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Merry Christmas to all you lovely ladies

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I wanted to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!

I love this season...in my Christmas letters this year, I used this quote:

“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love”~ Hamilton Mabie

I love the idea of a conspiracy of love. ...of the whole world focused on sharing with each other gifts from the heart, of opening their emotions to the joy to be found, so much like the Grinch, in taking part in the wondrous experience of giving back to others unselfishly, giving of oneself, and stopping to focus on a small moment in time about the real meaning of life.

I know that when you are sick, it is so hard to do. I just finished a book last night, a very quick read in fact, called "Immune Dysfunction" by Judith . What a tragedy her life was until she found the hope she needed in doctors who would actually listen to her. As much as I have suffered from my implants, I couldn't help but feel pain and sorrow for the huge amount of suffering she went through as a result of toxic exposures that left her incapacitated. Bedridden and disabled. No implants, but exposure through her chosen passions of art. Definitely multiple chemical sensitivity, though those words were never used. The focus was on Chronic fatigue syndrome. And it was unrelenting.

Yet, through it all, we must not give up hope. And Christmas is the season of perpetual hope. We are reminded anew that we have not been left alone to go through life's trials abandoned by the God who created us. He is there, and He has not forgotten us, nor forsaked us. We have reasons to rejoice, and to wake up to face another day with the hope that we can find healing.

What shocked and surprised me about the ending to Ms. 's book was the focus on Candidiasis, or a chronic yeast infection. Her treatment through the doctors who understood this disease focused on the use of anti-fungals. I wish there was an ending to the book that took us a few years past her healing journey, as I would like to know if she was cured completely. In any event, she was making large strides in healing, with the use of not only one kind of anti-fungal, but several. The strains of fungus that were found in her body needed an approach that hit everything, not just a generic one-size-fits-all approach. And it was a little step by little step approach. She could not tolerate a normal dosage of the antifungals, but over a period of years had to increase from a quarter pill to half a pill and up to the full


I guess I am sharing this with you who are still suffering as a way of saying--keep looking deeper. Do not give up hope. There are doctors out there who understand these diseases, though they are few and far between and it will take some effort to contact them and pursue treatment.

I also wanted to say that I believe this is pretty much lifelong in terms of our attention to detail in our health. It is so easy to relapse. Maybe not everyone will experience this, but I believe that once the immune system is damaged, it is so easy for it to crash again. We must be careful.

I found that out this month, indulging by accident in some foods containing gluten, and then giving in to it for a few days. Whoa, boy did I find out just what gluten was doing to me! And sugar! My brain fog came back in full force, and I realized that I was experiencing intestinal upset that was minor in nature, but definitely a sign that something was not right. I ignored those signs before! I wonder how long I could have gone before I was really in trouble with gluten? I want to get better and go forward, not backward!

So, don't discount these suggestions that gluten sensitivity, silicone sensitivity, and other reactions to foods may be minor and inconsequential! They just may be one small piece of the puzzle that when put together with everything else spells "Freedom from symptoms" for you. If in doubt, give it a trial run and give the questionable foods and substances up. Let your body do some talking to you.

In the new year, my focus will be on losing these few extra pounds for sure, eating very well, exercising, and spending time each day in the presence of my God and my Savior in prayer. I am already excited at what the New Year holds in store for me. I hope you are too!

We have so many reasons to be glad!

May you all be blessed with many blessings this holiday!



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