Guest guest Posted December 17, 2006 Report Share Posted December 17, 2006 I can't open them . . But perhaps Toxic Discovery can help. Rogene Lea <devans@...> wrote: Please see if these documents will open for any of you ladies. I have a silent sister who needs this ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Fw: Emailing: studies...Good documents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`` Plaintiffs' Science Submission to National Science Pane TABLE OF CONTENTS A must read for doctor or anyone else. 1994doc.html 1994 DOCUMENT -- SILICONE IMPLANT CONTROVERSY CONTINUES 300sympt.html CLINICAL FEATURES OF LOCAL BREAST PHENOMENA IN 300 SYMPTOMATIC RECIPIENTS OF SILICONE GEL-FILLED BREAST IMPLANTS ARTHUR E. BRAWER A comparison of autoantibody production in asymptomatic and symptomatic women with silicone breast implants. J Rheumatol, 1999 Jan, 26:1, 73-7 The objective of this study was to investigate the frequency of autoantibody production in asymptomatic compared to symptomatic women with silicone implants. The development of autoantibodies may be related to implant duration. a_profile_of_symptomatic_patient.htm A PROFILE OF SYMPTOMATIC PATIENTS WITH SILICONE BREAST IMPLANTS: A SJOGRENS-LIKE SYNDROME Freundlich B; Altman C; Snadorfi N; Greenberg M; Tomaszewski J Graduate Hospital, Philadelphia, PA 19146. Semin Arthritis Rheum, 1994 Aug, 24:1 Suppl 1, 44-53 adjuvancy_effect_of_different_ty.htm AdJuvancy effect of different types of silicone gel. Naim JO; Ippolito KM; van Oss CJ adjuvant_effect_of_silicone.htm The adjuvant effect of silicone-gel on antibody formation in rats. Naim JO; Lanzafame RJ; van Oss CJ Department of Surgery, Rochester General Hospital, New York 14621. Immunol Invest, 22:151-61, 1993 Mar aim1.html Reported Complications of Silicone Gel Breast Implants:An Epidemiologic Review Barbara G. Silverman, MD, MPH; S. Lori Brown, PhD, MPH; lie A. Bright,ScD; G. Kaezmarek, MD, MPH; Janet B. Arrowsmith-Lowe, MD; and A. Kessler, MD american_j_of_pathology.htm American J of Pathology, Vol. 152 #3: 645-649 Short Communication Low Molecular Weight Silicones are Widely Distributed after a Single Subcutaneous Injection in Mice Subbarao V. Kala* Ernest D. Lykissa* W. Neely* and W. Lieberman*+ From the Depts of Pathology* and Cell Biology+. Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Texas ar_vol32.html FROM ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM VOL. 32 PG. 578 1989 B172 ar_vol33.html ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM VOL. 33 PG. 5156 1990 "SILICONE-ASSOCIATED CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASE (CTD) FOLLOWING MAMMOPLASTY: CLINICAL COURSE AFTER IMPLANT REMOVAL" BY PINDARO MARTINEZ-OSUNA, LUIS R. ESPINOZA, JOHN P. GRESH, MITCHEL SELEZNICK, BERNARD GERMAIN, FRANK B. VASEY. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA, TAMPA, FL 33612. auto_imm.html MEDICAL DEVICE INTERACTIONS WITH THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Immunological Effects of Silicone bacterial_growth_in_saline_impla.htm Bacterial growth in saline implants: in vitro and in vivo studies. Chen NT; PE; Hooper DC; Ann Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1996 Apr Issue/Part/Supplement: 4 Volume Issue:36 Pagination: 337-41 bi_fail.html Failure properties of 352 explanted silicone-gel breast implants The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery Walter s PhD MD FRCSC, Dennis PhD DSc FRCS, Stanley Lugowski MSc Division of Plastic Surgery and the Centre for Biomaterials, Wellesley Hospital and the University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario blood_wk.html Peripheral blood eosinophilia, hyperimmunoglobulinemia A and fatigue: possible complications following rupture of silicone breast implants L. Schnur, M.D., Weinzweig, M.D., B. , M.D., P.Moyer, Ph.D., M. Petty, M.D., Nixon, Ph.D., and ph P. McConnell,Ph.D. ls of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology August 1996 breast.htm Ann Plast Surg 1998 Apr;40(4):360-363 Breast reconstruction in previously irradiated patients using tissue expanders and implants: a potentially unfavorable result. Forman DL, Chiu J, Restifo RJ, Ward BA, Haffty B, Ariyan S Section of Plastic Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. breast.html BREAST IMPLANTS AND AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE A new study strengthens the link between silicone gel breast implants and autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and a skin-hardening disorder known as scleroderma. breast1.htm Plast Reconstr Surg 1998 Apr;101(4):1085-1088 Breast capsule persistence after breast implant removal. Rockwell WB, Casey HD, Cheng CA breast2.htm Rev Med Interne 1997;18(12):955-966 [breast prostheses and their complications]. Wattiaux MJ Service de medecine interne, hopital Saint-Antoine, Paris, France. case_report_toxic_shock_syndrome.htm Case Report Toxic Shock Syndrome as a Complication of Breast Prostheses Ann. Plast. Surg. Vol. 96, No. 7 1706 1995 The ability of bacteria to traverse the membrane elastomer appears to hold the key to understanding this pathologic process. The permeability of silicone (saline) implants to substances or organisms occurs by means of two proposed mechanisms. Either a substance can diffuse directly though the membrane elastomer (as with ether, lidocaine, iodine, steroids, and certain antibiotics) or it must leak though holes in the membrane or fill ports. case2.html CASE REPORT SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATORY DISORDER RELATED TO FIBROUS BREAST CAPSULES AFTER SILICONE IMPLANT REMOVAL Copeland, DMD., MD., Aron Kressel, MD., Harry Spiera, MD., Hermann, MD., and Ira J. Bleiweiss, MD. New York, NY celdeath.html Cell Suicide in Health and Disease Cells can--and often do--kill themselves, in a process known as apoptosis.This capacity is essential to the proper functioning of the body; flawed regulation may lie behind many diseases by C. Duke, M. Ojcius and Ding-E Young children.html CHILDREN BREASTFED BY WOMEN WITH BREAST IMPLANTS FDA is receiving inquiries about a preliminary study reported in the Jan. 19 Journal of the American Medical Association suggesting that breastfed children of women with silicone gel breast implants may be at risk of developing abnormal esophageal motility. clamen01.html Antinuclear Antibodies in Apparently Healthy Women with Breast Implants Immunology of Silicones, Vol 210, pp 265-268 (Jan 1996) HN Claman, MD, AD on, PhD University of Colorado Health Sciences Center Denver, CO USA clinical_status_changes_in_sympt.htm Clinical Status Changes in Symptomatic Women Exchanging Saline for Gel Breast Implants by Vasey,MD, Noreen M. Aziz,MD, M.P.H., Joanne Valeriano, MD, Division of Rheumatology, University of South FL College of Medicine and Haley VAH, Tampa, FL. We conclude that the majority of women exchanging saline for gelimplants did not manifest a significant improvement in their clinical status and 50% actually demonstrated a deterioration. While data are preliminary, we currently recommend that symptomatic women who remove their gel filled breast implants not replace them with those that are saline filled. clamen02.html Claman HN, on AD; Antinuclear antibodies and breast implants. West J Med 1994; 160:225-228) Antinuclear Antibodies and Breast Implants Henry N. Claman, MD, and Alastair D. on, PhD, Denver, Colorado Based on a paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Association of Physicians, Carmel, California, February 1993. Cosmetic Case Report Simaplast Inflatable Breast Implants:Evaluation after 23 Years in Situ Walter s, Ph.D., M.D., Dennis , Ph.D., D.Sc., Stanley Lugowski, M.Sc., Ph.D., and Pritzker, M.D.Toronto CanadaFrom the Division of Plastic Surgery, the Centre for Biomaterials, and the Department of Pathology University of Toronto and Mount Sinai Hospital. Received for Publication February 18, 1999. Spontaneous autoinflation of breast implants is also rare. This phenomenon was initially reported in 1994 by Botti and coworkers. They described nine patients with textured double-lumen implants who under went a significant volume increase in their outer lumens, 2 to 18 months after implant insertion. Signorini and colleagues described a similar phenomenon in three patients with double-lumen implants, 11 which had been in place for 2 to 7 months. The autoinflation was unilateral in two patients and bilateral in one patient. An all cases, the outer lumen had inflated with a yellow to red-brown solution, which contained cellular debris. Three of the implants bad been in place for 7 months and contained isotonic levels of sodium and chloride. Two other implants had been in place for 2 months and contained hypertonic levels of sodium and chloride cook01.html JAMA Abstracts - May 28, 1997 Characteristics of Women With and Without Breast Augmentation S. Cook, PhD; Janet R. Daling, PhD; Lynda F. Voigt, PhD; M. deHart, ScD; Kathleen E. Malone, PhD; Janet L. Stanford, PhD; Noel S. Weiss, MD, DrPH; Louise A. Brinton, PhD; Marilie D. Gammon, PhD; Donna Brogan, PhD (Shows what money can buy and who putting out trash science) Cyclosiloxanes Produce Fatal Liver and Lung Damage in Mice Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 107, Number 2, February 1999 [cyclosiloxanes (CSs), the predominant low molecular weight cyclic silicones found in breast implants] [These mice developed inflammatory lesions of the lung and liver as well as liver cell necrosis with elevated serum levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and lactic acid dehydrogenase. Administration of CS-D4 alone also produced lethality in these mice] distribution_of_organosilicon_po.htm Distribution of Organosilicon Polymers in Augmentation Mammaplasties At Autopsy Jeffery J. Barnard, MD; L. Todd, Ph.D.; Wesley G. , MD; Ron Mielcareck, MS, and Rod J. Rohrich, MD. Dallas Tx and Paradise Valley, AZ Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vol 100, No. 1, July 1997 drblais.html Dr.Pierre Blais has written an article on saline and double lumen implants which looks at their risks and long term safety implications drstudy.html Dr. Nalm-Was one of the first to show that silicone is a potent adjuvant, presented a study on arthritis induced in rats. The silicone gel taken from a commercial breast implant is capable of mediating a collagen(protein in connective tissue)induced arthritis in the rats. effects_of_capsular_contracture_.htm Effects of capsular contracture on ultrasonic screening for silicone gel breast implant rupture. Medot M; Landis GH; McGregor CE; Gutowski KA; Foshager MC; Griffiths HJ; Cunningham BL Department of Surgery, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, USA. Ann Plast Surg, 39:337-41, 1997 Oct Ultrasound should be considered reliable in diagnosing SBI rupture only in the absence of a contracted capsule. entrezme.html Plast Reconstr Surg 1997 Jul;100(1):182-196 Microbial growth inside saline-filled breast implants. Young VL, Hertl MC, Murray PR, Jensen J, Witt H, Schorr MW Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO., USA. events_in_the_history_of_silicon.htm Events in the History of Silicone Immunopathology Science & Medicine Sept/Oct 1996 fda_stdy.html FDA SEEKING REFERRAL OF PATIENTS WHO HAVE DEVELOPED MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY OR MYELOMA AFTER SILICONE IMPLANTS OR INJECTIONS. fdastudy.html Dr. Epstein needs information on women who have been diagnosed with MULTIPLE MYELOMA (also called Plasma Cell Myeloma) or MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY (MGUS) (also called Plasma Cell Dyscrasias (PCD's) . garryapa.html Use of anti-polymer antibody assay in recipients of silicone breast implants A Tenenbaum, Janet C Rice, R Espinoza, Marta L Cu llar, R Plymale, M Sander, L on, Allyson M Haislip, S Gluck, R P Tesser, Lee Nogy, Kathleen M Stribrny, A Bevan, F Garry increase_of_immunologically_rele.htm Increase of immunologically relevant parameters in correlation with Baker classification in breast implant recipients. Brunner CA; Feller AM; Gröner R; Dees E; Biefel K; Biemer E; Ann Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1996 May Issue/Part/Supplement: 5 Volume Issue:36 Pagination: 512-18; discussion 518-21 Influence of long term silicone implantation on type II collagen induced arthritis in mice Ann Rheum Dis 1999;58:503-509 ( August ) data suggest that long term silicone implantation results in both the production of autoantibodies to connective tissue antigens and increased susceptibility to an experimental model of autoimmune disease. info_so1.html SMALL RISK OF CONNECTIVE-TISSUE DISEASE FROM BREAST IMPLANTS OBSERVED TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1996 injectable_silicone.htm Injectable silicone: cause of facial nodules, cellulitis, ulceration, and migration. Rapaport MJ, Vinnik C, Zarem H Los Angeles, California, USA. Aesthetic Plast Surg 1996 May;20(3):267-276 interstitial_pneumonia_associate.htm Interstitial pneumonia associated with human adjuvant disease which developed 30 years after silicone augmentation mammoplasty jama.html Self-reported Breast Implants and Connective-Tissue Diseases in Female Health Professionals A Retrospective Cohort Study H. Hennekens, MD Dr PH; I-Man Lee, MBS, ScD, R. Cook, ScD. R. Heber; Ph.D.: W. Karlson, Md; Fran LaMott; JoAnn E. Manson, MD. DrPH; E. Buring, ScD killcell.html SUPPRESSED NATURAL KILLER CELL ACTIVITY IN PATIENTS WITH SILICONE IMPLANTS: REVERSAL UPON EXPLANTATION BY: ANDREW W, CAMPBELL, M.D., Clinical assistant professor, University of Texas Health Science Center, Medical Director, Center For Immune, Environmental and Toxic Disorders, Houston, Texas. NACHMAN BRAUTBAR, M.D., clinical Professor of Medicine, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Medical Director, Center for International Occupational and Toxicological Medicine, Los Angeles, California. ARISTO VOJDANI, PH.D., Associate Professor of Medicine, Drew University School of Medicine and Science, Department of Medicine and Dermatology, Director, Immunosciences Lab, Inc., Los Angeles, California. PUBLISHED, TOXICOLOGY AND INDUSTRIAL HEALTH 10: 3 MAY - JUNE 1994 labtest.html Testing for Monoclonal Gammopathy is showing up some interesting results. 2% have the usual results for multiple myeloma,but 60% have abnormal patches of serum electrophoresis,which are abnormal bands. This is an atypical result. [Late infection of breast implant, complication of colonic perforation. Review of the literature. Role of preventive treatment] Ann Chir Plast Esthet, 43(5):559-62 1998 Oct The infection developed 6 weeks after colonoscopy complicated by acute peritonitis due to colonic perforation. lipid_infiltration_as_a_possible.htm Lipid infiltration as a possible biologic cause of silicone gel breast implant aging. WP Jr; JB Jr; Rohrich RJ Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas 75235, USA. Plast Reconstr Surg, 101:64-8; discussion 69-71, 1998 Jan Recent reports indicate the failure rate is higher than previously published, and implant aging and rupture may be due to progressive mechanical deterioration of the outer vulcanized silicone shell. It is known that lipids are absorbed by the hydrophobic silicone elastomer, and lipid infiltration causes mechanical attenuation and possible failure of the elastomer. Low molecular weight silicones.htm Low molecular weight silicones are widely distributed after a single subcutaneous injection in mice. Kala SV; Lykissa ED; Neely MW; Lieberman MW Department of Pathology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. Am J Pathol, 152:645-9, 1998 Mar Magnetic resonance evaluation.htm Magnetic resonance evaluation of breast implants and soft-tissue silicone. Middleton MS N. Berk Magnetic Resonance Institute, UCSD Department of Radiology, San Diego, California 92103-8749, USA. msm@... Top Magn Reson Imaging, 9:92-137, 1998 Apr This paper reviews the history of breast augmentation with an emphasis on the great variety of implants manufactured during the last generation magnetic_tomography_in_diagnosis.htm Magnetic tomography in diagnosis of breast implant rupture Kvistad KA; Smenes E; Thuomas KA; Gribbestad IS; Samdal F Medisinsk seksjon, MR-senteret, Regionsykehuset i Trondheim. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 117:3226-8, 1997 Sep 20 Recognition of the different types of implants and the appearance of normal implants on MRI is very important for distinguishing these from intracapsular and extracapsular ruptures. manual_of_allergy_and_immunology.htm Manual of Allergy and Immunology Glenn J. Lawlor, Jr., M.D. J. Fischer, M.D. C. Adelman, M.D. 15 Rheumatic Diseases. These syndromes resemble scleroderma but have unique features and do not necessarily respond to standard scleroderma therapy. marcus.html From ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISM October 1996, pp. 1619-1626 AN ANALYTICAL REVIEW OF SILICONE IMMUNOLOGY DONALD M. MARCUS markers.html IMMUNOLOGIC MARKERS IN SILICONE BREAST IMPLANT RECIPIENTS Smalley, F. Hall, R. Shanklin, and V. s matrix.html SILICON AND MATRIX MACROMOLECULES: NEW RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES FOR OLD DISEASES FROM ANALYSIS OF POTENTIAL MECHANISMS OF BREAST IMPLANT TOXICITY ARTHUR E. BRAWER, M.D. DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE DIVISION OF RHEUMATOLOGY MONMOUTH MEDICAL CENTER THIRD AND PAVILION AVENUES LONG BRANCH, NEW JERSEY 07740 U.S.A. mgus.html MGUS = Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance micesila.html INDUCTION OF PLASMACYTOMAS WITH SILICONE GEL IN GENETICALLY SUSCEPTIBLE STRAINS OF MICE micetest.html Study of Silicone Injections in Mice SILICONE GELS, INDUCTION OF PLASMA CELL TUMORS, AND GENETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY IN MICE: A CALL FOR EPIDEMIOLOGIC INVESTIGATION OF WOMEN WITH SILICONE BREAST IMPLANTS michelle_copeland__salines_may_n.htm Copeland salines may not be so safe American Health July/August 1994 missed_breast_cancer_in_two_pati.htm Missed breast cancer in two patients with prepectoral silicone gel breast implants following implant displacement mammography monitoring_the_axilla_in_patient.htm Monitoring the axilla in patients with silicone gel implants. Kulber DA; Mackenzie D; Steiner JH; Glassman H; Hopp D; Hiatt JR; Ann Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1995 Dec Issue/Part/Supplement: 6 Volume Issue:35 Pagination: 580-4 mr.htm Eur Radiol 1998;8(3):371-376 MR imaging of the augmented breast. Huch RA, Kunzi W, Debatin JF, Wiesner W, Krestin GP Department of Radiology, University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland. myeloma.html Multiple Myeloma Dr. Lewy, of Breast Implant Research, sent information on two large studies to determine the risk of developing multiple myeloma or monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined signifcance (MGUS) in women with silicone exposure. neuron2.html International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1995 A MOTOR NEURON DISEASE SYNDROME IN SILICONE BREAST IMPLANT RECIPIENTS BRITTA OSTERMEYER SHOAIB AND BERNARD M. PATTEN other_im.html Less maligned, but cut from the same cloth, other silicone implants also have adverse effects. (Medical News & Perspectives) Randall, Teri Citation: JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association, July1, 1992 v268 n1 p12(2) overallh.html Review: Insufficient information exists about the overall health risk associated with silicone gel breast implants Silverman BG, Brown SL, Bright RA, et al. Reported complications of silicone gel breast implants: an epidemiologic review. Ann Intern Med. 1996 Apr 15;124:744-56. Objective To review the most common local and systemic complications associated with silicone gel breast implants. paecilomyces_variotii_contaminat.htm Paecilomyces variotii contamination in the lumen of a saline-filled breast implant. Young VL; Hertl MC; Murray PR; Lambros VS; Plast Reconstr Surg Date of Pub: 1995 Nov Issue/Part/Supplement: 6 Volume Issue: 96 Pagination: 1430-4 page02.html REQUEST FOR REFERRAL OF PATIENTS WHO HAVE DEVELOPED MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY OR MYELOMA AFTER SILICONE IMPLANTS OR INJECTIONS. page03.html REQUEST FOR REFERRAL OF PATIENTS WHO HAVE DEVELOPED MYOSlTIS OR SCLERODERMA AFTER SILICONE IMPLANTS OR INJECTIONS. pete_ed.htm Failure properties of leaf valve inflatable saline breast implants Walter s The failure properties of leaf valve inflatable saline breast implants are carefully outlined. Can J Plast Surg 1997;5(4):241-245. possibo2.html Possible morbidity in women from talc on condoms.