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Re: Dealing with explantation

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Hi Terri, Yes, I know the one you are talking about. I'll repost it. Patty Dealing With Explantation Marguerite Barnett, MD, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon Venice, Florida From AS-IS Newsletter, January

1995 For some, the decision to remove one's implants is an agonizing one, given the uncertainties as to whether one's health will improve and what the physical outcome will be. For others, the real agony is the actual surgery and the physical aftermath. For still others, the difficult times lie in the recovery, piecing together one's physical, emotional and financial health. Whichever way one looks at it, explantation is no picnic - fear, anger, grief, betrayal, uncertainty and anxiety layer with physical incapacity. While it is usually impossible to make the decision to remove one's implants an easy one, it is possible to lessen the negative and magnify the healing aspects. In my opinion, preparation is a key ingredient to having explantation go smoothly. First you must be prepared mentally. With few exceptions, explant surgery is not an emergency such as removal of the appendix or trauma surgery to stop hemorrhaging. It does not even have the urgency of most cancer surgery This is both good and bad- bad in the sense that the need to proceed is less clear-cut and good in the sense that the time can be taken to fully understand the pros and cons of surgery. One can get second or third opinions, take time to read and research and find a physician with whom one feels comfortable. Some people made the mistake of getting implants assuming that such surgery would solve their problems -

it is equally silly to assume that removing implants will do the same. I am not going to cover all aspects of making the decision as this has been well covered in previous issues, but do not be passive and allow the surgeon (or anyone for that matter) to make all decisions for you. His/her job is to present all your options,the risks, costs and expected outcomes. He/she cannot make the decision for you because there is not one right answer - you will have to live with consequences, not the surgeon - and each person is a very unique individual. Secondly, be prepared emotionally - this is not the time to show everyone what a superwoman you are - able to go through surgery and keep up the duties of

mother/wife/caretaker. It is ok to be needy, grieve, or be angry. Call in your chips - this might be the time to involve family members such as children/spouses in the tasks of daily upkeep if you haven't already. Call upon extended family, if available, for support. Support groups can be such an asset in this respect as you will meet women there who have gone through this themselves. I am have seen women helping women and it can be such a beautiful healing. Thirdly, be prepared physically. Stop smoking, preferably six weeks prior to your surgery. Do not take aspirin containing drugs within nine days of your surgery (be careful, even unexpected sources contain aspirin e.g.:

Alka-Seltzer.) If you have a question, check with your physician/nurse about medications. Avoid excessive alcohol in the immediate pre and post-op period. On the day of surgery and on the first few post-op check ups, wear loose comfortable clothing, preferably something which buttons up the front and avoid white which could be stained. Do not wear make-up or jewelry to the surgery suite, but if the nurse allows it, you might want to have heavy socks as the OR is usually chilly. You will probably want to have some snacks or frozen dinners available for the first few days post-operatively as you will not feel up to cooking. Have dishes/items you need within easy reach as you will probably be

too sore to reach for high shelves. Be sure you understand all your physician's post-op instructions; it is best to get them in writing so you understand and can remember when follow-up visits are scheduled, what limitations there are on physical activity and when bathing is allowed. Insure that pets or small children will be restrained so they cannot jump on sore incisions. Have your post-operative support bras available and prescriptions filled. Your physician will specify what is required, but if he/she has no recommendations, it is best to wear a good support bra, day and night, for the six weeks post-operatively. Some prefer to hook-in-front sports bra and others prefer a shaped cup, but the most important criteria is the upward lift to relieve strain on traumatized tissue. Finally, be sure that all the questions regarding disposal of the implants are settled. Under no circumstances should implants/tissue be discarded until

all legal issue are settled. When you are prepared as possible, let go of as much anxiety as you can and relax, trusting in your surgeon to do his/her job and in your body to heal. This can be a very difficult step, but it is vital for your healing. If you have religious beliefs, look to them at this point. This is the meaning of the Serenity Prayer, "Lord grant me the courage to change the things I can; serenity to accept those things I cannot change and wisdeom to know the difference." A concrete exercise to help with letting go is to concentrate on one's breath, breathing deeply and slowly with the diaphragm. These same techniques are utilized in the LaMaze Method of natural childbirth and will

work to lessen pain/discomfort. Sometimes, a simple gesture such as taking a favorite stuffed animal into the OR (if allowed) or a Walkman with soothing tape, will make the OR feel more familiar and less scary. Be aware if you are holding shoulder muscles tensely and relax them if you find that you are. Letting go is the preparation for moving on and as difficult as it may be, it must be done. You have chosen this surgery for many reasons not least of which is the hope of moving on to better things (like your health and peace of mind!) While the former may not be in the cards for everyone who goes through this surgery, the latter can belong to anyone who chooses it. Surgeons who deal with many

