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Re: foot pads-rogene

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I saw some foot pads on ebay last nite doing some searching for a medical ID bracelet.... what was the brand you recommended? did you say they also worked for saline in getting the silicone shells out of us? Thanks for the info.... I haven't been around much as I have been doing so much research on my seizures, etc.... I can not help but think they are related to the implants in some way with all the other issues I have had.... maybe a little bit of shell breaking loose into the old brain? not enough for a full blown aneurysm but you never know..... as many seizers as I had in one day? worth the research.....

thanks a million Rogene and god Bless!!!



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Shari . ..

Yes, ebay has the best prices on detox foot pads I've seen . . . However, there's a serious lack of information behind them. . . One of the implant women I know off the group is using them successfully though.

I opted for Acupeds . . . I don't understand their webpage, because it seems like the options are different every time I look at it. . . Maybe it's my memory! The ones I got are the 102 pad supply. It comes with a testing kit to do ones own tests and a sample of an oral chelator. I like the idea of being able to test my progress!

I'm still questioning the silicone thing. . . So far, with four implant women vs. two non-implant women, only the implant women have the sticky stuff. Silicone? It feels like it when I try to clean it off. But I don't know. I don't think the commonly offered tests are going to tell.

There are sites that offer testing - but the price can run in the hundreds of dollars! I was told this morning that the detox foot baths work on the same principal, but apparently faster. I was told that some health practioners who use the foot baths are recommending the foot pads between visits. One benefit of the pads vs. the baths is that the pads can be applied to other parts of the body.

IMHO, if there are toxins present, we can only get better by removing them. How much damage the toxins have done while they're present that can't be undone? I have no idea! I wish I had learned about these years ago!

I wonder if the foot baths are what enable Dr. Kolb to keep going with her implants still in her?

What really heartens me is that the foot pads can be used on small children. . . It would be wonderful if Logan could benefit from them!



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Rogene, I tried my foot pads on my ankles and my arms. I got nothing out. I don't know where else they would recommend using them, but it seem I get the best results with the bottoms of my feet. I also read on a website advertising the ion foot baths and they suggested using the baths on children, just in shorter durations. If you ever get one, maybe you could call a representative and ask what they think about using it on kids. Randy and I are thinking about getting one so the whole family could benefit. Randy has gout and the kids eat soo bad. Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: Shari . .. Yes, ebay has the best prices on detox foot pads I've seen . . . However, there's a serious lack of information behind them. . . One of the implant women I know off the group is using them successfully though. I opted for Acupeds . . . I don't understand their webpage,

because it seems like the options are different every time I look at it. . . Maybe it's my memory! The ones I got are the 102 pad supply. It comes with a testing kit to do ones own tests and a sample of an oral chelator. I like the idea of being able to test my progress! I'm still questioning the silicone thing. . . So far, with four implant women vs. two non-implant women, only the implant women have the sticky stuff. Silicone? It feels like it when I try to clean it off. But I don't know. I don't think the commonly offered tests are going to tell. There are sites that offer testing - but

the price can run in the hundreds of dollars! I was told this morning that the detox foot baths work on the same principal, but apparently faster. I was told that some health practioners who use the foot baths are recommending the foot pads between visits. One benefit of the pads vs. the baths is that the pads can be applied to other parts of the body. IMHO, if there are toxins present, we can only get better by removing them. How much damage the toxins have done while they're present that can't be undone? I have no idea! I wish I had learned about these years ago! I wonder if the foot baths are what

enable Dr. Kolb to keep going with her implants still in her? What really heartens me is that the foot pads can be used on small children. . . It would be wonderful if Logan could benefit from them! Love, Rogene

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I used the foot pads and how gross. There is more of a brown color with this black sticky tar on my feet that won't come off. Yuck??????????????


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I wonder what you would get out of your breasts? . . .

Having a foot bath available for the whole family sounds wonderful! . . . I'd love to do that! . . Of course, my family doesn't live here! Hubby would be a hard sell, both to buy and to get himn to use it . . . Sometimes he surprises me though. - Actually, I'd like to buy one for my daughter and her family. They need one really bad! . . . Three kids with disabilities, hubby with diabetes . . . daughter needs help too! Hubby would have a fit about that though! . . . It won't be long before, they'll be in the money and can handle it themselves though

Detoxing kids from the getgo could make a huge difference!



