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Re: Thyroid medicine, breast cancer, iodine

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Since 1998, I've been on Synthroid. (125mcg) It's caused me to be calcium deficient for MANY years now, despite that I take calcium. My teeth are just cracking up and falling apart -constant toothaches, abscesses, root canals, and crowns. (I know many of you have this as well.)

Osteoporosis is also a huge risk when you take thyroid medications. I am 31 now, and years ago my doc already sent me for a DEXA scan to have a comparison study for the future. She gives me the impression it's not a matter of "if" I'll get it, but "when." So, it's also a frightening issue -osteoporosis.


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Wow! How interesting....kinda hard to follow since it's so long with hardly any breaks, but I caught most of it. Scary! I've been on thyroid meds since about 2 years after I got my implants! I know I'm iodine defiecient too-it soaks up very quickly whenever I do the iodine painting, and then when I do take supplements or paint the iodine on, I feel SO much better! My doctor always tells me to stop doing it though-he says it will really screw up my thyroid good! I guess I should ignore him.....Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote: Wow! I thought this was very important, regarding the breasts, cancer and thyroid hormone. I am going to start taking my Lugol's solution! Please, get some iodine if you are on thyroid medicine! http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm THYROID HORMONE THERAPY APPEARS TO CAUSE BREAST CANCER By Dr. Howenstine, MD.July 27, 2006NewsWithViews.com Medical journals and textbooks typically

portray iodine as an unimportant substance which should be taken in small amounts[1] because of it's dangers. Actually approximately one third of humanity has iodine deficiency. When humans lack iodine the thyroid gland enlarges (goiter), nodules appear in the thyroid gland and over a period of time cancer may appear in a thyroid nodule. Conventional medicine treats thyroid gland enlargement with thyroid hormone without considering the possibility that the hypothyroidism and goiter may be due to lack of iodine. This failure to diagnose and treat iodine deficiency can lead to an increased risk of breast cancer and the longer the diagnosis is missed the greater the chance that breast cancer will occur. Women taking thyroid hormone appear to be

twice (12.1%) as likely to develop breast cancer as women not using thyroid hormone (6..2%). Women who had taken thyroid hormone for 15 years had a 19.5% incidence of breast cancer whereas women who have only taken thyroid hormone for 5 years had only a 10% incidence of breast cancer. Why is this? The essential trace element iodine may be the most important least publicized mineral in existence. Iodine is the only element needed in hormones and in the production of hormones. The iodine containing hormones are involved in the creation of embryos, development of brain function, growth, metabolism and maintenance of body temperature. This means that proper amounts of thyroid hormone, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, insulin, growth hormone etc. can not be made when iodine is lacking from the body. One third of all individuals on Earth are functioning with subnormal levels of iodine. Low intake

of iodine is the leading cause for intellectual deficiency in the world. There is strong evidence that iodine lack predisposes to breast cancer. One out of seven women in the U.S. has deficiency of iodine proven by urine iodine screening tests (urine I less than 50 ug/L). This is the same incidence for breast cancer seen in U.S. women. Without bothering to check urine for iodine, physicians visited by a woman with a goiter or symptoms of hypothyroidism are routinely prescribing thyroid hormone therapy. Hintze et al[2] compared the results of 400ug/L of Iodine with 150ug of T4 (synthyroid) for 8 months and then four months after stopping therapy. The results clearly

favored iodine therapy. Both treatments led to similar suppression in the size of the goiter. However, four months later the size of the thyroid had returned to pre-treatment levels in the group treated with T4 hormone. The group who had received iodine therapy continued to have normal sized thyroid glands four months after therapy was stopped. Several investigators have concluded that iodine lack is a probable cause for breast cancer in women.[3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Demographic studies in Japan and Iceland revealed that both countries have a high intake of iodine and low incidences of goiter and breast cancer. In Mexico and Thailand where iodine intake is low there is a high incidence of goiter and breast cancer.[8] Thyroid gland size measured by ultrasound is significantly larger[9] in Irish women with breast cancer than

control women. Administration of thyroid hormone to iodine deficient women appears to increase the risk of developing breast cancer. In a group of women undergoing screening mammograms the incidence of breast cancer[10] was twice as high in the women taking thyroid hormone. for hypothyroidism (probably caused by iodine lack) than in women not taking thyroid supplements. The mean incidence was 6.2% in controls and 12.1% in women on thyroid hormones. The incidence of breast cancer was twice as high in women taking thyroid hormone for more than 15 years (19.5%) compared to those on thyroid hormones for only 5 years (10%). In the state of Michigan, during a period of

iodine supplementation in bread (1924-1951) the prevalence of goiter diminished from 38.6% to 1.4%. Of interest the incidence of breast cancer remained unchanged during this time frame. This information was used to suggest that iodine supplementation had no effect on the incidence of breast cancer. However, Ghent and Eskin were able to show in women and female rats that the amount of iodine needed to protect against fibrocystic disease of the breast and breast cancer was at least 20 to 40 times greater[11] than the iodine needed to control goiter. In the 1960s mandated iodine containing dough was equivalent to the RDA of 150 ug per slice of bread. At that time the incidence of breast cancer was only 1 in 20.[12] In the past 20 years the use of iodine supplementation in bread was eliminated and a goiter producing substance toxic to the thyroid gland (bromine) was introduced as replacement for iodine. The risk for breast cancer is now 1 in 8 and this risk is increasing by one percent[13] each year. The decision to replace iodine in an iodine deficient population with a goitrogen was illogical lacking in common sense. The damaging effects of bromine on thyroid tissue also appears to contribute to the development of auto-immune diseases in the thyroid gland (Hashimoto's thyroiditis). The mammary glands have a trapping

system for iodine similar to that of the thyroid gland. The breasts effectively compete with the thyroid gland for ingested iodine. This distribution of iodine to both breast and thyroid gland in pubertal girls explains why goiter is 6 times more common in girls than pubertal boys. The disappearance of iodine into breast tissue in women leads to decreased ability to supply the thyroid gland with an adequate amount of iodine. The development of a goiter in young girls indicates deficient distribution of iodine to both breast and thyroid tissue. Treating such a patient with thyroid hormone is not sensible and appears to increase the risk of breast cancer. Study of radioiodine uptake in normals and women with fibrocystic breast disease FDB reveals that the FDB breasts were able to take in 12.5% of the iodine dosage compared to only 6.9% in normal breasts. This proves the existence of considerable

iodine depletion in the breasts of women with FDB. There is considerable evidence for an increased risk of thyroid cancer as well as breast cancer in persons with iodine deficiency. Untreated iodine deficiency leads to goiter, thyroid nodules and eventually some of these nodules become malignant. The decreasing intake of iodine has resulted in an increase in thyroid nodules and increase in thyroid cancer. In 2001 there were 19,500 new cases of thyroid cancer in the U.S. with 14,900 of these cases occurring in women. Iodine has a role in promoting general well being as well as protecting against infections, degenerative diseases and cancer. Iodine promotes the normal killing of defective and abnormal cells (apoptosis). Thus, iodine helps the body's surveillance system to detect and remove abnormal cells. Additionally, the

presence of iodine triggers differentiation away from the more dangerous undifferentiated type of cell toward normal cells. The presence of adequate levels of iodine in the body (Japanese diet with lots of sea vegetables and fish) reduces reactive oxygen species (ROS). in the body which decreases the oxidative burden in the body This results in slowing of degeneration disease processes and decreasing the risk of cancer. Nearly every physician in the United States will reach for a prescription pad to order thyroid hormone when he sees a patient with goiter or symptoms of hypothyroidism. This can be exactly the wrong thing to do if the patient has deficient stores of iodine. Insist on obtaining a 24 hour urine collection

for iodine to eliminate iodine lack as the cause for your symptoms (values below 50 ug/liter are abnormal). Thyroid hormone therapy in the presence of iodine deficiency increases the risk of breast cancer and probably thyroid cancer as well. Endocrinologist, Dr. Guy Abraham, formerly of the U.C.L.A. Department of Endocrinology, is convinced that everyone needs to be on iodine therapy until their iodine stores have been fully restored. After this time frame periodic intake of iodine will help insure that the many body functions requiring iodine run smoothly. A dosage of two tablets of Iodoral twice daily for three months followed by one Iodoral tablet daily for a year will restore iodine stores for most persons. At that

point periodic taking of an Iodoral tablet daily one month out of 4 to 6 months etc. will be adequate to maintain iodine stores. Iodine stores can be easily monitored by taking 4 Iodoral tablets (50 mg iodine) and collecting a 24 hour urine sample for iodine content. If 80% of the ingested iodine is found in the urine collection the iodine stores are normal. Iodoral can be obtained from Optimox Corp. Torrance, Cal. To purchase a referral from a health care practitioner is needed. Footnotes: 1, Abraham, Guy F. et al Orthoiodosupplementaion: Iodine Sufficiency Of The Whole Body pg 12, Hintze, G. et al treatment of Endemic goiter due to iodine deficiency with iodine, levothyroxine or both:results of a multicentre trial. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 19:527-534, 19893, Eskin B et al Mammary Gland Dysplasia in Iodine Deficiency JAMA , 200:115-119. 19674, Eskin B Iodine and Mammary Gland Cancer Adv. Exp. Med. Biol., 91:293-304, 19775, Ghent, W. et al Iodine Replacement in Fibrocystic disease of the Breast Can. J. Surg. , 36:453-460, 19936, Eskin B. et al Different Tissue Responses for Iodine and Iodidein Rat Thyroid and mammary Glands Biol. Trace Element Research 49:9-19, 19957, Derry , D Breast Cancer and Iodine Trafford Publishing, B.C. , 92, 20018, Finley JW., Bogardus, G.M., Breast Cancer and Thyroid Disease Quart. Review Surg. Obstet. Gyn. 17:139-147, 19609, Smtyhe, P. , Thyroid Disease and Breast Cancer J. Endo. Int. , 16:396-401, 199310, Ghandrakant, C. et al Breast Cancer Relationship to Thyroid Supplements for hypothyroidism JAMA, 238:1124, 197611, Backwinkel, K.,

, A.S. Some Fearures of breast Cancer and Thyroid Deficiency Cancer17:1174-1176 , 196412, Epstein, S.S., Sherman, D. Breast Cancer Prevention Program Macmillan , NY. 1998 pg 513, Ibid

© 2006 Dr. Howenstine - Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale Dr. A. Howenstine is a board certified specialist in internal medicine who spent 34 years caring for office and hospital patients. After 4 years of personal study he became

convinced that natural products are safer, more effective, and less expensive than pharmaceutical drugs. This research led to the publication of his book A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products That Work. Information about these products and his book can be obtained from amazon.com and at www.naturalhealthteam.com and phone 1-800-416-2806 U.S. Dr. Howenstine can be reached by mail at Dr. Howenstine, C/O Remarsa USA SB 37, P.O. Box 25292, Miami, Fl. 33102-5292. E-Mail: dr.jimhowgmail All-new - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done


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I seem to be allergic or have a reaction to

iodine in every form. I cannot take any

supplements, cannot use the douche, almost died

from the iodine in an IV, etc. Cannot eat

shellfish anymore because of this. I think this

is related to my thyroid finally giving me

problems. My doctors have never come up with any

explanation, but no one in my family has any thyroid problems.


