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Kenda, we do sound very similar...I've been interested in and

researching " original " medicine for about 30 yrs. I'm basically a

country-hearted girl who was raised in a city...spent lots of summers

at my aunty's farm, though. It scares me how far away from natural

our environment has become.

I must say I'm a little envious about your fitness program. I really

need a personal trainer. I'm quite disciplined when it comes to my

healing work with others, but to get myself to stay on a physical

regime is a huge challenge. My son helps alot, as he's a

runner and especially in the summer months, I go to a running track

with him and the grandkids and we all run/walk together. It's fun

and keeps granny going.

Well, I'm having a late supper and early to bed tonight. Been

helping with sick grandchildren - nasty flu with high fevers - and

haven't even wrapped one Christmas gift yet!! My bedroom is full of

bags of presents ready to wrap -- where are those Christmas elves

when you need them??? LOL

Lots of Love,

Sunny :)


> Hi Sunny,


> You sound so much like me. I have a round butt but very small

bust. When I

> was younger, before child birth, I was much larger. My trainer

said that a

> lot of women with round butts are pretty small chested but that


> them brings balance to their bodies. He's very pro-implant. Most

of the

> ladies at the gym I train at are implanted -- there are only a

couple of us

> who are not. I am so natural minded, natural health, value my

health, etc.,

> that it boggles my mind as to why I think rounder breasts would

make me

> happier. Not to worry though, I won't do it, I can't do it to



> Kenda




> > Kenda, I was 95 lbs. until my late forties...when I was implanted


> > was 32A and it matched my body...well, I thought I was symmetrical

> > enough. My former husband thought if I had bigger boobs they


> > match my butt better. Right. I went from a 32A to a 34C and


> > very top heavy and felt so restricted. I lived with being

compared to

> > Penthouse and Playboy models - or should I say air-brushed


> >

> > I love my " new " breasts and can't wait until my body slims down


> > to match them!! Thanks for your inspiration...a goal for me to


> > towards!

> >

> > Love,

> >

> > Sunny :) xo

> >

> > --- In , Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@>


> >>

> >> Hi Rogene,

> >>

> >> The funny thing is, when I sent to the PS a couple of years ago,


> > never

> >> wanted large or even larger implants. I just wanted my old,


> > breasts

> >> back. I am a very small person, just 94 pounds, I certainly


> > need or

> >> want knockers. :)

> >>

> >> I, too, believe small breasts are coming back. As the fitness

> > craze becomes

> >> more popular, large breasts will go out of fashion. Large


> > just

> >> don't look right on a toned-athletic body.

> >>

> >> Kenda

> >>

> >>> Kenda,

> >>>

> >>> You sound like me when I got implants . . . If only the doctor

> > had

> >>> recommended the mastopexy I ended up with when my implants came

> > out.

> >>>

> >>> With sagging breasts and no mastectomy, you can end up with

> > larger sagging

> >>> breasts. . .

> >>>

> >>> I think the models with slim figures (often almost no breasts)

> > look so very

> >>> elegant and beautiful! And natural!

> >>>

> >>> Watch the TV commercials - small breasts are coming back in

> > style. . . They

> >>> usually feature small breasted women with upscale merchandise.

> > They save big

> >>> breasted women for bimbo ads!

> >>>

> >>> Rogene

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>

> >

> >


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Sunny, be sure to take some supplements so you don't catch the grandkids'

nasty flu bug! Last thing you or they need is a sick granny. :o

I have a trainer because I wouldn't do what I do without one. My sister

thinks I'm crazy and it's a waste of money. I think otherwise. I have been

training for seven years and haven't quit, nor do I plan to. She has

started and stopped exercising countless times and is yo-yo dieting. My

trainer keeps me straight, committed and focused. It's positively money

well spent.


> Kenda, we do sound very similar...I've been interested in and

> researching " original " medicine for about 30 yrs. I'm basically a

> country-hearted girl who was raised in a city...spent lots of summers

> at my aunty's farm, though. It scares me how far away from natural

> our environment has become.


