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Hi Sandy!

Jacquie's PT was cut down to once a week from 2x a week. And right

now her PT is booked for the next two weeks & then we were SUPPOSED

to go to AZ on vacation, but it looks like we'll be stuck here

awhile. My grandmother's having more problems & my mom may be flying

out here to help her move & it would really stink to fly out there &

have her have to fly out here! LOL So I don't know when we'll be

able to get her back in! Her asymm is SLOOOWLY getting better. I'm

really impatient for it. The jaw's still flat as could be. That

seems to be the final frontier.

The birthday went well. I stayed up until 3am (My girls get up at

7am.) cleaning & preparing. ALONE. (But that's another story. LOL)

The house was spotless. The guests chose to hang out in the garage-

which was NOT spotless. LOL I guess because it was raining & that's

where my husband was grilling. So I drug in the picnic table & set

up a card table. LOL Figures, huh? At least they all came in for

the presents part. We didn't do cake (I don't want to have the girls

exposed to sugar until I have no control over it. There's too many

sugar problems in my family- not to mention weight problems!), but we

had watermelon. I got them one of those small, " personal "

watermelons & cut it in half, then scooped it out, filled it with

diced watermelon, cantelope & blueberries & topped it off with a

bunch of whipped topping (My only concession.). Of course, everyone

had fed them so well (Hotdogs, brats, hamburgers, baked beans,

cloeslaw & potato salad!) that they didn't want to eat it! LOL So we

skipped ahead to presents.

The presents that I had wrapped (26 of them!) for them, because they

were so excited about ripping the Christmas presents open, had to be

opened by helpers because they weren't interested! LOL Had I known,

I would have thrown it all in a big gift bag (or 5 or 6. LOL)!

If you're looking for recommendations, I would recommend that you GET

HELP. LOL Especially someone willing to come an hour before the

party. When my guests started arriving in the rain, I had to have

them come in the front door because the kitchen floor was still

drying from me FINALLY getting to mopping it! There was still about

1/2 sink full of dishes, & I needed people to cut the fruit up for me

for later. Luckily, I had great people who walked in, asking to be

put to work! LOL It was stressful, embarrassing, & generally a pain

in the butt- until all " duties " were taken care of & then I trusted

people to keep an eye on my girls while I went & socialized, checking

in on them from time to time. LOL The party's really for Mom. Maybe

Dad, too. But definitely for Mom. I had someone taking pictures &

the same someone doing videotape, which wasn't ideal. But I'll have

something to commemorate the occasion, anyway.

By the time of the party, I was maxed out & decided to relax. Before

that, I was a wreck. LOL I strongly suggest getting help. LOL Did I

mention that before? Just someone even for the hour before the

party... LOL Just my suggestion. And I DON'T mean your husband,

even if he WILL help- get at least one other person. LOL That way,

if he's busy with Willow or you are, you can bark orders for your

faithful friend. LOL

Good luck & let me know how it goes!

> > Hi Sandy-

> >

> > I haven't been able to send messages for 3 days now. I have

> delivery

> > to my e-mail account (Outlook Express is what I use.) & everytime

> I

> > try to send an e-mail it says:

> >

> > The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was

> > rejected by the server. The rejected e-mail address

> > was 'OlderPlag '. Subject 'Re: [OlderPlag] more

> > websites on Cranial Therapy', Account: 'mail', Server: 'mail',

> > Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '473 OlderPlag

> > relaying prohibited. You should authenticate first', Port: 25,

> Secure

> > (SSL): No, Server Error: 473, Error Number: 0x800CCC79

> >

> > Any advice??? I can read all the e-mails, but not respond.

> Should I

> > quit the group then re-register? I followed you over to this

> group.

> > LOL Just joking.

> >

> >

> > mom to twins Jacquie (tort & asymm) & Jessie- 1 yr

> > Michigan

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  • 7 months later...