explant patients are finding that up to 90% of their patients get relief of local pain caused by implants and that anywhere from 1/2 to 2/3 of the patients will have some improvement in symptoms. Be aware that complete resolution of symptoms is rare and also understand the improvement, if it comes, may be slow. Understand that it is very common to have a period of grieving and allow yourself to do so. It often doesn't show up until a few weeks after surgery. Those that know it is a normal part of the process of healing will get through it faster than those who feel they shouldn't be experiencing any negative emotions. I like to use the analogy of a marriage that didn't work (most of you have had your implants longer than many marriages). You had them for a reason and it didn't work out, like marriages sometimes don't - or worse,

it's a bad marriage - he's beating you up, stealing your money and sleeping with your best friend and you know you'll be better off without him. Even so, that first weeks he's gone, the house can seem very empty and the bed very cold. If you have lost a limb, there is a lot of societal support and sympathy, but for this surgery, often no one knows of your loss unless you share it, so take care of yourself and allow yourself to grieve. (I personally like to get into bed with a good book and chocolate bar!) If you are having problems grieving, seek professional help. Other practical suggestion for getting out of the dumps include taking care of yourself (wash the face, brush one's hair/teeth, even wear

make-up, eat right, whether you feel like it or not,) gentle exercise (such as walk on the beach) and service to others (volunteer at your local hospice if your are physically capable - it really puts things in perspective!) Part of letting go involves letting go of anger and bitterness as well. Do not allow your anger to hinder healing. I am not saying all anger is bad - often it helps one to overcome passivity and act productively. But if anger is eating you up inside, you must let go, no matter how justified it is! If all you can think about is how you have been wronged or who has done you harm, you do not have any kind of life except one that revolves around negativity. Make your life positive

outlets - become politically active, for example, fighting legislation that would erode the right of consumers to sue in product liability cases - or join the Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Societies to petition Congress for more research funds for the treatment of these conditions. The slef-help bookshelves are full of suggestions, but you must choose to take them. If you choose to deal with explantation instead of letting it deal with you, you will find the lessons learned from your experience with explantation, as difficult as they may be, will ultimately be worth it! http://www.homestead.com/sosalines/explant.html Peake <peaketeresa@...> wrote: Anybody remeber this article by Margurite Barnett,I cant find it I had a copy but must have misplaced it, all of her stuff has been pulled from the Internet it looks like.It was what to expect when you are going through explantationTerri P

Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

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ThanksI know this was the one thing I had when I went through the

explant surgery. I didn't have this group back then 1 year ago I was

in Las Vegas and didn't know what to do, I was alone. I found this on

the web when I was researching what I needed to do, I carried it with

me to prepare myself. I was all of those things, and frankly I am

still very angry. I know we are suppose to let this go, but I have

had so many negative visits lately with Dr.sI enede up at the

emergency room yesterday My blood pressure was 166 I have always had

low blood pressure. They of course asked what I was taking and I had

my list of supplements with me, you should have seen how I was talked

to . The Er Doc and I were talking about my Fibro and I said well you

know if you mention to doctors that you have fibro they think your a

whacko he said, You are right we do!!!Ii it not like we idagnosed

ourselves we were diagnosed by Drs. If they don't believe each other

and respect research from Kolb, Blais and others how are we suppose

to believe our Drs. either. I mean I believe in the the research and

proof that these implants and capsules are poision, we have the list

of chemicals, why do other Dr.s not even look at the eveidence? It

boggles the mind, I am not going to go to Dr.s any more after ths

capsule is removed, I know what I need to do and if there is new info

I can get it here.

Love to all who are suffering, welcome to the group if you are new,

Hang in there,

Terri P


> Anybody remeber this article by Margurite Barnett,

> I cant find it I had a copy but must have misplaced it, all of her

> stuff has been pulled from the Internet it looks like.It was what


> expect when you are going through explantation

> Terri P







> ---------------------------------

> Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.

Great rates starting at 1¢/min.


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I forgot to mention in all my ranting Thank you for the posting can

we save this on our files somewhere? It is so good for new ladies.

Terri P

> Anybody remeber this article by Margurite Barnett,

> I cant find it I had a copy but must have misplaced it, all of her

> stuff has been pulled from the Internet it looks like.It was what


> expect when you are going through explantation

> Terri P







> ---------------------------------

> Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.

Great rates starting at 1¢/min.


