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explantation - i look weird

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Hey everyone:

i was wondering of all the women that had an explantation, did your

breasts look weird for awhile afterwords? my doctor (by the way - i

got insurance to pay for it... kaiser, for anyone that is looking into

it - it only cost me $100) said that he stitched them on the inside

with dissolvable stiches in order to make them both level (one of my

breasts hung lower then the other). now, they look like the scary

pictures on the internet - they have not dropped, they are dimpled at

the bottom. well, the doctor said this is normal and they should drop

in a month, but i was just wondering if anyone had the same result for

a bit, but they ended up looking better. i looked at all the pictures

and everyone looks great - i want to get there. i had them for 7 years

and i was barely an A before the surgery - just to give some

background. also, i am still very happy i did this, but i just want to

get back to normal. i just need to know that someone else went through

this too.



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Welcome to ! . . .

How long has it been since your explant . . . It usually takes several months, at least, before your body "fluff" enough so you look normal . . Think of what happens to a pillow you've been sitting on after you get off of it.


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what doctor did you use ? And why did you have removed...what were your symptoms ? Where did you post pictures ? I'm getting explanted 9/7/06 Dr Kolb...

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YES yes yes

Please do not be too alarmed... I looked really weird for a while after explant....concave almost and dimpled... then I fluffed out and look normal now. It takes a few weeks - be patient - I know it is hard.... I can't remember exactly how long mine took but it was a good few weeks....all that tissue has been smooshed and misplaced by those implants for a while.... it takes a while for it to go back into place where it belongs....stuff needs to move around and heal - etc... give it a little time - you won't look weird once you "fluff" - a lot of girls use that term here but it really is the best way to describe it.... I was freaked out too... now I am very happy w/ the way i look...

i hope this helps!!


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2 years...wow...maybe you'll have to have some type of surgery to FIX the problem, I would think 2 years you would look about like you were going too,but then again I don't know...did you go to a surgeron that has done a lot of explants ? karen

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While this "fluffing" may happen to some extent, I am left with one small breast and one large one after explant, both with dents and grooves. I feel totally deformed. While I am glad the implants are gone, I am not happy with the results at all. My implants were in for about 10 years or more and had calcified, so removal was very difficult. The surgeon seems to have taken chunks of my breast tissue out as well hence the "dents". I am not aware of anything that can correct this problem to make me more "normal" but if anyone has any ideas please let me know. I am now 2 years after explant. Fluffing .. yeah right. Grrrrrr.

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Sally, I wish you had found this group before selecting a surgeon . . . I'm not sure what can be done - If you have enough tissue to work with, one of our recommended doctors MIGHT be able to help. A lot of women opt to get a mastopexy (lift) when they get their explant. . . I don't know if a mastopexy would work for you at this point though. Do you know for sure the doctor removed the capsules? . . . Have you seen your post-op report? Regardless, your health is ever so much more important than the shape or size of your breasts. I'm sure that all those who love you would agree! There are so many neat bras that can make you look however you'd like. The ladies here can give you more info on them. Hugs, Rogene

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Hi Sally,

I know how you feel................My breasts too are badly shaped and very, very small, my left is probably just an A and my right must be an AA. I had a lift and obviously look better than I would have without one, however, the breast below the nipple is non existent and kind of draws in at the middle where the skin has been drawn together and stitched. What made it worse for me was that the surgeon took photos before and when I went to see him 2 months post op, he had the camera ready, obviously for the "After" photos, then examined me.....................then put the camera back in his drawer!!! It made me feel bad, but then its his work huh. I now do not think he has done many explants but he was my only option on this small island where I live.

I suppose the fluffing depends on how much tissue you have left and my surgeon did say that I hadn't any so I guess I have to live with it.

No-one would know when they see me. I bought some lovely padded bras in a 34A and it suits my size, better than with those horrible implants!!! I just get a little dis-heartened when I get ready to shower, but then its only me who see's me now so I am getting used to it.

I do know one thing..............when I was about 16 years old I was very underweight and so did not get my periods and had no bust, but having gone on the pill, I filled out very much and too my surprise, sprouted a good sized bust. When I lost weight, my bust lost it first. I have always struggled to maintain a good weight but if I do manage to put some weight on, it does help my bust fill out.

