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. . . The purpose of Fungal Defense is to kill off the negative organisms that are keeping the benefical ones from surviving . . . Primal Defense replaces the damaged and dead beneficial organisms. In both cases, you start with one capsule and add one more each day until you're taking four in the a.m. and four in the p.m. If you start herxing too much, slow down the rate of increase. You should only need one bottle of Fungal Defense - unless you take antibiotic are on a sugar diet . . . Don't take both at the same time! . . . Your tummy will think there's an all out shooting war going on! You'll need to take Primal Defense indefinitely . . . Did you see the spit test? . . . It tracks really well with these products and diet. Hugs and prayers, Rogene

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You can test your own spit . . . It's not scientific, but it's free! The first thing in the morning, before putting anything in your mouth, spit as much as you can in a glass of water. . . Let it sit for 15 minutes. . . When you come back, if it's clear, you pass. . . However, if there's a milky blob floating - with tendrils hanging down, or chunk floating, or a milky blob in the bottom of the glass, it indicates a problem. . . This test was devised by the produces of a probiotic called Three Lac . . . I don't recommend Three Lac. They make promises that they can't keep! . . . You'll soon find that it tracks really well with how closely you're following your diet and supplements vs. how you feel. . Rogene

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  • 2 weeks later...
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good luck Rogene..... I would hate all those tests as well but if they are gonna get to the root of your issues and get you better then they are worth it!!! good luck - you know I am praying for you!!!!



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i agree

My aunt went thru the same thing.... she is fine now - she had a lumpectomy and some lymph nodes removed....

she is my moms sister so I am on the lookout as well... she has 4 sisters and they are all oder.... they are all getting their check-ups, etc., to make sure... always a good idea

What is weird is I always used to think in my younger stupid days that i couldn't get breast cancer as my breast were so small..... my mom and all her sister have small ones as well.... all of my female cousins on my moms side... we are talking 10 are small breasted as well - the two daughters from her oldest sister have implants.....

anyways, my sister of all people was the only one out of all the grand kids to end up with a big chest.... she is like a 38 D.... crazy..... don't know where that came from... she is 7 years younger than me - she look a lot like me except she has green eyes and is larger boned... always has been... I remember at 18 she was 11 and her breasts were larger than mine!!! she is one of the ones that tried to talk me outta implants... I always told her she just didn't understand how it was being so small... i should have listened.... I was jealous then - not now... after two children she is paying the price.... I am much happier w/ my small one than hers now!!!! she is 29 and had to wear a super duper bra to keep them up!!

I always lovingly tease her about that.... mine were big but now they aren't and I still do not sag..... we always tease one another... we have a great relationship.

anyways - good luck with everything Rogene and know I am always thinking of you and praying for you as well!!!



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--- Hi Rogene, sweet angel lady, I am praying for you everyday in

hopes that your tests will reveal more healing opportunities for

you. I haven't been as active on the site as I would like to be

lately...just cruising before my surgery. Taking your advice and

managing my stress...mainly with nature. God's landscape sure does

me good!

Thinking of you always,

Sunny :)

In , halvey70@... wrote:


> good luck Rogene..... I would hate all those tests as well but if

they are

> gonna get to the root of your issues and get you better then they

are worth

> it!!! good luck - you know I am praying for you!!!!


> love

> shari


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Rogene~` Even though I've had them replaced twice, you would think I would not be symptomatic. Maybe going from saline to silicone to saline caused a train reaction. It's confusing for me. Since the symptoms did not begin until I put the silicone in just 3 years ago to replace with saline two years ago. Can you make sense of this? Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: . . . Saline implants (especially

textured implants) begin to deteroriate the moment they're put in ones body . . . These micrscopic bits of silicone float around in our body until they find a resting place . . . Maybe the liver? the brain? the kidney? the lungs? We don't know because they've refused to study the women who have gotten ill. It's lots easier to make the women out to be mental cases, than to take the time to understand the problems. The women who I really, really worry about are those whose children are terribly ill as a result of being born and/or nursed after breast implants. . . One can get very down about being sick . .. But when one sees their own children suffering because of a decision the child has no choice in, it's devastating! One mother contemplated taking her children's lives, then ending her own. She's still with us - but her children's problems continue to grow. Talk about a living Hell! Hugs and prayers, Rogene .