At 11:49 PM 9/11/2006, you wrote:

>Wow! How interesting....kinda hard to follow

>since it's so long with hardly any breaks, but I

>caught most of it. Scary! I've been on thyroid

>meds since about 2 years after I got my

>implants! I know I'm iodine defiecient too-it

>soaks up very quickly whenever I do the iodine

>painting, and then when I do take supplements or

>paint the iodine on, I feel SO much better! My

>doctor always tells me to stop doing it

>though-he says it will really screw up my

>thyroid good! I guess I should ignore him.....


>Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote:

>Wow! I thought this was very important,

>regarding the breasts, cancer and thyroid

>hormone. I am going to start taking my Lugol's

>solution! Please, get some iodine if you are on thyroid medicine!








>By Dr. Howenstine, MD.

>July 27, 2006


>Medical journals and textbooks typically portray

>iodine as an unimportant substance which should

>be taken in small


>because of it's dangers. Actually approximately

>one third of humanity has iodine deficiency.

>When humans lack iodine the thyroid gland

>enlarges (goiter), nodules appear in the thyroid

>gland and over a period of time cancer may

>appear in a thyroid nodule. Conventional

>medicine treats thyroid gland enlargement with

>thyroid hormone without considering the

>possibility that the hypothyroidism and goiter

>may be due to lack of iodine. This failure to

>diagnose and treat iodine deficiency can lead to

>an increased risk of breast cancer and the

>longer the diagnosis is missed the greater the

>chance that breast cancer will occur. Women

>taking thyroid hormone appear to be twice

>(12.1%) as likely to develop breast cancer as

>women not using thyroid hormone (6..2%). Women

>who had taken thyroid hormone for 15 years had a

>19.5% incidence of breast cancer whereas women

>who have only taken thyroid hormone for 5 years

>had only a 10% incidence of breast cancer. Why is this?

>The essential trace element iodine may be the

>most important least publicized mineral in

>existence. Iodine is the only element needed in

>hormones and in the production of hormones. The

>iodine containing hormones are involved in the

>creation of embryos, development of brain

>function, growth, metabolism and maintenance of

>body temperature. This means that proper amounts

>of thyroid hormone, estrogen, progesterone,

>testosterone, insulin, growth hormone etc. can

>not be made when iodine is lacking from the

>body. One third of all individuals on Earth are

>functioning with subnormal levels of iodine. Low

>intake of iodine is the leading cause for

>intellectual deficiency in the world.

>There is strong evidence that iodine lack

>predisposes to breast cancer. One out of seven

>women in the U.S. has deficiency of iodine

>proven by urine iodine screening tests (urine I

>less than 50 ug/L). This is the same incidence

>for breast cancer seen in U.S. women. Without

>bothering to check urine for iodine, physicians

>visited by a woman with a goiter or symptoms of

>hypothyroidism are routinely prescribing thyroid hormone therapy.

>Hintze et


>compared the results of 400ug/L of Iodine with

>150ug of T4 (synthyroid) for 8 months and then

>four months after stopping therapy. The results

>clearl y favored iodine therapy. Both treatments

>led to similar suppression in the size of the

>goiter. However, four months later the size of

>the thyroid had returned to pre-treatment levels

>in the group treated with T4 hormone. The group

>who had received iodine therapy continued to

>have normal sized thyroid glands four months

>after therapy was stopped. Several investigators

>have concluded that iodine lack is a probable

>cause for breast cancer in







>Demographic studies in Japan and Iceland

>revealed that both countries have a high intake

>of iodine and low incidences of goiter and

>breast cancer. In Mexico and Thailand where

>iodine intake is low there is a high incidence

>of goiter and breast


>Thyroid gland size measured by ultrasound is



>in Irish women with breast cancer than control women.

>Administration of thyroid hormone to iodine

>deficient women appears to increase the risk of

>developing breast cancer. In a group of women

>undergoing screening mammograms the incidence of



>was twice as high in the women taking thyroid

>hormone. for hypothyroidism (probably caused by

>iodine lack) than in women not taking thyroid

>supplements. The mean incidence was 6.2% in

>controls and 12.1% in women on thyroid hormones.

>The incidence of breast cancer was twice as high

>in women taking thyroid hormone for more than 15

>years (19.5%) compared to those on thyroid hormones for only 5 years (10%).

>In the state of Michigan, during a period of

>iodine supplementation in bread (1924-1951) the

>prevalence of goiter diminished from 38.6% to

>1.4%. Of interest the incidence of breast cancer

>remained unchanged during this time frame. This

>information was used to suggest that iodine

>supplementation had no effect on the incidence

>of breast cancer. However, Ghent and Eskin were

>able to show in women and female rats that the

>amount of iodine needed to protect against

>fibrocystic disease of the breast and breast

>cancer was at least 20 to 40 times


>than the iodine needed to control goiter.

>In the 1960s mandated iodine containing dough

>was equivalent to the RDA of 150 ug per slice of

>bread. At that time the incidence of breast

>cancer was only 1 in 20.[12] In the past 20

>years the use of iodine supplementation in bread

>was eliminated and a goiter producing substance

>toxic to the thyroid gland (bromine) was

>introduced as replacement for iodine. The risk

>for breast cancer is now 1 in 8 and this risk is

>increasing by one


>each year. The decision to replace iodine in an

>iodine deficient population with a goitrogen was

>illogical lacking in common sense. The damaging

>effects of bromine on thyroid tissue also

>appears to contribute to the development of

>auto-immune diseases in the thyroid gland (Hashimoto's thyroiditis).

>The mammary glands have a trapping system for

>iodine similar to that of the thyroid gland. The

>breasts effectively compete with the thyroid

>gland for ingested iodine. This distribution of

>iodine to both breast and thyroid gland in

>pubertal girls explains why goiter is 6 times

>more common in girls than pubertal boys. The

>disappearance of iodine into breast tissue in

>women leads to decreased ability to supply the

>thyroid gland with an adequate amount of iodine.

>The development of a goiter in young girls

>indicates deficient distribution of iodine to

>both breast and thyroid tissue. Treating such a

>patient with thyroid hormone is not sensible and

>appears to increase the risk of breast cancer.

>Study of radioiodine uptake in normals and women

>with fibrocystic breast disease FDB reveals that

>the FDB breasts were able to take in 12.5% of

>the iodine dosage compared to only 6.9% in

>normal breasts. This proves the existence of

>considerable iodine depletion in the breasts of women with FDB.

>There is considerable evidence for an increased

>risk of thyroid cancer as well as breast cancer

>in persons with iodine deficiency. Untreated

>iodine deficiency leads to goiter, thyroid

>nodules and eventually some of these nodules

>become malignant. The decreasing intake of

>iodine has resulted in an increase in thyroid

>nodules and increase in thyroid cancer. In 2001

>there were 19,500 new cases of thyroid cancer in

>the U.S. with 14,900 of these cases occurring in women.

>Iodine has a role in promoting general well

>being as well as protecting against infections,

>degenerative diseases and cancer. Iodine

>promotes the normal killing of defective and

>abnormal cells (apoptosis). Thus, iodine helps

>the body's surveillance system to detect and

>remove abnormal cells. Additionally, th e

>presence of iodine triggers differentiation away

>from the more dangerous undifferentiated type of

>cell toward normal cells. The presence of

>adequate levels of iodine in the body (Japanese

>diet with lots of sea vegetables and fish)

>reduces reactive oxygen species (ROS). in the

>body which decreases the oxidative burden in the

>body This results in slowing of degeneration

>disease processes and decreasing the risk of cancer.




>Nearly every physician in the United States will

>reach for a prescription pad to order thyroid

>hormone when he sees a patient with goiter or

>symptoms of hypothyroidism. This can be exactly

>the wrong thing to do if the patient has

>deficient stores of iodine. Insist on obtaining

>a 24 hour urine colle ction for iodine to

>eliminate iodine lack as the cause for your

>symptoms (values below 50 ug/liter are

>abnormal). Thyroid hormone therapy in the

>presence of iodine deficiency increases the risk

>of breast cancer and probably thyroid cancer as

>well. Endocrinologist, Dr. Guy Abraham, formerly

>of the U.C.L.A. Department of Endocrinology, is

>convinced that everyone needs to be on iodine

>therapy until their iodine stores have been

>fully restored. After this time frame periodic

>intake of iodine will help insure that the many

>body functions requiring iodine run smoothly.




>A dosage of two tablets of Iodoral twice daily

>for three months followed by one Iodoral tablet

>daily for a year will restore iodine stores for

>most persons. At that point periodic taking of

>an Iodoral tablet daily one month out of 4 to 6

>months etc. will be adequate to maintain iodine

>stores. Iodine stores can be easily monitored by

>taking 4 Iodoral tablets (50 mg iodine) and

>collecting a 24 hour urine sample for iodine

>content. If 80% of the ingested iodine is found

>in the urine collection the iodine stores are

>normal. Iodoral can be obtained from Optimox

>Corp. Torrance, Cal. To purchase a referral from

>a health care practitioner is needed.


>1, Abraham, Guy F. et al

>Orthoiodosupplementaion: Iodine Sufficiency Of The Whole Body pg 1

>2, Hintze, G. et al treatment of Endemic goiter

>due to iodine deficiency with iodine,

>levothyroxine or both:results of a multicentre

>trial. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 19:527-534, 1989

>3, Eskin B et al Mammary Gland Dysplasia in

>Iodine Deficiency JAMA , 200:115-119. 1967

>4, Eskin B Iodine and Mammary Gland Cancer Adv.

