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Re: Re: Liquid Silicone Injections

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No medication, yet it needs to be treated and ruled out? Who do you go to for treatment what is the treatment? Sorry I don't understand that post you wrote back, brain fog. How did you Son get this?


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I printed your post and I am glad you wrote back. I have been struggling with this left ankle burn for a while, it seems to be only in that one spot and it comes and goes. It flares up I could say, then sometimes it's gone. Burn for three days stop, etc. It is a constant struggle though. I totally screwed my diet over the holidays and that seems to have made it worse. I can't do sugar at all. I slip sometimes though hard not to with the sugar cravings. I almost bet I have yeast. I also eat my raw organic garlic daily a whole clove and swear by that stuff. I am on DR. Kolbs protocol and it has seem to help a lot compared to when I had the implants. I just wondered if a doctor could stop the burning sensation in my joints especially the left ankle and it is worse in cold months. Summer it was not as bad totally. I am doing the detox foot bath and plan to get an infra red sauna soon. I know I have digestion and intestinal problems as well. The burning joints was some of my first symptoms and wondered why? I appreciate your post and Thanks.


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I would like for a doctor to make sure it is not the RSD Lynda is talking about. So you are saying to take how much magnesium and calcium. Maybe the foot bath pulled minerals out of my body and this is the pain. I really don't know except I been complaining to my doctors for over a year now and seem to be not concerned? I just am sick of my ankle burning. I wonder if it is all the weight I have gained? I wonder really what is going on with me period at times. It is frustrating and really wish I found a doctor to help with this in someway. Could it be from sugar? I just don't know what to think or do. Thanks for the help.


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Donna - Thank you for the information on the IUD - I am scheduled to have it removed tomorrow and replaced with the copper one which is hormone free - all other birth control remedies make me sick, and the copper will also cause me to have periods, which I have not had in two years. I will gladly follow the protocol and appreciate the information. In answer to your question on my implants, I had saline and had them explanted in October of this last year - no regrets.

Thanks again for the information.

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Donna, many books have been written about the breast implant issue. In my opinion, the plastic surgeons should be honest with their patients. If they told the women that they could get very sick from these devices, many would not have this procedure.

We need informed consent. They are putting silicone in face cream,

and we will never know where else they will be distributing it. I have proof of everything that has happened to me...we need a miracle to stop this madness.

Sending love always......Lea


Re: Re: Liquid Silicone Injections


I would love to write a book, it would be very good for people to read something to get warned. Not only are they making us very sick, they are threatening us as if they own our bodies now. It makes me furious and I believe everything you are saying is true. Keep up the great work and I pray they will leave you alone and go on with there sick selves. They are killing woman daily and one day they will have to answer to God and I sure am glad I am not them. God Bless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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If the redness has been going on for some time and not getting worse rapidily, I wouldn't be terribly concerned right now - as in necessary to see a doc immediately. If it starts to get worse rapidly, by all means see a doctor.

What, if anything, are you doing to detox? . . . We usually discuss a lot of detox programs, but lately we haven't dwelt on them too much. There are so many it's hard to list in a single post. We really don't know what will work for everyone - probably because the problems have different causes. . . .Contaminated implants, fungal problems, sensitivity to materials, etc. I'd suggest trying different things for a week or so and see what you respond to.

My approach has been to try anything that didn't hold the possiblity of causing further injury.

I can't recommend "The Maker's Diet" too strongly. Even if you can't afford all the supplements, you can take some measures. The book will help you understand the role of nutrition in healing. It's very, very important.

Some of the things that you can do very inexpensively are eating fresh, raw, crushed garlic. . . I'm doing so myself. I can always see a difference within 24 hours. My arm is hurting as I type, so I'm not going into details.


Coffee enemas

Epsom Salt baths

Eliminating sugar and refined grains from your diet (whole grains are OK)

Avoiding silicone products - you should do OK with plant-derived silica - but silica from mines is out - along with silicone dioxide.

Drink a lot of water - 1/2 ounce per pound of body weight - or more.

