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Re: Hormonal acne and Iodine -- Patty

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Hi Patty,

A lot of my supplements are made by Vital Nutrients. It is a company that

Dr. Leu really seems to like. I take two Licorice root Extract 400 mg

capsules twice per day and Saw Palmetto Pygeum and Nettle Root, two capsules

twice per day for the hormonal acne. My dermatologist put me on antibiotics

a year ago for it because it was so severe. I was desperate, I had 8

lesions on my face and it was getting worse by the day. Normally, I have

very clear skin and absolutely no acne at all. The antibiotics didn't help

so my dermatologist changed to a different one. Still no change. I

remembered Dr. Leu saying in passing that too much testosterone causes acne.

DUH! I had a hormone panel weeks prior that showed my testosterone was

high. Within 24 hours on the above supplements, the acne started clearing

and it doesn't come back if I stay on it. I decided to go off it a couple

of months ago to see if the acne would come back. Sure enough, it did.

I learned something new today too. Dr. Leu prescribed a new supplement for

me today because I still have cold hands and feet and my energy has been

low. I take one grain of Westhroid a day already. This supplement is made

by WTS Med and is called Thyroid Px. It's main ingredient is IODINE!!

Amazing how we have been talking about it here lately. The iodine is from

kelp and the supplement also includes selenium, zinc, gugul, blue flag root,

fucus herb and one more thing in print too small for my eyes to read. :)

Research has shown this product to work miracles for those of us who

struggle with thyroid symptoms. I did ask about acne and iodine and acne

indicates that too much iodine is being taken and the dosage should be cut


We also discussed fibro today. He said that fibro symptoms mean that either

the building blocks to energy are being broken or that a virus, yeast or

bacterial infection is present. If it is the building blocks that are

broken, different supplements can be given to correct the problem.

Anti-viral or antibiotic supplements can be given if it is due to infection

and of course, if it is fungal, steps need to be taken to eradicate the


I love having appointments with him, I learn so much every time! Oooh, one

more thing. Hair loss can be caused from a hormonal imbalance or too low or

too high of thyroid. Other things can cause hair loss as well, but these

are very common causes.


> Kenda,

> You're always a wealth of info on the herbs and supplements! I'll have to

> keep that in mind as my hormones swing about. I've used saw palmetto before

> and didn't know what it was doing for me. Licorice too, but the tea tastes

> terrible to me, blah.


> I have Lugol's solution but as with all my other supplements, I give them a

> shot for a time and then get worried that I may be getting too much. This can

> happen with so many supplements...not so much the water soluble ones, but

> minerals. Like selenium....I read that selenium is definitely needed by those

> with thyroid issues, so I made sure I picked some up, and then a short time

> later, read that you can get too much and cause other problems, and it takes a

> long time to clear out the excess. The best dose is 50 mcg, but I went and

> got a 200 mcg pill that I was taking daily, so I just stopped taking selenium.


> It gets dizzying with the supplements....if there is anything that has been

> frustrating to me, it is spending money on all these supplements and not

> knowing which ones I need to keep! The only ones I figured out for sure was

> the Primal Defense and Omega-zymes!

> Patty


> Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote:

> What is it about iodine that causes acne? I get acne because I have

> high

> testosterone. If I take saw palmetto and licorice, it disappears very

> quickly. I ran out over the weekend and the acne came right back. The

> supplements convert the bad testosterone into a better form, that doesn't

> cause hair growth on the face, hair loss on the head and acne.


> I'll have to try iodine painting. I take Westhroid but in a tiny dose. I

> eat kelp from time to time and do take selenium, yet my thyroid is still

> low.


> Kenda


>> Mine was totally gone-I couldn't see where the iodine had been at all. I just

>> kept putting it on till it stayed. And OMG, could I tell a difference in my

>> cognitive thinking and my energy levels! It was unreal! I kept carrying a

>> bottle of the stuff around with me, painting myself in the bathroom. lol But

>> like I said, it breaks your face out horribly if you are oily skinned and

>> prone to acne like I am! So now, I only use it if my thyroid is really off

>> balance, because I cannot stand acne on my face! I wish I could find

>> something else that works as good. I heard watercress is something else very

>> good for your thyroid, but I haven't tried it yet. Selenium is excellant

>> too-you can get all your required selenium by eating two organic brazil nuts

>> a

>> day! Also, L-Tyrosine is very good for both thyroid and depression, so that's

>> something else I never let myself run out of. But for thyroid, the very best

>> thing is iodine. Do a google on iodine painting and see what you come

>> up with! :)


>> Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote: If you do the iodine

>> circle and the iodine is eaten up, can you still see

>> discoloration from the iodine or is it totally gone? This is really

>> interesting! You mentioned kelp in another of your posts. For those who

>> don't know, kelp is an excellent supplement. It contains high levels of

>> minerals. It can be used instead of salt, sprinkled on food.


>> Kenda


>>> Patty,

>>> Get a small bottle of iodine-the kind that you paint on your cuts? Paint an

>>> amount about the size of a quarter on your stomach.


>>> If your thyroid is underactive, your skin will " eat up " the iodine, and it

>>> will disapear into your skin.


>>> If your thyroid is normal, the iodine will be on there until you either

>>> wash it of or it wears off, days later.


>>> I read about this test years ago and both my husband and I tested it out.


>>> My iodine circle was gone in less than one hour, and my husband's was still

>>> on his stomach 2 days later!


>>> If your circle goes into your skin in less than 24 hours, keep painting the

>>> iodine on until it stays on 24 hours.


>>> Usually this takes only a day or two. Works great, and I would do it all

>>> the time, instead of taking thyroid meds...BUT, if you are prone to acne

>>> like

>>> I am, it does break your face out!


>>> Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote:

>>> Thanks Rogene! I typed in Cytomel just to see what was being said

>>> about this drug, (I was on this for Hashimoto's for awhile, but have not

>>> been

>>> to the doctor for quite some time), and now I wish I was still taking it!

>>> Lots of good things said about it, and I remember how I was feeling then! I

>>> still need to lose some weight, so maybe my thyroid is just needing that

>>> little extra push...

>>> Great site.

>>> Patty


>>> Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote:

>>> http://www.askapatient.com/


>>> Type in the medication you want to know about . . .


>>> Patients rate meds from 1 - 5 . . . with 5 meaning that patients were happy

>>> with the medication, 1 meaning they thought it was terrible . ..


>>> Very interesting page. . .


>>> Rogene







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