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Re: brain fog...what helps?

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Deb, Brain fog appears to be a part of carrying those toxic bags around - aside from adapting a very healthy diet and lifestyle, the only way you'll get relief is to get your implants out. I wish it was easier! Hugs, Rogene <waltjenking@...> wrote: I am wondering if anyone can help me and Deb with this email below...brain fog...what kind

of supplements or herbs can help with that? Hi Deb, Sorry, I think you told me where you were from once...brain fog..it's getting bad. There is an excellent doctor in Georgia that has done a lot of explants and you may have heard of her on the group discussion. Her website is http://www.plastikos.com If you want info on her or her prices you can probably ask the group as well, because several people have gone to her. I am in Washington State. I wouldn't take the Ritalin if I were you... There are natural herbs to help with brain fog....I will send forward this to the group because I need help with brain fog as well and I'm not sure what to take. Keep on writing...I enjoy getting your emails. deb marie

<debmarie007 > wrote: Hi , I live in Deerfield Beach, Florida. I guess what I'll do is go back to my neurologist and show him all of this stuff from the website and see if he can refer me. I made an appointment with a Dr. ...I've misplaced the paper, but she's in Melbourne, Florida...got her name off the list of doctors that Rogene from saline support posted for me, but I can't get in for a consultation until January 5th. It makes a lot of sense what you are saying, somebody who knows the importance of removing both implant and scar capsule all at once...last thing I want is bacteria or mold released into my bloodstream, as if I probably don't have enough of it released into my body already. Now, I'm not even carinig about having big boobs any more. I

just want my health back. Seems like flatter chests are almost as popular these days anyway. I had my implants done under the muscle wall...I hope that's going to be better for removal. I'm going to look up Fibromyalgia on the internet now. Do you live in Colorado? <waltjenking > wrote: Deb, Someone did respond and it does make sense. It sounds like it's very important that you not only get the imlants removed, but that you do it en bloc....which means they take out the capsule with the implant so as not to allow anything to get into your body. The capsule is the skin that forms around the implant...I guess it's kind of a defense. So, where do you live? I've heard that Dr. Huang in Colorado charges around

$5000.00 for everything...and I've heard that she is really good and thorough. You're so lucky that you have insurance. You might want to go to your doctor and see if he will give you a referral to a good plastic surgeon and perhaps get it covered by insurance. But I would be picky with who you go to...it's your body and he should understand that. I have a lot of the same problems that you have as well. I have Fibromyalgia...you may want to look this up...it seems to be a common disease for people with implants...I have pretty much every symtom of fibro....of course a lot of doctors won't recognize it, however a lot will. So, where do you live? Thanks for writing. deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote: Thanks, I'm anxious to see what they say... Was wondering how you

found out about the problem with saline and what kinds of symptoms you've been having. I had no clue about this...until last week. It is a shame that I've been so busy with my job in the last several years that I missed reading about it or seeing anything on tv about it. But in the last 3 or 4 years I've been not feeling right at all. Brain fog first which sent me to a neurologist who sent me to a psychologist and together they both diagnosed adult attention deficit disorder (ADHD) and was put on Ritalin...but now here it is just 3 1/2 years later and the brain fog is so much worse that I find myself stopping to stare at nothing at all throughout the day, on top of that flu-like symptoms, and anxiety...oh man, I remember one day my heart started pounding so much that I thought I was having an heart attack. And I've been feeling like an old person when I get up in the morning, and I'm actually in pretty good shape

for my age, not overweight or anything and I've always been in excellent health and have never been a hypocondriac. So I've also been having trouble sleeping, and cold hands and feet all of the time and I live in South Florida--who gets cold hands and feet in South Florida...nobody I know! But what was really wierd was my toes going numb on my left foot and the shooting pain in my foot that was hard to explain. So this was just earlier this year, my doctor sent me for an MRI, did an electrode test, I think it was called an EEG where he hooked up electrodes to see if I could feel varying degrees of electric shock. I cried through that one. That was painful. But nothing wrong there, however the MRI showed a spot on my liver, so then he sent me to a liver specialist who sent me to the hospital to get a Sonogram, and turns out those spots are no big deal, lots of people have them, but for some reason these spots

didn't start showing up on people until the early 80's and doctors don't know what causes them... which an interesting point now that I think about it. Thank God for my company's health insurance plan that paid for almost everything on this testing... Anyway, so next he refers me to a rumatologist and I can't even remember if he drew blood or not, and he tells me that my aches and pains are because I'm depressed. So, I basically gave up and started thinking it was just a part of getting older, but I couldn't imagine that if I feel this bad now, how much worse I'll feel when I'm 80...and on top of that my breasts were feeling wierd, like they weren't part of me...almost hyper sensitive...you know I can't stand to wear a bra anymore, I feel like that bra is eating me alive...and it's almost like my breasts feel bigger... please excuse the run-on sentences... I really appreciate you letting me share

this... so I got to remembering how in 1993 when the doctor put these salines in, I had asked for 350 cc but they gave me 375 cc and the nurse had mentioned draining some out if I wasn't pleased with the additional 25... so here it is 14 years later, I was thinking of finding a doctor to drain some of the saline out... I was typing in the words "saline removal" in Google search and that's how I found out about the mold and then the lightbulb came on in my head...all symptoms match! <waltjenking > wrote: Deb, That's a good question, however, I'm not sure of the answer. I would like to know as well...it kind of makes sense. The thing that scares me just a little bit is going to a doctor to have them taken out when they are also

still putting them in! I posted what you sent me to see if anyone can help. I also took out you phone number. Please let me know what you find out. deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote: Hi , I posted something on the site the other day and didn't a response from anybody. It was about getting a regular MD to take these out. I can understand the importance of having board certified put these in, but can't imagine why it would need much symetrical skill to take these out. Besides that, most MD's back in the 90's would argue tooth and nail about not getting them put in in the first place..and seems like they would be more of an advocate for us and more open to hearing what we have to say about our symptoms.

Do you know if anybody commented. By the way, my home phone number is if you want to call me sometime. Deb <waltjenking > wrote: Hi Deb, I am actually hearing from some woman that say they paid about $5000.00 so I think you just need to look around. I think you can find it cheaper. I also heard that. If you have insurance and can find the right doctor then insurance may cover a lot of it. Let me know what you find out! deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote: Hi , I think I just fainted. $8-12k?! I was thinking more

along the lines of what a boob job costs these days....that it should be around $4-6k or so...that's what they go for down here in S. Florida these days. I guess I'm not understanding what the difference is...for example a person who just goes in to get bigger or smaller ones put in and doesn't complain of complications from the latter. The doctor would have to remove the capsule anyway. Do you know what the reasoning is...why so much money? This has me so depressed...I can come up with the $4,000 or so but not $8,000 or more..yikes! Someone also wrote me on that website that if you report to the doctor that you are having chest pains your insurance may cover to have them taken out... or maybe I didn't understand right, but that's how I took it. My brain is so fogged over these days I can hardly read or understand things correctly. Deb

Radford <waltjenking > wrote: Well, I'm finding that it's between $8000.00-12,000 but it depends on if you have to travel far to get it done. Where do you live? I'm new on this site too. Just make sure you take the info that people give you and stay open minded. There are people on here that are a little extreme so you have to do your research and stay open-minded which is how it should be anyway. After all it is our body and we have to live with our decisions. debmarie007 <debmarie007 > wrote: I have no idea how much one of these costs...do you mind telling me? Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates. Everyone is raving about the all-new beta. __________________________________________________

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Gotu kola and ashwagandha are good. I powder them and cap them up. You can google them and read about their properties, but they are both excellent ayurvedic herbs. Gotu kola is especially good for the brain. I grow it in my garden-- it's easy to grow.


brain fog...what helps?

I am wondering if anyone can help me and Deb with this email below...brain fog...what kind of supplements or herbs can help with that?

