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Bless You, Lea for Speaking Out!

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Lea, that's SOOOO funny about the lawyer....giggles! It's so

true...when we just share our experience, strength and hope miracles

can happen!

Happy New Year to you & your loved ones!


Sunny :) xo

-- In , " Lea " <devans@...> wrote:


> Darling Ilena:


> We want to wish you a very Happy New Year, and to thank you for

all the great work that you are doing. I want to crawl all over your

website, too, because I am planning on doing something in the new



> We went to a wedding last night, and again my big mouth got me

into trouble. I was having problems with my chest wall, and of course

people want to know why. I told them about the problems that I had

with my breast implants. Then I told them about the litigation, and

that I was fed up with the law here in Canada. As it turned out, the

lady I was telling all this to was on the Board of Governors of

's university and married to a lawyer. I told him that he did

not look like a lawyer; he asked me what does a lawyer look like?

Then, I proceeded to tell him that I had just bought a book called

What to Do with a Dead Lawyer. He asked me just what do you do with

a dead lawyer? Then he offered that you could turn them into statues

or lawn ornaments or have them stuffed. He was funny and he turned

out to be a very sweet man. I must learn to keep my big mouth shut.


> Another lady, the wife of a colleague of 's, teaches at the

University of Alberta, so I told her all about the silicone problems

as well. Yet another lady at our table told me that one of her young

girls has to use a silicone catheter. The coincidence is that I have

just been researching silicone catheters recently. This lady thanked

me for telling her about silicone-related problems. It is just

everywhere, and there is just no way that they will ever use anything

else...unless we make them!


> Honey, we wish you tons of happiness in the almost New Year.


> Sending love always...........US

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~```````````````

> December Updates from Dow Bankruptcy

(2 links)



> Happy almost 2007 ...



> http://www.tortcomm.org/newsletter_061218.shtml



> Volume 3, No. 10, December 18, 2006





> --------------------------------------------------------------------



> This is the 30th e-newsletter (Vol. 3, No. 10) from the

Claimants' Advisory Committee (CAC) in the Dow Corning bankruptcy

Settlement Plan. You were sent a copy of the newsletter because our

records show that you requested to be on the mailing list. If you

wish to unsubscribe or to reply to this newsletter, send an email to:

info@... Please do not hit " Reply " to this email address. Please use

the email address: info@...


> Requests for copies of claim forms or inquiries about the

status of a claim should be directed to the Settlement Facility at

info@... or 866-874-6099. The Claimants' Advisory Committee does not

have access to individual claimant files to answer these kinds of




> --------------------------------------------------------------------




> There are a number of matters that we are currently working on

and hope to report on soon, including the status of " Conditional NOI

claims, " late claims, rupture issues, etc. We will report on these in

another newsletter in 1-2 weeks. In the meantime, we wanted to

provide you with information concerning the Class 7 payments and the

status of the cure deadlines as detailed below. {more at:

http://www.tortcomm.org/newsletter_061218.shtml }



> http://www.sfdct.com/home.cfm?agree=9 & lang=eng


> Claims Administrator's Desk

> Last Updated: 12/21/2006 @ 5:08 PM


> The Settlement Facility – Dow Coring Trust (SF-DCT) has been

working to develop a procedure for processing Class 7 (Silicone

Material) claim submissions.

> To facilitate processing, the Debtor's Representatives and the

Claimants' Advisory Committee have approved a special cash offer of

$3,000 for Silicone Material Claimants who requested a disease review

on their claim form, but because of the delay in processing, may

choose to accept a one-time payment offer instead of waiting for a

disease review. A disease review could take as long as 24 to 36

months. Please note that if you are represented by an attorney, the

Cash out option of $3,000 is subject to attorney fees as outlined in

the Claimant Information Guide.


> We will begin to make Expedited Release payments of $600.00 to

Silicone Material Claimants by the end of 2006. The Expedited Release

payment is not subject to attorney fees but attorneys may deduct

their certain expenses that are solely attributable to your claim as

outlined in Judge Hood's Order regarding expenses.


> The SF-DCT also identified Class 7 Claimants who are ineligible

to receive a Class 7 payment based on the amount they received in the

MDL-926 Settlement or who did not satisfy the Class 7 marshaling

requirement. These Claimants will be sent a notice regarding their



> When processing Class 7 claims, SF-DCT will rely on documents

in our files as well as the MDL-926 claim processing data. This may

require Claimants to submit additional documentation in order to

complete their claim reviews.


> Thank you for your patience in this matter as we work to

develop a process that is as fair and expeditious as possible given

the limited Class 7 fund. Please be patient as we anticipate that

after checks and letters are sent, we will experience a high volume

of mail and telephone calls. We appreciate your understanding in



> As a reminder, Judge Hood signed an Order in June 2006

extending all cure deficiency deadlines to January 17, 2007. This

includes cure deficiency deadlines that have or will run up to and

including January 16, 2007. You may read Judge Hood's Order extending

the deadline by clicking on " News Updates " .


> Austern


> [ more at http://www.sfdct.com/home.cfm?agree=9 & lang=eng ]


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