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Re: Dec 12th will be 3 months since explant

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Thanks Rogene....so it suppose to be like this ? The aches and pains will finally go away ? I sure hope so cause I'm 47 almost 48 and I know in time the aches and pains will be age related...ha ha thanks its always nice to be reassured

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. . .you sound like you're right on course to getting better . . . just keep moving - it will get better with time. Use those TV times to do little exercises. Rogene GMCLADY98@... wrote: And I feel better sometimes and I have to admit the brain fog is pretty much gone and I think the memory loss is too...but my joints aches so bad...my lower back is killing me not to forget my

knees and feet and of yes my NECK.....when I exercise it does seem to get better ...its the worse in the morning when I get up and at night when I lay around and watch TV. HELP...... .

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Terri when did you explant ? I did 9/12/06 and SO VERY GLADE I DID ! It makes me sick to watch DR 90210 and watch them girls screw up their life's I want to scream DON"T DO IT ! Anyways did you feel as though you got alittle worse after explant as far as aches and pains ? I feel as though I have more good days now than bad but still not all good as I hope to one day have.

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We don't have pat answers - probably bceause the problems can stem from a number of causes. Until you've gotten really serious about diet and lifestyle, you won't know how far you can progress. How are you doing diet wise? RogeneGMCLADY98@... wrote: Thanks Rogene....so it suppose to be like this ? The aches and pains will finally go away ? I sure

hope so cause I'm 47 almost 48 and I know in time the aches and pains will be age related...ha ha thanks its always nice to be reassured

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Me too its sounds like we are at the same stage of healing, neck,

headaches, joints low back, hips, kness, sholders, brain fog gone,

memory loss gone. But hey I am happy with that mess gone. At least I

know who I am

Terri P

-- In , GMCLADY98@... wrote:


> And I feel better sometimes and I have to admit the brain fog is

pretty much

> gone and I think the memory loss is too...but my joints aches so


> lower back is killing me not to forget my knees and feet and of yes


> NECK.....when I exercise it does seem to get better ...its the worse

in the morning

> when I get up and at night when I lay around and watch TV.

HELP...... .


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I had mine 8/27/05 but he only took out the one capsule because it had

a capsular contracture. I didn't know this group and the importance or

even know of capsules at the time, I just had the other capsule

removed 9/27/06. I think I would have had a better recovery the first

time around IF both capsules had been removed together. It just kills

me I had to have another surgery, More scars more pain more anxiety

more recovery, I am finally on my way, I still have a way to go , Pain

in the neck and shoulders and all joints is unbearable. headaches

migraines. But again I had mine for 20 years and my contracture for 18

years and the right brest had almost no fluid leftin it, God only

knows how long it was slowly leaking through that faulty valve.

Terri P

-- In , GMCLADY98@... wrote:


> Terri when did you explant ? I did 9/12/06 and SO VERY GLADE I

DID ! It

> makes me sick to watch DR 90210 and watch them girls screw up their

life's I

> want to scream DON " T DO IT ! Anyways did you feel as though you got


> worse after explant as far as aches and pains ? I feel as though I

have more good

> days now than bad but still not all good as I hope to one day have.


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A healthy diet concentrates on foods cooked from scratch, or raw. . . plus foods with active organisms . . I don't know how it compares with Atkins. Also - no microwave, sugar or artifical sweeteners. Rogene GMCLADY98@... wrote: pretty good...mostly following the ATKINS diet.

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Atkins is good for short term weight loss but is not considered a healthy

way to eat over the long term. Your body needs carbs.


> pretty good...mostly following the ATKINS diet.

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Atkins promotes a no/low carb diet. It is very unhealthy over time.

Additionally, most people who follow an Atkins diet gain their weight back

once carbs are reintroduced to their diets. Balanced eating is a far better

way to lose weight.


> A healthy diet concentrates on foods cooked from scratch, or raw. . . plus

> foods with active organisms . . I don't know how it compares with Atkins. Also

> - no microwave, sugar or artifical sweeteners.


> Rogene



> GMCLADY98@... wrote:

> pretty good...mostly following the ATKINS diet.




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Atkins is high protein, and you can have fats. No carbs or very few

carbs, you count your carbs. Recently it has been found to increase

heart disease. And, it is completely not recommended for anyone

close to 50 or over 50. I would not recommend it as a way to detox.


At 03:03 PM 12/10/2006, you wrote:

>A healthy diet concentrates on foods cooked from scratch, or raw. .

>. plus foods with active organisms . . I don't know how it compares

>with Atkins. Also - no microwave, sugar or artifical sweeteners.





>GMCLADY98@... wrote:

>pretty good...mostly following the ATKINS diet.




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There is quite a history of problems, even Atkins himself died of

heart disease. It is considered dangerous for anyone over 50 and

unproven for others, and what I recently saw on TV was that heart

disease was more prevalent in those that followed this diet.


At 05:33 PM 12/10/2006, you wrote:

>Lynda they had a thing on TV just the other day and said this was

>not a proven fact.


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