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Re: Anniversary!!

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Way to GOOOOOOO! I am glad you are a happy camper, Marie!


cathy s in VA

> Hi Gang,

> Today is my 2 year anniversay, and where do I begin? 2 years at


> pounds and 5'2 " it was not a pretty sight. I was 54 years old and

> could barely walk. All I could do was barely make it work, drag


> and eat and sleep. Yesterday I attended the MGB picnic and even

> though I was a lot larger than a lot of people there. I just sat


> wondered where would I be today if Dr. R. had not come into my life

> by way of cyberspace? This surgery has truly been a miracle for


> Even though I still weigh 174 pounds and still overweight a 130


> weight loss has turned my life around 100%.

> I am truly blessed to have a wonderful, supportive husband of 34

> years who shares my joy with me. Dr. R. bless his heart, I owe


> man my life. My heart goes out to every overweight child, teen, &

> adult for I was all of those for 50 years. I never want to forget

> that I have walked in those shoes and I never want to walk there

> again. I never want to look down at these people. I know it only


> God's grace that I had the surgery when the time was right. To

> everything there is a season. I really believe that.

> I have met many wonderful friends through the MGB and this list. I

> have gained a lot of wisdom, so to each of you that have touched my

> life in any way. I say " I Love You " !

> Marie

> 6/2/00 304/174

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Hi, I had my MGB the day before you and was 258 lbs. and now weigh 175. I was

dying from the weight with high blood pressure/ could barely walk etc. etc. I

was also 52 years of age. Even though I did not reach goal of 150 lbs. I am

so glad I had the surgery. I wish Dr. R. was not self pay because I would

love to give out his e-mail address to every obese person to let them know

there is help out there.My heart goes out to ever young girl who sits home on

Sat. night, who doesn't get asked to the prom, who is the butt of fat jokes,

who is never taken seriously etc. etc. I would like her to know there is help

out there. But lets be realistic, how many young people have 17,000 dollars

UP FRONT. Dr. R. should take some charity cases or arrange some type of

payment plan,.

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You, know you have a point. But. There are tons of people with other

medical conditions who can not access treatment because they don't have the

money, their doctors don't take credit or insurance. That's Life 101. It

is a sad state of things, and no easy, answer that will help everyone all

the time....


Lynda Vance

Always happy to be a contact........

..........Please contact


Cushing Oklahoma Dr Zinni 9-5-2001

p8nlady@... 296/190

Re: Anniversary!!

> Hi, I had my MGB the day before you and was 258 lbs. and now weigh 175. I


> dying from the weight with high blood pressure/ could barely walk etc.

etc. I

> was also 52 years of age. Even though I did not reach goal of 150 lbs. I


> so glad I had the surgery. I wish Dr. R. was not self pay because I would

> love to give out his e-mail address to every obese person to let them know

> there is help out there.My heart goes out to ever young girl who sits home


> Sat. night, who doesn't get asked to the prom, who is the butt of fat


> who is never taken seriously etc. etc. I would like her to know there is


> out there. But lets be realistic, how many young people have 17,000


> UP FRONT. Dr. R. should take some charity cases or arrange some type of

> payment plan,.




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Hi Marie,

You're the greatest!!

Bill I.

060200 393-243


> Hi Gang,

> Today is my 2 year anniversay, and where do I begin? 2 years at 304

> pounds and 5'2 " it was not a pretty sight. I was 54 years old and

> could barely walk. All I could do was barely make it work, drag home

> and eat and sleep. Yesterday I attended the MGB picnic and even

> though I was a lot larger than a lot of people there. I just sat and

> wondered where would I be today if Dr. R. had not come into my life

> by way of cyberspace? This surgery has truly been a miracle for me.

> Even though I still weigh 174 pounds and still overweight a 130 pound

> weight loss has turned my life around 100%.

> I am truly blessed to have a wonderful, supportive husband of 34

> years who shares my joy with me. Dr. R. bless his heart, I owe that

> man my life. My heart goes out to every overweight child, teen, &

> adult for I was all of those for 50 years. I never want to forget

> that I have walked in those shoes and I never want to walk there

> again. I never want to look down at these people. I know it only by

> God's grace that I had the surgery when the time was right. To

> everything there is a season. I really believe that.

> I have met many wonderful friends through the MGB and this list. I

> have gained a lot of wisdom, so to each of you that have touched my

> life in any way. I say " I Love You " !

