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Re: PAIN...

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Thanks Rogene...I never thought of that. Where do you live ? When did you have your implants removed ? And were they saline ? It's so hard remembering everyones dates.surgeons etc...

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Wow ....good for you ! And THANKS from us all. You are so knowledgeable and so quick at helping us...thank you . So did your PS do yours En Bloc ? Or do you still have the capsule in ? This has been a real nightmare...sometimes I feel as though I'm dieing and I get so scared. And I'm tough...and have a high pain tolerance I've been told but this has to be the worst thing I've ever been thru.

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, When you have bad days mixed with good days, it's important to keep a journal . . . Write down everything you do and eat - and how you feel . . . exercise? supplements? sleep? stress? sugar? foods? . . . You should see a pattern devoloping that will help you avoid the bad days. Rogene

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. . . I'm one of the old-timers . . . I'm retired and living in Arkansas . . . I had silicone gel implants for 16 years which I began reacting to within months . . .I had them removed 12 years ago. Generally speaking, I feel well now. However, I still must be mindful to keep everything in balance. Should I abuse myself in any single area, I can still crash. I don't recommend my doctor because, the last I saw, he was still actively promoting breast implants, and he still routinely didn't do either en bloc or capsulectomies. I believe God was holding his hand, because I certainly didn't have a clue about what to ask for. I've been involved in support activities from the time I found out about the implant/illness connection. My particular interest is in protecting the unborn children. The health issues some of the kids are experiencing are horrific! . . . And yet,

women are being told that it's safe to bear children and nurse with implants. WRONG! Hugs, Rogene

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> It seems so weird some days are ok for me not what you say good but

> ok...then other days are awful...where I can't stand the pain....were

any of you like

> this ? Wondor what causes it ? Also vicodin doesn't really help with


> pain.....is that weird ? or is this not the type of pain a pain med

would help

> with ? My explant can't come soon enough.



I think most of us,

Terri P

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I was taking oxycodone before my explant.

Today, I take no pain medication. My plaquenil is reduced from 800 mg to 200 mg

a day.

> >

> > It seems so weird some days are ok for me not what you say good but

> > ok...then other days are awful...where I can't stand the pain....were

> any of you like

> > this ? Wondor what causes it ? Also vicodin doesn't really help with

> the

> > pain.....is that weird ? or is this not the type of pain a pain med

> would help

> > with ? My explant can't come soon enough.

> >

> Definately,

> I think most of us,

> Terri P


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what have you tried so far for the pain.... vicodin doesn't help? I have tried several different things in the past through pain management.

not everyone agrees with that but there were times when I didn't think I was going to live much less get out of bed to care for my son....

when is your explant scheduled? sorry - I can't keep all the dates straight here....


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, I believe my doctor did a capsulectomy - not en bloc . . . I remember his parting words "I cleaned out as much as I could" . . . He did remove both capsules . . . He gave me photographs of them . . . I questioned if everything was removed later on . . so I called his office and asked if he customarily removed capsules. They said "NO" . .. so I told them I had some abnormality show up on a mammogram and wanted to know if that might be part of the capsule . .. From what I read, I thought it was all out, but I wanted to be sure I understood correctly . . . She said she would look at my record and see what it said . . . She came back telling me that he had removed all the capsule. Both implants were intact, but one was yellowed badly . . . the other looked like new. Before finding about the implant connection, I remember telling someone I felt that I was dying

... but I didn't know why. I felt as though I was sliding down a mountain side. I was holding on by my fingernails . . .I didn't know why I was falling, how far I had to fall, or how long it would take . .. but I knew that, when I reached the bottom, I would be dead. That feeling left when my implants were removed. . .. You'll know what I'm talking about soon! RogeneGMCLADY98@... wrote: Wow ....good

for you ! And THANKS from us all. You are so knowledgeable and so quick at helping us...thank you . So did your PS do yours En Bloc ? Or do you still have the capsule in ? This has been a real nightmare...sometimes I feel as though I'm dieing and I get so scared. And I'm tough...and have a high pain tolerance I've been told but this has to be the worst thing I've ever been thru.

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What an appropriate description, Rogene! I felt like I was sliding too.

Although, when I

started getting really sick, it was more like nosediving. I had mine for 20

years by the

time they were removed. And, I think they were ruptured for about 5.

I don't know if a surgeon can always do an en bloc. I suspect it would depend

on whether

the capsules themselves are torn/ruptured or extremely thin and tear...

I just am glad my surgeon did a capsulectomy...

Oh and another point I might mention. I learned this after the fact -- a

capsulectomy is

not the same as a capsulotomy. A capsulotomy is NOT removal of the capsules,

but only a

cutting into the capsules. A capsulectomy is removing the capsules.