Hi Deb,

Sorry, I think you told me where you were from once...brain fog..it's getting bad. There is an excellent doctor in Georgia that has done a lot of explants and you may have heard of her on the group discussion. Her website is http://www.plastikos.com If you want info on her or her prices you can probably ask the group as well, because several people have gone to her. I am in Washington State. I wouldn't take the Ritalin if I were you... There are natural herbs to help with brain fog....I will send forward this to the group because I need help with brain fog as well and I'm not sure what to take. Keep on writing...I enjoy getting your emails.

deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote:

Hi ,

I live in Deerfield Beach, Florida. I guess what I'll do is go back to my neurologist and show him all of this stuff from the website and see if he can refer me. I made an appointment with a Dr. ...I've misplaced the paper, but she's in Melbourne, Florida...got her name off the list of doctors that Rogene from saline support posted for me, but I can't get in for a consultation until January 5th.

It makes a lot of sense what you are saying, somebody who knows the importance of removing both implant and scar capsule all at once...last thing I want is bacteria or mold released into my bloodstream, as if I probably don't have enough of it released into my body already. Now, I'm not even carinig about having big boobs any more. I just want my health back. Seems like flatter chests are almost as popular these days anyway. I had my implants done under the muscle wall...I hope that's going to be better for removal.

I'm going to look up Fibromyalgia on the internet now. Do you live in Colorado?

<waltjenking > wrote:


Someone did respond and it does make sense. It sounds like it's very important that you not only get the imlants removed, but that you do it en bloc....which means they take out the capsule with the implant so as not to allow anything to get into your body. The capsule is the skin that forms around the implant...I guess it's kind of a defense. So, where do you live? I've heard that Dr. Huang in Colorado charges around $5000.00 for everything...and I've heard that she is really good and thorough. You're so lucky that you have insurance. You might want to go to your doctor and see if he will give you a referral to a good plastic surgeon and perhaps get it covered by insurance. But I would be picky with who you go to...it's your body and he should understand that. I have a lot of the same problems that you have as well. I have Fibromyalgia...you may want to look this up...it seems to be a common disease for people with implants...I have pretty much every symtom of fibro....of course a lot of doctors won't recognize it, however a lot will. So, where do you live? Thanks for writing.

deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote:

Thanks, I'm anxious to see what they say... Was wondering how you found out about the problem with saline and what kinds of symptoms you've been having. I had no clue about this...until last week. It is a shame that I've been so busy with my job in the last several years that I missed reading about it or seeing anything on tv about it. But in the last 3 or 4 years I've been not feeling right at all. Brain fog first which sent me to a neurologist who sent me to a psychologist and together they both diagnosed adult attention deficit disorder (ADHD) and was put on Ritalin...but now here it is just 3 1/2 years later and the brain fog is so much worse that I find myself stopping to stare at nothing at all throughout the day, on top of that flu-like symptoms, and anxiety...oh man, I remember one day my heart started pounding so much that I thought I was having an heart attack. And I've been feeling like an old person when I get up in the morning, and I'm actually in pretty good shape for my age, not overweight or anything and I've always been in excellent health and have never been a hypocondriac. So I've also been having trouble sleeping, and cold hands and feet all of the time and I live in South Florida--who gets cold hands and feet in South Florida...nobody I know! But what was really wierd was my toes going numb on my left foot and the shooting pain in my foot that was hard to explain. So this was just earlier this year, my doctor sent me for an MRI, did an electrode test, I think it was called an EEG where he hooked up electrodes to see if I could feel varying degrees of electric shock. I cried through that one. That was painful. But nothing wrong there, however the MRI showed a spot on my liver, so then he sent me to a liver specialist who sent me to the hospital to get a Sonogram, and turns out those spots are no big deal, lots of people have them, but for some reason these spots didn't start showing up on people until the early 80's and doctors don't know what causes them... which an interesting point now that I think about it. Thank God for my company's health insurance plan that paid for almost everything on this testing...

Anyway, so next he refers me to a rumatologist and I can't even remember if he drew blood or not, and he tells me that my aches and pains are because I'm depressed. So, I basically gave up and started thinking it was just a part of getting older, but I couldn't imagine that if I feel this bad now, how much worse I'll feel when I'm 80...and on top of that my breasts were feeling wierd, like they weren't part of me...almost hyper sensitive...you know I can't stand to wear a bra anymore, I feel like that bra is eating me alive...and it's almost like my breasts feel bigger... please excuse the run-on sentences... I really appreciate you letting me share this... so I got to remembering how in 1993 when the doctor put these salines in, I had asked for 350 cc but they gave me 375 cc and the nurse had mentioned draining some out if I wasn't pleased with the additional 25... so here it is 14 years later, I was thinking of finding a doctor to drain some of the saline out... I was typing in the words "saline removal" in Google search and that's how I found out about the mold and then the lightbulb came on in my head...all symptoms match!

<waltjenking > wrote:


That's a good question, however, I'm not sure of the answer. I would like to know as well...it kind of makes sense. The thing that scares me just a little bit is going to a doctor to have them taken out when they are also still putting them in! I posted what you sent me to see if anyone can help. I also took out you phone number. Please let me know what you find out.

deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote:

Hi ,

I posted something on the site the other day and didn't a response from anybody. It was about getting a regular MD to take these out. I can understand the importance of having board certified put these in, but can't imagine why it would need much symetrical skill to take these out.

Besides that, most MD's back in the 90's would argue tooth and nail about not getting them put in in the first place..and seems like they would be more of an advocate for us and more open to hearing what we have to say about our symptoms.

Do you know if anybody commented. By the way, my home phone number is if you want to call me sometime.

Deb <waltjenking > wrote:

Hi Deb,

I am actually hearing from some woman that say they paid about $5000.00 so I think you just need to look around. I think you can find it cheaper. I also heard that. If you have insurance and can find the right doctor then insurance may cover a lot of it. Let me know what you find out!

deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote:

Hi ,

I think I just fainted. $8-12k?! I was thinking more along the lines of what a boob job costs these days....that it should be around $4-6k or so...that's what they go for down here in S. Florida these days.

I guess I'm not understanding what the difference is...for example a person who just goes in to get bigger or smaller ones put in and doesn't complain of complications from the latter. The doctor would have to remove the capsule anyway. Do you know what the reasoning is...why so much money? This has me so depressed...I can come up with the $4,000 or so but not $8,000 or more..yikes!

Someone also wrote me on that website that if you report to the doctor that you are having chest pains your insurance may cover to have them taken out... or maybe I didn't understand right, but that's how I took it. My brain is so fogged over these days I can hardly read or understand things correctly.

Deb Radford

<waltjenking > wrote:

Well, I'm finding that it's between $8000.00-12,000 but it depends on if you have to travel far to get it done. Where do you live? I'm new on this site too. Just make sure you take the info that people give you and stay open minded. There are people on here that are a little extreme so you have to do your research and stay open-minded which is how it should be anyway. After all it is our body and we have to live with our decisions.

debmarie007 <debmarie007 > wrote:

I have no idea how much one of these costs...do you mind telling me?

Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.

Everyone is raving about the all-new beta.


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That is the one symptom that for me completely went away. It took

about 6 months after explant but my brain fog is gone, it is funny

though because the people that are around you that were there before

are used to having to tell you and remind you of stuff, I have to

keep reminding them that I remember everything now, especially my

nine year old, I think she uses it to try and get away with stuff.

just being a kid of course nothing serious, I catch her and say I am

not that mom anymore I remember everything I say now. Or everything

you say it is funny, or my friends and family I remember better now

than before I got sick. Sometimes my spelling is still off. I was

always a great speller I have to really watch on my typing. It isn't

fully back there I have to think harder about how to spell stuff

that just came to me before. But it will come

Terri P

-- In , <waltjenking@...>



> I am wondering if anyone can help me and Deb with this email

below...brain fog...what kind of supplements or herbs can help with




> Hi Deb,


> Sorry, I think you told me where you were from once...brain

fog..it's getting bad. There is an excellent doctor in Georgia that

has done a lot of explants and you may have heard of her on the

group discussion. Her website is http://www.plastikos.com If you

want info on her or her prices you can probably ask the group as

well, because several people have gone to her. I am in Washington

State. I wouldn't take the Ritalin if I were you... There are

natural herbs to help with brain fog....I will send forward this to

the group because I need help with brain fog as well and I'm not

sure what to take. Keep on writing...I enjoy getting your emails.




