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Re: Re: wol

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I don't feel anyone (and I have read all the posts from the other groups she

submitted these concerns to) was slamming her........to me, she was getting

hysterical thru the course of the day yesterday, she needed some hard

core........settle down talk.......the way she is handling this wol, without

the information she needs was becoming dangerous to her, mentally and

physically.......that is why everyone on the lists she posted to, told her

two things.......you are not eating enough (which we couldn't seem to make

her understand, there is no excuse, you can't " not have time " , you have to

eat, or get sick as she was doing)......and to read the book!!!......I

finally......and I don't know if it was posted to this group or one of the

others, told her she needed to stop this wol......now.......she was hurting

herself the way she was continuing.......i think that calmed her down enough

to think, and by last night, she seemed to understand more, and be more

reasonable........Annie.....who spent the better part of yesterday writing

to Sherry from several groups.......

>I did not get the impression that anyone was " slamming " Sherri. I think


>was just saying what they think and feel and that is the way it should be.



>I think before we slam Sherry to much we have to tolerate that this WOE/WOL

>is far removed from the normal expected food pyramid and it does take time

>to adjust. Gee in no time at all I bet we see posts from her to the other

>newbies saying just this.



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