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It's already there :o) That's where I got it...look in the links section under "Explant". I know we have so much information that things get lost. Sometimes I can't even find articles that I put in there mysefl! Just a suggestion for everyone...take a moment when you have some free time to check out all our files, links, folders with info. We have alot of stuff. One thing I need to do is go through the links section and remove all the dead links and find their replacements if there is one....if any moderators are up to the task, I'd love it... ! Patty Peake <peaketeresa@...> wrote: Patty,I forgot to mention in all my ranting Thank you for the posting can we save this on our files somewhere? It is so good for new ladies.Terri P> Anybody remeber this article by Margurite Barnett,> I cant find it I had a copy but must have misplaced it, all of her > stuff has been pulled from the Internet it looks like.It was what to > expect when you are going through explantation> Terri P> > > >

> > > ---------------------------------> Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.>

Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out.

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Terri, It makes me so sad to think that you were going through this alone here in Las Vegas. I was here all along! I wish somehow we could have found each other. I went with another girl to Dr. Gordon, and I sure would have gone with you. I think many of us have become jaded because of our treatment from doctors. I know I have. I just don't think I have much need for MD's at this point in my life. Hopefully never will, but I am sure as I age I'll need testing. That's all I'll ask for. What's going on with the capsule removal at this point? I am so sorry you are dealing with that still. Patty Peake <peaketeresa@...> wrote: Patty,ThanksI know this was the one thing I had when I went through the explant surgery. I didn't have this group back then 1 year ago I was in Las Vegas and didn't know what to do, I was alone. I found this on the web when I was researching what I needed to do, I carried it with me to prepare myself. I was all of those things, and frankly I am still very angry. I know we are suppose to let this go, but I have had so many negative visits lately with Dr.sI enede up at the emergency room yesterday My blood pressure was 166 I have always had low blood pressure. They of course asked what I was taking and I had my list of supplements

with me, you should have seen how I was talked to . The Er Doc and I were talking about my Fibro and I said well you know if you mention to doctors that you have fibro they think your a whacko he said, You are right we do!!!Ii it not like we idagnosed ourselves we were diagnosed by Drs. If they don't believe each other and respect research from Kolb, Blais and others how are we suppose to believe our Drs. either. I mean I believe in the the research and proof that these implants and capsules are poision, we have the list of chemicals, why do other Dr.s not even look at the eveidence? It boggles the mind, I am not going to go to Dr.s any more after ths capsule is removed, I know what I need to do and if there is new info I can get it here.Love to all who are suffering, welcome to the group if you are new, Hang in there,Terri PHawaii> Anybody remeber this article by Margurite Barnett,> I cant find it I had a copy but must have misplaced it, all of her > stuff has been pulled from the Internet it looks like.It was what to > expect when you are going through explantation> Terri P> > > > > > > ---------------------------------> Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.>

How low will we go? Check out Messenger’s low PC-to-Phone call rates.

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I know I wish Iwould have known you too, I think you are one of the

smartest people and so caring. It has been kind of like cat fighting

on here lately and that is too bad, I hope everyone just remembers

that some of us really need positive feedback right now, I appreciate

you and your time and efforts to set the record straight, you are my

sister and so are all of you gals, I had my appointment with the

general surgeon today, she was warm and caring and very refreshing,

what a lovely person, she spent 1 1/2 hours with me, confirmed that I

do indeed have alump in the left breast. She also confirmed after

looking at my records,(I carry them with me) that my 2.85 TSH is

high. I normally run 1.85. So I have some validation there. She does

surgery on women for breast cancer and all sorts of other issues

including gastro and vascular. She absoulutely beieves that implants

are making women sick, Yea! someone finally believes me, I brought my

mammograms and recent chest xray, I know you are going to tell me I

shouldn't have done this but she suggested we do a needle biopsy

right then and there, family history, mom dead at 41 with double

maesectomyand all. I told her about Dr. Blais and his opinion about

that procedure with remaining capsule, I had left the article at my

other doctor appointment. she was very concerned about finding out

right away with testing these cells before doing any cutting, and I

will know on tuesday what they show and if IT NEEDS TO BE REMOVED SHE


looks to be rather small not a full capsule, so it will not lead to

anything leaking, she assured me that the biopsy was what is

recommended based on her research, although there may be other Dr.s

doing research she wanted to go with what she knows as a surgeon she

removes cancer tumors in the breast. Anyway I put my faith in her she

uses a natural and allopathic approach to cancer. organic foods only,

for cancer patients,

I will keep you posted. it hurt but I am happy she actually found the

lump with her hands,

Thank you all for your love and support,

Terri P

-- In , Tricia Trish

<glory2glory1401@...> wrote:


> Terri,

> It makes me so sad to think that you were going through this

alone here in Las Vegas. I was here all along! I wish somehow we

could have found each other. I went with another girl to Dr. Gordon,

and I sure would have gone with you.


> I think many of us have become jaded because of our treatment

from doctors. I know I have. I just don't think I have much need

for MD's at this point in my life. Hopefully never will, but I am

sure as I age I'll need testing. That's all I'll ask for.


