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Re: Re: Magnetic stone shrinking methods...

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----- Original Message -----

From: " barry91162 " <barry91162@...>

<gallstones >

Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 5:41 PM

Subject: Re: Magnetic stone shrinking methods...

Barry.....that's pretty amazing about your coworker clearing up a cyst with

magnets. My sister had such a cyst a few months ago and as I'm serious

about alternative medicine, I recommended she keep a fresh slice of raw

garlic over the cyst until it cleared up, but she was in too big a hurry and

went to her physician and had it surgically removed. There was some

recovery time and a small scar but as we all agree, one has to make one's

own health choices. Betsy

Barry wrote:

> I've actually heard the opposite. That the magnets used are powerful

> enough to create change. The whole theory of the earth's magnetic

> field and the brain working on the same 7 mhz wavelenghts, etc, is

> all very interesting. I've even seen it's results on skin cysts with

> a workmate. In only 4 sessions into the clinic his wrist cyst

> dissappeared. Maybe it was somewhat mental suggestion but he is sold

> on it. I may go in and ask them about gb stones and report back to

> the group about it since I haven't heard of the alternative method

> mentioned here. Who knows?


> Barry.


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----- Original Message -----

From: " barry91162 " <barry91162@...>

<gallstones >

Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 6:31 PM

Subject: Re: Magnetic stone shrinking methods...

Barry.....yes, there is a lot of truth to some of those old methods, such as

putting a slice of tomato on a boil or pimple and working with the phases of

the moon. Keep the garlic slice over the cyst until it becomes 'wilted'

then change it for a fresh slice....several hours a day if you can until the

cyst disappears......your friends will have disappeared long before that.


Barry wrote:

> Thanks Betsy,


> This workmates cyst was on the wrist in a very fragile or dangerous

> area inside the skin. Operation had some risks to it so he went for

> the 'non-knife' method and it worked for him over a period of only a

> few weeks with a magnetic theory method.


> How long did you suggest to keep the garlic over the cyst? A few

> hours a day or all day long?


> I've always been curious about alternative medine as well. Do you

> remember those old Foxfire books about alt. methods? Like rubbing a

> potato on a wart and then burying it in the backyard on a full moon

> night? Some people swear that stuff works. :-)


> Barry.




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hi...iam using the Sota Instruments magnetic pulser...jammed up against my

lower spine for one week at nite and it is Definitely Helping...with the

pain (infection) and to dissolve calcification. probably calcium (infection)

deposit/gall/kidney stone formation/arthritis..serious...had it for 10+

years. nine months into the /Beck protocols...slow but sure, making

permanent healing progress.

i felt soooo much better the first few days of magnetic pulsing...got alot

of work done. today i realized i am getting normal again....that the

calcification is going away! this would be the magnetic pulser effect. same

energy thing (but not removing calcification) happened when i got the guts

to do the Bob Beck blood electrification with the Sota Instruments Silver

Pulser during Christmas. the zapper, colloidal silver, ozone water, and

/Beck protocols...eliminations changes, am convinced, saved my life

this Summer..the first six months healing were rough, as its been a long

time happening.

(for some reason, i havent made it thru an entire kidney cleanse; have

ingredients for 5 GB flushes, but have not done it yet. it is alot of work

to learn and implement all these protocols by onesself ...imo doctors dont

know what they are doing and their methods would kill me! in 1992 3 mds did

lower back fusion, when nothing was wrong with my back but horrible

crippling pain ...Hulda was right: 95% of back pain relates to stones.

at times i see the light---all pain (infection) and blockage disapears.

working on the cause.) Thrilled to be getting completely well...it is


(read the photon sound beam technology is laser....lol...we could have fun

with that)

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In a message dated 5/2/02 23:38:07 GMT Standard Time, barry91162@...


I was not advising you to buy the mattress/duvet/pillow, I was simply

illustrating my own personal knowledge of magnet therapy (maybe of a

different sort to that you have heard of but still magnet therapy). I don't

think it is the placebo effect, I think it is the same as with supplements or

drugs, what works for you will not necessarily work for me. Perhaps you will

have to try it for yourself to find out and then you can report your personal

findings to the group so that they can decide if they want to try it.


> I don't want to purchase a 'blanket' but was wondering if placing

> magnets on the gb

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