>Exp. Med. Biol., 91:293-304, 1977

>5, Ghent, W. et al Iodine Replacement in

>Fibrocystic disease of the Breast Can. J. Surg. , 36:453-460, 1993

>6, Eskin B. et al Different Tissue Responses for

>Iodine and Iodidein Rat Thyroid and mammary

>Glands Biol. Trace Element Research 49:9-19, 1995

>7, Derry , D Breast Cancer and Iodine Trafford

>Publishing, B.C. , 92, 2001

>8, Finley JW., Bogardus, G.M., Breast Cancer and

>Thyroid Disease Quart. Review Surg. Obstet. Gyn. 17:139-147, 1960

>9, Smtyhe, P. , Thyroid Disease and Breast

>Cancer J. Endo. Int. , 16:396-401, 1993

>10, Ghandrakant, C. et al Breast Cancer

>Relationship to Thyroid Supplements for hypothyroidism JAMA, 238:1124, 1976

>11, Backwinkel, K., , A.S. Some Fearures

>of breast Cancer and Thyroid Deficiency Cancer17:1174-1176 , 1964

>12, Epstein, S.S., Sherman, D. Breast Cancer

>Prevention Program Macmillan , NY. 1998 pg 5

>13, Ibid


>© 2006 Dr. Howenstine -


>Up For Free E-Mail Alerts

>E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale




>Dr. A. Howenstine is a board certified

>specialist in internal medicine who spent 34

>years caring for office and hospital patients.

>After 4 y ears of personal study he became

>convinced that natural products are safer, more

>effective, and less expensive than pharmaceutical drugs.

>This research led to the publication of his book

>A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products

>That Work. Information about these products and

>his book can be obtained from amazon.com and at


>and phone 1-800-416-2806 U.S. Dr. Howenstine can

>be reached by mail at Dr. Howenstine, C/O

>Remarsa USA SB 37, P.O. Box 25292, Miami, Fl. 33102-5292.

>E-Mail: <mailto:dr.jimhow@...>dr.jimhow@...




> - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster.




>Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make

>PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.


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In a message dated 9/12/2006 6:00:50 AM Eastern Standard Time, mollyb54@... writes:

WOW I didn't know that. Does this happen with Armour too?>> Since 1998, I've been on Synthroid. (125mcg) It's caused me to be calcium > deficient for MANY years now, despite that I take calcium. My teeth are just > cracking up and falling apart -constant toothaches, abscesses, root canals, and > crowns. (I know many of you have this as well.)> > Osteoporosis is also a huge risk when you take thyroid medications. I am 31 > now, and years ago my doc already sent me for a DEXA scan to have a > comparison study for the future. She gives me the impression it's not a matter of "if" > I'll get it, but "when." So, it's also a frightening > issue -osteoporosis.> > Brigite>

That, I do not know. I wasn't even aware of other types of thyroid replacement until these posts were made on this issue. I am definitely checking it out!

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WOW I didn't know that. Does this happen with Armour too?


> Since 1998, I've been on Synthroid. (125mcg) It's caused me to be calcium

> deficient for MANY years now, despite that I take calcium. My teeth are just

> cracking up and falling apart -constant toothaches, abscesses, root canals,


> crowns. (I know many of you have this as well.)


> Osteoporosis is also a huge risk when you take thyroid medications. I am 31

> now, and years ago my doc already sent me for a DEXA scan to have a

> comparison study for the future. She gives me the impression it's not a

matter of " if "

> I'll get it, but " when. " So, it's also a frightening

> issue -osteoporosis.


> Brigite


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Iodine painting?

Can't you get iodine in salt? Or am I thinking of something else?

I'm lost....

> >Wow! I thought this was very important,

> >regarding the breasts, cancer and thyroid

> >hormone. I am going to start taking my Lugol's

> >solution! Please, get some iodine if you are on thyroid medicine!

> >

> ><http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm>http://


> >


> >

> >

> >By Dr. Howenstine, MD.

> >July 27, 2006

> >NewsWithViews.com

> >Medical journals and textbooks typically portray

> >iodine as an unimportant substance which should

> >be taken in small

> >amounts<http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn1>[1]

> >because of it's dangers. Actually approximately

> >one third of humanity has iodine deficiency.

> >When humans lack iodine the thyroid gland

> >enlarges (goiter), nodules appear in the thyroid

> >gland and over a period of time cancer may

> >appear in a thyroid nodule. Conventional

> >medicine treats thyroid gland enlargement with

> >thyroid hormone without considering the

> >possibility that the hypothyroidism and goiter

> >may be due to lack of iodine. This failure to

> >diagnose and treat iodine deficiency can lead to

> >an increased risk of breast cancer and the

> >longer the diagnosis is missed the greater the

> >chance that breast cancer will occur. Women

> >taking thyroid hormone appear to be twice

> >(12.1%) as likely to develop breast cancer as

> >women not using thyroid hormone (6..2%). Women

> >who had taken thyroid hormone for 15 years had a

> >19.5% incidence of breast cancer whereas women

> >who have only taken thyroid hormone for 5 years

> >had only a 10% incidence of breast cancer. Why is this?

> >The essential trace element iodine may be the

> >most important least publicized mineral in

> >existence. Iodine is the only element needed in

> >hormones and in the production of hormones. The

> >iodine containing hormones are involved in the

> >creation of embryos, development of brain

> >function, growth, metabolism and maintenance of

> >body temperature. This means that proper amounts

> >of thyroid hormone, estrogen, progesterone,

> >testosterone, insulin, growth hormone etc. can

> >not be made when iodine is lacking from the

> >body. One third of all individuals on Earth are

> >functioning with subnormal levels of iodine. Low

> >intake of iodine is the leading cause for

> >intellectual deficiency in the world.

> >There is strong evidence that iodine lack

> >predisposes to breast cancer. One out of seven

> >women in the U.S. has deficiency of iodine

> >proven by urine iodine screening tests (urine I

> >less than 50 ug/L). This is the same incidence

> >for breast cancer seen in U.S. women. Without

> >bothering to check urine for iodine, physicians

> >visited by a woman with a goiter or symptoms of

> >hypothyroidism are routinely prescribing thyroid hormone therapy.

> >Hintze et

> >al<http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn2>[2]

> >compared the results of 400ug/L of Iodine with

> >150ug of T4 (synthyroid) for 8 months and then

> >four months after stopping therapy. The results

> >clearl y favored iodine therapy. Both treatments

> >led to similar suppression in the size of the

> >goiter. However, four months later the size of

> >the thyroid had returned to pre-treatment levels

> >in the group treated with T4 hormone. The group

> >who had received iodine therapy continued to

> >have normal sized thyroid glands four months

> >after therapy was stopped. Several investigators

> >have concluded that iodine lack is a probable

> >cause for breast cancer in

> >women.<http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn3>[3]

> ><http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn4>[4]

> ><http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn5>[5]

> ><http://www.news

> >withviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn6>[6]

> ><http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn7>[7]

> >Demographic studies in Japan and Iceland

> >revealed that both countries have a high intake

> >of iodine and low incidences of goiter and

> >breast cancer. In Mexico and Thailand where

> >iodine intake is low there is a high incidence

> >of goiter and breast

> >cancer.<http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn8>[8]

> >Thyroid gland size measured by ultrasound is

> >significantly

> >larger<http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn9>[9]

> >in Irish women with breast cancer than control women.

> >Administration of thyroid hormone to iodine

> >deficient women appears to increase the risk of

> >developing breast cancer. In a group of women

> >undergoing screening mammograms the incidence of

> >breast

> >cancer<http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn10>[10]

> >was twice as high in the women taking thyroid

> >hormone. for hypothyroidism (probably caused by

> >iodine lack) than in women not taking thyroid

> >supplements. The mean incidence was 6.2% in

> >controls and 12.1% in women on thyroid hormones.

> >The incidence of breast cancer was twice as high

> >in women taking thyroid hormone for more than 15

> >years (19.5%) compared to those on thyroid hormones for only 5 years (10%).

> >In the state of Michigan, during a period of

> >iodine supplementation in bread (1924-1951) the

> >prevalence of goiter diminished from 38.6% to

> >1.4%. Of interest the incidence of breast cancer

> >remained unchanged during this time frame. This

> >information was used to suggest that iodine

> >supplementation had no effect on the incidence

> >of breast cancer. However, Ghent and Eskin were

> >able to show in women and female rats that the

> >amount of iodine needed to protect against

> >fibrocystic disease of the breast and breast

> >cancer was at least 20 to 40 times

> >greater<http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn11>[11]

> >than the iodine needed to control goiter.

> >In the 1960s mandated iodine containing dough

> >was equivalent to the RDA of 150 ug per slice of

> >bread. At that time the incidence of breast

> >cancer was only 1 in 20.[12] In the past 20

> >years the use of iodine supplementation in bread

> >was eliminated and a goiter producing substance

> >toxic to the thyroid gland (bromine) was

> >introduced as replacement for iodine. The risk

> >for breast cancer is now 1 in 8 and this risk is

> >increasing by one

> >percent<http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn13>[13]

> >each year. The decision to replace iodine in an

> >iodine deficient population with a goitrogen was

> >illogical lacking in common sense. The damaging

> >effects of bromine on thyroid tissue also

> >appears to contribute to the development of

> >auto-immune diseases in the thyroid gland (Hashimoto's thyroiditis).

> >The mammary glands have a trapping system for

> >iodine similar to that of the thyroid gland. The

> >breasts effectively compete with the thyroid

> >gland for ingested iodine. This distribution of

> >iodine to both breast and thyroid gland in

> >pubertal girls explains why goiter is 6 times

> >more common in girls than pubertal boys. The

> >disappearance of iodine into breast tissue in

> >women leads to decreased ability to supply the

> >thyroid gland with an adequate amount of iodine.

> >The development of a goiter in young girls

> >indicates deficient distribution of iodine to

> >both breast and thyroid tissue. Treating such a

> >patient with thyroid hormone is not sensible and

> >appears to increase the risk of breast cancer.

> >Study of radioiodine uptake in normals and women

> >with fibrocystic breast disease FDB reveals that

> >the FDB breasts were able to take in 12.5% of

> >the iodine dosage compared to only 6.9% in

> >normal breasts. This proves the existence of

> >considerable iodine depletion in the breasts of women with FDB.

> >There is considerable evidence for an increased

> >risk of thyroid cancer as well as breast cancer

> >in persons with iodine deficiency. Untreated

> >iodine deficiency leads to goiter, thyroid

> >nodules and eventually some of these nodules

> >become malignant. The decreasing intake of

> >iodine has resulted in an increase in thyroid

> >nodules and increase in thyroid cancer. In 2001

> >there were 19,500 new cases of thyroid cancer in

> >the U.S. with 14,900 of these cases occurring in women.

