Guest guest Posted December 5, 2006 Report Share Posted December 5, 2006 Well, I do not recommend Dr. Pamela Rosen. Her office told me she can't help me !! ...and was very matter of fact about it...almost to the point of being rude. My exact wording was in a request for appointment to remove my saline implants and for treatment for any mold or bacteria that might be present. The receptionist put me on hold and then came back to tell me that Dr. Rosen said, for mold treatment I would have to call the University of Miami. So I explained to the receptionist that she (the receptionist) had jumped way too far ahead of the explanation for what I needed was to see Dr. Rosen first-- to schedule an appointment for getting the implants and capsules removed because I was having health problems to get these taken out and that IF fungus or mold was present then surely this is something the doctor would address at the time and give me whatever referrals were necessary. So she puts me on hold again and comes back to tell me that Dr. Rosen says she can't help me!!!!. THANKS FOR NOTHING, Dr. Pamela Rosen. Guess I'll have to pick another doctor on the list that's 300 miles away from me.Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: Deb, Here's the Florida docs from our list. Still - see if you can get personal recommendations. - Rogene FLORIDA Bridge, M.D. [Plastic Surgery]Bridge Breast & Aesthetic Surgery Center608 Medical Care Dr, Florida 33511Phone: (863) 684-2506Fax: (863) 684-5785 pbridgewatsonclinicDr. Barroso P/S 524 Arthur Godfrey Rd., Miami Beach, FL 33140 (305)674-8586(He is expensive. Obtain in writing from him he will remove your implants "en bloc" and do a total capsulectomy, if at all possible. Only a few women I know have used him and this is why I am a bit leery. Please report any experiences, good or bad, with him.)DR. HOLLIS CAFFEE, plastic surgeon, Professor plastic surgery, University of Florida College of MedicineBox 100286, Gainesville, FL 32610 (352)395-7972 caffeesurgery (DOT) ufl.eduprofessor of surgery and chief of the Division of Plastic Surgery(He will not admit anything is wrong in all probability with breast implants. However, reports are he will remove the implants "en bloc" and a total capuslectomy., If possible; get it in writing from him with his signature he will do both so there can be no misunderstanding plus send him a certified letter you feel these are imperative! ) DR. ARTHUR DEBAISE, plastic surgeon, 1414 Kuhl Ave. 3rd Floor, Orlando, FL 32806, DR. A. H. NEZAMI, Plastic surgeon, Baptist Medical Center820 Prudential Dr. , Suite 702, ville, FL 32207 1-904-399-5061E-mail ahnezamijacksonvillecosmeticsurgery DR. PAMELA ROSEN, P/S, Coral Springs, FL, I am thankful each day that I found a plastic surgeon who recognized the dangers of silicone and saline implants. She has stopped all implantations, except when she can give each patient the entire story and list ALL of the potential risk factors and thepatient requests them anyway due to extreme conditions such as mastectomy.She prefers mastopexy to implant for healthy women and openly discusses herreasoning.......she cares about the health ofher patients: by :Yannijazzaol (check that Dr. Rosen will remove your implants "enbloc," etc.! She is new to our list; let me know what you think of her ifyou decide to see her! Barbara: Suriliimpaol. See below.)Dr. D. Rotatori P/S 851 W. Morse Blvd. Winter Park, FLA 32789 (407)647-4601 DR. LUIS VINAS, plastic Surgeon1620 S. Congress Ave.Suite 100, Palm Springs, FL 334611-561-968-7111 Dr. Vitale- P/S 1229 S. Strawbridge aveMelbourne, FL 32901 (321)676-5543 (Make sure she will remove your implants "en bloc" and perform a total capsulectomy if possible) Dr. Marguerite Barnett P/S 530 S. Nekomis Ave., Suite 6 Venice, FL 34285 941-927-2447 Contacts: Marielee3aol (5-26-99 explant),support group leader near Dr. Barnett: Chris: Tanja@....comOne woman has reported spill upon explant, 2003. (See post #20374)deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote: Thanks Rogene, now that I've thought about it, how could saline not get fungus or mold at 98 degree temperatures year after defies the laws of nature for these NOT to get mold.Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote: The news has been strangely silent on the dangers of saline implants . . .I could go on and on about it - but I won't. I'd suggest looking this site over thoroughly . . you'll be up to speed in no time! I'm afraid that the money interests associated with breast implants haven't been looking out after your interests! Hugs and prayers, Rogene deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote: Thank you so much...i'm anxiously awaiting their email. I'm still in shock that I had no clue about saline being a problem until yesterday...I thought I kept up on the news, but apparently I've been so caught up in my job over the last several years that I missed it. Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote: Debbie, Welcome! You're in the right place! . . . I've forwarded your message to a couple of our ladies in florida. Regardless of who, where your implants are removed, be sure to confirm that your doctor will commit to doing the "en bloc" procedure if at all possible - and if not , doing a complete capsulectomy. Very important for recovery! There's lots of info in the archives - I have a broke arm, so I'm not typing much , , , but stick around. You'll learn what you need to get your life back here! Hugs and prayers, Rogenedeb marie <debmarie007 > wrote: And one more thing...It's me again (debbie). I just read what I posted and I used the word "bacterial" instead of bacteria... This is so unlike me...slurring words or using wrong words and I'm finding this happening more and more. debmarie007 <debmarie007 > wrote: I discovered your website and just signed up last night...I have been experiencing severe brain fog and memory problems for the past 3 or 4 years and it is getting worse and throughout the day and I find find myself sitting and staring at nothing at all. This is affecting my job performance at work...and being in sales, I have to be able to remember things...a lot of my success depends on my energy level and ability to interact with others. I've had saline implants for 13 years, Three or 4 years ago (when the problems began) I was diagnosed with ADD (attention deficit disorder) and a neurologist put me on Ritalin but now it's gotten to the point now where I simply cannot function without the ritalin and now your website has me wondering IF I'm even ADD at all. Several months ago, I started complaining of the severity of my symptoms to my ADD doctor and he sent me for an MRI and other tests...referred to several other doctors,... and the last one--a rheumatologist told me I was "depressed"... in other words, depression hurts ... I also performed a mold test in my home thinking THAT might be the problem. Yes I'm depressed... that's one of the symptoms of mold...and I never thought to check INSIDE of my body for it! None of the doctors could find anything wrong with me but I have to admit I didn't even mention my implants to them because I was always told saline was safe.Also for the last 3-4 years my implants have not felt right in my body which all makes sense now...I can't really explain why they don't feel right...I'm not in pain or anything...they are just WEIRD feeling...I've always had some capsular contractor but lately they don't feel like they belong there. Perhaps my body is speaking to my brain. It feels like I have two foreign objects sitting on top of my chest. The implants did not feel like this in the past. I have nearly all of the symptoms described. Brain Fog, Memory Problems, Flu like aches and pains, tingling in my toes and now and a little bit of numbness on at least four of them, tired, depressed, creepy crawling feelings, trouble sleeping, cold hands and feet...and I live in S. Florida where the climate is always warm. Can somebody point me in the right direction...I want to get these things taken out and am very frightened by the prospect of one of these rupturing and releasing bacterial into my body during the procedure. I need a referral on a doctor who thoroughly understands this condition and can treat me after the removel. I live in the Ft. Lauderdale area. Thanks for your help.Debbie Need a quick answer? Get one in minutes from people who know. Ask your question on Answers. Everyone is raving about the all-new beta. Access over 1 million songs - Music Unlimited. Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 5, 2006 Report Share Posted December 5, 2006 To my knowledge, Dr. Kolb is the only doctor who will address fungal issues. You're on your own with the others. It's hardly worth mentioning because most of them will balk every time. check Dr. Kolb's website , , , . . . You can learn a lot even if you don't use her. Rogene deb marie <debmarie007@...