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Re: Ion foot bath

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We just tried our ion foot bath yesterday-the whole family! The

water used in them makes a huge difference. My ASD daughter and I

used distilled water and had light colored water during our sessions.

I know it cleared my kidneys because I had very light urine all day

yesterday and felt a lot lighter and had good energy levels. My NT

daughter used tap water that had been boiled to remove impurities.

Well-the water was horrid. She was doing fine but I won't use the

foot bath without the distilled or RO water. Most importantly, after

the footbath my ASD daughter started sweating yesterday while playing

outside-swinging, jumping on the trampoline. I've never seen her

sweat like that before. Amazing! My plans are to continue an every

other day foot bath protocol along with our other biomed protocol.

We are using a Wellspring IonSpa url wellspringproducts.com.


> Have any of you ever tried an ion foot bath instead. It is very


> tool (also utilizes magnets) to purge the body of toxins.


> Yes I heard about it and wrote about it a bit but when I tried to


> one of the companies I got no response. One doctor said to me he

had a unit

> but that the water turned dark even without the feet in it so that

turned me

> off for a while for I know a current passed through water can

settle out the

> garbage in the water. But I am still interested and am

investigating some

> folk out in Australia who are supposed to have an excellent system

of using

> ionized water in foot baths with minerals. It sounds very promising

and a

> big name in the detox area referred me to these people. Still

waiting to

> hear back. Either way ionized water seems like an important agent

in detox.

> So can you tell us about your experience with this and what system

you are

> using?


> Mark




> =======================================================


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  • 9 months later...
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We did a few of these. Just be aware that the water will change color whether

or not feet are in the bath. So if you are working with a practicioner who

tries to convince you that the baths are working because the water is changing

color, then look deeper into the issue. Just bubbling the bath alone for a half

and hour will also turn the bath dark.

I'm not saying they don't work. I've heard poeple say they really helped. If

they were cheaper, we may have pursued it.


In a message dated 3/12/2006 7:17:31 PM Central Standard Time,

sarchmom@... writes:

> Has anyone heard of using an ion foot bath to draw toxins out of the

> body?

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  • 3 months later...
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Wow . . . I can't imagine . . . There was individual blobs of stuff floating around? . . . Can you take a picture next time? I've wondered about the mineral issue . . . What do they say about taking additional minerals? . . .Which ones? Disregarding the reflexology claims, (I'm making no judgement on reflexology) what makes sense about all this to me is what my massage therapist told me about the being little capsules of toxins that accumulate in the feet. . . A friend, who is an operating room nurse, told me the name of these things . . . There have been times when my feet were massaged that I felt spacey and wiped out for about a day afterwards. There were times when my massage therapist was intentionally breaking these capsules. . . It would make sense that the toxins were being removed by the baths or foot pads. I'd much rather have the stuff OUT of my body,

rather than floating around looking for a new resting place! Last night the pads I used had spots that didn't discolor at all! . .. That was a first! . .. I position them a little differently each time. They recommend using the Acupeds for ten nights, then take three days off before using for three nights again. My feet are still getting sticky . . . but not as much. I still haven't done the test they sent. I'm disappointed in what they sent. I expected something entirely different. I was too busy to check it out initially. I'll know more when I actually do the test though. Is there a sticky, slimy or smelly residue with the foot baths? Rogene

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I used it twice and probably did not give it much of a chance. I had

not understood that this was the way it worked when I bought it.

We will all have our own individual experiences with detoxing....I

suppose...and some things will work for some and not others.

I had also purchased it because I had high levels of metals on a

provoked urine Challenge test. Well....I decided to have a hair

analysis done....and those results say I don't have those high

levels. So now I am really confused.

Any feel for which test is the most accurate??? Anyone?


> ,


> How many times did you use the foot bath? . . .


> If it was just once, that may not have been enough time to see a

difference, especially when you still have implants.


> Detoxing is usually a slow process. It will take time, even with a



> Hugs,


> Rogene


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