Guest guest Posted July 6, 2006 Report Share Posted July 6, 2006 , You remind me of myself so much before implants. I thought just like you and how much nicer clothes would look on me, etc. Well just pure vanity and Me I am so compulsive and my own worst critic that is for sure. That was I before I got implants . I wanted bigger breast I had none, I didn't like my stomach, I really didn't like nothing about me. I started to work out and ride my bike 8 miles and water fitness almost daily. I lost the stomach and wow there went my boobs with it. I felt so much like you and I would see women with boobs and found myself staring at WOMEN!!!!!!!!! That was a bad idea. I never did that before in my life. I just let this get to me for so long and finally I went against my boyfriend and family and got my implants Feb 05. My life was forever changed with the boobs. The surgery was horrible and painful for starters. It feels like a Mack truck hit you, they sit under your neck when you get them and then they have to drop in time. My right one never did drop like the left so one was higher than the other and I constantly had to fix my shirt. That was the least of my worries though. I was not feeling good around 3 weeks post-op. I had my daughter call my PS for me and tell him and he assured me that I was OK and would heal. I then started to have tingling and burning in my feet and hands, with chronic fatigue. I would wake up and need a nap around one hour later. I was constantly laying on the couch and bed and could not function what so ever. It wore me out to go to the bathroom. I gained so much weight it was not even funny. My hair was falling out and I went to doctor after doctor and back to my PS and nothing. They told me Saline Implants were safe not to worry. I then started feeling like my tongue was thick and it was white and dry. My eyes were blood shot always, I had a rash. Then I could not breath to good, nor swallow. I for sure could not breath out of my nose what so ever. I faithfully had a low grade fever every night of my life. To be honest I felt like I was going to die and went to the emergency room OMG numerous times telling them this. It then turned into memory loss, brain fog and bouncing off walls daily. I couldn't remember when I used the bathroom last. It was so weird, mysterious illness that no doctor could tell me what was wrong with me. I then on top of all this was having anxiety attacks like crazy. I had a yeast infection from hell. My breast still hurt. I can honestly say I never enjoyed my breast for one day the whole time I had them. I finally after one year 3 months and 2 days of the most purest hellish thing I had ever went through in my life. 33 symptoms in total to that day. I had them removed May 06. I found out upon getting them removed that my implants were defective and were leaking from day one. My PS left me for dead and now I have bio-toxin disease from mold and bacteria flushing in and out of my infected implant for over a year. Spilling toxins in my body. No implant is safe and I am a mother and a normal person like most humans on this site strongly affected by breast implants. For the love of God don't do this to yourself. I was so sick that I have no vanity problems any longer and have to just Thank God that I am alive daily. I no longer care about my small breast. I was so sick being on antibiotics for 10 months it seemed straight with no relief and still a fever daily. I was so sick that they could have cut my whole breast off and I would not have cared to just get well again. That sad part is we don't know the long term effects, nor if we will ever get well. We are stuck with detoxing, strict diets and Prayer for healing's from this poison. I hope my story helps you and finds you well. I just want to say I wish I had it to do over again and I would not have gotten implants. I Thank God daily I found support sites like this to warn women and tell the truth about implants. I Thank God daily that I am alive to be here for my family. I think God send you to this site for a reason and please follow your gut, not vanity. Your husband is not missing out on anything. Fake breast feel hard and not natural so he I am sure is happy with natural and non fake breast. If he was not happy with you then he would have not married you. Please tell your husband that breast implants are the biggest scam on the market. My life was turned up side down from them and strangers cared more for me than my PS. PS won't tell you the truth, this site will informs you. Good Luck and Please don't let anyone mess with what God gave you. God did not intend for us to have chemicals, toxins and silicone in our bodies. God Loves you the way you are and so do all of us from this site. God Bless You!!!!!!!! Prayers and Hugs, Donna Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 6, 2006 Report Share Posted July 6, 2006 Penni, Thank you for the response. Yes, the inserts are wonderful I bought some a fredericks and wow what a difference they make. I used them all the time before implants, now I don't even care to use them. Like I said I am over vanity. It is so true that the whole media and world seem to revolve around one's looks rather than one's personality. What happen to the saying don't judge a book by it's cover, etc. I was at Dr. Kolb getting my implants removed and meet You and your Husband and I will never forget what he said to me. He told me that Women would have to be crazy to choose fake breast over natural breast in the first place. Then went on to say how we take a big risk with doctor's damaging our nerves, our feeling of the nipple, etc. This helped me to realize even more than ever that breast implants are nothing but fake and risky and so not worth the money, further surgery's and health problems they create. Penni tell your Husband thanks for helping me realize that fake and big is not always better. When I see women now with the big fake boobs, I don't want them any longer, I actually just want to warn them for real. God Bless and I love you too Penni. Send your Husband a Thanks for being so wonderful to MS. Penni and sticking by you through your long road from implants. God Bless All !!!!!!!! Hugs, Donna Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 6, 2006 Report Share Posted July 6, 2006 , As someone who has been very ill for over 10 years from breast implants please, please rethink this through. You were beautifully and wonderfully created by God. No we don't all have the breasts we would like but the media and many people seem to think that having larger breasts will be the answer for them. I was in my neurologists office today. I'm seeing a neurologist because of silicone toxicity effecting my thought processing. I picked up the May/June 2006 issue of Today's Christian Woman. Their is an article in their about a woman who had a 28 inch bust line and she got implants and greatly regretted it. If your near a Christian Book Store or possibly a Borders or and Noble you might want to read this article. Anyway she had her implants for 3 years and had them removed. From my own personal experience no breast implants are worth losing your health. You can go to 's Secret, Dillards, Newman Marcus or Nordstrom's and buy chick filet inserts to put in your bra. Or you can go to Nordstrom's and buy a prostethus. They are costly but worth it. Hope this helps. Please feel free to ask any other questions. I have a long list of the health problems I've had as well as all the other women on this site. Blessings, Penni Hope you