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, There's a possiblity that the silicone implants were contaminated before they went in your body . . . or that you were sensitized to the materials already . .. I wish we could make sense of this! . . . without laboratories and scientific instruments, we can only guess. Rogene Platte <deniseplatte@...> wrote: Rogene~` Even though I've had them replaced

twice, you would think I would not be symptomatic. Maybe going from saline to silicone to saline caused a train reaction. It's confusing for me. Since the symptoms did not begin until I put the silicone in just 3 years ago to replace with saline two years ago. Can you make sense of this? Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: . . . Saline implants (especially textured implants) begin to deteroriate the moment they're put in ones body . . . These micrscopic bits of silicone float around in our body until they find a resting place . . . Maybe the liver? the brain? the kidney? the lungs? We don't know because they've refused to study the women who have gotten ill. It's lots easier to make the women out to be mental cases, than

to take the time to understand the problems. The women who I really, really worry about are those whose children are terribly ill as a result of being born and/or nursed after breast implants. . . One can get very down about being sick . .. But when one sees their own children suffering because of a decision the child has no choice in, it's devastating! One mother contemplated taking her children's lives, then ending her own. She's still with us - but her children's problems continue to grow. Talk about a living Hell! Hugs and prayers, Rogene .

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Each time your body is subjected to stress it can become more reactive. This stress can be emotional (such as a death in the family), physical (such as an illness) or tramatic (such as a car accident or surgery). I would assume that with each surgery you became more and more reactive to the silicone either the gel or the shell form. Platte <deniseplatte@...> wrote: Rogene~` Even though I've had them replaced twice, you would think

I would not be symptomatic. Maybe going from saline to silicone to saline caused a train reaction. It's confusing for me. Since the symptoms did not begin until I put the silicone in just 3 years ago to replace with saline two years ago. Can you make sense of this? Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: . . . Saline implants (especially textured implants) begin to deteroriate the moment they're put in ones body . . . These micrscopic bits of silicone float around in our body until they find a resting place . . . Maybe the liver? the brain? the kidney? the lungs? We don't know because they've refused to study the women who have gotten ill. It's lots easier to make the women out to be mental cases, than to take the time to

understand the problems. The women who I really, really worry about are those whose children are terribly ill as a result of being born and/or nursed after breast implants. . . One can get very down about being sick . .. But when one sees their own children suffering because of a decision the child has no choice in, it's devastating! One mother contemplated taking her children's lives, then ending her own. She's still with us - but her children's problems continue to grow. Talk about a living Hell! Hugs and prayers, Rogene .

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Thanx Rogene Your a Saint.Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: , You've got a good attitude . . . One day at a time is all it takes! . .. I suspect you'll start feeing better as soon as you can get out of that relationship! . . . And better yet when you can get those implants out! . . . Hopefully you'll be able to put your life back together soon after that. . . One of the ladies who posts

occasionally, , was horribly ill. She desperately wanted another baby and felt the clock running. She followed her detox program to the letter and was able to have a healthy baby about two years after her explant. . . You still have time! . . . We've seen a lot of women go back to school or work within months of explant. It's not easy, but it can be done! Can you find some time to do things you REALLY enjoy to give yourself breaks from the stress? . . . Those little breaks can make a huge difference. Hugs and prayers, Rogene

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well - I have an appt next Tues - I am gonna bring it up.... whether or not they will test me we will see....takes a spinal tap I guess to see it and I am finding it really hard to believe after all I have read that no doc has ever mentioned it after my years of headaches suffering.... especially since it doesn't supposedly show on the tests they have done....

sad but true.....hmo probably....

we will see - but if I can get a test I will.... A spinal tap will be worth knowing and can't be any worse than the multiple epidurals I had to get when logan was born as they kept pushing the needle too far......



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Rogene~` You mentioned you had chemical sensitivities that caused a fight or flight response..Did I hear your right? KissofSadness@... wrote: Rogene -I forgot to address 1 thing you asked about -meds for headache/migraine. I am *SO* drug sensitive, that I prefer taking only the bare minimum of medications. I've tried preventative meds like

Calcium Channel Blockers (heart medication, actually, which works to prevent migraines), as well as medications like Inderal LA which work to keep your blood pressure low and prevent migraines. With any I've tried over the years, I've had all of the adverse side effects. Inderal LA worked to an extent, but it made my blood pressure so low that all I could do was sleep ---on the lowest dose. I never did get adjusted to it. There are pain meds for the symptoms, but if I lived on them the past 8 years, I'd have surely became dependent. Between docs throwing muscle relaxers at you for the Fibromyalgia, or pain pills for rest... I've always thought "If I'm THIS age and start using this stuff -what happens in ten years? What will work?" So, thankfully I made the decision years ago to meditate pain away. I have built up such a high pain tolerance, that I've learned to tune out migraines and headaches. Although some

require that I go into a darked out room and lay down in silence and just see them through ---I almost always just deal with them. I have Fioricet to take if I have to ride in a car, though ---because those are intolerable and dangerous to my pupils. I also take A LOT of Phenergen! For Fibromyalgia pain, I do take Durabac sometimes when it gets too bad to take, or if I have someplace I have to go. I'm going to make a separate post about Fibro pain to see if it helps anyone out there. Thanks again for your brain smarts!!! LOL Brigite

