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Re: Re: Got new labs and seeking advice

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I think you need to stay on the same lower T4 dose, unitl you get the

Ferritin higher. Seleniium is said to help lower antibodies and as yours

are very high I would think that is at leat partially responsible for

your varying labs. Once you get Ferritin to about 60 or higher,thne I

would retest RT3 and Free T3 to see if oyu still need to lower the RT3.

Your cortisol, at least on blood labs, looks good.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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T4 is a very incomplete hormone to supplement with. Especially with

hashimoto's. It is nto the med itself but your body's utilization of it,

Isuspect you are making way too much RT3 possily from lwo ferritin or

low cortilsl or evn just the high antibodies. I was on T4 only meds for

abou 25 years. I never felt wekll at ANY dose. Andin the meantime i got

more and moe things wrong from being on a poor replacement med which T4

is. T3 iw the ACTIVE hormone and thus the one you ned to worry abotu I

do nto evne consider TSH as it is not a thyroid hormone but pituitary

hormone. the pitutary is downregulated in autoimmune thyroid disease and

thus very inacurwate to use as a guideline for thyroid replacement.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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BTW stopping and restarting thyroi dis VERY hard on your body. It does

nto knwo if it is coming or going. This will crash your adnreals sooner

or later and then you WILL have first high then low cortisl. THAT ios

even worse to deal with than low thyroid.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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The hyper symptoms when taking thyroid and stil havign LOW thyroid

hormone levels is very liekly from low cortisol. When cortisol is too

low to tolerate and use thyroi dproperly, it will release adrenaline.

Thsi si not true hyperthyroid but adrenaline symptoms.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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