(Letter to the Editor) Kasper, Candace Sue; Chandler, P.J., Jr. Citation: JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association, March 15, 1995 v273 n11 p846(2) ps_study.html The study looked at women who decided to have their silicone breast implants taken out (Explantation Group) and compared them to women who decided to keep their implants (Observation Group). release_of_low_molecular_weight_.htm Release of low molecular weight silicones and platinum from silicone breast implants. Lykissa ED; Kala SV; Hurley JB; Lebovitz RM Department of Pathology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. Anal Chem, 69:4912-6, 1997 Dec 1 residual_silicone_detection_usin.htm Residual silicone detection using MRI following previous breast implant removal: case reports. Ahn CY; Shaw WW; Narayanan K; Gorczyca DP; DeBruhl ND; Bassett LW; Aesthetic Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1995 Jul-Aug Issue/Part/Supplement: 4 Volume Issue:19 Pagination: 361-7 Rupture of siliconegel breast implants causes, sequelae, and diagnosis.htm S Lori Brown, Barbara G Silverman, Wendie A Berg Lancet 1997; 350: 1531-37 A recently released medical study conducted by some renowned plastic surgeons gives further evidence of a link between silicone breast implants and autoimmune disease. The study looked at women who decided to have their silicone breast implants taken out (Explantation Group) and compared them to women who decided to keep their implants (Observation Group). saline_filled_breast_implants_ca.htm Saline filled breast implants can harbor microbes by Woolston Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. In a study using rabbits, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis Demonstrated for the first time that a wide variety of potentially harmful microbes can live and grow inside saline implants. They also discovered that microorganisms frequently live in the tissue surrounding implants sbi_anly.html Silicon Analysis of Breast and Periprosthetic Capsular Tissue from Patients with Saline or Silicone Gel Breast Implants L. Schnur, M.D., Weinzweig, M.D., B. , M.D., P.Moyer, Ph.D., M. Petty, M.D., Nixon, Ph.D., and ph P. McConnell,Ph.D. scanacta.html Synopis of Scandinavian Acta 2,6-cis-Diphenylhexamethylcyclotetrasiloxane An abbreviated synopis of the 147 page study Note: The importance of these studies is the following: 2,6-cis-d (in this publication) and D-4 (found in breast implants) are very similar. shankln1.html Article by Dr. R. Shanklin Widespread silicone sickness is very real in women with past and continuing exposure to silicone breast implants. Pathological study of tissues over the past 10 years shows that many of these women are sicker today than a decade ago. silicon_granulomas_and_der.htm Silicon granulomas and dermatomyositis-like changes associated with chronic eyelid edema after silicone breast implant. Meyer DR; Bui HX; Carlson JA; Ratliff CD; Guevarra MC; Delrio AD; Ross JS; Mihm M Jr Lions Eye Institute, Albany, New York 12208, USA. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg, 14:182-8, 1998 May Silicone breast implants.htm Silicone breast implants and autoimmune disease. Brown SL; Langone JJ; Brinton LA J Am Med Womens Assoc, 53:21-4, 40, 1998 Winter Abstract In 1992, the Food and Drug Administration requested a voluntary moratorium on the scale and implantation of silicone-gel-filled breast implants because of growing concern over the lack of scientific and clinical data supporting their safety and effectiveness Silicone breast prosthesis.htm [silicone breast prosthesis and rheumatoid arthritis: a new systemic disease: siliconosis. A case report and a critical review of the literature] Iannello S; Belfiore F Istituto di Medicina Interna e Specialit`a Internistiche, Universit`a degli Studi, Catania. Minerva Med, 89:117-30, 1998 Apr Silicone gel enhances.htm Silicone gel enhances the development of autoimmune disease in New Zealand black mice but fails to induce it in BALB/cAnPt mice [see comments] Mc AH; Weir K; Schneider M; Gudenkauf L; Sanger JR Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA. Clin Immunol Immunopathol, 87:248-55, 1998 Jun silicone_gel_and_octamethylcyclo.htm Silicone gel and octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane potentiate antibody production to bovine serum albumin in mice. Nicholson JJ 3rd; Wong GE; Frondoza CG; Rose NR; Curr Top Microbiol Immunol Date of Pub: 1996 Volume Issue: 210 Pagination: 139-44 silicone_granulomatous_lymphaden.htm Silicone granulomatous lymphadenopathy and siliconomas of the breast. Vaamonde R, Cabrera JM, Vaamonde- RJ, Jimena I, Marcos J Department of Morphological Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Cordoba, Spain. Histol Histopathol 1997 Oct;12(4):1003-1011 (Foreign-body granulomas (siliconomas) were observed in surrounding tissue with no apparent rupture of implant capsules) subclinical_infection_of_penile_.htm Subclinical Infection of Penile Prostheses surveys.html Medical Research Requests synopsis_of_scandinavian_acta_2.htm Synopsis of Scandinavian Acta 2,6-cis-Diphenylhexamethylcyclotetrasiloxane This volume is a review of chemical and bilogical studies of a novel organosilicon compound with estrogen-like activity,2,6-cis-d t_lymph.html Immunologic stimulation of T lymphocytes by silica after use of silicone mammary implants L. Smalley, R. Shanklin, F. Hall, V. s, and Aram Hanissian (Baptist Memoorial Health Care System, Memphis, TN 38105, USA; Departments of Pathology and Obstetrics and Gynecology, university of Tennessee, Memphis, TN 38163, USA; and Department of medicine, Baptist Memorial Hospital, Memphis, Tn 38120, USA. talc_dep.html Talc Deposition in Skin and Tissues Surrounding Silicone Gel-Containing Prosthetic Devices Kasper CS, Chandler PJ Jr. (Baylor Univ, Dallas,, Ambulatory Plastic Surgery Ctr, Dallas) Arch Dermatol 130:48-53, 1994 tcelllym.html ABSTRACT Duvic, , Menter, Vonderheid Department of Dermatology, University of Texas Medical School Houston, USA. Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in association with silicone breast implants. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 32(6):939-42,1995 Jun. title_silicone_gel_enhances_the_.htm Silicone gel enhances the development of autoimmune disease in New Zealand black mice but fails to induce it in BALB/cAnPt mice Mc AH; Weir K; Schneider M; Gudenkauf L; Sanger JR Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA. Clin Immunol Immunopathol, 87:248-55, 1998 Jun what_are_the_real_risk_of_silico.htm What are the real risk of Silicone Gel Bleed and Rupture. As to long term Health Risks? what_are_the_risks_of_immunologi.htm What are the Risks of immunological responses to Bacterial and Fungal Complications after Breast Implant Augmentation? — Review of the literature: yoshida.html Immunopathologic effects of silicone breast implants. Teuber,Suzanne S.;Yoshida, H.;Gershwin, M. The Western Journal of Medicine, May 1995 v162 n5p418(8) young.html ANALYSIS OF PROPERTIES OF EXPLANTED BREAST IMPLANTS V. Leroy Young, M.D. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 17, 2006 Report Share Posted December 17, 2006 Thank you for trying dear Rogene: Love you.........Lea ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Fw: Emailing: studies...Good documents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`` Plaintiffs' Science Submission to National Science Pane TABLE OF CONTENTS A must read for doctor or anyone else. 1994doc.html 1994 DOCUMENT -- SILICONE IMPLANT CONTROVERSY CONTINUES 300sympt.html CLINICAL FEATURES OF LOCAL BREAST PHENOMENA IN 300 SYMPTOMATIC RECIPIENTS OF SILICONE GEL-FILLED BREAST IMPLANTS ARTHUR E. BRAWER A comparison of autoantibody production in asymptomatic and symptomatic women with silicone breast implants. J Rheumatol, 1999 Jan, 26:1, 73-7 The objective of this study was to investigate the frequency of autoantibody production in asymptomatic compared to symptomatic women with silicone implants. The development of autoantibodies may be related to implant duration. a_profile_of_symptomatic_patient.htm A PROFILE OF SYMPTOMATIC PATIENTS WITH SILICONE BREAST IMPLANTS: A SJOGRENS-LIKE SYNDROME Freundlich B; Altman C; Snadorfi N; Greenberg M; Tomaszewski J Graduate Hospital, Philadelphia, PA 19146. Semin Arthritis Rheum, 1994 Aug, 24:1 Suppl 1, 44-53 adjuvancy_effect_of_different_ty.htm AdJuvancy effect of different types of silicone gel. Naim JO; Ippolito KM; van Oss CJ adjuvant_effect_of_silicone.htm The adjuvant effect of silicone-gel on antibody formation in rats. Naim JO; Lanzafame RJ; van Oss CJ Department of Surgery, Rochester General Hospital, New York 14621. Immunol Invest, 22:151-61, 1993 Mar aim1.html Reported Complications of Silicone Gel Breast Implants:An Epidemiologic Review Barbara G. Silverman, MD, MPH; S. Lori Brown, PhD, MPH; lie A. Bright,ScD; G. Kaezmarek, MD, MPH; Janet B. Arrowsmith-Lowe, MD; and A. Kessler, MD american_j_of_pathology.htm American J of Pathology, Vol. 152 #3: 645-649 Short Communication Low Molecular Weight Silicones are Widely Distributed after a Single Subcutaneous Injection in Mice Subbarao V. Kala* Ernest D. Lykissa* W. Neely* and W. Lieberman*+ From the Depts of Pathology* and Cell Biology+. Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Texas ar_vol32.html FROM ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM VOL. 32 PG. 578 1989 B172 ar_vol33.html ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM VOL. 33 PG. 5156 1990 "SILICONE-ASSOCIATED CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASE (CTD) FOLLOWING MAMMOPLASTY: CLINICAL COURSE AFTER IMPLANT REMOVAL" BY PINDARO MARTINEZ-OSUNA, LUIS R. ESPINOZA, JOHN P. GRESH, MITCHEL SELEZNICK, BERNARD GERMAIN, FRANK B. VASEY. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA, TAMPA, FL 33612. auto_imm.html MEDICAL DEVICE INTERACTIONS WITH THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Immunological Effects of Silicone bacterial_growth_in_saline_impla.htm Bacterial growth in saline implants: in vitro and in vivo studies. Chen NT; PE; Hooper DC; Ann Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1996 Apr Issue/Part/Supplement: 4 Volume Issue:36 Pagination: 337-41 bi_fail.html Failure properties of 352 explanted silicone-gel breast implants The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery Walter s PhD MD FRCSC, Dennis PhD DSc FRCS, Stanley Lugowski MSc Division of Plastic Surgery and the Centre for Biomaterials, Wellesley Hospital and the University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario blood_wk.html Peripheral blood eosinophilia, hyperimmunoglobulinemia A and fatigue: possible complications following rupture of silicone breast implants L. Schnur, M.D., Weinzweig, M.D., B. , M.D., P.Moyer, Ph.D., M. Petty, M.D., Nixon, Ph.D., and ph P. McConnell,Ph.D. ls of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology August 1996 breast.htm Ann Plast Surg 1998 Apr;40(4):360-363 Breast reconstruction in previously irradiated patients using tissue expanders and implants: a potentially unfavorable result. Forman DL, Chiu J, Restifo RJ, Ward BA, Haffty B, Ariyan S Section of Plastic Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. breast.html BREAST IMPLANTS AND AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE A new study strengthens the link between silicone gel breast implants and autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and a skin-hardening disorder known as scleroderma. breast1.htm Plast Reconstr Surg 1998 Apr;101(4):1085-1088 Breast capsule persistence after breast implant removal. Rockwell WB, Casey HD, Cheng CA breast2.htm Rev Med Interne 1997;18(12):955-966 [breast prostheses and their complications]. Wattiaux MJ Service de medecine interne, hopital Saint-Antoine, Paris, France. case_report_toxic_shock_syndrome.htm Case Report Toxic Shock Syndrome as a Complication of Breast Prostheses Ann. Plast. Surg. Vol. 96, No. 7 1706 1995 The ability of bacteria to traverse the membrane elastomer appears to hold the key to understanding this pathologic process. The permeability of silicone (saline) implants to substances or organisms occurs by means of two proposed mechanisms. Either a substance can diffuse directly though the membrane elastomer (as with ether, lidocaine, iodine, steroids, and certain antibiotics) or it must leak though holes in the membrane or fill ports. case2.html CASE REPORT SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATORY DISORDER RELATED TO FIBROUS BREAST CAPSULES AFTER SILICONE IMPLANT REMOVAL Copeland, DMD., MD., Aron Kressel, MD., Harry Spiera, MD., Hermann, MD., and Ira J. Bleiweiss, MD. New York, NY celdeath.html Cell Suicide in Health and Disease Cells can--and often do--kill themselves, in a process known as apoptosis.This capacity is essential to the proper functioning of the body; flawed regulation may lie behind many diseases by C. Duke, M. Ojcius and Ding-E Young children.html CHILDREN BREASTFED BY WOMEN WITH BREAST IMPLANTS FDA is receiving inquiries about a preliminary study reported in the Jan. 19 Journal of the American Medical Association suggesting that breastfed children of women with silicone gel breast implants may be at risk of developing abnormal esophageal motility. clamen01.html Antinuclear Antibodies in Apparently Healthy Women with Breast Implants Immunology of Silicones, Vol 210, pp 265-268 (Jan 1996) HN Claman, MD, AD on, PhD University of Colorado Health Sciences Center Denver, CO USA clinical_status_changes_in_sympt.htm Clinical Status Changes in Symptomatic Women Exchanging Saline for Gel Breast Implants by Vasey,MD, Noreen M. Aziz,MD, M.P.H., Joanne Valeriano, MD, Division of Rheumatology, University of South FL College of Medicine and Haley VAH, Tampa, FL. We conclude that the majority of women exchanging saline for gelimplants did not manifest a significant improvement in their clinical status and 50% actually demonstrated a deterioration. While data are preliminary, we currently recommend that symptomatic women who remove their gel filled breast implants not replace them with those that are saline filled. clamen02.html Claman HN, on AD; Antinuclear antibodies and breast implants. West J Med 1994; 160:225-228) Antinuclear Antibodies and Breast Implants Henry N. Claman, MD, and Alastair D. on, PhD, Denver, Colorado Based on a paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Association of Physicians, Carmel, California, February 1993. Cosmetic Case Report Simaplast Inflatable Breast Implants:Evaluation after 23 Years in Situ Walter s, Ph.D., M.D., Dennis , Ph.D., D.Sc., Stanley Lugowski, M.Sc., Ph.D., and Pritzker, M.D.Toronto CanadaFrom the Division of Plastic Surgery, the Centre for Biomaterials, and the Department of Pathology University of Toronto and Mount Sinai Hospital. Received for Publication February 18, 1999. Spontaneous autoinflation of breast implants is also rare. This phenomenon was initially reported in 1994 by Botti and coworkers. They described nine patients with textured double-lumen implants who under went a significant volume increase in their outer lumens, 2 to 18 months after implant insertion. Signorini and colleagues described a similar phenomenon in three patients with double-lumen implants, 11 which had been in place for 2 to 7 months. The autoinflation was unilateral in two patients and bilateral in one patient. An all cases, the outer lumen had inflated with a yellow to red-brown solution, which contained cellular debris. Three of the implants bad been in place for 7 months and contained isotonic levels of sodium and chloride. Two other implants had been in place for 2 months and contained hypertonic levels of sodium and chloride cook01.html JAMA Abstracts - May 28, 1997 Characteristics of Women With and Without Breast Augmentation S. Cook, PhD; Janet R. Daling, PhD; Lynda F. Voigt, PhD; M. deHart, ScD; Kathleen E. Malone, PhD; Janet L. Stanford, PhD; Noel S. Weiss, MD, DrPH; Louise A. Brinton, PhD; Marilie D. Gammon, PhD; Donna Brogan, PhD (Shows what money can buy and who putting out trash science) Cyclosiloxanes Produce Fatal Liver and Lung Damage in Mice Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 107, Number 2, February 1999 [cyclosiloxanes (CSs), the predominant low molecular weight cyclic silicones found in breast implants] [These mice developed inflammatory lesions of the lung and liver as well as liver cell necrosis with elevated serum levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and lactic acid dehydrogenase. Administration of CS-D4 alone also produced lethality in these mice] distribution_of_organosilicon_po.htm Distribution of Organosilicon Polymers in Augmentation Mammaplasties At Autopsy Jeffery J. Barnard, MD; L. Todd, Ph.D.; Wesley G. , MD; Ron Mielcareck, MS, and Rod J. Rohrich, MD. Dallas Tx and Paradise Valley, AZ Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vol 100, No. 1, July 1997 drblais.html Dr.Pierre Blais has written an article on saline and double lumen implants which looks at their risks and long term safety implications drstudy.html Dr. Nalm-Was one of the first to show that silicone is a potent adjuvant, presented a study on arthritis induced in rats. The silicone gel taken from a commercial breast implant is capable of mediating a collagen(protein in connective tissue)induced arthritis in the rats. effects_of_capsular_contracture_.htm Effects of capsular contracture on ultrasonic screening for silicone gel breast implant rupture. Medot M; Landis GH; McGregor CE; Gutowski KA; Foshager MC; Griffiths HJ; Cunningham BL Department of Surgery, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, USA. Ann Plast Surg, 39:337-41, 1997 Oct Ultrasound should be considered reliable in diagnosing SBI rupture only in the absence of a contracted capsule. entrezme.html Plast Reconstr Surg 1997 Jul;100(1):182-196 Microbial growth inside saline-filled breast implants. Young VL, Hertl MC, Murray PR, Jensen J, Witt H, Schorr MW Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO., USA. events_in_the_history_of_silicon.htm Events in the History of Silicone Immunopathology Science & Medicine Sept/Oct 1996 fda_stdy.html FDA SEEKING REFERRAL OF PATIENTS WHO HAVE DEVELOPED MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY OR MYELOMA AFTER SILICONE IMPLANTS OR INJECTIONS. fdastudy.html Dr. Epstein needs information on women who have been diagnosed with MULTIPLE MYELOMA (also called Plasma Cell Myeloma) or MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY (MGUS) (also called Plasma Cell Dyscrasias (PCD's) . garryapa.html Use of anti-polymer antibody assay in recipients of silicone breast implants A Tenenbaum, Janet C Rice, R Espinoza, Marta L Cu llar, R Plymale, M Sander, L on, Allyson M Haislip, S Gluck, R P Tesser, Lee Nogy, Kathleen M Stribrny, A Bevan, F Garry increase_of_immunologically_rele.htm Increase of immunologically relevant parameters in correlation with Baker classification in breast implant recipients. Brunner CA; Feller AM; Gröner R; Dees E; Biefel K; Biemer E; Ann Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1996 May Issue/Part/Supplement: 5 Volume Issue:36 Pagination: 512-18; discussion 518-21 Influence of long term silicone implantation on type II collagen induced arthritis in mice Ann Rheum Dis 1999;58:503-509 ( August ) data suggest that long term silicone implantation results in both the production of autoantibodies to connective tissue antigens and increased susceptibility to an experimental model of autoimmune disease. info_so1.html SMALL RISK OF CONNECTIVE-TISSUE DISEASE FROM BREAST IMPLANTS OBSERVED TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1996 injectable_silicone.htm Injectable silicone: cause of facial nodules, cellulitis, ulceration, and migration. Rapaport MJ, Vinnik C, Zarem H Los Angeles, California, USA. Aesthetic Plast Surg 1996 May;20(3):267-276 interstitial_pneumonia_associate.htm Interstitial pneumonia associated with human adjuvant disease which developed 30 years after silicone augmentation mammoplasty jama.html Self-reported Breast Implants and Connective-Tissue Diseases in Female Health Professionals A Retrospective Cohort Study H. Hennekens, MD Dr PH; I-Man Lee, MBS, ScD, R. Cook, ScD. R. Heber; Ph.D.: W. Karlson, Md; Fran LaMott; JoAnn E. Manson, MD. DrPH; E. Buring, ScD killcell.html SUPPRESSED NATURAL KILLER CELL ACTIVITY IN PATIENTS WITH SILICONE IMPLANTS: REVERSAL UPON EXPLANTATION BY: ANDREW W, CAMPBELL, M.D., Clinical assistant professor, University of Texas Health Science Center, Medical Director, Center For Immune, Environmental and Toxic Disorders, Houston, Texas. NACHMAN BRAUTBAR, M.D., clinical Professor of Medicine, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Medical Director, Center for International Occupational and Toxicological Medicine, Los Angeles, California. ARISTO VOJDANI, PH.D., Associate Professor of Medicine, Drew University School of Medicine and Science, Department of Medicine and Dermatology, Director, Immunosciences Lab, Inc., Los Angeles, California. PUBLISHED, TOXICOLOGY AND INDUSTRIAL HEALTH 10: 3 MAY - JUNE 1994 labtest.html Testing for Monoclonal Gammopathy is showing up some interesting results. 