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My throat hurt me so bad that I could hardly talk or swallow on day three

I just applied iodine on my body and my throat started feeling better in no time

My throat was all swollen and hurt so bad at work last night that

everyone was saying awww I feel so bad for you...But not anymore :)

Now I am going to try using hydro peroxide on my teeth

and start lurking for other cures that might help my pocket and health

Just like what my Grandmom would have used back in the olden days

I am covered in skin tags from the implants

I will give it a try and keep you posted

Hydrogen Peroxide Cures Skin Tags, Moles, Mouth Ulcers, Receding Gumline, etc.5/29/2006: from Bedford, Canada writes, "3.5% hydrogen peroxide cured skin tags, bacteria in the mouth & moles.

Normally have to be burnt off- direct application twice daily causes the skin tag to completely disappear of a period of a week or two. Best mouthwash known to man- whitens your teeth, kills plaque and all mouth bacteria, actually allows receding gumline to stop and start to repair itself. Direct application twice daily has reduced a mole to 1/2 its former size and still shrinking."

According to our readers, not only does iodine (the painting of or the internal consumption of kelp or Lugol's iodine solution) cure an impending cold or flu, iodine also cures acne, PMS, anxiety, allergies, hypothyroidism, bladder infections, moles and dermatitis. Additionally, we just had a report that iodine (in the form of kelp) has cured fibroystic breast disease

Amazing !!!



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