Hi Amber,

Sorry for butting in. Car seats and swings are not good for plagio babies. I know that makes life very difficult. Do you have a front carrier? Does she like it? or is it not possible because of her g tube? I personally would keep the evaluation appointment at CT in Charlotte. I really respect them. They can offer you good advice on repo and tort therapy.

Did someone already mention the Bumbo seat? It's a great little "chair" for babies. As long as she has good head control she should be able to sit in it for 15 or so minutes at a time. She's still young so she might not be able to sit in it long. Also, you may want to get some memory foam (Christie and Becky - where?) to put in her car seat and swing. You shouldn't use the foam when actually in the car but in the house is ok. The foam makes the surface much softer and less likely to cause further flatenning. Hopefully I'm not reiterating what others have said.

mom to na

DOC Grad 2/04

Tort Resolved

South Carolina


amberlongall@... wrote:


Thanks for your kind words. Should we postpone the appointment in Charlotte and try the repositining for now? Another question, for now Joy is in a car seat most of the day because she does not like to lie flat-prefers to have her upperbody elevated. My sister puts her in the car seat so she can have her in the same room with her while she goes about her daily routine. We also bought a little swing that we have not used yet (because it was used when we opened the box). We plan to return the swing but should we get something else when we return it? Please don't hesitate to say whatever you feel we are doing wrong, we just try so hard to keep her comfortable as she has been through so much. I know the repositioning is going to make her very cranky as she is peculiar about how she likes to be positioned but we will do what we need to do. Also, I was wondering-- what is a Cranio

Germany Grad?

Has anyone had any experience with other problems with these children when they get older. I am just wondering-- if this is happening to their heads (in tort instances) what other bones might be influenced as well.


Amber All For more plagio info

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  • 1 year later...
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Hi Sandy, Welcome to our healing and embracing support group. We know that you are suffering, and that you need help. I wish the doctors in our country would say this to you instead of telling you the things that they did. But you are not alone....many, many of us have been told that our illness is in our heads and we are worried and anxious for nothing. But the doctors are wrong! We are truly sick. And we need to take steps to get better, one of which is the avoidance of becoming dependent upon toxic prescription drugs. I am glad you recognize that the implants may be doing this to you. It is an important step. Whether or not your are the only one in your city to experience breast implant rejection I cannot say, but there is a certainty that women do reject breast implants in numbers high enough that we can count them in the thousands

and hundred of thousands across the land, probably millions around the world. Sometimes it seems like we are the only ones, doesn't it? But you are not. We don't know of any doctors in Pennsylvania, unfortunately. At least, there are none on our list. Perhaps there are some doctors there that will be understanding, but you will have to find them out. It will take time to interview or consult with them, and you must be proactive in asking the right questions to assure you that this doctor you choose will do the explant correctly. This is of utmost importance! We cannot stress the need for a total capulectomy enough. You must make sure that the implant AND the scar tissue is removed completely, totally, and thoroughly. This will give you the very best chance at getting your health back. You can find more information about the explant procedure in our files section and

links section. Look for the folders on explant. The symptoms you've described are all ones that we have heard about and discussed on our group. I also want to mention that I just got over a bout of pain in my right knee that is about 90% gone. It arose after I had 2 root canals done, and when they were removed, the pain slowly went away. My belief is that when we have areas in our body that are prone to infection or can harbor germs that are carried through our bodies, that these germs or pathogens find a weak spot in the body to do damage....for each person that is different...but if you remove the source of infection and cleanse the body, those areas will heal. Scar tissue in implants can harbor pathogens, and these can be carried through the body. Nerves are also affected, as we've seen lots of women concerned with numbness and tingling anywhere on the body, from the head and neck

