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From Lana: A MUST READ on silicone hypersensitivity

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Thanks Lana!Lana Transue <lanadearest@...> wrote: From: "Lana Transue" <lanadearest@...>saxony01@...Subject: A MUST READDate: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 11:28:20 -0800The body recognizes the silicone in the implants "and" its components, silicon & silica as foreign invaders. Once the body notices the implant, the body then develops and antibody to the implant, now seen as an antigen, a foreign invader. This same protective antibody is what causes capsular contracture. For those of you who had problems with capsular contracture, you already know just how fierce that antibody can be.Once the body has developed the antibody to the antigen, the implant, there is a potential for the immune system to react every time it comes in contact with the antigen…silicone, silicon,

silica.When and if, this response occurs, a mast cell reaction is created when the substance is reintroduced into the body. The mast cell reaction demonstrates itself through unusual unexplainable illness, such as skin disorders, swollen joints, fibromyalgia, gastrointestinal problems, conjunctivitis, bursitis, unexplainable allergies, emotional and behavioral problems, depression, brain fog, arthritis, chronic fatigue, and in some cases the reaction can be life threatening.If you look at Sheri's son, in the picture section, this is a classic severe reaction to medication. That’s exactly what my son looked like after taking Ceclor. Ceclor has two forms of silicone in it. ALL OF THESE SYMPTOMS and the rashes ARE LISTED UNDER ALLERGIES.REMEMBER: The body only reacts with an allergic reaction, after the SECOND contact with the offending substance, the silica silicon, silicone.Where is the SECOND contact, that

is creating the mast cell reaction, coming from? The medications!The silicone in the medication is what set off my children -born of implants- allergic reactions. The silicon and silica meds we gave them to treat their illness caused more illnesses. The vitamins, the antibiotics and so forth, gave them multiple unexplainable symptoms. They saw an allergist and tested negative for all allergens, except SILICON DIOXIDE! Once we removed and or switched all meds that contained silicon dioxide, silicone and silica, their health improved dramatically, in a matter of weeks. For example, they were taking Hydroxizine for their skin disorders, Cisipride for their stomach problems and so on, all of which contained silicon dioxide. After removing the silicon meds some of my health problems improved as well. In my case I had a great deal of gel migration so the nerve damage related injuries and the pain from the granulomas has not

subsided. But a number of the allergic type reactions have.The potential for a hypersensitivity problem is especially true due to the platinum in the implants. Platinum is known for being a catalyst for causing allergies.Most of the medications people take for their symptoms contain some form of silicon.The silicon meds are used in preparation for surgery, as well as surgery after care.The meds they give for implant removal surgery and follow up care also contain some form of silicon.If one was having their implants removed because of unusual medical symptoms caused by the exposure to the implant, then introducing the very chemical(S), that created the problem, into the blood stream, would only serve to insure that the symptoms would not go away. Introducing these meds could also cause more sysmtoms to appear.If your symptoms were to go away, then you wouldn't need any more

medications and or doctors appointments. HMMM…All doctors know that a person can become allergic to ANYTHING…even silicone, especially if it's implanted into the body.Request the test. If you are having multiple unexplainable symptoms then having a silicon hypersensitivity test is the only way to know if you have already developed an allergy.It is also important to understand that taking silicone, silicon and or silica meds after implants could potentially set off an allergic reaction that did not other wise exist.REMEMBER: The body only reacts, with an allergic reaction, after the SECOND contact with the offending substance, the silica silicon, silicone in the medications.Discuss this information with your doctor. Gather all the information you can find to confirm your concerns and request the silicon hypersensitivity test. Read all you can on the internet about allergies and things that

contain silica, silicon and silicone.In our case, I can not eat any unpeeled fruits and vegetables. The silica is in the outer coating of the fruits and veggies. In the beginning I removed all forms of silicon and silica from my sons diets as well. Today, they can eat small amounts of the fruits and veggies but so times they do have mild adverse reactions to them.I know that silica is an important substance to the body but when you're hypersensitivity to it, the story changes. For example, milk is important to the body make up as well, but for those who are lactose intolerant it is to be avoided. Good luck in your quest.I hope you find this helpful. Lana_________________________________________________________________

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Wow, this is fascinating. I had no idea that silica and silicon could cause allergic reactions in someone who is allergic to silicone. I'm definitely going to look into the test, and look at all my supplements. The plot always thickens, doesn't it?

Thanks, Rogene, for passing this along.


