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Dr Gilbert Lee and explant...

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You might want to check on the $900 part... that sounds EXTREMELY inexpensive, even if it's not including anesthesia. It seems most of the prices I've noticed women say on here have been $4,000-$12,000 for explant and capsulectomy and $5,000-$17,000 for explant and capsulectomy with lift. (Including anesthesia and facility fees.)

Removing the capsules is necessary to get well... but the other gals can explain more so about why it's important to remove them. Some doctors may try to tell you they "dissolve" into your body, and that simply is not the case.

The shell of Saline Implants (assuming you have Salines) are made of that same toxic silicone that was banned for causing illness. You need those capsules, that your body formed around them, removed to get all the traces of it out of your body. Again, there are other gals on here who are more educated on the subject who will probably chime in soon.

Don't let anyone tell you implants can't cause fatigue -because there are a slew of us who were 100% healthy before getting implanted who can pinpoint the exact moment in our lives (when we were implanted) when we started getting sick with fatigue (to the extent of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and much MUCH more. Fatigue can be just the beginning.

Best of luck to you. You've came to the right place for information. The women on this message board are life savers -real angels on earth. You can find information amongst this board on explant, and also healing and detoxing afterwards.

Brigite :)

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I would have as much of the capsule removed as possible...my surgeon said you can't always get 100% without causing problems but he did tell me he got all mine that it came off easy...I've been real sick so I know it's important. Also drains.

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Has anyone here had an explant with Dr Lee? I need this to stay

completely confidential. Please do not use my name regarding Dr Lee.I

used to work with Dr Lee and he is a great surgeon. I had my saline

breast implants done by him underneath my muscle. He said it would be

$900 to have an explant as an outpatient procedure. He did not

recommend a capsulectomy because he said it could be dangerous, you

could puncture a lung,etc. I was on the explant site and told her what

Dr Lee had said and without my permission she called the office manager

and misquoted me. I want to keep this a good situation between Dr Lee

and myself, because he will probably be the surgeon I use if I do the

explant. He says the implants are not the cause of my fatigue. I do

have good days where I wonder if it could be something else and a lot

of days I feel really crappy. I work at Optimum Health Institute and I

do Colon Therapy. Most of the time I eat really good, even lots of

wheatgrass! Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Blessings to your work,

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Dear Brigite,

Thank you for your note...Dr Lee would just be giving me a local and

taking out the inplants...I know it is an outpatient procedure. I

don't know the cost for a capsulectomy. I am just reading about a

capsulectomy and why it must be preformed. I will have to check back

with Dr Lee about the additional cost. I am bummed because I thought

I could afford the procedure pretty easily.

Best to you,

-- In , KissofSadness@... wrote:


> You might want to check on the $900 part... that sounds EXTREMELY

> inexpensive, even if it's not including anesthesia. It seems most

of the prices I've

> noticed women say on here have been $4,000-$12,000 for explant and


> and $5,000-$17,000 for explant and capsulectomy with lift.


> anesthesia and facility fees.)


> Removing the capsules is necessary to get well... but the other

gals can

> explain more so about why it's important to remove them. Some

doctors may try to

> tell you they " dissolve " into your body, and that simply is not

the case.


> The shell of Saline Implants (assuming you have Salines) are made

of that

> same toxic silicone that was banned for causing illness. You need


> capsules, that your body formed around them, removed to get all the

traces of it out

> of your body. Again, there are other gals on here who are more

educated on

> the subject who will probably chime in soon.


> Don't let anyone tell you implants can't cause fatigue -because

there are a

> slew of us who were 100% healthy before getting implanted who can


> the exact moment in our lives (when we were implanted) when we

started getting

> sick with fatigue (to the extent of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and

much MUCH

> more. Fatigue can be just the beginning.


> Best of luck to you. You've came to the right place for

information. The

> women on this message board are life savers -real angels on earth.

You can find

> information amongst this board on explant, and also healing and


> afterwards.


> Brigite :)


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It's not just the silicone shell that can cause problems, of course. The saline

can be

contaminated, and grow fungus and mold....

Too many plastic surgeons just deflate the saline implant and pull it out. That


would be inexpensive. But what if the woman has contaminated saline? Then all


would go into her system!

I agree with Brigite here. I have never heard of a proper explant costing only


Mine was around $13,000 and that was in 2004. Insurance paid part of mine, but

it still

cost several thousand dollars as I went 'out of network' in a PPO. I did have

a lift as well

as explant of ruptured double lumen implants. The saline in mine were, as Dr.