for some women, to the extremeties for others, and everywhere in between. Some women have an MS-like illness, in which the myelin sheaths covering nerves has been damaged. Healing can happen...I had the numbness and tingling in my extremeties and I am happy to report that it is entirely gone now. My implants have been removed for more than 8 years. Raw garlic can be more potent than some antibiotics, so I can suggest that if you want to go a natural route and try to reduce some of your pathogenic load, you can consume raw garlic, up to 12 raw cloves a day is considered a therapeutic dose. It is easiest eaten with cooked chicken breast. Oh, and you will smell! Some women experience discomfort (upset stomach) taking garlic, so go slow as you build up to a larger dose. I take about 6 cloves at a time. You may experience a herx effect. Drink lots of water to flush out the bad stuff. I know how hard it is to be a single mom. I was one for 10 years. I cannot imagine going through this as the sole parent to my children. Do you have parents close by? Sisters or brothers, or any other close family or friends? Is your child's father helpful at all? I just don't want you to be alone, dear one, as you are going to need to rely on others as you go through explant and the healing process. It takes time and perseverance to get through this. The surgery itself to remove implants is pretty much a breeze, but it is the healing process that takes the longest. Patience is going to be a virture for you here, and faith and hope are going to be your best friends (besides us!) Trust in the hope that you can get better. God is hearing your call for help. We will do what we can to assist you along the way. We've seen many, many women get their life

back once they get on the road to healing through explant and detoxification. It's a beautiful thing. God bless you Sandy! Patty <dusty.com@...> wrote: My name is Sandy and glad I am not alone My implants were in for two years... Are there any physicians in Bucks County,Pennsylvania like Dr.Kolb? Could I be the only one with breast implant rejection in my city? I feel

the doctors and my plastic surgeon treat me like I am a hypochondriac I know this is not in my head as the doctors ordered me to take zanax... I never did though ! Their conclusion to my symptoms is that I am anxious and worried over nothing. I had a crawly feeling in my knees when the implants were implanted I still cannot bend my legs at full range because of the agony in my knees. ISoon after implantation my buttocks went completely numb. I am wondering if something during implantation may have effected a nerve in my body. My skin is also wrinkled on my legs and in some areas my skin is actually sunk in. I also have a coughing spells and cannot breath through my nose. I still look like

I am pregnant. I understand about detoxing our bodies. Presently I am taking magnesium, vitamin b 12 and eating fresh vegetables and fruits. and have ordered primal defense thanks to a woman named Lee that I met from your group. I am a single mom and to weak and sick to travel to another state. Is there anything else like antibiotics that may have helped other woman whose bodies rejected saline implants ?? I felt so all alone until I stumbled onto this site. Through detoxing my body I am hoping that I will be able to bend my legs again. I welcome all your suggestions and symptoms as my list is very long, God Bless, Sandy dusty.com@...

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Sandy ... I am so happy you made it here.

God bless you on this journey ...



(just updated)

> My name is Sandy and glad I am not alone


> My implants were in for two years...

> Are there any physicians in Bucks County,Pennsylvania like


> Could I be the only one with breast implant rejection in my city?


> I feel the doctors and my plastic surgeon treat me like I am a


> I know this is not in my head as the doctors ordered me to take

zanax... I never did though !

> Their conclusion to my symptoms is that I am anxious and worried

over nothing.


> I had a crawly feeling in my knees when the implants were


> I still cannot bend my legs at full range because of the agony

in my knees.


> ISoon after implantation my buttocks went completely numb.

> I am wondering if something during implantation may have

effected a nerve in my body.

> My skin is also wrinkled on my legs and in some areas my skin is

actually sunk in.


> I also have a coughing spells and cannot breath through my nose.

> I still look like I am pregnant.


> I understand about detoxing our bodies.

> Presently I am taking magnesium, vitamin b 12 and eating fresh

vegetables and fruits.

> and have ordered primal defense thanks to a woman named Lee that

I met from your group.


> I am a single mom and to weak and sick to travel to another


> Is there anything else like antibiotics that may have helped

other woman whose bodies rejected saline implants ??


> I felt so all alone until I stumbled onto this site.

> Through detoxing my body I am hoping that I will be able to

bend my legs again.


> I welcome all your suggestions and symptoms as my list is very


> God Bless,

> Sandy

> dusty.com@...










> ---------------------------------

> Sneak preview the all-new .com. It's not radically

different. Just radically better.


