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Re: Re: shari-new probs.....:(

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yes.... I had saline Mentor textured implants put in 1996... upon removal and analyzation, 30% of the shell was missing... not found in the capsule or implant... both were leaking upon removal as well... one was a replacement of a complete rupture in 1999... new one was leaking still at removal.. Shells are Silicone - never deny that - never let a doc tell you different. That silicone can affect you just the same as the gel if it gets into your body...


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According to my neurologist here yes the silicone could have migrated up to your brain. I just saw mine yesterday and my MRI looks great. But he did explain to me that if their was a severe immune or silicone problem the inside of my brain on the films would look like salt & pepper. But he said just because their is not really visible signs on the MRI that does not rule out silicone toxicity because I am having cognitive and learning problems which since I got sick in December are becoming worse.

I'm very sorry for your diagnosis. I will pray for you and will believe the report of the Lord instead that he will heal you.



Re: shari-new probs.....:(

Oh Sweet Shari ... I have heard of this happening before to our women ... but not for a while.Which meds are you on and how is your body reacting to them?I'll add this to your webpage ...God's blessings to You and Much love from Ilenahttp://www.BreastImplantAwareness.org/Shari.htm>> > Hi there everyone> > been sick lately so I haven't been posting much.... I guess I did post last > week or the week before about the hospital stay I had due to multiple seizures > I had June 4th... I had my neurologist appt yesterday and got the official > diagnosis of epilepsy... I was stunned - thought it was a one time thing - > some freak accident.... nope. I am freaking out now - have to be on meds at > least 5 years... can no longer drive.... I am scared.... he said it wasn't such > a big deal but I was thinking - yeah - maybe to you!! I had 4 grand mal > -tonic clonic seizures within about 5-6 hours last months... spent days in the > hospital. on the last one I quit breathing - hubby said i was purple.... he > said he thought he was gonna watch me die in the ER.. he was sooooo > freaked..... now all I can think is if it happens again - I am home w/ a 5 year > old.... he starts school this year - he has been schooled in what to do - whether > he will be able to when the time come who knows as my hubby said they were > extremely violent seizures... I was told I have a 5% chance of it not occurring > again even with the meds.... the meds would keep it from happening as > often.... sheeesh - what a smack in the face. First the implant nightmare ,now > this? it may even be related i think - doc Blais' said 30% of my textured > shells were missing when he analyzed the implants.... could they have migrated up > to my head? who knows.... I am just so disappointed.....> anyways talk to you soon> > shari>

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ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT SILICONE FROM SALINE IMPLANTS! IF SO! WOW!Penni Pitre <penniquilts@...> wrote: Shari, According to my neurologist here yes the silicone could have migrated up to your brain. I just saw mine yesterday and my MRI looks great. But he did explain to me that if their was a severe immune or silicone problem the inside of my brain on the films would look like salt & pepper.

But he said just because their is not really visible signs on the MRI that does not rule out silicone toxicity because I am having cognitive and learning problems which since I got sick in December are becoming worse. I'm very sorry for your diagnosis. I will pray for you and will believe the report of the Lord instead that he will heal you. Love, Penni Re: shari-new probs.....:( Oh Sweet Shari ... I have heard of this happening before to our women ... but not for a while.Which meds are you on and how is your body reacting to them?I'll add this to your webpage ...God's blessings to You and Much love from Ilenahttp://www.BreastImplantAwareness.org/Shari.htm>> > Hi there everyone> > been sick lately so I haven't been posting much.... I guess I did post last > week or the week before about the hospital stay I had due to multiple

seizures > I had June 4th... I had my neurologist appt yesterday and got the official > diagnosis of epilepsy... I was stunned - thought it was a one time thing - > some freak accident.... nope. I am freaking out now - have to be on meds at > least 5 years... can no longer drive.... I am scared.... he said it wasn't such > a big deal but I was thinking - yeah - maybe to you!! I had 4 grand mal > -tonic clonic seizures within about 5-6 hours last months... spent days in the > hospital. on the last one I quit breathing - hubby said i was purple.... he > said he thought he was gonna watch me die in the ER.. he was sooooo > freaked..... now all I can think is if it happens again - I am home w/ a 5 year > old.... he starts school this year - he has been schooled in what to do - whether > he will be able to when the time come who knows as my hubby said they

were > extremely violent seizures... I was told I have a 5% chance of it not occurring > again even with the meds.... the meds would keep it from happening as > often.... sheeesh - what a smack in the face. First the implant nightmare ,now > this? it may even be related i think - doc Blais' said 30% of my textured > shells were missing when he analyzed the implants.... could they have migrated up > to my head? who knows.... I am just so disappointed.....> anyways talk to you soon> > shari>

