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Re: more media attention

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Deb - - Select your doctor very carefully . . . You've seen the discussion the last couple days? We take doctor selection very seriously. We have many, many stories of women who have come to the group searching for answers - go through the stages of explant, detox and recovery. . . . They've never been put in book form - and you would need to get permission to publish their story - but if you'd like to spend days going through old messages, they're all there to be read! Every so often some of our "graduates" come by to encourage new women. It's always a thrill to hear from them. Did you have any children while you had implants? Rogene

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This appt in January might be a waste of time, if she is insisting on putting new implants in. How dare a doctor do such a thing! It's not her body to make that kind of choice for her patients.

You may want to continue calling around and finding a doctor who will be willing to accomodate your requests for care.

Did you call Dr. Arthur Debaise's office in central Florida? I believe a woman corresponded with me last year who had a good experience with him. You might also want to call Dr. Vasey's office (he is a rheumatologist in Florida who knows, KNOWS that implants are making women sick.) HE might know of a good explanting doctor locally.

Check him out. http://www.jrheum.com/subscribers/03/10/2092.html


more media attention

I have a question or an idea I want to put out there. Feedback, please ... I'm new to this group, as I stumbled onto your web page just the other day, light bulb came on, and finally realized what's been wrong with me for the last 3-4 years (told my story on an earlier posting). Anyway, I have had saline implants for the last 13 or maybe it's 14 years and have nearly every symptom listed. I've already experienced one doctor rejection the other day when I tried to get an appointment. ..she refused to see me when I mentioned the word mold... Now I do have an appointment set January 5th with a different doctor but I'm told she won't take the old out without puting new ones in, and I'm still waiting on an answer from her office on the question...what if there IS mold, doesn't she wait before inserting new ones...what about the raging infection I might have? So my idea is for a news story or if there has been any story

where they followed one victim from start to finish..through the search to find a doctor to take them out and film the whole procedure and wait for the lab tests to see if it really was mold to back up her claim of illness... That's an idea I have or maybe it's been done already. Oh, one more thing I wanted to add about myself...in 1991 I first got silicone..then just a months after I got them the silicone was banned and so I freaked out. So in 1993 I had them switched for saline because I was told saline was safe. What a bunch of crap... sticking with the original silicone might have been smarter if I were going to keep any implants at all... I would never have switched if it weren't for FDA banning silicone.


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