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Re: Kendra...cleansing

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Yes, I think you should start detoxing your liver now. If your liver isn't

functioning properly, all of the toxins in your body are going to circulate

in your body rather than be eliminated. By drinking lots of water, taking

detox supplements, sweating, etc., you enable your body to rid itself of

toxins. The more of these things you can do, the easier time your body will

have detoxing itself. Because the capsules are in your body, your body is

being overwhelmed with toxins and it is unable to deal with additional

toxins it encounters. The load of toxicity you carry is too great for your

body to deal with. This is why supplementation especially geared toward

detoxification is necessary.

As an example, when I had fibro, I was very ill. I took anti-inflammatories,

anti-depressants for sleep, pain killers for pain, and muscle relaxers just

to cope. I also received countless Kenalog trigger point injections.

Because fibro is generally a toxic condition, the prescription drugs I was

taking were actually contributing to my sickness. I decided that I needed

to clean up my diet and eliminate all prescription and non-prescription

drugs. Just making these two changes helped me to feel better in time, but

not well. The addition of liver detox supplements greatly improved my

health and cured me of fibromyalgia.

Another topic that is rarely mentioned here is defecating. If you don't

poop regularly, toxins are sitting in your body putrefying. A disgusting

thought I learned in school is that the same blood that is circulating

around waste in your body also circulates in your brain! What a nasty

thought that is! A good reason to keep the bowels moving!


> Kendra,


> I am just trying to comprehend what part inside of our bodies is damaged

> The implants have left me sort of crippled and dressing myself is a challenge


> I want to try and cleanse my organs and just maybe I will be able to walk

> normally again

> That crawly feeling in my knees always had me wondering if it was live

> parasites...Gross


> The doctors thought I had water of the knees

> Immediately after explant the crawly feeling dissipated


> My body is still remains very swollen from six years ago

> When I made that fatal decision to get saline implants


> But we should start at the liver first ?

> I still have those capsule inside of me


> I am presently consulting with my ps

> in complete removal of the capsules


> Thank you for your input,

> Sandy~




> Hi Sandy,


> You can buy AdvaClear from myhealthfirst.com. AdvaClear is a good liver

> detoxifier and is what I started with originally. NAC is N-Acetyl Cysteine.


> I don't know how Apple Cider Vinegar helps but have heard that it does.

> Grapefruit seed extract is a good natural antibiotic but I am unaware of

> it's detoxification properties.


> Kenda

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It's true Kenda--regular elimination is a must! I guess I try to mention it in terms of enemas, but I know that term turns alot of people off. But enemas are a must if you are not able to eliminate properly. My husband was constipated for years and thought it was just normal. He would go days and days without eliminating. Then I put him on psyllium husks for fiber, thinking that would help. Nope. Just made things all clogged up! For some reason, extra fiber did nothing for him. Finally, he got on coffee enemas. I have not been able to get him off them since! He feels soooooo much better now that he goes regularly. In fact, he used to think that the way he felt was normal. Now that he REALLY knows how you are supposed to feel with good elimination, it drives him crazy when he can't go, and he's right on it. He can't believe he went so many years feeling plugged up. For those with bloat and other feelings of fullness and perhaps a big stomach, you may want to consider giving enemas a try. There are different kinds...you can do a water enema, a lemon juice enema, a coffee enema, and more. If you don't want to do them at home, go to a colon therapy clinic and have a colonic done. You may just find that you feel incredible once you get your bowels moving. If you have thyroid issues, constipation is one of the symptoms. So many of us have thyroid issues. Don't neglect going to the bathroom and having a movement. It should happen at least once a day, but preferably three or as many times as you eat. If it's not, then you need to do something! Thanks for the great topic, Kenda, as strange as it is! But you are just so right. PattyKenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote: Sandy,Yes, I think you should start detoxing your liver now. If your liver isn'tfunctioning properly, all of the toxins in your body are going to circulatein your body rather than be eliminated. By drinking lots of water, takingdetox supplements, sweating, etc., you enable your body to rid itself oftoxins. The more of these things you can do, the easier time your body willhave detoxing itself. Because the capsules are in your body, your body isbeing overwhelmed with toxins and it is unable to deal with additionaltoxins

