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Re: Re: caffeinne sensitity

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Could poor liver detox be a part of silicone sensitivity? Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote: Caffeine sensitivity comes from poor liver detoxification. The caffeinecirculates in your body rather than being eliminated.Kenda> Did anyone develop caffeinne sensitivity as a symptom?> > D> > Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote:> Thanks Patty,> > I don't know how I missed going to

Colleen's page . . . It is beautiful . .> . from the heart.> > Highly recommended reading!> > Rogene> > > > Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401 > wrote:> Colleen McKenzie put together a very, very well done pamphlet a few> years ago. She is a very talented graphic artist. I saw samples of her> pamphlet through an email file, and I was impressed. We had talked about> printing some of these up and distributing them locally. I am not sure> whatever happened...I know that Colleen has suffered so much from her implant> illness and is still not working. I think she is on disability.> > I will see if I can find those pamphlet files. If not, I'll see if Colleen> is still interested in doing them. She has a website by the way...it's called> Poisoned Beauty, and you can see how talented she

is.> > http://www.poisonedbeauty.com/> > Patty> > Sunny <wellnessnowhotmail> wrote:> Rogene, I have some ideas for a pamphlet. Give me a few weeks, when> I have some time, when I'm recovering from surgery, and I'll offer> some suggestions!> > Lots of Love & Healing Prayers,> > Sunny :)> > >> >> We're finally home after traveling to South Dakota for a family> reunion. . . Wonderful time . . . I met cousins I never knew I had,> and renewed friendships with those who I hadn't seen in many, many> years. It was especially fun because we hadn't planned to go - so we> were a

surprise to almost everyone.>> >> While traveling, I saw a number of women who had to have> implants . . . Skinny arms, with breasts too high and round for> nature. . . >> >> I've often thought that I should create a small pamplet that I> could give to these women (privately) . . . Some of them look as> though they need help NOW! . . . Does anyone have some ideas on what> one could put into such a pamplet . . . I don't want to insult> anyone - just to let them know that, if they have implants are are> having problems, they are not alone.>> >> Hugs,>> >> Rogene>> >> .>> > > > > > > ---------------------------------> How low will we go? Check out MessengerĀ¹s low PC-to-Phone call rates.> > > > > > >

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Absolutely! . . . Think of it this way . . . The liver filters the blood and removes toxins. . . When it gets overloaded, it can't get rid of toxins as fast as they come in and becomes sluggish. . . The result is that it you may experience more herxing when you detox, but , regardless, by taking it easy, you will get there. Kathie is a prime example of someone who had a very difficult time. She only recently concluded it was due to her liver unable to flush toxins readily. Rogene

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