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Meat eating

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I live in Oregon, and have known several cattle ranchers. There are

many bibles, and I'm not going to turn this forum into a religious

debate. The evidence is there for any who wish to examine the facts,

and millions are turning to vegetarianism because of the facts. Also,

mad cow disease is definitely not confined to Europe. When they

finally start reporting it here in the US due to specific cases, there

will be many thousands of cases incubating for each one that they

find. At the moment the only way to diagnose it as Mad Cow Disease

instead of Alzheimers is an autopsy, so it is swept under the rug in

the US. Most food cattle are killed before the onset of the disease,

so good luck finding it. And whether you use a gun or a knife, killing

is killing. And what you eat is death, not the life you eat with

plants. Personally, it makes more sense to eat the live plants than

the dead animals to give me life.

> I don't know which Creator or Bible you are referring to but it's

not the one

> I read, I believe in God the creator and the Bible. Where I live

there is no

> torture or mutilation. The steers/hogs/ etc. are shot with a .22


> between the eyes and never feel a thing. No pain. They are raised

for meat,

> not pleasure. I get the stong feeling you're British. Am I correct?


> being my mom is from England. And I've been there three times,

lived there

> over a year going to school one of those times. Veggism is a hard

sell there

> and most popular. And with Mad Cow I wouldn't eat meat either. I

won't ask

> my aunt to bring me Cheshire Cheese anymore the last few years (boy

I miss

> that! my favorite cheese in the world)


> I don't mean this in any way argumentative. Just reading your posts


> sound like my family from England. We get all the lectures here.

PETA must

> be pretty prevelant in the UK. We live in cattle country in the US

so it

> doesn't sit well with us. Different views I guess. LOL

> Take care,


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<< And yes, in the New Testament did say that we should eat meat,

or also not eat meat..as long as we do it for the Lord. That meant

that neither was to judge the others cho >>


Very well said, Barry,

And did say that the weaker do eat only veggies. I suppose that some

vegetarians assume that we don't eat veggies at all. Well, I for one eat

veggies and meat.

What is missed from those not following the Scriptures is that " meat " stands

for the meat of the Scriptures. But those who don't follow the Scriptures

might have a hard time understanding this, huh?

For those who follow the scriptural understanding of anything, eating is

extremely important!!! (as one eats the words of Yahweh!!!)


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That is a good piece of information. The truth is that

everyone is individual. And everyone has different nutritional needs and

deficiencies. I was not a big meat eater, then I breast fed my daughter for

an extended period of time. >>


so I can clear up the matter in saying the one only eating veggies is

the weaker brother/sister, let me give you a quote please.

Rom. 14:2, One indeed believes to eat all things (btw, he's talking about

clean meat here, guys), but being weak, another eats only vegetables.... "

Then he goes on to say that the one eating (meat) do not despise the one not

eating (only veggies.)

The thing is, the one being weak here is the one who wishes to eat only

vegetables. If you look up the Greek, it can mean one spiritually weak or

one weak from an illness. But (Saul) is using it as someone weak

spiritually. Regardless, we are to accept that one who eats only veggies.

Now, let's say that one has an illness, then sometimes only veggies can be

eaten by them.


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Well said Susie,

Also, fish, chicken, eggs, etc could be considered live food. Some

people even think that plants have life too before we cut them down

and feast on them.

What it comes down to is that some people are vegitarian and others

are not. No one should judge the other.

And yes, in the New Testament did say that we should eat meat,

or also not eat meat..as long as we do it for the Lord. That meant

that neither was to judge the others choice of their chosen way to

worship the Lord in eating.


> And whether you use a gun or a knife, killing

> is killing. And what you eat is death, not the life you eat with

> plants. Personally, it makes more sense to eat the live plants


> the dead animals to give me life. >>

> ____________________


> Hello, it may not be turning into a religious debate, but

nonetheless it

> touches upon some people's religious views. That's incorrect, all

killing is

> not the same. There's murder and then there's killing. Yahweh

gave Adam

> dominion over the animals. He gave meat for humankind to eat after


> flood. Not only this, there were free-ill sacrifices of animals,

and later

> on at the Passover animals were sacrificed, the blood put over the

doors and

> the animal's meat eaten. At Mt. Sinai there were commanded

sacrifices then,

> with people eating the meat!!! And in the NT, Saul () says not

to judge

> people in what they eat, whether they're vegetarians or not because


> weaker brother eats only veggies. But in truth many vegetarians

judge you,

> or seem to, for being meat eaters. Strange how things get turned



> In the time to come, even the plant foods will get bad!!