Perhaps I should eat more and see if that works!!!! Lol

I am sorry I cannot offer some advice on how to correct things but just to let you know that you are not on your own. I think if I was told further surgery could help, I would run a mile. Do I want another knife near my boobs? Not a chance!!!!

I could post you a photo if you want to compare . I have only seen pictures of good results which make mine seem really bad but I am sure this is not the case and sometimes, knowing we are not alone helps overcome this....................just my point of view.

My Sister has bought me some chewing gum from Japan which claims to increase your cup size naturally..............will let you know if it works.


-- Re: explantation - i look weird

While this "fluffing" may happen to some extent, I am left with one small breast and one large one after explant, both with dents and grooves. I feel totally deformed. While I am glad the implants are gone, I am not happy with the results at all. My implants were in for about 10 years or more and had calcified, so removal was very difficult. The surgeon seems to have taken chunks of my breast tissue out as well hence the "dents". I am not aware of anything that can correct this problem to make me more "normal" but if anyone has any ideas please let me know. I am now 2 years after explant. Fluffing .. yeah right. Grrrrrr.

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Hello Rogene:

it has only been 2 weeks... so i might be overreacting too quickly.

what do you think? should i give it more time. my doctors say give

it a couple months as well.

thanks for all the helpful words!



> ,


> Welcome to ! . . .


> How long has it been since your explant . . . It usually takes

several months, at least, before your body " fluff " enough so you

look normal . . Think of what happens to a pillow you've been

sitting on after you get off of it.


> Rogene


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thank you so much! i needed to hear that. others have told me to

give it more time as well, and i guess i just needed someone other

than a doctor (someone who has actually been through it) to tell me

as well.




> YES yes yes


> Please do not be too alarmed... I looked really weird for a while


> explant....concave almost and dimpled... then I fluffed out and

look normal now.

> It takes a few weeks - be patient - I know it is hard.... I can't


> exactly how long mine took but it was a good few weeks....all

that tissue has

> been smooshed and misplaced by those implants for a while.... it

takes a

> while for it to go back into place where it belongs....stuff needs

to move around

> and heal - etc... give it a little time - you won't look weird

once you

> " fluff " - a lot of girls use that term here but it really is the

best way to

> describe it.... I was freaked out too... now I am very happy w/

the way i look...


> i hope this helps!!


> shari


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, Oh, definitely you need to wait awhile! Fluffing can take up to a year--it took me almost a year to fluff back out to my current size and shape. One thing to remember when healing from explant...that patience is a much needed virtue, for healing physically as well as emotionally, and everything in between. Being overreactive in any part of this is going to do more harm than good. It's easier said than done, but trust me....there are so many of us that have gone through this healing thing that I think we would all agree on the fact that healing just takes time. You'll be surprised when you look back on your healing journey at how you made progress. For now, just relax, do some reading about detoxing, give yourself some TLC, focus on spiritual growth and finding joy in life. Look for the positive side of everything, and let yourself dwell in

the hope you have for your future. Patty"nicole.cellardoor" <nicole.cellardoor@...> wrote: Hello Rogene:it has only been 2 weeks... so i might be overreacting too quickly. what do you think? should i give it more time. my doctors say give it a couple months as well.thanks for all the helpful words!nicole>> ,> > Welcome to

! . . . > > How long has it been since your explant . . . It usually takes several months, at least, before your body "fluff" enough so you look normal . . Think of what happens to a pillow you've been sitting on after you get off of it.> > Rogene>

Sneak preview the all-new .com. It's not radically different. Just radically better.

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It takes a number of months before you fluff out. I'm 7 months post

op and the shape has come back to my breasts, and I just found the

pictures that I had taken by the plastic surgeon before I got

implants, and I honestly look the same now as I did before. I feel

great about how I look in clothes and out of clothes.


> >

> > ,

> >

> > Welcome to ! . . .

> >

> > How long has it been since your explant . . . It usually takes

> several months, at least, before your body " fluff " enough so you

> look normal . . Think of what happens to a pillow you've been

> sitting on after you get off of it.

> >

> > Rogene

> >


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, Most definitely give yourself more time! . . . Stressing over ANYTHING right now will work against you in your healing process. . . "Let go and Let God!" Hugs, Rogene

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