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. . . Saline implants (especially textured implants) begin to deteroriate the moment they're put in ones body . . . These micrscopic bits of silicone float around in our body until they find a resting place . . . Maybe the liver? the brain? the kidney? the lungs? We don't know because they've refused to study the women who have gotten ill. It's lots easier to make the women out to be mental cases, than to take the time to understand the problems. The women who I really, really worry about are those whose children are terribly ill as a result of being born and/or nursed after breast implants. . . One can get very down about being sick . .. But when one sees their own children suffering because of a decision the child has no choice in, it's devastating! One mother contemplated taking her children's lives, then ending her own. She's still with us - but her children's

problems continue to grow. Talk about a living Hell! Hugs and prayers, Rogene .

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  • 3 months later...

Do you think my Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and rashes are related to a relationship that was once emotionally abusive OR the implants? Blessings, Plattehalvey70@... wrote: yes.... I had saline Mentor textured implants put in 1996... upon removal and analyzation, 30% of the shell was missing... not found in the capsule or implant... both were leaking upon removal as well... one was

a replacement of a complete rupture in 1999... new one was leaking still at removal.. Shells are Silicone - never deny that - never let a doc tell you different. That silicone can affect you just the same as the gel if it gets into your body... shari

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I have never heard of anyone developing multiple chemical sensitivities as a result of an emotionally abusive relationship. It's usually a result of toxic exposures.

However, I certainly have heard of women developing MCS after getting implants.

You could probably draw conclusions based on other people's experiences, but nobody here can tell you for sure.


Re: Re: shari-new probs.....:(

Do you think my Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and rashes are related to a relationship that was once emotionally abusive OR the implants?


Plattehalvey70aol (DOT) com wrote:

yes.... I had saline Mentor textured implants put in 1996... upon removal and analyzation, 30% of the shell was missing... not found in the capsule or implant... both were leaking upon removal as well... one was a replacement of a complete rupture in 1999... new one was leaking still at removal.. Shells are Silicone - never deny that - never let a doc tell you different. That silicone can affect you just the same as the gel if it gets into your body...


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I've developed MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities) from my implants, which have only been removed for 5 months. Has anyone ever heard of this going AWAY?!

I'm not fearful of ANY / ALL medication!


On 10/21/06, Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote:

I have never heard of anyone developing multiple chemical sensitivities as a result of an emotionally abusive relationship. It's usually a result of toxic exposures.

However, I certainly have heard of women developing MCS after getting implants.

You could probably draw conclusions based on other people's experiences, but nobody here can tell you for sure.


Re: Re: shari-new probs.....:(

Do you think my Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and rashes are related to a relationship that was once emotionally abusive OR the implants?


Plattehalvey70aol (DOT) com wrote:

yes.... I had saline Mentor textured implants put in 1996... upon removal and analyzation, 30% of the shell was missing... not found in the capsule or implant... both were leaking upon removal as well... one was a replacement of a complete rupture in 1999... new one was leaking still at removal.. Shells are Silicone - never deny that - never let a doc tell you different. That silicone can affect you just the same as the gel if it gets into your body...


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I am not sure how to answer your question....I think some women have seen their sensitivities lessen...I myself was tested for allergies and found to have developed an IgG response to several things I was never allergic to before. The one I found to be more common amongst implanted women is chocolate.

An IgG allergy is a "delayed allergy". What this means is that it can come and go in cycles, depending on whether the food is eaten or avoided. IgG responses may cause delayed symptoms, such as joint or muscle pain, chronic headaches or fatigue. The IgG reaction can often occur hours and even days after a particular food is consumed, and these kind of reactions can be hard to recognize. The reactions can be subtle or severe, and can lead to long term symptoms and chronic degenerative disease.