Massage therapy - if you have a cooperative spouse - he can learn basic techniques from books.

Moderate exercise - try to do a little more every day

Meditation - visualize the outcome you want while meditating.

Use Sea Salt, rather than table salt

Eat naturally fermented foods - yogurt, Kefir, sauerkraut

No artificial sweetners

No processed foods

No microwaving

No coffee

No Pork

Eat as many raw foods as your diet will allow.

Use coconut oil - about 2 Tablespoons a day. . . . Coconut oil may work well on the red area.

Probiotics - Acidopholis at a minimum - preferably Garden of Life Fungal Defense (one bottle), followed by Primal Defense indefinitely depends on how closely you follow an anti-fungal diet. You'll find the best price if you PHONE your order from www.appleadayandbeyond.com

Yoga - but don't do more than is comfortable before you're ready.

Liver/gall bladder flush . . . check www.curezone.com

When possible, try to taper off medications as much as possible.

I'm sure some of the other ladies can help with other suggestions.

My arm is getting P***** at me!


Re: Re: Liquid Silicone Injections


I do believe they are wanting us all on drugs and living in the doctors offices. I am living proof of that. I didn't know of the books and I will check into them. I wonder if you ever had a burning ankle, only the left side, it is red in color and burns daily. Have you ever heard of any other woman with breast implants get this? If so what do I do to rid the symptom.


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Please tell your niece - and anyone else having a problem with the IUD's to send in a MedWatch report - And to report these doctors to their State Medical regulators!


Re: Re: Liquid Silicone Injections


Hello, My niece is very intellegent, honor student, etc. She had her first child and afterwards a GYN inserted the IUD Mirena. She was having symptoms from it and the GYN blamed Post Partum depression. My niece was very sick even suicidal at points. She is a nurse so I had her come over to take out my pain pump when I had explant back May 06. She asked me "Donna how did you find out it was your implants making you sick? I told her I had surfed the net and found a support group. She went home and surfed the net on the IUD Mirena, she found others who had the same symptoms as her. She went to the doctor, I was not even aware at this time, she didn't call me since I had just had surgery, he took out her IUD and she requested it back and he threw it in the garbage. She went to a birthday party and one of her friend was there and she also had a iud and was sick like my niece. She also had her removed asked for it

back and they threw it in the garbage. I can only ask you to please make your doctor to put it in writing that you will get it back immediately after removal. You are awake at that time to watch him. I am curious as to what was growing on these girls IUD Mirena's and would be willing to help you to see how we could get it tested for bacteria, etc. I referred my niece to MILLENNIUM HEALTHCARE her doctor did the detox protocol over the phone. My niece did the protocol and is much better, yet not well. It has been 7 months since she had it removed. She is going to start, infra red sauna treatment, ionike foot bath and colon hydro therapy to try to rid her body of the toxins. It is basically the same treatment for implant sicknesses as well. We share a lot of the same symptoms, my niece and I. I also have a daughter who was poisoned by the

deprovera shot, birth control. It is a shame this goes on and I hope you get to see your IUD Mirena and what is such a secret to most woman with them. I would also be curious to know what you find out regarding that so it may help my niece. I told her if you made the GYN put it in writing and he refuses then it is on him. I pray you get it removed as soon as possible and give millennium healthcare a call at 1-770-390-0012 and they can do this over the phone. My niece did the protocol and watched her diet to get better. She then stopped the whole protocol and tried just one mucinex a day and did feel not so tired she said, then she stopped the mucinex and the fatigue came back, so now she is retrying the mucinex protocol. It can be read at Fibromyalgia Treatment Center / Guaifenesin Protocol everything they say honestly happens on this

protocol. You will relive your symptoms slightly for a few weeks after that they seem to disapear one by one, make sure you don't stop the treatment to soon though. Do you also have implants if so silicone or saline? Good Luck!!

God Bless You!!!!!!!!


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Be sure to up your intake of minerals when you start doing the ionic foot baths since the foot bath will pull some minerals out. You should get instructions with your purchase.