> >Iodine has a role in promoting general well

> >being as well as protecting against infections,

> >degenerative diseases and cancer. Iodine

> >promotes the normal killing of defective and

> >abnormal cells (apoptosis). Thus, iodine helps

> >the body's surveillance system to detect and

> >remove abnormal cells. Additionally, th e

> >presence of iodine triggers differentiation away

> >from the more dangerous undifferentiated type of

> >cell toward normal cells. The presence of

> >adequate levels of iodine in the body (Japanese

> >diet with lots of sea vegetables and fish)

> >reduces reactive oxygen species (ROS). in the

> >body which decreases the oxidative burden in the

> >body This results in slowing of degeneration

> >disease processes and decreasing the risk of cancer.

> ><http://www.newswithviews.com/DonateNWV.htm>

> >[]

> >

> >Nearly every physician in the United States will

> >reach for a prescription pad to order thyroid

> >hormone when he sees a patient with goiter or

> >symptoms of hypothyroidism. This can be exactly

> >the wrong thing to do if the patient has

> >deficient stores of iodine. Insist on obtaining

> >a 24 hour urine colle ction for iodine to

> >eliminate iodine lack as the cause for your

> >symptoms (values below 50 ug/liter are

> >abnormal). Thyroid hormone therapy in the

> >presence of iodine deficiency increases the risk

> >of breast cancer and probably thyroid cancer as

> >well. Endocrinologist, Dr. Guy Abraham, formerly

> >of the U.C.L.A. Department of Endocrinology, is

> >convinced that everyone needs to be on iodine

> >therapy until their iodine stores have been

> >fully restored. After this time frame periodic

> >intake of iodine will help insure that the many

> >body functions requiring iodine run smoothly.

> ><mailto:newsforyou-list-subscribe@...>

> >[]

> >

> >A dosage of two tablets of Iodoral twice daily

> >for three months followed by one Iodoral tablet

> >daily for a year will restore iodine stores for

> >most persons. At that point periodic taking of

> >an Iodoral tablet daily one month out of 4 to 6

> >months etc. will be adequate to maintain iodine

> >stores. Iodine stores can be easily monitored by

> >taking 4 Iodoral tablets (50 mg iodine) and

> >collecting a 24 hour urine sample for iodine

> >content. If 80% of the ingested iodine is found

> >in the urine collection the iodine stores are

> >normal. Iodoral can be obtained from Optimox

> >Corp. Torrance, Cal. To purchase a referral from

> >a health care practitioner is needed.

> >Footnotes:

> >1, Abraham, Guy F. et al

> >Orthoiodosupplementaion: Iodine Sufficiency Of The Whole Body pg 1

> >2, Hintze, G. et al treatment of Endemic goiter

> >due to iodine deficiency with iodine,

> >levothyroxine or both:results of a multicentre

> >trial. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 19:527-534, 1989

> >3, Eskin B et al Mammary Gland Dysplasia in

> >Iodine Deficiency JAMA , 200:115-119. 1967

> >4, Eskin B Iodine and Mammary Gland Cancer Adv.

> >Exp. Med. Biol., 91:293-304, 1977

> >5, Ghent, W. et al Iodine Replacement in

> >Fibrocystic disease of the Breast Can. J. Surg. , 36:453-460, 1993

> >6, Eskin B. et al Different Tissue Responses for

> >Iodine and Iodidein Rat Thyroid and mammary

> >Glands Biol. Trace Element Research 49:9-19, 1995

> >7, Derry , D Breast Cancer and Iodine Trafford

> >Publishing, B.C. , 92, 2001

> >8, Finley JW., Bogardus, G.M., Breast Cancer and

> >Thyroid Disease Quart. Review Surg. Obstet. Gyn. 17:139-147, 1960

> >9, Smtyhe, P. , Thyroid Disease and Breast

> >Cancer J. Endo. Int. , 16:396-401, 1993

> >10, Ghandrakant, C. et al Breast Cancer

> >Relationship to Thyroid Supplements for hypothyroidism JAMA, 238:1124, 1976

> >11, Backwinkel, K., , A.S. Some Fearures

> >of breast Cancer and Thyroid Deficiency Cancer17:1174-1176 , 1964

> >12, Epstein, S.S., Sherman, D. Breast Cancer

> >Prevention Program Macmillan , NY. 1998 pg 5

> >13, Ibid

> >

> >© 2006 Dr. Howenstine -

> ><mailto:newsforyou-list-subscribe@...>Sign

> >Up For Free E-Mail Alerts

> >E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale

> >

> >

> >----------

> >Dr. A. Howenstine is a board certified

> >specialist in internal medicine who spent 34

> >years caring for office and hospital patients.

> >After 4 y ears of personal study he became

> >convinced that natural products are safer, more

> >effective, and less expensive than pharmaceutical drugs.

> >This research led to the publication of his book

> >A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products

> >That Work. Information about these products and

> >his book can be obtained from amazon.com and at

> ><http://www.naturalhealthteam.com/>www.naturalhealthteam.com

> >and phone 1-800-416-2806 U.S. Dr. Howenstine can

> >be reached by mail at Dr. Howenstine, C/O

> >Remarsa USA SB 37, P.O. Box 25292, Miami, Fl. 33102-5292.

> >E-Mail: <mailto:dr.jimhow@...>dr.jimhow@...

> >

> ><http://us.rd./evt=43256/*http://advision.webevents./


> > - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster.

> >

> >

> >

> >Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make

> >PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

> >


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In a message dated 9/12/2006 10:13:18 AM Eastern Standard Time, glory2glory1401@... writes:

It sounds to me like this may be a calcium malabsorption issue.

Are you getting magnesium with the calcium?


Thanks... excellent information there.

Many of those things, about 9 of the 13, I already do...plus, I do take Calcium that has vitamin D with it, and I take it twice per day.

There is magnesium in my multivitamin (which I just realized a few days ago has Silicon Dioxide -which I don't think we're supposed to have)... BUT... I don't take a multivitamin every day. I take them every other, or every 3 days. Reason being, they increase spinal fluid production -which increases symptoms of Pseudotumor Cerebri.

I will check into something that has magenesium without the other vitamins.

Thanks for the info -I hadn't known about this.

Brigite :)

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I am four hours into my iodine painting and my patch is still there, it doesn't seem to be fading. Does it still have to be prominent after 24hrs? I keep thinking what if I have a night sweat as I often do, will it rub it off?

Sorry its a stupid question.


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I just sent this to Dr. Leu. I'll let you know what I hear back. It is



> Wow! I thought this was very important, regarding the breasts, cancer and

> thyroid hormone. I am going to start taking my Lugol's solution! Please, get

> some iodine if you are on thyroid medicine!


> http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm





> By Dr. Howenstine, MD.

> July 27, 2006

> NewsWithViews.com

> Medical journals and textbooks typically portray iodine as an unimportant

> substance which should be taken in small amounts[1] because of it's dangers.

> Actually approximately one third of humanity has iodine deficiency. When

> humans lack iodine the thyroid gland enlarges (goiter), nodules appear in the

> thyroid gland and over a period of time cancer may appear in a thyroid nodule.

> Conventional medicine treats thyroid gland enlargement with thyroid hormone

> without considering the possibility that the hypothyroidism and goiter may be

> due to lack of iodine. This failure to diagnose and treat iodine deficiency

> can lead to an increased risk of breast cancer and the longer the diagnosis is

> missed the greater the chance that breast cancer will occur. Women taking

> thyroid hormone appear to be twice (12.1%) as likely to develop breast cancer

> as women not using thyroid hormone (6..2%). Women who had taken thyroid

> hormone for 15 years had a 19.5% incidence of breast cancer whereas

> women who have only taken thyroid hormone for 5 years had only a 10%

> incidence of breast cancer. Why is this? The essential trace element iodine

> may be the most important least publicized mineral in existence. Iodine is the

> only element needed in hormones and in the production of hormones. The iodine

> containing hormones are involved in the creation of embryos, development of

> brain function, growth, metabolism and maintenance of body temperature. This

> means that proper amounts of thyroid hormone, estrogen, progesterone,

> testosterone, insulin, growth hormone etc. can not be made when iodine is

> lacking from the body. One third of all individuals on Earth are functioning

> with subnormal levels of iodine. Low intake of iodine is the leading cause for

> intellectual deficiency in the world. There is strong evidence that iodine

> lack predisposes to breast cancer. One out of seven women in the U.S. has

> deficiency of iodine proven by urine iodine screening tests (urine I less than

> 50 ug/L). This is the same incidence for breast cancer seen in U.S. women.

> Without bothering to check urine for iodine, physicians visited by a woman

> with a goiter or symptoms of hypothyroidism are routinely prescribing thyroid

> hormone therapy. Hintze et al[2] compared the results of 400ug/L of Iodine

> with 150ug of T4 (synthyroid) for 8 months and then four months after stopping

> therapy. The results clearly favored iodine therapy. Both treatments led to

> similar suppression in the size of the goiter. However, four months later the

> size of the thyroid had returned to pre-treatment levels in the group treated

> with T4 hormone. The group who had received iodine therapy continued to have

> normal sized thyroid glands four months after therapy was stopped. Several

> investigators have concluded that iodine lack is a probable cause for breast

> cancer in women.[3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Demographic studies in Japan and Iceland

> revealed that both countries have a high intake of iodine and

> low incidences of goiter and breast cancer. In Mexico and Thailand where

> iodine intake is low there is a high incidence of goiter and breast cancer.[8]