can help me Hi. Im 36 with three children. I have two very close friends, and they both have implants. I sooo need them more than both of them (I'm completely flat). Every time we get together, I see how nice their boobs look, and want the same for myself!! I want to stay friends with them but I feel so depressed after I leave them, and I feel my husband is missing out on something by me not having georgous breasts. The more I see my friends and how they look, the more I want them. My one friend always says how beautiful I would be with boobs (I guess I am ugly now????). After I leave them, I spend the whole time driving home saying I"ve had it and I am just going to do it! I keep getting more and more disgusted and tempted. However, my brain is telling me that there is no logical way in the world that these things are safe. In the meantime, I am becoming more and more self-conscious and depressed over how I look. I cannot even jog in a sports bra because I am embarrassed over how flat I am, and dread beaches. It just doesnt seem fair that all of these women have beautiful boobs and I can have the same thing so easily. Can anyone offer me any advice or encouragement.Thank you,>> At a party last night with my neighbors on the block. It's a very close > knit group of families. My girlfriends on the block all knew when I was > getting my implants -- they were all excited for me. One neighbor has > them already and, with the exception of a switchout in size due to a > rupture from trauma, she has experienced no problems and is currently > breastfeeding a daughter. My other four neighbors all want them. They > were very curious when I went through my implant surgery last year. > Well, I told them all they are coming out next week and why. My friend > with the implants is treating me like I am nuts, which is okay -- I pray > that her daughter does not have problems with having been breastfed. A > few others are fine-- I don't need them to be supportive, but they are > -- mostly sympathetic. One had already made an appt with a doc for a > consultation and has cancelled it and won't get them because of my > experience (Yay! I helped someone!)> > But my one friend is getting them next year. She told me what a shame > it is that I am getting mine out, what a waste of money, and that she > doesn't care if I have problems. She's getting them at all costs. She > said she won't be the kind of woman who has problems ( which is exactly > what I told myself ) as it is probably a personality type and partially > in the head anyway. I wanted to shake her until her teeth rattled. > She's got a nice husband, and two kids, plus she runs a business that is > becoming very successful. I'm going to print out a few things for her > in a month or so, before the boobie greed hits her full force and she > starts the research stage -- that's the point where we all became deaf > and ignored our gut instincts, right?> > All night long she kept saying -- but you LOOK great now, why would you > want to go back to what you were? I was quite flat and droopy.> How can you hear the kind of stuff I told her last night ( all the docs, > pain, urgent care visits, cardiac problems, not being able to work, > CONSTANT pain, that fake sickening feeling when my muscles flex, (did I > mention the constant pain?)low grade fevers, (which I had last night, on > my birthday!), not being able to get up easily from the lawn chair, not > being able to straighten my knees, and of course, the unremitting, > constant pain, and all of this coming on suddenly to a previously > perfectly healthy athlete's body.> > "IT'S JUST SALTWATER!!!!"> > It's easy to dismiss me as a mental case when there is an absolutely > beautiful woman sitting next to me with a lovely boob job, shrugging, > saying that she hasn't had a problem, and they were the best thing she > has ever done.> > > Arrrrrrggghhhhhh!> Dawn> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 6, 2006 Report Share Posted July 6, 2006 Donna, What an excellent response. Well said!!!! Love you! Penni Re: Hope you can help me , You remind me of myself so much before implants. I thought just like you and how much nicer clothes would look on me, etc. Well just pure vanity and Me I am so compulsive and my own worst critic that is for sure. That was I before I got implants . I wanted bigger breast I had none, I didn't like my stomach, I really didn't like nothing about me. I started to work out and ride my bike 8 miles and water fitness almost daily. I lost the stomach and wow there went my boobs with it. I felt so much like you and I would see women with boobs and found myself staring at WOMEN!!!!!!!!! That was a bad idea. I never did that before in my life. I just let this get to me for so long and finally I went against my boyfriend and family and got my implants Feb 05. My life was forever changed with the boobs. The surgery was horrible and painful for starters. It feels like a Mack truck hit you, they sit under your neck when you get them and then they have to drop in time. My right one never did drop like the left so one was higher than the other and I constantly had to fix my shirt. That was the least of my worries though. I was not feeling good around 3 weeks post-op. I had my daughter call my PS for me and tell him and he assured me that I was OK and would heal. I then started to have tingling and burning in my feet and hands, with chronic fatigue. I would wake up and need a nap around one hour later. I was constantly laying on the couch and bed and could not function what so ever. It wore me out to go to the bathroom. I gained so much weight it was not even funny. My hair was falling out and I went to doctor after doctor and back to my PS and nothing. They told me Saline Implants were safe not to worry. I then started feeling like my tongue was thick and it was white and dry. My eyes were blood shot always, I had a rash. Then I could not breath to good, nor swallow. I for sure could not breath out of my nose what so ever. I faithfully had a low grade fever every night of my life. To be honest I felt like I was going to die and went to the emergency room OMG numerous times telling them this. It then turned into memory loss, brain fog and bouncing off walls daily. I couldn't remember when I used the bathroom last. It was so weird, mysterious illness that no doctor could tell me what was wrong with me. I then on top of all this was having anxiety attacks like crazy. I had a yeast infection from hell. My breast still hurt. I can honestly say I never enjoyed my breast for one day the whole time I had them. I finally after one year 3 months and 2 days of the most purest hellish thing I had ever went through in my life. 33 symptoms in total to that day. I had them removed May 06. I found out upon getting them removed that my implants were defective and were leaking from day one. My PS left me for dead and now I have bio-toxin disease from mold and bacteria flushing in and out of my infected implant for over a year. Spilling toxins in my body. No implant is safe and I am a mother and a normal person like most humans on this site strongly affected by breast implants. For the love of God don't do this to yourself. I was so sick that I have no vanity problems any longer and have to just Thank God that I am alive daily. I no longer care about my small breast. I was so sick being on antibiotics for 10 months it seemed straight with no relief and still a fever daily. I was so sick that they could have cut my whole breast off and I would not have cared to