> Susie

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<<And yes, in the New Testament did say that we should eat meat,

or also not eat meat..as long as we do it for the Lord. That meant

that neither was to judge the others choice of their chosen way to

worship the Lord in eating. >>

Thanks Barry. That is a good piece of information. The truth is that

everyone is individual. And everyone has different nutritional needs and

deficiencies. I was not a big meat eater, then I breast fed my daughter for

an extended period of time. After I started having RA symptoms I went to an

alternative doctor who tested my amino acids and found that most of them

were low or on the low side. So he directed my diet to contain meats,

except red and pork. My pain has been reduced 80 percent. Have a good

weekend. , Georgia

----- Original Message -----

From: " barry91162 " <barry91162@...>

<gallstones >

Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 9:00 PM

Subject: Re: Meat eating

> Well said Susie,


> Also, fish, chicken, eggs, etc could be considered live food. Some

> people even think that plants have life too before we cut them down

> and feast on them.


> What it comes down to is that some people are vegitarian and others

> are not. No one should judge the other.


> And yes, in the New Testament did say that we should eat meat,

> or also not eat meat..as long as we do it for the Lord. That meant

> that neither was to judge the others choice of their chosen way to

> worship the Lord in eating.


> Barry.






> > And whether you use a gun or a knife, killing

> > is killing. And what you eat is death, not the life you eat with

> > plants. Personally, it makes more sense to eat the live plants

> than

> > the dead animals to give me life. >>

> > ____________________

> >

> > Hello, it may not be turning into a religious debate, but

> nonetheless it

> > touches upon some people's religious views. That's incorrect, all

> killing is

> > not the same. There's murder and then there's killing. Yahweh

> gave Adam

> > dominion over the animals. He gave meat for humankind to eat after

> the

> > flood. Not only this, there were free-ill sacrifices of animals,

> and later

> > on at the Passover animals were sacrificed, the blood put over the

> doors and

> > the animal's meat eaten. At Mt. Sinai there were commanded

> sacrifices then,

> > with people eating the meat!!! And in the NT, Saul () says not

> to judge

> > people in what they eat, whether they're vegetarians or not because

> the

> > weaker brother eats only veggies. But in truth many vegetarians

> judge you,

> > or seem to, for being meat eaters. Strange how things get turned

> around.

> >

> > In the time to come, even the plant foods will get bad!!

> > Susie




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> Have a nice day !



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>>At the moment the only way to diagnose it as Mad Cow Disease

instead of Alzheimers is an autopsy,<<

I believe this to be misinformation. It is true, that the only way one can

be certain that a person had Alzheimer's instead of another form of senile

dementia is through an autopsy, but the symptoms and progression of Mad Cow

Disease and Alzheimer's are not similar.



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I don't think that people who choose not to eat meat should judge those who

do. Make the choice that is right for you, and respect other's choices.

Same with religion.



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Animals that eat meat are

viscious and animals that eat vegetables are docile in most instances.

Meat eating humans have a higher disease rate than non-meat eaters.

Look at the evidence and try to resist the knee-jerk reaction to

defend your lifestyle. >>



The animals that are docile and eat plants and stuff is exactly why one

should want to eat them. Like cows. Who wants to eat an animal that eats

other animals or other people?

And it's an incorrect statement to state that meat-eaters are not as healthy.

New research comes out daily that proves this is false. Evidence is

proving that vegetarians are not as healthy. I say the key to a healthy diet

is moderation of anything.


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<< Also to say that the Holy Bible " is only a book that 'purports' to be

the word of God edited many times to eliminate and change wordng "

could be a stab at someones faith and could result in debate. >>


I agree with you. I just took it as that person hasn't studied it and proven

otherwise. There's lots of people like that.


