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Re: Pool/Water aerobics

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In a message dated 9/7/2006 8:17:36 AM Eastern Standard Time, skaggs@... writes:

Water aerobics is very gentle and would be really helpful for you if you canfind a way to get to a pool. Some physical therapy rehabs have prescriptionclasses if you have medical insurance. If you do, just ask your doctor towrite out a prescription for it.

This is something I did not know. It's still impossible, though, since I don't drive and have to depend on my husband missing work to take me to appointments. Then my luck they would charge copays per visit. My husband needs regular PT for a reoccurring ripped hamstring injury he's had a couple years, and can't even afford to go for the copays for that -and he REALLY needs it.

It is valuable information for the future, though. We never know what life may bring later on! So, thanks again! I'm also going to look up "tai chi." I don't think I've ever heard of it. You are right on all counts about needed movement, and I'd love to find a program I could do at home that would be gentle and wouldn't raise my heart rate -which is what sets my head off.

It's too bad I don't live some place hot where everyone has pools! LOL They are few and far between in WV -asside from dirty city pools. I haven't even been in a pool (or large body of water) in over 15 years! It's always been on my "wish list" to own one.

Thanks again to Kenda,

Brig :)

PS: Not to stray from the topic, but since we're on pools sort of.......... The city I live in has annual TROUT tournaments in our CITY SWIMMING POOL in the fall!!! NO JOKE! They stock the city swimming pool, and people fish out of it off season!!! Out of state friends think I'm kidding, so this year -I'm taking a picture. LOL!!!

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My rhumy wrote a prescription for PT for me. I went to two visits. While there, she reccommended the theapy pool, which is heated, for my fibro. I had to decline. The chlorine does horrible things to my respiratory areas. I always feel so sick if I am even near a pool indoors. So, next visit they are going to try theraputic massage, which is covered by my insurance. However, my back has been so messed up lately, my doctor doesn't want me to do the exercises the PT has set up. He said if they are creating pain, they wont help me. Speaking of my GP, he just got back from another training for laser acupuncture. He learned how even the simplist scar can interfere with meridian energy. He had treated my explant incisions at my last visit, but this time he treated some old ones. Anyway, at the training/seminar, he was asked to go to China and learn from some of the best acupuncturists there. He is

considering that. It is so neat to see his transition from an American Western thinking doctor to one that is more untraditional. He was in very high spirits with his new learning, it was very amusing. KissofSadness@... wrote: In a message dated 9/7/2006 8:17:36 AM Eastern Standard Time, skaggscountycable writes: Water aerobics is very gentle and would be really helpful for you if you canfind a way to get to a pool. Some physical therapy rehabs have prescriptionclasses if you have medical insurance. If you do, just ask your doctor towrite out a prescription for it. This is something I did not know. It's still impossible, though, since I don't drive and have to depend on my husband missing work to take me to appointments. Then my luck they would charge copays per visit. My husband needs regular PT for a reoccurring ripped hamstring injury he's had a couple years, and can't even afford to go for the copays for that -and he REALLY needs it. It is valuable information for the future, though. We never know what life may bring later on! So, thanks again! I'm

also going to look up "tai chi." I don't think I've ever heard of it. You are right on all counts about needed movement, and I'd love to find a program I could do at home that would be gentle and wouldn't raise my heart rate -which is what sets my head off. It's too bad I don't live some place hot where everyone has pools! LOL They are few and far between in WV -asside from dirty city pools. I haven't even been in a pool (or large body of water) in over 15 years! It's always been on my "wish list" to own one. Thanks again to Kenda, Brig :) PS: Not to stray from the topic, but since we're on pools sort of.......... The city I live in has annual TROUT tournaments in our CITY SWIMMING POOL in the fall!!! NO JOKE! They stock the city swimming pool, and people fish out of it off season!!! Out

of state friends think I'm kidding, so this year -I'm taking a picture. LOL!!!

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9/7/06 7:42 AM



> In a message dated 9/7/2006 8:17:36 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> skaggs@... writes:


> Water aerobics is very gentle and would be really helpful for you if you can

> find a way to get to a pool. Some physical therapy rehabs have prescription

> classes if you have medical insurance. If you do, just ask your doctor to

> write out a prescription for it.



Brig, this is so disgusting!!! Please do take a picture, I'd love to see




> Thanks again to Kenda,

> Brig :)

> PS: Not to stray from the topic, but since we're on pools sort of..........

> The city I live in has annual TROUT tournaments in our CITY SWIMMING POOL in

> the fall!!! NO JOKE! They stock the city swimming pool, and people fish out

> of it off season!!! Out of state friends think I'm kidding, so this year -I'm

> taking a picture. LOL!!!

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