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I know that if I don't follow that diet to the exact my symptoms return. I thought my body rejected implants but this is not the case always. I had saline implants for a little over a year. I was feeling symptoms 3 weeks post-op, my PS wouldn't help me out at all. I was pretty much told your crazy here is a xanax. I was so sick I found the support sites and these ladies had all the symptoms I had. I had to believe them over my PS and doctors telling me that saline implants are so "safe". I wanted my health back and called Dr. Kolb and set up an emergency surgery to get them out 3 weeks later. When she removed my implants en-bloc procedure, she found my right one was leaking and had stuff floating in it, a continuous flow of bacteria in my body. This is not rejection, this is a defective product or leaking of the implant. I called the manufacture and talked about rejection and they will tell you this is rare and hardly ever happens. I want to say that maybe they are correct on that issue. I think most of the time, which they will never even give you a clue that this stuff happens, our implants are leaking and bio-toxins are building up in our bodies making us sick. If you are sick from your implants and the PS removed them with out removing the surrounding capsule, or he just did it in his office by puncturing the implant and letting all the toxins in your body. I have heard of other women who did that and did not get well after explant. I really don't know if you will get well without removal of the capsule. I now I talked to Dr. Kolb about that and she said, she had to redo a lot of women who went back to there PS for removal, she goes in removes the capsule and sometimes silicone that was just left behind in there chest. Then the patients seem to get better with detox. You could for sure e-mail her and she will answer your e-mail regarding that matter. I would try to research it and see what Dr. Kolb has to say because I did ask her about that and it seemed the smarter way for me to go by letting her remove them proper way the first time instead of maybe taking the risk to need another surgery in the future. I pray that you find the answers for you to get better and heal. I will pray for you that God will lead you to your answers for proper health and healing. Good Luck and Welcome to the support site.


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Fungal Meds, this may help me can you give me and idea of what kind. I know if I eat any sugar at all my yeast comes back. I do have bio-toxin disease from mold so I imagine that means fungal? I don't know a lot of detox still early in the ball game here. Thanks for any information this may be the answer I been looking for.



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By reading your posts and links to educate myself

I have to try and get myself better on my own

I never knew about capsules and draining until now

I used the same plastic surgeon two years later to get my implants out

I cannot make the trip to see Dr.Kolb

Does anyone ever regain thier health back to normal through detoxing and garlic

My sister-in-law....

Had implants a few years back

I e-mailed her the symptoms

I think she's angry with me now :(

Just in case her body starts to reject the implants

I dont want her to go through any false hope that it's

something other than the implants making her so ill

Wish someone would have warned me

Trust me that's all it would have taken!

Important Question

It's not easy to change drastic eating habits

Stay away from meats.dairy and sugars

Is it true that if you consume any sugars while detoxing

That you have ruined the process and have to start all over again ???

I am here because the doctors say they never heard of saline implant rejection

This is a learning process for me to hear what everyone is doing to regain their health back

I pray there is a rainbow at the end of our nightmares.

Sadly to say so many moms

Are paying for their daughters implants for a graduation gift or any occasion for that matter!!



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No, it isn't true that you have ruined progress or have to start detoxing

over if you eat any sugars. Detoxing will help you to improve your health.

Some women, those without fungal problems, can still eat some amount of

sugar and not sabotage their detoxing efforts. Just bear in mind that

processed foods and sugar are not good for you. If you have fungal

problems, it is going to be extremely important that you eliminate all

sugars, including natural sugars, for a period of time in order to starve

out the fungus. Probiotics and/or fungal meds may be necessary as well.



> Is it true that if you consume any sugars while detoxing

> That you have ruined the process and have to start all over again ???


> I am here because the doctors say they never heard of saline implant rejection

> This is a learning process for me to hear what everyone is doing to regain

> their health back

> I pray there is a rainbow at the end of our nightmares.


> Sadly to say so many moms

> Are paying for their daughters implants for a graduation gift or any occasion

> for that matter!!