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Reply . . . I later learned that the part of the brain that senses smell is adjacent to the part of the brain that triggers fight or flight . . . That's exactly how I felt. . . First I would get mad that anyone could invade my "space" with their smells . . . then I would try to get away from the smell. . . Unfortunately, when you're trying to work, you can't do either! When I asked the manager how to tell one woman who doused herself with perfume twice daily how to dipomatically tell her that her perfume was making me sick, a group of women started dousing themselves too! . . . It was a mean place. Part of the problem . . . which I didn't recognize until after my sensitivities had almost totally diminished, was that my sense of smell for those things was greatly magnified during that time. I guess that's the body's way of trying to protect us. . . My sense of smell is no longer as sensitive. Rogene

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So your chemical sensitivities have diminished substantially. Thanx Rogene, you are a light. I'm just hanging in there. It seems like everything I put IN or ON my body triggers a fight or flight response now. I used to be able to get away with anything. If I don't put certain things in my body...I'm fine. But this is no way to live your life. I truely believe it has to do with the interaction of chemicals in my body. Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: Reply . . . I later learned that the part of the brain that senses smell is adjacent to the part of the brain that triggers fight or flight . . . That's exactly how I felt. . . First I would get mad that anyone could invade my "space" with their smells . . . then I would try to get away from the smell. . . Unfortunately, when you're trying to work, you can't do either! When I asked the manager how to tell one woman who doused herself with perfume twice daily how to dipomatically tell her that her perfume was making me sick, a group of women started dousing themselves too! . . . It was a mean place. Part of the problem . . . which I didn't recognize until after my sensitivities had almost totally diminished, was that my sense of smell for those things was greatly

magnified during that time. I guess that's the body's way of trying to protect us. . . My sense of smell is no longer as sensitive. Rogene

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Thanx Rogene~` It has been living hell for me. I want my body back. You know what I mean? God will guide me. I know he will. Mucho love, Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: ,It was about two years post explant before I realized that my sensitivities had gone away (almost) after explant. The went away very slowly. Up to that point, I hadn't connected my sensitivities to my implants. Now, the only thing that really

bothers me is eye makeup. . .Virgin coconut oil is wonderful for the skin . . . Right now, it takes a really big exposure for me to react! . . . One of the symptoms (before I made the connection between how I felt and exposure to chemicals) was deep depression. . . I would be fine . . . go out among smokers and scents . . . then be so down the next day that I just wanted to sit in the middle of the floor and bawl . . I really had to talk to myself. I made some bad decisions on those down days before I make the connection. Once I made the connection, I could give myself some time to bounce back - or stay away from the chemicals altogether. The doctor gave me all kinds of antihistamines that actually made me worse. . . I thought that, if I felt that bad with medication, I'd be much worse without it . . . After seeing an allergist who explained it to me, I stopped all the medications - It didn't make any difference. . . But I felt better.It does take

time though! . . . When it comes to this kind of sensitivity, I think the far infrared sauna is outstanding. I didn't have one at the time. I modified L.Ron Hubbard's "Clear Body, Clear Mind" program to use with the hot tub. Not necessarily a smart thing to do because the toxins go into the water you continue to sit in! . . . And, I reached a point where there are so many toxins floating around in my body that I was pretty much out of it. I'd suggest that anyone following his program have someone on hand to supervise you. . . It involves using a lot of supplements to offset the vitamins lost through sweat, plus a large amount of niacin. The program has been successfully used at detox centers sponsored by the Scientology church across the country. . . Tom Cruise bought a bunch of infrared saunas for the NYC fire department members who were sick from the 9/11 toxins so they could get better.I don't agree with the Scientology church, but I figure

everyone's entitled to at least one good idea, regardless!Rogene

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But they went away instead of got worse. Right?Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: ,It was about two years post explant before I realized that my sensitivities had gone away (almost) after explant. The went away very slowly. Up to that point, I hadn't connected my sensitivities to my implants. Now, the only thing that really bothers me is eye makeup. . .Virgin coconut oil is wonderful for the skin . . . Right now, it takes a really big exposure for me to react! . . . One of the symptoms (before I made the connection