2% have the usual results for multiple myeloma,but 60% have abnormal patches of serum electrophoresis,which are abnormal bands. This is an atypical result. [Late infection of breast implant, complication of colonic perforation. Review of the literature. Role of preventive treatment] Ann Chir Plast Esthet, 43(5):559-62 1998 Oct The infection developed 6 weeks after colonoscopy complicated by acute peritonitis due to colonic perforation. lipid_infiltration_as_a_possible.htm Lipid infiltration as a possible biologic cause of silicone gel breast implant aging. WP Jr; JB Jr; Rohrich RJ Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas 75235, USA. Plast Reconstr Surg, 101:64-8; discussion 69-71, 1998 Jan Recent reports indicate the failure rate is higher than previously published, and implant aging and rupture may be due to progressive mechanical deterioration of the outer vulcanized silicone shell. It is known that lipids are absorbed by the hydrophobic silicone elastomer, and lipid infiltration causes mechanical attenuation and possible failure of the elastomer. Low molecular weight silicones.htm Low molecular weight silicones are widely distributed after a single subcutaneous injection in mice. Kala SV; Lykissa ED; Neely MW; Lieberman MW Department of Pathology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. Am J Pathol, 152:645-9, 1998 Mar Magnetic resonance evaluation.htm Magnetic resonance evaluation of breast implants and soft-tissue silicone. Middleton MS N. Berk Magnetic Resonance Institute, UCSD Department of Radiology, San Diego, California 92103-8749, USA. msm@... Top Magn Reson Imaging, 9:92-137, 1998 Apr This paper reviews the history of breast augmentation with an emphasis on the great variety of implants manufactured during the last generation magnetic_tomography_in_diagnosis.htm Magnetic tomography in diagnosis of breast implant rupture Kvistad KA; Smenes E; Thuomas KA; Gribbestad IS; Samdal F Medisinsk seksjon, MR-senteret, Regionsykehuset i Trondheim. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 117:3226-8, 1997 Sep 20 Recognition of the different types of implants and the appearance of normal implants on MRI is very important for distinguishing these from intracapsular and extracapsular ruptures. manual_of_allergy_and_immunology.htm Manual of Allergy and Immunology Glenn J. Lawlor, Jr., M.D. J. Fischer, M.D. C. Adelman, M.D. 15 Rheumatic Diseases. These syndromes resemble scleroderma but have unique features and do not necessarily respond to standard scleroderma therapy. marcus.html From ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISM October 1996, pp. 1619-1626 AN ANALYTICAL REVIEW OF SILICONE IMMUNOLOGY DONALD M. MARCUS markers.html IMMUNOLOGIC MARKERS IN SILICONE BREAST IMPLANT RECIPIENTS Smalley, F. Hall, R. Shanklin, and V. s matrix.html SILICON AND MATRIX MACROMOLECULES: NEW RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES FOR OLD DISEASES FROM ANALYSIS OF POTENTIAL MECHANISMS OF BREAST IMPLANT TOXICITY ARTHUR E. BRAWER, M.D. DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE DIVISION OF RHEUMATOLOGY MONMOUTH MEDICAL CENTER THIRD AND PAVILION AVENUES LONG BRANCH, NEW JERSEY 07740 U.S.A. mgus.html MGUS = Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance micesila.html INDUCTION OF PLASMACYTOMAS WITH SILICONE GEL IN GENETICALLY SUSCEPTIBLE STRAINS OF MICE micetest.html Study of Silicone Injections in Mice SILICONE GELS, INDUCTION OF PLASMA CELL TUMORS, AND GENETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY IN MICE: A CALL FOR EPIDEMIOLOGIC INVESTIGATION OF WOMEN WITH SILICONE BREAST IMPLANTS michelle_copeland__salines_may_n.htm Copeland salines may not be so safe American Health July/August 1994 missed_breast_cancer_in_two_pati.htm Missed breast cancer in two patients with prepectoral silicone gel breast implants following implant displacement mammography monitoring_the_axilla_in_patient.htm Monitoring the axilla in patients with silicone gel implants. Kulber DA; Mackenzie D; Steiner JH; Glassman H; Hopp D; Hiatt JR; Ann Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1995 Dec Issue/Part/Supplement: 6 Volume Issue:35 Pagination: 580-4 mr.htm Eur Radiol 1998;8(3):371-376 MR imaging of the augmented breast. Huch RA, Kunzi W, Debatin JF, Wiesner W, Krestin GP Department of Radiology, University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland. myeloma.html Multiple Myeloma Dr. Lewy, of Breast Implant Research, sent information on two large studies to determine the risk of developing multiple myeloma or monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined signifcance (MGUS) in women with silicone exposure. neuron2.html International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1995 A MOTOR NEURON DISEASE SYNDROME IN SILICONE BREAST IMPLANT RECIPIENTS BRITTA OSTERMEYER SHOAIB AND BERNARD M. PATTEN other_im.html Less maligned, but cut from the same cloth, other silicone implants also have adverse effects. (Medical News & Perspectives) Randall, Teri Citation: JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association, July1, 1992 v268 n1 p12(2) overallh.html Review: Insufficient information exists about the overall health risk associated with silicone gel breast implants Silverman BG, Brown SL, Bright RA, et al. Reported complications of silicone gel breast implants: an epidemiologic review. Ann Intern Med. 1996 Apr 15;124:744-56. Objective To review the most common local and systemic complications associated with silicone gel breast implants. paecilomyces_variotii_contaminat.htm Paecilomyces variotii contamination in the lumen of a saline-filled breast implant. Young VL; Hertl MC; Murray PR; Lambros VS; Plast Reconstr Surg Date of Pub: 1995 Nov Issue/Part/Supplement: 6 Volume Issue: 96 Pagination: 1430-4 page02.html REQUEST FOR REFERRAL OF PATIENTS WHO HAVE DEVELOPED MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY OR MYELOMA AFTER SILICONE IMPLANTS OR INJECTIONS. page03.html REQUEST FOR REFERRAL OF PATIENTS WHO HAVE DEVELOPED MYOSlTIS OR SCLERODERMA AFTER SILICONE IMPLANTS OR INJECTIONS. pete_ed.htm Failure properties of leaf valve inflatable saline breast implants Walter s The failure properties of leaf valve inflatable saline breast implants are carefully outlined. Can J Plast Surg 1997;5(4):241-245. possibo2.html Possible morbidity in women from talc on condoms.(Letter to the Editor) Kasper, Candace Sue; Chandler, P.J., Jr. Citation: JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association, March 15, 1995 v273 n11 p846(2) ps_study.html The study looked at women who decided to have their silicone breast implants taken out (Explantation Group) and compared them to women who decided to keep their implants (Observation Group). release_of_low_molecular_weight_.htm Release of low molecular weight silicones and platinum from silicone breast implants. Lykissa ED; Kala SV; Hurley JB; Lebovitz RM Department of Pathology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. Anal Chem, 69:4912-6, 1997 Dec 1 residual_silicone_detection_usin.htm Residual silicone detection using MRI following previous breast implant removal: case reports. Ahn CY; Shaw WW; Narayanan K; Gorczyca DP; DeBruhl ND; Bassett LW; Aesthetic Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1995 Jul-Aug Issue/Part/Supplement: 4 Volume Issue:19 Pagination: 361-7 Rupture of siliconegel breast implants causes, sequelae, and diagnosis.htm S Lori Brown, Barbara G Silverman, Wendie A Berg Lancet 1997; 350: 1531-37 A recently released medical study conducted by some renowned plastic surgeons gives further evidence of a link between silicone breast implants and autoimmune disease. The study looked at women who decided to have their silicone breast implants taken out (Explantation Group) and compared them to women who decided to keep their implants (Observation Group). saline_filled_breast_implants_ca.htm Saline filled breast implants can harbor microbes by Woolston Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. In a study using rabbits, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis Demonstrated for the first time that a wide variety of potentially harmful microbes can live and grow inside saline implants. They also discovered that microorganisms frequently live in the tissue surrounding implants sbi_anly.html Silicon Analysis of Breast and Periprosthetic Capsular Tissue from Patients with Saline or Silicone Gel Breast Implants L. Schnur, M.D., Weinzweig, M.D., B. , M.D., P.Moyer, Ph.D., M. Petty, M.D., Nixon, Ph.D., and ph P. McConnell,Ph.D. scanacta.html Synopis of Scandinavian Acta 2,6-cis-Diphenylhexamethylcyclotetrasiloxane An abbreviated synopis of the 147 page study Note: The importance of these studies is the following: 2,6-cis-d (in this publication) and D-4 (found in breast implants) are very similar. shankln1.html Article by Dr. R. Shanklin Widespread silicone sickness is very real in women with past and continuing exposure to silicone breast implants. Pathological study of tissues over the past 10 years shows that many of these women are sicker today than a decade ago. silicon_granulomas_and_der.htm Silicon granulomas and dermatomyositis-like changes associated with chronic eyelid edema after silicone breast implant. Meyer DR; Bui HX; Carlson JA; Ratliff CD; Guevarra MC; Delrio AD; Ross JS; Mihm M Jr Lions Eye Institute, Albany, New York 12208, USA. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg, 14:182-8, 1998 May Silicone breast implants.htm Silicone breast implants and autoimmune disease. Brown SL; Langone JJ; Brinton LA J Am Med Womens Assoc, 53:21-4, 40, 1998 Winter Abstract In 1992, the Food and Drug Administration requested a voluntary moratorium on the scale and implantation of silicone-gel-filled breast implants because of growing concern over the lack of scientific and clinical data supporting their safety and effectiveness Silicone breast prosthesis.htm [silicone breast prosthesis and rheumatoid arthritis: a new systemic disease: siliconosis. A case report and a critical review of the literature] Iannello S; Belfiore F Istituto di Medicina Interna e Specialit`a Internistiche, Universit`a degli Studi, Catania. Minerva Med, 89:117-30, 1998 Apr Silicone gel enhances.htm Silicone gel enhances the development of autoimmune disease in New Zealand black mice but fails to induce it in BALB/cAnPt mice [see comments] Mc AH; Weir K; Schneider M; Gudenkauf L; Sanger JR Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA. Clin Immunol Immunopathol, 87:248-55, 1998 Jun silicone_gel_and_octamethylcyclo.htm Silicone gel and octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane potentiate antibody production to bovine serum albumin in mice. Nicholson JJ 3rd; Wong GE; Frondoza CG; Rose NR; Curr Top Microbiol Immunol Date of Pub: 1996 Volume Issue: 210 Pagination: 139-44 silicone_granulomatous_lymphaden.htm Silicone granulomatous lymphadenopathy and siliconomas of the breast. Vaamonde R, Cabrera JM, Vaamonde- RJ, Jimena I, Marcos J Department of Morphological Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Cordoba, Spain. Histol Histopathol 1997 Oct;12(4):1003-1011 (Foreign-body granulomas (siliconomas) were observed in surrounding tissue with no apparent rupture of implant capsules) subclinical_infection_of_penile_.htm Subclinical Infection of Penile Prostheses surveys.html Medical Research Requests synopsis_of_scandinavian_acta_2.htm Synopsis of Scandinavian Acta 2,6-cis-Diphenylhexamethylcyclotetrasiloxane This volume is a review of chemical and bilogical studies of a novel organosilicon compound with estrogen-like activity,2,6-cis-d t_lymph.html Immunologic stimulation of T lymphocytes by silica after use of silicone mammary implants L. Smalley, R. Shanklin, F. Hall, V. s, and Aram Hanissian (Baptist Memoorial Health Care System, Memphis, TN 38105, USA; Departments of Pathology and Obstetrics and Gynecology, university of Tennessee, Memphis, TN 38163, USA; and Department of medicine, Baptist Memorial Hospital, Memphis, Tn 38120, USA. talc_dep.html Talc Deposition in Skin and Tissues Surrounding Silicone Gel-Containing Prosthetic Devices Kasper CS, Chandler PJ Jr. (Baylor Univ, Dallas,, Ambulatory Plastic Surgery Ctr, Dallas) Arch Dermatol 130:48-53, 1994 tcelllym.html ABSTRACT Duvic, , Menter, Vonderheid Department of Dermatology, University of Texas Medical School Houston, USA. Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in association with silicone breast implants. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 32(6):939-42,1995 Jun. title_silicone_gel_enhances_the_.htm Silicone gel enhances the development of autoimmune disease in New Zealand black mice but fails to induce it in BALB/cAnPt mice Mc AH; Weir K; Schneider M; Gudenkauf L; Sanger JR Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA. Clin Immunol Immunopathol, 87:248-55, 1998 Jun what_are_the_real_risk_of_silico.htm What are the real risk of Silicone Gel Bleed and Rupture. As to long term Health Risks? what_are_the_risks_of_immunologi.htm What are the Risks of immunological responses to Bacterial and Fungal Complications after Breast Implant Augmentation? — Review of the literature: yoshida.html Immunopathologic effects of silicone breast implants. Teuber,Suzanne S.;Yoshida, H.;Gershwin, M. The Western Journal of Medicine, May 1995 v162 n5p418(8) young.html ANALYSIS OF PROPERTIES OF EXPLANTED BREAST IMPLANTS V. Leroy Young, M.D. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 17, 2006 Report Share Posted December 17, 2006 Lea, Toxic Discovery couldn't open them from an attachment.. The only thing I can think to do is for you to send it to them personally. Toxic Discovery <toxicdiscovery@...>, I suspect the links are dead though. Rogene Lea <devans@...> wrote: Thank you for trying dear Rogene: Love you.........Lea ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Fw: Emailing: studies...Good documents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`` Plaintiffs' Science Submission to National Science Pane TABLE OF CONTENTS A must read for doctor or anyone else. 1994doc.html 1994 DOCUMENT -- SILICONE IMPLANT CONTROVERSY CONTINUES 300sympt.html CLINICAL FEATURES OF LOCAL BREAST PHENOMENA IN 300 SYMPTOMATIC RECIPIENTS OF SILICONE GEL-FILLED BREAST IMPLANTS ARTHUR E. BRAWER A comparison of autoantibody production in asymptomatic and symptomatic women with silicone breast implants. J Rheumatol, 1999 Jan, 26:1, 73-7 The objective of this study was to investigate the frequency of autoantibody production in asymptomatic compared to symptomatic women with silicone implants. The development of autoantibodies may be related to implant duration. a_profile_of_symptomatic_patient.htm A PROFILE OF SYMPTOMATIC PATIENTS WITH SILICONE BREAST IMPLANTS: A SJOGRENS-LIKE SYNDROME Freundlich B; Altman C; Snadorfi N; Greenberg M; Tomaszewski J Graduate Hospital, Philadelphia, PA 19146. Semin Arthritis Rheum, 1994 Aug, 24:1 Suppl 1, 44-53 adjuvancy_effect_of_different_ty.htm AdJuvancy effect of different types of silicone gel. Naim JO; Ippolito KM; van Oss CJ adjuvant_effect_of_silicone.htm The adjuvant effect of silicone-gel on antibody formation in rats. Naim JO; Lanzafame RJ; van Oss CJ Department of Surgery, Rochester General Hospital, New York 14621. Immunol Invest, 22:151-61, 1993 Mar aim1.html Reported Complications of Silicone Gel Breast Implants:An Epidemiologic Review Barbara G. Silverman, MD, MPH; S. Lori Brown, PhD, MPH; lie A. Bright,ScD; G. Kaezmarek, MD, MPH; Janet B. Arrowsmith-Lowe, MD; and A. Kessler, MD american_j_of_pathology.htm American J of Pathology, Vol. 152 #3: 645-649 Short Communication Low Molecular Weight Silicones are Widely Distributed after a Single Subcutaneous Injection in Mice Subbarao V. Kala* Ernest D. Lykissa* W. Neely* and W. Lieberman*+ From the Depts of Pathology* and Cell Biology+. Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Texas ar_vol32.html FROM ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM VOL. 32 PG. 578 1989 B172 ar_vol33.html ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM VOL. 33 PG. 5156 1990 "SILICONE-ASSOCIATED CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASE (CTD) FOLLOWING MAMMOPLASTY: CLINICAL COURSE AFTER IMPLANT REMOVAL" BY PINDARO MARTINEZ-OSUNA, LUIS R. ESPINOZA, JOHN P. GRESH, MITCHEL SELEZNICK, BERNARD GERMAIN, FRANK B. VASEY. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA, TAMPA, FL 33612. auto_imm.html MEDICAL DEVICE INTERACTIONS WITH THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Immunological Effects of Silicone bacterial_growth_in_saline_impla.htm Bacterial growth in saline implants: in vitro and in vivo studies. Chen NT; PE; Hooper DC; Ann Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1996 Apr Issue/Part/Supplement: 4 Volume Issue:36 Pagination: 337-41 bi_fail.html Failure properties of 352 explanted silicone-gel breast implants The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery Walter s PhD MD FRCSC, Dennis PhD DSc FRCS, Stanley Lugowski MSc Division of Plastic Surgery and the Centre for Biomaterials, Wellesley Hospital and the University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario blood_wk.html Peripheral blood eosinophilia, hyperimmunoglobulinemia A and fatigue: possible complications following rupture of silicone breast implants L. Schnur, M.D., Weinzweig, M.D., B. , M.D., P.Moyer, Ph.D., M. Petty, M.D., Nixon, Ph.D., and ph P. McConnell,Ph.D. ls of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology August 1996 breast.htm Ann Plast Surg 1998 Apr;40(4):360-363 Breast reconstruction in previously irradiated patients using tissue expanders and implants: a potentially unfavorable result. Forman DL, Chiu J, Restifo RJ, Ward BA, Haffty B, Ariyan S Section of Plastic Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. breast.html BREAST IMPLANTS AND AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE A new study strengthens the link between silicone gel breast implants and autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and a skin-hardening disorder known as scleroderma. breast1.htm Plast Reconstr Surg 1998 Apr;101(4):1085-1088 Breast capsule persistence after breast implant removal. Rockwell WB, Casey HD, Cheng CA breast2.htm Rev Med Interne 1997;18(12):955-966 [breast prostheses and their complications]. Wattiaux MJ Service de medecine interne, hopital Saint-Antoine, Paris, France. case_report_toxic_shock_syndrome.htm Case Report Toxic Shock Syndrome as a Complication of Breast Prostheses Ann. Plast. Surg. Vol. 96, No. 7 1706 1995 The ability of bacteria to traverse the membrane elastomer appears to hold the key to understanding this pathologic process. The permeability of silicone (saline) implants to substances or organisms occurs by means of two proposed mechanisms. Either a substance can diffuse directly though the membrane elastomer (as with ether, lidocaine, iodine, steroids, and certain antibiotics) or it must leak though holes in the membrane or fill ports. case2.html CASE REPORT SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATORY DISORDER RELATED TO FIBROUS BREAST CAPSULES AFTER SILICONE IMPLANT REMOVAL Copeland, DMD., MD., Aron Kressel, MD., Harry Spiera, MD., Hermann, MD., and Ira J. Bleiweiss, MD. New York, NY celdeath.html Cell Suicide in Health and Disease Cells can--and often do--kill themselves, in a process known as apoptosis.This capacity is essential to the proper functioning of the body; flawed regulation may lie behind many diseases by C. Duke, M. Ojcius and Ding-E Young children.html CHILDREN BREASTFED BY WOMEN WITH BREAST IMPLANTS FDA is receiving inquiries about a preliminary study reported in the Jan. 19 Journal of the American Medical Association suggesting that breastfed children of women with silicone gel breast implants may be at risk of developing abnormal esophageal motility. clamen01.html Antinuclear Antibodies in Apparently Healthy Women with Breast Implants Immunology of Silicones, Vol 210, pp 265-268 (Jan 1996) HN Claman, MD, AD on, PhD University of Colorado Health Sciences Center Denver, CO USA clinical_status_changes_in_sympt.htm Clinical Status Changes in Symptomatic Women Exchanging Saline for Gel Breast Implants by Vasey,MD, Noreen M. Aziz,MD, M.P.H., Joanne Valeriano, MD, Division of Rheumatology, University of South FL College of Medicine and Haley