Also, the modern diet doesn't provide enough Magnesium . . . You can up your intake of Magnesium to the point of diarrhea (two parts to calcium to one part magnesium), then back down until diarrhea reoccurs. . . Your body will absorb only the amount it needs, then it passes the rest. www.magnesiumresearchlab.com is an excellent resource for understanding Magnesium problems. It plays a huge role in bone and muscle health - as well as regulating other body functions. I've found that my feet burn when I'm not getting enough Magnesium. Check out "Erythromelalgia" . . . See if it sounds like what you're experiencing.

All this takes time - I know we want it to happen NOW! . . . I certainly do with my hand! . . . but it takes time for the body to repair itself. All we can do is to eliminate the things that get in the way, and provide what it needs.

You'll love your sauna! . . . I'm away from home right now and miss mine horribly!


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Great I am glad you had those implants removed. I have not heard of the copper IUD Mirena, so not much to comment on that except be careful with these products. It sounds like your doctor knows what he is doing and truly is aware of the problems. My niece GYN was clueless..... Good Luck and God Bless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I never really noticed if cold made it hurt, except it seems in the winter months it does get worse. I noticed this symptoms with my implants, it was in my left wrist joint too. It seems to be totally in the left ankle now. I also used to get burning feet and my right armpit burned too. It seems to have eased up a lot since removal of the implants. As far as whole foods turning red or purple, I never noticed that. GP is that a general practitioner? Could it be fybromyalgia, diabetic or maybe just toxin in my body. My implants had mycobacteria growing in them and a really large amount of it too boot. Thank God Dr. Kolb got them out whole and didn't dump it into my body, I don't know where I would be right now. I feel scared though since it could be something that needs attention now or else more permanent measures. I have mentioned this before to my family practitioner and didn't seem to really think it was an issue, he looked puzzled though too. I wish someone could just tell me what it is then I would feel better. Thanks for writing back.


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Thank you so much I will check out his site. I did spot a site the other day and it was a tongue chart, very interesting since when I compared the pic to my tongue it said unabsorbed nutrients, etc. Dr. Kolb put me on magnesium/calcium and maybe my gut is so messed up it won't absorb it? I am trying to figure this out, but it makes a lot of sense to me regarding your suggestion. I did the spit test for yeast and that went great for the first time, so I need to celebrate for that, still need to fix my gut. This is why I can't lose weight? I am going to watch my diet closely and I took the butyrate from Dr. Kolb since I have been doing the foot baths it may have taken some good out of me. Thanks again for the post.

Re: tongue diagnosis part 2 at Ask CureZone Community


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That was exactly what I was thinking get rid of the toxins in the gut and maybe the weight will go with it. I have struggled with weight issues since turning 30 anyway. I always went in between 135-155 now I am close to 170 so this is a problem for sure. Prior to implants I always ate what I wanted to but could exercise a lot so the weight would stay at 135 I was close to 125 when I had the implant put in which was from lots of work and that is why I wanted implants, I lost all my baby weight and the boobs are always first to go for me. I will someday be 125 again and don't care if I have any boobs I am over it after this two year struggle. It has been a nightmare that is for sure. I am going to watch what I eat, to see if I can fix the gut. According to the tongue chart I have toxins in my colon. Do you know of a good colon cleanse that is only a few pills a day, not 20 like the last one I bought called Renew. I just can't obligate myself to taking another 20 pills a day, it totally frustrates me and I don't stay with the program. I totally agree with your post and Thank you so much for writing, you are a blessing to have. I hope your arm gets better soon.

God Bless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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It's really hard to say what is causing your ankle to burn . . . I tend not to run to the doctor unless I sense that something is not going to get better after doing everything I know to do - or if I sense something is going to result in a crisis. You really have to figure this out for yourself.

