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Re: Question From Newbie

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Hi , I'm new here also. I had a gallbladder

attack two weeks ago and some bad pain since. Feeling

good these past few days though. I have only been to

the emergency hospital and had an ulta sound. They

found stones. I don't know how many or the size. I

am starting an 8 day cleanse tomorrow. I've never

done one, but have a vegetarian friend helping me out.

She's done many. I am searching just as you are. I

just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I

didn't get my cleanse from the internet, but from my

friend. It's alot of info to type out. There are

many simular on the internet and I'm sure someone can

advise you better then I. Keep in touch. I'll pray

for you and you pray for me. Ok? God bless you.


--- leesina33594 <leesina33594@...> wrote:

> Hi, I am new on this list.

> I have a question that I pray someone can answer for

> me. I would like to do a cleanse, I have many gall

> stones. I had an ultra sound done and I have a

> bladder full they told me. They also said they are

> " calcfied " stones. Does this mean that they are

> caccium stones? Not cholesterol stones? If so, can

> I do the cleanse? I understand that the calcium

> stones are harder.

> Please someone help :)

> My doc wants me to have surgery and I am scared to

> death !




> P.S

> The ultra sound report was very general, no amounts

> or sizes!




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I can't answer your questions perfectly, maybe someone more

knowledgeable will, but I can encourage you to go for it, and try the

cleanse. Yes, you can do the cleanse even if your stones are

calcified. I've only read that sometimes they are harder to expel, not

because it's painful to expel them, but I don't know exactly why that

they are harder to expel. I've never heard of anyone experiencing pain

doing the liver cleanse. It's hard to trust sometimes what you read

from internet sources, but I have painlessly passed stones....so has my

daughter, my husband, and a friend of mine, as well as all those who've

posted about their experiences here (most of them still have their

gallbladders!)Keep reading and gathering all the information you can.

I've had my gallbladder removed. How I wish I had known about the

cleanse before my surgery. At least I could have had the opportunity to

see if I could have saved my gallbladder. Different sources say that

it's good to do a parasite and kidney cleanse first. Some that post

here have been successful doing the liver cleanse without doing those

cleanses first. So, that's why I say, keep reading all you can, so that

you can make the best decision for yourself.


--- leesina33594 <leesina33594@...> wrote:

> Hi, I am new on this list.

> I have a question that I pray someone can answer for me. I would like

> to do a cleanse, I have many gall stones. I had an ultra sound done

> and I have a bladder full they told me. They also said they are

> " calcfied " stones. Does this mean that they are caccium stones? Not

> cholesterol stones? If so, can I do the cleanse? I understand that

> the calcium stones are harder.

> Please someone help :)

> My doc wants me to have surgery and I am scared to death !




> P.S

> The ultra sound report was very general, no amounts or sizes!




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Hi Leesina,

You've come to the right place. Thank God you have maybe found an

alternative to removing your GB. You're GB is a vital digestive organ

that God gave you for a reason. It helps to digest fatty foods. If

you can, keep your GB. You need it.

Just about everyone has gallbladder stones. Something like 80-90% of

people over 40 have them sometime in their lives. Fortunetly only

about 2-3 % of these people ever have a pain problem with them. Most

stones normally pass out of your common duct anyway. When your liver

and GB operate sluggishly because of bad dieting and many years of

putting toxins and bad foods into your system, the gallstones that

have traveled down from your liver into your GB collect there and

even get bigger. Once they calsify there it is more difficult to pass

back out of the GB because the duct is only around 2mm in size. You

may have a GB full of stones and never feel pain as long as the bile

can still travel out of the GB to assist in digesting fatty foods.

A lot of people live their entire lives and die with a GB full of

stones and never even know it.

Now, once you have problems, GB attacks, pain, you need to do

something about it. This pain is your body warning you to do

something about it. First you need to change your diet and get on the

road to repairing the function of your liver and GB. This will also

minimize your pain but you also need to flush your system and remove

all those stones in your liver and GB.

Doctors will suggest just removing the GB but this could result in

problems in your digestion system later. Food is much more dificult

to digest without a GB. Also, more stones could still be made in your

liver and get stuck in a duct causing you the same type of feeling of

pain anyway.

You have a few choices if you really have pain and want to stop it.