> Thyroid gland size measured by ultrasound is significantly larger[9] in Irish

> women with breast cancer than control women. Administration of thyroid

> hormone to iodine deficient women appears to increase the risk of developing

> breast cancer. In a group of women undergoing screening mammograms the

> incidence of breast cancer[10] was twice as high in the women taking thyroid

> hormone. for hypothyroidism (probably caused by iodine lack) than in women not

> taking thyroid supplements. The mean incidence was 6.2% in controls and 12.1%

> in women on thyroid hormones. The incidence of breast cancer was twice as high

> in women taking thyroid hormone for more than 15 years (19.5%) compared to

> those on thyroid hormones for only 5 years (10%). In the state of Michigan,

> during a period of iodine supplementation in bread (1924-1951) the

> prevalence of goiter diminished from 38.6% to 1.4%. Of interest the incidence

> of breast cancer remained unchanged during this time frame. This information

> was used to suggest that iodine supplementation had no effect on the incidence

> of breast cancer. However, Ghent and Eskin were able to show in women and

> female rats that the amount of iodine needed to protect against fibrocystic

> disease of the breast and breast cancer was at least 20 to 40 times

> greater[11] than the iodine needed to control goiter. In the 1960s mandated

> iodine containing dough was equivalent to the RDA of 150 ug per slice of

> bread. At that time the incidence of breast cancer was only 1 in 20.[12] In

> the past 20 years the use of iodine supplementation in bread was eliminated

> and a goiter producing substance toxic to the thyroid gland (bromine) was

> introduced as replacement for iodine. The risk for breast cancer is now 1 in 8

> and this risk is increasing by one percent[13] each year. The decision to

> replace iodine in an iodine deficient population with a goitrogen was

> illogical lacking in common sense. The damaging effects of bromine on thyroid

> tissue also appears to contribute to the development of auto-immune diseases

> in the thyroid gland (Hashimoto's thyroiditis). The mammary glands have a

> trapping system for iodine similar to that of the thyroid gland. The breasts

> effectively compete with the thyroid gland for ingested iodine. This

> distribution of iodine to both breast and thyroid gland in pubertal girls

> explains why goiter is 6 times more common in girls than pubertal boys. The

> disappearance of iodine into breast tissue in women leads to decreased ability

> to supply the thyroid gland with an adequate amount of iodine. The development

> of a goiter in young girls indicates deficient distribution of iodine to both

> breast and thyroid tissue. Treating such a patient with thyroid hormone is not

> sensible and appears to increase the risk of breast cancer. Study of

> radioiodine uptake in normals and women with fibrocystic breast disease FDB

> reveals that the FDB breasts were able to take in 12.5% of the iodine dosage

> compared to only 6.9% in normal breasts. This proves the existence of

> considerable iodine depletion in the breasts of women with FDB. There is

> considerable evidence for an increased risk of thyroid cancer as well as

> breast cancer in persons with iodine deficiency. Untreated iodine deficiency

> leads to goiter, thyroid nodules and eventually some of these nodules become

> malignant. The decreasing intake of iodine has resulted in an increase in

> thyroid nodules and increase in thyroid cancer. In 2001 there were 19,500 new

> cases of thyroid cancer in the U.S. with 14,900 of these cases occurring in

> women. Iodine has a role in promoting general well being as well as

> protecting against infections, degenerative diseases and cancer. Iodine

> promotes the normal killing of defective and abnormal cells (apoptosis). Thus,

> iodine helps

> the body's surveillance system to detect and remove abnormal cells.

> Additionally, the presence of iodine triggers differentiation away from the

> more dangerous undifferentiated type of cell toward normal cells. The presence

> of adequate levels of iodine in the body (Japanese diet with lots of sea

> vegetables and fish) reduces reactive oxygen species (ROS). in the body which

> decreases the oxidative burden in the body This results in slowing of

> degeneration disease processes and decreasing the risk of cancer. Nearly

> every physician in the United States will reach for a prescription pad to

> order thyroid hormone when he sees a patient with goiter or symptoms of

> hypothyroidism. This can be exactly the wrong thing to do if the patient has

> deficient stores of iodine. Insist on obtaining a 24 hour urine collection for

> iodine to eliminate iodine lack as the cause for your symptoms (values below

> 50 ug/liter are abnormal). Thyroid hormone therapy in the presence of iodine

> deficiency increases the risk of breast cancer and probably thyroid cancer as

> well. Endocrinologist, Dr. Guy Abraham, formerly of the U.C.L.A. Department of

> Endocrinology, is convinced that everyone needs to be on iodine therapy until

> their iodine stores have been fully restored. After this time frame periodic

> intake of iodine will help insure that the many body functions requiring

> iodine run smoothly. A dosage of two tablets of Iodoral twice daily for

> three months followed by one Iodoral tablet daily for a year will restore

> iodine stores for most persons. At that point periodic taking of an Iodoral

> tablet daily one month out of 4 to 6 months etc. will be adequate to maintain

> iodine stores. Iodine stores can be easily monitored by taking 4 Iodoral

> tablets (50 mg iodine) and collecting a 24 hour urine sample for iodine

> content. If 80% of the ingested iodine is found in the urine collection the

> iodine stores are normal. Iodoral can be obtained from Optimox Corp.

> Torrance, Cal. To purchase a referral from a health care practitioner is

> needed. Footnotes: 1, Abraham, Guy F. et al Orthoiodosupplementaion:

> Iodine Sufficiency Of The Whole Body pg 1

> 2, Hintze, G. et al treatment of Endemic goiter due to iodine deficiency with

> iodine, levothyroxine or both:results of a multicentre trial. European Journal

> of Clinical Investigation, 19:527-534, 1989

> 3, Eskin B et al Mammary Gland Dysplasia in Iodine Deficiency JAMA ,

> 200:115-119. 1967

> 4, Eskin B Iodine and Mammary Gland Cancer Adv. Exp. Med. Biol., 91:293-304,

> 1977

> 5, Ghent, W. et al Iodine Replacement in Fibrocystic disease of the Breast

> Can. J. Surg. , 36:453-460, 1993

> 6, Eskin B. et al Different Tissue Responses for Iodine and Iodidein Rat

> Thyroid and mammary Glands Biol. Trace Element Research 49:9-19, 1995

> 7, Derry , D Breast Cancer and Iodine Trafford Publishing, B.C. , 92,

> 2001

> 8, Finley JW., Bogardus, G.M., Breast Cancer and Thyroid Disease Quart. Review

> Surg. Obstet. Gyn. 17:139-147, 1960

> 9, Smtyhe, P. , Thyroid Disease and Breast Cancer J. Endo. Int. , 16:396-401,

> 1993

> 10, Ghandrakant, C. et al Breast Cancer Relationship to Thyroid Supplements

> for hypothyroidism JAMA, 238:1124, 1976

> 11, Backwinkel, K., , A.S. Some Fearures of breast Cancer and Thyroid

> Deficiency Cancer17:1174-1176 , 1964

> 12, Epstein, S.S., Sherman, D. Breast Cancer Prevention Program Macmillan ,

> NY. 1998 pg 5

> 13, Ibid





























> © 2006 Dr. Howenstine - Sign Up For Free

> E-Mail Alerts E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale















> ---------------------------------

> Dr. A. Howenstine is a board certified specialist in internal

> medicine who spent 34 years caring for office and hospital patients. After 4

> years of personal study he became convinced that natural products are safer,

> more effective, and less expensive than pharmaceutical drugs.

> This research led to the publication of his book A Physicians Guide To

> Natural Health Products That Work. Information about these products and his

> book can be obtained from amazon.com and at www.naturalhealthteam.com and

> phone 1-800-416-2806 U.S. Dr. Howenstine can be reached by mail at Dr.

> Howenstine, C/O Remarsa USA SB 37, P.O. Box 25292, Miami, Fl. 33102-5292.

> E-Mail: dr.jimhow@...




> ---------------------------------

> All-new - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done

> faster.

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I think if we are going to self medicate and use iodine, we need to work at

finding a consistent dose that works for us. Otherwise, we could really

mess with our thyroids. I recently started taking an iodine supplement. I

think if you are going to paint, you need to do it at regularly scheduled

times and use the same amount each time. Your doctor was right, in that it

can cause problems.


> Wow! How interesting....kinda hard to follow since it's so long with hardly

> any breaks, but I caught most of it. Scary! I've been on thyroid meds since

> about 2 years after I got my implants! I know I'm iodine defiecient too-it

> soaks up very quickly whenever I do the iodine painting, and then when I do

> take supplements or paint the iodine on, I feel SO much better! My doctor

> always tells me to stop doing it though-he says it will really screw up my

> thyroid good! I guess I should ignore him.....


> Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote: Wow! I thought

> this was very important, regarding the breasts, cancer and thyroid hormone. I

> am going to start taking my Lugol's solution! Please, get some iodine if you

> are on thyroid medicine!


> http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm





> By Dr. Howenstine, MD.

> July 27, 2006

> NewsWithViews.com

> Medical journals and textbooks typically portray iodine as an unimportant

> substance which should be taken in small amounts[1] because of it's dangers.

> Actually approximately one third of humanity has iodine deficiency. When

> humans lack iodine the thyroid gland enlarges (goiter), nodules appear in the

> thyroid gland and over a period of time cancer may appear in a thyroid nodule.

> Conventional medicine treats thyroid gland enlargement with thyroid hormone

> without considering the possibility that the hypothyroidism and goiter may be

> due to lack of iodine. This failure to diagnose and treat iodine deficiency

> can lead to an increased risk of breast cancer and the longer the diagnosis is

> missed the greater the chance that breast cancer will occur. Women taking

> thyroid hormone appear to be twice (12.1%) as likely to develop breast cancer

> as women not using thyroid hormone (6..2%). Women who had taken thyroid

> hormone for 15 years had a 19.5% incidence of breast cancer whereas

> women who have only taken thyroid hormone for 5 years had only a 10%

> incidence of breast cancer. Why is this? The essential trace element iodine

> may be the most important least publicized mineral in existence. Iodine is the

> only element needed in hormones and in the production of hormones. The iodine

> containing hormones are involved in the creation of embryos, development of

> brain function, growth, metabolism and maintenance of body temperature. This

> means that proper amounts of thyroid hormone, estrogen, progesterone,

> testosterone, insulin, growth hormone etc. can not be made when iodine is

> lacking from the body. One third of all individuals on Earth are functioning

> with subnormal levels of iodine. Low intake of iodine is the leading cause for

> intellectual deficiency in the world. There is strong evidence that iodine

> lack predisposes to breast cancer. One out of seven women in the U.S. has

> deficiency of iodine proven by urine iodine screening tests (urine I less than

> 50 ug/L). This is the same incidence for breast cancer seen in U.S. women.