> wrote: Well, I do not recommend Dr. Pamela Rosen. Her office told me she can't help me !! ...and was very matter of fact about it...almost to the point of being rude. My exact wording was in a request for appointment to remove my saline implants and for treatment for any mold or bacteria that might be present. The receptionist put me on hold and then came back to tell me that Dr. Rosen said, for mold treatment I would have to call the University of Miami. So I explained to the receptionist that she (the receptionist) had jumped way too far ahead of the explanation for what I needed was to see Dr. Rosen first-- to schedule an appointment for getting the implants and capsules removed because I was having health problems to get these taken out and that IF fungus or mold was present then surely this is something the doctor would address at the time and give me whatever referrals were necessary. So she puts me on hold again and comes back to tell me that Dr. Rosen says she can't help me!!!!. THANKS FOR NOTHING, Dr. Pamela Rosen. Guess I'll have to pick another doctor on the list that's 300 miles away from me.Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote: Deb, Here's the Florida docs from our list. Still - see if you can get personal recommendations. - Rogene FLORIDA Bridge, M.D. [Plastic Surgery]Bridge Breast & Aesthetic Surgery Center608 Medical Care Dr, Florida 33511Phone: (863) 684-2506Fax: (863) 684-5785 pbridgewatsonclinicDr. Barroso P/S 524 Arthur Godfrey Rd., Miami Beach, FL 33140 (305)674-8586(He is expensive. Obtain in writing from him he will remove your implants "en bloc" and do a total capsulectomy, if at all possible. Only a few women I know have used him and this is why I am a bit leery. Please report any experiences, good or bad, with him.)DR. HOLLIS CAFFEE, plastic surgeon, Professor plastic surgery, University of Florida College of MedicineBox 100286, Gainesville, FL 32610 (352)395-7972 caffeesurgery (DOT) ufl.eduprofessor of surgery and chief of the Division of Plastic Surgery(He will not admit anything is wrong in all probability with breast implants. However, reports are he will remove the implants "en bloc" and a total capuslectomy., If possible; get it in writing from him with his signature he will do both so there can be no misunderstanding plus send him a certified letter you feel these are imperative! ) DR. ARTHUR DEBAISE, plastic surgeon, 1414 Kuhl Ave. 3rd Floor, Orlando, FL 32806, DR. A. H. NEZAMI, Plastic surgeon, Baptist Medical Center820 Prudential Dr. , Suite 702, ville, FL 32207 1-904-399-5061E-mail ahnezamijacksonvillecosmeticsurgery DR. PAMELA ROSEN, P/S, Coral Springs, FL, I am thankful each day that I found a plastic surgeon who recognized the dangers of silicone and saline implants. She has stopped all implantations, except when she can give each patient the entire story and list ALL of the potential risk factors and thepatient requests them anyway due to extreme conditions such as mastectomy.She prefers mastopexy to implant for healthy women and openly discusses herreasoning.......she cares about the health ofher patients: by :Yannijazzaol (check that Dr. Rosen will remove your implants "enbloc," etc.! She is new to our list; let me know what you think of her ifyou decide to see her! Barbara: Suriliimpaol. See below.)Dr. D. Rotatori P/S 851 W. Morse Blvd. Winter Park, FLA 32789 (407)647-4601 DR. LUIS VINAS, plastic Surgeon1620 S. Congress Ave.Suite 100, Palm Springs, FL 334611-561-968-7111 Dr. Vitale- P/S 1229 S. Strawbridge aveMelbourne, FL 32901 (321)676-5543 (Make sure she will remove your implants "en bloc" and perform a total capsulectomy if possible) Dr. Marguerite Barnett P/S 530 S. Nekomis Ave., Suite 6 Venice, FL 34285 941-927-2447 Contacts: Marielee3aol (5-26-99 explant),support group leader near Dr. Barnett: Chris: Tanja@....comOne woman has reported spill upon explant, 2003. (See post #20374)deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote: Thanks Rogene, now that I've thought about it, how could saline not get fungus or mold at 98 degree temperatures year after defies the laws of nature for these NOT to get mold.Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote: The news has been strangely silent on the dangers of saline implants . . .I could go on and on about it - but I won't. I'd suggest looking this site over thoroughly . . you'll be up to speed in no time! I'm afraid that the money interests associated with breast implants haven't been looking out after your interests! Hugs and prayers, Rogene deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote: Thank you so much...i'm anxiously awaiting their email. I'm still in shock that I had no clue about saline being a problem until yesterday...I thought I kept up on the news, but apparently I've been so caught up in my job over the last several years that I missed it. Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote: Debbie, Welcome! You're in the right place! .. . . I've forwarded your message to a couple of our ladies in florida. Regardless of who, where your implants are removed, be sure to confirm that your doctor will commit to doing the "en bloc" procedure if at all possible - and if not , doing a complete capsulectomy. Very important for recovery! There's lots of info in the archives - I have a broke arm, so I'm not typing much , , , but stick around. You'll learn what you need to get your life back here! Hugs and prayers, Rogenedeb marie <debmarie007 > wrote: And one more thing...It's me again (debbie). I just read what I posted and I used the word "bacterial" instead of bacteria... This is so unlike me...slurring words or using wrong words and I'm finding this happening more and more. debmarie007 <debmarie007 > wrote: I discovered your website and just signed up last night...I have been experiencing severe brain fog and memory problems for the past 3 or 4 years and it is getting worse and throughout the day and I find find myself sitting and staring at nothing at all. This is affecting my job performance at work...and being in sales, I have to be able to remember things...a lot of my success depends on my energy level and ability to interact with others. I've had saline implants for 13 years, Three or 4 years ago (when the problems began) I was diagnosed with ADD (attention deficit disorder) and a neurologist put me on Ritalin but now it's gotten to the point now where I simply cannot function without the ritalin and now your website has me wondering IF I'm even ADD at all. Several months ago, I started complaining of the severity of my symptoms to my ADD doctor and he sent me for an MRI and other tests...referred to several other doctors,... and the last one--a rheumatologist told me I was "depressed"... in other words, depression hurts ... I also performed a mold test in my home thinking THAT might be the problem. Yes I'm depressed... that's one of the symptoms of mold...and I never thought to check INSIDE of my body for it! None of the doctors could find anything wrong with me but I have to admit I didn't even mention my implants to them because I was always told saline was safe.Also for the last 3-4 years my implants have not felt right in my body which all makes sense now...I can't really explain why they don't feel right...I'm not in pain or anything...they are just WEIRD feeling...I've always had some capsular contractor but lately they don't feel like they belong there. Perhaps my body is speaking to my brain. It feels like I have two foreign objects sitting on top of my chest. The implants did not feel like this in the past. I have nearly all of the symptoms described. Brain Fog, Memory Problems, Flu like aches and pains, tingling in my toes and now and a little bit of numbness on at least four of them, tired, depressed, creepy crawling feelings, trouble sleeping, cold hands and feet...and I live in S. Florida where the climate is always warm. Can somebody point me in the right direction...I want to get these things taken out and am very frightened by the prospect of one of these rupturing and releasing bacterial into my body during the procedure. I need a referral on a doctor who thoroughly understands this condition and can treat me after the removel. I live in the Ft. Lauderdale area. Thanks for your help.Debbie Need a quick answer? Get one in minutes from people who know. Ask your question on Answers. Everyone is raving about the all-new beta. Access over 1 million songs - Music Unlimited. Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 5, 2006 Report Share Posted December 5, 2006 Now I guess I'm learning what this is all about and seeing that we are really all on our own and therefore the purpose for this website. After this disappointment in not getting an appointment to a doctor who is so close to home, I did, however get an appt. today for the doctor up in Melbourne, but it's not until January 5th. Was wondering why these cosmetic surgeon's balk when they hear the word mold...presumably because of getting into a law suit with the mfgr. or do they balk because they want to keep making $$$$ on implants? I did think that perhaps getting a regular MD who would have my health interests at heart might be an option...they fight disease and hopefully wouldn't have an interest in doing implants. a regular MD could remove these but they aren't but they aren't board certified. ..well never mind...I guess that's playing russian roulette with the cosmetic outcome, it's bad enough to be flat again, worse yet to have major scarring... Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: To my knowledge, Dr. Kolb is the only doctor who will address fungal issues. You're on your own with the others. It's hardly worth mentioning because most of them will balk every time. check Dr. Kolb's website , , , . . . You can learn a lot even if you don't use her. Rogene deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote: Well, I do not recommend Dr. Pamela Rosen. Her office told me she can't help me !! ...and was very matter of fact about it...almost to the point of being rude. My exact wording was in a request for appointment to remove my saline implants and for treatment for any mold or bacteria that might be present. The receptionist put me on hold and then came back to tell me that Dr. Rosen said, for mold treatment I would have to call the University of Miami. So I explained to the receptionist that she (the receptionist) had jumped way too far ahead of the explanation for what I needed was to see Dr. Rosen first-- to schedule an appointment for getting the implants and capsules removed because I was having health problems to get these taken out and that IF fungus or mold was present then surely this is something the doctor would address at the time and give me whatever referrals were necessary. So she puts me on hold again and comes back to tell me that Dr. Rosen says she can't help me!!!!. THANKS FOR NOTHING, Dr. Pamela Rosen. Guess I'll have to pick another doctor on the list that's 300 miles away from me.Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote: Deb, Here's the Florida docs from our list. Still - see if you can get personal recommendations. - Rogene FLORIDA Bridge, M.D. [Plastic Surgery]Bridge Breast & Aesthetic Surgery Center608 Medical Care Dr, Florida 33511Phone: (863) 684-2506Fax: (863) 684-5785 pbridgewatsonclinicDr. Barroso P/S 524 Arthur Godfrey Rd., Miami Beach, FL 33140 (305)674-8586(He is expensive. Obtain in writing from him he will remove your implants "en bloc" and do a total capsulectomy, if at all possible. Only a few women I know have used him and this is why I am a bit leery. Please report any experiences, good or bad, with him.)DR. HOLLIS CAFFEE, plastic surgeon, Professor plastic surgery, University of Florida College of MedicineBox 100286, Gainesville, FL 32610 (352)395-7972 caffeesurgery (DOT) ufl.eduprofessor of surgery and chief of the Division of Plastic Surgery(He will not admit anything is wrong in all probability with breast implants. However, reports are he will remove the implants "en bloc" and a total capuslectomy., If possible; get it in writing from him with his signature he will do both so there can be no misunderstanding plus send him a certified letter you feel these are imperative! ) DR. ARTHUR DEBAISE, plastic surgeon, 1414 Kuhl Ave. 3rd Floor, Orlando, FL 32806, DR. A. H. NEZAMI, Plastic surgeon, Baptist Medical Center820 Prudential Dr. , Suite 702, ville, FL 32207 1-904-399-5061E-mail ahnezamijacksonvillecosmeticsurgery DR. PAMELA ROSEN, P/S, Coral Springs, FL, I am thankful each day that I found a plastic surgeon who recognized the dangers of silicone and saline implants. She has stopped all implantations, except when she can give each patient the entire story and list ALL of the potential risk factors and thepatient requests them anyway due to extreme conditions such as mastectomy.She prefers mastopexy to implant for healthy women and openly discusses herreasoning.......she cares about the health ofher patients: by :Yannijazzaol (check that Dr. Rosen will remove your implants "enbloc," etc.! She is new to our list; let me know what you think of her ifyou decide to see her! Barbara: Suriliimpaol. See below.)Dr. D. Rotatori P/S 851 W. Morse Blvd. Winter Park, FLA 32789 (407)647-4601 DR. LUIS VINAS, plastic Surgeon1620 S. Congress Ave.Suite 100, Palm Springs, FL 334611-561-968-7111 Dr. Vitale- P/S 1229 S. Strawbridge aveMelbourne, FL 32901 (321)676-5543 (Make sure she will remove your implants "en bloc" and perform a total capsulectomy if possible) Dr. Marguerite Barnett P/S 530 S. Nekomis Ave., Suite 6 Venice, FL 34285 941-927-2447 Contacts: Marielee3aol (5-26-99 explant),support group leader near Dr. Barnett: Chris: Tanja@....comOne woman has reported spill upon explant, 2003. (See post #20374)deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote: Thanks Rogene, now that I've thought about it, how could saline not get fungus or mold at 98 degree temperatures year after defies the laws of nature for these NOT to get mold.Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote: The news has been strangely silent on the dangers of saline implants . . .I could go on and on about it - but I won't. I'd suggest looking this site over thoroughly . . you'll be up to speed in no time! I'm afraid that the money interests associated with breast implants haven't been looking out after your interests! Hugs and prayers, Rogene deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote: Thank you so much...i'm anxiously awaiting their email. I'm still in shock that I had no clue about saline being a problem until yesterday...I thought I kept up on the news, but apparently I've been so caught up in my job over the last several years that I missed it. Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote: Debbie, Welcome! You're in the right place! . . . I've forwarded your message to a couple of our ladies in florida. Regardless of who, where your implants are removed, be sure to confirm that your doctor will commit to doing the "en bloc" procedure if at all possible - and if not , doing a complete capsulectomy. Very important for recovery! There's lots of info in the archives - I have a broke arm, so I'm not typing much , , , but stick around. You'll learn what you need to get your life back here! Hugs and prayers, Rogenedeb marie <debmarie007 > wrote: And one more thing...It's me again (debbie). I just read what I posted and I used the word "bacterial" instead of bacteria... This is so unlike me...slurring words or using wrong words and I'm finding this happening more and more. debmarie007 <debmarie007 > wrote: I discovered your website and just signed up last night...I have been experiencing severe brain fog and memory problems for the past 3 or 4 years and it is getting worse and throughout the day and I find find myself sitting and staring at nothing at all. This is affecting my job performance at work...and being in sales, I have to be able to remember things...a lot of my success depends on my energy level and ability to interact with others. I've had saline implants for 13 years, Three or 4 years ago (when the problems began) I was diagnosed with ADD (attention deficit disorder) and a neurologist put me on Ritalin but now it's gotten to the point now where I simply cannot function without the ritalin and now your website has me wondering IF I'm even ADD at all. Several months ago, I started complaining of the severity of my symptoms to my ADD doctor and he sent me for an MRI and other tests...referred to several other doctors,... and the last one--a rheumatologist told me I was "depressed"... in other words, depression hurts ... I also performed a mold test in my home thinking THAT might be the problem. Yes I'm depressed... that's one of the symptoms of mold...and I never thought to check INSIDE of my body for it! None of the doctors could find anything wrong with me but I have to admit I didn't even mention my implants to them because I was always told saline was safe.Also for the last 3-4 years my implants have not felt right in my body which all makes sense now...I can't really explain why they don't feel right...I'm not in pain or anything...they are just WEIRD feeling...I've always had some capsular contractor but lately they don't feel like they belong there. Perhaps my body is speaking to my brain. It feels like I have two foreign objects sitting on top of my chest. The implants did not feel like this in the past. I have nearly all of the symptoms described. Brain Fog, Memory Problems, Flu like aches and pains, tingling in my toes and now and a little bit of numbness on at least four of them, tired, depressed, creepy crawling feelings, trouble sleeping, cold hands and feet...and I live in S. Florida where the climate is always warm. Can somebody point me in the right direction...I want to get these things taken out and am very frightened by the prospect of one of these rupturing and releasing bacterial into my body during the procedure. I need a referral on a doctor who thoroughly understands this condition and can treat me after the removel. I live in the Ft. Lauderdale area. Thanks for your help.Debbie Need a quick answer? Get one in minutes from people who know. Ask your question on Answers. Everyone is raving about the all-new beta. Access over 1 million songs - Music Unlimited. Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates. Any questions? Get answers on any topic at Answers. Try it now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 15, 2006 Report Share Posted December 15, 2006 DR Kolb's website is Re: Need doctor referral in S. Florida/Pamel Rosen's office NO HELP Now I guess I'm learning what this is all about and seeing that we are really all on our own and therefore the purpose for this website. After this disappointment in not getting an appointment to a doctor who is so close to home, I did, however get an appt. today for the doctor up in Melbourne, but it's not until January 5th. Was wondering why these cosmetic surgeon's balk when they hear the word mold...presumably because of getting into a law suit with the mfgr. or do they balk because