First of all, your diet must change. I can't stress this enough. That

is the main reason you have developed this problem anyway. Stay away

from whole milks, dairy products, grease, oily, fried, cheeses, etc.

Find out the proper foods to eat. Fruits, veggies, etc, etc. You

don't have to be a vegitarian or anything but you need to watch the

fats going in more carefully.

Now about the stones. You can either remove your GB or you can try

and clean it up. There are certain herbs, like Gold coin grass,

Chanca piedra, etc. that can help break down those stones. Good

dieting will also help tremendously over time.

Some medications will also do it but it could take up to a year and

the medicine is very expensive and usually only work on cholesterol


Cleansing your stones out seems to be the best option. This is a way

for you to clean your liver and GB and keep your organ. I would try

flushing first before I went in and had my GB removed.

The best flush I have found is the Dr. Hulga liver/gallbladder

cleanse. I have done it twice, 2 weeks apart, and will continue maybe

5 to 10 times until the stones are clear of my liver and GB. Then I

will do maintenance flushes maybe twice a year. The method is

painless and you will be amazed at the hundreds of stones and toxins

that come out of your body. It really is a safe and wonderful way to

naturally clean up your body.

Read the messages on this site and look up the links to the flushes.

Choose the one that you feel will work good for you. Try different

ones if you want to. What could it hurt? Nothing. If anything, you

will save yourself an operation and an organ. If it doesn't work and

the pain persists unbearably, you can always take your GB out later.

I have a 1cm calcified stone in my GB showing up on ultrasound. I

also had pain twice a week in the middle of the night. I have done 2

flushes using Dr. Hulgas method and of course have changed my diet.

I have eliminated over 100 stones and a lot of sludge and gunk in my

liver, ducts, and intestines. I haven't had pain since. I will

continue as long as it's working.

Someone on here told me that maybe even my GB stone wasn't the 'pain

stone' in my body and maybe the pain was caused by a bunch of sludge

in my GB and ducts. Just clearing the gunk out can stop the pain from

coming. My stones may not even be the real problem of the pain.

Cleaning out my body has been one of the best things I could have

done for it.

It's not a one time thing. You need to maintain and eat properly as

well. You need to do several flushes because stones in the back of

your GB move forward with each flush. You need to do whatever it

takes to stop the pain and clean your body.

Chholesterol stone are much easier to pass and become soft easily

with this flush method. These stones normal pass out of your body

anyway. The harder calcified stones are much harder to pass out of

your GB. Many people have cleared them out of their GB on the first

flush while others have to diet and work harder on breaking them down

and eliminating them. Every persons body is in a different state of

malfunction. I still have the 1cm stone in my GB but it isn't causing

pain. I am working on breaking it down so that it can pass with one

of the flushes. How do I know it's still there? I did another

ultrasound and it still shows up. The sludge and other stones may

have been causing the major pain but I still won't feel totally happy

until that 1cm stone is out of my GB. I will diet and flush until it

is out. After my first two flushes, I know it will come out

eventually over time and I have already forgotten operation as an

alternative. That is how sure I am that I am doing the right thing

with these flushes and am determined to keep my organ.

The flush is painless and the results are amazing. It will be

somewhat discomforting but nothing that would make you feel sick as

long as you follow the fasting preparation before the flush.

Good luck. I hope I have encouraged you in some way. I'm sure others

on here will welcome you and encourage you as well.

God Bless.


> Hi, I am new on this list.

> I have a question that I pray someone can answer for me. I would

like to do a cleanse, I have many gall stones. I had an ultra sound

done and I have a bladder full they told me. They also said they

are " calcfied " stones. Does this mean that they are caccium stones?

Not cholesterol stones? If so, can I do the cleanse? I understand

that the calcium stones are harder.

> Please someone help :)

> My doc wants me to have surgery and I am scared to death !




> P.S

> The ultra sound report was very general, no amounts or sizes!

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http://www.curezone.com/ is the place to learn. I'm sure others on the list will

answer this too, but I did my first flush, and it DOES work, be encouraged.

Personally, I wouldn't have surgery. I believe all the stones are cholesterol,

the calcified ones only are older and harder. Don't think they are calcium, that

just refers to hardness. God Bless,

" People are like stain glass windows; they sparkle and shine when the sun is

out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there

is alight within. " -Kubler Ross

" Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that

followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. "

Holy Bible


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