just get well again. That sad part is we don't know the long term effects, nor if we will ever get well. We are stuck with detoxing, strict diets and Prayer for healing's from this poison. I hope my story helps you and finds you well. I just want to say I wish I had it to do over again and I would not have gotten implants. I Thank God daily I found support sites like this to warn women and tell the truth about implants. I Thank God daily that I am alive to be here for my family. I think God send you to this site for a reason and please follow your gut, not vanity. Your husband is not missing out on anything. Fake breast feel hard and not natural so he I am sure is happy with natural and non fake breast. If he was not happy with you then he would have not married you. Please tell your husband that breast implants are the biggest scam on the market. My life was turned up side down from them and strangers cared more for me than my PS. PS won't tell you the truth, this site will informs you. Good Luck and Please don't let anyone mess with what God gave you. God did not intend for us to have chemicals, toxins and silicone in our bodies. God Loves you the way you are and so do all of us from this site. God Bless You!!!!!!!! Prayers and Hugs, Donna Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 6, 2006 Report Share Posted July 6, 2006 , Please don't believe for a minute that implants are safe. We've all been sick because of both saline and silicone implants, and once I got them I realized how unimportant having larger breasts really was. I hated them, and only had them six months. I got sick right away from them, and now they've been removed and it's 8 months later, and it's still a struggle to get my health back. Once I had implants I looked at how beautiful the flat chested women looked, and I felt sick to my stomach every time I saw someone with large breasts. I disliked being part of that club. Now that I'm small again, I can fit back into the types of clothes I like to wear and I feel beautiful. Big breasts do not a woman make!! Good luck in whatever you decide, but if you end up being one of the unlucky women who gets sick from them, your plastic surgeon will start ignoring you when you tell him about your symptoms, as will alot of the doctors you visit for your strange symptoms. There are a few doctors who have luckily helped us, but it is so not worth the suffering. In one year's time I spent over $14,000 on implants, having them in and taking them out, and that doesn't count all the money I've spent on doctors, blood work, a psychologist, physical therapy, etc. Sis > > > > At a party last night with my neighbors on the block. It's a very > close > > knit group of families. My girlfriends on the block all knew when > I was > > getting my implants -- they were all excited for me. One neighbor > has > > them already and, with the exception of a switchout in size due to > a > > rupture from trauma, she has experienced no problems and is > currently > > breastfeeding a daughter. My other four neighbors all want them. > They > > were very curious when I went through my implant surgery last > year. > > Well, I told them all they are coming out next week and why. My > friend > > with the implants is treating me like I am nuts, which is okay -- > I pray > > that her daughter does not have problems with having been > breastfed. A > > few others are fine-- I don't need them to be supportive, but they > are > > -- mostly sympathetic. One had already made an appt with a doc > for a > > consultation and has cancelled it and won't get them because of my > > experience (Yay! I helped someone!) > > > > But my one friend is getting them next year. She told me what a > shame > > it is that I am getting mine out, what a waste of money, and that > she > > doesn't care if I have problems. She's getting them at all > costs. She > > said she won't be the kind of woman who has problems ( which is > exactly > > what I told myself ) as it is probably a personality type and > partially > > in the head anyway. I wanted to shake her until her teeth > rattled. > > She's got a nice husband, and two kids, plus she runs a business > that is > > becoming very successful. I'm going to print out a few things for > her > > in a month or so, before the boobie greed hits her full force and > she > > starts the research stage -- that's the point where we all became > deaf > > and ignored our gut instincts, right? > > > > All night long she kept saying -- but you LOOK great now, why > would you > > want to go back to what you were? I was quite flat and droopy. > > How can you hear the kind of stuff I told her last night ( all the > docs, > > pain, urgent care visits, cardiac problems, not being able to > work, > > CONSTANT pain, that fake sickening feeling when my muscles flex, > (did I > > mention the constant pain?)low grade fevers, (which I had last > night, on > > my birthday!), not being able to get up easily from the lawn > chair, not > > being able to straighten my knees, and of course, the unremitting, > > constant pain, and all of this coming on suddenly to a previously > > perfectly healthy athlete's body. > > > > " IT'S JUST SALTWATER!!!! " > > > > It's easy to dismiss me as a mental case when there is an > absolutely > > beautiful woman sitting next to me with a lovely boob job, > shrugging, > > saying that she hasn't had a problem, and they were the best thing > she > > has ever done. > > > > > > Arrrrrrggghhhhhh! > > Dawn > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 6, 2006 Report Share Posted July 6, 2006 Hi , I'm not really going to address the health problems implanted women can suffer from, because when you are thinking about getting implants you can very easily tell yourself that you won't have the health problems. I know I did. I'm just going to talk about a different view from the other side of the desirious stage of the boobie greed. We all were once where you are -- there's a point when you JUST.PLAIN. WANT.THEM. Right? I hope this helps you get a different perspective on your desires. I got my implants one year ago, a week before I turned 38. (I am having them removed a week from today.) I had three kids who were 7, 9, and 11, at the time and I WAS a fitness instructor. I can't work anymore due to my illness. I live in Fort Lauderdale where, it is true, it seems like one out of 3 women have implants. Walking around without them when everyone seemed to have them caused me to really covet breasts. I got obsessed -- but what I was obsessed with was the IDEA of having big breasts, not actually having them. And when we get obsessed with a desire, we don't think about the details of the reality of having the desire -- we just WANT, blindly. You know I DID read about people having trouble with their implants -- even saline ones, but I chalked it up to mental problems -- that is having a mental predisposition to things that would cause a physical reaction. That was my rationalization -- that I would NOT be one of those women who let their heads dictate what their bodies did. There was no scientific evidence of this in any literature I read -- it was just a convenient way to talk myself out of what I should have considered a warning sign. I got the implants and immediately regretted it. But because they cost so much, and I worked so hard lobbying my husband for them, I just thought I had to " suck it up " and get used to them. It changed how I felt when I moved, carried a child, carried a basket of laundry, read a book to myself(I'm a big reader, and