From Lana: A MUST READ on silicone hypersensitivity

Thanks Lana!Lana Transue <lanadearesthotmail> wrote: From: "Lana Transue" <lanadearesthotmail>saxony01 Subject: A MUST READDate: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 11:28:20 -0800The body recognizes the silicone in the implants "and" its components, silicon & silica as foreign invaders. Once the body notices the implant, the body then develops and antibody to the implant, now seen as an antigen, a foreign invader. This same protective antibody is what causes capsular contracture. For those of you who had problems with capsular contracture, you already know just how fierce that antibody can be.Once the body has developed the antibody to the antigen, the implant, there is a potential for the immune system to react every time it comes in contact with the antigen…silicone, silicon, silica.When and if, this response occurs, a mast cell reaction is created when the substance is reintroduced into the body. The mast cell reaction demonstrates itself through unusual unexplainable illness, such as skin disorders, swollen joints, fibromyalgia, gastrointestinal problems, conjunctivitis, bursitis, unexplainable allergies, emotional and behavioral problems, depression, brain fog, arthritis, chronic fatigue, and in some cases the reaction can be life threatening.If you look at Sheri's son, in the picture section, this is a classic severe reaction to medication. That’s exactly what my son looked like after taking Ceclor. Ceclor has two forms of silicone in it. ALL OF THESE SYMPTOMS and the rashes ARE LISTED UNDER ALLERGIES.REMEMBER: The body only reacts with an allergic reaction, after the SECOND contact with the offending substance, the silica silicon, silicone.Where is the SECOND contact, that is creating the mast cell reaction, coming from? The medications!The silicone in the medication is what set off my children -born of implants- allergic reactions. The silicon and silica meds we gave them to treat their illness caused more illnesses. The vitamins, the antibiotics and so forth, gave them multiple unexplainable symptoms. They saw an allergist and tested negative for all allergens, except SILICON DIOXIDE! Once we removed and or switched all meds that contained silicon dioxide, silicone and silica, their health improved dramatically, in a matter of weeks. For example, they were taking Hydroxizine for their skin disorders, Cisipride for their stomach problems and so on, all of which contained silicon dioxide. After removing the silicon meds some of my health problems improved as well. In my case I had a great deal of gel migration so the nerve damage related injuries and the pain from the granulomas has not subsided. But a number of the allergic type reactions have.The potential for a hypersensitivity problem is especially true due to the platinum in the implants. Platinum is known for being a catalyst for causing allergies.Most of the medications people take for their symptoms contain some form of silicon.The silicon meds are used in preparation for surgery, as well as surgery after care.The meds they give for implant removal surgery and follow up care also contain some form of silicon.If one was having their implants removed because of unusual medical symptoms caused by the exposure to the implant, then introducing the very chemical(S), that created the problem, into the blood stream, would only serve to insure that the symptoms would not go away. Introducing these meds could also cause more sysmtoms to appear.If your symptoms were to go away, then you wouldn't need any more medications and or doctors appointments. HMMM…All doctors know that a person can become allergic to ANYTHING…even silicone, especially if it's implanted into the body.Request the test. If you are having multiple unexplainable symptoms then having a silicon hypersensitivity test is the only way to know if you have already developed an allergy.It is also important to understand that taking silicone, silicon and or silica meds after implants could potentially set off an allergic reaction that did not other wise exist.REMEMBER: The body only reacts, with an allergic reaction, after the SECOND contact with the offending substance, the silica silicon, silicone in the medications.Discuss this information with your doctor. Gather all the information you can find to confirm your concerns and request the silicon hypersensitivity test. Read all you can on the internet about allergies and things that contain silica, silicon and silicone.In our case, I can not eat any unpeeled fruits and vegetables. The silica is in the outer coating of the fruits and veggies. In the beginning I removed all forms of silicon and silica from my sons diets as well. Today, they can eat small amounts of the fruits and veggies but so times they do have mild adverse reactions to them.I know that silica is an important substance to the body but when you're hypersensitivity to it, the story changes. For example, milk is important to the body make up as well, but for those who are lactose intolerant it is to be avoided. Good luck in your quest.I hope you find this helpful. Lana_________________________________________________________________

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Hi Lana,

does silica have any relation to the saliclaytes in food? Are

there specific vegetables that your son has to avoid or is it only

the skins? Is he okay with vegetables that don't have skin?




> From: " Lana Transue " <lanadearest@...>

> saxony01@...