it encounters. The load of toxicity you carry is too great for yourbody to deal with. This is why supplementation especially geared towarddetoxification is necessary.As an example, when I had fibro, I was very ill. I took anti-inflammatories,anti-depressants for sleep, pain killers for pain, and muscle relaxers justto cope. I also received countless Kenalog trigger point injections.Because fibro is generally a toxic condition, the prescription drugs I wastaking were actually contributing to my sickness. I decided that I neededto clean up my diet and eliminate all prescription and non-prescriptiondrugs. Just making these two changes helped me to feel better in time, butnot well. The addition of liver detox supplements greatly improved myhealth and cured me of fibromyalgia.Another topic that is rarely mentioned here is defecating. If you don'tpoop regularly, toxins are sitting in your body putrefying. A

disgustingthought I learned in school is that the same blood that is circulatingaround waste in your body also circulates in your brain! What a nastythought that is! A good reason to keep the bowels moving!Kenda> Kendra,> > I am just trying to comprehend what part inside of our bodies is damaged> The implants have left me sort of crippled and dressing myself is a challenge> > I want to try and cleanse my organs and just maybe I will be able to walk> normally again> That crawly feeling in my knees always had me wondering if it was live> parasites...Gross> > The doctors thought I had water of the knees> Immediately after explant the crawly feeling dissipated> > My body is still remains very swollen from six years ago> When I made that fatal decision to get saline implants> > But we should start at the liver first ?> I

still have those capsule inside of me> > I am presently consulting with my ps> in complete removal of the capsules> > Thank you for your input,> Sandy~> > > > Hi Sandy,> > You can buy AdvaClear from myhealthfirst.com. AdvaClear is a good liver> detoxifier and is what I started with originally. NAC is N-Acetyl Cysteine.> > I don't know how Apple Cider Vinegar helps but have heard that it does.> Grapefruit seed extract is a good natural antibiotic but I am unaware of> it's detoxification properties.> > Kenda

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I know a lot of folks won't do enemas so another alternative is to eat a few

tablespoons of raw oats per day. A homeopath I treated with years ago told

me of this trick because I was constipated all the time. It worked well for

me and my mother. I just ate the oats with some nuts each morning with

breakfast. I now use fiber powder in my smoothies each morning instead. Be

sure to drink plenty of water though because increased fiber can cause

constipation if enough water isn't consumed.

I'm with your husband, I can't stand for things not to be moving. YUCK!


> It's true Kenda--regular elimination is a must! I guess I try to mention it

> in terms of enemas, but I know that term turns alot of people off. But enemas

> are a must if you are not able to eliminate properly. My husband was

> constipated for years and thought it was just normal. He would go days and

> days without eliminating. Then I put him on psyllium husks for fiber,

> thinking that would help. Nope. Just made things all clogged up! For some

> reason, extra fiber did nothing for him.


> Finally, he got on coffee enemas. I have not been able to get him off them

> since! He feels soooooo much better now that he goes regularly. In fact, he

> used to think that the way he felt was normal. Now that he REALLY knows how

> you are supposed to feel with good elimination, it drives him crazy when he

> can't go, and he's right on it. He can't believe he went so many years

> feeling plugged up.


> For those with bloat and other feelings of fullness and perhaps a big

> stomach, you may want to consider giving enemas a try. There are different

> kinds...you can do a water enema, a lemon juice enema, a coffee enema, and

> more. If you don't want to do them at home, go to a colon therapy clinic and

> have a colonic done. You may just find that you feel incredible once you get

> your bowels moving.


> If you have thyroid issues, constipation is one of the symptoms. So many of

> us have thyroid issues. Don't neglect going to the bathroom and having a

> movement. It should happen at least once a day, but preferably three or as

> many times as you eat.

> If it's not, then you need to do something!

> Thanks for the great topic, Kenda, as strange as it is! But you are just so

> right.