> What's going on with the capsule removal at this point? I am so

sorry you are dealing with that still.

> Patty




> Peake <peaketeresa@...> wrote:


> Patty,

> ThanksI know this was the one thing I had when I went through the

> explant surgery. I didn't have this group back then 1 year ago I


> in Las Vegas and didn't know what to do, I was alone. I found this


> the web when I was researching what I needed to do, I carried it


> me to prepare myself. I was all of those things, and frankly I am

> still very angry. I know we are suppose to let this go, but I have

> had so many negative visits lately with Dr.sI enede up at the

> emergency room yesterday My blood pressure was 166 I have always


> low blood pressure. They of course asked what I was taking and I


> my list of supplements with me, you should have seen how I was


> to . The Er Doc and I were talking about my Fibro and I said well


> know if you mention to doctors that you have fibro they think your


> whacko he said, You are right we do!!!Ii it not like we idagnosed

> ourselves we were diagnosed by Drs. If they don't believe each


> and respect research from Kolb, Blais and others how are we suppose

> to believe our Drs. either. I mean I believe in the the research


> proof that these implants and capsules are poision, we have the


> of chemicals, why do other Dr.s not even look at the eveidence? It

> boggles the mind, I am not going to go to Dr.s any more after ths

> capsule is removed, I know what I need to do and if there is new


> I can get it here.

> Love to all who are suffering, welcome to the group if you are new,

> Hang in there,

> Terri P

> Hawaii



> > Anybody remeber this article by Margurite Barnett,

> > I cant find it I had a copy but must have misplaced it, all of


> > stuff has been pulled from the Internet it looks like.It was what

> to

> > expect when you are going through explantation

> > Terri P

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.

> Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

> >







> ---------------------------------

> How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone

call rates.


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Terri, Thank is wonderful news! I am glad you finally found someone who could treat you with the respect you deserved and could validate your feelings about your implants and the dangers we know are there. Whew! I was beginning to wonder if Paradise was lacking! LOL. You are making progress then....I am really happy to hear that you can move forward with your concerns about that remaining capsule. I'll be waiting for news at the end of the month about possible surgery. What will you do if she doesn't find anything she considers to be suspicious? Is she only looking for cancer cells? I hope she will have the capsule biospsy thoroughly analyzed--she might find silcone particles too, and so I wonder if she will want to surgically remove that. Be sure to send her Dr. Blais article on retained scar capsules so she can see why you are concerned. Hugs, Patty Peake <peaketeresa@...> wrote: -Patty,I know I wish Iwould have known you too, I think you are one of the smartest people and so caring. It has been kind of like cat fighting on here lately and that is too bad, I hope everyone just remembers that some of us really need positive feedback right now, I appreciate you and your time and efforts to set the record straight, you are my sister and so are all of you gals, I had my appointment with the general

surgeon today, she was warm and caring and very refreshing, what a lovely person, she spent 1 1/2 hours with me, confirmed that I do indeed have alump in the left breast. She also confirmed after looking at my records,(I carry them with me) that my 2.85 TSH is high. I normally run 1.85. So I have some validation there. She does surgery on women for breast cancer and all sorts of other issues including gastro and vascular. She absoulutely beieves that implants are making women sick, Yea! someone finally believes me, I brought my mammograms and recent chest xray, I know you are going to tell me I shouldn't have done this but she suggested we do a needle biopsy right then and there, family history, mom dead at 41 with double maesectomyand all. I told her about Dr. Blais and his opinion about that procedure with remaining capsule, I had left the article at my other doctor appointment. she was very concerned about finding out

right away with testing these cells before doing any cutting, and I will know on tuesday what they show and if IT NEEDS TO BE REMOVED SHE WILL DO THE SURGERY BY THE END OF THE MONTH, the remaining capsule looks to be rather small not a full capsule, so it will not lead to anything leaking, she assured me that the biopsy was what is recommended based on her research, although there may be other Dr.s doing research she wanted to go with what she knows as a surgeon she removes cancer tumors in the breast. Anyway I put my faith in her she uses a natural and allopathic approach to cancer. organic foods only, for cancer patients,I will keep you posted. it hurt but I am happy she actually found the lump with her hands,Thank you all for your love and support,Terri P -- In , Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...>

wrote:>> Terri,> It makes me so sad to think that you were going through this alone here in Las Vegas. I was here all along! I wish somehow we could have found each other. I went with another girl to Dr. Gordon, and I sure would have gone with you.> > I think many of us have become jaded because of our treatment from doctors. I know I have. I just don't think I have much need for MD's at this point in my life. Hopefully never will, but I am sure as I age I'll need testing. That's all I'll ask for. > > What's going on with the capsule removal at this point? I am so sorry you are dealing with that still.> Patty> > > > Peake <peaketeresa@...> wrote:> > Patty,> ThanksI know this was the one thing I had when I went through the > explant surgery. I didn't have this group back then 1 year ago I was > in Las Vegas