> Wow ....good for you ! And THANKS from us all. You are so

knowledgeable and

so quick at helping us...thank you . So did your PS do yours En Bloc ? Or do you

still have

the capsule in ? This has been a real nightmare...sometimes I feel as though I'm

dieing and

I get so scared. And I'm tough...and have a high pain tolerance I've been told

but this has

to be the worst thing I've ever been thru.


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Oxycodone is not recommended at all unless absolutely necessary. It is one

of the most highly addictive pain killers on the market. I've seen scary

shows on TV about it. Scary, scary stuff.


> Did the oxycodoyne help with the pain ?

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That is why I stopped taking it. It scared the h** out of me. And a 'holistic'

doctor had

prescribed it. He also prescripted Xyrem, which is GHB, because I was not


I stopped it, too.

I just thank God I had the sense to stop all this. I don't know that I

necessarily blame the

doctor, because I was in pretty bad shape. But I think the 'cure' was worse

than the


After that, I stuck with vicodan, and anti-inflammatories, but those didn't

really stop the

pain, either. At that point, I was up to 800 mg of plaquenil and still having


Now, I take no pain pills at all. I only rarely take anti-inflammatories.

It does concern me that pain medication like this is prescribed so easily. And

Xyrem has

now been touted for fibromyalgia! It is a HORRIBLE drug.


> Oxycodone is not recommended at all unless absolutely necessary. It is one

> of the most highly addictive pain killers on the market. I've seen scary

> shows on TV about it. Scary, scary stuff.


> Kenda



> > Did the oxycodoyne help with the pain ?


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I was prescribed it as well, for back pain. I didn't like the way it made

me feel so didn't continue -- this was before my natural medicine days. The

doctor that prescribed it for me is now awaiting trial for prescribing drugs

to addicts!! I saw different programs about Oxycontin on TV and immediately

flushed it down the toilet so no one would ever find it and steal it to

sell. I don't take pain killers at all anymore. Pain is an indication that

something isn't right in your body. I was trying to ignore the back pain,

rather than deal with it. After years in the gym, it's now a thing of the



> Kenda,

> That is why I stopped taking it. It scared the h** out of me. And a

> 'holistic' doctor had

> prescribed it. He also prescripted Xyrem, which is GHB, because I was not

> sleeping.

> I stopped it, too.

> I just thank God I had the sense to stop all this. I don't know that I

> necessarily blame the

> doctor, because I was in pretty bad shape. But I think the 'cure' was worse

> than the

> problems.

> After that, I stuck with vicodan, and anti-inflammatories, but those didn't

> really stop the

> pain, either. At that point, I was up to 800 mg of plaquenil and still having

> problems.


> Now, I take no pain pills at all. I only rarely take anti-inflammatories.

> It does concern me that pain medication like this is prescribed so easily.

> And Xyrem has

> now been touted for fibromyalgia! It is a HORRIBLE drug.




>> Oxycodone is not recommended at all unless absolutely necessary. It is one

>> of the most highly addictive pain killers on the market. I've seen scary

>> shows on TV about it. Scary, scary stuff.


>> Kenda



>>> Did the oxycodoyne help with the pain ?







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I take vicodin if the pain gets bad but I don't like too nor do I think its helps alot...my muscle relaxers help more...hopefully when these things are out I won't need either.

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, This good day, bad day roller coaster ride is very, very typical with autoimmune diseases, and our kind of illness. It was like that for me for years. Same, same. It's the implants....you may not positively test for any autoimmune diseases right away, but that doesn't mean that the autoimmune response is not occurring. It takes years sometimes for a positive diagnosis of a specific autoimmune disease, and doctors can't always tell you right away what you are dealing with in a normal situation...as you've already guessed, with implants we are anything but normal. They can't find anything wrong with us usually because implant illness is an undefined condition in the medical community. But that doesn't change the fact that we are sick.... Autoimmune disease conditions can go into remission and you can live a totally wonderful normal life again if you can get there....it's

best attained following a natural lifestyle, using alternative medicine and not relying on prescription drugs. We've seen that enough to know it's the best way to go. The key to getting your health back is detox, detox, detox...getting that stuff to move on out of you, and not putting junk back in. Best wishes for healing! PattyGMCLADY98@... wrote: It seems so weird some days are ok for me not what you

say good but ok...then other days are awful...where I can't stand the pain....were any of you like this ? Wondor what causes it ? Also vicodin doesn't really help with the pain.....is that weird ? or is this not the type of pain a pain med would help with ? My explant can't come soon enough. __________________________________________________

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Hi , Sure, we can help you as much as we can with suggestions, weblinks, book titles, supplements, therapies to use at home....there is alot that you can do to help yourself, and your best chance at getting better is going to happen if you take control of your life and health and do things that you are comfortable with. We can help point the way, but you have to make the choices and put forth the effort. It's not too hard , and I know you can do it! You are going to be under Dr. Kolb's care as well, right? She is going to be able to point you in the right direction too. In the meantime, do your research and get some ideas of things you want to begin doing. It will be a lifelong learning session, and you will be thankful for the education you will get, believe me! What are your biggest concerns with detoxing? PattyGMCLADY98@... wrote: Patty after I get these things out...can you girls help me with the detox ?