> I must say I'm a little envious about your fitness program. I really

> need a personal trainer. I'm quite disciplined when it comes to my

> healing work with others, but to get myself to stay on a physical

> regime is a huge challenge. My son helps alot, as he's a

> runner and especially in the summer months, I go to a running track

> with him and the grandkids and we all run/walk together. It's fun

> and keeps granny going.


> Well, I'm having a late supper and early to bed tonight. Been

> helping with sick grandchildren - nasty flu with high fevers - and

> haven't even wrapped one Christmas gift yet!! My bedroom is full of

> bags of presents ready to wrap -- where are those Christmas elves

> when you need them??? LOL


> Lots of Love,


> Sunny :)




>>>> Hi Rogene,


>>>> The funny thing is, when I sent to the PS a couple of years ago,

> I

>>> never

>>>> wanted large or even larger implants. I just wanted my old,

> round

>>> breasts

>>>> back. I am a very small person, just 94 pounds, I certainly

> don't

>>> need or

>>>> want knockers. :)


>>>> I, too, believe small breasts are coming back. As the fitness

>>> craze becomes

>>>> more popular, large breasts will go out of fashion. Large

> breasts

>>> just

>>>> don't look right on a toned-athletic body.


>>>> Kenda


>>>>> Kenda,


>>>>> You sound like me when I got implants . . . If only the doctor

>>> had

>>>>> recommended the mastopexy I ended up with when my implants came

>>> out.


>>>>> With sagging breasts and no mastectomy, you can end up with

>>> larger sagging

>>>>> breasts. . .


>>>>> I think the models with slim figures (often almost no breasts)

>>> look so very

>>>>> elegant and beautiful! And natural!


>>>>> Watch the TV commercials - small breasts are coming back in

>>> style. . . They

>>>>> usually feature small breasted women with upscale merchandise.

>>> They save big

>>>>> breasted women for bimbo ads!


>>>>> Rogene











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Kenda, I'll have to make that a goal in 2007 - perhaps my financial

situation will improve so I can improve my health with a few


Well, I've upped my garlic intake and Vitamin C combined with that

makes an environment that makes viruses run!! Can't you just hear

them? RUN AWAAAAAY! I remember as a kid, my dad feeding me

garlic...I would miss 2 days of school and the other kids would miss

a week. Awesome stuff. I'm also on a multi-vitamin, B12, B6, fish

oil, oil of oregano (one of my faves) and more.

I've been a bit sick, but nothing compares to the last year before

explant. With that in mind, it makes it easy to get through just

about anything!


Sunny :) xo

> >>>>

> >>>> Hi Rogene,

> >>>>

> >>>> The funny thing is, when I sent to the PS a couple of years


> > I

> >>> never

> >>>> wanted large or even larger implants. I just wanted my old,

> > round

> >>> breasts

> >>>> back. I am a very small person, just 94 pounds, I certainly

> > don't

> >>> need or

> >>>> want knockers. :)

> >>>>

> >>>> I, too, believe small breasts are coming back. As the fitness

> >>> craze becomes

> >>>> more popular, large breasts will go out of fashion. Large

> > breasts

> >>> just

> >>>> don't look right on a toned-athletic body.

> >>>>

> >>>> Kenda

> >>>>

> >>>>> Kenda,

> >>>>>

> >>>>> You sound like me when I got implants . . . If only the


> >>> had

> >>>>> recommended the mastopexy I ended up with when my implants


> >>> out.

> >>>>>

> >>>>> With sagging breasts and no mastectomy, you can end up with

> >>> larger sagging

> >>>>> breasts. . .

> >>>>>

> >>>>> I think the models with slim figures (often almost no


> >>> look so very

> >>>>> elegant and beautiful! And natural!

> >>>>>

> >>>>> Watch the TV commercials - small breasts are coming back in

> >>> style. . . They

> >>>>> usually feature small breasted women with upscale merchandise.

> >>> They save big

> >>>>> breasted women for bimbo ads!

> >>>>>

> >>>>> Rogene

> >>>>>

> >>>>>

> >>>>>

> >>>>>

> >>>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>

> >

> >


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