> Marie

> 6/2/00 304/174






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How very true. I am in limbo. I had surgery of 4/11/2000 and still weight

240, which is morbidly obese. I don't have that kind of upfront money

either. So, how can I recommend this surgery to anyone else????


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Congratulation on a wonderful success. So many of us feel the same

things you spoke of. Thank you for sharing your feelings with all of



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Marie ,

Oh boy, I do not think that we saw each other at the picnic. And I so

wanted to see if I had know you. Sorry but I will see if someone posts a

picture of you. It's me Rosemary Commisso, did we see each other and I do

not remember, and did you come to the friday night dinner? Please let me


Rosemary Commisso 1/26/01

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  • 4 years later...
Guest guest

Hi ! What an amazing and uplifting letter to our group! I love it! This is exactly what we hope for. Good news of healing, of living life again, of enjoying life again and doing things that make you smile and laugh and feel productive. Your letter is an inspiration to me and I am sure to so many others! I am so happy to hear that your class is going so good. And I am ecstatic to hear that you are able to help women who have implants. We can only reach them one at a time, and you've found your niche. Detoxing will have to be an ongoing event in our lives I suspect. I am over 8 years explanted, and I still have to detox on a regular basis, and watch what I eat. , have you ever been tested for celiac disease? I never was, because I didn't have any digestive problems, but I had some "things" going on,

(mainly from a root canal), but anyway, I decided after getting a letter from to go ahead and get the stool test for gluten antibodies. ( and I both have Hashimoto's, and also had celiac as did her son.) I was shocked to see that I also have gluten intolerance! I had no idea....it turned out that I had the genetic pre-disposition toward celiac disease and gluten intolerance, and the remedy is a strict and permanent gluten free diet for life. Ugh. But I have to say that having gone gluten free, I feel great. No more fatigue, no more brain fog or sluggishness at all. I wish I would have known earlier! So, I just wanted to suggest that if you haven't been tested for celiac disease, you may want to consider it. If not, you may even want to try a gluten free diet just to see how you feel on it. I was completely surprised. It's not fun giving up all those foods, bult

well, you learn new things all the time, and it's not so bad. Thanks for writing ! It is always such a joy to see our explanted ladies popping back in now and then to give us an update on how things are in life. I am so happy for you that life is good! Hugs, Patty <ktitko@...> wrote: Hello Ladies!! Last week on the summer solstice I celebrated the one year anniversary of my explant! Its so hard to believe that was a year ago. My life has changed so

drastically since then! I am currently repeating the fungal defense program. I've made it a goal to do it on every anniversary. This time it is much easier to tolerate, which means I am less infested than last year, so that's a good thing. I continue to have problems with my digestion about once or twice a month, but I think I may have that figured out. I've been noticing that first of all as I get the yeast under control my digestion is much better, but secondly that when I have an episode I think it is my liver dumping toxins. I say that because I have been noticing that what is coming out of me is very yellow and bright much like bile. So when I finish this round of fungal defense I have a liver cleanse I am going to try. My episodes are always triggered by stress, and I can't always control that, but I try. At least I am able to function on a normal level now. Pre-surgery I couldn't leave the house without worrying I would have an

attack. Now I can go out whenever I want because I generally feel it coming on and I can control it to some degree. My business has grown by leaps and bounds, but it is becoming too much for me. I teach 6-8 hours a week now and my body is protesting. I am going to try to scale things back slightly for fall and have bigger classes but fewer of them. I am still amazed at how many of the women in my classes are implant victims. I have helped so many women to learn the truth. Since starting the classes I have had well over 150 students. I would say about 30 of them, or more, are implanted. Slowly but surely I am paying it forward!! I wish I had more time to be active on the group, but running a business and raising 3 kids full time is overwhelming. I struggle to get my down time. LOL Last year all I had was down time because I was too sick to do anything at all. This summer we will be taking the kids hiking,

camping, canoeing, etc. All the things I couldn't enjoy before. I do find a lot of moments to stop and smell the roses. To reflect on the lost years of my life, and to enjoy what I have in the moment. I hug my kids more often, and laugh so much more now. I can even engage in tickle fights!!! Its absolutely amazing how sick I was and how healthy I am now. I still surprise myself daily when I do some of the simplest things and realize they are things I couldn't even consider doing just one short year ago. Like planting and watering flowers in my yard. Life is good. I think about you all often and hope that you are all doing well. Much love,

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Thank you Patty!