Kolb said,

'long gone'. The silicone was outside my capsules, in my chest.

I was pretty foggy then, but Lynda told me before my explant that having


removed improperly can be worse than not having them removed at all. Now, I


exactly what she meant.


> You might want to check on the $900 part... that sounds EXTREMELY

> inexpensive, even if it's not including anesthesia. It seems most of the

prices I've

> noticed women say on here have been $4,000-$12,000 for explant and


> and $5,000-$17,000 for explant and capsulectomy with lift. (Including

> anesthesia and facility fees.)


> Removing the capsules is necessary to get well... but the other gals can

> explain more so about why it's important to remove them. Some doctors may try


> tell you they " dissolve " into your body, and that simply is not the case.


> The shell of Saline Implants (assuming you have Salines) are made of that

> same toxic silicone that was banned for causing illness. You need those

> capsules, that your body formed around them, removed to get all the traces of

it out

> of your body. Again, there are other gals on here who are more educated on

> the subject who will probably chime in soon.


> Don't let anyone tell you implants can't cause fatigue -because there are a

> slew of us who were 100% healthy before getting implanted who can pinpoint

> the exact moment in our lives (when we were implanted) when we started


> sick with fatigue (to the extent of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and much MUCH

> more. Fatigue can be just the beginning.


> Best of luck to you. You've came to the right place for information. The

> women on this message board are life savers -real angels on earth. You can


> information amongst this board on explant, and also healing and detoxing

> afterwards.


> Brigite :)


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Just a word of advice - nothing on the internet is confidential.


> Has anyone here had an explant with Dr Lee? I need this to stay

> completely confidential. Please do not use my name regarding Dr Lee.I

> used to work with Dr Lee and he is a great surgeon. I had my saline

> breast implants done by him underneath my muscle. He said it would be

> $900 to have an explant as an outpatient procedure. He did not

> recommend a capsulectomy because he said it could be dangerous, you

> could puncture a lung,etc. I was on the explant site and told her what

> Dr Lee had said and without my permission she called the office manager

> and misquoted me. I want to keep this a good situation between Dr Lee

> and myself, because he will probably be the surgeon I use if I do the

> explant. He says the implants are not the cause of my fatigue. I do

> have good days where I wonder if it could be something else and a lot

> of days I feel really crappy. I work at Optimum Health Institute and I

> do Colon Therapy. Most of the time I eat really good, even lots of

> wheatgrass! Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you in advance.


> Blessings to your work,



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Any doctor who says it would be too dangerous and would possibly

puncture a lung is describing their expertise, not the necessity of

the right surgery.


At 06:27 PM 9/16/2006, you wrote:

>Dear Brigite,


>Thank you for your note...Dr Lee would just be giving me a local and

>taking out the inplants...I know it is an outpatient procedure. I

>don't know the cost for a capsulectomy. I am just reading about a

>capsulectomy and why it must be preformed. I will have to check back

>with Dr Lee about the additional cost. I am bummed because I thought

>I could afford the procedure pretty easily.


>Best to you,



>-- In

><mailto: %40> ,

>KissofSadness@... wrote:

> >

> > You might want to check on the $900 part... that sounds EXTREMELY

> > inexpensive, even if it's not including anesthesia. It seems most

>of the prices I've

> > noticed women say on here have been $4,000-$12,000 for explant and


> > and $5,000-$17,000 for explant and capsulectomy with lift.


> > anesthesia and facility fees.)

> >

> > Removing the capsules is necessary to get well... but the other

>gals can

> > explain more so about why it's important to remove them. Some

>doctors may try to

> > tell you they " dissolve " into your body, and that simply is not

>the case.

> >

> > The shell of Saline Implants (assuming you have Salines) are made

>of that

> > same toxic silicone that was banned for causing illness. You need


> > capsules, that your body formed around them, removed to get all the

>traces of it out

> > of your body. Again, there are other gals on here who are more

>educated on

> > the subject who will probably chime in soon.

> >

> > Don't let anyone tell you implants can't cause fatigue -because

>there are a

> > slew of us who were 100% healthy before getting implanted who can


> > the exact moment in our lives (when we were implanted) when we

>started getting

> > sick with fatigue (to the extent of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and

>much MUCH

> > more. Fatigue can be just the beginning.

> >

> > Best of luck to you. You've came to the right place for

>information. The

> > women on this message board are life savers -real angels on earth.