> deb marie <debmarie007@...> wrote:

> Hi ,


> I live in Deerfield Beach, Florida. I guess what I'll do is go

back to my neurologist and show him all of this stuff from the

website and see if he can refer me. I made an appointment with a

Dr. ...I've misplaced the paper, but she's in Melbourne,

Florida...got her name off the list of doctors that Rogene from

saline support posted for me, but I can't get in for a consultation

until January 5th.


> It makes a lot of sense what you are saying, somebody who knows

the importance of removing both implant and scar capsule all at

once...last thing I want is bacteria or mold released into my

bloodstream, as if I probably don't have enough of it released into

my body already. Now, I'm not even carinig about having big boobs

any more. I just want my health back. Seems like flatter chests

are almost as popular these days anyway. I had my implants done

under the muscle wall...I hope that's going to be better for removal.


> I'm going to look up Fibromyalgia on the internet now. Do you

live in Colorado?




> <waltjenking@...> wrote:

> Deb,


> Someone did respond and it does make sense. It sounds like it's

very important that you not only get the imlants removed, but that

you do it en bloc....which means they take out the capsule with the

implant so as not to allow anything to get into your body. The

capsule is the skin that forms around the implant...I guess it's

kind of a defense. So, where do you live? I've heard that Dr.

Huang in Colorado charges around $5000.00 for everything...and I've

heard that she is really good and thorough. You're so lucky that

you have insurance. You might want to go to your doctor and see if

he will give you a referral to a good plastic surgeon and perhaps

get it covered by insurance. But I would be picky with who you go

to...it's your body and he should understand that. I have a lot of

the same problems that you have as well. I have Fibromyalgia...you

may want to look this up...it seems to be a common disease for

people with implants...I have pretty much every symtom of

> fibro....of course a lot of doctors won't recognize it, however a

lot will. So, where do you live? Thanks for writing.




> deb marie <debmarie007@...> wrote:

> Thanks, I'm anxious to see what they say... Was wondering how

you found out about the problem with saline and what kinds of

symptoms you've been having. I had no clue about this...until last

week. It is a shame that I've been so busy with my job in the last

several years that I missed reading about it or seeing anything on

tv about it. But in the last 3 or 4 years I've been not feeling

right at all. Brain fog first which sent me to a neurologist who

sent me to a psychologist and together they both diagnosed adult

attention deficit disorder (ADHD) and was put on Ritalin...but now

here it is just 3 1/2 years later and the brain fog is so much worse

that I find myself stopping to stare at nothing at all throughout

the day, on top of that flu-like symptoms, and anxiety...oh man, I

remember one day my heart started pounding so much that I thought I

was having an heart attack. And I've been feeling like an old

person when I get up in the morning, and I'm actually in

> pretty good shape for my age, not overweight or anything and I've

always been in excellent health and have never been a hypocondriac.

So I've also been having trouble sleeping, and cold hands and feet

all of the time and I live in South Florida--who gets cold hands and

feet in South Florida...nobody I know! But what was really wierd

was my toes going numb on my left foot and the shooting pain in my

foot that was hard to explain. So this was just earlier this year,

my doctor sent me for an MRI, did an electrode test, I think it was

called an EEG where he hooked up electrodes to see if I could feel

varying degrees of electric shock. I cried through that one. That

was painful. But nothing wrong there, however the MRI showed a spot

on my liver, so then he sent me to a liver specialist who sent me to

the hospital to get a Sonogram, and turns out those spots are no big

deal, lots of people have them, but for some reason these spots

didn't start showing up on people until

> the early 80's and doctors don't know what causes them... which

an interesting point now that I think about it. Thank God for my

company's health insurance plan that paid for almost everything on

this testing...


> Anyway, so next he refers me to a rumatologist and I can't even

remember if he drew blood or not, and he tells me that my aches and

pains are because I'm depressed. So, I basically gave up and

started thinking it was just a part of getting older, but I couldn't

imagine that if I feel this bad now, how much worse I'll feel when

I'm 80...and on top of that my breasts were feeling wierd, like they

weren't part of me...almost hyper sensitive...you know I can't stand

to wear a bra anymore, I feel like that bra is eating me alive...and

it's almost like my breasts feel bigger... please excuse the run-on

sentences... I really appreciate you letting me share this... so I

got to remembering how in 1993 when the doctor put these salines in,

I had asked for 350 cc but they gave me 375 cc and the nurse had

mentioned draining some out if I wasn't pleased with the additional

25... so here it is 14 years later, I was thinking of finding a

doctor to drain some of the saline out... I was

> typing in the words " saline removal " in Google search and that's

how I found out about the mold and then the lightbulb came on in my

head...all symptoms match!





> <waltjenking@...> wrote:

> Deb,


> That's a good question, however, I'm not sure of the answer. I

would like to know as well...it kind of makes sense. The thing that

scares me just a little bit is going to a doctor to have them taken

out when they are also still putting them in! I posted what you

sent me to see if anyone can help. I also took out you phone

number. Please let me know what you find out.




> deb marie <debmarie007@...> wrote:

> Hi ,


> I posted something on the site the other day and didn't a

response from anybody. It was about getting a regular MD to take

these out. I can understand the importance of having board

certified put these in, but can't imagine why it would need much

symetrical skill to take these out.


> Besides that, most MD's back in the 90's would argue tooth and

nail about not getting them put in in the first place..and seems

like they would be more of an advocate for us and more open to

hearing what we have to say about our symptoms.


> Do you know if anybody commented. By the way, my home phone

number is if you want to call me sometime.


> Deb


> <waltjenking@...> wrote:

> Hi Deb,


> I am actually hearing from some woman that say they paid about

$5000.00 so I think you just need to look around. I think you can

find it cheaper. I also heard that. If you have insurance and can

find the right doctor then insurance may cover a lot of it. Let me

know what you find out!




> deb marie <debmarie007@...> wrote:

> Hi ,


> I think I just fainted. $8-12k?! I was thinking more along the

lines of what a boob job costs these days....that it should be

around $4-6k or so...that's what they go for down here in S. Florida

these days.


> I guess I'm not understanding what the difference is...for

example a person who just goes in to get bigger or smaller ones put

in and doesn't complain of complications from the latter. The

doctor would have to remove the capsule anyway. Do you know what

the reasoning is...why so much money? This has me so depressed...I

can come up with the $4,000 or so but not $8,000 or more..yikes!


> Someone also wrote me on that website that if you report to the

doctor that you are having chest pains your insurance may cover to

have them taken out... or maybe I didn't understand right, but

that's how I took it. My brain is so fogged over these days I can

hardly read or understand things correctly.


> Deb Radford


> <waltjenking@...> wrote:

> Well, I'm finding that it's between $8000.00-12,000 but it

depends on if you have to travel far to get it done. Where do you

live? I'm new on this site too. Just make sure you take the info

that people give you and stay open minded. There are people on here

that are a little extreme so you have to do your research and stay

open-minded which is how it should be anyway. After all it is our

body and we have to live with our decisions.




> debmarie007 <debmarie007@...> wrote:

> I have no idea how much one of these costs...do you mind telling





> ---------------------------------

> Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call




> ---------------------------------

> Everyone is raving about the all-new beta.


