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Questions long and lots of venting

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Hi guys I have not posted in a while I have been feeling really good up

till the last few days. I was even starting to doubt myself and saying

maybe I am making this up. Well it has struck again. That and this

quack of a Neuro down here is really makin gme mad!!! Thank goodness

it is anly 21 day till I see Frim and counting. Days can't pass fast

enough. Anyway I have been experiacing some new things and I am

concered . Ask the doctor about it and he just told me to double up on

my Vicoden. Basicly got the whole shut up your bothering me attitude

from him. Okay here is the problems and I am wanting any insight that

anyone might have. Frist off the Vision has gone to H E double hockey

sticks in a hand basket I am loosing balance and and tipping over all

the time THANK GOD FOR WALLS if it wern't for them I would have fallen

many times the last few day. My legs just gave out on me yesterday

when walking to my car I fell and got bloody and bruised all over my

legs. Does that ever happen to anyone. It was not like it was just a

knee or ankle gave out it felt like for a Min. I had no legs that they

were gone no feeling in them but then it went away. I am soooo Scared

about what is going on with me I don't understand this new stuff

happening I was just getting the regular symptoms under control and

excepting that this is part of me and I can deal with it. Now this my

arms, wrists, and hips hurt sssoooo bad and this warm burning sensation

in my neack has not gone away. Headache are back on in FULL forces and

I can barly see the my hands and keyboard in front of me.I am have this

undiscribable stabbing pain in both wrists and I don't want to see

another doctor he will more than likly write it up as something I am

imagining or even better yet say I have carple tunnel and want to drug

me some more. I am on neurotin (not helping now) imitrex and vicoden

all of wich make me VERY sleepy so they are of no use to me they knock

me out cold so can't take them during the day and when I do take them

they do NOTHING for the pain they just put me to sleep. I am guessing

that is what the Doctor wanted so I would sleeo all the time instead of

bother him in the middle og his $%($%^(*$ & *$(*balnkity blankity golf

game!!!!!!!! I hurt from head to toe and I am sure the fall yester day

did not help with that but the pain just keeps getting stronger and

stronger. It will do this and get to the point of down right

unbearable then go away for a few days and then it starts all over

again. Does this happen with anyone of you guys????? HELP me I am at

my wits end!!!!!!!!!

Still giving hugs from Texas,


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