The good news is that you can get over this type of sensitivity. As long as the offending substances are avoided for 3 to 9 months, the antibody level against it will decrease significantly. To have the antibody level return to a previously high level, that allergenic substance would have to be eaten or exposed to frequently for weeks or months. I myself avoided chocolate for one whole year, and then reintroduced it without trouble.

I'm saying all this to point out the possibility that MCS can go away if you have a type of allergic reaction that is not permanent. (An IgE response is considered permanent. IgG is delayed, and "cureable".)

You would probably have to get tested to know for sure. But, you can try to avoid offending chemicals and substances for as long as possible, (maybe try a year?) and see if you can eventually tolerate exposures. I think it is certainly a possibility!

I hope this helps!


Re: Re: shari-new probs.....:(

Do you think my Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and rashes are related to a relationship that was once emotionally abusive OR the implants?


Plattehalvey70aol (DOT) com wrote:

yes.... I had saline Mentor textured implants put in 1996... upon removal and analyzation, 30% of the shell was missing... not found in the capsule or implant... both were leaking upon removal as well... one was a replacement of a complete rupture in 1999... new one was leaking still at removal.. Shells are Silicone - never deny that - never let a doc tell you different. That silicone can affect you just the same as the gel if it gets into your body...


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Wow, Patty!

GREAT info! If I were to get tested, what kind of dr. would I go to, and what test(s), specifically, should i ask for?

Thanks for your help!


On 10/21/06, Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote:


I am not sure how to answer your question....I think some women have seen their sensitivities lessen...I myself was tested for allergies and found to have developed an IgG response to several things I was never allergic to before. The one I found to be more common amongst implanted women is chocolate.

An IgG allergy is a " delayed allergy " . What this means is that it can come and go in cycles, depending on whether the food is eaten or avoided. IgG responses may cause delayed symptoms, such as joint or muscle pain, chronic headaches or fatigue. The IgG reaction can often occur hours and even days after a particular food is consumed, and these kind of reactions can be hard to recognize. The reactions can be subtle or severe, and can lead to long term symptoms and chronic degenerative disease.

The good news is that you can get over this type of sensitivity. As long as the offending substances are avoided for 3 to 9 months, the antibody level against it will decrease significantly. To have the antibody level return to a previously high level, that allergenic substance would have to be eaten or exposed to frequently for weeks or months. I myself avoided chocolate for one whole year, and then reintroduced it without trouble.

I'm saying all this to point out the possibility that MCS can go away if you have a type of allergic reaction that is not permanent. (An IgE response is considered permanent. IgG is delayed, and " cureable " .)

You would probably have to get tested to know for sure. But, you can try to avoid offending chemicals and substances for as long as possible, (maybe try a year?) and see if you can eventually tolerate exposures. I think it is certainly a possibility!

I hope this helps!


Re: Re: shari-new probs.....:(

Do you think my Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and rashes are related to a relationship that was once emotionally abusive OR the implants?


Plattehalvey70aol (DOT) com wrote:

yes.... I had saline Mentor textured implants put in 1996... upon removal and analyzation, 30% of the shell was missing... not found in the capsule or implant... both were leaking upon removal as well... one was a replacement of a complete rupture in 1999... new one was leaking still at removal.. Shells are Silicone - never deny that - never let a doc tell you different. That silicone can affect you just the same as the gel if it gets into your body...


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I went to a naturopathic doctor (naturally!), and had testing done through what was then the Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory, which is now called Genova Diagnostics. You can see their webpage here:


This particular page that I've sent the link for describes the various tests that are done under the Immunology heading. They also test for Mold and inhalants (see below). You could call them and ask who they work with in your area, then make an appointment with that doctor and go from there. I think testing for these IgE and IgG responses is a great idea. Let us know if you do any! They are available by phone 8:30am-6:30pm M-F EST @ 800-522-4762. FAX is @ 828-252-9303 or contact us from the web.




In conjunction with bringing the latest DPC Immulite antibody assay technology to Genova Diagnostics we have introduced an expanded offering of immunology tests that include a Mold Profile and a Celiac Profile.