> Without bothering to check urine for iodine, physicians visited by a woman

> with a goiter or symptoms of hypothyroidism are routinely prescribing thyroid

> hormone therapy. Hintze et al[2] compared the results of 400ug/L of Iodine

> with 150ug of T4 (synthyroid) for 8 months and then four months after stopping

> therapy. The results clearly favored iodine therapy. Both treatments led to

> similar suppression in the size of the goiter. However, four months later the

> size of the thyroid had returned to pre-treatment levels in the group treated

> with T4 hormone. The group who had received iodine therapy continued to have

> normal sized thyroid glands four months after therapy was stopped. Several

> investigators have concluded that iodine lack is a probable cause for breast

> cancer in women.[3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Demographic studies in Japan and Iceland

> revealed that both countries have a high intake of iodine and

> low incidences of goiter and breast cancer. In Mexico and Thailand where

> iodine intake is low there is a high incidence of goiter and breast cancer.[8]

> Thyroid gland size measured by ultrasound is significantly larger[9] in Irish

> women with breast cancer than control women. Administration of thyroid

> hormone to iodine deficient women appears to increase the risk of developing

> breast cancer. In a group of women undergoing screening mammograms the

> incidence of breast cancer[10] was twice as high in the women taking thyroid

> hormone. for hypothyroidism (probably caused by iodine lack) than in women not

> taking thyroid supplements. The mean incidence was 6.2% in controls and 12.1%

> in women on thyroid hormones. The incidence of breast cancer was twice as high

> in women taking thyroid hormone for more than 15 years (19.5%) compared to

> those on thyroid hormones for only 5 years (10%). In the state of Michigan,

> during a period of iodine supplementation in bread (1924-1951) the

> prevalence of goiter diminished from 38.6% to 1.4%. Of interest the incidence

> of breast cancer remained unchanged during this time frame. This information

> was used to suggest that iodine supplementation had no effect on the incidence

> of breast cancer. However, Ghent and Eskin were able to show in women and

> female rats that the amount of iodine needed to protect against fibrocystic

> disease of the breast and breast cancer was at least 20 to 40 times

> greater[11] than the iodine needed to control goiter. In the 1960s mandated

> iodine containing dough was equivalent to the RDA of 150 ug per slice of

> bread. At that time the incidence of breast cancer was only 1 in 20.[12] In

> the past 20 years the use of iodine supplementation in bread was eliminated

> and a goiter producing substance toxic to the thyroid gland (bromine) was

> introduced as replacement for iodine. The risk for breast cancer is now 1 in 8

> and this risk is increasing by one percent[13] each year. The decision to

> replace iodine in an iodine deficient population with a goitrogen was

> illogical lacking in common sense. The damaging effects of bromine on thyroid

> tissue also appears to contribute to the development of auto-immune diseases

> in the thyroid gland (Hashimoto's thyroiditis). The mammary glands have a

> trapping system for iodine similar to that of the thyroid gland. The breasts

> effectively compete with the thyroid gland for ingested iodine. This

> distribution of iodine to both breast and thyroid gland in pubertal girls

> explains why goiter is 6 times more common in girls than pubertal boys. The

> disappearance of iodine into breast tissue in women leads to decreased ability

> to supply the thyroid gland with an adequate amount of iodine. The development

> of a goiter in young girls indicates deficient distribution of iodine to both

> breast and thyroid tissue. Treating such a patient with thyroid hormone is not

> sensible and appears to increase the risk of breast cancer. Study of

> radioiodine uptake in normals and women with fibrocystic breast disease FDB

> reveals that the FDB breasts were able to take in 12.5% of the iodine dosage

> compared to only 6.9% in normal breasts. This proves the existence of

> considerable iodine depletion in the breasts of women with FDB. There is

> considerable evidence for an increased risk of thyroid cancer as well as

> breast cancer in persons with iodine deficiency. Untreated iodine deficiency

> leads to goiter, thyroid nodules and eventually some of these nodules become

> malignant. The decreasing intake of iodine has resulted in an increase in

> thyroid nodules and increase in thyroid cancer. In 2001 there were 19,500 new

> cases of thyroid cancer in the U.S. with 14,900 of these cases occurring in

> women. Iodine has a role in promoting general well being as well as

> protecting against infections, degenerative diseases and cancer. Iodine

> promotes the normal killing of defective and abnormal cells (apoptosis). Thus,

> iodine helps

> the body's surveillance system to detect and remove abnormal cells.

> Additionally, the presence of iodine triggers differentiation away from the

> more dangerous undifferentiated type of cell toward normal cells. The presence

> of adequate levels of iodine in the body (Japanese diet with lots of sea

> vegetables and fish) reduces reactive oxygen species (ROS). in the body which

> decreases the oxidative burden in the body This results in slowing of

> degeneration disease processes and decreasing the risk of cancer. Nearly

> every physician in the United States will reach for a prescription pad to

> order thyroid hormone when he sees a patient with goiter or symptoms of

> hypothyroidism. This can be exactly the wrong thing to do if the patient has

> deficient stores of iodine. Insist on obtaining a 24 hour urine collection for

> iodine to eliminate iodine lack as the cause for your symptoms (values below

> 50 ug/liter are abnormal). Thyroid hormone therapy in the presence of iodine

> deficiency increases the risk of breast cancer and probably thyroid cancer as

> well. Endocrinologist, Dr. Guy Abraham, formerly of the U.C.L.A. Department of

> Endocrinology, is convinced that everyone needs to be on iodine therapy until

> their iodine stores have been fully restored. After this time frame periodic

> intake of iodine will help insure that the many body functions requiring

> iodine run smoothly. A dosage of two tablets of Iodoral twice daily for

> three months followed by one Iodoral tablet daily for a year will restore

> iodine stores for most persons. At that point periodic taking of an Iodoral

> tablet daily one month out of 4 to 6 months etc. will be adequate to maintain

> iodine stores. Iodine stores can be easily monitored by taking 4 Iodoral

> tablets (50 mg iodine) and collecting a 24 hour urine sample for iodine

> content. If 80% of the ingested iodine is found in the urine collection the

> iodine stores are normal. Iodoral can be obtained from Optimox Corp.

> Torrance, Cal. To purchase a referral from a health care practitioner is

> needed. Footnotes: 1, Abraham, Guy F. et al Orthoiodosupplementaion:

> Iodine Sufficiency Of The Whole Body pg 1

> 2, Hintze, G. et al treatment of Endemic goiter due to iodine deficiency with

> iodine, levothyroxine or both:results of a multicentre trial. European Journal

> of Clinical Investigation, 19:527-534, 1989

> 3, Eskin B et al Mammary Gland Dysplasia in Iodine Deficiency JAMA ,

> 200:115-119. 1967

> 4, Eskin B Iodine and Mammary Gland Cancer Adv. Exp. Med. Biol., 91:293-304,

> 1977

> 5, Ghent, W. et al Iodine Replacement in Fibrocystic disease of the Breast

> Can. J. Surg. , 36:453-460, 1993

> 6, Eskin B. et al Different Tissue Responses for Iodine and Iodidein Rat

> Thyroid and mammary Glands Biol. Trace Element Research 49:9-19, 1995

> 7, Derry , D Breast Cancer and Iodine Trafford Publishing, B.C. , 92,

> 2001

> 8, Finley JW., Bogardus, G.M., Breast Cancer and Thyroid Disease Quart. Review

> Surg. Obstet. Gyn. 17:139-147, 1960

> 9, Smtyhe, P. , Thyroid Disease and Breast Cancer J. Endo. Int. , 16:396-401,

> 1993

> 10, Ghandrakant, C. et al Breast Cancer Relationship to Thyroid Supplements

> for hypothyroidism JAMA, 238:1124, 1976

> 11, Backwinkel, K., , A.S. Some Fearures of breast Cancer and Thyroid

> Deficiency Cancer17:1174-1176 , 1964

> 12, Epstein, S.S., Sherman, D. Breast Cancer Prevention Program Macmillan ,

> NY. 1998 pg 5

> 13, Ibid





























> © 2006 Dr. Howenstine - Sign Up For Free

> E-Mail Alerts E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale















> ---------------------------------

> Dr. A. Howenstine is a board certified specialist in internal

> medicine who spent 34 years caring for office and hospital patients. After 4

> years of personal study he became convinced that natural products are safer,

> more effective, and less expensive than pharmaceutical drugs.

> This research led to the publication of his book A Physicians Guide To

> Natural Health Products That Work. Information about these products and his

> book can be obtained from amazon.com and at www.naturalhealthteam.com and

> phone 1-800-416-2806 U.S. Dr. Howenstine can be reached by mail at Dr.

> Howenstine, C/O Remarsa USA SB 37, P.O. Box 25292, Miami, Fl. 33102-5292.

> E-Mail: dr.jimhow@...



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> faster.

























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Here is an interesting article regarding calcium and magnesium and thyroid

disease. It isn't very scientific but it does link a rapid beating heart

with mineral deficiencies, which many of you have experienced.



Calcium and magnesium are extremely important minerals that are often out of

balance in persons with thyroid disease. Imbalances of these minerals can

result in very rapid heart rate, low heart rate, and irregular heart rate.

Thyroid function itself is most likely controlled by the ratio of these


Most people with thyroid disease find that they have to supplement calcium

and magnesium. Supplementing these minerals in the correct ratio can make a

huge improvement in the symptoms. However, supplementing them in the wrong

ratio can make symptoms worse. To further complicate the situation, the

correct ratio of cal/mag changes as you recover from thyroid disease.

I have struggled a very long time with finding the right cal/mag ratio for

myself. Well after recovering from hyperthyroidism, swinging back hypo, and

then getting normal again, I had many months of fast, irregular heart rate

that was often initiated by strenuous exercise. Because magnesium had been

an important factor in reducing my heart rate when I was hyper, I would take

a cal/mag supplement in a 1:1 ratio or take 400-800 mgs of magnesium only to

correct this problem. Usually I would have this irregular heart rate

throughout the night but would be recovered by morning.

I experimented with potassium and found that taking 800-1200 mgs of

potassium before my night time basketball often prevented the irregular

heart rate and began thinking that I was potassium deficient. One time I

grabbed an unlabeled baggie that I thought was potassium and took 6 capsules

before playing. I had extreme irregular heart rate that lasted all night. I

later discovered that I had mistakenly taken magnesium.

This was very strange to me because magnesium had been my savior for such a

long time. Whenever I had high heart rate when I was hyper, magnesium would

slow my heart, usually within 20-30 minutes. So I was wondering, " Why

doesn't it work now? " I began to think that the manufacturer had made a

mistake and there was a problem with the product.

Eventually the answer came in a sudden insight. I was lying awake at night

with my heart beating very irregular and fast. Paying close attention to my

heart, I realized that my heart was not just irregular and fast, it was

beating very weakly. I noted that this was in stark contrast to the time

when I was hyper. Then my heart was beating fast and irregular, but very


The insight was that it was the strength of my heart beat and not the speed

and irregularity that was the key. I thought back on how calcium is the

mineral that is responsible for the heart contracting and magnesium is

responsible for the heart relaxing.