> Sandy

> dusty.com@...





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Donna, There are some Fungal prescription meds . . . Diflucan, Nystatin are two . . . Neither should be taken long term because they can cause liver damage . .. There is also Garden of Life's Fungal Defense (one bottle) and Primal Defense (indefinitely) . . . along with naturally fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, Keflir. Acidopholis (refrigerated only) is also beneficial. Kenda's naturopath, Dr. Leu, works via telephone consultation (along with tests) . . . some of our women have gotten excellent results with him. Rogene

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Sandy, Eating a bit of sugar doesn't put one back to the start . . . but it does seriously delay healing . . . Once you get in tune with what's going on, you'll lose the desire to eat sweets! . . . When one has a fungal problem, the little fungal organisms are screaming "feed me, feed me, feed me" . . . This creates a huge craving for sweets. Rogene Sandy Verticelli <dusty.com@...> wrote: Patty, By reading your posts and links to educate myself I have to try and get myself better on my own I never knew about capsules and draining until now I used the same plastic surgeon two years later to get my implants out I cannot make the trip to see Dr.Kolb Does anyone ever regain thier health back to normal through detoxing and garlic My sister-in-law.... Had implants a few years back I e-mailed her the symptoms I think she's angry with me now :( Just in case her body starts to reject the implants I dont want her to go through any false hope that it's something other than the implants making her so ill Wish someone would have warned me Trust me that's all it would have taken! Important Question It's not easy to change drastic eating habits Stay away from meats.dairy and

sugars Is it true that if you consume any sugars while detoxing That you have ruined the process and have to start all over again ??? I am here because the doctors say they never heard of saline implant rejection This is a learning process for me to hear what everyone is doing to regain their health back I pray there is a rainbow at the end of our nightmares. Sadly to say so many moms Are paying for their daughters implants for a graduation gift or any occasion for that matter!! Sandy dusty.com@...

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Hi Donna,

There are a few. Diflucan is about the most common right now but there is

also Ketokonazole, Nystatin and a new one that is even more potent,

Terrazole. I have used them several times and they are extremely effective

at killing yeast throughout the entire body. Most MD's will give you just a

few days worth of any antifungal but in order for it to be truly effective,

usually a three or four week course is necessary. They are pretty tough on

the liver so be sure to do detox supplements at the same time.

I have never heard of bio-toxin disease. What exactly is it?


> Kenda,


> Fungal Meds, this may help me can you give me and idea of what kind. I know

> if I eat any sugar at all my yeast comes back. I do have bio-toxin disease

> from mold so I imagine that means fungal? I don't know a lot of detox still

> early in the ball game here. Thanks for any information this may be the

> answer I

> been looking for.


> Hugs,


> Donna

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Thank You so much for the information. I need to maybe check out that Dr. for sure. I am on Diflucan but it will soon be time for me to stop that since liver damage will happen. I notice my yeast is still there. These implants are just deadly to us and it is a shame they can't just give us a pill and poof we are well for good. I just have a hard time sticking to this diet and pills and etc. I have to get with it though for sure I can't stand to be sick so no choice for me. Thanks for the info Rogene you are so helpful.


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I got bio-toxin disease from mold in my implants. I am not sure what it is myself except you feel like you are going to die sometimes with it. My implant was leaking so with a continuous flow of toxins flushing in and out of my implants into my body making me very sick. I am still pretty new at learning detox and the whole bio-toxin disease. Dr. Kolb did my explant and I have been following her detox program. I am about a month and a half explant so really pretty early for me. I still have symptoms though and hear it takes a while to get relief from them. Thanks for the information on fungal issues.


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Thank You I will e-mail Dr. Kolb with that question and see if she will get me some of that. I agree that I should find relief soon or I may just go nuts with the whole mess. Thanks again so much you ladies are just terrific.