The newest allergy profile available measures quantifiable IgE antibodies for Molds. As the modern world continues to evolve, it is becoming increasingly apparent that our indoor environment can have a huge impact on our health. Molds (also know as fungi) are ubiquitous in the environment and can concentrate in homes, offices and public buildings. It is estimated that the annual work impairment costs associated with pollen/mold exposure are between $5.4-7.7 billion dollars in the US alone! Click here to read more!

Allergy Antibody Assessment Options for Clinicians- IgG Food with IgE Food - IgG antibody levels to 88 foods, IgE antibody levels to 19 foods, and Total IgE.- IgG Foods - 88 foods and Total IgE (detailed information here)- IgE Molds - 15 common molds and Total IgE (detailed information here)- IgE Inhalants - 14 common environmental inhalants specific to 18 North American geographic regions and Total IgE- IgG Vegetable Food Add-On - 21 vegetarian foods with a total IgE- IgG Spices - 24 commonly used herbs and spices and Total IgETo view sample reports of any of the above tests, click


Celiac Profile Clinical studies indicate the Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase IgA/IgG and Endomysial IgA antibodies as highly prevalent and reliable for non-invasive assessment of Celiac Disease. Our profile includes Total IgA to rule out false negatives in IgA immunodeficient individuals, and the Endomysial IgA as a reflex when indicated. Anti-GLiadin IgA and IgG is available to establish levels and use as a monitoring tool for successful elimination of gluten. Click here to read more!

Re: Re: shari-new probs.....:(

Do you think my Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and rashes are related to a relationship that was once emotionally abusive OR the implants?


Plattehalvey70aol (DOT) com wrote:

yes.... I had saline Mentor textured implants put in 1996... upon removal and analyzation, 30% of the shell was missing... not found in the capsule or implant... both were leaking upon removal as well... one was a replacement of a complete rupture in 1999... new one was leaking still at removal.. Shells are Silicone - never deny that - never let a doc tell you different. That silicone can affect you just the same as the gel if it gets into your body...


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Yes, mine went away for the most part, although I never had implants.


> I've developed MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities) from my implants, which

> have only been removed for 5 months. Has anyone ever heard of this going

> AWAY?!


> I'm not fearful of ANY / ALL medication!



> California



> On 10/21/06, Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote:


>> I have never heard of anyone developing multiple chemical sensitivities

>> as a result of an emotionally abusive relationship. It's usually a result

>> of toxic exposures.


>> However, I certainly have heard of women developing MCS after getting

>> implants.


>> You could probably draw conclusions based on other people's experiences,

>> but nobody here can tell you for sure.

>> Patty



>> Re: Re: shari-new probs.....:(


>> Do you think my Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and rashes are related to

>> a relationship that was once emotionally abusive OR the implants?


>> Blessings,

>> Platte


>> *halvey70aol (DOT) com* wrote:


>> yes.... I had *saline *Mentor textured implants put in 1996... upon

>> removal and analyzation, 30% of the shell was missing... not found in the

>> capsule or implant... both were leaking upon removal as well... one was a

>> replacement of a complete rupture in 1999... new one was leaking still at

>> removal.. Shells are Silicone - never deny that - never let a doc tell you

>> different. That silicone can affect you just the same as the gel if it gets

>> into your body...



>> shari








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Me too Sis. I only wear essential oil (natural) perfumes now. All others make me nauseous.


Re: shari-new probs.....:(

You know what's funny, since getting implanted (and now explanted), I can't stand the smell of perfume. I used to wear it, but now just the smell of it makes me sick. I also remember after getting implants, suddenly the deodorant I was using started making my underarms itch like crazy. I've since switched to a natural brand and the itching has gone away. Sis> yes.... I had saline Mentor textured implants put in 1996... upon removal and analyzation, 30% of the shell was missing... not found in the capsule or implant... both were leaking upon removal as well... one was a replacement of a complete rupture in 1999... new one was leaking still at removal.. Shells are Silicone - never deny

that - never let a doc tell you different. That silicone can affect you just the same as the gel if it gets into your body...> > > shari>

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I have to be very careful with any scents, rarely wear any.

I use natural deodorant. My health food store bill sometimes gets a bit



> Me too Sis. I only wear essential oil (natural) perfumes now. All others

> make me nauseous.