> Patty


> Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote:

> Sandy,


> Yes, I think you should start detoxing your liver now. If your liver isn't

> functioning properly, all of the toxins in your body are going to circulate

> in your body rather than be eliminated. By drinking lots of water, taking

> detox supplements, sweating, etc., you enable your body to rid itself of

> toxins. The more of these things you can do, the easier time your body will

> have detoxing itself. Because the capsules are in your body, your body is

> being overwhelmed with toxins and it is unable to deal with additional

> toxins it encounters. The load of toxicity you carry is too great for your

> body to deal with. This is why supplementation especially geared toward

> detoxification is necessary.


> As an example, when I had fibro, I was very ill. I took anti-inflammatories,

> anti-depressants for sleep, pain killers for pain, and muscle relaxers just

> to cope. I also received countless Kenalog trigger point injections.

> Because fibro is generally a toxic condition, the prescription drugs I was

> taking were actually contributing to my sickness. I decided that I needed

> to clean up my diet and eliminate all prescription and non-prescription

> drugs. Just making these two changes helped me to feel better in time, but

> not well. The addition of liver detox supplements greatly improved my

> health and cured me of fibromyalgia.


> Another topic that is rarely mentioned here is defecating. If you don't

> poop regularly, toxins are sitting in your body putrefying. A disgusting

> thought I learned in school is that the same blood that is circulating

> around waste in your body also circulates in your brain! What a nasty

> thought that is! A good reason to keep the bowels moving!


> Kenda


>> Kendra,


>> I am just trying to comprehend what part inside of our bodies is damaged

>> The implants have left me sort of crippled and dressing myself is a challenge


>> I want to try and cleanse my organs and just maybe I will be able to walk

>> normally again

>> That crawly feeling in my knees always had me wondering if it was live

>> parasites...Gross


>> The doctors thought I had water of the knees

>> Immediately after explant the crawly feeling dissipated


>> My body is still remains very swollen from six years ago

>> When I made that fatal decision to get saline implants


>> But we should start at the liver first ?

>> I still have those capsule inside of me


>> I am presently consulting with my ps

>> in complete removal of the capsules


>> Thank you for your input,

>> Sandy~




>> Hi Sandy,


>> You can buy AdvaClear from myhealthfirst.com. AdvaClear is a good liver

>> detoxifier and is what I started with originally. NAC is N-Acetyl Cysteine.


>> I don't know how Apple Cider Vinegar helps but have heard that it does.

>> Grapefruit seed extract is a good natural antibiotic but I am unaware of

>> it's detoxification properties.


>> Kenda







> ---------------------------------

> Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates

> starting at 1¢/min.

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I have a question about cleanses....do you think that a two week cleanse with liver support could mess up your blood work? I just finished a cleanse...and my CBC came back really really strange.

Does anyone know how cleansing affects our blood?

, married to DH MarkMomma to four girly girls~ 16 Kaitlyn 13 Bethany 10 Kylie 2and three awesome boys~Branden 20 Justen 18 and Ethan 2


Re: Kendra...cleansing

It's true Kenda--regular elimination is a must! I guess I try to mention it in terms of enemas, but I know that term turns alot of people off. But enemas are a must if you are not able to eliminate properly. My husband was constipated for years and thought it was just normal. He would go days and days without eliminating. Then I put him on psyllium husks for fiber, thinking that would help. Nope. Just made things all clogged up! For some reason, extra fiber did nothing for him.

Finally, he got on coffee enemas. I have not been able to get him off them since! He feels soooooo much better now that he goes regularly. In fact, he used to think that the way he felt was normal. Now that he REALLY knows how you are supposed to feel with good elimination, it drives him crazy when he can't go, and he's right on it. He can't believe he went so many years feeling plugged up.

For those with bloat and other feelings of fullness and perhaps a big stomach, you may want to consider giving enemas a try. There are different kinds...you can do a water enema, a lemon juice enema, a coffee enema, and more. If you don't want to do them at home, go to a colon therapy clinic and have a colonic done. You may just find that you feel incredible once you get your bowels moving.