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I was not judging meat eaters, I was judging the effect of eating

rotting flesh on the body. I said to eat whatever makes you feel best,

and be sure to listen to what your body says about what you eat, as

that is different for everyone. I think the religious ferver took

things into personal judgements....it usually does. I'm just saying be

honest and look at all the evidence, not just a book that purports to

be the word of God even though it's been edited by men many, many

times to eliminate and change its wording. Animals that eat meat are

viscious and animals that eat vegetables are docile in most instances.

Meat eating humans have a higher disease rate than non-meat eaters.

Look at the evidence and try to resist the knee-jerk reaction to

defend your lifestyle. As I said, there's lots of evidence of the

problems surrounding meat, and that's why millions are giving it up.


> I don't think that people who choose not to eat meat should judge

those who

> do. Make the choice that is right for you, and respect other's


> Same with religion.



> Debra





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Thank you Debra,

said the same thing in Romans Chapter 14 regarding meat and days

to worship.



> I don't think that people who choose not to eat meat should judge

those who

> do. Make the choice that is right for you, and respect other's


> Same with religion.



> Debra





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Who eats rotting flesh on the body anyway? I cook my meat well done.

And it usually is fresh, not rotting. haha

Also to say that the Holy Bible " is only a book that 'purports' to be

the word of God edited many times to eliminate and change wordng "

could be a stab at someones faith and could result in debate.

Everyone can worship and eat what they want. Vegitarian is better but

meat is not bad as long as it is eaten properly. Whoever said that

God didn't want us to eat meat is wrong in my opinion. I can support

my opinion with debate using the Holy Bible. I don't know what the

other religious books say.



> >

> > I don't think that people who choose not to eat meat should judge

> those who

> > do. Make the choice that is right for you, and respect other's

> choices.

> > Same with religion.

> >

> >

> > Debra

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > _________________________________________________________________

> > Join the world's largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

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I don't think that people who choose not to eat meat should judge those who

do. Make the choice that is right for you, and respect other's choices.

Same with religion.


Thank you Debra,

I agree with you. I also disagree with one mentioning a 'Creator' without

naming Him and His word. I don't know if they're referring to Buddah, Alah,

God, Jim or whomever. I don't know if the word/teaching their reading

from is the Bible, the Koran or whatever either. So I cannot justify what

they say when they put out a blanket statement of the Creator says, etc.

since I don't know who their speaking for. I also agree we should respect

each others right to choose what they want to eat or not. But I do find

Vegetarians to be most hostile toward meat eaters rather than visa versa.

It's sorta werid. Gosh, just check out the hostility and misinformation

coming from PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) When my

family comes here from England (most vegetarians) all we do is hustle to find

food they will eat, all the while they badger us on what the heck we eat!!!

How rude we find them to be, yet we ignore the rudeness in love! Yet someone

on here said meat eaters were found to be mean??? LOL

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Meat eating


> How rude we find them to be, yet we ignore the rudeness in love! Yet


> on here said meat eaters were found to be mean??? LOL

> >>

> _______________________

Some famous vegeterians of the twentyth century....



Pol Pot

just a little trivia....

hey I was a vegerian too...

There is a difference between an animal rights activist and a vegeterian.



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Am I wrong about this? I know it definitely wasn't

written in today's english, and has been loosely translated from many

different scriptures. I suppose yours is the true and correct version,

as that's usually the case with those who use the Bible as the

ultimate permission for their behavior. >>



I do not know anything about popes. Sorry. I use an Interlinear Bible with

Hebrew, Greek & English. Then we have the LXX, Aramaic Targum Text, Syriac,

and Hebrew Gospel of , an ancient text, along with many other aids to

help us in research.


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From the nature of your posts, I doubt that you will do much research

on your own to discover the dangers of eating meat, which is why I

continue posting this information here. Most animal meat and

byproducts that are sold for human consumption today is from animals

that are fed animal products. That's where Mad Cow Disease comes

from, the feeding of vegetarian animals animal products from rendering

plants. I see that you didn't read the links I posted in the first

place. Maybe you don't eat that kind of meat, but 90% of american

meat eaters don't have an alternative source for meat. Pretty soon it

will be 99%. Every day there is more evidence on the dangers of eating

meat. How about today's LA Times for example:


And cooking does not prevent the rotting of the meat, or kill all the

parasites. Talk to a high school biology student for further info.