and didn't know what to do, I was alone. I found this on > the web when I was researching what I needed to do, I carried it with > me to prepare myself. I was all of those things, and frankly I am > still very angry. I know we are suppose to let this go, but I have > had so many negative visits lately with Dr.sI enede up at the > emergency room yesterday My blood pressure was 166 I have always had > low blood pressure. They of course asked what I was taking and I had > my list of supplements with me, you should have seen how I was talked > to . The Er Doc and I were talking about my Fibro and I said well you > know if you mention to doctors that you have fibro they think your a > whacko he said, You are right we do!!!Ii it not like we idagnosed > ourselves we were diagnosed by Drs. If they don't believe each other > and respect research from Kolb, Blais and

others how are we suppose > to believe our Drs. either. I mean I believe in the the research and > proof that these implants and capsules are poision, we have the list > of chemicals, why do other Dr.s not even look at the eveidence? It > boggles the mind, I am not going to go to Dr.s any more after ths > capsule is removed, I know what I need to do and if there is new info > I can get it here.> Love to all who are suffering, welcome to the group if you are new, > Hang in there,> Terri P> Hawaii> > > > Anybody remeber this article by Margurite Barnett,> > I cant find it I had a copy but must have misplaced it, all of her > > stuff has been pulled from the Internet it looks like.It was what > to > > expect when you are going through explantation> > Terri P> > > > > > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. > Great rates starting at 1¢/min.> >> > > > > > > ---------------------------------> How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.>

Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out.

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I think the discussions about have been helpful. I'm not sure I would call them"cat-fighting" (that is such a negative term). I hope everyone will continue to feel free to bring up concerns and voice opinions--even if they differ from the rest-- in a respectful way. I would hate to see people feel censored or belittled because they have a different opinion. I think free dialogue makes for deeper understanding. I, for one, probably would not have considered a coffee enema before this discussion, but after getting stimulated by the posts and reading some of the research, it's more of a possibility for me.

It's funny, I think American women are uneasy disagreeing with each other without fear that they will be thought of as "bitchy." My (Italian) family used to sit around at dinner the table and have these long discussions and most of the time, we did not agree! (Especially about politics and religion). But it never stopped us from being loving to one another.

I think we here all know that when we disagree, we are doing just that-- disagreeing. As long as we are careful of the words we choose and how we use them, it should be fine. And if you don't agree with me. . .:)


Re: Dealing with explantation

-Patty,I know I wish Iwould have known you too, I think you are one of the smartest people and so caring. It has been kind of like cat fighting on here lately and that is too bad, I hope everyone just remembers that some of us really need positive feedback right now, I appreciate you and your time and efforts to set the record straight, you are my sister and so are all of you gals, I had my appointment with the general surgeon today, she was warm and caring and very refreshing, what a lovely person, she spent 1 1/2 hours with me, confirmed that I do indeed have alump in the left breast. She also confirmed after looking at my records,(I carry them with me) that my 2.85 TSH is high. I normally run 1.85. So I have some validation there. She does surgery on women for breast cancer and all sorts of other issues including gastro and vascular. She absoulutely beieves that implants are making women sick, Yea! someone finally believes me, I brought my mammograms and recent chest xray, I know you are going to tell me I shouldn't have done this but she suggested we do a needle biopsy right then and there, family history, mom dead at 41 with double maesectomyand all. I told her about Dr. Blais and his opinion about that procedure with remaining capsule, I had left the article at my other doctor appointment. she was very concerned about finding out right away with testing these cells before doing any cutting, and I will know on tuesday what they show and if IT NEEDS TO BE REMOVED SHE WILL DO THE SURGERY BY THE END OF THE MONTH, the remaining capsule looks to be rather small not a full capsule, so it will not lead to anything leaking, she assured me that the biopsy was what is recommended based on her research, although there may be other Dr.s doing research she wanted to go with what she knows as a surgeon she removes cancer tumors in the breast. Anyway I put my faith in her she uses a natural and allopathic approach to cancer. organic foods only, for cancer patients,I will keep you posted. it hurt but I am happy she actually found the lump with her hands,Thank you all for your love and support,Terri P -- In , Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote:>> Terri,> It makes me so sad to think that you were going through this alone here in Las Vegas. I was here all along! I wish somehow we could have found each other. I went with another girl to Dr. Gordon, and I sure would have gone with you.> > I think many of us have become jaded because of our treatment from doctors. I know I have. I just don't think I have much need for MD's at this point in my life. Hopefully never will, but I am sure as I age I'll need testing. That's all I'll ask for. > > What's going on with the capsule removal at this point? I am so sorry you are dealing with that still.> Patty> > > > Peake <peaketeresa@...> wrote:> > Patty,> ThanksI know this was the one thing I had when I went through the > explant surgery. I didn't have this group back then 1 year ago I was > in Las Vegas and didn't know what to do, I was alone. I found this on > the web when I was researching what I needed to do, I carried it with > me to prepare myself. I was all of those things, and frankly I am > still very angry. I know we are suppose to let this go, but I have > had so many negative visits lately with Dr.sI enede up at the > emergency room yesterday My blood pressure was 166 I have always had > low blood pressure. They of course asked what I was taking and I had > my list of supplements with me, you should have seen how I was talked > to . The Er Doc and I were talking about my Fibro and I said well you > know if you mention to doctors that you have fibro they think your a > whacko he said, You are right we do!!!Ii it not like we idagnosed > ourselves we were diagnosed by Drs. If they don't believe each other > and respect research from Kolb, Blais and others how are we suppose > to believe our Drs. either. I mean I believe in the the research and > proof that these implants and capsules are poision, we have the list > of chemicals, why do other Dr.s not even look at the eveidence? It > boggles the mind, I am not going to go to Dr.s any more after ths > capsule is removed, I know what I need to do and if there is new info > I can get it here.> Love to all who are suffering, welcome to the group if you are new, > Hang in there,> Terri P> Hawaii> > > > Anybody remeber this article by Margurite Barnett,> > I cant find it I had a copy but must have misplaced it, all of her > > stuff has been pulled from the Internet it looks like.It was what > to > > expect when you are going through explantation> > Terri P> > > > > > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. > Great rates starting at 1¢/min.> >> > > > > > > ---------------------------------> How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.>