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I have a prescription for Nystatin, haven't started taking it yet

because I'm slowly adding new things to my list of supplements. I

have been taking Culturelle (probiotic) for a little more than a

month, and I just added MethylCobalamin B-12. Since I started the M-

B12 I noticed I'm feeling worse - so I'm not sure if I should ride

it out because maybe I'm herxing, or what. How long does a herx

usually last? I've felt poorly for about 5 days.



> Donna,


> There are some Fungal prescription meds . . . Diflucan, Nystatin

are two . . . Neither should be taken long term because they can

cause liver damage . ..


> There is also Garden of Life's Fungal Defense (one bottle) and

Primal Defense (indefinitely) . . . along with naturally fermented

foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, Keflir.


> Acidopholis (refrigerated only) is also beneficial.


> Kenda's naturopath, Dr. Leu, works via telephone consultation

(along with tests) . . . some of our women have gotten excellent

results with him.


> Rogene


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Diflucan is not effective for all people. If you still have yeast, you

probably need to switch over to one of the other medications. Ketoconazole

would probably work if Diflucan hasn't.


> Rogene,


> Thank You so much for the information. I need to maybe check out that Dr.

> for sure. I am on Diflucan but it will soon be time for me to stop that since

> liver damage will happen. I notice my yeast is still there. These implants

> are just deadly to us and it is a shame they can't just give us a pill and

> poof

> we are well for good. I just have a hard time sticking to this diet and pills

> and etc. I have to get with it though for sure I can't stand to be sick so

> no choice for me. Thanks for the info Rogene you are so helpful.


> Donna

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Donna, Please read "The Yeast Connection" . . . Just taking an antifungal isn't enough. You must manage your diet so the yeast organisms are starved . ..This means NO sugar - even natural sugars for the time being. . . Once the negative organisms are under control, it's time to restore beneficial bacteria with probiotics. . . Primal Defense, acidopholis, naturally fermented foods. Garden of Life now has an "Ultra" Primal Defense that should be excellent. It takes time . . . but every time you eat something that feeds yeast, you delay the healing process. Hugs, Rogene .

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HI Sandy, I am glad you are educating yourself and getting motivated to get better on your own! It has worked for alot of women. Yes, we can get better through detoxification of various kinds, and with using garlic. I have done it, and so have many other women. We don't have any magic bullets or secret therapies or even a specific protocol....just the common sense approach that says when you have veered off the main path of wellness, you go back to the last place that you knew you were well and start over. That means getting rid of implants, and trying to get your body cleansed so you can rebuild. In answer to your question about the sugar, I have to admit that I never stayed away from it as completey as I should have. I tried! But I did eat it once in awhile. I don't think you will completely ruin a good effort. Life shouldn't be that

stark. You have to be a little flexible because let's face it, nobody is perfect! We are going to fail at times. That' s just life. Having said that, it is a good idea to be completely committed to your goal and work toward it diligently. If you fall, just pick yourself back up again, wipe off your knees and get back on. Sandy, I got my rainbow. God has been more merciful with me than I dared to imagine. You will get your rainbow too. God is faithful to His children. Trust Him. Patty Sandy Verticelli <dusty.com@...> wrote: Patty, By reading your posts and links to educate myself I have to try and get myself better on my own I never knew about capsules and draining until now I used the same plastic surgeon two years later to get my implants out I cannot make the trip to see Dr.Kolb Does anyone ever regain thier health back to normal through detoxing and garlic My sister-in-law.... Had implants a few years back I e-mailed her the symptoms I think she's angry with me now :( Just in case her body starts to reject the implants I dont want her to go through any false hope that it's something other than the implants making her so ill Wish someone would have warned me Trust me that's all it would have taken! Important Question It's not easy to change drastic eating habits Stay away from meats.dairy and sugars Is it true that if you consume any sugars while detoxing That you have ruined the process and have to start all over again ??? I am here because the doctors say they never heard of saline implant rejection This is a learning process for me to hear what everyone is doing to regain their health back I pray there is a rainbow at the end of our nightmares. Sadly to say so many moms Are paying for their daughters implants for a graduation gift or any occasion for that matter!! Sandy dusty.com@... __________________________________________________