> Patty



> Re: shari-new probs.....:(


> You know what's funny, since getting implanted (and now explanted),

> I can't stand the smell of perfume. I used to wear it, but now just

> the smell of it makes me sick. I also remember after getting

> implants, suddenly the deodorant I was using started making my

> underarms itch like crazy. I've since switched to a natural brand

> and the itching has gone away.


> Sis



>> yes.... I had saline Mentor textured implants put in 1996... upon

> removal and analyzation, 30% of the shell was missing... not found

> in the capsule or implant... both were leaking upon removal as

> well... one was a replacement of a complete rupture in 1999... new

> one was leaking still at removal.. Shells are Silicone - never deny

> that - never let a doc tell you different. That silicone can affect

> you just the same as the gel if it gets into your body...



>> shari







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, My first symptom after getting implants was MCS . . . it started with sensitivity to tobacco, soon after to scents and gradually to a host of products - many petroleum products and cleaning products . . to the point my life was controlled by MCS . . where I could go, who I could be around. Still, I never made the connection to my implants until a couple years AFTER my implants were removed. One day, I realized that I wan't reacting anymore and that I could go where ever I wanted to go. . . I have had a few flares when I get an overdose of paint fumes, scents, or spend too much time in a polluted area. I have absolutely no doubt that my MCS was implant related. Rogene

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Leyna, My MCS reaction was about half physical, half mental. My sinuses would suddenly feel full and get painful . . my throat would feel tight . . .my chest would feel tight and begin to hurt . . . eyes redden and water . . . coughing . . .gagging . . . and headaches. The longer I was around things I was sensitive to, the worse it got. I would get angry and want to fight or run - I found out that the part of the brain responsible for smells is next to that of fight or flight. . . That's exactly how I felt. Only when working, I couldn't do either. Even after getting away from the culprit, I would go into deep depression for several days following a heavy exposure. . Even though nothing had changed in my life, I felt as though everything had turned rotten. . . I had to be very careful of making bad decisions on those days. Like I

said, I didn't connect this with my implants until a couple years after they were out. I took antihistamines for years and still suffered. Finally, the antihistamines dried my eyes out so badly my corneas tore repeatedly. . . That's when my doctor consented to refer me to an allergist. The allergist took one look at me and told me that I wasn't allergic, I was sensitive, and all the antihistamines in the world weren't going to help. The only thing I could do was to stay away from the offending products. When he tested me for allergies, the only thing I was even moderately allergic to was ragweed - and almost everyone else is too. Today I had another episode. One of our male friends was wearing an aftershave that really got to me. . . I couldn't walk away - we were square dancing. But after fifteen minutes, I had a headache that started in a spot on the left side of my head, went over my eye to my sinus. . . Miserable! That's the first

time I've had a problem in a long time . . but I think it's partly because we've been in the DFW area for a few days and the air pollution is getting to me - priming me for a reaction. When I was having so much trouble, my sense of smell was extremely acute. . . I could smell some things from 20-30 feet away. . . Thankfully, that's gone now. IMHO, even though the physical problems caused by breast implants were awful, MCS was the worst because it controlled my life so dramatically - and affected my thinking as well. Rogene

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Rogene, Ok, that sounds just like me!! Smells really get to me! I mean, I have 4 dogs, and I can smell it if one of them uses the bathroom on the other side of the house!! I mean, I throw a fit because I just can't stand the smell! When people around me have colognes/perfume on, it's like it's just TOO MUCH for me, and I start sneezing and coughing, and my eyes water and I get headaches. When I'm driving past a cotton feild where they've just cropdusted....I have to pull over to the side of the road because my eyes are burning and running so bad! It got so bad that I got an allergy test done....and they said that I was not allergic to ANYTHING! I couldn't believe it!Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: Leyna, My MCS reaction was about half physical, half mental. My sinuses would suddenly feel full and get painful . . my throat would feel tight . . .my chest would feel tight and begin to hurt . . . eyes redden and water . . . coughing . . .gagging . . . and headaches. The longer I was around things I was sensitive to, the worse it got. I would get angry and want to fight or run - I found out that the part of the brain responsible for smells is next to that of fight or flight. . . That's exactly how I felt. Only when working, I couldn't do either. Even after getting