With Erythromelalgia, caused by depleted magnesium, the microscopic shuts in the blood vessels get the wrong signal and send blood to the exterior of the body when it should send it inward and vice versa. It usually shows up on the feet - sometimes the hands . . some people have experienced it on other parts of their bodies. For me, it was my feet. The burning came and went . . . It could become severe if I was on my feet too long. i.e. we square danced six hours today - my feet were burning at times. This condition can cause an area to become bright red . . . What's really weird is that sometimes it feels as though it's burning, but to the touch, it's icy cold - Most of the time my skin is hot.

Dr. Mansmann (www.magnesiumresearchlab.com) came to the Erythromelalgia support group I found. He had been disabled by the condition for two years. With his background, he was able to do the research. He found Magnesium plays a huge role in bodily functions. I'd suggest that you read through his website thoroughly. If you feel it fits you, and you have any questions, write to him. He's great about responding. He has information to take to your doctor. . . My doctor glanced at it and told me she didn't know much about nutrition and recommended that I see a local naturopath. . . Things got much better from there!


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I'm not a good one to help you with the weight issue as I need to lose weight myself. .. . ly, within reason, I don't worry about my weight as long as I'm healthy. I do better when I'm active - but I've have had too many periods of inactivity recently where I've regained lost weight when I was active! I find following a weight loss diet to be one of the most stressful things I can do - so while I keep an eye on my weight, I don't obsess on it.

What I do understand is that the body sometimes tries to isolate toxins by storing them in fat . . . hence, some people gain weight when they have a heavy load of toxins. . . I think it's more important to focus getting the digestive system in order, getting rid of toxins and eating healthy. . . If your weight gain is caused by any one of these, it should come off when those bases are covered.


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Thanks Donna . . . I know when my arm/hand starts working normally, I'll appreciate it as never before!

Several suggestions - You might try the preparation they use for colon exams - the druggist can show it to you. It can be tough stuff! - So be prepared.

Or, you can try a liver/gall bladder flush - it cleans the gut in the process.

Or you can try doing coffee enemas - Patty is the one to tell you about these. They've worked well for her and her hubby.

www.curezone.com has a number of cleansing recommendations.

Personally, I'd suggest using a combination of programs, spread out with several weeks between each.

After cleansing, you'll need something like Fungal Defense to knock down bad organisms - then Primal Defense to start reestablishing good organisms. However, you don't need to wait until after a cleanse to start these.


Re: Re: Liquid Silicone Injections


That was exactly what I was thinking get rid of the toxins in the gut and maybe the weight will go with it. I have struggled with weight issues since turning 30 anyway. I always went in between 135-155 now I am close to 170 so this is a problem for sure. Prior to implants I always ate what I wanted to but could exercise a lot so the weight would stay at 135 I was close to 125 when I had the implant put in which was from lots of work and that is why I wanted implants, I lost all my baby weight and the boobs are always first to go for me. I will someday be 125 again and don't care if I have any boobs I am over it after this two year struggle. It has been a nightmare that is for sure. I am going to watch what I eat, to see if I can fix the gut. According to the tongue chart I have toxins in my colon. Do you know of a good colon cleanse that is only a few pills a day, not 20 like the last one I bought

called Renew. I just can't obligate myself to taking another 20 pills a day, it totally frustrates me and I don't stay with the program. I totally agree with your post and Thank you so much for writing, you are a blessing to have. I hope your arm gets better soon.

God Bless!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!


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Quickly check with your doctor about this being RSD. ( Reflex

Sympathetic Dystrophy). Check with a neurologist.


At 08:27 AM 1/10/2007, you wrote:



>I do believe they are wanting us all on drugs and living in the

>doctors offices. I am living proof of that. I didn't know of the

>books and I will check into them. I wonder if you ever had a

>burning ankle, only the left side, it is red in color and burns

>daily. Have you ever heard of any other woman with breast implants

>get this? If so what do I do to rid the symptom.




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Several members of our group had this problem,

and, left untreated, it can go everywhere in the

body. It usually results from a bump or an

injury, even one you don't recall. My son has it

and it is in both feet and legs and both hands

and arms and has resulted in permanent

disability. It should be ruled out immediately

or treated if it is what it is. It cannot be

left untreated. There is no medication for this problem.