VAH, Tampa, FL. We conclude that the majority of women exchanging saline for gelimplants did not manifest a significant improvement in their clinical status and 50% actually demonstrated a deterioration. While data are preliminary, we currently recommend that symptomatic women who remove their gel filled breast implants not replace them with those that are saline filled. clamen02.html Claman HN, on AD; Antinuclear antibodies and breast implants. West J Med 1994; 160:225-228) Antinuclear Antibodies and Breast Implants Henry N. Claman, MD, and Alastair D. on, PhD, Denver, Colorado Based on a paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Association of Physicians, Carmel, California, February 1993. Cosmetic Case Report Simaplast Inflatable Breast Implants:Evaluation after 23 Years in Situ Walter s, Ph.D., M.D., Dennis , Ph.D., D.Sc., Stanley Lugowski, M.Sc., Ph.D., and Pritzker, M.D.Toronto CanadaFrom the Division of Plastic Surgery, the Centre for Biomaterials, and the Department of Pathology University of Toronto and Mount Sinai Hospital. Received for Publication February 18, 1999. Spontaneous autoinflation of breast implants is also rare. This phenomenon was initially reported in 1994 by Botti and coworkers. They described nine patients with textured double-lumen implants who under went a significant volume increase in their outer lumens, 2 to 18 months after implant insertion. Signorini and colleagues described a similar phenomenon in three patients with double-lumen implants, 11 which had been in place for 2 to 7 months. The autoinflation was unilateral in two patients and bilateral in one patient. An all cases, the outer lumen had inflated with a yellow to red-brown solution, which contained cellular debris. Three of the implants bad been in place for 7 months and contained isotonic levels of sodium and chloride. Two other implants had been in place for 2 months and contained hypertonic levels of sodium and chloride cook01.html JAMA Abstracts - May 28, 1997 Characteristics of Women With and Without Breast Augmentation S. Cook, PhD; Janet R. Daling, PhD; Lynda F. Voigt, PhD; M. deHart, ScD; Kathleen E. Malone, PhD; Janet L. Stanford, PhD; Noel S. Weiss, MD, DrPH; Louise A. Brinton, PhD; Marilie D. Gammon, PhD; Donna Brogan, PhD (Shows what money can buy and who putting out trash science) Cyclosiloxanes Produce Fatal Liver and Lung Damage in Mice Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 107, Number 2, February 1999 [cyclosiloxanes (CSs), the predominant low molecular weight cyclic silicones found in breast implants] [These mice developed inflammatory lesions of the lung and liver as well as liver cell necrosis with elevated serum levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and lactic acid dehydrogenase. Administration of CS-D4 alone also produced lethality in these mice] distribution_of_organosilicon_po.htm Distribution of Organosilicon Polymers in Augmentation Mammaplasties At Autopsy Jeffery J. Barnard, MD; L. Todd, Ph.D.; Wesley G. , MD; Ron Mielcareck, MS, and Rod J. Rohrich, MD. Dallas Tx and Paradise Valley, AZ Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vol 100, No. 1, July 1997 drblais.html Dr.Pierre Blais has written an article on saline and double lumen implants which looks at their risks and long term safety implications drstudy.html Dr. Nalm-Was one of the first to show that silicone is a potent adjuvant, presented a study on arthritis induced in rats. The silicone gel taken from a commercial breast implant is capable of mediating a collagen(protein in connective tissue)induced arthritis in the rats. effects_of_capsular_contracture_.htm Effects of capsular contracture on ultrasonic screening for silicone gel breast implant rupture. Medot M; Landis GH; McGregor CE; Gutowski KA; Foshager MC; Griffiths HJ; Cunningham BL Department of Surgery, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, USA. Ann Plast Surg, 39:337-41, 1997 Oct Ultrasound should be considered reliable in diagnosing SBI rupture only in the absence of a contracted capsule. entrezme.html Plast Reconstr Surg 1997 Jul;100(1):182-196 Microbial growth inside saline-filled breast implants. Young VL, Hertl MC, Murray PR, Jensen J, Witt H, Schorr MW Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO., USA. events_in_the_history_of_silicon.htm Events in the History of Silicone Immunopathology Science & Medicine Sept/Oct 1996 fda_stdy.html FDA SEEKING REFERRAL OF PATIENTS WHO HAVE DEVELOPED MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY OR MYELOMA AFTER SILICONE IMPLANTS OR INJECTIONS. fdastudy.html Dr. Epstein needs information on women who have been diagnosed with MULTIPLE MYELOMA (also called Plasma Cell Myeloma) or MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY (MGUS) (also called Plasma Cell Dyscrasias (PCD's) . garryapa.html Use of anti-polymer antibody assay in recipients of silicone breast implants A Tenenbaum, Janet C Rice, R Espinoza, Marta L Cu llar, R Plymale, M Sander, L on, Allyson M Haislip, S Gluck, R P Tesser, Lee Nogy, Kathleen M Stribrny, A Bevan, F Garry increase_of_immunologically_rele.htm Increase of immunologically relevant parameters in correlation with Baker classification in breast implant recipients. Brunner CA; Feller AM; Gröner R; Dees E; Biefel K; Biemer E; Ann Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1996 May Issue/Part/Supplement: 5 Volume Issue:36 Pagination: 512-18; discussion 518-21 Influence of long term silicone implantation on type II collagen induced arthritis in mice Ann Rheum Dis 1999;58:503-509 ( August ) data suggest that long term silicone implantation results in both the production of autoantibodies to connective tissue antigens and increased susceptibility to an experimental model of autoimmune disease. info_so1.html SMALL RISK OF CONNECTIVE-TISSUE DISEASE FROM BREAST IMPLANTS OBSERVED TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1996 injectable_silicone.htm Injectable silicone: cause of facial nodules, cellulitis, ulceration, and migration. Rapaport MJ, Vinnik C, Zarem H Los Angeles, California, USA. Aesthetic Plast Surg 1996 May;20(3):267-276 interstitial_pneumonia_associate.htm Interstitial pneumonia associated with human adjuvant disease which developed 30 years after silicone augmentation mammoplasty jama.html Self-reported Breast Implants and Connective-Tissue Diseases in Female Health Professionals A Retrospective Cohort Study H. Hennekens, MD Dr PH; I-Man Lee, MBS, ScD, R. Cook, ScD. R. Heber; Ph.D.: W. Karlson, Md; Fran LaMott; JoAnn E. Manson, MD. DrPH; E. Buring, ScD killcell.html SUPPRESSED NATURAL KILLER CELL ACTIVITY IN PATIENTS WITH SILICONE IMPLANTS: REVERSAL UPON EXPLANTATION BY: ANDREW W, CAMPBELL, M.D., Clinical assistant professor, University of Texas Health Science Center, Medical Director, Center For Immune, Environmental and Toxic Disorders, Houston, Texas. NACHMAN BRAUTBAR, M.D., clinical Professor of Medicine, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Medical Director, Center for International Occupational and Toxicological Medicine, Los Angeles, California. ARISTO VOJDANI, PH.D., Associate Professor of Medicine, Drew University School of Medicine and Science, Department of Medicine and Dermatology, Director, Immunosciences Lab, Inc., Los Angeles, California. PUBLISHED, TOXICOLOGY AND INDUSTRIAL HEALTH 10: 3 MAY - JUNE 1994 labtest.html Testing for Monoclonal Gammopathy is showing up some interesting results. 2% have the usual results for multiple myeloma,but 60% have abnormal patches of serum electrophoresis,which are abnormal bands. This is an atypical result. [Late infection of breast implant, complication of colonic perforation. Review of the literature. Role of preventive treatment] Ann Chir Plast Esthet, 43(5):559-62 1998 Oct The infection developed 6 weeks after colonoscopy complicated by acute peritonitis due to colonic perforation. lipid_infiltration_as_a_possible.htm Lipid infiltration as a possible biologic cause of silicone gel breast implant aging. WP Jr; JB Jr; Rohrich RJ Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas 75235, USA. Plast Reconstr Surg, 101:64-8; discussion 69-71, 1998 Jan Recent reports indicate the failure rate is higher than previously published, and implant aging and rupture may be due to progressive mechanical deterioration of the outer vulcanized silicone shell. It is known that lipids are absorbed by the hydrophobic silicone elastomer, and lipid infiltration causes mechanical attenuation and possible failure of the elastomer. Low molecular weight silicones.htm Low molecular weight silicones are widely distributed after a single subcutaneous injection in mice. Kala SV; Lykissa ED; Neely MW; Lieberman MW Department of Pathology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. Am J Pathol, 152:645-9, 1998 Mar Magnetic resonance evaluation.htm Magnetic resonance evaluation of breast implants and soft-tissue silicone. Middleton MS N. Berk Magnetic Resonance Institute, UCSD Department of Radiology, San Diego, California 92103-8749, USA. msm@... Top Magn Reson Imaging, 9:92-137, 1998 Apr This paper reviews the history of breast augmentation with an emphasis on the great variety of implants manufactured during the last generation magnetic_tomography_in_diagnosis.htm Magnetic tomography in diagnosis of breast implant rupture Kvistad KA; Smenes E; Thuomas KA; Gribbestad IS; Samdal F Medisinsk seksjon, MR-senteret, Regionsykehuset i Trondheim. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 117:3226-8, 1997 Sep 20 Recognition of the different types of implants and the appearance of normal implants on MRI is very important for distinguishing these from intracapsular and extracapsular ruptures. manual_of_allergy_and_immunology.htm Manual of Allergy and Immunology Glenn J. Lawlor, Jr., M.D. J. Fischer, M.D. C. Adelman, M.D. 15 Rheumatic Diseases. These syndromes resemble scleroderma but have unique features and do not necessarily respond to standard scleroderma therapy. marcus.html From ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISM October 1996, pp. 1619-1626 AN ANALYTICAL REVIEW OF SILICONE IMMUNOLOGY DONALD M. MARCUS markers.html IMMUNOLOGIC MARKERS IN SILICONE BREAST IMPLANT RECIPIENTS Smalley, F. Hall, R. Shanklin, and V. s matrix.html SILICON AND MATRIX MACROMOLECULES: NEW RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES FOR OLD DISEASES FROM ANALYSIS OF POTENTIAL MECHANISMS OF BREAST IMPLANT TOXICITY ARTHUR E. BRAWER, M.D. DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE DIVISION OF RHEUMATOLOGY MONMOUTH MEDICAL CENTER THIRD AND PAVILION AVENUES LONG BRANCH, NEW JERSEY 07740 U.S.A. mgus.html MGUS = Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance micesila.html INDUCTION OF PLASMACYTOMAS WITH SILICONE GEL IN GENETICALLY SUSCEPTIBLE STRAINS OF MICE micetest.html Study of Silicone Injections in Mice SILICONE GELS, INDUCTION OF PLASMA CELL TUMORS, AND GENETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY IN MICE: A CALL FOR EPIDEMIOLOGIC INVESTIGATION OF WOMEN WITH SILICONE BREAST IMPLANTS michelle_copeland__salines_may_n.htm Copeland salines may not be so safe American Health July/August 1994 missed_breast_cancer_in_two_pati.htm Missed breast cancer in two patients with prepectoral silicone gel breast implants following implant displacement mammography monitoring_the_axilla_in_patient.htm Monitoring the axilla in patients with silicone gel implants. Kulber DA; Mackenzie D; Steiner JH; Glassman H; Hopp D; Hiatt JR; Ann Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1995 Dec Issue/Part/Supplement: 6 Volume Issue:35 Pagination: 580-4 mr.htm Eur Radiol 1998;8(3):371-376 MR imaging of the augmented breast. Huch RA, Kunzi W, Debatin JF, Wiesner W, Krestin GP Department of Radiology, University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland. myeloma.html Multiple Myeloma Dr. Lewy, of Breast Implant Research, sent information on two large studies to determine the risk of developing multiple myeloma or monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined signifcance (MGUS) in women with silicone exposure. neuron2.html International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1995 A MOTOR NEURON DISEASE SYNDROME IN SILICONE BREAST IMPLANT RECIPIENTS BRITTA OSTERMEYER SHOAIB AND BERNARD M. PATTEN other_im.html Less maligned, but cut from the same cloth, other silicone implants also have adverse effects. (Medical News & Perspectives) Randall, Teri Citation: JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association, July1, 1992 v268 n1 p12(2) overallh.html Review: Insufficient information exists about the overall health risk associated with silicone gel breast implants Silverman BG, Brown SL, Bright RA, et al. Reported complications of silicone gel breast implants: an epidemiologic review. Ann Intern Med. 1996 Apr 15;124:744-56. Objective To review the most common local and systemic complications associated with silicone gel breast implants. paecilomyces_variotii_contaminat.htm Paecilomyces variotii contamination in the lumen of a saline-filled breast implant. Young VL; Hertl MC; Murray PR; Lambros VS; Plast Reconstr Surg Date of Pub: 1995 Nov Issue/Part/Supplement: 6 Volume Issue: 96 Pagination: 1430-4 page02.html REQUEST FOR REFERRAL OF PATIENTS WHO HAVE DEVELOPED MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY OR MYELOMA AFTER SILICONE IMPLANTS OR INJECTIONS. page03.html REQUEST FOR REFERRAL OF PATIENTS WHO HAVE DEVELOPED MYOSlTIS OR SCLERODERMA AFTER SILICONE IMPLANTS OR INJECTIONS. pete_ed.htm Failure properties of leaf valve inflatable saline breast implants Walter s The failure properties of leaf valve inflatable saline breast implants are carefully outlined. Can J Plast Surg 1997;5(4):241-245. possibo2.html Possible morbidity in women from talc on condoms.(Letter to the Editor) Kasper, Candace Sue; Chandler, P.J., Jr. Citation: JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association, March 15, 1995 v273 n11 p846(2) ps_study.html The study looked at women who decided to have their silicone breast implants taken out (Explantation Group) and compared them to women who decided to keep their implants (Observation Group). release_of_low_molecular_weight_.htm Release of low molecular weight silicones and platinum from silicone breast implants. Lykissa ED; Kala SV; Hurley JB; Lebovitz RM Department of Pathology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. Anal Chem, 69:4912-6, 1997 Dec 1 residual_silicone_detection_usin.htm Residual silicone detection using MRI following previous breast implant removal: case reports. Ahn CY; Shaw WW; Narayanan K; Gorczyca DP; DeBruhl ND; Bassett LW; Aesthetic Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1995 Jul-Aug Issue/Part/Supplement: 4 Volume Issue:19 Pagination: 361-7 Rupture of siliconegel breast implants causes, sequelae, and diagnosis.htm S Lori Brown, Barbara G Silverman, Wendie A Berg Lancet 1997; 350: 1531-37 A recently released medical study conducted by some renowned plastic surgeons gives further evidence of a link between silicone breast implants and autoimmune disease. The study looked at women who decided to have their silicone breast implants taken out (Explantation Group) and compared them to women who decided to keep their implants (Observation Group). saline_filled_breast_implants_ca.htm Saline filled breast implants can harbor microbes by Woolston Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. In a study using rabbits, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis Demonstrated for the first time that a wide variety of potentially harmful microbes can live and grow inside saline implants. They also discovered that microorganisms frequently live in the tissue surrounding implants sbi_anly.html Silicon Analysis of Breast and Periprosthetic Capsular Tissue from Patients with Saline or Silicone Gel Breast Implants L. Schnur, M.D., Weinzweig, M.D., B. , M.D., P.Moyer, Ph.D., M. Petty, M.D., Nixon, Ph.D., and ph P. McConnell,Ph.D. scanacta.html Synopis of Scandinavian Acta 2,6-cis-Diphenylhexamethylcyclotetrasiloxane An abbreviated synopis of the 147 page study Note: The importance of these studies is the following: 2,6-cis-d (in this publication) and D-4 (found in breast implants) are very similar. shankln1.html Article by Dr. R. Shanklin Widespread silicone sickness is very real in women with past and continuing exposure to silicone breast implants. Pathological study of tissues over the past 10 years shows that many of these women are sicker today than a decade ago. silicon_granulomas_and_der.htm Silicon granulomas and dermatomyositis-like changes associated with chronic eyelid edema after silicone breast implant. Meyer DR; Bui HX; Carlson JA; Ratliff CD; Guevarra MC; Delrio AD; Ross JS; Mihm M Jr Lions Eye Institute, Albany, New York 12208, USA. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg, 14:182-8, 1998 May Silicone breast implants.htm Silicone breast implants and autoimmune disease. Brown SL; Langone JJ; Brinton LA J Am Med Womens Assoc, 53:21-4, 40, 1998 Winter Abstract In 1992, the Food and Drug Administration requested a voluntary moratorium on the scale and implantation of silicone-gel-filled breast implants because of growing concern over the lack of scientific and clinical data supporting their safety and effectiveness Silicone breast prosthesis.htm [silicone breast prosthesis and rheumatoid arthritis: a new systemic disease: siliconosis. A case report and a critical review of the literature] Iannello S; Belfiore F Istituto di Medicina Interna e Specialit`a Internistiche, Universit`a degli Studi, Catania. Minerva Med, 89:117-30, 1998 Apr Silicone gel enhances.htm Silicone gel enhances the development of autoimmune disease in New Zealand black mice but fails to induce it in BALB/cAnPt mice [see comments] Mc AH; Weir K; Schneider M; Gudenkauf L; Sanger JR Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA. Clin Immunol Immunopathol, 87:248-55, 1998 Jun silicone_gel_and_octamethylcyclo.htm Silicone gel and octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane potentiate antibody production to bovine serum albumin in mice. Nicholson JJ 3rd; Wong GE; Frondoza CG; Rose NR; Curr Top Microbiol Immunol Date of Pub: 1996 Volume Issue: 210 Pagination: 139-44 silicone_granulomatous_lymphaden.htm Silicone granulomatous lymphadenopathy and siliconomas of the breast. Vaamonde R, Cabrera JM, Vaamonde- RJ, Jimena I, Marcos J Department of Morphological Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Cordoba, Spain. Histol Histopathol 1997 Oct;12(4):1003-1011 (Foreign-body granulomas (siliconomas) were observed in surrounding tissue with no apparent rupture of implant capsules) subclinical_infection_of_penile_.htm Subclinical Infection of Penile Prostheses surveys.html Medical Research Requests synopsis_of_scandinavian_acta_2.htm Synopsis of Scandinavian Acta 2,6-cis-Diphenylhexamethylcyclotetrasiloxane This volume is a review of chemical and bilogical studies of a novel organosilicon compound with estrogen-like activity,2,6-cis-d t_lymph.html Immunologic stimulation of T lymphocytes by silica after use of silicone mammary implants L. Smalley, R. Shanklin, F. Hall, V. s, and Aram Hanissian (Baptist Memoorial Health Care System, Memphis, TN 38105, USA; Departments of Pathology and Obstetrics and Gynecology, university of Tennessee, Memphis, TN 38163, USA; and Department of medicine, Baptist Memorial Hospital, Memphis, Tn 38120, USA. talc_dep.html Talc Deposition in Skin and Tissues Surrounding Silicone Gel-Containing Prosthetic Devices Kasper CS, Chandler PJ Jr. (Baylor Univ, Dallas,, Ambulatory Plastic Surgery Ctr, Dallas) Arch Dermatol 130:48-53, 1994 tcelllym.html ABSTRACT Duvic, , Menter, Vonderheid Department of Dermatology, University of Texas Medical School Houston, USA. Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in association with silicone breast implants. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 32(6):939-42,1995 Jun. title_silicone_gel_enhances_the_.htm Silicone gel enhances the development of autoimmune disease in New Zealand black mice but fails to induce it in BALB/cAnPt mice Mc AH; Weir K; Schneider M; Gudenkauf L; Sanger JR Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA. Clin Immunol Immunopathol, 87:248-55, 1998 Jun what_are_the_real_risk_of_silico.htm What are the real risk of Silicone Gel Bleed and Rupture. As to long term Health Risks? what_are_the_risks_of_immunologi.htm What are the Risks of immunological responses to Bacterial and Fungal Complications after Breast Implant Augmentation? — Review of the literature: yoshida.html Immunopathologic effects of silicone breast implants. Teuber,Suzanne S.;Yoshida, H.;Gershwin, M. The Western Journal of Medicine, May 1995 v162 n5p418(8) young.html ANALYSIS OF PROPERTIES OF EXPLANTED BREAST IMPLANTS V. Leroy Young, M.D. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 17, 2006 Report Share Posted December 17, 2006 Lea, Toxic Discovery couldn't open them from an attachment.. The only thing I can think to do is for you to send it to them personally. Toxic Discovery <toxicdiscovery@...>, I suspect the links are dead though. Rogene Lea <devans@...> wrote: Thank you for trying dear Rogene: Love you.........Lea ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Fw: Emailing: studies...Good documents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`` Plaintiffs' Science Submission to National Science Pane TABLE OF CONTENTS A must read for doctor or anyone else. 1994doc.html 1994 DOCUMENT -- SILICONE IMPLANT CONTROVERSY CONTINUES 300sympt.html CLINICAL FEATURES OF LOCAL BREAST PHENOMENA IN 300 SYMPTOMATIC RECIPIENTS OF SILICONE GEL-FILLED BREAST IMPLANTS ARTHUR E. BRAWER A comparison of autoantibody production in asymptomatic and symptomatic women with silicone breast implants. J Rheumatol, 1999 Jan, 26:1, 73-7 The objective of this study was to investigate the frequency of autoantibody production in asymptomatic compared to symptomatic women with silicone implants. The development of autoantibodies may be related to implant duration. a_profile_of_symptomatic_patient.htm A PROFILE OF SYMPTOMATIC PATIENTS WITH SILICONE BREAST IMPLANTS: A SJOGRENS-LIKE SYNDROME Freundlich B; Altman C; Snadorfi N; Greenberg M; Tomaszewski J Graduate Hospital, Philadelphia, PA 19146. Semin Arthritis Rheum, 1994 Aug, 24:1 Suppl 1, 44-53 adjuvancy_effect_of_different_ty.htm AdJuvancy effect of different types of silicone gel. Naim JO; Ippolito KM; van Oss CJ adjuvant_effect_of_silicone.htm The adjuvant effect of silicone-gel on antibody formation in rats. Naim JO; Lanzafame RJ; van Oss CJ Department of Surgery, Rochester General Hospital, New York 14621. Immunol Invest, 22:151-61, 1993 Mar aim1.html Reported Complications of Silicone Gel Breast Implants:An Epidemiologic Review Barbara G. Silverman, MD, MPH; S. Lori Brown, PhD, MPH; lie A. Bright,ScD; G. Kaezmarek, MD, MPH; Janet B. Arrowsmith-Lowe, MD; and A. Kessler, MD american_j_of_pathology.htm American J of Pathology, Vol. 152 #3: 645-649 Short Communication Low Molecular Weight Silicones are Widely Distributed after a Single Subcutaneous Injection in Mice Subbarao V. Kala* Ernest D. Lykissa* W. Neely* and W. Lieberman*+ From the Depts of Pathology* and Cell Biology+. Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Texas ar_vol32.html FROM ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM VOL. 32 PG. 578 1989 B172 ar_vol33.html ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM VOL. 33 PG. 5156 1990 "SILICONE-ASSOCIATED CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASE (CTD) FOLLOWING MAMMOPLASTY: CLINICAL COURSE AFTER IMPLANT REMOVAL" BY PINDARO MARTINEZ-OSUNA, LUIS R. ESPINOZA, JOHN P. GRESH, MITCHEL SELEZNICK, BERNARD GERMAIN, FRANK B. VASEY. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA, TAMPA, FL 33612. auto_imm.html MEDICAL DEVICE INTERACTIONS WITH THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Immunological Effects of Silicone bacterial_growth_in_saline_impla.htm Bacterial growth in saline implants: in vitro and in vivo studies. Chen NT; PE; Hooper DC; Ann Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1996 Apr Issue/Part/Supplement: 4 Volume Issue:36 Pagination: 337-41 bi_fail.html Failure properties of 352 explanted silicone-gel breast implants The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery Walter s PhD MD FRCSC, Dennis PhD DSc FRCS, Stanley Lugowski MSc Division of Plastic Surgery and the Centre for Biomaterials, Wellesley Hospital and the University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario blood_wk.html Peripheral blood eosinophilia, hyperimmunoglobulinemia A and fatigue: possible complications following rupture of silicone breast implants L. Schnur, M.D., Weinzweig, M.D., B. , M.D., P.Moyer, Ph.D., M. Petty, M.D., Nixon, Ph.D., and ph P. McConnell,Ph.D. ls of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology August 1996 breast.htm Ann Plast Surg 1998 Apr;40(4):360-363 Breast reconstruction in previously irradiated patients using tissue expanders and implants: a potentially unfavorable result. Forman DL, Chiu J, Restifo RJ, Ward BA, Haffty B, Ariyan S Section of Plastic Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. breast.html BREAST IMPLANTS AND AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE A new study strengthens the link between silicone gel breast implants and autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and a skin-hardening disorder known as scleroderma. breast1.htm Plast Reconstr Surg 1998 Apr;101(4):1085-1088 Breast capsule persistence after breast implant removal. Rockwell WB, Casey HD, Cheng CA breast2.htm Rev Med Interne 1997;18(12):955-966 [breast prostheses and their complications]. Wattiaux MJ Service de medecine interne, hopital Saint-Antoine, Paris, France. case_report_toxic_shock_syndrome.htm Case Report Toxic Shock Syndrome as a Complication of Breast Prostheses Ann. Plast. Surg. Vol. 96, No. 7 1706 1995 The ability of bacteria to traverse the membrane elastomer appears to hold the key to understanding this pathologic process. The permeability of silicone (saline) implants to substances or organisms occurs by means of two proposed mechanisms. Either a substance can diffuse directly though the membrane elastomer (as with ether, lidocaine, iodine, steroids, and certain antibiotics) or it must leak though holes in the membrane or fill ports. case2.html CASE REPORT SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATORY DISORDER RELATED TO FIBROUS BREAST CAPSULES AFTER SILICONE IMPLANT REMOVAL Copeland, DMD., MD., Aron Kressel, MD., Harry Spiera, MD., Hermann, MD., and Ira J. Bleiweiss, MD. New York, NY celdeath.html Cell Suicide in Health and Disease Cells can--and often do--kill themselves, in a process known as apoptosis.This capacity is essential to the proper functioning of the body; flawed regulation may lie behind many diseases by C. Duke, M. Ojcius and Ding-E Young children.html CHILDREN BREASTFED BY WOMEN WITH BREAST IMPLANTS FDA is receiving inquiries about a preliminary study reported in the Jan. 19 Journal of the American Medical Association suggesting that breastfed children of women with silicone gel breast implants may be at risk of developing abnormal esophageal motility. clamen01.html Antinuclear Antibodies in Apparently Healthy Women with Breast Implants Immunology of Silicones, Vol 210, pp 265-268 (Jan 1996) HN Claman, MD, AD on, PhD University of Colorado Health Sciences Center Denver, CO USA clinical_status_changes_in_sympt.htm Clinical Status Changes in Symptomatic Women Exchanging Saline for Gel Breast Implants by Vasey,MD, Noreen M. Aziz,MD, M.P.H., Joanne Valeriano, MD, Division of Rheumatology, University of South FL College of Medicine and Haley VAH, Tampa, FL. We conclude that the majority of women exchanging saline for gelimplants did not manifest a significant improvement in their clinical status and 50% actually demonstrated a deterioration. While data are preliminary, we currently recommend that symptomatic women who remove their gel filled breast implants not replace them with those that are saline filled. clamen02.html Claman HN, on AD; Antinuclear antibodies and breast implants. West J Med 1994; 160:225-228) Antinuclear Antibodies and Breast Implants Henry N. Claman, MD, and Alastair D. on, PhD, Denver, Colorado Based on a paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Association of Physicians, Carmel, California, February 1993. Cosmetic Case Report Simaplast Inflatable Breast Implants:Evaluation after 23 Years in Situ Walter s, Ph.D., M.D., Dennis , Ph.D., D.Sc., Stanley Lugowski, M.Sc., Ph.D., and Pritzker, M.D.Toronto CanadaFrom the Division of Plastic Surgery, the Centre for Biomaterials, and the Department of Pathology University of Toronto and Mount Sinai Hospital. Received for Publication February 18, 1999. Spontaneous autoinflation of breast implants is also rare. This phenomenon was initially reported in 1994 by Botti and coworkers. They described nine patients with textured double-lumen implants who under went a significant volume increase in their outer lumens, 2 to 18 months after implant insertion. Signorini and colleagues described a similar phenomenon in three patients with double-lumen implants, 11 which had been in place for 2 to 7 months. The autoinflation was unilateral in two patients and bilateral in one patient. An all cases, the outer lumen had inflated with a yellow to red-brown solution, which contained cellular debris. Three of the implants bad been in place for 7 months and contained isotonic levels of sodium and chloride. Two other implants had been in place for 2 months and contained hypertonic levels of sodium and chloride cook01.html JAMA Abstracts - May 28, 1997 Characteristics of Women With and Without Breast Augmentation S. Cook, PhD; Janet R. Daling, PhD; Lynda F. Voigt, PhD; M. deHart, ScD; Kathleen E. Malone, PhD; Janet L. Stanford, PhD; Noel S. Weiss, MD, DrPH; Louise A. Brinton, PhD; Marilie D. Gammon, PhD; Donna Brogan, PhD (Shows what money can buy and who putting out trash science) Cyclosiloxanes Produce Fatal Liver and Lung Damage in Mice Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 107, Number 2, February 1999 [cyclosiloxanes (CSs), the predominant low molecular weight cyclic silicones found in breast implants] [These mice developed inflammatory lesions of the lung and liver as well as liver cell necrosis with elevated serum levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and lactic acid dehydrogenase. Administration of CS-D4 alone also produced lethality in these mice] distribution_of_organosilicon_po.htm Distribution of Organosilicon Polymers in Augmentation Mammaplasties At Autopsy Jeffery J. Barnard, MD; L. Todd, Ph.D.; Wesley G. , MD; Ron Mielcareck, MS, and Rod J. Rohrich, MD. Dallas Tx and Paradise Valley, AZ Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vol 100, No. 1, July 1997 drblais.html Dr.Pierre Blais has written an article on saline and double lumen implants which looks at their risks and long term safety implications drstudy.html Dr. Nalm-Was one of the first to show that silicone is a potent adjuvant, presented a study on arthritis induced in rats. The silicone gel taken from a commercial breast implant is capable of mediating a collagen(protein in connective tissue)induced arthritis in the rats. effects_of_capsular_contracture_.htm Effects of capsular contracture on ultrasonic screening for silicone gel breast implant rupture. Medot M; Landis GH; McGregor CE; Gutowski KA; Foshager MC; Griffiths HJ; Cunningham BL Department of Surgery, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, USA. Ann Plast Surg, 39:337-41, 1997 Oct Ultrasound should be considered reliable in diagnosing SBI rupture only in the absence of a contracted capsule. entrezme.html Plast Reconstr Surg 1997 Jul;100(1):182-196 Microbial growth inside saline-filled breast implants. Young VL, Hertl MC, Murray PR, Jensen J, Witt H, Schorr MW Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO., USA. events_in_the_history_of_silicon.htm Events in the History of Silicone Immunopathology Science & Medicine Sept/Oct 1996 fda_stdy.html FDA SEEKING REFERRAL OF PATIENTS WHO HAVE DEVELOPED MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY OR MYELOMA AFTER SILICONE IMPLANTS OR INJECTIONS. fdastudy.html Dr. Epstein needs information on women who have been diagnosed with MULTIPLE MYELOMA (also called Plasma Cell Myeloma) or MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY (MGUS) (also called Plasma Cell Dyscrasias (PCD's) . garryapa.html Use of anti-polymer antibody assay in recipients of silicone breast implants A Tenenbaum, Janet C Rice, R Espinoza, Marta L Cu llar, R Plymale, M Sander, L on, Allyson M Haislip, S Gluck, R P Tesser, Lee Nogy, Kathleen M Stribrny, A Bevan, F Garry increase_of_immunologically_rele.htm Increase of immunologically relevant parameters in correlation with Baker classification in breast implant recipients. Brunner CA; Feller AM; Gröner R; Dees E; Biefel K; Biemer E; Ann Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1996 May Issue/Part/Supplement: 5 Volume Issue:36 Pagination: 512-18; discussion 518-21 Influence of long term silicone implantation on type II collagen induced arthritis in mice Ann Rheum Dis 1999;58:503-509 ( August ) data suggest that long term silicone implantation results in both the production of autoantibodies to connective tissue antigens and increased susceptibility to an experimental model of autoimmune disease. info_so1.html SMALL RISK OF CONNECTIVE-TISSUE DISEASE FROM BREAST IMPLANTS OBSERVED TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1996 injectable_silicone.htm Injectable silicone: cause of facial nodules, cellulitis, ulceration, and migration. Rapaport MJ, Vinnik C, Zarem H Los Angeles, California, USA. Aesthetic Plast Surg 1996 May;20(3):267-276 interstitial_pneumonia_associate.htm Interstitial pneumonia associated with human adjuvant disease which developed 30 years after silicone augmentation mammoplasty jama.html Self-reported Breast Implants and Connective-Tissue Diseases in Female Health Professionals A Retrospective Cohort Study H. Hennekens, MD Dr PH; I-Man Lee, MBS, ScD, R. Cook, ScD. R. Heber; Ph.D.: W. Karlson, Md; Fran LaMott; JoAnn E. Manson, MD. DrPH; E. Buring, ScD killcell.html SUPPRESSED NATURAL KILLER CELL ACTIVITY IN PATIENTS WITH SILICONE IMPLANTS: REVERSAL UPON EXPLANTATION BY: ANDREW W, CAMPBELL, M.D., Clinical assistant professor, University of Texas Health Science Center, Medical Director, Center For Immune, Environmental and Toxic Disorders, Houston, Texas. NACHMAN BRAUTBAR, M.D., clinical Professor of Medicine, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Medical Director, Center for International Occupational and Toxicological Medicine, Los Angeles, California. ARISTO VOJDANI, PH.D., Associate Professor of Medicine, Drew University School of Medicine and Science, Department of Medicine and Dermatology, Director, Immunosciences Lab, Inc., Los Angeles, California. PUBLISHED, TOXICOLOGY AND INDUSTRIAL HEALTH 10: 3 MAY - JUNE 1994 labtest.html Testing for Monoclonal Gammopathy is showing up some interesting results. 2% have the usual results for multiple myeloma,but 60% have abnormal patches of serum electrophoresis,which are abnormal bands. This is an atypical result. [Late infection of breast implant, complication of colonic perforation. Review of the literature. Role of preventive treatment] Ann Chir Plast Esthet, 43(5):559-62 1998 Oct The infection developed 6 weeks after colonoscopy complicated by acute peritonitis due to colonic perforation. lipid_infiltration_as_a_possible.htm Lipid infiltration as a possible biologic cause of silicone gel breast implant aging. WP Jr; JB Jr; Rohrich RJ Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas 75235, USA. Plast Reconstr Surg, 101:64-8; discussion 69-71, 1998 Jan Recent reports indicate the failure rate is higher than previously published, and implant aging and rupture may be due to progressive mechanical deterioration of the outer vulcanized silicone shell. It is known that lipids are absorbed by the hydrophobic silicone elastomer, and lipid infiltration causes mechanical attenuation and possible failure of the elastomer. Low molecular weight silicones.htm Low molecular weight silicones are widely distributed after a single subcutaneous injection in mice. Kala SV; Lykissa ED; Neely MW; Lieberman MW Department of Pathology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. Am J Pathol, 152:645-9, 1998 Mar Magnetic resonance evaluation.htm Magnetic resonance evaluation of breast implants and soft-tissue silicone. Middleton MS N. Berk Magnetic Resonance Institute, UCSD Department of Radiology, San Diego, California 92103-8749, USA. msm@... Top Magn Reson Imaging, 9:92-137, 1998 Apr This paper reviews the history of breast augmentation with an emphasis on the great variety of implants manufactured during the last generation magnetic_tomography_in_diagnosis.htm Magnetic tomography in diagnosis of breast implant rupture Kvistad KA; Smenes E; Thuomas KA; Gribbestad IS; Samdal F Medisinsk seksjon, MR-senteret, Regionsykehuset i Trondheim. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 117:3226-8, 1997 Sep 20 Recognition of the different types of implants and the appearance of normal implants on MRI is very important for distinguishing these from intracapsular and extracapsular ruptures. manual_of_allergy_and_immunology.htm Manual of Allergy and Immunology Glenn J. Lawlor, Jr., M.D. J. Fischer, M.D. C. Adelman, M.D. 15 Rheumatic Diseases. These syndromes resemble scleroderma but have unique features and do not necessarily respond to standard scleroderma therapy. marcus.html From ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISM October 1996, pp. 1619-1626 AN ANALYTICAL REVIEW OF SILICONE IMMUNOLOGY DONALD M. MARCUS markers.html IMMUNOLOGIC MARKERS IN SILICONE BREAST IMPLANT RECIPIENTS Smalley, F. Hall, R. Shanklin, and V. s matrix.html SILICON AND MATRIX MACROMOLECULES: NEW RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES FOR OLD DISEASES FROM ANALYSIS OF POTENTIAL MECHANISMS OF BREAST IMPLANT TOXICITY ARTHUR E. BRAWER, M.D. DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE DIVISION OF RHEUMATOLOGY MONMOUTH MEDICAL CENTER THIRD AND PAVILION AVENUES LONG BRANCH, NEW JERSEY 07740 U.S.A. mgus.html MGUS = Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance micesila.html INDUCTION OF PLASMACYTOMAS WITH SILICONE GEL IN GENETICALLY SUSCEPTIBLE STRAINS OF MICE micetest.html Study of Silicone Injections in Mice SILICONE GELS, INDUCTION OF PLASMA CELL TUMORS, AND GENETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY IN MICE: A CALL FOR EPIDEMIOLOGIC INVESTIGATION OF WOMEN WITH SILICONE BREAST IMPLANTS michelle_copeland__salines_may_n.htm Copeland salines may not be so safe American Health July/August 1994 missed_breast_cancer_in_two_pati.htm Missed breast cancer in two patients with prepectoral silicone gel breast implants following implant displacement mammography monitoring_the_axilla_in_patient.htm Monitoring the axilla in patients with silicone gel implants. Kulber DA; Mackenzie D; Steiner JH; Glassman H; Hopp D; Hiatt JR; Ann Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1995 Dec Issue/Part/Supplement: 6 Volume Issue:35 Pagination: 580-4 mr.htm Eur Radiol 1998;8(3):371-376 MR imaging of the augmented breast. Huch RA, Kunzi W, Debatin JF, Wiesner W, Krestin GP Department of Radiology, University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland. myeloma.html Multiple Myeloma Dr. Lewy, of Breast Implant Research, sent information on two large studies to determine the risk of developing multiple myeloma or monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined signifcance (MGUS) in women with silicone exposure. neuron2.html International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1995 A MOTOR NEURON DISEASE SYNDROME IN SILICONE BREAST IMPLANT RECIPIENTS BRITTA OSTERMEYER SHOAIB AND BERNARD M. PATTEN other_im.html Less maligned, but cut from the same cloth, other silicone implants also have adverse effects. (Medical News & Perspectives) Randall, Teri Citation: JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association, July1, 1992 v268 n1 p12(2) overallh.html Review: Insufficient information exists about the overall health risk associated with silicone gel breast implants Silverman BG, Brown SL, Bright RA, et al. Reported complications of silicone gel breast implants: an epidemiologic review. Ann Intern Med. 1996 Apr 15;124:744-56. Objective To review the most common local and systemic complications associated with silicone gel breast implants. paecilomyces_variotii_contaminat.htm Paecilomyces variotii contamination in the lumen of a saline-filled breast implant. Young VL; Hertl MC; Murray PR; Lambros VS; Plast Reconstr Surg Date of Pub: 1995 Nov Issue/Part/Supplement: 6 Volume Issue: 96 Pagination: 1430-4 page02.html REQUEST FOR REFERRAL OF PATIENTS WHO HAVE DEVELOPED MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY OR MYELOMA AFTER SILICONE IMPLANTS OR INJECTIONS. page03.html REQUEST FOR REFERRAL OF PATIENTS WHO HAVE DEVELOPED MYOSlTIS OR SCLERODERMA AFTER SILICONE IMPLANTS OR INJECTIONS. pete_ed.htm Failure properties of leaf valve inflatable saline breast implants Walter s The failure properties of leaf valve inflatable saline breast implants are carefully outlined. Can J Plast Surg 1997;5(4):241-245. possibo2.html Possible morbidity in women from talc on condoms.