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Re: More on montmorillonite clay

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Yes, paying it forward....many times. The blessings go out and come back to you in wonderful, beautiful ways that touch the heart. PattyLynda <coss@...> wrote: Patty,You sure jogged my memory.I remember leaving food baskets for a friend in need (anonymously, but he knew it was me). And giving another grocery gift certificates for early Christmas presents. And writing a check for a friend who could not afford milk for her son and 4 days until payday. And taking

garden produce to friends who could not afford to buy it. And stopping to rescue 6 baby ducks from a drainage channel (they are people, too!) I guess I have always been touched by people in need. (Must be the social worker in me.)If we all reached out to help just one person, imagine what a better place this world would be. It can be anonymous or just a friendly gesture.LyndaAt 08:16 AM 9/16/2006, you wrote:>Sunny,>I am so sorry to hear you are going through such >financial struggles. I've been there myself >before, and I know how stressful it can be. But >I also believe God sees our need, and moves in >the lives of people to bless us in mysterious >and amazing ways. I can remember times when >people gave me gifts of food or paid my car >insurance for me, and those were my "God taps" >letting me know He's watching over me. I pray >that those

around you will reach out and help >you too. He will see you through all of this, >and I will pray for a financial breakthrough for you.>Hugs,>Patty>>Sunny <wellnessnowhotmail> wrote:>Patty, I emailed Tom Woloshyn, the Master Cleanse guy in ,>B.C. after my explant and he told me, yes, do the Master Cleanse>definitely and named some clay product (I'll have to check back to>see the name)to apply on my breasts for healing. Hmmmm...gotta check>into that. I haven't done it, mainly for financial reasons. I'm>really interested in learning more about this. The earth does supply>us amazing healing opportunities, doesn't it?>>I'm going through a LARGE financial test right now. My son and I>even have an eviction notice, a week old now, cuz I haven't been paid>by the government on time for my

respite hours! My son and wife are>just making their monthly budget, and can't pay me for my hours until>the Government deposits the money in their account. They are very>busy and understaffed in this office. I feel like volunteering my>time, just so I can get paid!! lol If I don't get paid by next>Tuesday, I'll have to borrow the money from someone. Oh, well, I>guess God is forming my character again!! lol Gotta look at the flip>side, eh?>>Love, as always,>>Sunny :)>>> >> > Sonne's #7 is also another excellent clay detoxification agent>using montmorillonite.> >> > Wow, check this out! "Natives on every

continent have used>volcanic ash for centuries both internally and externally."> > I didn't know that!> >> > <http://sonnes.onlineworldstore.com/>http://sonnes.onlineworldstore.com/> >> > Bentonite Clay traps, binds, eliminates, and cleanses non->nutritive and harmful substances such as toxins, parasites and>pesticides from the colon and may relieve diarrhea, constipation,>abdominal cramps, colitis, malaise, headache, nausea, viral>infections, and stomach flu. Since Bentonite, the main ingredient in>#7 with its active constituent montmorillonite, has such strong>adsorptive powers, its consumption could render unavailable some of>the necessary nutrients, such as certain vitamins, by adsorbing them>from the alimentary canal. However,

independent experiments purposely>designed to find out how much this adsorption would adversely affect>the growth and health of experimental animals indicated no ill>effects when the intake of bentonite was 25% of the total diet, but>did adversely affect the health when the intake of bentonite was>increased to 50% of the total diet. (From ls of the N.Y. Academy>of Science, Vol. 57 page 678, May 10, 1954.) Since our product is> > mostly water with only a small proportion of bentonite, to reach>this state of toxicity it would mean projection the results of this>experiment so that a person would have to consume each day a supply>designed for 1,032 days. In other words, mathematically for the>bentonite in our product to reach the toxic level of 50% of the diet>it would be necessary to consume a 3 year supply each day over an>extended period.> >> > Suggested

Use:> >> > For average adult 1 tablespoonful for others 1 teaspoonful for each>50 lbs. body weight take 2 doses per day. The first one in warm water>upon rising; the other undiluted at time of evening meal, however,>drink at least one glassful of water between meals to assist>elimination of acid and toxic waste through the kidneys. May be taken>for a duration as long as desired.> >> > Bentonite Ingredients:> >> > Mechanically Active Absorbent Ingredient: Colloidal Bentonite>(U.S.P grade) containing the Active Constituent Montmorillonite Super->Refined with Demineralized Water as Vehicle> >> > More product information:> >> > When a volcano erupts, there is often a fine steam or mist released>which contains a substance known as volcanic ash. Bentonite is a>volcanic ash. As it contains many minerals (24 to 33), it

serves to>mineralize the soil. Bentonite clay can be mined from veins which are>two to three feet wide and deep, but many yards long. Natives on>every continent have used volcanic ash for centuries both internally>and externally. The value of montmorillonite (the active ingredient>in bentonite) lies in its ability to adsorb (not absorb) many times>its own weight and volume in an aqueous medium. Bentonite has a>predominantly negative charge that is capable of attracting many>kinds of positively charged particles. Bentonite's negative charge>enables it to pick up positively charged, toxic material from the>alimentary canal to be expelled in the feces. There is no evidence>that bentonite has any chemical action on the body. Its power is>purely physical.> > Bentonite> >> >> > ---------------------------------> > Do you

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