>You can find

> > information amongst this board on explant, and also healing and


> > afterwards.

> >

> > Brigite :)

> >



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  • 2 weeks later...

HI , Well, I am really disappointed to hear Dr. Gilbert Lee make such comments, knowing that we have sent women to him for explant, hoping that he will take good care of them. I am sure he is an excellent surgeon, and come recommended by Ilena Rosenthal, whom I trust completely. But this just shows us how important it is to check out ALL plastic surgeons in terms of their explant procedures, even if they are on our list. We just cannot be confident that they are going to understand all that we are dealing with. We just cannot afford to take chances with our health. Too bad they don't have to deal with the consequences of a poor explant. I wish they recognized that WE DO. That good day, bad day roller coaster ride is typical of our illnesses. Alot of women begin to question if it really is their implants. That doubt that creeps in can be so deceiving. But you have to

ask a very important question.....Are the implants helping your body in attaining healing? The answer to that question has to be NO. Breast implants do not heal anything. They only harm. If a person is sick, the quest for health is usually undertaken and sometimes, at a very high cost when in desperation. The goal is not to get to the point of being desperate. That is a miserable and horrible place to be. If there is ANY chance at all that the breast implants are actually a hinderance to health, then the only common sense and logical thing to do is to get rid of them, so you can pursue healing to the fullest. I hope you can schedule explant! Patty <lindabirse@...> wrote: Has anyone here had an explant with Dr Lee? I need this to stay completely confidential. Please do not use my name regarding Dr Lee.I used to work with Dr Lee and he is a great surgeon. I had my saline breast implants done by him underneath my muscle. He said it would be $900 to have an explant as an outpatient procedure. He did not recommend a capsulectomy because he said it could be dangerous, you could puncture a lung,etc. I was on the explant site and told her what Dr Lee had said and without my permission she called the office manager and misquoted me. I want to keep this a good situation between Dr Lee and

myself, because he will probably be the surgeon I use if I do the explant. He says the implants are not the cause of my fatigue. I do have good days where I wonder if it could be something else and a lot of days I feel really crappy. I work at Optimum Health Institute and I do Colon Therapy. Most of the time I eat really good, even lots of wheatgrass! Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you in advance.Blessings to your work,

How low will we go? Check out Messenger’s low PC-to-Phone call rates.

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Dear Patty,

Thank you so much for your note...I am really confused as to whether

to use Dr Lee or not...I know he is an awesome surgeon. I guess

since he doesn't believe this is causing my symtoms I wonder if he

will be extremely motivated to make sure all the capsulectomy is out

and to try to do it en bloc. He says he will if possible. It will

take all my savings to do this procedure and I want to get healthy

again...I have spent thousands on accupuncture, cleanses,

supplements, holistic retreats, juicing, etc. I am so discouraged...

I do sometimes wonder if it is mental or ? This weekend I had a

fever of 103 that was unusual for me....last weekend I had plans to

go out and felt awful...Thank you for any help you can give me.

Thank you again for this site!

> Has anyone here had an explant with Dr Lee? I need this

to stay

> completely confidential. Please do not use my name regarding Dr


> used to work with Dr Lee and he is a great surgeon. I had my saline

> breast implants done by him underneath my muscle. He said it would


> $900 to have an explant as an outpatient procedure. He did not

> recommend a capsulectomy because he said it could be dangerous, you

> could puncture a lung,etc. I was on the explant site and told her


> Dr Lee had said and without my permission she called the office


> and misquoted me. I want to keep this a good situation between Dr


> and myself, because he will probably be the surgeon I use if I do


> explant. He says the implants are not the cause of my fatigue. I do

> have good days where I wonder if it could be something else and a


> of days I feel really crappy. I work at Optimum Health Institute

and I

> do Colon Therapy. Most of the time I eat really good, even lots of

> wheatgrass! Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you in



> Blessings to your work,








> ---------------------------------

> How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone

call rates.