Anyway, I was talking about looking at the animal kingdom to see how

the carnivors act compared to the vegetarian animals, and then

deciding which animal you'd rather act like.

I want to say something about attitude and assimilation. I believe

that people can eat almost anything and survive as long as they

honestly believe they can. I believe there is danger in telling

someone that something is bad for them in that it can increase the

damage through the conflicting beliefs of something being both good

and bad, whichis why I keep saying that there are those who live to be

100 years old smoking cigars and eating hot dogs. But few can live

that lifestyle without genetic superiority (which they won't have for

long in their offspring with a diet like that!), so there's a paradox

to solve:does the cancer warning on a pack of cigarettes cause more

cancer than smoking? I think so...so I'm not here to say that people

shouldn'teat meat as much as I'm here to say that people should

honestly look at the big picture and listen to their bodies tell them

what works. We hear you...*smile*...and it sounds like you are working

on makingyour diet work. But will it work for everyone?

Also, how about a few references for articles that say vegetarianism

is less healthy than meat eating please. Thanks.


> Animals that eat meat are

> viscious and animals that eat vegetables are docile in most


> Meat eating humans have a higher disease rate than non-meat


> Look at the evidence and try to resist the knee-jerk reaction to

> defend your lifestyle. >>

> _____________________


> Hello,

> The animals that are docile and eat plants and stuff is exactly why


> should want to eat them. Like cows. Who wants to eat an animal

that eats

> other animals or other people?


> And it's an incorrect statement to state that meat-eaters are not



> New research comes out daily that proves this is false. Evidence


> proving that vegetarians are not as healthy. I say the key to a

healthy diet

> is moderation of anything.

> Susie

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Several Popes changed the wording of the Holy Bible to fit their

political needs. Am I wrong about this? I know it definitely wasn't

written in today's english, and has been loosely translated from many

different scriptures. I suppose yours is the true and correct version,

as that's usually the case with those who use the Bible as the

ultimate permission for their behavior.

> << Also to say that the Holy Bible " is only a book that 'purports'

to be

> the word of God edited many times to eliminate and change wordng "

> could be a stab at someones faith and could result in debate. >>

> _________________


> I agree with you. I just took it as that person hasn't studied it

and proven

> otherwise. There's lots of people like that.

> Susie

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*grin*...that sure is a silly article. I haven't eaten meat in over

30 years and have yet to be anemic or deficient in B12. (Just

letting you know I read the link!) Thanks for the article, though.

That's one for meat eating against thousands proving the dangers of

meat eating. How about some more?

> How rude we find them to be, yet we ignore the rudeness in love!


> someone

> on here said meat eaters were found to be mean??? LOL

> >>

> _______________________


> Hi, ,

> Check this out from Dr. Mercola's website. It's a pretty good

write-up about

> vegetarianism and the myths of it.


> http://www.mercola.com/2000/apr/2/vegetarian_myths.htm


> Susie

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I've seen some cows and apes be pretty mean, too...*smile*



> Meat eating

> >>

> > How rude we find them to be, yet we ignore the rudeness in love!


> >someone

> > on here said meat eaters were found to be mean??? LOL

> > >>

> > _______________________

> Some famous vegeterians of the twentyth century....

> Stalin

> Hitler

> Pol Pot

> just a little trivia....

> hey I was a vegerian too...

> There is a difference between an animal rights activist and a


> ct.


> _________________________________________________________________

> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at


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This is incorrect, sorry to say. No Pope has ever changed any wording

of Holy Scripture. In fact, according to the recent find of the dead

sea scrolls just a few decades ago, which were written in the first

century according to carbon dating, they match what we have today as

the King Version to 99% accaracy.

So, yes, you are wrong about that. Study for yourself and see.

The reason I use the Bible for my 'ultimate position of behavior' is

based on Faith instead of feeling. Some are atheiest and some have

faith. To each his own. For faiths sake there is nothing to loose.