(Letter to the Editor) Kasper, Candace Sue; Chandler, P.J., Jr. Citation: JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association, March 15, 1995 v273 n11 p846(2) ps_study.html The study looked at women who decided to have their silicone breast implants taken out (Explantation Group) and compared them to women who decided to keep their implants (Observation Group). release_of_low_molecular_weight_.htm Release of low molecular weight silicones and platinum from silicone breast implants. Lykissa ED; Kala SV; Hurley JB; Lebovitz RM Department of Pathology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. Anal Chem, 69:4912-6, 1997 Dec 1 residual_silicone_detection_usin.htm Residual silicone detection using MRI following previous breast implant removal: case reports. Ahn CY; Shaw WW; Narayanan K; Gorczyca DP; DeBruhl ND; Bassett LW; Aesthetic Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1995 Jul-Aug Issue/Part/Supplement: 4 Volume Issue:19 Pagination: 361-7 Rupture of siliconegel breast implants causes, sequelae, and diagnosis.htm S Lori Brown, Barbara G Silverman, Wendie A Berg Lancet 1997; 350: 1531-37 A recently released medical study conducted by some renowned plastic surgeons gives further evidence of a link between silicone breast implants and autoimmune disease. The study looked at women who decided to have their silicone breast implants taken out (Explantation Group) and compared them to women who decided to keep their implants (Observation Group). saline_filled_breast_implants_ca.htm Saline filled breast implants can harbor microbes by Woolston Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. In a study using rabbits, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis Demonstrated for the first time that a wide variety of potentially harmful microbes can live and grow inside saline implants. They also discovered that microorganisms frequently live in the tissue surrounding implants sbi_anly.html Silicon Analysis of Breast and Periprosthetic Capsular Tissue from Patients with Saline or Silicone Gel Breast Implants L. Schnur, M.D., Weinzweig, M.D., B. , M.D., P.Moyer, Ph.D., M. Petty, M.D., Nixon, Ph.D., and ph P. McConnell,Ph.D. scanacta.html Synopis of Scandinavian Acta 2,6-cis-Diphenylhexamethylcyclotetrasiloxane An abbreviated synopis of the 147 page study Note: The importance of these studies is the following: 2,6-cis-d (in this publication) and D-4 (found in breast implants) are very similar. shankln1.html Article by Dr. R. Shanklin Widespread silicone sickness is very real in women with past and continuing exposure to silicone breast implants. Pathological study of tissues over the past 10 years shows that many of these women are sicker today than a decade ago. silicon_granulomas_and_der.htm Silicon granulomas and dermatomyositis-like changes associated with chronic eyelid edema after silicone breast implant. Meyer DR; Bui HX; Carlson JA; Ratliff CD; Guevarra MC; Delrio AD; Ross JS; Mihm M Jr Lions Eye Institute, Albany, New York 12208, USA. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg, 14:182-8, 1998 May Silicone breast implants.htm Silicone breast implants and autoimmune disease. Brown SL; Langone JJ; Brinton LA J Am Med Womens Assoc, 53:21-4, 40, 1998 Winter Abstract In 1992, the Food and Drug Administration requested a voluntary moratorium on the scale and implantation of silicone-gel-filled breast implants because of growing concern over the lack of scientific and clinical data supporting their safety and effectiveness Silicone breast prosthesis.htm [silicone breast prosthesis and rheumatoid arthritis: a new systemic disease: siliconosis. A case report and a critical review of the literature] Iannello S; Belfiore F Istituto di Medicina Interna e Specialit`a Internistiche, Universit`a degli Studi, Catania. Minerva Med, 89:117-30, 1998 Apr Silicone gel enhances.htm Silicone gel enhances the development of autoimmune disease in New Zealand black mice but fails to induce it in BALB/cAnPt mice [see comments] Mc AH; Weir K; Schneider M; Gudenkauf L; Sanger JR Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA. Clin Immunol Immunopathol, 87:248-55, 1998 Jun silicone_gel_and_octamethylcyclo.htm Silicone gel and octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane potentiate antibody production to bovine serum albumin in mice. Nicholson JJ 3rd; Wong GE; Frondoza CG; Rose NR; Curr Top Microbiol Immunol Date of Pub: 1996 Volume Issue: 210 Pagination: 139-44 silicone_granulomatous_lymphaden.htm Silicone granulomatous lymphadenopathy and siliconomas of the breast. Vaamonde R, Cabrera JM, Vaamonde- RJ, Jimena I, Marcos J Department of Morphological Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Cordoba, Spain. Histol Histopathol 1997 Oct;12(4):1003-1011 (Foreign-body granulomas (siliconomas) were observed in surrounding tissue with no apparent rupture of implant capsules) subclinical_infection_of_penile_.htm Subclinical Infection of Penile Prostheses surveys.html Medical Research Requests synopsis_of_scandinavian_acta_2.htm Synopsis of Scandinavian Acta 2,6-cis-Diphenylhexamethylcyclotetrasiloxane This volume is a review of chemical and bilogical studies of a novel organosilicon compound with estrogen-like activity,2,6-cis-d t_lymph.html Immunologic stimulation of T lymphocytes by silica after use of silicone mammary implants L. Smalley, R. Shanklin, F. Hall, V. s, and Aram Hanissian (Baptist Memoorial Health Care System, Memphis, TN 38105, USA; Departments of Pathology and Obstetrics and Gynecology, university of Tennessee, Memphis, TN 38163, USA; and Department of medicine, Baptist Memorial Hospital, Memphis, Tn 38120, USA. talc_dep.html Talc Deposition in Skin and Tissues Surrounding Silicone Gel-Containing Prosthetic Devices Kasper CS, Chandler PJ Jr. (Baylor Univ, Dallas,, Ambulatory Plastic Surgery Ctr, Dallas) Arch Dermatol 130:48-53, 1994 tcelllym.html ABSTRACT Duvic, , Menter, Vonderheid Department of Dermatology, University of Texas Medical School Houston, USA. Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in association with silicone breast implants. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 32(6):939-42,1995 Jun. title_silicone_gel_enhances_the_.htm Silicone gel enhances the development of autoimmune disease in New Zealand black mice but fails to induce it in BALB/cAnPt mice Mc AH; Weir K; Schneider M; Gudenkauf L; Sanger JR Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA. Clin Immunol Immunopathol, 87:248-55, 1998 Jun what_are_the_real_risk_of_silico.htm What are the real risk of Silicone Gel Bleed and Rupture. As to long term Health Risks? what_are_the_risks_of_immunologi.htm What are the Risks of immunological responses to Bacterial and Fungal Complications after Breast Implant Augmentation? — Review of the literature: yoshida.html Immunopathologic effects of silicone breast implants. Teuber,Suzanne S.;Yoshida, H.;Gershwin, M. The Western Journal of Medicine, May 1995 v162 n5p418(8) young.html ANALYSIS OF PROPERTIES OF EXPLANTED BREAST IMPLANTS V. Leroy Young, M.D. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 17, 2006 Report Share Posted December 17, 2006 Honey, this lady has lost her trust in many women, but not you or me. These documents should be available to everyone, unless they have much to hide, and they you....Lea ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Fw: Emailing: studies...Good documents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`` Plaintiffs' Science Submission to National Science Pane TABLE OF CONTENTS A must read for doctor or anyone else. 1994doc.html 1994 DOCUMENT -- SILICONE IMPLANT CONTROVERSY CONTINUES 300sympt.html CLINICAL FEATURES OF LOCAL BREAST PHENOMENA IN 300 SYMPTOMATIC RECIPIENTS OF SILICONE GEL-FILLED BREAST IMPLANTS ARTHUR E. BRAWER A comparison of autoantibody production in asymptomatic and symptomatic women with silicone breast implants. J Rheumatol, 1999 Jan, 26:1, 73-7 The objective of this study was to investigate the frequency of autoantibody production in asymptomatic compared to symptomatic women with silicone implants. The development of autoantibodies may be related to implant duration. a_profile_of_symptomatic_patient.htm A PROFILE OF SYMPTOMATIC PATIENTS WITH SILICONE BREAST IMPLANTS: A SJOGRENS-LIKE SYNDROME Freundlich B; Altman C; Snadorfi N; Greenberg M; Tomaszewski J Graduate Hospital, Philadelphia, PA 19146. Semin Arthritis Rheum, 1994 Aug, 24:1 Suppl 1, 44-53 adjuvancy_effect_of_different_ty.htm AdJuvancy effect of different types of silicone gel. Naim JO; Ippolito KM; van Oss CJ adjuvant_effect_of_silicone.htm The adjuvant effect of silicone-gel on antibody formation in rats. Naim JO; Lanzafame RJ; van Oss CJ Department of Surgery, Rochester General Hospital, New York 14621. Immunol Invest, 22:151-61, 1993 Mar aim1.html Reported Complications of Silicone Gel Breast Implants:An Epidemiologic Review Barbara G. Silverman, MD, MPH; S. Lori Brown, PhD, MPH; lie A. Bright,ScD; G. Kaezmarek, MD, MPH; Janet B. Arrowsmith-Lowe, MD; and A. Kessler, MD american_j_of_pathology.htm American J of Pathology, Vol. 152 #3: 645-649 Short Communication Low Molecular Weight Silicones are Widely Distributed after a Single Subcutaneous Injection in Mice Subbarao V. Kala* Ernest D. Lykissa* W. Neely* and W. Lieberman*+ From the Depts of Pathology* and Cell Biology+. Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Texas ar_vol32.html FROM ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM VOL. 32 PG. 578 1989 B172 ar_vol33.html ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM VOL. 33 PG. 5156 1990 "SILICONE-ASSOCIATED CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASE (CTD) FOLLOWING MAMMOPLASTY: CLINICAL COURSE AFTER IMPLANT REMOVAL" BY PINDARO MARTINEZ-OSUNA, LUIS R. ESPINOZA, JOHN P. GRESH, MITCHEL SELEZNICK, BERNARD GERMAIN, FRANK B. VASEY. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA, TAMPA, FL 33612. auto_imm.html MEDICAL DEVICE INTERACTIONS WITH THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Immunological Effects of Silicone bacterial_growth_in_saline_impla.htm Bacterial growth in saline implants: in vitro and in vivo studies. Chen NT; PE; Hooper DC; Ann Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1996 Apr Issue/Part/Supplement: 4 Volume Issue:36 Pagination: 337-41 bi_fail.html Failure properties of 352 explanted silicone-gel breast implants The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery Walter s PhD MD FRCSC, Dennis PhD DSc FRCS, Stanley Lugowski MSc Division of Plastic Surgery and the Centre for Biomaterials, Wellesley Hospital and the University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario blood_wk.html Peripheral blood eosinophilia, hyperimmunoglobulinemia A and fatigue: possible complications following rupture of silicone breast implants L. Schnur, M.D., Weinzweig, M.D., B. , M.D., P.Moyer, Ph.D., M. Petty, M.D., Nixon, Ph.D., and ph P. McConnell,Ph.D. ls of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology August 1996 breast.htm Ann Plast Surg 1998 Apr;40(4):360-363 Breast reconstruction in previously irradiated patients using tissue expanders and implants: a potentially unfavorable result. Forman DL, Chiu J, Restifo RJ, Ward BA, Haffty B, Ariyan S Section of Plastic Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. breast.html BREAST IMPLANTS AND AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE A new study strengthens the link between silicone gel breast implants and autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and a skin-hardening disorder known as scleroderma. breast1.htm Plast Reconstr Surg 1998 Apr;101(4):1085-1088 Breast capsule persistence after breast implant removal. Rockwell WB, Casey HD, Cheng CA breast2.htm Rev Med Interne 1997;18(12):955-966 [breast prostheses and their complications]. Wattiaux MJ Service de medecine interne, hopital Saint-Antoine, Paris, France. case_report_toxic_shock_syndrome.htm Case Report Toxic Shock Syndrome as a Complication of Breast Prostheses Ann. Plast. Surg. Vol. 96, No. 7 1706 1995 The ability of bacteria to traverse the membrane elastomer appears to hold the key to understanding this pathologic process. The permeability of silicone (saline) implants to substances or organisms occurs by means of two proposed mechanisms. Either a substance can diffuse directly though the membrane elastomer (as with ether, lidocaine, iodine, steroids, and certain antibiotics) or it must leak though holes in the membrane or fill ports. case2.html CASE REPORT SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATORY DISORDER RELATED TO FIBROUS BREAST CAPSULES AFTER SILICONE IMPLANT REMOVAL Copeland, DMD., MD., Aron Kressel, MD., Harry Spiera, MD., Hermann, MD., and Ira J. Bleiweiss, MD. New York, NY celdeath.html Cell Suicide in Health and Disease Cells can--and often do--kill themselves, in a process known as apoptosis.This capacity is essential to the proper functioning of the body; flawed regulation may lie behind many diseases by C. Duke, M. Ojcius and Ding-E Young children.html CHILDREN BREASTFED BY WOMEN WITH BREAST IMPLANTS FDA is receiving inquiries about a preliminary study reported in the Jan. 19 Journal of the American Medical Association suggesting that breastfed children of women with silicone gel breast implants may be at risk of developing abnormal esophageal motility. clamen01.html Antinuclear Antibodies in Apparently Healthy Women with Breast Implants Immunology of Silicones, Vol 210, pp 265-268 (Jan 1996) HN Claman, MD, AD on, PhD University of Colorado Health Sciences Center Denver, CO USA clinical_status_changes_in_sympt.htm Clinical Status Changes in Symptomatic Women Exchanging Saline for Gel Breast Implants by Vasey,MD, Noreen M. Aziz,MD, M.P.H., Joanne Valeriano, MD, Division of Rheumatology, University of South FL College of Medicine and Haley VAH, Tampa, FL. We conclude that the majority of women exchanging saline for gelimplants did not manifest a significant improvement in their clinical status and 50% actually demonstrated a deterioration. While data are preliminary, we currently recommend that symptomatic women who remove their gel filled breast implants not replace them with those that are saline filled. clamen02.html Claman HN, on AD; Antinuclear antibodies and breast implants. West J Med 1994; 160:225-228) Antinuclear Antibodies and Breast Implants Henry N. Claman, MD, and Alastair D. on, PhD, Denver, Colorado Based on a paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Association of Physicians, Carmel, California, February 1993. Cosmetic Case Report Simaplast Inflatable Breast Implants:Evaluation after 23 Years in Situ Walter s, Ph.D., M.D., Dennis , Ph.D., D.Sc., Stanley Lugowski, M.Sc., Ph.D., and Pritzker, M.D.Toronto CanadaFrom the Division of Plastic Surgery, the Centre for Biomaterials, and the Department of Pathology University of Toronto and Mount Sinai Hospital. Received for Publication February 18, 1999. Spontaneous autoinflation of breast implants is also rare. This phenomenon was initially reported in 1994 by Botti and coworkers. They described nine patients with textured double-lumen implants who under went a significant volume increase in their outer lumens, 2 to 18 months after implant insertion. Signorini and colleagues described a similar phenomenon in three patients with double-lumen implants, 11 which had been in place for 2 to 7 months. The autoinflation was unilateral in two patients and bilateral in one patient. An all cases, the outer lumen had inflated with a yellow to red-brown solution, which contained cellular debris. Three of the implants bad been in place for 7 months and contained isotonic levels of sodium and chloride. Two other implants had been in place for 2 months and contained hypertonic levels of sodium and chloride cook01.html JAMA Abstracts - May 28, 1997 Characteristics of Women With and Without Breast Augmentation S. Cook, PhD; Janet R. Daling, PhD; Lynda F. Voigt, PhD; M. deHart, ScD; Kathleen E. Malone, PhD; Janet L. Stanford, PhD; Noel S. Weiss, MD, DrPH; Louise A. Brinton, PhD; Marilie D. Gammon, PhD; Donna Brogan, PhD (Shows what money can buy and who putting out trash science) Cyclosiloxanes Produce Fatal Liver and Lung Damage in Mice Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 107, Number 2, February 1999 [cyclosiloxanes (CSs), the predominant low molecular weight cyclic silicones found in breast implants] [These mice developed inflammatory lesions of the lung and liver as well as liver cell necrosis with elevated serum levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and lactic acid dehydrogenase. Administration of CS-D4 alone also produced lethality in these mice] distribution_of_organosilicon_po.htm Distribution of Organosilicon Polymers in Augmentation Mammaplasties At Autopsy Jeffery J. Barnard, MD; L. Todd, Ph.D.; Wesley G. , MD; Ron Mielcareck, MS, and Rod J. Rohrich, MD. Dallas Tx and Paradise Valley, AZ Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vol 100, No. 1, July 1997 drblais.html Dr.Pierre Blais has written an article on saline and double lumen implants which looks at their risks and long term safety implications drstudy.html Dr. Nalm-Was one of the first to show that silicone is a potent adjuvant, presented a study on arthritis induced in rats. The silicone gel taken from a commercial breast implant is capable of mediating a collagen(protein in connective tissue)induced arthritis in the rats. effects_of_capsular_contracture_.htm Effects of capsular contracture on ultrasonic screening for silicone gel breast implant rupture. Medot M; Landis GH; McGregor CE; Gutowski KA; Foshager MC; Griffiths HJ; Cunningham BL Department of Surgery, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, USA. Ann Plast Surg, 39:337-41, 1997 Oct Ultrasound should be considered reliable in diagnosing SBI rupture only in the absence of a contracted capsule. entrezme.html Plast Reconstr Surg 1997 Jul;100(1):182-196 Microbial growth inside saline-filled breast implants. Young VL, Hertl MC, Murray PR, Jensen J, Witt H, Schorr MW Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO., USA. events_in_the_history_of_silicon.htm Events in the History of Silicone Immunopathology Science & Medicine Sept/Oct 1996 fda_stdy.html FDA SEEKING REFERRAL OF PATIENTS WHO HAVE DEVELOPED MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY OR MYELOMA AFTER SILICONE IMPLANTS OR INJECTIONS. fdastudy.html Dr. Epstein needs information on women who have been diagnosed with MULTIPLE MYELOMA (also called Plasma Cell Myeloma) or MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY (MGUS) (also called Plasma Cell Dyscrasias (PCD's) . garryapa.html Use of anti-polymer antibody assay in recipients of silicone breast implants A Tenenbaum, Janet C Rice, R Espinoza, Marta L Cu llar, R Plymale, M Sander, L on, Allyson M Haislip, S Gluck, R P Tesser, Lee Nogy, Kathleen M Stribrny, A Bevan, F Garry increase_of_immunologically_rele.htm Increase of immunologically relevant parameters in correlation with Baker classification in breast implant recipients. Brunner CA; Feller AM; Gröner R; Dees E; Biefel K; Biemer E; Ann Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1996 May Issue/Part/Supplement: 5 Volume Issue:36 Pagination: 512-18; discussion 518-21 Influence of long term silicone implantation on type II collagen induced arthritis in mice Ann Rheum Dis 1999;58:503-509 ( August ) data suggest that long term silicone implantation results in both the production of autoantibodies to connective tissue antigens and increased susceptibility to an experimental model of autoimmune disease. info_so1.html SMALL RISK OF CONNECTIVE-TISSUE DISEASE FROM BREAST IMPLANTS OBSERVED TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1996 injectable_silicone.htm Injectable silicone: cause of facial nodules, cellulitis, ulceration, and migration. Rapaport MJ, Vinnik C, Zarem H Los Angeles, California, USA. Aesthetic Plast Surg 1996 May;20(3):267-276 interstitial_pneumonia_associate.htm Interstitial pneumonia associated with human adjuvant disease which developed 30 years after silicone augmentation mammoplasty jama.html Self-reported Breast Implants and Connective-Tissue Diseases in Female Health Professionals A Retrospective Cohort Study H. Hennekens, MD Dr PH; I-Man Lee, MBS, ScD, R. Cook, ScD. R. Heber; Ph.D.: W. Karlson, Md; Fran LaMott; JoAnn E. Manson, MD. DrPH; E. Buring, ScD killcell.html SUPPRESSED NATURAL KILLER CELL ACTIVITY IN PATIENTS WITH SILICONE IMPLANTS: REVERSAL UPON EXPLANTATION BY: ANDREW W, CAMPBELL, M.D., Clinical assistant professor, University of Texas Health Science Center, Medical Director, Center For Immune, Environmental and Toxic Disorders, Houston, Texas. NACHMAN BRAUTBAR, M.D., clinical Professor of Medicine, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Medical Director, Center for International Occupational and Toxicological Medicine, Los Angeles, California. ARISTO VOJDANI, PH.D., Associate Professor of Medicine, Drew University School of Medicine and Science, Department of Medicine and Dermatology, Director, Immunosciences Lab, Inc., Los Angeles, California. PUBLISHED, TOXICOLOGY AND INDUSTRIAL HEALTH 10: 3 MAY - JUNE 1994 labtest.html Testing for Monoclonal Gammopathy is showing up some interesting results. 