At 09:17 AM 1/10/2007, you wrote:



>I don't have a neurologist and unfortunately I

>don't have the money and most want $400.00 first

>visit and a four month waiting period. Can you

>explain exactly what that might be and is there

>any medicine to rid it?? I know this is all

>from my implants and I had mycobacteria growing

>in me for a long time. I just can't shake this

>stuff out of my body. It is awful they do this

>to woman and there is no cure. Even if they had

>medicine should we take it? Should we ever

>trust anything the FDA approves? At this time I

>do not. I just wondered if other woman

>experienced this same pain and red ankle

>stuff. It is only the left ankle not both

>sides, so weird, mysterious illness. I am

>scared to go to the web MD checker it will say I

>have every disease known to man when I put in my

>symptoms. I am trying to tell myself and make

>myself believe I am not sick and I don't have

>these diseases from my implants. It i s scary

>to think of period. I just think I need

>reassurance that other woman had this and it

>went away with detoxify or it needs more time,

>etc. It seems you take a step forward and two

>steps back with these illnesses from

>implants. It is hard to deal with the fact that

>I was so healthy now so sick. I am climbing a

>mountain I get to the top and get kicked back

>down. I have to summit and get over the top and

>start descent. I just can't get there after my

>implants been out for 7 months and still not

>well and it seems when I start my period it

>get's so much worse. I just need to know if

>other woman have this and how they detoxify to

>rid of it, or if a neurologist would be able to

>give me a quick fix? I don't think this exist

>and this is why they need to stop playing games

>with these deadly breast implant. It is quick

>money for PS, but no quick fix for the

>patient. How sad it took a PS an hour and a

>half to destroy my l ife, take my health and now

>I am stuck in the mud, broke, sick and no way to

>even buy medication, nor able to afford a

>doctor, not as though there is any with a quick

>remedy. Thanks for your post and God Bless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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My son got this from an injury. The only treatment is an injection

(or several) to block the progress of the nerve degeneration. It is

crucial if it is RSD to have it treated immediately.

It may be something else, but I would find out what it is immediately.


At 10:14 AM 1/10/2007, you wrote:



>No medication, yet it needs to be treated and ruled out? Who do you

>go to for treatment what is the treatment? Sorry I don't understand

>that post you wrote back, brain fog. How did you Son get this?




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It can be a difficult diagnosis. One should rule

it out if this discoloration and pain has gone on

for a period of time. Does your whole food turn

purple or red? Does cold hurt it? These are important questions.

I guess a good GP could decide if you need further evaluation.


At 11:55 AM 1/10/2007, you wrote:



>Thank You for the post. Do you recommend a

>neuroligist or can another doctor diagnois me with that. Please help.




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This sounds more like a rheumatological problem. If you have had

problems in your wrist, maybe osteoarthritis, which is common in

women with breast implants. Mine got better after a few years after

removal, with tons of detoxing.


At 06:47 PM 1/10/2007, you wrote:



>I never really noticed if cold made it hurt, except it seems in the

>winter months it does get worse. I noticed this symptoms with my

>implants, it was in my left wrist joint too. It seems to be totally

>in the left ankle now. I also used to get burning feet and my right

>armpit burned too. It seems to have eased up a lot since removal of

>the implants. As far as whole foods turning red or purple, I never

>noticed that. GP is that a general practitioner? Could it be

>fybromyalgia, diabetic or maybe just toxin in my body. My implants

>had mycobacteria growing in them and a really large amount of it too

>boot. Thank God Dr. Kolb got them out whole and didn't dump it into

>my body, I don't know where I would be right now. I feel scared

>though since it could be something that needs attention now or else

>more permanent measures. I have mentioned this before to my family

>practitioner and didn't seem to really think it was an issue, he

>looked puzzled though too. I wish someone could just tell me what

>it is then I would feel better. Thanks for writing back.




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