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> Patty after I get these things out...can you girls help

me with the detox ?






> ---------------------------------

> All-new - Fire up a more powerful email and get things

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TErri, You are not alone there! I used to be able to eat anything I wanted, whenever I wanted and I never gained weight. Not so now! I know Molly had a thing going on with Ben & Jerry too! LOL I have also found that at my age, 46 (soon to be 47!) I kinda decided that I like the idea of eating. I used to not care about food so much, but after doing all the fasting I did, I decided I really do like to eat! Ha ha It takes alot of willpower to be good with diet. Sometimes I have it, sometimes I don't. It's hard. When I am trying to be good, I just tell myself that the food will be there later, and that morsel I am desiring is not the last piece on the planet. It will be available another day. That seems to help. I also get into reading books rather than watching TV (which I don't have time for

anyway!), but reading keeps your hands occupied. In the next 2 weeks, my family will be celebrating 5 birthdays and 3 wedding anniversaries, including a Golden 50th! There will be cakes, ice cream, pie and buffets at the Aladdin, Paris and Flamingo. Am I going to be a good girl? No Way! This is the time of year we celebrate! But after our celebrations, I am going 100% gluten free and hopefully, sugar free. Terri, it's a hard road to travel, but losing the weight and feeling good is worth it! Just keep thinking about the end results! Hugs, Patty Peake <peaketeresa@...> wrote: > Patty Hey there,Hardest part for me is not being able to eat what I want when I want.I have used food for comfort probably my whole life, but I didn't hae a weight issue till now at age 44 which could be for several reasons,I cant seem to stop snacking late at night when family is in bed, I get to watch crime stories and have ice cream , That is the hardest for me no sugar.Terri PHawaii i .

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Patty, Thankfully your Celiac is not as severe as it could be . . . A friend can't tolerate the least gluten . . . She doesn't let that stop her from celebrations, traveling, etc. She plans ahead so she will be able to eat whatever they have that's safe (calling ahead, talking to cooks, etc.) then bringing foods with her to eat with everyone else. . . . The logistics of traveling is tough . . . She travels with a refrigerated case and a small microwave . . . plus a small grocery store! . . . As you body becomes adjusted to being Celiac free, it will become more difficult to tolerate Gluten, rather than easier . .. So please be careful! Love, Rogene

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, Changing over to a healthy diet isn't about thinking about which foods you CAN'T have, it about finding foods that are healthy you really enjoy . . . It takes time and patience - but it can be done! You can still snack and eat healthy. My hubby really doesn't care for veggies . . . Instead of presenting them in the same old way - where he thinks "veggie" - I've been finding new recipes that use veggies, but present them differently. . . Because he's German, and has a thing for German foods, I've been trying German recipes . .. He's so funny . . . when I prepare them the "German" way, he doesn't even notice the veggies! Rogene

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Thanks Rogene, I am actually looking forward to seeing what my body will feel like totally gluten free when I've given it a few months. I have just been cheating too much. I think it will be amazing! I am thankful my celiac is not as bad as others also. I have both the gene for celiac disease and gluten intolerance, but my reactions at this point are very, very mild. I never would have known if I had not gotten tested. I just want to live out a long healthy life, and going gluten free will be vital for that. Eventually, by continuing to eat gluten, I would just be damaging my insides. Maybe having a severe reaction is better--it absolutely forces you to comply! I'm working on it.... Love, PattyRogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: Patty, Thankfully your Celiac is not as severe as it could be . . . A friend can't tolerate the least gluten . . . She doesn't let that stop her from celebrations, traveling, etc. She plans ahead so she will be able to eat whatever they have that's safe (calling ahead, talking to cooks, etc.) then bringing foods with her to eat with everyone else. . . . The logistics of traveling is tough . . . She travels with a refrigerated case and a small microwave . . . plus a small grocery store! . . . As you body becomes

adjusted to being Celiac free, it will become more difficult to tolerate Gluten, rather than easier . .. So please be careful! Love, Rogene

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