> __________________________________________________


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One great thing about powdering your own herbs - you know exactly what's in them - no silicone dioxide! Rogene freebindi <bindi@...> wrote: Gotu kola and ashwagandha are good. I powder them and cap them up. You can google them and read about their properties, but they are both excellent ayurvedic herbs. Gotu kola is especially good for the brain. I grow it in my garden-- it's easy to grow. Bindi brain fog...what helps? I am wondering if anyone can help me and Deb with this email below...brain

fog...what kind of supplements or herbs can help with that? Hi Deb, Sorry, I think you told me where you were from once...brain fog..it's getting bad. There is an excellent doctor in Georgia that has done a lot of explants and you may have heard of her on the group discussion. Her website is http://www.plastikos.com If you want info on her or her prices you can probably ask the group as well, because several people have gone to her. I am in Washington State. I wouldn't take the Ritalin if I were you... There are natural herbs to help with brain fog....I will send forward this to the group because I need help with brain fog as well and I'm not sure what to take. Keep on writing...I enjoy getting your emails. deb marie

<debmarie007 > wrote: Hi , I live in Deerfield Beach, Florida. I guess what I'll do is go back to my neurologist and show him all of this stuff from the website and see if he can refer me. I made an appointment with a Dr. ...I've misplaced the paper, but she's in Melbourne, Florida...got her name off the list of doctors that Rogene from saline support posted for me, but I can't get in for a consultation until January 5th. It makes a lot of sense what you are saying, somebody who knows the importance of removing both implant and scar capsule all at once...last thing I want is bacteria or mold released into my bloodstream, as if I probably don't have enough of it released into my body already. Now, I'm not even carinig about having big boobs any more. I

just want my health back. Seems like flatter chests are almost as popular these days anyway. I had my implants done under the muscle wall...I hope that's going to be better for removal. I'm going to look up Fibromyalgia on the internet now. Do you live in Colorado? <waltjenking > wrote: Deb, Someone did respond and it does make sense. It sounds like it's very important that you not only get the imlants removed, but that you do it en bloc....which means they take out the capsule with the implant so as not to allow anything to get into your body. The capsule is the skin that forms around the implant...I guess it's kind of a defense. So, where do you live? I've heard that Dr. Huang in Colorado charges around

$5000.00 for everything...and I've heard that she is really good and thorough. You're so lucky that you have insurance. You might want to go to your doctor and see if he will give you a referral to a good plastic surgeon and perhaps get it covered by insurance. But I would be picky with who you go to...it's your body and he should understand that. I have a lot of the same problems that you have as well. I have Fibromyalgia...you may want to look this up...it seems to be a common disease for people with implants...I have pretty much every symtom of fibro....of course a lot of doctors won't recognize it, however a lot will. So, where do you live? Thanks for writing. deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote: Thanks, I'm anxious to see what they say... Was wondering how you found out about the problem with saline

and what kinds of symptoms you've been having. I had no clue about this...until last week. It is a shame that I've been so busy with my job in the last several years that I missed reading about it or seeing anything on tv about it. But in the last 3 or 4 years I've been not feeling right at all. Brain fog first which sent me to a neurologist who sent me to a psychologist and together they both diagnosed adult attention deficit disorder (ADHD) and was put on Ritalin...but now here it is just 3 1/2 years later and the brain fog is so much worse that I find myself stopping to stare at nothing at all throughout the day, on top of that flu-like symptoms, and anxiety...oh man, I remember one day my heart started pounding so much that I thought I was having an heart attack. And I've been feeling like an old person when I get up in the morning, and I'm actually in pretty good shape for my age, not overweight or anything

and I've always been in excellent health and have never been a hypocondriac. So I've also been having trouble sleeping, and cold hands and feet all of the time and I live in South Florida--who gets cold hands and feet in South Florida...nobody I know! But what was really wierd was my toes going numb on my left foot and the shooting pain in my foot that was hard to explain. So this was just earlier this year, my doctor sent me for an MRI, did an electrode test, I think it was called an EEG where he hooked up electrodes to see if I could feel varying degrees of electric shock. I cried through that one. That was painful. But nothing wrong there, however the MRI showed a spot on my liver, so then he sent me to a liver specialist who sent me to the hospital to get a Sonogram, and turns out those spots are no big deal, lots of people have them, but for some reason these spots didn't start showing up on people until

the early 80's and doctors don't know what causes them... which an interesting point now that I think about it. Thank God for my company's health insurance plan that paid for almost everything on this testing... Anyway, so next he refers me to a rumatologist and I can't even remember if he drew blood or not, and he tells me that my aches and pains are because I'm depressed. So, I basically gave up and started thinking it was just a part of getting older, but I couldn't imagine that if I feel this bad now, how much worse I'll feel when I'm 80...and on top of that my breasts were feeling wierd, like they weren't part of me...almost hyper sensitive...you know I can't stand to wear a bra anymore, I feel like that bra is eating me alive...and it's almost like my breasts feel bigger... please excuse the run-on sentences... I really appreciate you letting me share this... so I got to remembering how in

1993 when the doctor put these salines in, I had asked for 350 cc but they gave me 375 cc and the nurse had mentioned draining some out if I wasn't pleased with the additional 25... so here it is 14 years later, I was thinking of finding a doctor to drain some of the saline out... I was typing in the words "saline removal" in Google search and that's how I found out about the mold and then the lightbulb came on in my head...all symptoms match! <waltjenking > wrote: Deb, That's a good question, however, I'm not sure of the answer. I would like to know as well...it kind of makes sense. The thing that scares me just a little bit is going to a doctor to have them taken out when they are also still putting them in! I posted what

you sent me to see if anyone can help. I also took out you phone number. Please let me know what you find out. deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote: Hi , I posted something on the site the other day and didn't a response from anybody. It was about getting a regular MD to take these out. I can understand the importance of having board certified put these in, but can't imagine why it would need much symetrical skill to take these out. Besides that, most MD's back in the 90's would argue tooth and nail about not getting them put in in the first place..and seems like they would be more of an advocate for us and more open to hearing what we have to say about our symptoms. Do you know

if anybody commented. By the way, my home phone number is if you want to call me sometime. Deb <waltjenking > wrote: Hi Deb, I am actually hearing from some woman that say they paid about $5000.00 so I think you just need to look around. I think you can find it cheaper. I also heard that. If you have insurance and can find the right doctor then insurance may cover a lot of it. Let me know what you find out! deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote: Hi , I think I just fainted. $8-12k?! I was thinking more along the lines of what a boob job costs

these days....that it should be around $4-6k or so...that's what they go for down here in S. Florida these days. I guess I'm not understanding what the difference is...for example a person who just goes in to get bigger or smaller ones put in and doesn't complain of complications from the latter. The doctor would have to remove the capsule anyway. Do you know what the reasoning is...why so much money? This has me so depressed...I can come up with the $4,000 or so but not $8,000 or more..yikes! Someone also wrote me on that website that if you report to the doctor that you are having chest pains your insurance may cover to have them taken out... or maybe I didn't understand right, but that's how I took it. My brain is so fogged over these days I can hardly read or understand things correctly. Deb Radford

<waltjenking > wrote: Well, I'm finding that it's between $8000.00-12,000 but it depends on if you have to travel far to get it done. Where do you live? I'm new on this site too. Just make sure you take the info that people give you and stay open minded. There are people on here that are a little extreme so you have to do your research and stay open-minded which is how it should be anyway. After all it is our body and we have to live with our decisions. debmarie007 <debmarie007 > wrote: I have no idea how much one of these costs...do you mind telling me? Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates. Everyone is raving about the all-new beta. __________________________________________________

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Where do you buy your herbs from?



> Gotu kola and ashwagandha are good. I powder them and cap them up. You can

> google them and read about their properties, but they are both excellent

> ayurvedic herbs. Gotu kola is especially good for the brain. I grow it in my

> garden-- it's easy to grow.

> Bindi


> brain fog...what helps?




> I am wondering if anyone can help me and Deb with this email below...brain

> fog...what kind of supplements or herbs can help with that?



> Hi Deb,


> Sorry, I think you told me where you were from once...brain fog..it's

> getting bad. There is an excellent doctor in Georgia that has done a lot of

> explants and you may have heard of her on the group discussion. Her website

> is http://www.plastikos.com If you want info on her or her prices you can

> probably ask the group as well, because several people have gone to her. I am

> in Washington State. I wouldn't take the Ritalin if I were you... There are

> natural herbs to help with brain fog....I will send forward this to the group

> because I need help with brain fog as well and I'm not sure what to take.

> Keep on writing...I enjoy getting your emails.




> deb marie <debmarie007@...> wrote:

> Hi ,


> I live in Deerfield Beach, Florida. I guess what I'll do is go back to my

> neurologist and show him all of this stuff from the website and see if he can

> refer me. I made an appointment with a Dr. ...I've misplaced the

> paper, but she's in Melbourne, Florida...got her name off the list of doctors

> that Rogene from saline support posted for me, but I can't get in for a

> consultation until January 5th.