I did consider the celiac disease and the gluten free diet, but was

never tested. Being without medical insurance makes it very

difficult to get these things checked out. I tried some gluten free

products for a while and simply could not hack it! LOL I suppose if

I had positive results for Celiac then I would have to make a better

effort. I am still eatting about 85% organic with mostly fresh

foods, but with all the energy I expend I have to have things like

pasta to help keep me going. Its just wonderful to feel energetic! I

have no brain fog anymore, but do notice that when I eat sugars I

get sleepy. Like you said, I'll be detoxing forever and keeping a

close eye on what I consume.


> Hi !

> What an amazing and uplifting letter to our group!

> I love it!


> This is exactly what we hope for. Good news of healing, of

living life again, of enjoying life again and doing things that make

you smile and laugh and feel productive. Your letter is an

inspiration to me and I am sure to so many others!


> I am so happy to hear that your class is going so good. And I

am ecstatic to hear that you are able to help women who have

implants. We can only reach them one at a time, and you've found

your niche.


> Detoxing will have to be an ongoing event in our lives I

suspect. I am over 8 years explanted, and I still have to detox on

a regular basis, and watch what I eat. , have you ever been

tested for celiac disease? I never was, because I didn't have any

digestive problems, but I had some " things " going on, (mainly from a

root canal), but anyway, I decided after getting a letter from

to go ahead and get the stool test for gluten antibodies. (

and I both have Hashimoto's, and also had celiac as did her

son.) I was shocked to see that I also have gluten intolerance! I

had no idea....it turned out that I had the genetic pre-disposition

toward celiac disease and gluten intolerance, and the remedy is a

strict and permanent gluten free diet for life. Ugh. But I have to

say that having gone gluten free, I feel great. No more fatigue, no

more brain fog or sluggishness at all. I wish I would have known



> So, I just wanted to suggest that if you haven't been tested for

celiac disease, you may want to consider it. If not, you may even

want to try a gluten free diet just to see how you feel on it. I

was completely surprised. It's not fun giving up all those foods,

bult well, you learn new things all the time, and it's not so bad.


> Thanks for writing ! It is always such a joy to see our

explanted ladies popping back in now and then to give us an update

on how things are in life. I am so happy for you that life is good!

> Hugs,

> Patty

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, I'm soooooo happy to hear you are doing so well! . . . . I know you've worked hard to get to this point! . . . Thanks so much for dropping by with encouraging words. . . We have so many women whose implants have been out just a short time. They are still struggling to get where you're now at! . . . Keep up the good work . . . and give those kids a hug for us! Hugs, Rogene

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Hi ,

There is no need to give up pasta to eat a wheat-free diet. My daughter is

a celiac and we now eat brown rice pasta instead -- and we actually prefer

it to traditional pastas. Give it a try sometime and see what you think! :)


> Thank you Patty!


> I did consider the celiac disease and the gluten free diet, but was

> never tested. Being without medical insurance makes it very

> difficult to get these things checked out. I tried some gluten free

> products for a while and simply could not hack it! LOL I suppose if

> I had positive results for Celiac then I would have to make a better

> effort. I am still eatting about 85% organic with mostly fresh

> foods, but with all the energy I expend I have to have things like

> pasta to help keep me going. Its just wonderful to feel energetic! I

> have no brain fog anymore, but do notice that when I eat sugars I

> get sleepy. Like you said, I'll be detoxing forever and keeping a

> close eye on what I consume.


> hugs,






>> Hi !

>> What an amazing and uplifting letter to our group!

>> I love it!


>> This is exactly what we hope for. Good news of healing, of

> living life again, of enjoying life again and doing things that make

> you smile and laugh and feel productive. Your letter is an

> inspiration to me and I am sure to so many others!


>> I am so happy to hear that your class is going so good. And I

> am ecstatic to hear that you are able to help women who have

> implants. We can only reach them one at a time, and you've found

> your niche.


>> Detoxing will have to be an ongoing event in our lives I

> suspect. I am over 8 years explanted, and I still have to detox on

> a regular basis, and watch what I eat. , have you ever been

> tested for celiac disease? I never was, because I didn't have any

> digestive problems, but I had some " things " going on, (mainly from a

> root canal), but anyway, I decided after getting a letter from

> to go ahead and get the stool test for gluten antibodies. (

> and I both have Hashimoto's, and also had celiac as did her

> son.) I was shocked to see that I also have gluten intolerance! I

> had no idea....it turned out that I had the genetic pre-disposition

> toward celiac disease and gluten intolerance, and the remedy is a

> strict and permanent gluten free diet for life. Ugh. But I have to

> say that having gone gluten free, I feel great. No more fatigue, no

> more brain fog or sluggishness at all. I wish I would have known

> earlier!