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Sis, I seemed to remember an odd feeling when I took certain supplements. I cannot remember if Methylcobalamin was one of them, but it may have been. It may be a good idea to do some more research on the methyl form of B-12, though I've heard many good things about it. But at the same time, you might want to make sure you are not getting something that you shouldn't be, as in an ingredient, or if it just isn't going to be a good supplement for you. I kind of remember brain fog with it. In any case, if you are not feeling good on it, it might be a good idea to stop it for a few weeks and see what happens when you reintroduce it. If you feel bad again on it, you may want to skip it or try another form. Pattyauntsisnj <auntsisnj@...> wrote: I have a prescription for Nystatin, haven't started taking it yet because I'm slowly adding new things to my list of supplements. I have been taking Culturelle (probiotic) for a little more than a month, and I just added MethylCobalamin B-12. Since I started the M-B12 I noticed I'm feeling worse - so I'm not sure if I should ride it out because maybe I'm herxing, or what. How long does a herx usually last? I've felt poorly for about 5 days.Sis>> Donna,> > There are some Fungal

prescription meds . . . Diflucan, Nystatin are two . . . Neither should be taken long term because they can cause liver damage . .. > > There is also Garden of Life's Fungal Defense (one bottle) and Primal Defense (indefinitely) . . . along with naturally fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, Keflir.> > Acidopholis (refrigerated only) is also beneficial. > > Kenda's naturopath, Dr. Leu, works via telephone consultation (along with tests) . . . some of our women have gotten excellent results with him.> > Rogene>

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Hi Sandy, You may have already gotten the answers to your questions, but anyway Nystatin is an antifungal that can help with yeast infections, also known as candida infections, which can be a systemic problem or a local problem. systemic ones are notoriously difficult to get rid of. Blood in the urine seems to be a frequent occurence for women with breast implants who are sick. I had it. I have no idea why it happens. One woman at the FDA hearing in Washington DC said she pee'd blood, she had so much of it in her urine. And yet, the doctors could find nothing wrong with her. Look up herxheimer effect for the answer to "herx". Platinum testing is rather rare, but it can be done through Dr. Lykissa's office in Texas. If you need more info, please let me know. I can find the links for you. You are

probably going to have to do some more intense detoxing in order to see results in your healing efforts. I know it will seem like alot of work, but this will be a good education for you on the various things you can do to make your life better in health...things you can do at home and for which you don't have to spend an arm and a leg. I am getting tired...it's waaay past my bedtime, so I will close for now and hopefully get caught up soon again. Until then, I wish you much hope for healing, Patty Sandy Verticelli <dusty.com@...> wrote: I was in agony right after being implanted I would call their office a few times a week Complaining about the agony in my chest My implants to my knowlege always stayed the same full size when implanted Maybe my implants never leaked and my body was just not excepting foreign material Being naive in believing that the implants were suppose to hurt right after surgery. About two months later ps and his secretary {wife} would tell me you just had surgery not that long ago Could my knees just be frozen as I was sort of bedridden for the three years that I was implanted I thought it was two years but the report saids the implants were in for three years I am currently

detoxing with fresh greens, veggies and fruits Magnesium 500 mg Vitamin B 12 1500 mcg What is this ? Nystatin, ? Culturelle (probiotic) ? herxing - what does this mean I am sure I have never been tested for Platinum I will call today and find

out. This one is new to me, is this done by a blood test ? What happens if it comes up positive? I recall the doctor finding some blood in my urine all tests came up negative as usual Why did I have urine in my blood ? Sorry Everyone I Am New At This I need your input, Sandy

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Donna, I am very happy that you are on the mend!! I am SO looking

forward to my surgery date. I was nervous and VERY anxious for a few

weeks, but now I have let it go and am letting GOD!! Sometimes it's

hard to do with the unknown before us, but anything else causes more

insanity, and heaven knows I've had enough of that. Lea is

encouraging me to sue the manufacturers and I know I must, because

although I am forgiving, they must be accountable for their deception

and immoral behaviour towards women and their families.