If you have thyroid issues, constipation is one of the symptoms. So many of us have thyroid issues. Don't neglect going to the bathroom and having a movement. It should happen at least once a day, but preferably three or as many times as you eat.

If it's not, then you need to do something!

Thanks for the great topic, Kenda, as strange as it is! But you are just so right.

PattyKenda Skaggs <skaggscountycable> wrote:

Sandy,Yes, I think you should start detoxing your liver now. If your liver isn'tfunctioning properly, all of the toxins in your body are going to circulatein your body rather than be eliminated. By drinking lots of water, takingdetox supplements, sweating, etc., you enable your body to rid itself oftoxins. The more of these things you can do, the easier time your body willhave detoxing itself. Because the capsules are in your body, your body isbeing overwhelmed with toxins and it is unable to deal with additionaltoxins it encounters. The load of toxicity you carry is too great for yourbody to deal with. This is why supplementation especially geared towarddetoxification is necessary.As an example, when I had fibro, I was very ill. I took anti-inflammatories,anti-depressants for sleep, pain killers for pain, and muscle relaxers justto cope. I also received countless Kenalog trigger point injections.Because fibro is generally a toxic condition, the prescription drugs I wastaking were actually contributing to my sickness. I decided that I neededto clean up my diet and eliminate all prescription and non-prescriptiondrugs. Just making these two changes helped me to feel better in time, butnot well. The addition of liver detox supplements greatly improved myhealth and cured me of fibromyalgia.Another topic that is rarely mentioned here is defecating. If you don'tpoop regularly, toxins are sitting in your body putrefying. A disgustingthought I learned in school is that the same blood that is circulatingaround waste in your body also circulates in your brain! What a nastythought that is! A good reason to keep the bowels moving!Kenda> Kendra,> > I am just trying to comprehend what part inside of our bodies is damaged> The implants have left me sort of crippled and dressing myself is a challenge> > I want to try and cleanse my organs and just maybe I will be able to walk> normally again> That crawly feeling in my knees always had me wondering if it was live> parasites...Gross> > The doctors thought I had water of the knees> Immediately after explant the crawly feeling dissipated> > My body is still remains very swollen from six years ago> When I made that fatal decision to get saline implants> > But we should start at the liver first ?> I still have those capsule inside of me> > I am presently consulting with my ps> in complete removal of the capsules> > Thank you for your input,> Sandy~> > > > Hi Sandy,> > You can buy AdvaClear from myhealthfirst.com. AdvaClear is a good liver> detoxifier and is what I started with originally. NAC is N-Acetyl Cysteine.> > I don't know how Apple Cider Vinegar helps but have heard that it does.> Grapefruit seed extract is a good natural antibiotic but I am unaware of> it's detoxification properties.> > Kenda

Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

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Positively. Cleanses pull things out of our bodies, even desirable things.

My hormones were totally screwy after a cleanse.


> I have a question about cleanses....do you think that a two week cleanse with

> liver support could mess up your blood work? I just finished a cleanse...and

> my CBC came back really really strange.

> Does anyone know how cleansing affects our blood?

> , married to DH Mark

> Momma to four girly girls~

> 16 Kaitlyn 13 Bethany 10 Kylie 2

> and three awesome boys~

> Branden 20 Justen 18 and Ethan 2




> Re: Kendra...cleansing




> It's true Kenda--regular elimination is a must! I guess I try to mention it

> in terms of enemas, but I know that term turns alot of people off. But enemas

> are a must if you are not able to eliminate properly. My husband was

> constipated for years and thought it was just normal. He would go days and

> days without eliminating. Then I put him on psyllium husks for fiber,

> thinking that would help. Nope. Just made things all clogged up! For some

> reason, extra fiber did nothing for him.


> Finally, he got on coffee enemas. I have not been able to get him off them

> since! He feels soooooo much better now that he goes regularly. In fact, he

> used to think that the way he felt was normal. Now that he REALLY knows how

> you are supposed to feel with good elimination, it drives him crazy when he

> can't go, and he's right on it. He can't believe he went so many years

> feeling plugged up.


