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Re: shunts

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I've heard of them, but after what I've been through with implants,

I don't trust things like this in the least bit. Sticking shunts in

someone's brain just concerns me. I know someone who has MS and who

uses a powdered food supplement called Reliv, and she says she's got

her life back because of this. I personally haven't tried the

stuff, but I know they have a website. My friend keeps urging me to

try it, but my body is so sensitive I walk on eggshells when it

comes to trying new things.


> Does anyone know where I could find imformation regarding shunts

that are placed in the brain to relieve pressure. I have a friend

who has MS and she is looking into this procedure and is convinced

it is her miracle. I asked her what these things are made of and

she said, " dont worry, not silicone. They are made of plastic. " . I

then asked if there were any studies on long term side effects, and

she didn't know. She is under the impression that there are not

adverse side effects as long as you get a good doctor to insert the

thing. I am very scared for her. I want to be able to give her

some information she may not be able to find herself.


> Thanks for your help,





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Hi ,

There is a group on for people with "Pseudo Tumor Cerebri" and most of the women there have those shunts. They can tell her about the long term side effects of that type of shunt. Those shunts can be very problematic, requiring many future surgeries for revisions, so she should think carefully and weigh all her other options before considering one. Sometimes just taking Diamox daily is enough to relieve the pressure without having to do the shunt, if she hasn't already tried that I think she should consider it.

Does anyone know where I could find imformation regarding shunts that are placed in the brain to relieve pressure. I have a friend who has MS and she is looking into this procedure and is convinced it is her miracle. I asked her what these things are made of and she said, "dont worry, not silicone. They are made of plastic.". I then asked if there were any studies on long term side effects, and she didn't know. She is under the impression that there are not adverse side effects as long as you get a good doctor to insert the thing. I am very scared for her. I want to be able to give her some information she may not be able to find herself.

Thanks for your help,

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Thanks for the info , I will forward this to her. Armalias@... wrote: Hi , There is a group on for people with "Pseudo Tumor Cerebri" and most of the women there have those shunts. They can tell her about the long term side effects of that type of shunt. Those shunts can be very problematic, requiring many future surgeries for revisions, so she should think carefully and weigh all

her other options before considering one. Sometimes just taking Diamox daily is enough to relieve the pressure without having to do the shunt, if she hasn't already tried that I think she should consider it. Does anyone know where I could find imformation regarding shunts that are placed in the brain to relieve pressure. I have a friend who has MS and she is looking into this procedure and is convinced it is her miracle. I asked her what these things are made of and she said, "dont worry, not silicone. They are made of plastic.". I then asked if there were any studies on long term side effects, and she didn't know. She is under the impression that there are not adverse side effects as long as you get a good doctor

to insert the thing. I am very scared for her. I want to be able to give her some information she may not be able to find herself. Thanks for your help,

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Hi Brigite,

I was diagnosed with Pseudotumor Cerebri (among other things) after getting saline implants. I'd always been perfectly healthy so I believe it is implant related, but good luck trying to convince a doctor of that. I've also chosen to go the Diamox route instead of a shunt for the same reasons you have. Either way it's no picnic but I guess it's better than being dead, some women die from PTC. I've lost most of my vision and memory with this horrible disease, I can't drive or work anymore and I've learned to live in constant pain. I still have my implants, so I don't know if explanting will make this disease any better and I don't know if my body or mind could handle another surgery anyway. I don't think PTC ever goes away once you get it. According to doctors PTC is so "rare" that there aren't any studies being done on the disease, so I'm not holding my breath for any answers or cures from the medical profession. I think basically we're on our own, just like everyone else who is sick from their implants.

By the way, if anyone else has Pseudotumor Cerebri related to implants, I'd like to hear from you. It's supposedly a 1 in 500,000 disease, and it's been one that I haven't been able to relate to implants yet. It's basically where your body reacts to brain fluid levels that stay too high as though it has a brain tumor...It's the same excrutiating pain (the onset is supposed to be one of the most painful events you can go through without outside trauma, and the brain pressure can get as high as people who've been in car accidents with head trauma), minor brain swelling, high brain pressure, loss of fine motor skills and some motor skills, mood changes and permanent personality changes (as with any brain trauma), motion sickness even during short car rides, spinal fluid comes out your nose, ears, and eyes. Spinal fluid gets into your optic nerves causing ruptures, double vision (crossed eyes), and gradually/or suddenly causes blindness... Thank God, my only losses were my peripheral vision and I have 1 blown retina from a SEVERE migraine after travelling 4 hours in a car. I also have daily migraines and a headache at all times -but you adjust and learn to ignore it. Most everything else recovered once I was in a good treatment regimine and had nerve re-education............ anyway, if you or someone you knows has this and has implatns, please let me know! Thanks!Brigite (Nitro, WV)

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I've heard horror stories about the long-term effects of shunts. Not many, but the ones I have heard make me cringe when I hear of any baby or person getting a shunt at an early age. The stories I have heard are about 20-somethings who had shunts at birth and are now in a wheelchair, unable to function normally and going on a downhill slide in health from which they will probably not recover. I believe shunts are made of silicone. Knowing that, we can pretty much predict that those receiving shunts may experience the same sort of devastating health issues that we have, only maybe worse since the silicone is already in the brain and migrates in that area. It's not a pretty picture. Shunts may save lives, but if you get sick from the silicone, what kind of life is that? I guess those making decisions have to choose the lesser of two evils. I'd hate to be making that decision myself. PattyArmalias@... wrote: Hi , There is a group on for people with "Pseudo Tumor Cerebri" and most of the women there have those shunts. They can tell her about the long term side effects of that type of shunt. Those shunts can be very problematic, requiring many future surgeries for revisions, so she should think carefully and weigh all her other options before considering one. Sometimes just taking Diamox

daily is enough to relieve the pressure without having to do the shunt, if she hasn't already tried that I think she should consider it. Does anyone know where I could find imformation regarding shunts that are placed in the brain to relieve pressure. I have a friend who has MS and she is looking into this procedure and is convinced it is her miracle. I asked her what these things are made of and she said, "dont worry, not silicone. They are made of plastic.". I then asked if there were any studies on long term side effects, and she didn't know. She is under the impression that there are not adverse side effects as long as you get a good doctor to insert the thing. I am very scared for her. I want to be

able to give her some information she may not be able to find herself. Thanks for your help,