away from the culprit, I would go into deep depression for several days following a heavy exposure. . Even though nothing had changed in my life, I felt as though everything had turned rotten. . . I had to be very careful of making bad decisions on those days. Like I said, I didn't connect this with my implants until a couple years after they were out. I took antihistamines for years and still suffered. Finally, the antihistamines dried my eyes out so badly my corneas tore repeatedly. . . That's when my doctor consented to refer me to an allergist. The allergist took one look at me and told me that I wasn't allergic, I was sensitive, and all the antihistamines in the world weren't going to help. The only thing I could do was to stay away from the offending products. When he tested me for allergies, the only thing I was even moderately allergic to was ragweed - and almost everyone else is too. Today I had

another episode. One of our male friends was wearing an aftershave that really got to me. . . I couldn't walk away - we were square dancing. But after fifteen minutes, I had a headache that started in a spot on the left side of my head, went over my eye to my sinus. . . Miserable! That's the first time I've had a problem in a long time . . but I think it's partly because we've been in the DFW area for a few days and the air pollution is getting to me - priming me for a reaction. When I was having so much trouble, my sense of smell was extremely acute. . . I could smell some things from 20-30 feet away. . . Thankfully, that's gone now. IMHO, even though the physical problems caused by breast implants were awful, MCS was the worst because it controlled my life so dramatically - and affected my thinking as well. Rogene

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I have stopped using all products that had artificial smells. I use all naturally everything from dish detergent, laundry products, and personal care products. I get nautious and headaches whenever someone walks past me with perfume or uses air fresheners. Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote: Me too Sis. I only wear essential oil (natural) perfumes now. All others make me nauseous. Patty Re: shari-new probs.....:( You know what's funny, since getting implanted (and now explanted), I can't stand the smell of perfume. I used to wear it, but now just the smell of it makes me sick. I also remember after getting implants, suddenly the deodorant I was using started making my underarms itch like crazy. I've since switched to a natural brand and the itching has gone away.

Sis> yes.... I had saline Mentor textured implants put in 1996... upon removal and analyzation, 30% of the shell was missing... not found in the capsule or implant... both were leaking upon removal as well... one was a replacement of a complete rupture in 1999... new one was leaking still at removal.. Shells are Silicone - never deny that - never let a doc tell you different. That silicone can affect you just the same as the gel if it gets into your body...> > > shari>

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Hey,I am the same way. I really miss perfume also, as does my hubby.

Re: shari-new probs.....:(

You know what's funny, since getting implanted (and now explanted), I can't stand the smell of perfume. I used to wear it, but now just the smell of it makes me sick. I also remember after getting implants, suddenly the deodorant I was using started making my underarms itch like crazy. I've since switched to a natural brand and the itching has gone away. Sis> yes.... I had saline Mentor textured implants put in 1996... upon removal and analyzation, 30% of the shell was missing... not found in the capsule or implant... both were leaking upon removal as well... one was a replacement of a complete rupture in 1999... new one was leaking still at removal.. Shells are Silicone - never deny that - never let a doc tell you different. That silicone can affect you just the same as the gel if it gets into your body...> > > shari>

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It was funny last night at work-I'm a cashier, and I had quite a few people in my line, as we were very busy. Most were ladies. Who I assumed was the lady at my register first, had the strongest perfume on!! I was making faces, almost gagging it was so strong to me. I had tears in my eyes. The lady took forever, getting her things together to leave. She finally left, and I started coughing. The next lady had a bottle of essential oil she was buying, and she looked at me and asked if I was Ok. The other lady was just walking off at this time, and I said "OMG-it was that cologne!!". The lady said "Oh-you mean you can smell it through the bottle?" She thought I was talking about the bottle of essential oil she was buying. Ends up that it was HER cologne all along! I stood there about to gag, with tears in my eyes. Fibro started hurting soon

afterwards! I'm just glad she misunderstood and thought I was gagging about her purchase! LOL DeBolt <jdebolt@...> wrote: Hey,I am the same way. I really miss perfume also, as does my hubby. Re: shari-new probs.....:( You know what's funny, since getting implanted (and now explanted), I can't stand the smell of perfume. I used to wear it, but now just the smell of it makes me sick. I also remember after getting implants, suddenly the deodorant I was using started making my underarms itch like crazy. I've since switched to a natural brand and the itching has gone away. Sis> yes.... I had saline Mentor textured implants put in 1996... upon removal and analyzation, 30% of the shell was missing... not found in the capsule or implant... both were leaking upon removal as well... one was a replacement of a complete rupture in 1999... new one was leaking still at removal.. Shells are Silicone - never deny that - never let a doc tell you different. That silicone can affect you just the same as the gel if it gets into your body...> > > shari>