For athiest, hope that you are right because there may be eternity to

loose. I choose faith, no brainer. :-)

Eat, drink, and be merry. We only have around 100 yrs of life with is

as fast as a breath of air. Just ask any grandpa. haha We should

enjoy what we eat but also not indulge and over eat. Moderation is

the key to every religious belief anyway. Eat meat, or not eat meat.

Enjoy, don't judge, be happy.

We are not here to talk about God, scripture, or vegitarian vs. meat

eating, but we are here because we all have a common problem of pain

caused by GB problems. We wouldn't be here if we didn't have some

malfunction of our GB or digestive system. Let's try and encourage

each other on methods of flushing and dieting whether their diet

includes meat or not.



> > << Also to say that the Holy Bible " is only a book

that 'purports'

> to be

> > the word of God edited many times to eliminate and change

wordng "

> > could be a stab at someones faith and could result in debate. >>

> > _________________

> >

> > I agree with you. I just took it as that person hasn't studied


> and proven

> > otherwise. There's lots of people like that.

> > Susie

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I just signed on here for the first time to find out some information

on gallstones. I'm not sure what you were trying to say about the

wording of the Bible, but I am a Christen and a meat eater...there

isn't anything wrong with either of them. I you are not a Christian

and are making fun of those who are, then you should rethink

yourself!!! This site is for gallstone support, not for your

personal opinions!

Sorry if sounding rude! Was offended!

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I'm not sure what you were trying to say about the

wording of the Bible, but I am a Christen and a meat eater...there

isn't anything wrong with either of them. >>



Who are you speaking to? I'm a Christian Yahwehist, a meat eater and

Scripture lover?


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OK...I guess it's time to ask the question. I'm not here because I

have a gall bladder problem. I'm here because my 19 year old daughter

who eats too much dairy and decided to start eating meat a couple

of years ago came down with a gall bladder attack. I want to ask the

group: are there any vegetarians here who have had a gall bladder

attack? I mean vegans, I guess, as dairy has been shown to be a cause

of gall bladder problems. Does any one here know of a vegan who has

had a gall bladder attack? I don't.


> We are not here to talk about God, scripture, or vegitarian vs. meat

> eating, but we are here because we all have a common problem of pain

> caused by GB problems. We wouldn't be here if we didn't have some

> malfunction of our GB or digestive system. Let's try and encourage

> each other on methods of flushing and dieting whether their diet

> includes meat or not.


> Thanks.

> Barry.






> > > << Also to say that the Holy Bible " is only a book

> that 'purports'

> > to be

> > > the word of God edited many times to eliminate and change

> wordng "

> > > could be a stab at someones faith and could result in debate.


> > > _________________

> > >

> > > I agree with you. I just took it as that person hasn't studied

> it

> > and proven

> > > otherwise. There's lots of people like that.

> > > Susie

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Maybe vegitarians have had problems but haven't found this site yet.

This site is for people to find relief from GB attacks and how to

cleanse the liver and GB instead of opting for surgery.

Are you here to find out information for your daughter or are you

only here to put people down who have GB pain and are not vegitarians?

Do you want to use this info to bash your daughter for starting to

eat meats? Why are you really here? Are you looking for relief of

some sort? Maybe you should direct your daughter here so that she can

get help instead of talking about not eating any meats. We are here

to support and help those who want it, not for those to use this as a

debate whether being a vegitarian is good, bad, sinful, etc,etc.

You say you are here because of your daughter's GB problem but then

instead of asking how to help her, you keep harping on about this

vegitarian issue. Sounds to me like you want to get more info to

support your cause and tell your daughter, 'See I told you so'.

Why would you tell us about being here because of your daughter and

then the question you ask is not for her benefit but just wether

anyone knows of any vegitarian with stones? What are you getting at


Do you want to help your daughter heal her body with cleansing or are

you only looking for support to be vegitarian?

I just don't get where you're coming from. Does anyone?


> > > > << Also to say that the Holy Bible " is only a book

> > that 'purports'

> > > to be

> > > > the word of God edited many times to eliminate and change

> > wordng "

> > > > could be a stab at someones faith and could result in


> >>

> > > > _________________

> > > >

> > > > I agree with you. I just took it as that person hasn't


> > it

> > > and proven

> > > > otherwise. There's lots of people like that.

> > > > Susie

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