During hyperthyroidism, magnesium is low and calcium is high. This imbalance

is the result of other mineral imbalances (copper, zinc, iron, etc.), but

the effects on the heart rate are direct effects of a calcium/magnesium

imbalance. This can be demonstrated by taking a magnesium supplement or a

cal/mag supplement with much higher magnesium than the usual 2:1 cal/mag

ratio when your heart rate is high. This intake of more magnesium will slow

the heart rate temporarily. However, as we have seen, the body can't

maintain normal magnesium levels in the blood if copper is low. So until

copper is replenished, extra magnesium is needed on a constant basis to

control the rapid heart rate.

The key to understanding the effects of calcium and magnesium on the heart

is this: Calcium is needed for muscles to contract and magnesium is needed

for muscles to relax. The heart muscles are like all muscles. Calcium causes

heart contraction; magnesium causes heart relaxation.

If magnesium is low, as during hyperthyroidism, and calcium is adequate, the

heart contracts normally but the relaxation phase is shortened and

incomplete. If the normal heart contracts for .5 seconds and relaxes for .5

seconds, we have a 1.0 second cycle which translates into a 60 beats per

minute heart rate. If magnesium is low and the relaxation phase is shortened

to .25 seconds, then the complete cycle is .75 seconds, which translates to

a 80 beats per minute heart rate (60 seconds divided by .75 seconds). As you

can see, as magnesium gets more depleted, the relaxation phase shortens and

the heart rate increases.

When I was experiencing the irregular heart rate, what was happening was

that it was calcium that was low and not magnesium. When calcium is low, the

contraction phase is shortened while the relaxation phase remains normal. If

the contraction phase shortens to .25 seconds and the relaxation phase stays

at .5 seconds, the heart rate also increases to 80 beats per minute. If you

just looked at the increase in rate, you might, as I did, think that

magnesium was deficient.

The key to the insight that it was calcium that was deficient was the

observation that the heart rate was weak. A weak heart rate means that

calcium is deficient and the contraction phase is weak and short. This

results in an increase in heart rate and also an irregular heart rate

because some contractions are missed entirely. Contrast this to a magnesium

deficiency where the heart rate is irregular because some of the relaxations

are missed.

Once I reached this insight, it all became so simple. I was amazed that I

had continued to make the same mistake over and over again. The key mental

block for me was that I thought that magnesium always slowed and regulated

the heart rate. Once I thought through the whole process of how calcium and

magnesium affect the heart, I realized that a calcium deficiency can also

lead to a fast and irregular heart rate.

With this new insight, I switched my cal/mag ratio to 2:1. I had been mixing

a 1:1 ratio supplement with a 2:1 supplement which resulted in a ratio of

about 3:2. However with the addition of extra magnesium or extra 1:1 cal/mag

after basketball, I probably had about a 1:1 overall ratio.

Once I switched to a 2:1 ratio, the heart irregularity completely

disappeared and hasn't occurred in months. I found that the cal/mag ratio is

the key. However along the way to this discovery I ran across some other

interesting information.

As I was struggling through this irregular heart rate problem, I found that

two things often helped the situation: potassium and vitamin B-5.  Potassium

often helped and I think the reason for this is that potassium and magnesium

are antagonistic minerals. Since I was essentially suffering from too much

magnesium (or too little calcium), the potassium helped because it reduced

the metabolic effect of the magnesium (or assisted the metabolism of

calcium). I think this is important, particularly for persons with

hypothyroidism, because they need a higher calcium to magnesium ratio. A

potassium deficiency could prevent the cells from getting enough calcium

which is an activator in the cellular response to thyroid hormone.

The other discovery was that vitamin B-5 is important in preventing

irregular heart rate. If B-5 gets deficient, it seems to have an effect on

the calcium/magnesium metabolism so that calcium doesn't work as well. A B-5

deficiency has similar effects to a calcium deficiency. I don't know why

this happens, but I now realize that it's important when supplementing B

complex vitamins to always make sure that you are taking as much B-5 as any

of the other B vitamins. For example, if you are supplementing with high

amounts of niacin (for headaches or other reasons), be aware that you will

need to increase B-5 to the same amount or a little greater to prevent a

disturbance of the cal/mag ratio which could result in irregular heart rate.

One other discovery in all this was that by not taking enough calcium and

taking too much magnesium, another of my teeth died. I developed an extreme

tooth ache which led to another root canal. For dental and bone health,

don't maintain a high magnesium/calcium ratio past the point where you need


Remember that balancing calcium and magnesium won't correct thyroid

problems. You'll need to correct the other minerals like copper, zinc, iron,

selenium, chromium, manganese, etc. to achieve this. Calcium and magnesium

get out of balance because of these other nutritional problems. However,

getting your calcium/magnesium balance corrected is essential for

normalizing heart rate, preventing dental decay and osteoporosis, and

preventing muscle cramps (too little magnesium).

In summary, to balance calcium and magnesium keep these points in mind: a

normal person need a cal/mag ratio of about 2:1; a hyper needs more

magnesium and a hypo needs more calcium, but these ratios need to be

constantly adjusted as you approach normality; irregular heart rate can be a

sign of either too little calcium or too little magnesium; the key to

knowing whether you need calcium or magnesium is the strength of the heart

beat, not the speed or the irregularity--if it's too strong, take more

magnesium and if it's too weak, take more calcium.



> Since 1998, I've been on Synthroid. (125mcg) It's caused me to be calcium

> deficient for MANY years now, despite that I take calcium. My teeth are just

> cracking up and falling apart -constant toothaches, abscesses, root canals,

> and

> crowns. (I know many of you have this as well.)


> Osteoporosis is also a huge risk when you take thyroid medications. I am 31

> now, and years ago my doc already sent me for a DEXA scan to have a

> comparison study for the future. She gives me the impression it's not a

> matter of " if "

> I'll get it, but " when. " So, it's also a frightening

> issue -osteoporosis.


> Brigite



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In a message dated 9/12/2006 12:43:40 PM Eastern Standard Time, leyna1964@... writes:


I can't remember if you have a thryoid disorder or not, but if you do, I'm sure you know that you can't take Calcium at the same time (within 3 hours) of taking your thyroid medicine, or it won't work near as well. I take my thyroid medicine in the daytime, and my Calcium at night.

Yeah, I knew that part. It warns on the bottle about it. I don't take any pills together, no matter which they are. I take Synthroid when I wake up during the night, then in the mornings Calcium, vitamins, then work in other meds throughout the day and before bed.

(And yes, I have thyroid disorders: Hashimoto's Disease and Hypothyroidism...100 pound weight gain.)

Thanks just the same for the info, though. I do learn a lot on here I didn't know, so it's nice to interject for the chance someone didn't know something before!!!

Brig :)

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Brig, I can't remember if you have a thryoid disorder or not, but if you do, I'm sure you know that you can't take Calcium at the same time (within 3 hours) of taking your thyroid medicine, or it won't work near as well. I take my thyroid medicine in the daytime, and my Calcium at night.KissofSadness@... wrote: In a message dated 9/12/2006 10:13:18 AM Eastern Standard Time, glory2glory1401 writes: It sounds to me like this may be a calcium malabsorption issue. Are you getting magnesium with the calcium? Patty, Thanks... excellent information there. Many of those things, about 9 of the 13, I already do...plus, I do take Calcium that has vitamin D with it, and I take it twice per day. There is magnesium in my multivitamin (which I just realized a few days ago has Silicon Dioxide -which I don't think we're supposed to have)... BUT... I don't take a multivitamin every day. I take

them every other, or every 3 days. Reason being, they increase spinal fluid production -which increases symptoms of Pseudotumor Cerebri. I will check into something that has magenesium without the other vitamins. Thanks for the info -I hadn't known about this. Brigite :)

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Kelp would be a better choice. I posted information on iodine and kelp a

couple of days ago, if you are interested.


> Iodine painting?


> Can't you get iodine in salt? Or am I thinking of something else?


> I'm lost....


>>> Wow! I thought this was very important,

>>> regarding the breasts, cancer and thyroid

>>> hormone. I am going to start taking my Lugol's

>>> solution! Please, get some iodine if you are on thyroid medicine!


>>> <http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm>http://

> www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm





>>> By Dr. Howenstine, MD.

>>> July 27, 2006

>>> NewsWithViews.com

>>> Medical journals and textbooks typically portray

>>> iodine as an unimportant substance which should

>>> be taken in small

>>> amounts<http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn1>[1]

>>> because of it's dangers. Actually approximately

>>> one third of humanity has iodine deficiency.

>>> When humans lack iodine the thyroid gland

>>> enlarges (goiter), nodules appear in the thyroid

>>> gland and over a period of time cancer may

>>> appear in a thyroid nodule. Conventional

>>> medicine treats thyroid gland enlargement with

>>> thyroid hormone without considering the

>>> possibility that the hypothyroidism and goiter

>>> may be due to lack of iodine. This failure to

>>> diagnose and treat iodine deficiency can lead to

>>> an increased risk of breast cancer and the

>>> longer the diagnosis is missed the greater the

>>> chance that breast cancer will occur. Women

>>> taking thyroid hormone appear to be twice

>>> (12.1%) as likely to develop breast cancer as

>>> women not using thyroid hormone (6..2%). Women

>>> who had taken thyroid hormone for 15 years had a

>>> 19.5% incidence of breast cancer whereas women

>>> who have only taken thyroid hormone for 5 years

>>> had only a 10% incidence of breast cancer. Why is this?

>>> The essential trace element iodine may be the

>>> most important least publicized mineral in

>>> existence. Iodine is the only element needed in

>>> hormones and in the production of hormones. The

>>> iodine containing hormones are involved in the

>>> creation of embryos, development of brain

>>> function, growth, metabolism and maintenance of

>>> body temperature. This means that proper amounts

>>> of thyroid hormone, estrogen, progesterone,

>>> testosterone, insulin, growth hormone etc. can

>>> not be made when iodine is lacking from the

>>> body. One third of all individuals on Earth are

>>> functioning with subnormal levels of iodine. Low

>>> intake of iodine is the leading cause for

>>> intellectual deficiency in the world.

>>> There is strong evidence that iodine lack

>>> predisposes to breast cancer. One out of seven

>>> women in the U.S. has deficiency of iodine

>>> proven by urine iodine screening tests (urine I

>>> less than 50 ug/L). This is the same incidence

>>> for breast cancer seen in U.S. women. Without

>>> bothering to check urine for iodine, physicians

>>> visited by a woman with a goiter or symptoms of

>>> hypothyroidism are routinely prescribing thyroid hormone therapy.