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I think I will order some - use them on myself, Logan and ..... if mine are sticky and 's are not that would be interesting..... (obviously he has never had silicone implants in him!!) you think they would still work on me since mine we saline w/ silicone shells? They did discover 30% of my shells missing upon removal - gotta be in me somewhere - I wouldn't doubt if some got into my brain causing my seizure bout last week... scary but it is what I think....

What would really be weird if Logans were sticky... that would confirm that he also got it from breastfeeding.....

Anyways - how did you get the sticky stuff off as I know I am at least gonna have it - I want to be prepared!!!



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I tried the detox foot pads too last night for the first time and it was black and sticky. I don't know if the adhesive just turns sticky from contact with body heat or if it's something else like silicone. Maybe one of us could get another family member to try one? I know my husband won't try it, though. KateBSBanshee1@... wrote: Rogene, I used the foot pads and how gross. There is more of a brown color with this

black sticky tar on my feet that won't come off. Yuck?????????????? Donna

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I'll try them and I am sure my husband would too. What kind of pads are you guys ordering? Can you provide the link? I want to make sure to get the same brand. PattyKate Lowe <lagarita120@...> wrote: I tried the detox foot pads too last night for the first time and it was black and sticky. I don't know if the adhesive just turns sticky from contact with body heat or if it's something else like silicone. Maybe one of us could get another family member to try one? I know my husband won't try it, though.

KateBSBanshee1@... wrote: Rogene, I used the foot pads and how gross. There is more of a brown color with this black sticky tar on my feet that won't come off. Yuck?????????????? Donna Sports Fantasy Football ’06 - Go with the leader. Start your league today!

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Just wondering what you do if your real allergic to adhesives? I can't wear bandages etc. Just barely got by with the paper tape Dr. Kolb uses. Penni

Re: foot pads-rogene

I tried the detox foot pads too last night for the first time and it was black and sticky. I don't know if the adhesive just turns sticky from contact with body heat or if it's something else like silicone. Maybe one of us could get another family member to try one? I know my husband won't try it, though.

KateBSBanshee1@... wrote:


I used the foot pads and how gross. There is more of a brown color with this black sticky tar on my feet that won't come off. Yuck??????????????


Sports Fantasy Football ’06 - Go with the leader. Start your league today!

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Patty, I use Acupeds. http://www.acupeds.com/index.html Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote: I'll try them and I am sure my husband would too. What kind of pads are you guys ordering? Can you provide the link? I want to make sure to get the same brand. PattyKate Lowe <lagarita120@...> wrote: I tried the detox foot pads too last night for the first time and it was black and sticky. I don't know if the adhesive just turns sticky from contact with body heat or if it's something else like silicone. Maybe one of us could get another family member to try one? I know my husband won't try it, though. KateBSBanshee1@... wrote: Rogene, I used the foot pads and how gross. There is more of a brown color with this black sticky tar on my feet that won't come off. Yuck?????????????? Donna Sports Fantasy Football ’06 - Go with the leader. Start your league today! Ring'em or ping'em. Make PC-to-phone calls as low as 1¢/min with Messenger with Voice.

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I am allergic to paper tape. I can use the cloth ones.


At 04:30 PM 6/21/2006, you wrote:



>Just wondering what you do if your real allergic to adhesives? I

>can't wear bandages etc. Just barely got by with the paper tape Dr.

>Kolb uses. Penni

> Re: foot pads-rogene


>I tried the detox foot pads too last night for the first time and it

>was black and sticky. I don't know if the adhesive just turns

>sticky from contact with body heat or if it's something else like

>silicone. Maybe one of us could get another family member to try

>one? I know my husband won't try it, though.




><mailto:BSBanshee1@...>BSBanshee1@... wrote:



>I used the foot pads and how gross. There is more of a brown color

>with this black sticky tar on my feet that won't come off. Yuck??????????????






> Sports Fantasy Football '06 - Go with the leader.


n=YAH & ovcpn=Integration & ovcrn=Mail+footer & ovrfd=YAH & ovtac=AD>Start

>your league today!