2% have the usual results for multiple myeloma,but 60% have abnormal patches of serum electrophoresis,which are abnormal bands. This is an atypical result. [Late infection of breast implant, complication of colonic perforation. Review of the literature. Role of preventive treatment] Ann Chir Plast Esthet, 43(5):559-62 1998 Oct The infection developed 6 weeks after colonoscopy complicated by acute peritonitis due to colonic perforation. lipid_infiltration_as_a_possible.htm Lipid infiltration as a possible biologic cause of silicone gel breast implant aging. WP Jr; JB Jr; Rohrich RJ Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas 75235, USA. Plast Reconstr Surg, 101:64-8; discussion 69-71, 1998 Jan Recent reports indicate the failure rate is higher than previously published, and implant aging and rupture may be due to progressive mechanical deterioration of the outer vulcanized silicone shell. It is known that lipids are absorbed by the hydrophobic silicone elastomer, and lipid infiltration causes mechanical attenuation and possible failure of the elastomer. Low molecular weight silicones.htm Low molecular weight silicones are widely distributed after a single subcutaneous injection in mice. Kala SV; Lykissa ED; Neely MW; Lieberman MW Department of Pathology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. Am J Pathol, 152:645-9, 1998 Mar Magnetic resonance evaluation.htm Magnetic resonance evaluation of breast implants and soft-tissue silicone. Middleton MS N. Berk Magnetic Resonance Institute, UCSD Department of Radiology, San Diego, California 92103-8749, USA. msm@... Top Magn Reson Imaging, 9:92-137, 1998 Apr This paper reviews the history of breast augmentation with an emphasis on the great variety of implants manufactured during the last generation magnetic_tomography_in_diagnosis.htm Magnetic tomography in diagnosis of breast implant rupture Kvistad KA; Smenes E; Thuomas KA; Gribbestad IS; Samdal F Medisinsk seksjon, MR-senteret, Regionsykehuset i Trondheim. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 117:3226-8, 1997 Sep 20 Recognition of the different types of implants and the appearance of normal implants on MRI is very important for distinguishing these from intracapsular and extracapsular ruptures. manual_of_allergy_and_immunology.htm Manual of Allergy and Immunology Glenn J. Lawlor, Jr., M.D. J. Fischer, M.D. C. Adelman, M.D. 15 Rheumatic Diseases. These syndromes resemble scleroderma but have unique features and do not necessarily respond to standard scleroderma therapy. marcus.html From ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISM October 1996, pp. 1619-1626 AN ANALYTICAL REVIEW OF SILICONE IMMUNOLOGY DONALD M. MARCUS markers.html IMMUNOLOGIC MARKERS IN SILICONE BREAST IMPLANT RECIPIENTS Smalley, F. Hall, R. Shanklin, and V. s matrix.html SILICON AND MATRIX MACROMOLECULES: NEW RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES FOR OLD DISEASES FROM ANALYSIS OF POTENTIAL MECHANISMS OF BREAST IMPLANT TOXICITY ARTHUR E. BRAWER, M.D. DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE DIVISION OF RHEUMATOLOGY MONMOUTH MEDICAL CENTER THIRD AND PAVILION AVENUES LONG BRANCH, NEW JERSEY 07740 U.S.A. mgus.html MGUS = Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance micesila.html INDUCTION OF PLASMACYTOMAS WITH SILICONE GEL IN GENETICALLY SUSCEPTIBLE STRAINS OF MICE micetest.html Study of Silicone Injections in Mice SILICONE GELS, INDUCTION OF PLASMA CELL TUMORS, AND GENETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY IN MICE: A CALL FOR EPIDEMIOLOGIC INVESTIGATION OF WOMEN WITH SILICONE BREAST IMPLANTS michelle_copeland__salines_may_n.htm Copeland salines may not be so safe American Health July/August 1994 missed_breast_cancer_in_two_pati.htm Missed breast cancer in two patients with prepectoral silicone gel breast implants following implant displacement mammography monitoring_the_axilla_in_patient.htm Monitoring the axilla in patients with silicone gel implants. Kulber DA; Mackenzie D; Steiner JH; Glassman H; Hopp D; Hiatt JR; Ann Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1995 Dec Issue/Part/Supplement: 6 Volume Issue:35 Pagination: 580-4 mr.htm Eur Radiol 1998;8(3):371-376 MR imaging of the augmented breast. Huch RA, Kunzi W, Debatin JF, Wiesner W, Krestin GP Department of Radiology, University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland. myeloma.html Multiple Myeloma Dr. Lewy, of Breast Implant Research, sent information on two large studies to determine the risk of developing multiple myeloma or monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined signifcance (MGUS) in women with silicone exposure. neuron2.html International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1995 A MOTOR NEURON DISEASE SYNDROME IN SILICONE BREAST IMPLANT RECIPIENTS BRITTA OSTERMEYER SHOAIB AND BERNARD M. PATTEN other_im.html Less maligned, but cut from the same cloth, other silicone implants also have adverse effects. (Medical News & Perspectives) Randall, Teri Citation: JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association, July1, 1992 v268 n1 p12(2) overallh.html Review: Insufficient information exists about the overall health risk associated with silicone gel breast implants Silverman BG, Brown SL, Bright RA, et al. Reported complications of silicone gel breast implants: an epidemiologic review. Ann Intern Med. 1996 Apr 15;124:744-56. Objective To review the most common local and systemic complications associated with silicone gel breast implants. paecilomyces_variotii_contaminat.htm Paecilomyces variotii contamination in the lumen of a saline-filled breast implant. Young VL; Hertl MC; Murray PR; Lambros VS; Plast Reconstr Surg Date of Pub: 1995 Nov Issue/Part/Supplement: 6 Volume Issue: 96 Pagination: 1430-4 page02.html REQUEST FOR REFERRAL OF PATIENTS WHO HAVE DEVELOPED MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY OR MYELOMA AFTER SILICONE IMPLANTS OR INJECTIONS. page03.html REQUEST FOR REFERRAL OF PATIENTS WHO HAVE DEVELOPED MYOSlTIS OR SCLERODERMA AFTER SILICONE IMPLANTS OR INJECTIONS. pete_ed.htm Failure properties of leaf valve inflatable saline breast implants Walter s The failure properties of leaf valve inflatable saline breast implants are carefully outlined. Can J Plast Surg 1997;5(4):241-245. possibo2.html Possible morbidity in women from talc on condoms.(Letter to the Editor) Kasper, Candace Sue; Chandler, P.J., Jr. Citation: JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association, March 15, 1995 v273 n11 p846(2) ps_study.html The study looked at women who decided to have their silicone breast implants taken out (Explantation Group) and compared them to women who decided to keep their implants (Observation Group). release_of_low_molecular_weight_.htm Release of low molecular weight silicones and platinum from silicone breast implants. Lykissa ED; Kala SV; Hurley JB; Lebovitz RM Department of Pathology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. Anal Chem, 69:4912-6, 1997 Dec 1 residual_silicone_detection_usin.htm Residual silicone detection using MRI following previous breast implant removal: case reports. Ahn CY; Shaw WW; Narayanan K; Gorczyca DP; DeBruhl ND; Bassett LW; Aesthetic Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1995 Jul-Aug Issue/Part/Supplement: 4 Volume Issue:19 Pagination: 361-7 Rupture of siliconegel breast implants causes, sequelae, and diagnosis.htm S Lori Brown, Barbara G Silverman, Wendie A Berg Lancet 1997; 350: 1531-37 A recently released medical study conducted by some renowned plastic surgeons gives further evidence of a link between silicone breast implants and autoimmune disease. The study looked at women who decided to have their silicone breast implants taken out (Explantation Group) and compared them to women who decided to keep their implants (Observation Group). saline_filled_breast_implants_ca.htm Saline filled breast implants can harbor microbes by Woolston Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. In a study using rabbits, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis Demonstrated for the first time that a wide variety of potentially harmful microbes can live and grow inside saline implants. They also discovered that microorganisms frequently live in the tissue surrounding implants sbi_anly.html Silicon Analysis of Breast and Periprosthetic Capsular Tissue from Patients with Saline or Silicone Gel Breast Implants L. Schnur, M.D., Weinzweig, M.D., B. , M.D., P.Moyer, Ph.D., M. Petty, M.D., Nixon, Ph.D., and ph P. McConnell,Ph.D. scanacta.html Synopis of Scandinavian Acta 2,6-cis-Diphenylhexamethylcyclotetrasiloxane An abbreviated synopis of the 147 page study Note: The importance of these studies is the following: 2,6-cis-d (in this publication) and D-4 (found in breast implants) are very similar. shankln1.html Article by Dr. R. Shanklin Widespread silicone sickness is very real in women with past and continuing exposure to silicone breast implants. Pathological study of tissues over the past 10 years shows that many of these women are sicker today than a decade ago. silicon_granulomas_and_der.htm Silicon granulomas and dermatomyositis-like changes associated with chronic eyelid edema after silicone breast implant. Meyer DR; Bui HX; Carlson JA; Ratliff CD; Guevarra MC; Delrio AD; Ross JS; Mihm M Jr Lions Eye Institute, Albany, New York 12208, USA. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg, 14:182-8, 1998 May Silicone breast implants.htm Silicone breast implants and autoimmune disease. Brown SL; Langone JJ; Brinton LA J Am Med Womens Assoc, 53:21-4, 40, 1998 Winter Abstract In 1992, the Food and Drug Administration requested a voluntary moratorium on the scale and implantation of silicone-gel-filled breast implants because of growing concern over the lack of scientific and clinical data supporting their safety and effectiveness Silicone breast prosthesis.htm [silicone breast prosthesis and rheumatoid arthritis: a new systemic disease: siliconosis. A case report and a critical review of the literature] Iannello S; Belfiore F Istituto di Medicina Interna e Specialit`a Internistiche, Universit`a degli Studi, Catania. Minerva Med, 89:117-30, 1998 Apr Silicone gel enhances.htm Silicone gel enhances the development of autoimmune disease in New Zealand black mice but fails to induce it in BALB/cAnPt mice [see comments] Mc AH; Weir K; Schneider M; Gudenkauf L; Sanger JR Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA. Clin Immunol Immunopathol, 87:248-55, 1998 Jun silicone_gel_and_octamethylcyclo.htm Silicone gel and octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane potentiate antibody production to bovine serum albumin in mice. Nicholson JJ 3rd; Wong GE; Frondoza CG; Rose NR; Curr Top Microbiol Immunol Date of Pub: 1996 Volume Issue: 210 Pagination: 139-44 silicone_granulomatous_lymphaden.htm Silicone granulomatous lymphadenopathy and siliconomas of the breast. Vaamonde R, Cabrera JM, Vaamonde- RJ, Jimena I, Marcos J Department of Morphological Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Cordoba, Spain. Histol Histopathol 1997 Oct;12(4):1003-1011 (Foreign-body granulomas (siliconomas) were observed in surrounding tissue with no apparent rupture of implant capsules) subclinical_infection_of_penile_.htm Subclinical Infection of Penile Prostheses surveys.html Medical Research Requests synopsis_of_scandinavian_acta_2.htm Synopsis of Scandinavian Acta 2,6-cis-Diphenylhexamethylcyclotetrasiloxane This volume is a review of chemical and bilogical studies of a novel organosilicon compound with estrogen-like activity,2,6-cis-d t_lymph.html Immunologic stimulation of T lymphocytes by silica after use of silicone mammary implants L. Smalley, R. Shanklin, F. Hall, V. s, and Aram Hanissian (Baptist Memoorial Health Care System, Memphis, TN 38105, USA; Departments of Pathology and Obstetrics and Gynecology, university of Tennessee, Memphis, TN 38163, USA; and Department of medicine, Baptist Memorial Hospital, Memphis, Tn 38120, USA. talc_dep.html Talc Deposition in Skin and Tissues Surrounding Silicone Gel-Containing Prosthetic Devices Kasper CS, Chandler PJ Jr. (Baylor Univ, Dallas,, Ambulatory Plastic Surgery Ctr, Dallas) Arch Dermatol 130:48-53, 1994 tcelllym.html ABSTRACT Duvic, , Menter, Vonderheid Department of Dermatology, University of Texas Medical School Houston, USA. Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in association with silicone breast implants. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 32(6):939-42,1995 Jun. title_silicone_gel_enhances_the_.htm Silicone gel enhances the development of autoimmune disease in New Zealand black mice but fails to induce it in BALB/cAnPt mice Mc AH; Weir K; Schneider M; Gudenkauf L; Sanger JR Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA. Clin Immunol Immunopathol, 87:248-55, 1998 Jun what_are_the_real_risk_of_silico.htm What are the real risk of Silicone Gel Bleed and Rupture. As to long term Health Risks? what_are_the_risks_of_immunologi.htm What are the Risks of immunological responses to Bacterial and Fungal Complications after Breast Implant Augmentation? — Review of the literature: yoshida.html Immunopathologic effects of silicone breast implants. Teuber,Suzanne S.;Yoshida, H.;Gershwin, M. The Western Journal of Medicine, May 1995 v162 n5p418(8) young.html ANALYSIS OF PROPERTIES OF EXPLANTED BREAST IMPLANTS V. Leroy Young, M.D. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 17, 2006 Report Share Posted December 17, 2006 Maybe Ilena saved the information while the links were good. RogeneLea <devans@...> wrote: Honey, this lady has lost her trust in many women, but not you or me. These documents should be available to everyone, unless they have much to hide, and they you....Lea ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Fw: Emailing: studies...Good documents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`` Plaintiffs' Science Submission to National Science Pane TABLE OF CONTENTS A must read for doctor or anyone else. 1994doc.html 1994 DOCUMENT -- SILICONE IMPLANT CONTROVERSY CONTINUES 300sympt.html CLINICAL FEATURES OF LOCAL BREAST PHENOMENA IN 300 SYMPTOMATIC RECIPIENTS OF SILICONE GEL-FILLED BREAST IMPLANTS ARTHUR E. BRAWER A comparison of autoantibody production in asymptomatic and symptomatic women with silicone breast implants. J Rheumatol, 1999 Jan, 26:1, 73-7 The objective of this study was to investigate the frequency of autoantibody production in asymptomatic compared to symptomatic women with silicone implants. The development of autoantibodies may be related to implant duration. a_profile_of_symptomatic_patient.htm A PROFILE OF SYMPTOMATIC PATIENTS WITH SILICONE BREAST IMPLANTS: A SJOGRENS-LIKE SYNDROME Freundlich B; Altman C; Snadorfi N; Greenberg M; Tomaszewski J Graduate Hospital, Philadelphia, PA 19146. Semin Arthritis Rheum, 1994 Aug, 24:1 Suppl 1, 44-53 adjuvancy_effect_of_different_ty.htm AdJuvancy effect of different types of silicone gel. Naim JO; Ippolito KM; van Oss CJ adjuvant_effect_of_silicone.htm The adjuvant effect of silicone-gel on antibody formation in rats. Naim JO; Lanzafame RJ; van Oss CJ Department of Surgery, Rochester General Hospital, New York 14621. Immunol Invest, 22:151-61, 1993 Mar aim1.html Reported Complications of Silicone Gel Breast Implants:An Epidemiologic Review Barbara G. Silverman, MD, MPH; S. Lori Brown, PhD, MPH; lie A. Bright,ScD; G. Kaezmarek, MD, MPH; Janet B. Arrowsmith-Lowe, MD; and A. Kessler, MD american_j_of_pathology.htm American J of Pathology, Vol. 152 #3: 645-649 Short Communication Low Molecular Weight Silicones are Widely Distributed after a Single Subcutaneous Injection in Mice Subbarao V. Kala* Ernest D. Lykissa* W. Neely* and W. Lieberman*+ From the Depts of Pathology* and Cell Biology+. Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Texas ar_vol32.html FROM ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM VOL. 32 PG. 578 1989 B172 ar_vol33.html ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM VOL. 33 PG. 5156 1990 "SILICONE-ASSOCIATED CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASE (CTD) FOLLOWING MAMMOPLASTY: CLINICAL COURSE AFTER IMPLANT REMOVAL" BY PINDARO MARTINEZ-OSUNA, LUIS R. ESPINOZA, JOHN P. GRESH, MITCHEL SELEZNICK, BERNARD GERMAIN, FRANK B. VASEY. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA, TAMPA, FL 33612. auto_imm.html MEDICAL DEVICE INTERACTIONS WITH THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Immunological Effects of Silicone bacterial_growth_in_saline_impla.htm Bacterial growth in saline implants: in vitro and in vivo studies. Chen NT; PE; Hooper DC; Ann Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1996 Apr Issue/Part/Supplement: 4 Volume Issue:36 Pagination: 337-41 bi_fail.html Failure properties of 352 explanted silicone-gel breast implants The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery Walter s PhD MD FRCSC, Dennis PhD DSc FRCS, Stanley Lugowski MSc Division of Plastic Surgery and the Centre for Biomaterials, Wellesley Hospital and the University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario blood_wk.html Peripheral blood eosinophilia, hyperimmunoglobulinemia A and fatigue: possible complications following rupture of silicone breast implants L. Schnur, M.D., Weinzweig, M.D., B. , M.D., P.Moyer, Ph.D., M. Petty, M.D., Nixon, Ph.D., and ph P. McConnell,Ph.D. ls of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology August 1996 breast.htm Ann Plast Surg 1998 Apr;40(4):360-363 Breast reconstruction in previously irradiated patients using tissue expanders and implants: a potentially unfavorable result. Forman DL, Chiu J, Restifo RJ, Ward BA, Haffty B, Ariyan S Section of Plastic Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. breast.html BREAST IMPLANTS AND AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE A new study strengthens the link between silicone gel breast implants and autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and a skin-hardening disorder known as scleroderma. breast1.htm Plast Reconstr Surg 1998 Apr;101(4):1085-1088 Breast capsule persistence after breast implant removal. Rockwell WB, Casey HD, Cheng CA breast2.htm Rev Med Interne 1997;18(12):955-966 [breast prostheses and their complications]. Wattiaux MJ Service de medecine interne, hopital Saint-Antoine, Paris, France. case_report_toxic_shock_syndrome.htm Case Report Toxic Shock Syndrome as a Complication of Breast Prostheses Ann. Plast. Surg. Vol. 96, No. 7 1706 1995 The ability of bacteria to traverse the membrane elastomer appears to hold the key to understanding this pathologic process. The permeability of silicone (saline) implants to substances or organisms occurs by means of two proposed mechanisms. Either a substance can diffuse directly though the membrane elastomer (as with ether, lidocaine, iodine, steroids, and certain antibiotics) or it must leak though holes in the membrane or fill ports. case2.html CASE REPORT SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATORY DISORDER RELATED TO FIBROUS BREAST CAPSULES AFTER SILICONE IMPLANT REMOVAL Copeland, DMD., MD., Aron Kressel, MD., Harry Spiera, MD., Hermann, MD., and Ira J. Bleiweiss, MD. New York, NY celdeath.html Cell Suicide in Health and Disease Cells can--and often do--kill themselves, in a process known as apoptosis.This capacity is essential to the proper functioning of the body; flawed regulation may lie behind many diseases by C. Duke, M. Ojcius and Ding-E Young children.html CHILDREN BREASTFED BY WOMEN WITH BREAST IMPLANTS FDA is receiving inquiries about a preliminary study reported in the Jan. 19 Journal of the American Medical Association suggesting that breastfed children of women with silicone gel breast implants may be at risk of developing abnormal esophageal motility. clamen01.html Antinuclear Antibodies in Apparently Healthy Women with Breast Implants Immunology of Silicones, Vol 210, pp 