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Welcome Brigite . . . How horrible! . . . We've had lots of women complain of severe, ongoing headaches, but no one has been given this dx that I know of. Maybe some of our ladies need to ask the right questions. Do you still have your implants? . . . It sounds like you have a huge juggling act going on! . . . Are you able to work? Have you tried any alternative treatments (if there are any)? Hugs and prayers, Rogene .

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I'm sorry Brigette, but what in the heck are you doing with your implants still in?Armalias@... wrote: Hi Brigite, I was diagnosed with Pseudotumor Cerebri (among other things) after getting saline implants. I'd always been perfectly healthy so I believe it is implant related, but good luck trying to convince a doctor of that. I've also chosen to go the Diamox route instead of a shunt for the same reasons you have. Either way

it's no picnic but I guess it's better than being dead, some women die from PTC. I've lost most of my vision and memory with this horrible disease, I can't drive or work anymore and I've learned to live in constant pain. I still have my implants, so I don't know if explanting will make this disease any better and I don't know if my body or mind could handle another surgery anyway. I don't think PTC ever goes away once you get it. According to doctors PTC is so "rare" that there aren't any studies being done on the disease, so I'm not holding my breath for any answers or cures from the medical profession. I think basically we're on our own, just like everyone else who is sick from their implants. By the way, if anyone else has

Pseudotumor Cerebri related to implants, I'd like to hear from you. It's supposedly a 1 in 500,000 disease, and it's been one that I haven't been able to relate to implants yet. It's basically where your body reacts to brain fluid levels that stay too high as though it has a brain tumor...It's the same excrutiating pain (the onset is supposed to be one of the most painful events you can go through without outside trauma, and the brain pressure can get as high as people who've been in car accidents with head trauma), minor brain swelling, high brain pressure, loss of fine motor skills and some motor skills, mood changes and permanent personality changes (as with any brain trauma), motion sickness even during short car rides, spinal fluid comes out your nose, ears, and eyes. Spinal fluid gets into your optic nerves causing ruptures, double vision (crossed eyes), and gradually/or suddenly causes blindness... Thank God,

my only losses were my peripheral vision and I have 1 blown retina from a SEVERE migraine after travelling 4 hours in a car. I also have daily migraines and a headache at all times -but you adjust and learn to ignore it. Most everything else recovered once I was in a good treatment regimine and had nerve re-education............ anyway, if you or someone you knows has this and has implatns, please let me know! Thanks!Brigite (Nitro, WV)

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, I am really sorry that you are suffering from this. It sounds absolutely painful. I hope you will definitely remove the implants. If there is anything you have to have, it is hope. I read on one site that this can go away, ("There are people who have success with medication or treatment, and their PTC goes away." See http://www.pseudotumorcerebri.com/ ) and if there is a chance that removing the implants can make this heal, I can't see hesitating! Patty Armalias@... wrote: Hi Brigite, I was diagnosed with Pseudotumor Cerebri (among other things) after getting saline implants. I'd always been perfectly healthy so I believe it is implant related, but good luck trying to convince a doctor of that. I've also chosen to go the Diamox route instead of a shunt for the same reasons you have. Either way it's no picnic but I guess it's better than being dead, some women die from PTC. I've lost most of my vision and memory with this horrible disease, I can't drive or work anymore and I've learned to live in constant pain. I still have my implants, so I don't know if explanting will make this disease any better and I don't know if my body or mind could handle another surgery anyway. I don't think PTC ever goes away once

you get it. According to doctors PTC is so "rare" that there aren't any studies being done on the disease, so I'm not holding my breath for any answers or cures from the medical profession. I think basically we're on our own, just like everyone else who is sick from their implants. By the way, if anyone else has Pseudotumor Cerebri related to implants, I'd like to hear from you. It's supposedly a 1 in 500,000 disease, and it's been one that I haven't been able to relate to implants yet. It's basically where your body reacts to brain fluid levels that stay too high as though it has a brain tumor...It's the same excrutiating pain (the onset is supposed to be one of the most painful events you can go through without outside trauma, and

the brain pressure can get as high as people who've been in car accidents with head trauma), minor brain swelling, high brain pressure, loss of fine motor skills and some motor skills, mood changes and permanent personality changes (as with any brain trauma), motion sickness even during short car rides, spinal fluid comes out your nose, ears, and eyes. Spinal fluid gets into your optic nerves causing ruptures, double vision (crossed eyes), and gradually/or suddenly causes blindness... Thank God, my only losses were my peripheral vision and I have 1 blown retina from a SEVERE migraine after travelling 4 hours in a car. I also have daily migraines and a headache at all times -but you adjust and learn to ignore it. Most everything else recovered once I was in a good treatment regimine and had nerve re-education............ anyway, if you or someone you knows has this and has implatns, please let me know!

Thanks!Brigite (Nitro, WV)

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