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Re: shari-new probs.....:(

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Oh Sweet Shari ...

I have heard of this happening before to our women ... but not for a


Which meds are you on and how is your body reacting to them?

I'll add this to your webpage ...

God's blessings to You and Much love from Ilena




> Hi there everyone


> been sick lately so I haven't been posting much.... I guess I did

post last

> week or the week before about the hospital stay I had due to

multiple seizures

> I had June 4th... I had my neurologist appt yesterday and got

the official

> diagnosis of epilepsy... I was stunned - thought it was a one time

thing -

> some freak accident.... nope. I am freaking out now - have to be

on meds at

> least 5 years... can no longer drive.... I am scared.... he said

it wasn't such

> a big deal but I was thinking - yeah - maybe to you!! I had 4

grand mal

> -tonic clonic seizures within about 5-6 hours last months... spent

days in the

> hospital. on the last one I quit breathing - hubby said i was

purple.... he

> said he thought he was gonna watch me die in the ER.. he was


> freaked..... now all I can think is if it happens again - I am

home w/ a 5 year

> old.... he starts school this year - he has been schooled in what

to do - whether

> he will be able to when the time come who knows as my hubby said

they were

> extremely violent seizures... I was told I have a 5% chance of it

not occurring

> again even with the meds.... the meds would keep it from happening


> often.... sheeesh - what a smack in the face. First the implant

nightmare ,now

> this? it may even be related i think - doc Blais' said 30% of my


> shells were missing when he analyzed the implants.... could they

have migrated up

> to my head? who knows.... I am just so disappointed.....

> anyways talk to you soon


> shari


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Shari, I'm terribly sorry about your diagnosis! . . . Please don't give up hope! For whatever reason, you didn't have seizures before last month, and you haven't had any since - so let's pray that was freak episode and it will never happen again. As time goes by without seizures, you should feel more confident. Seizures haven't been a common complaint among our members - but I do know of one woman who has them whenever she's exposed to certain chemicals. . . Is there a correlation? I don't know. Maybe one day they will study those of us who've been sick from implants and figure out what's going on. . . One would think that after fourty years, that would have been done long ago! In the meantime, keep working on detoxing and eating right . . . It gets tiresome, but it does help! . . . Can you find some work you'd enjoy doing from home?

.. . . I know you were hoping to go back to work! . . . The financial pressure can't be helping! Thinking of you and praying for you . .. Love, Rogene

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Shari, Is there any way you can start a home based business, like selling on Ebay? I know you already have a million things on your mind, but for those who are in financial situations that are difficult, it seems that finding a way to work from home has to be an answer. Hugs, PattyRogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: Shari, I'm terribly sorry about your diagnosis! . . . Please don't give up hope! For whatever reason, you didn't have seizures before last

month, and you haven't had any since - so let's pray that was freak episode and it will never happen again. As time goes by without seizures, you should feel more confident. Seizures haven't been a common complaint among our members - but I do know of one woman who has them whenever she's exposed to certain chemicals. . . Is there a correlation? I don't know. Maybe one day they will study those of us who've been sick from implants and figure out what's going on. . . One would think that after fourty years, that would have been done long ago! In the meantime, keep working on detoxing and eating right . . . It gets tiresome, but it does help! . . . Can you find some work you'd enjoy doing from home? . . . I know you were hoping to go back to work! . . . The financial pressure can't be helping! Thinking of you and praying for you . .. Love, Rogene

Want to be your own boss? Learn how on Small Business.

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  • 3 months later...


Check the chemical list in the files section, you will see the list

for the chemicals that are in implants there are 37 different

chemicals. There are known carcinogens, biotoxins and neurotoxins.

After reading the list I believe you will have no doubt about where

the chemical sensitivity comes from,

Terri P

> yes.... I had saline Mentor textured implants put in 1996... upon

removal and analyzation, 30% of the shell was missing... not found

in the capsule or implant... both were leaking upon removal as

well... one was a replacement of a complete rupture in 1999... new

one was leaking still at removal.. Shells are Silicone - never deny

that - never let a doc tell you different. That silicone can affect

you just the same as the gel if it gets into your body...



> shari


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You know what's funny, since getting implanted (and now explanted),

I can't stand the smell of perfume. I used to wear it, but now just

the smell of it makes me sick. I also remember after getting

implants, suddenly the deodorant I was using started making my

underarms itch like crazy. I've since switched to a natural brand

and the itching has gone away.


> yes.... I had saline Mentor textured implants put in 1996... upon

removal and analyzation, 30% of the shell was missing... not found

in the capsule or implant... both were leaking upon removal as

well... one was a replacement of a complete rupture in 1999... new

one was leaking still at removal.. Shells are Silicone - never deny

that - never let a doc tell you different. That silicone can affect

you just the same as the gel if it gets into your body...



> shari


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It's actually amazing what physical dis-eases can manifest from

stressful emotional situations. In our cases, it's probably a

combination of the emotional stress and implant symptoms. In the

past, my co-dependence took a toll on my physical health. I as

falling apart, literally!

With my humble point of view, I send love & healing prayers,

Sunny :)

> yes.... I had saline Mentor textured implants put in

1996... upon removal and analyzation, 30% of the shell was

missing... not found in the capsule or implant... both were leaking

upon removal as well... one was a replacement of a complete rupture

in 1999... new one was leaking still at removal.. Shells are

Silicone - never deny that - never let a doc tell you different.

That silicone can affect you just the same as the gel if it gets into

your body...



> shari


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