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Skin Tags

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My skin tags are under my armpits,breasts and half way around both sides of my upper back

I am loaded with them it is just so gross. If I could get the skin tags off, I would do it myself

I am going to try hydro peroxide and see if I get results also

I had surgery for a torn rotator cuff and do not have full range of my right arm soon after implants,

I was in therapy trying regain the strength and range back but my arm will never be the same.

I also have karpel tunnel in both hands I cannot do anything tedius

It is so painful to thread a needle or even hold a mascara brush in my hands

I could never even wear earings after I had my ears pierced

The quality of earrings means nothing, I am just very sensitive to any medals

I know now my body did not accept the material in the implants either

I was under the knowledge saline was very safe in our body's

My sister-in law has saline implants also and she believes

{or maybe she is trying to convince herself}

That I was not healthy at the time of implantation because I was to skinny

but... I was skinny all my life until implantation

I wonder what she will have to say if God forbid her body goes into rejection

hmmmm.... and she was always skinnier than me !!

My sister-in-law is about 99 lbs and I was 118 lbs before implants

I have e-mailed her the facts on toxic bags

She chooses to believe that woman whose bodies who went into rejection

that they were not healthy enough for the implants to begin with

I e-mailed her the facts on toxic bags

hmmmm....Don't say I did't try to warn you !!!!



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