> Subject: A MUST READ

> Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 11:28:20 -0800


> The body recognizes the silicone in the implants " and " its


> silicon & silica as foreign invaders. Once the body notices

the implant, the

> body then develops and antibody to the implant, now seen as an

antigen, a

> foreign invader. This same protective antibody is what causes


> contracture. For those of you who had problems with capsular


> you already know just how fierce that antibody can be.


> Once the body has developed the antibody to the antigen, the

implant, there

> is a potential for the immune system to react every time it

comes in contact

> with the antigen.silicone, silicon, silica.


> When and if, this response occurs, a mast cell reaction is

created when the

> substance is reintroduced into the body. The mast cell

reaction demonstrates

> itself through unusual unexplainable illness, such as skin


> swollen joints, fibromyalgia, gastrointestinal problems,


> bursitis, unexplainable allergies, emotional and behavioral


> depression, brain fog, arthritis, chronic fatigue, and in some

cases the

> reaction can be life threatening.

> If you look at Sheri's son, in the picture section, this is a

classic severe

> reaction to medication. That's exactly what my son looked like

after taking

> Ceclor. Ceclor has two forms of silicone in it. ALL OF THESE




> REMEMBER: The body only reacts with an allergic reaction,

after the SECOND

> contact with the offending substance, the silica silicon,



> Where is the SECOND contact, that is creating the mast cell

reaction, coming

> from? The medications!


> The silicone in the medication is what set off my children -

born of

> implants- allergic reactions. The silicon and silica meds we

gave them to

> treat their illness caused more illnesses. The vitamins, the

antibiotics and

> so forth, gave them multiple unexplainable symptoms. They saw

an allergist

> and tested negative for all allergens, except SILICON DIOXIDE!

Once we

> removed and or switched all meds that contained silicon

dioxide, silicone

> and silica, their health improved dramatically, in a matter of

weeks. For

> example, they were taking Hydroxizine for their skin

disorders, Cisipride

> for their stomach problems and so on, all of which contained


> dioxide. After removing the silicon meds some of my health

problems improved

> as well. In my case I had a great deal of gel migration so the

nerve damage

> related injuries and the pain from the granulomas has not

subsided. But a

> number of the allergic type reactions have.


> The potential for a hypersensitivity problem is especially

true due to the

> platinum in the implants. Platinum is known for being a

catalyst for causing

> allergies.


> Most of the medications people take for their symptoms contain

some form of

> silicon.


> The silicon meds are used in preparation for surgery, as well

as surgery

> after care.


> The meds they give for implant removal surgery and follow up

care also

> contain some form of silicon.


> If one was having their implants removed because of unusual

medical symptoms

> caused by the exposure to the implant, then introducing the


> chemical(S), that created the problem, into the blood stream,

would only

> serve to insure that the symptoms would not go away.

Introducing these meds

> could also cause more sysmtoms to appear.


> If your symptoms were to go away, then you wouldn't need any


> medications and or doctors appointments. HMMM.


> All doctors know that a person can become allergic to


> silicone, especially if it's implanted into the body.


> Request the test. If you are having multiple unexplainable

symptoms then

> having a silicon hypersensitivity test is the only way to know

if you have

> already developed an allergy.


> It is also important to understand that taking silicone,

silicon and or

> silica meds after implants could potentially set off an

allergic reaction

> that did not other wise exist.


> REMEMBER: The body only reacts, with an allergic reaction,

after the SECOND

> contact with the offending substance, the silica silicon,

silicone in the

> medications.


> Discuss this information with your doctor. Gather all the

information you

> can find to confirm your concerns and request the silicon


> test. Read all you can on the internet about allergies and

things that

> contain silica, silicon and silicone.


> In our case, I can not eat any unpeeled fruits and vegetables.

The silica is

> in the outer coating of the fruits and veggies. In the

beginning I removed

> all forms of silicon and silica from my sons diets as well.

Today, they can

> eat small amounts of the fruits and veggies but so times they

do have mild

> adverse reactions to them.


> I know that silica is an important substance to the body but

when you're

> hypersensitivity to it, the story changes. For example, milk

is important to

> the body make up as well, but for those who are lactose

intolerant it is to

> be avoided. Good luck in your quest.

> I hope you find this helpful. Lana













> -------------------------------------------------------------------




> No virus found in this incoming message.

> Checked by AVG Free Edition.

> Version: 7.5.432 / Virus Database: 268.15.16/582 - Release Date:

12/11/2006 4:32 PM


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