Take good care of yourself - I love your spirit!

Sunny :)


> Kenda,


> I got bio-toxin disease from mold in my implants. I am not sure

what it is

> myself except you feel like you are going to die sometimes with

it. My

> implant was leaking so with a continuous flow of toxins flushing in

and out of my

> implants into my body making me very sick. I am still pretty new

at learning

> detox and the whole bio-toxin disease. Dr. Kolb did my explant and

I have been

> following her detox program. I am about a month and a half explant

so really

> pretty early for me. I still have symptoms though and hear it

takes a while

> to get relief from them. Thanks for the information on fungal



> Donna


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Sandy, I can almost guarantee that if your implants were taken out through the armpit, your scar capsule was not removed. I can't see how they could get to it to get it all. Chances are very high that you still have that scar capsule, and that you are not healing because of it. You

would certainly know if you had drains after explant, as you would have had to empty them! Drains are used to help remove all the fluid that builds up in the pocket where the implants used to be, and are important because it's better to have that stuff out of the body rather than left in. I am not certain about the X-rays being capable of seeing a capsule....perhaps if it is calcified they could. Have you ever had a mammogram where they saw anything suspicious? If it is not calcified, then they probably won't be able to see it well on X-ray. Lynda, what's your take on that? Sandy, I am sorry you are in this position. Sometimes it happens where a doctor has told a patient what they are going to do, and yet they do not do it. What

exactly does your operative report say? It should discuss the removal process for the scar tissue in such a way that you can determine that it was clearly done. For example,here is what mine says under "Operative Details": "The knife was used to incise through the skin into the subcutaneous tissue and the Bovie is used to achieve homeostasis and continue dissection down to the breast capsule. The capsules were both followed around their entire perimeters to completely excise the capsules. Some of the capsule from each side was sent to pathology for evaluation. The implant was removed as well....." Check over your operative report and let us know what it says. We may be able to determine if your surgeon did indeed remove the capsules based on

his report. If he didn't, you will want to schedule another surgery to remove the capsules for your best chance at healing. If he did, you'll know you need to focus on a good detoxing effort. Patty Penni, I was very nieve until I found all of you I never knew anything about capsule or scar tissue being left behind. Shhheez.... My

plastic surgeon already removed my implants! My records indicate everything was removed, but who knows !!! What are drains anyway ? To my knowlege I never had drains put in. Wouldn't I know that drains were put in ? When I woke up from being explanted. Next PS visit was the removal

of stitches under my armpits Where I was implanted and explanted. I am going to call a few hospitals up and see what they say Because of my symptoms these doctors treated me, like I was a lunitic. I doubt there is a doctor in my area that has a clue how to help me. Is there an ex-ray that can be taken to see if the capsule is still inside of me ? Does

anyone know of a doctor in Bucks County Pa? I just want to know if my explant was done correctly. Gratefully Yours, Sandy

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I e-mailed Cherie for her surgeon's name, but it came back saying

the e-mail couldn't go through - I know she's been away on and off,

perhaps her e-mail bin is full. I'll continue to try her, though,

and if I see her posting here again I'll ask her for the doctor's




> Sandy . ..


> Your symptoms could very well be from the capules . . . But

there's no guarantee that you'll get better if you have them

removed. . .


> Are you doing everything you can to get healthy? . . . healthy

diet?, exercise, probiotics? sleep, stress reduction? . .. .

Sometimes the things we need to do are right at hand. . . When I

went to the neurologist who diagnosed me with FM, what he told me to

do was, for the most part, what I already knew made me feel

better .. . It was just that I never put it all together and worked

it as " my " program . .. That made all the differece.


> It wouldn' t hurt, and might help to give doing everything

possible to get better with your capsules still in . .. but if you

don't think you can get any better . .. getting them out and seeing

what happens next may be your only option.


> One thing you might try, if you haven't already is Grapefruit

seed extract . . . Powerful stuff!


> Hugs,


> Rogene


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