there's no place to put the book when I am lying down-- my huge breasts are rock hard), and read to my kids -- no longer could they cuddle with their heads on my chest. Their heads rolled off and bounced off the big mounds like flubber. It changed how I ran, how I paddled a boat, how I opened a jar. It changed how I slept, and how I played with my kids. These are all things that changed before I even started feeling sick. It changed the style of clothing I could buy -- it's a nice thought to think you can wear those " sexy tops " when you couldn't before -- but frankly, with a large chest, sexy tops are pretty much all you can wear unless you want to look dumpy and fat on top. Do you want to change your entire persona to be " sexy " ALL THE TIME? How about in church or at your kids' school or when you meet your husband's co-workers or try to make friends with married women at a party? Do you think you can be taken seriously when presenting something at a meeting when you look like someone from Hollywood -- the most shallow place on the planet? And I maintain that I didn't wear sexy tops when I was flat because I was ashamed of my flatness and I covered it up and disguised it, and therefore was not sexy. BUT THAT WAS A PROBLEM WITH MY BIG HEAD, NOT A PROBLEM WITH MY SMALL CHEST. I could have worn sexy tops when flat if I had felt sexy -- and I would have BEEN sexy. Do you think Kiera Knightly is not feminine? DO you think Kate Hudson is not sexy? Do you think a natural dancer's body is not beautiful? Since I have been saddled with these bags, I have been longing for the dancer's body I used to have -- the one where the visual lines were not impeded by udders. I can't tell you how quickly a rack of fake boobs can ruin the feminine line of a woman's arms. It immediately disguises the beauty of your rib cage and upper trunk. If you have thin arms -- they look like sticks, if you have plump arms, then you look fatter than you are. You want to see some sexy women -- watch " So You Think You Can Dance " on television. The most beautiful women are the ones with natural breasts. Watch how their small -- and in some cases FLAT breasts do not detract, but enhance their beauty. I think some of the implant women have already been cut, but there may be a few left. And all of these things I have mentioned are the " easy " things to deal with. You can read women's stories about their health issues in nearly every post. I have many of these issues, and sometimes I have fear well up inside of me when I think that I may not recover my health after the implants are removed. I found a little lump in my breast a few days ago. It moves, and is a little painful, and is proably just another of the glands or ducts or whatever that has been constantly sore since I got the implants. It may not be -- I'll be having it checked out when I have my implants removed next week. (Think of that PMS feeling nearly 24-7, every day of the year.) When I felt it I immediately thought, " What could these implants be harboring that I might not know about until it is too late? " I'm certainly petrified of getting a mammogram with them in because, frankly, my breasts hurt putting them into a bra. I'd probably pass out in that squeeze machine. And who knows what views they would obstruct? What about rupture? I know three women who have had rupture and leaking problems just in my neighborhood. I am sure their plastic surgeons told them, as mine did, that rupture is very rare and they almost never see it happen. I have since read about how the implants do obstruct good radiological views of the breast, even though my implanting surgeon said they HELP during mammograms. Is being sexy worth taking a chance at affecting your breast health, as far as cancer goes? When I had the boobie greed, I asked myself that ...then I talked myself right out of it -- I said, " I'm low risk. No one in my family has had it. I breastfed my kids forever, and that gives you protection. " In the last two years, I have had three friends and friends of friends get breast cancer -- all under 40, all with no cancer in their families. Hey, breast cancer happens. So, again, my boobie greed talked me out of being thoughtful and protective of my HEALTH. When I told my cardiologist ( a new doc I started seeing because of the implants) that I had implants, a look of thinly veiled disgust came over his face, and he said, " I really wish you hadn't done that. Implants keep us from running proper tests and they mess up your chest integrety. " I just want to let you know that when you are truly in the throes of boobie greed -- seeing how nice your friends look and how nice women in magazines look, that you have to be VERY CAREFUL about your thought process, as it may not be truthful, logical, or good for you. Something bad and truthless takes over and you may find yourself looking back in a year or more, like we all have, and wonder what the HELL it was you were thinking. Things you could do instead: If you really want surgery and have any breast tissue -- get a lift with no implants. Swim, do push-up, take dance classes. Learn to elongate your trunk and spine, strengthen your shoulders. Wear the sexy tops anyway. When you are fit and strong and confident -- you will BE sexy. Really, the only one you want to be sexy for is your husband, right? As a married woman, you have no business trying to attract sexual intrest from other men, so being " sexy " in general is pretty much a non-issue. Now being a woman who is a rockin' example of a strong, healthy, and smart woman -- now that is attractive to EVERYONE, but in a good way with no sexual junk attached to it. Learn to do what our foremothers did -- camoflauge with ruffles, tucks, darts, waistlines and necklines. I know, it sounds boring, but it is a safe alternative, and easily reversable. I used to sew vintage dresses -- period gowns, and dresses from all eras. Do you know that I can't wear a single style that I once loved to wear -- you know why? NO ONE IN HISTORY REALLY HAD HUGE BOOBS WITH LOW BODY FAT. Patterns weren't made for that, because those bodies didn't often naturally occur. The large-breasted women were usually heavy and had to alter their clothes off-pattern, and were never used as examples for dress forms, pattern cutting, and drawings and photographs. The eras of large-breasted fashion -- think n era --were really not large breasts -- they were faked with high collars, lace, and a teeny waistline and big butt( bustle). It was a FASHION, as is the big boobs of today. And like all fashions, this big boobie one will go away, especially when all the " wealthy " plastic surgery ladies and Hollywood ladies who started doing it discover how common it is becoming -- when every housewife in America with 3 to 5 grand can have the same thing. I bet it will swing back to flat within the next ten years -- and where will you be? Stuck with a huge chest. And you are in your life to live a long life -- because you are married with kids, you have chosen to be a wife and a mother. You have to be in it for the long haul -- to be a partner to your husband when the kids are up and out, to be a shining example of a mature woman to your grandchildren. Do you want to travel with your husband? hike, go dining and dancing? You're not going to have the energy if you are busy fighting off fibromyalgia, or the weight gain that is so often associated with getting breast implants. If you have daughters -- do you want them to someday question the goodness of their own natural breasts? Do