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Re: Surgery next week with Dr. Feng

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Lynn,Thanks for touching base . . . we see so many women come through . .. post once or twice and disappear. I hope they found what they were looking for! . . . You're in good hands with Dr. Feng . . . No one can predict how quickly you'll be feeling better . . . Hopefully, you'll feel better as soon as you wake up. But, if not, don't worry . . . Check back with us for some detox ideas.In the meantime, drink plenty of non-chlorinated water, eat healthy and get plenty of rest. . . Even if you feel wonderful!Hugs and prayers,Rogene

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Are you the same Lynn who posted here last year, from NY State?

I used Dr. Feng and am happy I did. It's hard to say how quickly

you'll get better, it's different for everyone. Some people get

better right away, and some of us have to really work at it. I

really have to work at it. I had my explant in November of 2005 and

having the implants removed was the best thing I ever did (getting

them put in was the worst thing I ever did). I have good and bad

days as far as my health goes, and it definitely goes in cycles. I

managed to go to school during this time and ended up on the Deans

List, and now I'm working full-time. I got the implants removed

because I knew I could not live with something foreign in my body,

and I was terrified at the symptoms I was having. I've been using a

probiotic for the past few months and I noticed that my bone pain

has eased up, and my numb fingers and toes improved as well. I'm

still not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm at

peace without the implants.



> Hi All,


> I have not posted to this site a lot but it has been a


> help to me. I would not have ever found Dr. Feng or tons of


> information without you. So I just want to say thank you! My


> to have my saline implants out is next week July 19. I was just

> wondering how soon I could hopefully expect to see some


> in my health. What have others experienced? Some of my major


> have been a lot of hair loss, chronic fatigue symptoms, brain fog


> numbness and tingling in both hands and left leg. For some reason


> always seems worse during certain times of my cycle. Anyway Dr.


> feels that my implants are the problem so I'm really looking


> to having them out. Once again thank you for all your help.


> Lynn


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Hi Sis,

Yes thats me. I didn't even realize it's been that long. I've

been working with an environmental dr in NYC to exhaust other

possibilities before surgery. The past few years have been very

stressful for me so we wanted to be sure my symptoms where not

because of that. At this point I have noticed some improvement but

nothing significant, my hair has gotten worse and a lot of the other

symptoms are the same. I've decided that I'm tired of debating it

and I'm ready to just have them removed. When I spoke with Dr.

Fengs office they confirmed that it sounds like the implants are my

problem. So now I just can't wait to get it done. I'm so glad to

hear that you are doing better and working full time even though you

have to work at it. As long as I start seeing improvements I don't

care if I have to work at it. I'm starting a new job in August so

I'm glad to be getting this taken care of before that. I have a lot

of support so I know I'll be ok. This group though has been by far

the most important thing that came into my life. So I'm very

greatful for it. I will keep in touch and let you know how things go

next week. Thank you for the feedback. Oh and I'm already taking

probiotics as well. I've just started following the Body Ecology

diet and she is really big on them.


> >

> > Hi All,

> >

> > I have not posted to this site a lot but it has been a

> tremendous

> > help to me. I would not have ever found Dr. Feng or tons of

> useful

> > information without you. So I just want to say thank you! My

> surgery

> > to have my saline implants out is next week July 19. I was just

> > wondering how soon I could hopefully expect to see some

> improvements

> > in my health. What have others experienced? Some of my major

> issues

> > have been a lot of hair loss, chronic fatigue symptoms, brain


> and

> > numbness and tingling in both hands and left leg. For some


> it

> > always seems worse during certain times of my cycle. Anyway Dr.

> Feng

> > feels that my implants are the problem so I'm really looking

> forward

> > to having them out. Once again thank you for all your help.