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She was very concerned about the remaining capsule, I got the feeling

from what she was saying that she doesn't like anything to be in

there that doesn't belong there. She did abot fifteen slides right in

front of me, I asked her about what the slides would say if it is a

foreign material, she went through every scenario, and said if I

don't hear from them on tuesday to make sure I call them, just such a

sweet caring individual. Finally,

Terri P

-- In , Tricia Trish

<glory2glory1401@...> wrote:


> Terri,

> Thank is wonderful news! I am glad you finally found someone who

could treat you with the respect you deserved and could validate your

feelings about your implants and the dangers we know are there.

Whew! I was beginning to wonder if Paradise was lacking! LOL.


> You are making progress then....I am really happy to hear that

you can move forward with your concerns about that remaining capsule.


> I'll be waiting for news at the end of the month about possible

surgery. What will you do if she doesn't find anything she considers

to be suspicious? Is she only looking for cancer cells? I hope she

will have the capsule biospsy thoroughly analyzed--she might find

silcone particles too, and so I wonder if she will want to surgically

remove that. Be sure to send her Dr. Blais article on retained scar

capsules so she can see why you are concerned.

> Hugs,

> Patty


> Peake <peaketeresa@...> wrote:

> -Patty,

> I know I wish Iwould have known you too, I think you are one of the

> smartest people and so caring. It has been kind of like cat


> on here lately and that is too bad, I hope everyone just remembers

> that some of us really need positive feedback right now, I


> you and your time and efforts to set the record straight, you are


> sister and so are all of you gals, I had my appointment with the

> general surgeon today, she was warm and caring and very refreshing,

> what a lovely person, she spent 1 1/2 hours with me, confirmed that


> do indeed have alump in the left breast. She also confirmed after

> looking at my records,(I carry them with me) that my 2.85 TSH is

> high. I normally run 1.85. So I have some validation there. She


> surgery on women for breast cancer and all sorts of other issues

> including gastro and vascular. She absoulutely beieves that


> are making women sick, Yea! someone finally believes me, I brought


> mammograms and recent chest xray, I know you are going to tell me I

> shouldn't have done this but she suggested we do a needle biopsy

> right then and there, family history, mom dead at 41 with double

> maesectomyand all. I told her about Dr. Blais and his opinion about

> that procedure with remaining capsule, I had left the article at my

> other doctor appointment. she was very concerned about finding out

> right away with testing these cells before doing any cutting, and I

> will know on tuesday what they show and if IT NEEDS TO BE REMOVED


> WILL DO THE SURGERY BY THE END OF THE MONTH, the remaining capsule

> looks to be rather small not a full capsule, so it will not lead to

> anything leaking, she assured me that the biopsy was what is

> recommended based on her research, although there may be other Dr.s

> doing research she wanted to go with what she knows as a surgeon


> removes cancer tumors in the breast. Anyway I put my faith in her


> uses a natural and allopathic approach to cancer. organic foods


> for cancer patients,

> I will keep you posted. it hurt but I am happy she actually found


> lump with her hands,

> Thank you all for your love and support,

> Terri P


> -- In , Tricia Trish

> <glory2glory1401@> wrote:

> >

> > Terri,

> > It makes me so sad to think that you were going through this

> alone here in Las Vegas. I was here all along! I wish somehow we

> could have found each other. I went with another girl to Dr.