you want your sons to seek out plastic women for wives? They do what they see in the home. I have a lot of repair work to do with my kids, let alone my breasts and my health. Take a nice look at some old ladies. There are some lovely old ladies out there -- the ones who look supple, fit and strong are not the ones with big knockers -- it's the small breasted ones who younger than they are. Just be real. It's a gift you were given. Dawn > > > > At a party last night with my neighbors on the block. It's a very > close > > knit group of families. My girlfriends on the block all knew when > I was > > getting my implants -- they were all excited for me. One neighbor > has > > them already and, with the exception of a switchout in size due to > a > > rupture from trauma, she has experienced no problems and is > currently > > breastfeeding a daughter. My other four neighbors all want them. > They > > were very curious when I went through my implant surgery last > year. > > Well, I told them all they are coming out next week and why. My > friend > > with the implants is treating me like I am nuts, which is okay -- > I pray > > that her daughter does not have problems with having been > breastfed. A > > few others are fine-- I don't need them to be supportive, but they > are > > -- mostly sympathetic. One had already made an appt with a doc > for a > > consultation and has cancelled it and won't get them because of my > > experience (Yay! I helped someone!) > > > > But my one friend is getting them next year. She told me what a > shame > > it is that I am getting mine out, what a waste of money, and that > she > > doesn't care if I have problems. She's getting them at all > costs. She > > said she won't be the kind of woman who has problems ( which is > exactly > > what I told myself ) as it is probably a personality type and > partially > > in the head anyway. I wanted to shake her until her teeth > rattled. > > She's got a nice husband, and two kids, plus she runs a business > that is > > becoming very successful. I'm going to print out a few things for > her > > in a month or so, before the boobie greed hits her full force and > she > > starts the research stage -- that's the point where we all became > deaf > > and ignored our gut instincts, right? > > > > All night long she kept saying -- but you LOOK great now, why > would you > > want to go back to what you were? I was quite flat and droopy. > > How can you hear the kind of stuff I told her last night ( all the > docs, > > pain, urgent care visits, cardiac problems, not being able to > work, > > CONSTANT pain, that fake sickening feeling when my muscles flex, > (did I > > mention the constant pain?)low grade fevers, (which I had last > night, on > > my birthday!), not being able to get up easily from the lawn > chair, not > > being able to straighten my knees, and of course, the unremitting, > > constant pain, and all of this coming on suddenly to a previously > > perfectly healthy athlete's body. > > > > " IT'S JUST SALTWATER!!!! " > > > > It's easy to dismiss me as a mental case when there is an > absolutely > > beautiful woman sitting next to me with a lovely boob job, > shrugging, > > saying that she hasn't had a problem, and they were the best thing > she > > has ever done. > > > > > > Arrrrrrggghhhhhh! > > Dawn > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 6, 2006 Report Share Posted July 6, 2006 I'd like to thank all of you for your support and encouragment, and am sorry for what you have been/are going through. I think I get depressed and tempted like this every summer and need a swift kick in the !#@ to bring me back to reality. Your letters to me have reminded me of the reasons I continue to not move forward with the surgery. However, what I really need to do is to move on with my life and to not be so obsessed (easier said than done). I have wasted so many years thinking about this (yes, years). So many of you area at the point in your lives where you have learned to love yourself and not care about breast size. I want to be that way, but for some frustrating reason I'm having a hard time with this. I am going to read your letters to me over and over, and really think about your heartaches and how this would affect my family. Isn't it amazing how you have all been through so much, yet you are the ones helping me??? Thank you all so much, and keep up the good work!!! > > > > > > At a party last night with my neighbors on the block. It's a very > > close > > > knit group of families. My girlfriends on the block all knew when > > I was > > > getting my implants -- they were all excited for me. One neighbor > > has > > > them already and, with the exception of a switchout in size due to > > a > > > rupture from trauma, she has experienced no problems and is > > currently > > > breastfeeding a daughter. My other four neighbors all want them. > > They > > > were very curious when I went through my implant surgery last > > year. > > > Well, I told them all they are coming out next week and why. My > > friend > > > with the implants is treating me like I am nuts, which is okay -- > > I pray > > > that her daughter does not have problems with having been > > breastfed. A > > > few others are fine-- I don't need them to be supportive, but they > > are > > > -- mostly sympathetic. One had already made an appt with a doc > > for a > > > consultation and has cancelled it and won't get them because of my > > > experience (Yay! I helped someone!) > > > > > > But my one friend is getting them next year. She told me what a > > shame > > > it is that I am getting mine out, what a waste of money, and that > > she > > > doesn't care if I have problems. She's getting them at all > > costs. She > > > said she won't be the kind of woman who has problems ( which is > > exactly > > > what I told myself ) as it is probably a personality type and > > partially > > > in the head anyway. I wanted to shake her until her teeth > > rattled. > > > She's got a nice husband, and two kids, plus she runs a business > > that is > > > becoming very successful. I'm going to print out a few things for > > her > > > in a month or so, before the boobie greed hits her full force and > > she > > > starts the research stage -- that's the point where we all became > > deaf > > > and ignored our gut instincts, right? > > > > > > All night long she kept saying -- but you LOOK great now, why > > would you > > > want to go back to what you were? I was quite flat and droopy. > > > How can you hear the kind of stuff I told her last night ( all the > > docs, > > > pain, urgent care visits, cardiac problems, not being able to > > work, > > > CONSTANT pain, that fake sickening feeling when my muscles flex, > > (did I > > > mention the constant pain?)low grade fevers, (which I had last > > night, on > > > my birthday!), not being able to get up easily from the lawn > > chair, not > > > being able to straighten my knees, and of course, the unremitting, > > > constant pain, and all of this coming on suddenly to a previously > > > perfectly healthy athlete's body. > > > > > > " IT'S JUST SALTWATER!!!! " > > > > > > It's easy to dismiss me as a mental case when there is an > > absolutely > > > beautiful woman sitting next to me with a lovely boob job, > > shrugging, > > > saying that she hasn't had a problem, and they were the best thing > > she > > > has ever done. > > > > > > > > > Arrrrrrggghhhhhh! > > > Dawn > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 6, 2006 Report Share Posted July 6, 2006 Why don't you get a wonder bra. They do the same thing. There are lots of ways to enhance your breast. Start there and see what happens. ltrn482 <LTRN482@...