> For those with bloat and other feelings of fullness and perhaps a big

> stomach, you may want to consider giving enemas a try. There are different

> kinds...you can do a water enema, a lemon juice enema, a coffee enema, and

> more. If you don't want to do them at home, go to a colon therapy clinic and

> have a colonic done. You may just find that you feel incredible once you get

> your bowels moving.


> If you have thyroid issues, constipation is one of the symptoms. So many of

> us have thyroid issues. Don't neglect going to the bathroom and having a

> movement. It should happen at least once a day, but preferably three or as

> many times as you eat.

> If it's not, then you need to do something!

> Thanks for the great topic, Kenda, as strange as it is! But you are just so

> right.

> Patty


> Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote:

> Sandy,


> Yes, I think you should start detoxing your liver now. If your liver isn't

> functioning properly, all of the toxins in your body are going to

> circulate

> in your body rather than be eliminated. By drinking lots of water, taking

> detox supplements, sweating, etc., you enable your body to rid itself of

> toxins. The more of these things you can do, the easier time your body

> will

> have detoxing itself. Because the capsules are in your body, your body is

> being overwhelmed with toxins and it is unable to deal with additional

> toxins it encounters. The load of toxicity you carry is too great for your

> body to deal with. This is why supplementation especially geared toward

> detoxification is necessary.


> As an example, when I had fibro, I was very ill. I took

> anti-inflammatories,

> anti-depressants for sleep, pain killers for pain, and muscle relaxers

> just

> to cope. I also received countless Kenalog trigger point injections.

> Because fibro is generally a toxic condition, the prescription drugs I was

> taking were actually contributing to my sickness. I decided that I needed

> to clean up my diet and eliminate all prescription and non-prescription

> drugs. Just making these two changes helped me to feel better in time, but

> not well. The addition of liver detox supplements greatly improved my

> health and cured me of fibromyalgia.


> Another topic that is rarely mentioned here is defecating. If you don't

> poop regularly, toxins are sitting in your body putrefying. A disgusting

> thought I learned in school is that the same blood that is circulating

> around waste in your body also circulates in your brain! What a nasty

> thought that is! A good reason to keep the bowels moving!


> Kenda


>> Kendra,


>> I am just trying to comprehend what part inside of our bodies is damaged

>> The implants have left me sort of crippled and dressing myself is a challenge


>> I want to try and cleanse my organs and just maybe I will be able to walk

>> normally again

>> That crawly feeling in my knees always had me wondering if it was live

>> parasites...Gross


>> The doctors thought I had water of the knees

>> Immediately after explant the crawly feeling dissipated


>> My body is still remains very swollen from six years ago

>> When I made that fatal decision to get saline implants


>> But we should start at the liver first ?

>> I still have those capsule inside of me


>> I am presently consulting with my ps

>> in complete removal of the capsules


>> Thank you for your input,

>> Sandy~




>> Hi Sandy,


>> You can buy AdvaClear from myhealthfirst.com. AdvaClear is a good liver

>> detoxifier and is what I started with originally. NAC is N-Acetyl Cysteine.


>> I don't know how Apple Cider Vinegar helps but have heard that it does.

>> Grapefruit seed extract is a good natural antibiotic but I am unaware of

>> it's detoxification properties.


>> Kenda







> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates

> starting at 1¢/min.



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I think cleanses do affect our blood. My husband was doing coffee enemas, and then took a blood test for a life insurance policy. We were shocked when they said there were issues with his liver enzymes! You might want to do some internet research about this subject. I spent some time researching it back when he had those test results, but that was a couple years ago. It wasn't anything to worry about, but I would suggest not having any blood work done while you are on a cleanse or right afterward. Patty"jdebolt@..." <jdebolt@...> wrote: I have a question about cleanses....do you think that a two week cleanse with liver support could mess up your blood work? I just finished a cleanse...and my CBC came back really really strange. Does anyone know how cleansing affects our blood? , married to DH MarkMomma to four girly girls~ 16 Kaitlyn 13 Bethany 10 Kylie 2and three awesome boys~Branden 20 Justen 18 and Ethan 2 STOP TELLING GOD HOW BIG YOUR STORM IS.INSTEAD, TELL THE STORM HOW BIG YOUR GOD IS. Re: Kendra...cleansing It's true Kenda--regular elimination is a must! I guess I try to mention it in terms of enemas, but I know that term turns alot of people off. But enemas are a must if you are not able to eliminate properly. My husband was constipated for years and thought it was just normal. He would go days and days without eliminating. Then I put him on psyllium husks for fiber, thinking that would help. Nope. Just made things all clogged up! For some reason, extra

