy

and repaired my arachnoid (the membrane around the brain). I swear by

him and feel very blessed that I found him. The only reason I am

writing this to you is that I had a wonderful experience with him and

think he is a wonderful NSG. I went to him after two neurologists in

Des Moines Iowa said it was all in my head!! Thanks to him I am back

to as normal as I can be proclaimed!!!

Tina Albrecht

Decompressed 7/99, laminectomy c-1 & 2 and other stuff


> Thanks,


> Ellen


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