> It makes a lot of sense what you are saying, somebody who knows the

> importance of removing both implant and scar capsule all at once...last thing

> I want is bacteria or mold released into my bloodstream, as if I probably

> don't have enough of it released into my body already. Now, I'm not even

> carinig about having big boobs any more. I just want my health back. Seems

> like flatter chests are almost as popular these days anyway. I had my

> implants done under the muscle wall...I hope that's going to be better for

> removal.


> I'm going to look up Fibromyalgia on the internet now. Do you live in

> Colorado?




> <waltjenking@...> wrote:

> Deb,


> Someone did respond and it does make sense. It sounds like it's very

> important that you not only get the imlants removed, but that you do it en

> bloc....which means they take out the capsule with the implant so as not to

> allow anything to get into your body. The capsule is the skin that forms

> around the implant...I guess it's kind of a defense. So, where do you live?

> I've heard that Dr. Huang in Colorado charges around $5000.00 for

> everything...and I've heard that she is really good and thorough. You're so

> lucky that you have insurance. You might want to go to your doctor and see if

> he will give you a referral to a good plastic surgeon and perhaps get it

> covered by insurance. But I would be picky with who you go to...it's your

> body and he should understand that. I have a lot of the same problems that

> you have as well. I have Fibromyalgia...you may want to look this up...it

> seems to be a common disease for people with implants...I have pretty much

> every symtom of fibro....of course a lot of doctors won't recognize it,

> however a lot will. So, where do you live? Thanks for writing.




> deb marie <debmarie007@...> wrote:

> Thanks, I'm anxious to see what they say... Was wondering how you

> found out about the problem with saline and what kinds of symptoms you've been

> having. I had no clue about this...until last week. It is a shame that I've

> been so busy with my job in the last several years that I missed reading about

> it or seeing anything on tv about it. But in the last 3 or 4 years I've been

> not feeling right at all. Brain fog first which sent me to a neurologist who

> sent me to a psychologist and together they both diagnosed adult attention

> deficit disorder (ADHD) and was put on Ritalin...but now here it is just 3 1/2

> years later and the brain fog is so much worse that I find myself stopping to

> stare at nothing at all throughout the day, on top of that flu-like symptoms,

> and anxiety...oh man, I remember one day my heart started pounding so much

> that I thought I was having an heart attack. And I've been feeling like an

> old person when I get up in the morning, and I'm actually in pretty good shape

> for my age, not overweight or anything and I've always been in excellent

> health and have never been a hypocondriac. So I've also been having trouble

> sleeping, and cold hands and feet all of the time and I live in South

> Florida--who gets cold hands and feet in South Florida...nobody I know! But

> what was really wierd was my toes going numb on my left foot and the shooting

> pain in my foot that was hard to explain. So this was just earlier this year,

> my doctor sent me for an MRI, did an electrode test, I think it was called an

> EEG where he hooked up electrodes to see if I could feel varying degrees of

> electric shock. I cried through that one. That was painful. But nothing

> wrong there, however the MRI showed a spot on my liver, so then he sent me to

> a liver specialist who sent me to the hospital to get a Sonogram, and turns

> out those spots are no big deal, lots of people have them, but for some reason

> these spots didn't start showing up on people until the early 80's and doctors

> don't know what causes them... which an interesting point now that I think

> about it. Thank God for my company's health insurance plan that paid for

> almost everything on this testing...


> Anyway, so next he refers me to a rumatologist and I can't even

> remember if he drew blood or not, and he tells me that my aches and pains are

> because I'm depressed. So, I basically gave up and started thinking it was

> just a part of getting older, but I couldn't imagine that if I feel this bad

> now, how much worse I'll feel when I'm 80...and on top of that my breasts were

> feeling wierd, like they weren't part of me...almost hyper sensitive...you

> know I can't stand to wear a bra anymore, I feel like that bra is eating me

> alive...and it's almost like my breasts feel bigger... please excuse the

> run-on sentences... I really appreciate you letting me share this... so I got

> to remembering how in 1993 when the doctor put these salines in, I had asked

> for 350 cc but they gave me 375 cc and the nurse had mentioned draining some

> out if I wasn't pleased with the additional 25... so here it is 14 years

> later, I was thinking of finding a doctor to drain some of the saline out... I

> was typing in the words " saline removal " in Google search and that's how I

> found out about the mold and then the lightbulb came on in my head...all

> symptoms match!





> <waltjenking@...> wrote:

> Deb,


> That's a good question, however, I'm not sure of the answer. I

> would like to know as well...it kind of makes sense. The thing that scares me

> just a little bit is going to a doctor to have them taken out when they are

> also still putting them in! I posted what you sent me to see if anyone can

> help. I also took out you phone number. Please let me know what you find

> out.




> deb marie <debmarie007@...> wrote:

> Hi ,


> I posted something on the site the other day and didn't a response

> from anybody. It was about getting a regular MD to take these out. I can

> understand the importance of having board certified put these in, but can't

> imagine why it would need much symetrical skill to take these out.


> Besides that, most MD's back in the 90's would argue tooth and

> nail about not getting them put in in the first place..and seems like they

> would be more of an advocate for us and more open to hearing what we have to

> say about our symptoms.


> Do you know if anybody commented. By the way, my home phone

> number is if you want to call me sometime.


> Deb


> <waltjenking@...> wrote:

> Hi Deb,


> I am actually hearing from some woman that say they paid about

> $5000.00 so I think you just need to look around. I think you can find it

> cheaper. I also heard that. If you have insurance and can find the right

> doctor then insurance may cover a lot of it. Let me know what you find out!




> deb marie <debmarie007@...> wrote:

> Hi ,


> I think I just fainted. $8-12k?! I was thinking more along

> the lines of what a boob job costs these days....that it should be around

> $4-6k or so...that's what they go for down here in S. Florida these days.


> I guess I'm not understanding what the difference is...for

> example a person who just goes in to get bigger or smaller ones put in and

> doesn't complain of complications from the latter. The doctor would have to

> remove the capsule anyway. Do you know what the reasoning is...why so much

> money? This has me so depressed...I can come up with the $4,000 or so but not

> $8,000 or more..yikes!


> Someone also wrote me on that website that if you report to

> the doctor that you are having chest pains your insurance may cover to have

> them taken out... or maybe I didn't understand right, but that's how I took

> it. My brain is so fogged over these days I can hardly read or understand

> things correctly.


> Deb Radford


> <waltjenking@...> wrote:

> Well, I'm finding that it's between $8000.00-12,000 but it

> depends on if you have to travel far to get it done. Where do you live? I'm

> new on this site too. Just make sure you take the info that people give you

> and stay open minded. There are people on here that are a little extreme so

> you have to do your research and stay open-minded which is how it should be

> anyway. After all it is our body and we have to live with our decisions.




> debmarie007 <debmarie007@...> wrote:

> I have no idea how much one of these costs...do you mind

> telling me?






> --------------------------------------------------------------

> Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone

> call rates.




> ----------------------------------------------------------------

> Everyone is raving about the all-new beta.