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I will get my boyfriend to do the foot pads and let you know. If I can talk him into pedicure I am sure he will for the site. LOL Too funny these men are so proud. LOL I am curious if it does the same for men without implants.


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If I were allergic to adhesives, I would use a gauze wrap to hold the pad in place, use a piece of tape (gauze to gauze) to hold the gauze in place, then put a sock over everything.


Re: foot pads-rogene

I tried the detox foot pads too last night for the first time and it was black and sticky. I don't know if the adhesive just turns sticky from contact with body heat or if it's something else like silicone. Maybe one of us could get another family member to try one? I know my husband won't try it, though.

KateBSBanshee1@... wrote:


I used the foot pads and how gross. There is more of a brown color with this black sticky tar on my feet that won't come off. Yuck??????????????


Sports Fantasy Football 06 - Go with the leader. Start your league today!

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The adhesive should wash off with soap and water . . . The stuff I'm talking about won't. I used alcohol and scrubbed vigorously . . . let hers dry out and peeled it off.


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Shari . . . I use alcohol to get the sticky stuff off . . . Still, it's not an easy wipe!

It would be wonderful it it would help Logan . .

Is he still getting rashes?


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Amazing, isn't it? . . . When you get most of the toxins out, the pads should stay white! . .. .

My massage therapists told me that we have little B-B like balls of toxins that accumulate in our feet. . . There is a medical name for this - a friend who's an OR nurse told me - but I forgot. . .

When these balls burst, they spray a very stinky brown/black substance! . . . My massage therapist saw this while working in an autopsy center.

I don't know for sure, but some of the stuff on the pads are probably coming from those balls.


Re: foot pads-rogene


I used the foot pads and how gross. There is more of a brown color with this black sticky tar on my feet that won't come off. Yuck??????????????


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Just a thought. With all the personal care products on the market today that contain a form of silicone, I wonder if the pads will draw silicone out people who have never been implanted. . BSBanshee1@... wrote: Kate, I will get my boyfriend to do the foot pads and let you know. If I can talk him into pedicure I am sure he will for the site. LOL Too funny these men are so

proud. LOL I am curious if it does the same for men without implants. Donna

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That's certainly possible . . . I think the silicones used in cosmetics are different than those in implants . . . But, that doesn't mean that someone sensitized to the silicone in implants won't react to the stuff in cosmentics.

Personally, I can't wear most makeup anymore. . . . My eyes burn/water.

It will be interesting to see if those who haven't had implants get sticky feet. . . I did see on one of the foot pad testimonial pages that a man said his feet got sticky . . . Of course, I don't know what his background is.


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Well I got my foot pad today so I will try one tonight (hope I

remember!!) I got the ones from Body Pure.

I also mailed my hair analysis for toxic and essential elements

today! Want to see if it matches the urine Challenge test.

I have heard that some people don't feel well after using those foot

pads. They feel worn out..etc. Has anyone here had that type or





> That's certainly possible . . . I think the silicones used in

cosmetics are different than those in implants . . . But, that

doesn't mean that someone sensitized to the silicone in implants

won't react to the stuff in cosmentics.


> Personally, I can't wear most makeup anymore. . . . My eyes



> It will be interesting to see if those who haven't had implants

get sticky feet. . . I did see on one of the foot pad testimonial

pages that a man said his feet got sticky . . . Of course, I don't

know what his background is.


> Rogene


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My massage therapist told me that she felt so bad it scared her . . . she never thought about it being a herx effect . . . She's back to using them now. If you find you herx more than you want to, cut back on the length of time you leave them on. .

The way I see it, if I do have a bad herx, it must have been something that really needed to be addressed. . . It's nothing to get scared about. You'll quickly learn how to manage to control the severity by balancing the amount of time and the frequency.

At least with the pads, you're not putting anything into your system that has to work it's way out.

On the other hand, you may not herx at all!

Please let us know how you do!


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I used on of the foot pads last night. At some point during the

night...one side of the adhesive slightly detached such that the pad

was not directly on my foot on that one side.

The other side was brownish...gelatinous looking inside the pad and

sort of shiny.

Did not have any adverse reactions that I am aware of.

ummmm...so I am wearing another on the other foot during the day

today....to see if the adhesive sticks better.