between how I felt and exposure to chemicals) was deep depression. . . I would be fine . . . go out among smokers and scents . . . then be so down the next day that I just wanted to sit in the middle of the floor and bawl . . I really had to talk to myself. I made some bad decisions on those down days before I make the connection. Once I made the connection, I could give myself some time to bounce back - or stay away from the chemicals altogether. The doctor gave me all kinds of antihistamines that actually made me worse. . . I thought that, if I felt that bad with medication, I'd be much worse without it . . . After seeing an allergist who explained it to me, I stopped all the medications - It didn't make any difference. . . But I felt better.It does take time though! . . . When it comes to this kind of sensitivity, I think the far infrared sauna is outstanding. I didn't have one at the time. I modified L.Ron Hubbard's "Clear Body, Clear Mind" program to

use with the hot tub. Not necessarily a smart thing to do because the toxins go into the water you continue to sit in! . . . And, I reached a point where there are so many toxins floating around in my body that I was pretty much out of it. I'd suggest that anyone following his program have someone on hand to supervise you. . . It involves using a lot of supplements to offset the vitamins lost through sweat, plus a large amount of niacin. The program has been successfully used at detox centers sponsored by the Scientology church across the country. . . Tom Cruise bought a bunch of infrared saunas for the NYC fire department members who were sick from the 9/11 toxins so they could get better.I don't agree with the Scientology church, but I figure everyone's entitled to at least one good idea, regardless!Rogene

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,You'll get your body back . . You may have to work at it, but it's doable . . . Just keep putting one foot in front of the other until you get there!After 16 years of implants and explanted for 12 years, I still have times when I don't feel 100% . . . but most of the time I feel good! . . . Compared to a lot of women my age, I feel like I'm ahead of the game because of the things I've learned along the way.Hugs,Rogene

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Thank you again for your wisdomRogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: ,You'll get your body back . . You may have to work at it, but it's doable . . . Just keep putting one foot in front of the other until you get there!After 16 years of implants and explanted for 12 years, I still have times when I don't feel 100% . . . but most of the time I feel good! . . . Compared to a lot of women my age, I feel like I'm ahead of the game because of the things I've learned along the


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Rogene~ It seems like most everyone with implants has a history of depression. Do you think that it is related to our silicone sensitivity, makes us more suspecitible. Is there anyone who was not depressed anyway before implants? Thanx Rogene~` Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: ,You'll get your body back . . You may have to work at it, but it's doable . . . Just keep putting one foot in front of the other

until you get there!After 16 years of implants and explanted for 12 years, I still have times when I don't feel 100% . . . but most of the time I feel good! . . . Compared to a lot of women my age, I feel like I'm ahead of the game because of the things I've learned along the way.Hugs,Rogene

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Rogene~` I will be out for a couple of weeks. Heading back to San Diego. Can you hold on my e-mails until I notify you. This is the best group. lv, Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: ,You'll get your body back . . You may have to work at it, but it's doable . . . Just keep putting one foot in front of the other until

you get there!After 16 years of implants and explanted for 12 years, I still have times when I don't feel 100% . . . but most of the time I feel good! . . . Compared to a lot of women my age, I feel like I'm ahead of the game because of the things I've learned along the way.Hugs,Rogene

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, I've changed your preference setting to "No Mail" . . . We can change it when you get back . . . In the meantime, you can read the group by going to / Have a wonderful trip! Rogene

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Rogene~` I'm still getting mail. I tried to get into the website to deactivate and could not. I am not well today. My password is lovers I believe. Are you able to do it for me? Sorry.... Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: ,You'll get your body back . . You may have to work at it, but it's doable . . . Just keep putting one foot in front of the other until you get there!After 16 years of

implants and explanted for 12 years, I still have times when I don't feel 100% . . . but most of the time I feel good! . . . Compared to a lot of women my age, I feel like I'm ahead of the game because of the things I've learned along the way.Hugs,Rogene

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  • 4 months later...


I have made several phone calls to different

PS offices. I cannot afford $50 a visit just for

them to turn me down, when I tell them I am

hurting and ask can they remove the capsules

I have been told to see my PS who put them in.

I am to tired and weak to play their stupid head

mind games. I am to crippled to travel even if

I had the money. I just have to work on getting

my ownself better. I just pray the scar tissue

does not give me cancer that is my worst fear


Sandy,I highly recommend that you find an MD or ND that understands your illnessand can help you. Emergency rooms are not geared to treat an illness unlessit is life or death. If the ER doctors know you are going to live, theysend you home.Kenda


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