> and I sure would have gone with you.

> >

> > I think many of us have become jaded because of our treatment

> from doctors. I know I have. I just don't think I have much need

> for MD's at this point in my life. Hopefully never will, but I am

> sure as I age I'll need testing. That's all I'll ask for.

> >

> > What's going on with the capsule removal at this point? I am so

> sorry you are dealing with that still.

> > Patty

> >

> >

> >

> > Peake <peaketeresa@> wrote:

> >

> > Patty,

> > ThanksI know this was the one thing I had when I went through the

> > explant surgery. I didn't have this group back then 1 year ago I

> was

> > in Las Vegas and didn't know what to do, I was alone. I found


> on

> > the web when I was researching what I needed to do, I carried it

> with

> > me to prepare myself. I was all of those things, and frankly I am

> > still very angry. I know we are suppose to let this go, but I


> > had so many negative visits lately with Dr.sI enede up at the

> > emergency room yesterday My blood pressure was 166 I have always

> had

> > low blood pressure. They of course asked what I was taking and I

> had

> > my list of supplements with me, you should have seen how I was

> talked

> > to . The Er Doc and I were talking about my Fibro and I said well

> you

> > know if you mention to doctors that you have fibro they think


> a

> > whacko he said, You are right we do!!!Ii it not like we idagnosed

> > ourselves we were diagnosed by Drs. If they don't believe each

> other

> > and respect research from Kolb, Blais and others how are we


> > to believe our Drs. either. I mean I believe in the the research

> and

> > proof that these implants and capsules are poision, we have the

> list

> > of chemicals, why do other Dr.s not even look at the eveidence?


> > boggles the mind, I am not going to go to Dr.s any more after ths

> > capsule is removed, I know what I need to do and if there is new

> info

> > I can get it here.

> > Love to all who are suffering, welcome to the group if you are


> > Hang in there,

> > Terri P

> > Hawaii

> >

> >

> > > Anybody remeber this article by Margurite Barnett,

> > > I cant find it I had a copy but must have misplaced it, all of

> her

> > > stuff has been pulled from the Internet it looks like.It was


> > to

> > > expect when you are going through explantation

> > > Terri P

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > > Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.

> > Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone

> call rates.

> >







> ---------------------------------

> Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out.


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That is absolutely true!! We don't have to agree on everything. What is

important is that

we disagree (if we do) respectfully.

It is harder to do this via writing (or internet /email) because you don't have

the body

language that comes with face-to-face conversation. Unfortunately, emails for


reason are often misinterpreted - it is one reason I try to be careful about

what I write.

Sometimes I am more successful than other times!

> > > Anybody remeber this article by Margurite Barnett,

> > > I cant find it I had a copy but must have misplaced it, all of

> her

> > > stuff has been pulled from the Internet it looks like.It was what

> > to

> > > expect when you are going through explantation

> > > Terri P

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > > Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.

> > Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone

> call rates.

> >


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Bindi, I hear ya! Our culture here has a tendency to promote " don't

rock the boat " and " speak when you're spoken to...and then agree

politely " and God forbid that we should have to confront someone

because they offended us!

I was raised in a loud, Ukrainian family. We had our dysfunction,

however one of the things I loved the most is that when we had a

disagreement, or at times shouting matches, it was over in 10 minutes

and we were all carrying on, as if nothing happened. Total

forgiveness. That was awesome. Thanks for you wisdom on the site.

Love & Blessings,

Sunny :)

> > > Anybody remeber this article by Margurite Barnett,

> > > I cant find it I had a copy but must have misplaced it, all


> her

> > > stuff has been pulled from the Internet it looks like.It was


> > to

> > > expect when you are going through explantation

> > > Terri P

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > > Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone


> > Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-


> call rates.

> >


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Terri, She sounds great....so glad you saw her. Keep us updated if you hear something! Patty Peake <peaketeresa@...> wrote: -Patty,She was very concerned about the remaining capsule, I got the feeling from what she was saying that she doesn't like anything to be in there that doesn't belong there. She did abot fifteen slides right in front of me, I asked her about what the slides would say if it is a foreign material, she went through every scenario, and

said if I don't hear from them on tuesday to make sure I call them, just such a sweet caring individual. Finally,Terri P-- In , Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote:>> Terri,> Thank is wonderful news! I am glad you finally found someone who could treat you with the respect you deserved and could validate your feelings about your implants and the dangers we know are there. Whew! I was beginning to wonder if Paradise was lacking! LOL.> > You are making progress then....I am really happy to hear that you can move forward with your concerns about that remaining capsule. > > I'll be waiting for news at the end of the month about possible surgery. What will you do if she doesn't find anything she considers to be suspicious? Is she only looking for cancer cells? I hope she