> __________________________________________________


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I like www.mountainroseherbs.com. They are reasonably-priced and always fresh.


brain fog...what helps?> > > > I am wondering if anyone can help me and Deb with this email below...brain> fog...what kind of supplements or herbs can help with that?> > > Hi Deb,> > Sorry, I think you told me where you were from once...brain fog..it's> getting bad. There is an excellent doctor in Georgia that has done a lot of> explants and you may have heard of her on the group discussion. Her website> is http://www.plastikos.com If you want info on her or her prices you can> probably ask the group as well, because several people have gone to her. I am> in Washington State. I wouldn't take the Ritalin if I were you... There are> natural herbs to help with brain fog....I will send forward this to the group> because I need help with brain fog as well and I'm not sure what to take.> Keep on writing...I enjoy getting your emails.> > > > deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote:> Hi ,> > I live in Deerfield Beach, Florida. I guess what I'll do is go back to my> neurologist and show him all of this stuff from the website and see if he can> refer me. I made an appointment with a Dr. ...I've misplaced the> paper, but she's in Melbourne, Florida...got her name off the list of doctors> that Rogene from saline support posted for me, but I can't get in for a> consultation until January 5th.> > It makes a lot of sense what you are saying, somebody who knows the> importance of removing both implant and scar capsule all at once...last thing> I want is bacteria or mold released into my bloodstream, as if I probably> don't have enough of it released into my body already. Now, I'm not even> carinig about having big boobs any more. I just want my health back. Seems> like flatter chests are almost as popular these days anyway. I had my> implants done under the muscle wall...I hope that's going to be better for> removal.> > I'm going to look up Fibromyalgia on the internet now. Do you live in> Colorado?> > > > <waltjenking > wrote:> Deb,> > Someone did respond and it does make sense. It sounds like it's very> important that you not only get the imlants removed, but that you do it en> bloc....which means they take out the capsule with the implant so as not to> allow anything to get into your body. The capsule is the skin that forms> around the implant...I guess it's kind of a defense. So, where do you live?> I've heard that Dr. Huang in Colorado charges around $5000.00 for> everything...and I've heard that she is really good and thorough. You're so> lucky that you have insurance. You might want to go to your doctor and see if> he will give you a referral to a good plastic surgeon and perhaps get it> covered by insurance. But I would be picky with who you go to...it's your> body and he should understand that. I have a lot of the same problems that> you have as well. I have Fibromyalgia...you may want to look this up...it> seems to be a common disease for people with implants...I have pretty much> every symtom of fibro....of course a lot of doctors won't recognize it,> however a lot will. So, where do you live? Thanks for writing.> > > > deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote:> Thanks, I'm anxious to see what they say... Was wondering how you> found out about the problem with saline and what kinds of symptoms you've been> having. I had no clue about this...until last week. It is a shame that I've> been so busy with my job in the last several years that I missed reading about> it or seeing anything on tv about it. But in the last 3 or 4 years I've been> not feeling right at all. Brain fog first which sent me to a neurologist who> sent me to a psychologist and together they both diagnosed adult attention> deficit disorder (ADHD) and was put on Ritalin...but now here it is just 3 1/2> years later and the brain fog is so much worse that I find myself stopping to> stare at nothing at all throughout the day, on top of that flu-like symptoms,> and anxiety...oh man, I remember one day my heart started pounding so much> that I thought I was having an heart attack. And I've been feeling like an> old person when I get up in the morning, and I'm actually in pretty good shape> for my age, not overweight or anything and I've always been in excellent> health and have never been a hypocondriac. So I've also been having trouble> sleeping, and cold hands and feet all of the time and I live in South> Florida--who gets cold hands and feet in South Florida...nobody I know! But> what was really wierd was my toes going numb on my left foot and the shooting> pain in my foot that was hard to explain. So this was just earlier this year,> my doctor sent me for an MRI, did an electrode test, I think it was called an> EEG where he hooked up electrodes to see if I could feel varying degrees of> electric shock. I cried through that one. That was painful. But nothing> wrong there, however the MRI showed a spot on my liver, so then he sent me to> a liver specialist who sent me to the hospital to get a Sonogram, and turns> out those spots are no big deal, lots of people have them, but for some reason> these spots didn't start showing up on people until the early 80's and doctors> don't know what causes them... which an interesting point now that I think> about it. Thank God for my company's health insurance plan that paid for> almost everything on this testing...> > Anyway, so next he refers me to a rumatologist and I can't even> remember if he drew blood or not, and he tells me that my aches and pains are> because I'm depressed. So, I basically gave up and started thinking it was> just a part of getting older, but I couldn't imagine that if I feel this bad> now, how much worse I'll feel when I'm 80...and on top of that my breasts were> feeling wierd, like they weren't part of me...almost hyper sensitive...you> know I can't stand to wear a bra anymore, I feel like that bra is eating me> alive...and it's almost like my breasts feel bigger... please excuse the> run-on sentences... I really appreciate you letting me share this... so I got> to remembering how in 1993 when the doctor put these salines in, I had asked> for 350 cc but they gave me 375 cc and the nurse had mentioned draining some> out if I wasn't pleased with the additional 25... so here it is 14 years> later, I was thinking of finding a doctor to drain some of the saline out... I> was typing in the words "saline removal" in Google search and that's how I> found out about the mold and then the lightbulb came on in my head...all> symptoms match!> > > > > <waltjenking > wrote:> Deb, > > That's a good question, however, I'm not sure of the answer. I> would like to know as well...it kind of makes sense. The thing that scares me> just a little bit is going to a doctor to have them taken out when they are> also still putting them in! I posted what you sent me to see if anyone can> help. I also took out you phone number. Please let me know what you find> out.> > > > deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote:> Hi ,> > I posted something on the site the other day and didn't a response> from anybody. It was about getting a regular MD to take these out. I can> understand the importance of having board certified put these in, but can't> imagine why it would need much symetrical skill to take these out.> > Besides that, most MD's back in the 90's would argue tooth and> nail about not getting them put in in the first place..and seems like they> would be more of an advocate for us and more open to hearing what we have to> say about our symptoms.> > Do you know if anybody commented. By the way, my home phone> number is if you want to call me sometime.> > Deb> > <waltjenking > wrote:> Hi Deb,> > I am actually hearing from some woman that say they paid about> $5000.00 so I think you just need to look around. I think you can find it> cheaper. I also heard that. If you have insurance and can find the right> doctor then insurance may cover a lot of it. Let me know what you find out!> > > > deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote:> Hi ,> > I think I just fainted. $8-12k?! I was thinking more along> the lines of what a boob job costs these days....that it should be around> $4-6k or so...that's what they go for down here in S. Florida these days.> > I guess I'm not understanding what the difference is...for> example a person who just goes in to get bigger or smaller ones put in and> doesn't complain of complications from the latter. The doctor would have to> remove the capsule anyway. Do you know what the reasoning is...why so much> money? This has me so depressed...I can come up with the $4,000 or so but not> $8,000 or more..yikes!> > Someone also wrote me on that website that if you report to> the doctor that you are having chest pains your insurance may cover to have> them taken out... or maybe I didn't understand right, but that's how I took> it. My brain is so fogged over these days I can hardly read or understand> things correctly.> > Deb Radford> > <waltjenking > wrote:> Well, I'm finding that it's between $8000.00-12,000 but it> depends on if you have to travel far to get it done. Where do you live? I'm> new on this site too. Just make sure you take the info that people give you> and stay open minded. There are people on here that are a little extreme so> you have to do your research and stay open-minded which is how it should be> anyway. After all it is our body and we have to live with our decisions.> > > > debmarie007 <debmarie007 > wrote:> I have no idea how much one of these costs...do you mind> telling me?> > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------------> Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone> call rates.> > > > ----------------------------------------------------------> Everyone is raving about the all-new beta.> > > __________________________________________________>

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Thank you, Bindi! I have ordered from Mountain Rose before too. I haven't

put my own herbs in capsules but I did use their products in salves when I

was in school. They seemed fresh.


> I like www.mountainroseherbs.com. They are reasonably-priced and always fresh.

> Bindi

> brain fog...what helps?




>> I am wondering if anyone can help me and Deb with this email below...brain

>> fog...what kind of supplements or herbs can help with that?



>> Hi Deb,


>> Sorry, I think you told me where you were from once...brain fog..it's

>> getting bad. There is an excellent doctor in Georgia that has done a lot of

>> explants and you may have heard of her on the group discussion. Her website

>> is http://www.plastikos.com If you want info on her or her prices you can

>> probably ask the group as well, because several people have gone to her. I am

>> in Washington State. I wouldn't take the Ritalin if I were you... There are

>> natural herbs to help with brain fog....I will send forward this to the group

>> because I need help with brain fog as well and I'm not sure what to take.

>> Keep on writing...I enjoy getting your emails.




>> deb marie <debmarie007@...> wrote:

>> Hi ,


>> I live in Deerfield Beach, Florida. I guess what I'll do is go back to my

>> neurologist and show him all of this stuff from the website and see if he can

>> refer me. I made an appointment with a Dr. ...I've misplaced the

>> paper, but she's in Melbourne, Florida...got her name off the list of doctors

>> that Rogene from saline support posted for me, but I can't get in for a

>> consultation until January 5th.