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If your fibro acts up with a reaction to cologne, I would bet money that

your fibro is from a toxic liver. Detoxing could help you tremendously!!


> It was funny last night at work-I'm a cashier, and I had quite a few people in

> my line, as we were very busy. Most were ladies. Who I assumed was the lady

> at my register first, had the strongest perfume on!! I was making faces,

> almost gagging it was so strong to me. I had tears in my eyes.

> The lady took forever, getting her things together to leave. She finally

> left, and I started coughing. The next lady had a bottle of essential oil she

> was buying, and she looked at me and asked if I was Ok. The other lady was

> just walking off at this time, and I said " OMG-it was that cologne!! " . The

> lady said " Oh-you mean you can smell it through the bottle? " She thought I

> was talking about the bottle of essential oil she was buying. Ends up that it

> was HER cologne all along!

> I stood there about to gag, with tears in my eyes. Fibro started hurting

> soon afterwards! I'm just glad she misunderstood and thought I was gagging

> about her purchase! LOL


> DeBolt <jdebolt@...> wrote:

> Hey,I am the same way. I really miss perfume also, as does my

> hubby.

> Re: shari-new probs.....:(



> You know what's funny, since getting implanted (and now explanted),

> I can't stand the smell of perfume. I used to wear it, but now just

> the smell of it makes me sick. I also remember after getting

> implants, suddenly the deodorant I was using started making my

> underarms itch like crazy. I've since switched to a natural brand

> and the itching has gone away.


> Sis



>> yes.... I had saline Mentor textured implants put in 1996... upon

> removal and analyzation, 30% of the shell was missing... not found

> in the capsule or implant... both were leaking upon removal as

> well... one was a replacement of a complete rupture in 1999... new

> one was leaking still at removal.. Shells are Silicone - never deny

> that - never let a doc tell you different. That silicone can affect

> you just the same as the gel if it gets into your body...



>> shari










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Leyna, Sorry . . . I've been traveling . . . It's so nice to be home again! Epsom salts does taste bad . . . Drink it cold, and rinse your mouth with water right away! . . . The grapefruit and olive oil are difficult to get down - whip it together thoroughly and drink it fast . . . a straw helps get it over the tongue. . . . Apple juice is used with OrthoPhos. Love, Rogene

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Rogene, So, does it have to be just those ingredients? I mean, can you add something to it to make it taste better? Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: Leyna, Sorry . . . I've been traveling . . . It's so nice to be home again! Epsom salts does taste bad . . . Drink it cold, and rinse your mouth with water right away! . . . The grapefruit and olive oil

are difficult to get down - whip it together thoroughly and drink it fast . . . a straw helps get it over the tongue. . . . Apple juice is used with OrthoPhos. Love, Rogene

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Leyna, We're talking about two different flushes . . . OrthoPhos has one set of ingredients, the Epsom Salt/grapefruit/olive oil has another . . . They're not pleasant to take, but it's certainly doable! . . . The idea is far worse than the reality . . . The idea lasts much longer . .. do it quick, and it's over with! The stuff I had to drink for my colon exam was worse! The taste doesn't linger on. Rogene Leyna <leyna1964@...> wrote: Rogene, So, does it have to be just those ingredients? I mean, can you add something to it to make it taste better? Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote: Leyna, Sorry . . . I've been traveling . . . It's so nice to be home again! Epsom salts does taste bad . . . Drink it cold, and rinse your mouth with water right away! . . . The grapefruit and olive oil are difficult to get down - whip it together thoroughly and drink it fast . . . a straw helps get it over the tongue. . . . Apple juice is used

with OrthoPhos. Love, Rogene We have the perfect Group for you. Check out the handy changes to .

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