>> So, I just wanted to suggest that if you haven't been tested for

> celiac disease, you may want to consider it. If not, you may even

> want to try a gluten free diet just to see how you feel on it. I

> was completely surprised. It's not fun giving up all those foods,

> bult well, you learn new things all the time, and it's not so bad.


>> Thanks for writing ! It is always such a joy to see our

> explanted ladies popping back in now and then to give us an update

> on how things are in life. I am so happy for you that life is good!

>> Hugs,

>> Patty






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It is wonderful to hear from you. Thanks so much for sharing how

things have been going. I am glad to hear that you are still doing

well and enjoying life. You are doing great and I am sure that

slowly but steadily you will continue to improve with all of your


Hugs, kathy

-- In , <ktitko@...> wrote:


> Hello Ladies!!


> Last week on the summer solstice I celebrated the one year

anniversary of my explant! Its so hard to believe that was a year

ago. My life has changed so drastically since then!


> I am currently repeating the fungal defense program. I've made

it a goal to do it on every anniversary. This time it is much easier

to tolerate, which means I am less infested than last year, so

that's a good thing. I continue to have problems with my digestion

about once or twice a month, but I think I may have that figured

out. I've been noticing that first of all as I get the yeast under

control my digestion is much better, but secondly that when I have

an episode I think it is my liver dumping toxins. I say that because

I have been noticing that what is coming out of me is very yellow

and bright much like bile. So when I finish this round of fungal

defense I have a liver cleanse I am going to try. My episodes are

always triggered by stress, and I can't always control that, but I

try. At least I am able to function on a normal level now. Pre-

surgery I couldn't leave the house without worrying I would have an

attack. Now I can go out whenever I want because I generally

> feel it coming on and I can control it to some degree.


> My business has grown by leaps and bounds, but it is becoming

too much for me. I teach 6-8 hours a week now and my body is

protesting. I am going to try to scale things back slightly for fall

and have bigger classes but fewer of them. I am still amazed at how

many of the women in my classes are implant victims. I have helped

so many women to learn the truth. Since starting the classes I have

had well over 150 students. I would say about 30 of them, or more,

are implanted. Slowly but surely I am paying it forward!!


> I wish I had more time to be active on the group, but running a

business and raising 3 kids full time is overwhelming. I struggle to

get my down time. LOL Last year all I had was down time because I

was too sick to do anything at all. This summer we will be taking

the kids hiking, camping, canoeing, etc. All the things I couldn't

enjoy before. I do find a lot of moments to stop and smell the

roses. To reflect on the lost years of my life, and to enjoy what I

have in the moment. I hug my kids more often, and laugh so much more

now. I can even engage in tickle fights!!! Its absolutely amazing

how sick I was and how healthy I am now. I still surprise myself

daily when I do some of the simplest things and realize they are

things I couldn't even consider doing just one short year ago. Like

planting and watering flowers in my yard.


> Life is good. I think about you all often and hope that you are

all doing well.


> Much love,






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Hi ,

I'm thrilled to hear how well you are doing, and it's so great to

hear from you. I think this really helps the newcomers who are

worried that they'll never be able to live a normal life again, and

it also helps those of us who are slower to heal.

I can relate to that bile-like stuff that you mention, because

within a few weeks after getting implants, that's exactly what

started happening to me, and when I have times where I start feeling

poorly again, that comes back to visit. I've been taking something

called Culturelle, which is a probiotic, and I haven't had any side

effects which is great. I'm supposed to switch one month on

Culturelle, and another month on something that seems similar to

Primal Defense, so I think when I run out of Culturelle I'll try

Primal Defense and see how I do. I've noticed that I've felt better

since adding a probiotic, but I have good and bad days. I'm working

full time as well, and it's not as easy as it was before, but I'm

doing my best.

Great to hear from you, and keep up the good work.



> Hello Ladies!!


> Last week on the summer solstice I celebrated the one year

anniversary of my explant! Its so hard to believe that was a year

ago. My life has changed so drastically since then!