>> It makes a lot of sense what you are saying, somebody who knows the

>> importance of removing both implant and scar capsule all at once...last thing

>> I want is bacteria or mold released into my bloodstream, as if I probably

>> don't have enough of it released into my body already. Now, I'm not even

>> carinig about having big boobs any more. I just want my health back. Seems

>> like flatter chests are almost as popular these days anyway. I had my

>> implants done under the muscle wall...I hope that's going to be better for

>> removal.


>> I'm going to look up Fibromyalgia on the internet now. Do you live in

>> Colorado?




>> <waltjenking@...> wrote:

>> Deb,


>> Someone did respond and it does make sense. It sounds like it's very

>> important that you not only get the imlants removed, but that you do it en

>> bloc....which means they take out the capsule with the implant so as not to

>> allow anything to get into your body. The capsule is the skin that forms

>> around the implant...I guess it's kind of a defense. So, where do you live?

>> I've heard that Dr. Huang in Colorado charges around $5000.00 for

>> everything...and I've heard that she is really good and thorough. You're so

>> lucky that you have insurance. You might want to go to your doctor and see if

>> he will give you a referral to a good plastic surgeon and perhaps get it

>> covered by insurance. But I would be picky with who you go to...it's your

>> body and he should understand that. I have a lot of the same problems that

>> you have as well. I have Fibromyalgia...you may want to look this up...it

>> seems to be a common disease for people with implants...I have pretty much

>> every symtom of fibro....of course a lot of doctors won't recognize it,

>> however a lot will. So, where do you live? Thanks for writing.




>> deb marie <debmarie007@...> wrote:

>> Thanks, I'm anxious to see what they say... Was wondering how you

>> found out about the problem with saline and what kinds of symptoms you've

>> been

>> having. I had no clue about this...until last week. It is a shame that I've

>> been so busy with my job in the last several years that I missed reading

>> about

>> it or seeing anything on tv about it. But in the last 3 or 4 years I've been

>> not feeling right at all. Brain fog first which sent me to a neurologist who

>> sent me to a psychologist and together they both diagnosed adult attention

>> deficit disorder (ADHD) and was put on Ritalin...but now here it is just 3

>> 1/2

>> years later and the brain fog is so much worse that I find myself stopping to

>> stare at nothing at all throughout the day, on top of that flu-like symptoms,

>> and anxiety...oh man, I remember one day my heart started pounding so much

>> that I thought I was having an heart attack. And I've been feeling like an

>> old person when I get up in the morning, and I'm actually in pretty good

>> shape

>> for my age, not overweight or anything and I've always been in excellent

>> health and have never been a hypocondriac. So I've also been having trouble

>> sleeping, and cold hands and feet all of the time and I live in South

>> Florida--who gets cold hands and feet in South Florida...nobody I know! But

>> what was really wierd was my toes going numb on my left foot and the shooting

>> pain in my foot that was hard to explain. So this was just earlier this year,

>> my doctor sent me for an MRI, did an electrode test, I think it was called an

>> EEG where he hooked up electrodes to see if I could feel varying degrees of

>> electric shock. I cried through that one. That was painful. But nothing

>> wrong there, however the MRI showed a spot on my liver, so then he sent me to

>> a liver specialist who sent me to the hospital to get a Sonogram, and turns

>> out those spots are no big deal, lots of people have them, but for some

>> reason

>> these spots didn't start showing up on people until the early 80's and

>> doctors

>> don't know what causes them... which an interesting point now that I think

>> about it. Thank God for my company's health insurance plan that paid for

>> almost everything on this testing...


>> Anyway, so next he refers me to a rumatologist and I can't even

>> remember if he drew blood or not, and he tells me that my aches and pains are

>> because I'm depressed. So, I basically gave up and started thinking it was

>> just a part of getting older, but I couldn't imagine that if I feel this bad

>> now, how much worse I'll feel when I'm 80...and on top of that my breasts

>> were

>> feeling wierd, like they weren't part of me...almost hyper sensitive...you

>> know I can't stand to wear a bra anymore, I feel like that bra is eating me

>> alive...and it's almost like my breasts feel bigger... please excuse the

>> run-on sentences... I really appreciate you letting me share this... so I got

>> to remembering how in 1993 when the doctor put these salines in, I had asked

>> for 350 cc but they gave me 375 cc and the nurse had mentioned draining some

>> out if I wasn't pleased with the additional 25... so here it is 14 years

>> later, I was thinking of finding a doctor to drain some of the saline out...

>> I

>> was typing in the words " saline removal " in Google search and that's how I

>> found out about the mold and then the lightbulb came on in my head...all

>> symptoms match!





>> <waltjenking@...> wrote:

>> Deb,


>> That's a good question, however, I'm not sure of the answer. I

>> would like to know as well...it kind of makes sense. The thing that scares me

>> just a little bit is going to a doctor to have them taken out when they are

>> also still putting them in! I posted what you sent me to see if anyone can

>> help. I also took out you phone number. Please let me know what you find

>> out.




>> deb marie <debmarie007@...> wrote:

>> Hi ,


>> I posted something on the site the other day and didn't a response

>> from anybody. It was about getting a regular MD to take these out. I can

>> understand the importance of having board certified put these in, but can't

>> imagine why it would need much symetrical skill to take these out.


>> Besides that, most MD's back in the 90's would argue tooth and

>> nail about not getting them put in in the first place..and seems like they

>> would be more of an advocate for us and more open to hearing what we have to

>> say about our symptoms.


>> Do you know if anybody commented. By the way, my home phone

>> number is if you want to call me sometime.


>> Deb


>> <waltjenking@...> wrote:

>> Hi Deb,


>> I am actually hearing from some woman that say they paid about

>> $5000.00 so I think you just need to look around. I think you can find it

>> cheaper. I also heard that. If you have insurance and can find the right

>> doctor then insurance may cover a lot of it. Let me know what you find out!




>> deb marie <debmarie007@...> wrote:

>> Hi ,


>> I think I just fainted. $8-12k?! I was thinking more along

>> the lines of what a boob job costs these days....that it should be around

>> $4-6k or so...that's what they go for down here in S. Florida these days.


>> I guess I'm not understanding what the difference is...for

>> example a person who just goes in to get bigger or smaller ones put in and

>> doesn't complain of complications from the latter. The doctor would have to

>> remove the capsule anyway. Do you know what the reasoning is...why so much

>> money? This has me so depressed...I can come up with the $4,000 or so but not

>> $8,000 or more..yikes!


>> Someone also wrote me on that website that if you report to

>> the doctor that you are having chest pains your insurance may cover to have

>> them taken out... or maybe I didn't understand right, but that's how I took

>> it. My brain is so fogged over these days I can hardly read or understand

>> things correctly.


>> Deb Radford


>> <waltjenking@...> wrote:

>> Well, I'm finding that it's between $8000.00-12,000 but it

>> depends on if you have to travel far to get it done. Where do you live? I'm

>> new on this site too. Just make sure you take the info that people give you

>> and stay open minded. There are people on here that are a little extreme so

>> you have to do your research and stay open-minded which is how it should be

>> anyway. After all it is our body and we have to live with our decisions.




>> debmarie007 <debmarie007@...> wrote:

>> I have no idea how much one of these costs...do you mind

>> telling me?






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>> Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone

>> call rates.




>> ----------------------------------------------------------

>> Everyone is raving about the all-new beta.