> >

> > Lynn

> >


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I also wanted to mention one more area that I think is huge and often overlooked. It is the subject of food allergies. I think alot of times this is just really kinda under the surface of everything we are dealing with, and we tend to blow off the idea that we could become allergic to anything we were never allergic to before. I know I was first of all, unbelieveing that I had any problems with foods (was never allergic to anything in my life as far as food was concerned, and only became allergic to cheap metal jewelry after an infection when my ears were pierced.), and second, astounded when I took a food allergy test (ERISA) and was found to be reacting to chocolate and brewers yeast of all things. After that I started paying attention to my body and realized that I was having subtle, minor reactions to certain things that I would have blown off before. And as most of you know, I was just diagnosed as gluten intolerant last month. I never realized I was reacting to gluten! I ate it everyday. So, what I am urging you all to do is to be very aware of what you are putting into your mouth, and be very aware of ANY possible reactions to them. The reason I bring this up is because in our discussion of toxins, we neglected this. Toxins come from outside the body, yes, but our own bodies produce toxins too! Toxins are produced from dying off bacteria and fungus, and our intestines can be full of putrefying bacteria. Foods that are improperly digested can cause our bodies to mount a defense against these particles, called antigens, creating an even heavier burden on the body. So, proper digestion is a must, and avoidance of allergenic foods will go a long way toward healing. The secret is to just pay

attention and know if you are having a subtle reaction...anything that leaves you feeling sort of off balance. Enzymes are so important...they literally break down everything. That's a good thing. They break down foods, they break down superfluous tissue, break down bacterial waste, break down big things into smaller things and making it easier for the body to rid itself of toxic substances. So, in addition to all the other things I mentioned, I want to urge you to consume enzymes! I take Garden Of Life's OmegaZyme Ultra every night and during the day too. I won't be without it. If you want more info on enzymes, here is a good link: http://www.allorganic.net/enzyme.html Patty Tricia Trish

<glory2glory1401@...> wrote: Lynn, That's great that you have already started making changes in your lifestyle! You're on your way. Here are the things I have done to help remove toxins, listed below. As I stated, I think the fasting, juicing and coffee enemas are just about the most effective ways to go. Also the infrared saunas, or sweating like a stuck pig are good! Then there are all the others, that are a little more involved. They may be

costly, or just inconvenient, but can be an important piece of the puzzle. Amalgam removal, root canal removal (to get rid of mercury) Chelation therapy (to get rid of heavy metals) Colonics (to get rid of entrapped intestinal putrifications) LIver flush (to improve a sluggish liver) Kidney flush (to improve kidney function) Dry skin brushing (to remove dead skin and allow the skin to breathe) Exercise (to get the blood flowing to all cells) Deep breathing (to clear toxins from the lungs) Rebounding (to clear the lymph) Parasite cleanse (to kill of any possible parasites) Fungal Defense and Probiotics like Primal Defense (to keep yeast at bay and create a healthy digesitive system) There are probably lots of others, but this is a start. If you can implement

most of these, you will be well on your way to a healthier body! Patty .

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On an empty stomach before bed religiously....and other times during the day when the urge strikes, either empty stomach or after a meal. I have heard that our bodies do the most detoxing at night when we are asleep (i.e., the liver does most of its work then, unimpeded by foods). I also take Primal Defense and FYI from Garden of Life right before bed. I leave these on my nightstand with a bottle of water so I don't forget. I figure these are good things for my body to have while I am sleeping and detoxing. I think it has been helpful, and I sleep very, very soundly. PattyRogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: Patty, I have some Garden Of Life's OmegaZyme - but felt that it was upsetting my stomach . . . Do you take it with or without food? Rogene

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Best of luck to you! I just had surgery with Dr. Feng three weeks ago, and I loved her and her staff. I had immediate relief in many areas, but some are taking longer. Be good to yourself, eat a healthy diet and you will be amazed at how much better you will feel. If you have anything I can help you with, just ask! jdebolt@...

How long did you have implants, what kind, and where do you live?


~ married to DH Mark, and sharing the lives of nine busy children. <3 <3

Surgery next week with Dr. Feng

Hi All,I have not posted to this site a lot but it has been a tremendous help to me. I would not have ever found Dr. Feng or tons of useful information without you. So I just want to say thank you! My surgery to have my saline implants out is next week July 19. I was just wondering how soon I could hopefully expect to see some improvements in my health. What have others experienced? Some of my major issues have been a lot of hair loss, chronic fatigue symptoms, brain fog and numbness and tingling in both hands and left leg. For some reason it always seems worse during certain times of my cycle. Anyway Dr. Feng feels that my implants are the problem so I'm really looking forward to having them out. Once again thank you for all your help.Lynn

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