> wrote: Hi. Im 36 with three children. I have two very close friends, and they both have implants. I sooo need them more than both of them (I'm completely flat). Every time we get together, I see how nice their boobs look, and want the same for myself!! I want to stay friends with them but I feel so depressed after I leave them, and I feel my husband is missing out on something by me not having georgous breasts. The more I see my friends and how they look, the more I want them. My one friend always says how beautiful I would be with boobs (I guess I am ugly now????). After I leave them, I spend the whole time driving home saying I"ve had it and I am just going to do it! I keep getting more and more disgusted and tempted. However, my brain is telling me that there is no logical way in the world that these things are safe. In the meantime, I am becoming more and more self-conscious and depressed over how I look. I cannot even jog in a sports bra because I am embarrassed over how flat I am, and dread beaches. It just doesnt seem fair that all of these women have beautiful boobs and I can have the same thing so easily. Can anyone offer me any advice or encouragement.Thank you,>> At a party last night with my neighbors on the block. It's a very close > knit group of families. My girlfriends on the block all knew when I was > getting my implants -- they were all excited for me. One neighbor has > them already and, with the exception of a switchout in size due to a > rupture from trauma, she has experienced no problems and is currently > breastfeeding a daughter. My other four neighbors all want them. They > were very curious when I went through my implant surgery last year. > Well, I told them all they are coming out next week and why. My friend > with the implants is treating me like I am nuts, which is okay -- I pray > that her daughter does not have problems with having been breastfed. A > few others are fine-- I don't need them to be supportive, but they are > -- mostly sympathetic. One had already made an appt with a doc for a > consultation and has cancelled it and won't get them because of my > experience (Yay! I helped someone!)> > But my one friend is getting them next year. She told me what a shame > it is that I am getting mine out, what a waste of money, and that she > doesn't care if I have problems. She's getting them at all costs. She > said she won't be the kind of woman who has problems ( which is exactly > what I told myself ) as it is probably a personality type and partially > in the head anyway. I wanted to shake her until her teeth rattled. > She's got a nice husband, and two kids, plus she runs a business that is > becoming very successful. I'm going to print out a few things for her > in a month or so, before the boobie greed hits her full force and she > starts the research stage -- that's the point where we all became deaf > and ignored our gut instincts, right?> > All night long she kept saying -- but you LOOK great now, why would you > want to go back to what you were? I was quite flat and droopy.> How can you hear the kind of stuff I told her last night ( all the docs, > pain, urgent care visits, cardiac problems, not being able to work, > CONSTANT pain, that fake sickening feeling when my muscles flex, (did I > mention the constant pain?)low grade fevers, (which I had last night, on > my birthday!), not being able to get up easily from the lawn chair, not > being able to straighten my knees, and of course, the unremitting, > constant pain, and all of this coming on suddenly to a previously > perfectly healthy athlete's body.> > "IT'S JUST SALTWATER!!!!"> > It's easy to dismiss me as a mental case when there is an absolutely > beautiful woman sitting next to me with a lovely boob job, shrugging, > saying that she hasn't had a problem, and they were the best thing she > has ever done.> > > Arrrrrrggghhhhhh!> Dawn> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 6, 2006 Report Share Posted July 6, 2006 , I hope some of the women comment on how strange they felt with two water ballons hanging off their chest . . . They look a lot better than they feel! . . . You might try putting two ballons filled with water in what ever bra size you aspire to be. . . Try wearing them around all day . . . I'm betting that, by the end of the day, you'll feel relieved to take them off! It's highly likely that the only person who cares what size your boobs are is you! On the other hand, if your breast size the only thing about you that's important to someone . . . THEY are the boob! Do YOU really care what anyone else's bra size is? Or think less of them if they're flat? I think it's more likely that a woman is thought poorly of if her boobs are too big for her frame - or if she acts as though she's more into herself than she.cares about others. One friend had a radical mastectomy . . . She never hid it . . . After ten years, she opted to have the other breast removed because she was stressing over getting cancer in that one too . . . She wears form-fitting tops . . . Never looks as if she feels self-conscious, and looks beautiful! It has to do with ones state of mind. Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 7, 2006 Report Share Posted July 7, 2006 Rogene, Wow, that's a great response about wearing the balloons. That's exactly how they felt too!!!! Penni Re: Hope you can help me , I hope some of the women comment on how strange they felt with two water ballons hanging off their chest . . . They look a lot better than they feel! . . . You might try putting two ballons filled with water in what ever bra size you aspire to be. . . Try wearing them around all day . . . I'm betting that, by the end of the day, you'll feel relieved to take them off! It's highly likely that the only person who cares what size your boobs are is you! On the other hand, if your breast size the only thing about you that's important to someone . . . THEY are the boob! Do YOU really care what anyone else's bra size is? Or think less of them if they're flat? I think it's more likely that a woman is thought poorly of if her boobs are too big for her frame - or if she acts as though she's more into herself than she.cares about others. One friend had a radical mastectomy . . . She never hid it . . . After ten years, she opted to have the other breast removed because she was stressing over getting cancer in that one too . . . She wears form-fitting tops . . . Never looks as if she feels self-conscious, and looks beautiful! It has to do with ones state of mind. Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 7, 2006 Report Share Posted July 7, 2006 , Please do not harm yourself by having implants. I too had very small breasts and was criticized my whole childhood and my exhusband manipulated me into getting the surgery. (I allowed it, however...I can't blame him today). I have been very ill the past few years, after finding out my 20 yr. old implants have caused a HUGE health problem. The fact is, I'm dying of silicone soup poisoning...I am a grandma of 4 and have lost the ability to be physically active with them. It really has affected my whole family. Soon after I got my implants put in, I lived in regret. I was angry at myself for not accepting me the way God made me. Having children makes our breasts flatter naturally. That is all part of being a Mom. Our society and the media have really messed things up, in my opinion. The pressure to have big boobs is disgusting and dangerous to women. In my holistic healing career, I have helped people to nurture themselves...alot of us missed out on breat-feeding - men and women seems to have an effect on us as adults - alot of men have boob fixations because of that, and women feel inadequate and are constantly comparing themselves to others, and trying to match up to the air-brushed pictures in men's magazines, and in my case, being sexually abused, I was constantly compared to other girls with bigger breasts and told I would never match up. I have worked on my self-image and self-esteem for years now...surrounding myself with accepting and loving women & friends. I am having explantation surgery on July 26 and it can't come soon enough. After 20 years of suffering, I wouldn't wish this condition on my worst enemies!! PLEASE don't make the same mistake I did. Talk to a counsellor and build yourself up! Talk to your friends about the dangers of implants, and encourage them to remove them before it's too late for them. I say this to myself several times a day - " I love myself just the way I am " . Anyone who doesn't support you and make you feel loved & beautiful should be told your worth more than that!! Love & Prayers are with you, Sunny p.s. I'll be here for you no matter what you decide! > > > > At a party last night with my neighbors on the block. It's a very > close > > knit group of families. My girlfriends on the block all knew when > I was > > getting my implants -- they were all excited for me. One neighbor > has > > them already and, with the exception of a switchout in size due to > a > > rupture from trauma, she has experienced no problems and is > currently > > breastfeeding a daughter. My other four neighbors all want them. > They > > were very curious when I went through my implant surgery last > year. > > Well, I told them all they are coming out next week and why. My > friend > > with the implants is treating me like I am nuts, which is okay -- > I pray > > that her daughter does not have problems with having been > breastfed. A > > few others are fine-- I don't need them to be supportive, but they > are > > -- mostly sympathetic. One had already made an appt with a doc > for a > > consultation and has cancelled it and won't get them because of my > > experience (Yay! I helped someone!) > > > > But my one friend is getting them next year. She told me what a > shame > > it is that I am getting mine out, what a waste of money, and that > she > > doesn't care if I have problems. She's getting them at all > costs. She > > said she won't be the kind of woman who has problems ( which is > exactly > > what I told myself ) as it is probably a personality type and > partially > > in the head anyway. I wanted to shake her until her teeth > rattled. > > She's got a nice husband, and two kids, plus she runs a business > that is > > becoming very successful. I'm going to print out a few things for > her > > in a month or so, before the boobie greed hits her full force and > she > > starts the research stage -- that's the point where we all became > deaf > > and ignored our gut instincts, right? > > > > All night long she kept saying -- but you LOOK great now, why > would you > > want to go back to what you were? I was quite flat and droopy. > > How can you hear the kind of stuff I told her last night ( all the > docs, > > pain, urgent care visits, cardiac problems, not being able to > work, > > CONSTANT pain, that fake sickening feeling when my muscles flex, > (did I > > mention the constant pain?)low grade fevers, (which I had last > night, on > > my birthday!), not being able to get up easily from the lawn > chair, not > > being able to straighten my knees, and of course, the unremitting, > > constant pain, and all of this coming on suddenly to a previously > > perfectly healthy athlete's body. > > > > " IT'S JUST SALTWATER!!!! " > > > > It's easy to dismiss me as a mental case when there is an > absolutely > > beautiful woman sitting next to me with a lovely boob job, > shrugging, > > saying that she hasn't had a problem, and they were the best thing > she > > has ever done. > > > > > > Arrrrrrggghhhhhh! > > Dawn > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 8, 2006 Report Share Posted July 8, 2006 Hi , I know how tempting these implants can be, when so many women appear to be healthy with them. The attraction of the IDEA of breast implants being an answer to bring us happiness is so deceiving. Many women have claimed that implants have been the best thing they ever did for themselves. Hmmm, I might have even said the same thing in the first few months I had them and was okay with my health. Too bad it didn't last. The stark truth for me was that implants DID NOT bring me happiness in the long run, and merely covered up the deeper issues that needed dealing with in my innermost self, and that was the issue of self-acceptance and appreciation for who God made me to be. Believe me, I can relate to your feelings of being self-conscious and depressed over my appearance, and the lack of and loss of fullness in my breasts. Especially being around other women with breasts that we covet. It can be very gloomy and dark and leaves us with a sense of longing that does not easily leave us. What I hope to do is to be able to help you find ways to overcome the lies you are believing right now with the truth. The lies you are telling yourself include the one about your husband missing out on something by you not having gorgeous breasts, (I doubt that he married you with the idea that he was going to be missing out on something!), that you "need" breast implants (nobody "needs" breast implants, the human body does just fine without them), that you would be more beautiful with boobs (beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but true beauty is in the heart, not in the outward appearance), that it's not fair that all these women have beautiful boobs (the human body is not about fairness, it is about diversity and everyone is beautiful in their own right), and that how you look should be a source of depression and self-consciousness (as if what anyone else thinks about your body matters in the end!) I hope you don't view my comments as harsh, as they are not meant to be. But sometimes we just have to take a close look at what we are really believing and decide if it is a bunch of lies that need to be replaced with truth. Truth is much more peace-giving than lies. Lies just cause us alot of anguish. The truth that we live with when we get sick from implants is that we traded in our health for a lie, a deception, got ripped off, treated shabbily, and may have permanently damaged our health, our future and our relationships. Implants are like poison filled candy. So tempting to look at, but can kill you if you indulge. I pray that you are able to spend some time considering all that is dear to you...your health, the happiness of your children, your husband, your ability to hold a job and live a normal life, your future, your security. Ask yourself if it would be worth it to give up all that for implants, because if you get sick, all those things are at risk. I know that doesn't solve your immediate emotional feelings about yourself. Putting it all in perspective takes time, honest introspection, courage, and a fresh approach to life. We had to learn to do this the hard way, through our suffering. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. , I wish you wholeness, joy in your life, and the abiilty to appreciate what you have right now. Hugs, Patty ltrn482 <LTRN482@...