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, I felt the same way you did....I wanted to go with the surgeon that my insurance company said would pay 100% for...but I just did not feel comfortable at all with them. Do what your heart says! <lindabirse@...> wrote: Dear Patty,Thank you so much for your note...I am really confused as to whether to use Dr Lee or not...I know he is an awesome surgeon. I guess since he doesn't believe this is causing my symtoms I wonder if he will be extremely motivated to make

sure all the capsulectomy is out and to try to do it en bloc. He says he will if possible. It will take all my savings to do this procedure and I want to get healthy again...I have spent thousands on accupuncture, cleanses, supplements, holistic retreats, juicing, etc. I am so discouraged...I do sometimes wonder if it is mental or ? This weekend I had a fever of 103 that was unusual for me....last weekend I had plans to go out and felt awful...Thank you for any help you can give me. Thank you again for this site! > Has anyone here had an explant with Dr Lee? I need this to stay > completely confidential. Please do not use my name regarding Dr Lee.I > used to work with Dr Lee and he is a great surgeon. I had my saline > breast implants done by him underneath my muscle. He said it would be > $900 to have an explant as an outpatient procedure. He did not > recommend a

capsulectomy because he said it could be dangerous, you > could puncture a lung,etc. I was on the explant site and told her what > Dr Lee had said and without my permission she called the office manager > and misquoted me. I want to keep this a good situation between Dr Lee > and myself, because he will probably be the surgeon I use if I do the > explant. He says the implants are not the cause of my fatigue. I do > have good days where I wonder if it could be something else and a lot > of days I feel really crappy. I work at Optimum Health Institute and I > do Colon Therapy. Most of the time I eat really good, even lots of > wheatgrass! Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you in advance.> > Blessings to your work,> > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> How low will we go?

Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.> __________________________________________________

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I know how you feel second guessing everything, I just had residual

capsule removed and I almost talked myself into thinking it might not

be necessary, but I kept coming back to the point I know I won't get

better with that stuff in there, you are not crazy it is not all in

your head. Sweet lady we have all felt this way because of the way we

are handled by Dr.s. We know more about this than most of them do

because we are consumed by it and finding out as muuch as we can. If

Dr. Lee says he will get all that is possible he has to say that to

protect himself in case their is a problem and he can't take the

chance of harming you, it sounds like to me he will do a good job,

you will have to trust at some point, I was so afraid I was having

this latest surgery for a small piece of somthing that may or may not

be keeping me sick, well when she came out and said it was a large

piece and had blue nodules I knew I did the right thing, it is not

fun and it makes me so mad we even have to figure all this out, but

remember we are here for you.

love and aloha,

Terri P

> > Has anyone here had an explant with Dr Lee? I need this

> to stay

> > completely confidential. Please do not use my name regarding Dr

> Lee.I

> > used to work with Dr Lee and he is a great surgeon. I had my


> > breast implants done by him underneath my muscle. He said it


> be

> > $900 to have an explant as an outpatient procedure. He did not

> > recommend a capsulectomy because he said it could be dangerous,


> > could puncture a lung,etc. I was on the explant site and told her

> what

> > Dr Lee had said and without my permission she called the office

> manager

> > and misquoted me. I want to keep this a good situation between Dr

> Lee

> > and myself, because he will probably be the surgeon I use if I do

> the

> > explant. He says the implants are not the cause of my fatigue. I


> > have good days where I wonder if it could be something else and a

> lot

> > of days I feel really crappy. I work at Optimum Health Institute

> and I

> > do Colon Therapy. Most of the time I eat really good, even lots


> > wheatgrass! Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you in

> advance.

> >

> > Blessings to your work,

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone

> call rates.

> >


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> > > Has anyone here had an explant with Dr Lee? I need


> > to stay

> > > completely confidential. Please do not use my name regarding Dr

> > Lee.I

> > > used to work with Dr Lee and he is a great surgeon. I had my

> saline

> > > breast implants done by him underneath my muscle. He said it

> would

> > be

> > > $900 to have an explant as an outpatient procedure. He did not

> > > recommend a capsulectomy because he said it could be dangerous,

> you

> > > could puncture a lung,etc. I was on the explant site and told


> > what

> > > Dr Lee had said and without my permission she called the office

> > manager

> > > and misquoted me. I want to keep this a good situation between


> > Lee

> > > and myself, because he will probably be the surgeon I use if I


> > the

> > > explant. He says the implants are not the cause of my fatigue.


> do

> > > have good days where I wonder if it could be something else and


> > lot

> > > of days I feel really crappy. I work at Optimum Health


> > and I

> > > do Colon Therapy. Most of the time I eat really good, even lots

> of

> > > wheatgrass! Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you in

> > advance.

> > >

> > > Blessings to your work,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > > How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-


> > call rates.

