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Re: New Labs - HELP :) NO More Reverse T3??

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I think it is much faster and easier to just drop Amrou entirely and

replac the T3 in what you wer taking and slowly build the T3 furthe as

your T4 decreases. SO if on 2 grains Amrour you would stoop that and

start with 20mcg T3.In a week maybe add 5-7.5mcg T3, and every week add

that much andin about 8 weeks you will be fully supported with just T3

and not have RT3 anymore.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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> I think it is much faster and easier to just drop Amrou entirely and

> replac the T3 in what you wer taking and slowly build the T3 furthe as

> your T4 decreases. SO if on 2 grains Amrour you would stoop that and

> start with 20mcg T3.In a week maybe add 5-7.5mcg T3, and every week

> add

> that much andin about 8 weeks you will be fully supported with just T3

> and not have RT3 anymore.


I did as Val suggested and it worked fine for me. I stopped taking

Armour (4 grains) one month ago and went right to Cytomel. I was

supposed to be on the Cytomel for two weeks and then start

transitioning to the 's protocol, but I keep putting it

off . . . I feel the best I've felt since I started taking thyroid

replacement two years ago. My hair isn't falling out, I am losing

weight again, am not cold, am sleeping really well, etc. I know the

Cytomel is working because the other night I had to play a musical

instrument in a Christmas program. Playing has been really frustrating

for me over the past couple of months because I just couldn't get

enough air in and out of my lungs. The other night I had plenty of

air. :-)

I got an e-mail from my doctor yesterday asking how the transition was

going, and I wrote him back and asked if I could just stay on the

Cytomel. I'm waiting to hear what he says.

One thing I DO wonder: I am still only on 50 mcg, split into a morning

dose and an evening dose. I feel good at that level. I've tried adding

in 12.5 mcg at lunchtime, too, but I haven't done it consistently,

mostly because I don't remember. I don't feel like I need that

additional 12.5 mcg, but is 50 mcg too low a dose? Do I still have T4

or RT3 floating around in my system?

Janet Szabo


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> Wonderful for you, that you hung in there. Im crossing my fingers

that it will all work out for me,too.

Well, it's not done yet. I am assuming the RT3 is not gone. I still

have to get off the T3 and back on Armour and get off the HC. I hope

it works out for everybody.


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When you switched to all Cytomel, did you have ferritin and/or

cortisol issues?


> I did as Val suggested and it worked fine for me. I stopped taking

> Armour (4 grains) one month ago and went right to Cytomel. I was

> supposed to be on the Cytomel for two weeks and then start

> transitioning to the 's protocol, but I keep putting it

> off . . . I feel the best I've felt since I started taking thyroid

> replacement two years ago. My hair isn't falling out, I am losing

> weight again, am not cold, am sleeping really well, etc. I know the

> Cytomel is working because the other night I had to play a musical

> instrument in a Christmas program. Playing has been really frustrating

> for me over the past couple of months because I just couldn't get

> enough air in and out of my lungs. The other night I had plenty of

> air. :-)

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Hey Dorothy, why does giving blood lower temps?

When I went to donate today around 1:00, when they checked my

temperature, it came out to 98.6 for the first time! But now as I

checked it around 7:00 it dropped to the mid 97's.

So I thought that maybe it meant my adrenals aren't supported enough

so I was going to increase HC starting tomorrow.

But if you say that donating blood lowers temps, maybe I should wait a

couple days before changing things.




> > Interesting.What amount of t3 did you start with? .I am only taking

> 6 isocort(around 15 mili cortisol).


> I started with about 20 mcg T3. The doctor only prescribed 5 mcg/day,

> so I went through that prescription pretty fast. So he gave me a

> prescription for 15 mcg/day. Realizing I wasn't going to get enough

> out of him, even though I was telling him I felt like I was

> suffocating, dead tired and depressed,etc, I ordered from overseas. So

> I had to raise slow and eke out my prescription until I got my order.

> Last time I talked to his office, after labs, I told him I was taking

> 30, but he still only gave me a script for 20. So I won't be talking

> to them again, possibly until I am ready to get back to Armour. He

> will freak for sure if he saw a Free T3. My base heart rate has risen

> slowly to about 69, my temps finally moved from ave 97.6 to 97.9 or

> even 98.0. Well its low today, but I donated blood, working off my

> high ferritin.


> Dorothy


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Hi Val -

Sorry for the late response but seems like the thread got some good

discussion going :)

My adrenals seem to be the bain of everything and I can't say for sure

that they are okay but I didn't raise my T3 each time without my temps

being stable for at least a week. I was on 100 mgs and then raised

when my temps were stable at 78.9 and then didn't raise again until my

temps were stable at 98.2. They are still very stable at 98.2 on

112.5. I too and wondering why my temps aren't higher (I am using a

glass mercury basal thermometer). I just got my ferritin back and it

was 56 so I am going back on iron. Is it bad to have a 52:1 ratio?

Should I just stay where I am for a while to see if my temps raise?




> Mindi are you sure your adrneals are OK and ferritin OK before going


> further? I would expect to see your temps higher than this with your

> labs where they ae. Your RT3 ratio is fine! You can't really figure a

> ration with q LESS THAN number but closest would be 52..


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> Hey Dorothy, why does giving blood lower temps?

I just figured it was stress on my body. I took an extra 5 mg HC on

the way home. That is what I usually need to leave the house. They

went back to the usual after about 24 hrs last time I donated.


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> Janet,

> When you switched to all Cytomel, did you have ferritin and/or

> cortisol issues?


Nope, neither. I had my ferritin checked just before I switched and it

was fine, and cortisol has been on the high side my entire adult life

(which is what contributed to the RT3 problem, I think).

Heard back from my doctor yesterday and he is quite pleased with my

report on how I am feeling on the Cytomel. He said to stay on it. I

can play with the dose a bit as long as I monitor my pulse and temps.

Janet Szabo


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