265-268 (Jan 1996) HN Claman, MD, AD on, PhD University of Colorado Health Sciences Center Denver, CO USA clinical_status_changes_in_sympt.htm Clinical Status Changes in Symptomatic Women Exchanging Saline for Gel Breast Implants by Vasey,MD, Noreen M. Aziz,MD, M.P.H., Joanne Valeriano, MD, Division of Rheumatology, University of South FL College of Medicine and Haley VAH, Tampa, FL. We conclude that the majority of women exchanging saline for gelimplants did not manifest a significant improvement in their clinical status and 50% actually demonstrated a deterioration. While data are preliminary, we currently recommend that symptomatic women who remove their gel filled breast implants not replace them with those that are saline filled. clamen02.html Claman HN, on AD; Antinuclear antibodies and breast implants. West J Med 1994; 160:225-228) Antinuclear Antibodies and Breast Implants Henry N. Claman, MD, and Alastair D. on, PhD, Denver, Colorado Based on a paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Association of Physicians, Carmel, California, February 1993. Cosmetic Case Report Simaplast Inflatable Breast Implants:Evaluation after 23 Years in Situ Walter s, Ph.D., M.D., Dennis , Ph.D., D.Sc., Stanley Lugowski, M.Sc., Ph.D., and Pritzker, M.D.Toronto CanadaFrom the Division of Plastic Surgery, the Centre for Biomaterials, and the Department of Pathology University of Toronto and Mount Sinai Hospital. Received for Publication February 18, 1999. Spontaneous autoinflation of breast implants is also rare. This phenomenon was initially reported in 1994 by Botti and coworkers. They described nine patients with textured double-lumen implants who under went a significant volume increase in their outer lumens, 2 to 18 months after implant insertion. Signorini and colleagues described a similar phenomenon in three patients with double-lumen implants, 11 which had been in place for 2 to 7 months. The autoinflation was unilateral in two patients and bilateral in one patient. An all cases, the outer lumen had inflated with a yellow to red-brown solution, which contained cellular debris. Three of the implants bad been in place for 7 months and contained isotonic levels of sodium and chloride. Two other implants had been in place for 2 months and contained hypertonic levels of sodium and chloride cook01.html JAMA Abstracts - May 28, 1997 Characteristics of Women With and Without Breast Augmentation S. Cook, PhD; Janet R. Daling, PhD; Lynda F. Voigt, PhD; M. deHart, ScD; Kathleen E. Malone, PhD; Janet L. Stanford, PhD; Noel S. Weiss, MD, DrPH; Louise A. Brinton, PhD; Marilie D. Gammon, PhD; Donna Brogan, PhD (Shows what money can buy and who putting out trash science) Cyclosiloxanes Produce Fatal Liver and Lung Damage in Mice Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 107, Number 2, February 1999 [cyclosiloxanes (CSs), the predominant low molecular weight cyclic silicones found in breast implants] [These mice developed inflammatory lesions of the lung and liver as well as liver cell necrosis with elevated serum levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and lactic acid dehydrogenase. Administration of CS-D4 alone also produced lethality in these mice] distribution_of_organosilicon_po.htm Distribution of Organosilicon Polymers in Augmentation Mammaplasties At Autopsy Jeffery J. Barnard, MD; L. Todd, Ph.D.; Wesley G. , MD; Ron Mielcareck, MS, and Rod J. Rohrich, MD. Dallas Tx and Paradise Valley, AZ Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vol 100, No. 1, July 1997 drblais.html Dr.Pierre Blais has written an article on saline and double lumen implants which looks at their risks and long term safety implications drstudy.html Dr. Nalm-Was one of the first to show that silicone is a potent adjuvant, presented a study on arthritis induced in rats. The silicone gel taken from a commercial breast implant is capable of mediating a collagen(protein in connective tissue)induced arthritis in the rats. effects_of_capsular_contracture_.htm Effects of capsular contracture on ultrasonic screening for silicone gel breast implant rupture. Medot M; Landis GH; McGregor CE; Gutowski KA; Foshager MC; Griffiths HJ; Cunningham BL Department of Surgery, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, USA. Ann Plast Surg, 39:337-41, 1997 Oct Ultrasound should be considered reliable in diagnosing SBI rupture only in the absence of a contracted capsule. entrezme.html Plast Reconstr Surg 1997 Jul;100(1):182-196 Microbial growth inside saline-filled breast implants. Young VL, Hertl MC, Murray PR, Jensen J, Witt H, Schorr MW Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO., USA. events_in_the_history_of_silicon.htm Events in the History of Silicone Immunopathology Science & Medicine Sept/Oct 1996 fda_stdy.html FDA SEEKING REFERRAL OF PATIENTS WHO HAVE DEVELOPED MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY OR MYELOMA AFTER SILICONE IMPLANTS OR INJECTIONS. fdastudy.html Dr. Epstein needs information on women who have been diagnosed with MULTIPLE MYELOMA (also called Plasma Cell Myeloma) or MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY (MGUS) (also called Plasma Cell Dyscrasias (PCD's) . garryapa.html Use of anti-polymer antibody assay in recipients of silicone breast implants A Tenenbaum, Janet C Rice, R Espinoza, Marta L Cu llar, R Plymale, M Sander, L on, Allyson M Haislip, S Gluck, R P Tesser, Lee Nogy, Kathleen M Stribrny, A Bevan, F Garry increase_of_immunologically_rele.htm Increase of immunologically relevant parameters in correlation with Baker classification in breast implant recipients. Brunner CA; Feller AM; Gröner R; Dees E; Biefel K; Biemer E; Ann Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1996 May Issue/Part/Supplement: 5 Volume Issue:36 Pagination: 512-18; discussion 518-21 Influence of long term silicone implantation on type II collagen induced arthritis in mice Ann Rheum Dis 1999;58:503-509 ( August ) data suggest that long term silicone implantation results in both the production of autoantibodies to connective tissue antigens and increased susceptibility to an experimental model of autoimmune disease. info_so1.html SMALL RISK OF CONNECTIVE-TISSUE DISEASE FROM BREAST IMPLANTS OBSERVED TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1996 injectable_silicone.htm Injectable silicone: cause of facial nodules, cellulitis, ulceration, and migration. Rapaport MJ, Vinnik C, Zarem H Los Angeles, California, USA. Aesthetic Plast Surg 1996 May;20(3):267-276 interstitial_pneumonia_associate.htm Interstitial pneumonia associated with human adjuvant disease which developed 30 years after silicone augmentation mammoplasty jama.html Self-reported Breast Implants and Connective-Tissue Diseases in Female Health Professionals A Retrospective Cohort Study H. Hennekens, MD Dr PH; I-Man Lee, MBS, ScD, R. Cook, ScD. R. Heber; Ph.D.: W. Karlson, Md; Fran LaMott; JoAnn E. Manson, MD. DrPH; E. Buring, ScD killcell.html SUPPRESSED NATURAL KILLER CELL ACTIVITY IN PATIENTS WITH SILICONE IMPLANTS: REVERSAL UPON EXPLANTATION BY: ANDREW W, CAMPBELL, M.D., Clinical assistant professor, University of Texas Health Science Center, Medical Director, Center For Immune, Environmental and Toxic Disorders, Houston, Texas. NACHMAN BRAUTBAR, M.D., clinical Professor of Medicine, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Medical Director, Center for International Occupational and Toxicological Medicine, Los Angeles, California. ARISTO VOJDANI, PH.D., Associate Professor of Medicine, Drew University School of Medicine and Science, Department of Medicine and Dermatology, Director, Immunosciences Lab, Inc., Los Angeles, California. PUBLISHED, TOXICOLOGY AND INDUSTRIAL HEALTH 10: 3 MAY - JUNE 1994 labtest.html Testing for Monoclonal Gammopathy is showing up some interesting results. 2% have the usual results for multiple myeloma,but 60% have abnormal patches of serum electrophoresis,which are abnormal bands. This is an atypical result. [Late infection of breast implant, complication of colonic perforation. Review of the literature. Role of preventive treatment] Ann Chir Plast Esthet, 43(5):559-62 1998 Oct The infection developed 6 weeks after colonoscopy complicated by acute peritonitis due to colonic perforation. lipid_infiltration_as_a_possible.htm Lipid infiltration as a possible biologic cause of silicone gel breast implant aging. WP Jr; JB Jr; Rohrich RJ Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas 75235, USA. Plast Reconstr Surg, 101:64-8; discussion 69-71, 1998 Jan Recent reports indicate the failure rate is higher than previously published, and implant aging and rupture may be due to progressive mechanical deterioration of the outer vulcanized silicone shell. It is known that lipids are absorbed by the hydrophobic silicone elastomer, and lipid infiltration causes mechanical attenuation and possible failure of the elastomer. Low molecular weight silicones.htm Low molecular weight silicones are widely distributed after a single subcutaneous injection in mice. Kala SV; Lykissa ED; Neely MW; Lieberman MW Department of Pathology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. Am J Pathol, 152:645-9, 1998 Mar Magnetic resonance evaluation.htm Magnetic resonance evaluation of breast implants and soft-tissue silicone. Middleton MS N. Berk Magnetic Resonance Institute, UCSD Department of Radiology, San Diego, California 92103-8749, USA. msm@... Top Magn Reson Imaging, 9:92-137, 1998 Apr This paper reviews the history of breast augmentation with an emphasis on the great variety of implants manufactured during the last generation magnetic_tomography_in_diagnosis.htm Magnetic tomography in diagnosis of breast implant rupture Kvistad KA; Smenes E; Thuomas KA; Gribbestad IS; Samdal F Medisinsk seksjon, MR-senteret, Regionsykehuset i Trondheim. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 117:3226-8, 1997 Sep 20 Recognition of the different types of implants and the appearance of normal implants on MRI is very important for distinguishing these from intracapsular and extracapsular ruptures. manual_of_allergy_and_immunology.htm Manual of Allergy and Immunology Glenn J. Lawlor, Jr., M.D. J. Fischer, M.D. C. Adelman, M.D. 15 Rheumatic Diseases. These syndromes resemble scleroderma but have unique features and do not necessarily respond to standard scleroderma therapy. marcus.html From ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISM October 1996, pp. 1619-1626 AN ANALYTICAL REVIEW OF SILICONE IMMUNOLOGY DONALD M. MARCUS markers.html IMMUNOLOGIC MARKERS IN SILICONE BREAST IMPLANT RECIPIENTS Smalley, F. Hall, R. Shanklin, and V. s matrix.html SILICON AND MATRIX MACROMOLECULES: NEW RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES FOR OLD DISEASES FROM ANALYSIS OF POTENTIAL MECHANISMS OF BREAST IMPLANT TOXICITY ARTHUR E. BRAWER, M.D. DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE DIVISION OF RHEUMATOLOGY MONMOUTH MEDICAL CENTER THIRD AND PAVILION AVENUES LONG BRANCH, NEW JERSEY 07740 U.S.A. mgus.html MGUS = Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance micesila.html INDUCTION OF PLASMACYTOMAS WITH SILICONE GEL IN GENETICALLY SUSCEPTIBLE STRAINS OF MICE micetest.html Study of Silicone Injections in Mice SILICONE GELS, INDUCTION OF PLASMA CELL TUMORS, AND GENETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY IN MICE: A CALL FOR EPIDEMIOLOGIC INVESTIGATION OF WOMEN WITH SILICONE BREAST IMPLANTS michelle_copeland__salines_may_n.htm Copeland salines may not be so safe American Health July/August 1994 missed_breast_cancer_in_two_pati.htm Missed breast cancer in two patients with prepectoral silicone gel breast implants following implant displacement mammography monitoring_the_axilla_in_patient.htm Monitoring the axilla in patients with silicone gel implants. Kulber DA; Mackenzie D; Steiner JH; Glassman H; Hopp D; Hiatt JR; Ann Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1995 Dec Issue/Part/Supplement: 6 Volume Issue:35 Pagination: 580-4 mr.htm Eur Radiol 1998;8(3):371-376 MR imaging of the augmented breast. Huch RA, Kunzi W, Debatin JF, Wiesner W, Krestin GP Department of Radiology, University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland. myeloma.html Multiple Myeloma Dr. Lewy, of Breast Implant Research, sent information on two large studies to determine the risk of developing multiple myeloma or monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined signifcance (MGUS) in women with silicone exposure. neuron2.html International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1995 A MOTOR NEURON DISEASE SYNDROME IN SILICONE BREAST IMPLANT RECIPIENTS BRITTA OSTERMEYER SHOAIB AND BERNARD M. PATTEN other_im.html Less maligned, but cut from the same cloth, other silicone implants also have adverse effects. (Medical News & Perspectives) Randall, Teri Citation: JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association, July1, 1992 v268 n1 p12(2) overallh.html Review: Insufficient information exists about the overall health risk associated with silicone gel breast implants Silverman BG, Brown SL, Bright RA, et al. Reported complications of silicone gel breast implants: an epidemiologic review. Ann Intern Med. 1996 Apr 15;124:744-56. Objective To review the most common local and systemic complications associated with silicone gel breast implants. paecilomyces_variotii_contaminat.htm Paecilomyces variotii contamination in the lumen of a saline-filled breast implant. Young VL; Hertl MC; Murray PR; Lambros VS; Plast Reconstr Surg Date of Pub: 1995 Nov Issue/Part/Supplement: 6 Volume Issue: 96 Pagination: 1430-4 page02.html REQUEST FOR REFERRAL OF PATIENTS WHO HAVE DEVELOPED MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY OR MYELOMA AFTER SILICONE IMPLANTS OR INJECTIONS. page03.html REQUEST FOR REFERRAL OF PATIENTS WHO HAVE DEVELOPED MYOSlTIS OR SCLERODERMA AFTER SILICONE IMPLANTS OR INJECTIONS. pete_ed.htm Failure properties of leaf valve inflatable saline breast implants Walter s The failure properties of leaf valve inflatable saline breast implants are carefully outlined. Can J Plast Surg 1997;5(4):241-245. possibo2.html Possible morbidity in women from talc on condoms.(Letter to the Editor) Kasper, Candace Sue; Chandler, P.J., Jr. Citation: JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association, March 15, 1995 v273 n11 p846(2) ps_study.html The study looked at women who decided to have their silicone breast implants taken out (Explantation Group) and compared them to women who decided to keep their implants (Observation Group). release_of_low_molecular_weight_.htm Release of low molecular weight silicones and platinum from silicone breast implants. Lykissa ED; Kala SV; Hurley JB; Lebovitz RM Department of Pathology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. Anal Chem, 69:4912-6, 1997 Dec 1 residual_silicone_detection_usin.htm Residual silicone detection using MRI following previous breast implant removal: case reports. Ahn CY; Shaw WW; Narayanan K; Gorczyca DP; DeBruhl ND; Bassett LW; Aesthetic Plast Surg Date of Pub: 1995 Jul-Aug Issue/Part/Supplement: 4 Volume Issue:19 Pagination: 361-7 Rupture of siliconegel breast implants causes, sequelae, and diagnosis.htm S Lori Brown, Barbara G Silverman, Wendie A Berg Lancet 1997; 350: 1531-37 A recently released medical study conducted by some renowned plastic surgeons gives further evidence of a link between silicone breast implants and autoimmune disease. The study looked at women who decided to have their silicone breast implants taken out (Explantation Group) and compared them to women who decided to keep their implants (Observation Group). saline_filled_breast_implants_ca.htm Saline filled breast implants can harbor microbes by Woolston Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. In a study using rabbits, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis Demonstrated for the first time that a wide variety of potentially harmful microbes can live and grow inside saline implants. They also discovered that microorganisms frequently live in the tissue surrounding implants sbi_anly.html Silicon Analysis of Breast and Periprosthetic Capsular Tissue from Patients with Saline or Silicone Gel Breast Implants L. Schnur, M.D., Weinzweig, M.D., B. , M.D., P.Moyer, Ph.D., M. Petty, M.D., Nixon, Ph.D., and ph P. McConnell,Ph.D. scanacta.html Synopis of Scandinavian Acta 2,6-cis-Diphenylhexamethylcyclotetrasiloxane An abbreviated synopis of the 147 page study Note: The importance of these studies is the following: 2,6-cis-d (in this publication) and D-4 (found in breast implants) are very similar. shankln1.html Article by Dr. R. Shanklin Widespread silicone sickness is very real in women with past and continuing exposure to silicone breast implants. Pathological study of tissues over the past 10 years shows that many of these women are sicker today than a decade ago. silicon_granulomas_and_der.htm Silicon granulomas and dermatomyositis-like changes associated with chronic eyelid edema after silicone breast implant. Meyer DR; Bui HX; Carlson JA; Ratliff CD; Guevarra MC; Delrio AD; Ross JS; Mihm M Jr Lions Eye Institute, Albany, New York 12208, USA. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg, 14:182-8, 1998 May Silicone breast implants.htm Silicone breast implants and autoimmune disease. Brown SL; Langone JJ; Brinton LA J Am Med Womens Assoc, 53:21-4, 40, 1998 Winter Abstract In 1992, the Food and Drug Administration requested a voluntary moratorium on the scale and implantation of silicone-gel-filled breast implants because of growing concern over the lack of scientific and clinical data supporting their safety and effectiveness Silicone breast prosthesis.htm [silicone breast prosthesis and rheumatoid arthritis: a new systemic disease: siliconosis. A case report and a critical review of the literature] Iannello S; Belfiore F Istituto di Medicina Interna e Specialit`a Internistiche, Universit`a degli Studi, Catania. Minerva Med, 89:117-30, 1998 Apr Silicone gel enhances.htm Silicone gel enhances the development of autoimmune disease in New Zealand black mice but fails to induce it in BALB/cAnPt mice [see comments] Mc AH; Weir K; Schneider M; Gudenkauf L; Sanger JR Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA. Clin Immunol Immunopathol, 87:248-55, 1998 Jun silicone_gel_and_octamethylcyclo.htm Silicone gel and octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane potentiate antibody production to bovine serum albumin in mice. Nicholson JJ 3rd; Wong GE; Frondoza CG; Rose NR; Curr Top Microbiol Immunol Date of Pub: 1996 Volume Issue: 210 Pagination: 139-44 silicone_granulomatous_lymphaden.htm Silicone granulomatous lymphadenopathy and siliconomas of the breast. Vaamonde R, Cabrera JM, Vaamonde- RJ, Jimena I, Marcos J Department of Morphological Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Cordoba, Spain. 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Hall, V. s, and Aram Hanissian (Baptist Memoorial Health Care System, Memphis, TN 38105, USA; Departments of Pathology and Obstetrics and Gynecology, university of Tennessee, Memphis, TN 38163, USA; and Department of medicine, Baptist Memorial Hospital, Memphis, Tn 38120, USA. talc_dep.html Talc Deposition in Skin and Tissues Surrounding Silicone Gel-Containing Prosthetic Devices Kasper CS, Chandler PJ Jr. (Baylor Univ, Dallas,, Ambulatory Plastic Surgery Ctr, Dallas) Arch Dermatol 130:48-53, 1994 tcelllym.html ABSTRACT Duvic, , Menter, Vonderheid Department of Dermatology, University of Texas Medical School Houston, USA. Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in association with silicone breast implants. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 32(6):939-42,1995 Jun. title_silicone_gel_enhances_the_.htm Silicone gel enhances the development of autoimmune disease in New Zealand black mice but fails to induce it in BALB/cAnPt mice Mc AH; Weir K; Schneider M; Gudenkauf L; Sanger JR Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA. Clin Immunol Immunopathol, 87:248-55, 1998 Jun what_are_the_real_risk_of_silico.htm What are the real risk of Silicone Gel Bleed and Rupture. As to long term Health Risks? what_are_the_risks_of_immunologi.htm What are the Risks of immunological responses to Bacterial and Fungal Complications after Breast Implant Augmentation? — Review of the literature: yoshida.html Immunopathologic effects of silicone breast implants. Teuber,Suzanne S.;Yoshida, H.;Gershwin, M. The Western Journal of Medicine, May 1995 v162 n5p418(8) young.html ANALYSIS OF PROPERTIES OF EXPLANTED BREAST IMPLANTS V. Leroy Young, M.D. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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