>> __________________________________________________


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Great site! . . . Thanks. Rogene freebindi <bindi@...> wrote: I like www.mountainroseherbs.com. They are reasonably-priced and always fresh. Bindi brain fog...what helps?> > > > I am wondering if anyone can help me and Deb with this email below...brain> fog...what kind of supplements or herbs can help with that?> > > Hi Deb,> > Sorry, I think you told me where you were from once...brain fog..it's> getting bad. There is an excellent doctor in Georgia that has done a lot of> explants and you may have heard of her on the group discussion. Her website> is http://www.plastikos.com If you want info on her or her prices you can> probably ask the group as well, because several people have gone to her. I am> in Washington State. I wouldn't take the Ritalin

if I were you... There are> natural herbs to help with brain fog....I will send forward this to the group> because I need help with brain fog as well and I'm not sure what to take.> Keep on writing...I enjoy getting your emails.> > > > deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote:> Hi ,> > I live in Deerfield Beach, Florida. I guess what I'll do is go back to my> neurologist and show him all of this stuff from the website and see if he can> refer me. I made an appointment with a Dr. ...I've misplaced the> paper, but she's in Melbourne, Florida...got her name off the list of doctors> that Rogene from saline support posted for me, but I can't get in for a> consultation until January 5th.> > It makes a lot of sense what you are saying, somebody who knows the> importance of

removing both implant and scar capsule all at once...last thing> I want is bacteria or mold released into my bloodstream, as if I probably> don't have enough of it released into my body already. Now, I'm not even> carinig about having big boobs any more. I just want my health back. Seems> like flatter chests are almost as popular these days anyway. I had my> implants done under the muscle wall...I hope that's going to be better for> removal.> > I'm going to look up Fibromyalgia on the internet now. Do you live in> Colorado?> > > > <waltjenking > wrote:> Deb,> > Someone did respond and it does make sense. It sounds like it's very> important that you not only get the imlants removed, but that you do it en> bloc....which means they take out the capsule with the implant so as not

to> allow anything to get into your body. The capsule is the skin that forms> around the implant...I guess it's kind of a defense. So, where do you live?> I've heard that Dr. Huang in Colorado charges around $5000.00 for> everything...and I've heard that she is really good and thorough. You're so> lucky that you have insurance. You might want to go to your doctor and see if> he will give you a referral to a good plastic surgeon and perhaps get it> covered by insurance. But I would be picky with who you go to...it's your> body and he should understand that. I have a lot of the same problems that> you have as well. I have Fibromyalgia...you may want to look this up...it> seems to be a common disease for people with implants...I have pretty much> every symtom of fibro....of course a lot of doctors won't recognize it,> however a lot will. So, where do you live? Thanks for

writing.> > > > deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote:> Thanks, I'm anxious to see what they say... Was wondering how you> found out about the problem with saline and what kinds of symptoms you've been> having. I had no clue about this...until last week. It is a shame that I've> been so busy with my job in the last several years that I missed reading about> it or seeing anything on tv about it. But in the last 3 or 4 years I've been> not feeling right at all. Brain fog first which sent me to a neurologist who> sent me to a psychologist and together they both diagnosed adult attention> deficit disorder (ADHD) and was put on Ritalin...but now here it is just 3 1/2> years later and the brain fog is so much worse that I find myself stopping to> stare at nothing at all throughout the day, on top of that flu-like

symptoms,> and anxiety...oh man, I remember one day my heart started pounding so much> that I thought I was having an heart attack. And I've been feeling like an> old person when I get up in the morning, and I'm actually in pretty good shape> for my age, not overweight or anything and I've always been in excellent> health and have never been a hypocondriac. So I've also been having trouble> sleeping, and cold hands and feet all of the time and I live in South> Florida--who gets cold hands and feet in South Florida...nobody I know! But> what was really wierd was my toes going numb on my left foot and the shooting> pain in my foot that was hard to explain. So this was just earlier this year,> my doctor sent me for an MRI, did an electrode test, I think it was called an> EEG where he hooked up electrodes to see if I could feel varying degrees of> electric shock. I cried through that one. That

was painful. But nothing> wrong there, however the MRI showed a spot on my liver, so then he sent me to> a liver specialist who sent me to the hospital to get a Sonogram, and turns> out those spots are no big deal, lots of people have them, but for some reason> these spots didn't start showing up on people until the early 80's and doctors> don't know what causes them... which an interesting point now that I think> about it. Thank God for my company's health insurance plan that paid for> almost everything on this testing...> > Anyway, so next he refers me to a rumatologist and I can't even> remember if he drew blood or not, and he tells me that my aches and pains are> because I'm depressed. So, I basically gave up and started thinking it was> just a part of getting older, but I couldn't imagine that if I feel this bad> now, how much worse I'll feel when I'm 80...and on top of that my

breasts were> feeling wierd, like they weren't part of me...almost hyper sensitive...you> know I can't stand to wear a bra anymore, I feel like that bra is eating me> alive...and it's almost like my breasts feel bigger... please excuse the> run-on sentences... I really appreciate you letting me share this... so I got> to remembering how in 1993 when the doctor put these salines in, I had asked> for 350 cc but they gave me 375 cc and the nurse had mentioned draining some> out if I wasn't pleased with the additional 25... so here it is 14 years> later, I was thinking of finding a doctor to drain some of the saline out... I> was typing in the words "saline removal" in Google search and that's how I> found out about the mold and then the lightbulb came on in my head...all> symptoms match!> > > > > <waltjenking > wrote:> Deb, > > That's a good question, however, I'm not sure of the answer. I> would like to know as well...it kind of makes sense. The thing that scares me> just a little bit is going to a doctor to have them taken out when they are> also still putting them in! I posted what you sent me to see if anyone can> help. I also took out you phone number. Please let me know what you find> out.> > > > deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote:> Hi ,> > I posted something on the site the other day and didn't a response> from anybody. It was about getting a regular MD to take these out. I can> understand the importance of having board certified put these in, but can't> imagine why it would need much symetrical skill

to take these out.> > Besides that, most MD's back in the 90's would argue tooth and> nail about not getting them put in in the first place..and seems like they> would be more of an advocate for us and more open to hearing what we have to> say about our symptoms.> > Do you know if anybody commented. By the way, my home phone> number is if you want to call me sometime.> > Deb> > <waltjenking > wrote:> Hi Deb,> > I am actually hearing from some woman that say they paid about> $5000.00 so I think you just need to look around. I think you can find it> cheaper. I also heard that. If you have insurance and can find the right> doctor then insurance may cover a lot of it. Let me know what you find out!> > > > deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote:> Hi ,> > I think I just fainted. $8-12k?! I was thinking more along> the lines of what a boob job costs these days....that it should be around> $4-6k or so...that's what they go for down here in S. Florida these days.> > I guess I'm not understanding what the difference is...for> example a person who just goes in to get bigger or smaller ones put in and> doesn't complain of complications from the latter. The doctor would have to> remove the capsule anyway. Do you know what the reasoning is...why so much> money? This has me so depressed...I can come up with the $4,000 or so but not> $8,000 or more..yikes!> > Someone also wrote me on that website that if you report to> the doctor that you are having chest pains your insurance may cover to have> them taken out... or maybe I

didn't understand right, but that's how I took> it. My brain is so fogged over these days I can hardly read or understand> things correctly.> > Deb Radford> > <waltjenking > wrote:> Well, I'm finding that it's between $8000.00-12,000 but it> depends on if you have to travel far to get it done. Where do you live? I'm> new on this site too. Just make sure you take the info that people give you> and stay open minded. There are people on here that are a little extreme so> you have to do your research and stay open-minded which is how it should be> anyway. After all it is our body and we have to live with our decisions.> > > > debmarie007 <debmarie007 > wrote:> I have no idea how much one of these costs...do you

mind> telling me?> > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------------> Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone> call rates.> > > > ----------------------------------------------------------> Everyone is raving about the all-new beta.> > > __________________________________________________>

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Believe me I know, I was so happy to have my mind back it gave me a

sense of who I was. I lost that and felt weak as a person somehow. Do

you know what I mean? I was getting lost just going down to the store

or getting lost in the store.I was so sad. I am now back in charge of

my life it feels great. I think the fatigue is lifting, I am not

doing anything for the pain in the joints except chiro and some

working out. I am trying the whole foods thing and right now with

that and the therapy ( psychothreapy that is), I feel stronger

everyday and pretty good. I don't want to jinx it by talking about it

too much but the fatigue little by little seems to finally be better.

I know it was from getting that capsule removed it just took that

long.Thank you so much for caring and asking about me, it means alot

Terri P

> > I have no idea how much one of these costs...do you mind telling

> me?

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------ --------- --------- ---

> > Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call

> rates.

> >

> >

> > ------------ --------- --------- ---

> > Everyone is raving about the all-new beta.

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

> >

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