will have the capsule biospsy thoroughly analyzed--she might find silcone particles too, and so I wonder if she will want to surgically remove that. Be sure to send her Dr. Blais article on retained scar capsules so she can see why you are concerned.> Hugs,> Patty> > Peake <peaketeresa@...> wrote:> -Patty,> I know I wish Iwould have known you too, I think you are one of the > smartest people and so caring. It has been kind of like cat fighting > on here lately and that is too bad, I hope everyone just remembers > that some of us really need positive feedback right now, I appreciate > you and your time and efforts to set the record straight, you are my > sister and so are all of you gals, I had my appointment with the > general surgeon today, she was warm and caring and very refreshing, > what a lovely person, she spent 1 1/2 hours with

me, confirmed that I > do indeed have alump in the left breast. She also confirmed after > looking at my records,(I carry them with me) that my 2.85 TSH is > high. I normally run 1.85. So I have some validation there. She does > surgery on women for breast cancer and all sorts of other issues > including gastro and vascular. She absoulutely beieves that implants > are making women sick, Yea! someone finally believes me, I brought my > mammograms and recent chest xray, I know you are going to tell me I > shouldn't have done this but she suggested we do a needle biopsy > right then and there, family history, mom dead at 41 with double > maesectomyand all. I told her about Dr. Blais and his opinion about > that procedure with remaining capsule, I had left the article at my > other doctor appointment. she was very concerned about finding out > right away with testing

these cells before doing any cutting, and I > will know on tuesday what they show and if IT NEEDS TO BE REMOVED SHE > WILL DO THE SURGERY BY THE END OF THE MONTH, the remaining capsule > looks to be rather small not a full capsule, so it will not lead to > anything leaking, she assured me that the biopsy was what is > recommended based on her research, although there may be other Dr.s > doing research she wanted to go with what she knows as a surgeon she > removes cancer tumors in the breast. Anyway I put my faith in her she > uses a natural and allopathic approach to cancer. organic foods only, > for cancer patients,> I will keep you posted. it hurt but I am happy she actually found the > lump with her hands,> Thank you all for your love and support,> Terri P > > -- In , Tricia Trish > <glory2glory1401@> wrote:> >> > Terri,> > It makes me so sad to think that you were going through this > alone here in Las Vegas. I was here all along! I wish somehow we > could have found each other. I went with another girl to Dr. Gordon, > and I sure would have gone with you.> > > > I think many of us have become jaded because of our treatment > from doctors. I know I have. I just don't think I have much need > for MD's at this point in my life. Hopefully never will, but I am > sure as I age I'll need testing. That's all I'll ask for. > > > > What's going on with the capsule removal at this point? I am so > sorry you are dealing with that still.> > Patty> > > > > > > >

Peake <peaketeresa@> wrote:> > > > Patty,> > ThanksI know this was the one thing I had when I went through the > > explant surgery. I didn't have this group back then 1 year ago I > was > > in Las Vegas and didn't know what to do, I was alone. I found this > on > > the web when I was researching what I needed to do, I carried it > with > > me to prepare myself. I was all of those things, and frankly I am > > still very angry. I know we are suppose to let this go, but I have > > had so many negative visits lately with Dr.sI enede up at the > > emergency room yesterday My blood pressure was 166 I have always > had > > low blood pressure. They of course asked what I was taking and I > had > > my list of supplements with me, you should have seen how I was > talked > > to . The Er Doc and I

were talking about my Fibro and I said well > you > > know if you mention to doctors that you have fibro they think your > a > > whacko he said, You are right we do!!!Ii it not like we idagnosed > > ourselves we were diagnosed by Drs. If they don't believe each > other > > and respect research from Kolb, Blais and others how are we suppose > > to believe our Drs. either. I mean I believe in the the research > and > > proof that these implants and capsules are poision, we have the > list > > of chemicals, why do other Dr.s not even look at the eveidence? It > > boggles the mind, I am not going to go to Dr.s any more after ths > > capsule is removed, I know what I need to do and if there is new > info > > I can get it here.> > Love to all who are suffering, welcome to the group if you are new, > >

Hang in there,> > Terri P> > Hawaii> > > > > > > Anybody remeber this article by Margurite Barnett,> > > I cant find it I had a copy but must have misplaced it, all of > her > > > stuff has been

pulled from the Internet it looks like.It was what > > to > > > expect when you are going through explantation> > > Terri P> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > > Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. > > Great rates starting at 1¢/min.> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone > call rates.> >> > > > > > > ---------------------------------> Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it


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