fiber did nothing for him. Finally, he got on coffee enemas. I have not been able to get him off them since! He feels soooooo much better now that he goes regularly. In fact, he used to think that the way he felt was normal. Now that he REALLY knows how you are supposed to feel with good elimination, it drives him crazy when he can't go, and he's right on it. He can't believe he went so many years feeling plugged up. For those with bloat and other feelings of fullness and perhaps a big stomach, you may want to consider giving enemas a try. There are different kinds...you can do a water enema, a lemon juice enema, a coffee enema, and more. If you don't want to do them at home, go to a colon therapy clinic and have a colonic done. You may just find that you feel incredible once you get your bowels moving. If you have thyroid

issues, constipation is one of the symptoms. So many of us have thyroid issues. Don't neglect going to the bathroom and having a movement. It should happen at least once a day, but preferably three or as many times as you eat. If it's not, then you need to do something! Thanks for the great topic, Kenda, as strange as it is! But you are just so right. PattyKenda Skaggs <skaggscountycable> wrote: Sandy,Yes, I think you should start detoxing your liver now. If your liver isn'tfunctioning properly, all of the toxins in your body are going to circulatein your body rather than be eliminated. By drinking lots of water, takingdetox supplements, sweating, etc., you enable your body to rid itself oftoxins. The more of these things you can do, the

easier time your body willhave detoxing itself. Because the capsules are in your body, your body isbeing overwhelmed with toxins and it is unable to deal with additionaltoxins it encounters. The load of toxicity you carry is too great for yourbody to deal with. This is why supplementation especially geared towarddetoxification is necessary.As an example, when I had fibro, I was very ill. I took anti-inflammatories,anti-depressants for sleep, pain killers for pain, and muscle relaxers justto cope. I also received countless Kenalog trigger point injections.Because fibro is generally a toxic condition, the prescription drugs I wastaking were actually contributing to my sickness. I decided that I neededto clean up my diet and eliminate all prescription and non-prescriptiondrugs. Just making these two changes helped me to feel better in time, butnot well. The addition of liver detox supplements greatly improved

myhealth and cured me of fibromyalgia.Another topic that is rarely mentioned here is defecating. If you don'tpoop regularly, toxins are sitting in your body putrefying. A disgustingthought I learned in school is that the same blood that is circulatingaround waste in your body also circulates in your brain! What a nastythought that is! A good reason to keep the bowels moving!Kenda> Kendra,> > I am just trying to comprehend what part inside of our bodies is damaged> The implants have left me sort of crippled and dressing myself is a challenge> > I want to try and cleanse my organs and just maybe I will be able to walk> normally again> That crawly feeling in my knees always had me wondering if it was live> parasites...Gross> > The doctors thought I had water of the knees> Immediately after explant the crawly feeling dissipated> > My

body is still remains very swollen from six years ago> When I made that fatal decision to get saline implants> > But we should start at the liver first ?> I still have those capsule inside of me> > I am presently consulting with my ps> in complete removal of the capsules> > Thank you for your input,> Sandy~> > > > Hi Sandy,> > You can buy AdvaClear from myhealthfirst.com. AdvaClear is a good liver> detoxifier and is what I started with originally. NAC is N-Acetyl Cysteine.> > I don't know how Apple Cider Vinegar helps but have heard that it does.> Grapefruit seed extract is a good natural antibiotic but I am unaware of> it's detoxification properties.> > Kenda Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

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