>>> Hintze et

>>> al<http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn2>[2]

>>> compared the results of 400ug/L of Iodine with

>>> 150ug of T4 (synthyroid) for 8 months and then

>>> four months after stopping therapy. The results

>>> clearl y favored iodine therapy. Both treatments

>>> led to similar suppression in the size of the

>>> goiter. However, four months later the size of

>>> the thyroid had returned to pre-treatment levels

>>> in the group treated with T4 hormone. The group

>>> who had received iodine therapy continued to

>>> have normal sized thyroid glands four months

>>> after therapy was stopped. Several investigators

>>> have concluded that iodine lack is a probable

>>> cause for breast cancer in

>>> women.<http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn3>[3]

>>> <http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn4>[4]

>>> <http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn5>[5]

>>> <http://www.news

>>> withviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn6>[6]

>>> <http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn7>[7]

>>> Demographic studies in Japan and Iceland

>>> revealed that both countries have a high intake

>>> of iodine and low incidences of goiter and

>>> breast cancer. In Mexico and Thailand where

>>> iodine intake is low there is a high incidence

>>> of goiter and breast

>>> cancer.<http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn8>[8]

>>> Thyroid gland size measured by ultrasound is

>>> significantly

>>> larger<http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn9>[9]

>>> in Irish women with breast cancer than control women.

>>> Administration of thyroid hormone to iodine

>>> deficient women appears to increase the risk of

>>> developing breast cancer. In a group of women

>>> undergoing screening mammograms the incidence of

>>> breast

>>> cancer<http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn10>[10]

>>> was twice as high in the women taking thyroid

>>> hormone. for hypothyroidism (probably caused by

>>> iodine lack) than in women not taking thyroid

>>> supplements. The mean incidence was 6.2% in

>>> controls and 12.1% in women on thyroid hormones.

>>> The incidence of breast cancer was twice as high

>>> in women taking thyroid hormone for more than 15

>>> years (19.5%) compared to those on thyroid hormones for only 5 years (10%).

>>> In the state of Michigan, during a period of

>>> iodine supplementation in bread (1924-1951) the

>>> prevalence of goiter diminished from 38.6% to

>>> 1.4%. Of interest the incidence of breast cancer

>>> remained unchanged during this time frame. This

>>> information was used to suggest that iodine

>>> supplementation had no effect on the incidence

>>> of breast cancer. However, Ghent and Eskin were

>>> able to show in women and female rats that the

>>> amount of iodine needed to protect against

>>> fibrocystic disease of the breast and breast

>>> cancer was at least 20 to 40 times

>>> greater<http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn11>[11]

>>> than the iodine needed to control goiter.

>>> In the 1960s mandated iodine containing dough

>>> was equivalent to the RDA of 150 ug per slice of

>>> bread. At that time the incidence of breast

>>> cancer was only 1 in 20.[12] In the past 20

>>> years the use of iodine supplementation in bread

>>> was eliminated and a goiter producing substance

>>> toxic to the thyroid gland (bromine) was

>>> introduced as replacement for iodine. The risk

>>> for breast cancer is now 1 in 8 and this risk is

>>> increasing by one

>>> percent<http://www.newswithviews.com/Howenstine/james47.htm#_ftn13>[13]

>>> each year. The decision to replace iodine in an

>>> iodine deficient population with a goitrogen was

>>> illogical lacking in common sense. The damaging

>>> effects of bromine on thyroid tissue also

>>> appears to contribute to the development of

>>> auto-immune diseases in the thyroid gland (Hashimoto's thyroiditis).

>>> The mammary glands have a trapping system for

>>> iodine similar to that of the thyroid gland. The

>>> breasts effectively compete with the thyroid

>>> gland for ingested iodine. This distribution of

>>> iodine to both breast and thyroid gland in

>>> pubertal girls explains why goiter is 6 times

>>> more common in girls than pubertal boys. The

>>> disappearance of iodine into breast tissue in

>>> women leads to decreased ability to supply the

>>> thyroid gland with an adequate amount of iodine.

>>> The development of a goiter in young girls

>>> indicates deficient distribution of iodine to

>>> both breast and thyroid tissue. Treating such a

>>> patient with thyroid hormone is not sensible and

>>> appears to increase the risk of breast cancer.

>>> Study of radioiodine uptake in normals and women

>>> with fibrocystic breast disease FDB reveals that

>>> the FDB breasts were able to take in 12.5% of

>>> the iodine dosage compared to only 6.9% in

>>> normal breasts. This proves the existence of

>>> considerable iodine depletion in the breasts of women with FDB.

>>> There is considerable evidence for an increased

>>> risk of thyroid cancer as well as breast cancer

>>> in persons with iodine deficiency. Untreated

>>> iodine deficiency leads to goiter, thyroid

>>> nodules and eventually some of these nodules

>>> become malignant. The decreasing intake of

>>> iodine has resulted in an increase in thyroid

>>> nodules and increase in thyroid cancer. In 2001

>>> there were 19,500 new cases of thyroid cancer in

>>> the U.S. with 14,900 of these cases occurring in women.

>>> Iodine has a role in promoting general well

>>> being as well as protecting against infections,

>>> degenerative diseases and cancer. Iodine

>>> promotes the normal killing of defective and

>>> abnormal cells (apoptosis). Thus, iodine helps

>>> the body's surveillance system to detect and

>>> remove abnormal cells. Additionally, th e

>>> presence of iodine triggers differentiation away

>>> from the more dangerous undifferentiated type of

>>> cell toward normal cells. The presence of

>>> adequate levels of iodine in the body (Japanese

>>> diet with lots of sea vegetables and fish)

>>> reduces reactive oxygen species (ROS). in the

>>> body which decreases the oxidative burden in the

>>> body This results in slowing of degeneration

>>> disease processes and decreasing the risk of cancer.

>>> <http://www.newswithviews.com/DonateNWV.htm>

>>> []


>>> Nearly every physician in the United States will

>>> reach for a prescription pad to order thyroid

>>> hormone when he sees a patient with goiter or

>>> symptoms of hypothyroidism. This can be exactly

>>> the wrong thing to do if the patient has

>>> deficient stores of iodine. Insist on obtaining

>>> a 24 hour urine colle ction for iodine to

>>> eliminate iodine lack as the cause for your

>>> symptoms (values below 50 ug/liter are

>>> abnormal). Thyroid hormone therapy in the

>>> presence of iodine deficiency increases the risk

>>> of breast cancer and probably thyroid cancer as

>>> well. Endocrinologist, Dr. Guy Abraham, formerly

>>> of the U.C.L.A. Department of Endocrinology, is

>>> convinced that everyone needs to be on iodine

>>> therapy until their iodine stores have been

>>> fully restored. After this time frame periodic

>>> intake of iodine will help insure that the many

>>> body functions requiring iodine run smoothly.

>>> <mailto:newsforyou-list-subscribe@...>

>>> []


>>> A dosage of two tablets of Iodoral twice daily

>>> for three months followed by one Iodoral tablet

>>> daily for a year will restore iodine stores for

>>> most persons. At that point periodic taking of

>>> an Iodoral tablet daily one month out of 4 to 6

>>> months etc. will be adequate to maintain iodine

>>> stores. Iodine stores can be easily monitored by

>>> taking 4 Iodoral tablets (50 mg iodine) and

>>> collecting a 24 hour urine sample for iodine

>>> content. If 80% of the ingested iodine is found

>>> in the urine collection the iodine stores are

>>> normal. Iodoral can be obtained from Optimox

>>> Corp. Torrance, Cal. To purchase a referral from

>>> a health care practitioner is needed.

>>> Footnotes:

>>> 1, Abraham, Guy F. et al

>>> Orthoiodosupplementaion: Iodine Sufficiency Of The Whole Body pg 1

>>> 2, Hintze, G. et al treatment of Endemic goiter

>>> due to iodine deficiency with iodine,

>>> levothyroxine or both:results of a multicentre

>>> trial. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 19:527-534, 1989

>>> 3, Eskin B et al Mammary Gland Dysplasia in

>>> Iodine Deficiency JAMA , 200:115-119. 1967

>>> 4, Eskin B Iodine and Mammary Gland Cancer Adv.

>>> Exp. Med. Biol., 91:293-304, 1977

>>> 5, Ghent, W. et al Iodine Replacement in

>>> Fibrocystic disease of the Breast Can. J. Surg. , 36:453-460, 1993

>>> 6, Eskin B. et al Different Tissue Responses for

>>> Iodine and Iodidein Rat Thyroid and mammary

>>> Glands Biol. Trace Element Research 49:9-19, 1995

>>> 7, Derry , D Breast Cancer and Iodine Trafford

>>> Publishing, B.C. , 92, 2001

>>> 8, Finley JW., Bogardus, G.M., Breast Cancer and

>>> Thyroid Disease Quart. Review Surg. Obstet. Gyn. 17:139-147, 1960

>>> 9, Smtyhe, P. , Thyroid Disease and Breast

>>> Cancer J. Endo. Int. , 16:396-401, 1993

>>> 10, Ghandrakant, C. et al Breast Cancer

>>> Relationship to Thyroid Supplements for hypothyroidism JAMA, 238:1124, 1976

>>> 11, Backwinkel, K., , A.S. Some Fearures

>>> of breast Cancer and Thyroid Deficiency Cancer17:1174-1176 , 1964

>>> 12, Epstein, S.S., Sherman, D. Breast Cancer

>>> Prevention Program Macmillan , NY. 1998 pg 5

>>> 13, Ibid


>>> © 2006 Dr. Howenstine -

>>> <mailto:newsforyou-list-subscribe@...>Sign

>>> Up For Free E-Mail Alerts

>>> E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale



>>> ----------

>>> Dr. A. Howenstine is a board certified

>>> specialist in internal medicine who spent 34

>>> years caring for office and hospital patients.

>>> After 4 y ears of personal study he became

>>> convinced that natural products are safer, more

>>> effective, and less expensive than pharmaceutical drugs.

>>> This research led to the publication of his book

>>> A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products

>>> That Work. Information about these products and

>>> his book can be obtained from amazon.com and at

>>> <http://www.naturalhealthteam.com/>www.naturalhealthteam.com

>>> and phone 1-800-416-2806 U.S. Dr. Howenstine can

>>> be reached by mail at Dr. Howenstine, C/O

>>> Remarsa USA SB 37, P.O. Box 25292, Miami, Fl. 33102-5292.

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