> I am currently repeating the fungal defense program. I've made

it a goal to do it on every anniversary. This time it is much easier

to tolerate, which means I am less infested than last year, so

that's a good thing. I continue to have problems with my digestion

about once or twice a month, but I think I may have that figured

out. I've been noticing that first of all as I get the yeast under

control my digestion is much better, but secondly that when I have

an episode I think it is my liver dumping toxins. I say that because

I have been noticing that what is coming out of me is very yellow

and bright much like bile. So when I finish this round of fungal

defense I have a liver cleanse I am going to try. My episodes are

always triggered by stress, and I can't always control that, but I

try. At least I am able to function on a normal level now. Pre-

surgery I couldn't leave the house without worrying I would have an

attack. Now I can go out whenever I want because I generally

> feel it coming on and I can control it to some degree.


> My business has grown by leaps and bounds, but it is becoming

too much for me. I teach 6-8 hours a week now and my body is

protesting. I am going to try to scale things back slightly for fall

and have bigger classes but fewer of them. I am still amazed at how

many of the women in my classes are implant victims. I have helped

so many women to learn the truth. Since starting the classes I have

had well over 150 students. I would say about 30 of them, or more,

are implanted. Slowly but surely I am paying it forward!!


> I wish I had more time to be active on the group, but running a

business and raising 3 kids full time is overwhelming. I struggle to

get my down time. LOL Last year all I had was down time because I

was too sick to do anything at all. This summer we will be taking

the kids hiking, camping, canoeing, etc. All the things I couldn't

enjoy before. I do find a lot of moments to stop and smell the

roses. To reflect on the lost years of my life, and to enjoy what I

have in the moment. I hug my kids more often, and laugh so much more

now. I can even engage in tickle fights!!! Its absolutely amazing

how sick I was and how healthy I am now. I still surprise myself

daily when I do some of the simplest things and realize they are

things I couldn't even consider doing just one short year ago. Like

planting and watering flowers in my yard.


> Life is good. I think about you all often and hope that you are

all doing well.


> Much love,






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---Thank you SOOOO much, , for the encouragement. I am having

surgery on July 26 and have been a bit down lately. This gives me

lots of hope and something to look forward to. My grandchildren are

waiting to have their ole granny back!!

Love & Prayers,

Sunny :)

In , <ktitko@...> wrote:


> Hello Ladies!!


> Last week on the summer solstice I celebrated the one year

anniversary of my explant! Its so hard to believe that was a year

ago. My life has changed so drastically since then!


> I am currently repeating the fungal defense program. I've made it

a goal to do it on every anniversary. This time it is much easier to

tolerate, which means I am less infested than last year, so that's a

good thing. I continue to have problems with my digestion about once

or twice a month, but I think I may have that figured out. I've been

noticing that first of all as I get the yeast under control my

digestion is much better, but secondly that when I have an episode I

think it is my liver dumping toxins. I say that because I have been

noticing that what is coming out of me is very yellow and bright much

like bile. So when I finish this round of fungal defense I have a

liver cleanse I am going to try. My episodes are always triggered by

stress, and I can't always control that, but I try. At least I am

able to function on a normal level now. Pre-surgery I couldn't leave

the house without worrying I would have an attack. Now I can go out

whenever I want because I generally

> feel it coming on and I can control it to some degree.


> My business has grown by leaps and bounds, but it is becoming too

much for me. I teach 6-8 hours a week now and my body is protesting.

I am going to try to scale things back slightly for fall and have

bigger classes but fewer of them. I am still amazed at how many of

the women in my classes are implant victims. I have helped so many

women to learn the truth. Since starting the classes I have had well

over 150 students. I would say about 30 of them, or more, are

implanted. Slowly but surely I am paying it forward!!


> I wish I had more time to be active on the group, but running a

business and raising 3 kids full time is overwhelming. I struggle to

get my down time. LOL Last year all I had was down time because I was

too sick to do anything at all. This summer we will be taking the

kids hiking, camping, canoeing, etc. All the things I couldn't enjoy

before. I do find a lot of moments to stop and smell the roses. To

reflect on the lost years of my life, and to enjoy what I have in the

moment. I hug my kids more often, and laugh so much more now. I can

even engage in tickle fights!!! Its absolutely amazing how sick I was

and how healthy I am now. I still surprise myself daily when I do

some of the simplest things and realize they are things I couldn't

even consider doing just one short year ago. Like planting and

watering flowers in my yard.


> Life is good. I think about you all often and hope that you are

all doing well.


> Much love,






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