> wrote: Hi. Im 36 with three children. I have two very close friends, and they both have implants. I sooo need them more than both of them (I'm completely flat). Every time we get together, I see how nice their boobs look, and want the same for myself!! I want to stay friends with them but I feel so depressed after I leave them, and I feel my husband is missing out on something by me not having georgous breasts. The more I see my friends and how they look, the more I want them. My one friend always says how beautiful I would be with boobs (I guess I am ugly now????). After I leave them, I spend the whole time driving home saying I"ve had it and I am just going to do it! I keep getting more and more disgusted and tempted. However, my brain is telling me that there is no logical way in the world that these things are safe. In the meantime, I am becoming more and more self-conscious and depressed over how I look. I cannot even jog in a sports bra because I am embarrassed over how flat I am, and dread beaches. It just doesnt seem fair that all of these women have beautiful boobs and I can have the same thing so easily. Can anyone offer me any advice or encouragement.Thank you,>> At a party last night with my neighbors on the block. It's a very close > knit group of families. My girlfriends on the block all knew when I was > getting my implants -- they were all excited for me. One neighbor has > them already and, with the exception of a switchout in size due to a > rupture from trauma, she has experienced no problems and is currently > breastfeeding a daughter. My other four neighbors all want them. They > were very curious when I went through my implant surgery last year. > Well, I told them all they are coming out next week and why. My friend > with the implants is treating me like I am nuts, which is okay -- I pray > that her daughter does not have problems with having been breastfed. A > few others are fine-- I don't need them to be supportive, but they are > -- mostly sympathetic. One had already made an appt with a doc for a > consultation and has cancelled it and won't get them because of my > experience (Yay! I helped someone!)> > But my one friend is getting them next year. She told me what a shame > it is that I am getting mine out, what a waste of money, and that she > doesn't care if I have problems. She's getting them at all costs. She > said she won't be the kind of woman who has problems ( which is exactly > what I told myself ) as it is probably a personality type and partially > in the head anyway. I wanted to shake her until her teeth rattled. > She's got a nice husband, and two kids, plus she runs a business that is > becoming very successful. I'm going to print out a few things for her > in a month or so, before the boobie greed hits her full force and she > starts the research stage -- that's the point where we all became deaf > and ignored our gut instincts, right?> > All night long she kept saying -- but you LOOK great now, why would you > want to go back to what you were? I was quite flat and droopy.> How can you hear the kind of stuff I told her last night ( all the docs, > pain, urgent care visits, cardiac problems, not being able to work, > CONSTANT pain, that fake sickening feeling when my muscles flex, (did I > mention the constant pain?)low grade fevers, (which I had last night, on > my birthday!), not being able to get up easily from the lawn chair, not > being able to straighten my knees, and of course, the unremitting, > constant pain, and all of this coming on suddenly to a previously > perfectly healthy athlete's body.> > "IT'S JUST SALTWATER!!!!"> > It's easy to dismiss me as a mental case when there is an absolutely > beautiful woman sitting next to me with a lovely boob job, shrugging, > saying that she hasn't had a problem, and they were the best thing she > has ever done.> > > Arrrrrrggghhhhhh!> Dawn> Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 3, 2006 Report Share Posted August 3, 2006 Dawn, Thanks for your letter to . I just read it, and feel like I've been given the talk of a lifetime by my big sister. That was some great advice. In fact, with your permission, I'd love to copy it, hold on to it, and show it to any other lady I come in contact with who is struggling in this way. I'd like to show it to my daughter some day. Blessings, Jen > > > > > > At a party last night with my neighbors on the block. It's a very > > close > > > knit group of families. My girlfriends on the block all knew when > > I was > > > getting my implants -- they were all excited for me. One neighbor > > has > > > them already and, with the exception of a switchout in size due to > > a > > > rupture from trauma, she has experienced no problems and is > > currently > > > breastfeeding a daughter. My other four neighbors all want them. > > They > > > were very curious when I went through my implant surgery last > > year. > > > Well, I told them all they are coming out next week and why. My > > friend > > > with the implants is treating me like I am nuts, which is okay -- > > I pray > > > that her daughter does not have problems with having been > > breastfed. A > > > few others are fine-- I don't need them to be supportive, but they > > are > > > -- mostly sympathetic. One had already made an appt with a doc > > for a > > > consultation and has cancelled it and won't get them because of my > > > experience (Yay! I helped someone!) > > > > > > But my one friend is getting them next year. She told me what a > > shame > > > it is that I am getting mine out, what a waste of money, and that > > she > > > doesn't care if I have problems. She's getting them at all > > costs. She > > > said she won't be the kind of woman who has problems ( which is > > exactly > > > what I told myself ) as it is probably a personality type and > > partially > > > in the head anyway. I wanted to shake her until her teeth > > rattled. > > > She's got a nice husband, and two kids, plus she runs a business > > that is > > > becoming very successful. I'm going to print out a few things for > > her > > > in a month or so, before the boobie greed hits her full force and > > she > > > starts the research stage -- that's the point where we all became > > deaf > > > and ignored our gut instincts, right? > > > > > > All night long she kept saying -- but you LOOK great now, why > > would you > > > want to go back to what you were? I was quite flat and droopy. > > > How can you hear the kind of stuff I told her last night ( all the > > docs, > > > pain, urgent care visits, cardiac problems, not being able to > > work, > > > CONSTANT pain, that fake sickening feeling when my muscles flex, > > (did I > > > mention the constant pain?)low grade fevers, (which I had last > > night, on > > > my birthday!), not being able to get up easily from the lawn > > chair, not > > > being able to straighten my knees, and of course, the unremitting, > > > constant pain, and all of this coming on suddenly to a previously > > > perfectly healthy athlete's body. > > > > > > " IT'S JUST SALTWATER!!!! " > > > > > > It's easy to dismiss me as a mental case when there is an > > absolutely > > > beautiful woman sitting next to me with a lovely boob job, > > shrugging, > > > saying that she hasn't had a problem, and they were the best thing > > she > > > has ever done. > > > > > > > > > Arrrrrrggghhhhhh! > > > Dawn > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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