Very interesting...I just may have to get one of these things


Rogene, and anyone else that has tried these...which brand

did you buy??


> ,


> My massage therapist told me that she felt so bad it scared

her . . . she never thought about it being a herx effect . . . She's

back to using them now. If you find you herx more than you want to,

cut back on the length of time you leave them on. .


> The way I see it, if I do have a bad herx, it must have been

something that really needed to be addressed. . . It's nothing to

get scared about. You'll quickly learn how to manage to control the

severity by balancing the amount of time and the frequency.


> At least with the pads, you're not putting anything into your

system that has to work it's way out.


> On the other hand, you may not herx at all!


> Please let us know how you do!


> Rogene


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I'm using the Acupeds . . .

I put socks on over the pads so I don't kick them off during the night. It also helps keep the feet warm. Apparently, heat has something to do with how well they work.


Re: foot pads-rogene

Rogene, I used on of the foot pads last night. At some point during the night...one side of the adhesive slightly detached such that the pad was not directly on my foot on that one side. The other side was brownish...gelatino us looking inside the pad and sort of shiny.Did not have any adverse reactions that I am aware of. ummmm...so I am wearing another on the other foot during the day today....to see if the adhesive sticks better. Very interesting. ..I just may have to get one of these things tested. Rogene, and anyone else that has tried these...which brand did you buy?? >> ,> > My massage therapist told me that she felt so bad it scared her . . . she never thought

about it being a herx effect . . . She's back to using them now. If you find you herx more than you want to, cut back on the length of time you leave them on. . > > The way I see it, if I do have a bad herx, it must have been something that really needed to be addressed. . . It's nothing to get scared about. You'll quickly learn how to manage to control the severity by balancing the amount of time and the frequency.> > At least with the pads, you're not putting anything into your system that has to work it's way out.> > On the other hand, you may not herx at all! > > Please let us know how you do! > > Rogene>

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, I used Acuped, http://www.acupeds.com/index.html sedwards41255 <sedwards41255@...> wrote: Rogene, I used on of the foot pads last night. At some point during the night...one side of the adhesive slightly detached such that the pad was not directly on my foot on that one side. The other side was brownish...gelatinous looking inside the pad and sort

of shiny.Did not have any adverse reactions that I am aware of. ummmm...so I am wearing another on the other foot during the day today....to see if the adhesive sticks better. Very interesting...I just may have to get one of these things tested. Rogene, and anyone else that has tried these...which brand did you buy?? >> ,> > My massage therapist told me that she felt so bad it scared her . . . she never thought about it being a herx effect . . . She's back to using them now. If you find you herx more than you want to, cut back on the length of time you leave them on. . > > The way I see it, if I do have a bad herx, it must have been something that really needed to be addressed. . . It's

nothing to get scared about. You'll quickly learn how to manage to control the severity by balancing the amount of time and the frequency.> > At least with the pads, you're not putting anything into your system that has to work it's way out.> > On the other hand, you may not herx at all! > > Please let us know how you do! > > Rogene>

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Just wondering about something. These foot pads are expensive and

it looks like if we use them for a little over a year we could

almost pay for a ionic foot bath instead. Also, the foot pads are

disposable throw aways....versus always having the foot bath

(assuming it does not break down). So....any comments on which is

the better buy??

I understand using the foot pad to test the " detox mechanism " and to

see if it really works. What are you guys going to to if this

becomes a 2 and 3 year thing....as suggested on the Body Pure web


Just curious....and always want the better bang for my bucks...LOL!

> >

> > ,

> >

> > My massage therapist told me that she felt so bad it scared

> her . . . she never thought about it being a herx effect . . .


> back to using them now. If you find you herx more than you want


> cut back on the length of time you leave them on. .

> >

> > The way I see it, if I do have a bad herx, it must have been

> something that really needed to be addressed. . . It's nothing to

> get scared about. You'll quickly learn how to manage to control


> severity by balancing the amount of time and the frequency.

> >

> > At least with the pads, you're not putting anything into your

> system that has to work it's way out.

> >

> > On the other hand, you may not herx at all!

> >

> > Please let us know how you do!

> >

> > Rogene

> >







> ---------------------------------

> Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.

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