> > >

> >


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it has only been two days so I am still deeling with surgical stuff,

swelling some bruising and cannot shower till tomorrow, I have more

energy already but have awful headache for twodays now, I can't wait

to start my detox again and my colon cleanse and then I will see

where I am at. I want to get massages though for sure my neck and

headjust hurt so bad right now, But I do think it will get better, I

think the pain meds are causing the headaches, You re are so welcome

if I can help just one person I feel better about everything, not so

mad you know?


Terri P

-- In , " " <lindabirse@...> wrote:



> > > > Has anyone here had an explant with Dr Lee? I need

> this

> > > to stay

> > > > completely confidential. Please do not use my name regarding


> > > Lee.I

> > > > used to work with Dr Lee and he is a great surgeon. I had my

> > saline

> > > > breast implants done by him underneath my muscle. He said it

> > would

> > > be

> > > > $900 to have an explant as an outpatient procedure. He did


> > > > recommend a capsulectomy because he said it could be


> > you

> > > > could puncture a lung,etc. I was on the explant site and told

> her

> > > what

> > > > Dr Lee had said and without my permission she called the


> > > manager

> > > > and misquoted me. I want to keep this a good situation


> Dr

> > > Lee

> > > > and myself, because he will probably be the surgeon I use if


> do

> > > the

> > > > explant. He says the implants are not the cause of my


> I

> > do

> > > > have good days where I wonder if it could be something else


> a

> > > lot

> > > > of days I feel really crappy. I work at Optimum Health

> Institute

> > > and I

> > > > do Colon Therapy. Most of the time I eat really good, even


> > of

> > > > wheatgrass! Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you in

> > > advance.

> > > >

> > > > Blessings to your work,

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ---------------------------------

> > > > How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-

> Phone

> > > call rates.

> > > >

> > >

> >


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I'm going to give him a call ... and go visit him again if possible.

In the past, he certainly was well aware of the systemic problems from

implants and did not deny it. He has told me he did everything

possible to get out all of the loose silicone and removed all of the


I can't imagine he has stopped doing this ...

I'll let you know once I talk to him. I've been in his office scores

of times with various women, and never had anyone not be happy with

his work.

I'll get back with you ...


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Dear Ilena,

Thank you for your note. I used to work with Dr. Lee and he is an

excellent A+ surgeon. I want to use him and just want to clarify

that I have a total capsulectomy and all the right methods. He does

not believe I have any illness due to the fact that the saline

implants have no hardening. He said because I have the saline

implants under the muscle it can be much more difficult to remove the

scar tissue. I would rather not have my name used in communication

with his office.I already have someone from another site mis quote me

and I had to straighten things out with him.

Thank you again for your help,

--- In , " colibrimama "




> I'm going to give him a call ... and go visit him again if possible.


> In the past, he certainly was well aware of the systemic problems


> implants and did not deny it. He has told me he did everything

> possible to get out all of the loose silicone and removed all of


> capsule.


> I can't imagine he has stopped doing this ...


> I'll let you know once I talk to him. I've been in his office


> of times with various women, and never had anyone not be happy with

> his work.


> I'll get back with you ...


> Ilena


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Just because you used to work with a doctor is no

guarantee he will do it right, get it in

writing. If they express doubts about being able

to get it all, I would go elsewhere.


At 12:35 AM 9/30/2006, you wrote:

>Dear Ilena,


>Thank you for your note. I used to work with Dr. Lee and he is an

>excellent A+ surgeon. I want to use him and just want to clarify

>that I have a total capsulectomy and all the right methods. He does

>not believe I have any illness due to the fact that the saline

>implants have no hardening. He said because I have the saline

>implants under the muscle it can be much more difficult to remove the

>scar tissue. I would rather not have my name used in communication

>with his office.I already have someone from another site mis quote me

>and I had to straighten things out with him.


>Thank you again for your help,



>--- In

><mailto: %40> ,

> " colibrimama "


> >

> >

> > I'm going to give him a call ... and go visit him again if possible.

> >

> > In the past, he certainly was well aware of the systemic problems


> > implants and did not deny it. He has told me he did everything

> > possible to get out all of the loose silicone and removed all of


> > capsule.

> >

> > I can't imagine he has stopped doing this ...

> >

> > I'll let you know once I talk to him. I've been in his office


> > of times with various women, and never had anyone not be happy with

> > his work.

> >

> > I'll get back with you ...

