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Got new labs and seeking advice

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Hi, all. I jut got my latest lab results. I take 62.5 mcg of T4 for 25

days before having the following tests.

FT3 4.91 (2.5-6.5)

FT4 14.78 (11.5-23.2)

TSH 8.08 (0.35-5.5)

rT3 0.54 (0.2-0.64)==The original was 0.12

HGH 0.69 (0.06-5)=== too low?

The month before last month I take 87.5 mcg for 20 days and 75 for 10

days, results came out as hyper. So I was off medicine for about 2 weeks

to eliminate the violent reaction, then restarted the dose of 62. 5 mcg.

Following were the labs when hyper

FT3 8.27 (2.5-6.5)

FT4 28.58 ( 11.5-23.2)

TSH 0.00 (0.35-5.5)

This time the doctor I visited asked me to stay at 62.5 mcg and wait for

next blood work. He said that TSH could drop as time goes by. But I just

gained weight by 2 KG since last month, also suffer from fatigue and

other symptoms. The basal temp was tested as 36.3 C these days, .

Do you agree with him? Because the TSH came out as 8, so I am now

changing back to 75 mcg. But the doctor didn't agree with me..He also

does not know the optimum TSH was around 1 or 2, but said TSH in the

normal range is OK enough.

Any advices?


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