> >

> > Ilena

> >



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> >Dear Ilena,

> >

> >Thank you for your note. I used to work with Dr. Lee and he is an

> >excellent A+ surgeon. I want to use him and just want to clarify

> >that I have a total capsulectomy and all the right methods. He does

> >not believe I have any illness due to the fact that the saline

> >implants have no hardening. He said because I have the saline

> >implants under the muscle it can be much more difficult to remove


> >scar tissue. I would rather not have my name used in communication

> >with his office.I already have someone from another site mis quote


> >and I had to straighten things out with him.

> >

> >Thank you again for your help,

> >

> >

> >--- In

> ><mailto: %

40> ,

> > " colibrimama "

> ><colibrimama@...:

> > >

> > >

> > > I'm going to give him a call ... and go visit him again if


> > >

> > > In the past, he certainly was well aware of the systemic


> >from

> > > implants and did not deny it. He has told me he did everything

> > > possible to get out all of the loose silicone and removed all of

> >the

> > > capsule.

> > >

> > > I can't imagine he has stopped doing this ...

> > >

> > > I'll let you know once I talk to him. I've been in his office

> >scores

> > > of times with various women, and never had anyone not be happy


> > > his work.

> > >

> > > I'll get back with you ...

> > >

> > > Ilena

> > >

> >

> >


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If you had saline, a total capsulectomy, if you had silicone or

double lumen, it should be done en bloc. If he is making noises

about it being dangerous, I would go elsewhere.


At 07:47 PM 9/30/2006, you wrote:


> >

> > >Dear Ilena,

> > >

> > >Thank you for your note. I used to work with Dr. Lee and he is an

> > >excellent A+ surgeon. I want to use him and just want to clarify

> > >that I have a total capsulectomy and all the right methods. He does

> > >not believe I have any illness due to the fact that the saline

> > >implants have no hardening. He said because I have the saline

> > >implants under the muscle it can be much more difficult to remove


> > >scar tissue. I would rather not have my name used in communication

> > >with his office.I already have someone from another site mis quote


> > >and I had to straighten things out with him.

> > >

> > >Thank you again for your help,

> > >

> > >

> > >--- In

> > ><mailto: %

>40><mailto: %40> @gr\



> > > " colibrimama "

> > ><colibrimama@...:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I'm going to give him a call ... and go visit him again if


> > > >

> > > > In the past, he certainly was well aware of the systemic


> > >from

> > > > implants and did not deny it. He has told me he did everything

> > > > possible to get out all of the loose silicone and removed all of

> > >the

> > > > capsule.

> > > >

> > > > I can't imagine he has stopped doing this ...

> > > >

> > > > I'll let you know once I talk to him. I've been in his office

> > >scores

> > > > of times with various women, and never had anyone not be happy


> > > > his work.

> > > >

> > > > I'll get back with you ...

> > > >

> > > > Ilena

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> >



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Thank you...I do have saline implants and so will make sure I have a

total capsulectomy.

In , Lynda <coss@...> wrote:


> If you had saline, a total capsulectomy, if you had silicone or

> double lumen, it should be done en bloc. If he is making noises

> about it being dangerous, I would go elsewhere.


> Lynda



> At 07:47 PM 9/30/2006, you wrote:


> >

> > >

> > > >Dear Ilena,

> > > >

> > > >Thank you for your note. I used to work with Dr. Lee and he is


> > > >excellent A+ surgeon. I want to use him and just want to


> > > >that I have a total capsulectomy and all the right methods. He


> > > >not believe I have any illness due to the fact that the saline

> > > >implants have no hardening. He said because I have the saline

> > > >implants under the muscle it can be much more difficult to


> >the

> > > >scar tissue. I would rather not have my name used in


> > > >with his office.I already have someone from another site mis


> >me

> > > >and I had to straighten things out with him.

> > > >

> > > >Thank you again for your help,

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >--- In

> > > ><mailto: %

> >40><mailto: %

40> ,

> >

> > > > " colibrimama "

> > > ><colibrimama@:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm going to give him a call ... and go visit him again if

> >possible.

> > > > >

> > > > > In the past, he certainly was well aware of the systemic

> >problems

> > > >from

> > > > > implants and did not deny it. He has told me he did


> > > > > possible to get out all of the loose silicone and removed

all of

> > > >the

> > > > > capsule.

> > > > >

> > > > > I can't imagine he has stopped doing this ...

> > > > >

> > > > > I'll let you know once I talk to him. I've been in his


> > > >scores

> > > > > of times with various women, and never had anyone not be


> >with

> > > > > his work.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'll get back with you ...

> > > > >

> > > > > Ilena

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >


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