they want to keep making $$$$ on implants? I did think that perhaps getting a regular MD who would have my health interests at heart might be an option...they fight disease and hopefully wouldn't have an interest in doing implants. a regular MD could remove these but they aren't but they aren't board certified. ..well never mind...I guess that's playing russian roulette with the cosmetic outcome, it's bad enough to be flat again, worse yet to have major scarring... Rogene S <saxony01 (DOT) com> wrote: To my knowledge, Dr. Kolb is the only doctor who will address fungal issues. You're on your own with the others. It's hardly worth mentioning because most of them will balk every time. check Dr. Kolb's website , , , www.plasticos. com . . . You can learn a lot even if you don't use her. Rogene deb marie <debmarie007> wrote: Well, I do not recommend Dr. Pamela Rosen. Her office told me she can't help me !! ...and was very matter of fact about it...almost to the point of being rude. My exact wording was in a request for appointment to remove my saline implants and for treatment for any mold or bacteria that might be present. The receptionist put me on hold and then came back to tell me that Dr. Rosen said, for mold treatment I would have to call the University of Miami. So I explained to the receptionist that she (the receptionist) had jumped way too far ahead of the explanation for what I needed was to see Dr. Rosen first-- to schedule an appointment for getting the implants and capsules removed because I was having health problems to get these taken out and that IF fungus or mold was present then surely this is something the doctor would address at the time and give me whatever referrals were necessary. So she puts me on hold again and comes back to tell me that Dr. Rosen says she can't help me!!!!. THANKS FOR NOTHING, Dr. Pamela Rosen. Guess I'll have to pick another doctor on the list that's 300 miles away from me.Rogene S <saxony01 (DOT) com> wrote: Deb, Here's the Florida docs from our list. Still - see if you can get personal recommendations. - Rogene FLORIDA Bridge, M.D. [Plastic Surgery]Bridge Breast & Aesthetic Surgery Center608 Medical Care Dr, Florida 33511Phone: (863) 684-2506Fax: (863) 684-5785 pbridge@watsonclini c.comDr. Barroso P/S 524 Arthur Godfrey Rd., Miami Beach, FL 33140 (305)674-8586(He is expensive. Obtain in writing from him he will remove your implants "en bloc" and do a total capsulectomy, if at all possible. Only a few women I know have used him and this is why I am a bit leery. Please report any experiences, good or bad, with him.)DR. HOLLIS CAFFEE, plastic surgeon, Professor plastic surgery, University of Florida College of MedicineBox 100286, Gainesville, FL 32610 (352)395-7972 caffeesurgery (DOT) ufl.eduprofessor of surgery and chief of the Division of Plastic Surgery(He will not admit anything is wrong in all probability with breast implants. However, reports are he will remove the implants "en bloc" and a total capuslectomy. , If possible; get it in writing from him with his signature he will do both so there can be no misunderstanding plus send him a certified letter you feel these are imperative! ) DR. ARTHUR DEBAISE, plastic surgeon, 1414 Kuhl Ave. 3rd Floor, Orlando, FL 32806, DR. A. H. NEZAMI, Plastic surgeon, Baptist Medical Center820 Prudential Dr. , Suite 702, ville, FL 32207 1-904-399-5061E-mail ahnezami@jacksonvil lecosmeticsurger y.comhttp://www.jacksonv illecosmeticsurg n.html DR. PAMELA ROSEN, P/S, Coral Springs, FL, I am thankful each day that I found a plastic surgeon who recognized the dangers of silicone and saline implants. She has stopped all implantations, except when she can give each patient the entire story and list ALL of the potential risk factors and thepatient requests them anyway due to extreme conditions such as mastectomy.She prefers mastopexy to implant for healthy women and openly discusses herreasoning... ....she cares about the health ofher patients: by :Yannijazzaol (DOT) com (check that Dr. Rosen will remove your implants "enbloc," etc.! She is new to our list; let me know what you think of her ifyou decide to see her! Barbara: Suriliimpaol (DOT) com. See below.)Dr. D. Rotatori P/S 851 W. Morse Blvd. Winter Park, FLA 32789 (407)647-4601 http://www.internet DR. LUIS VINAS, plastic Surgeon1620 S. Congress Ave.Suite 100, Palm Springs, FL 334611-561-968-7111 http://surgery. org/drlvinas/ default.htm Dr. Vitale- P/S 1229 S. Strawbridge aveMelbourne, FL 32901 (321)676-5543http://www.melbourn eplasticsurgery. com/id2.htm (Make sure she will remove your implants "en bloc" and perform a total capsulectomy if possible) Dr. Marguerite Barnett P/S 530 S. Nekomis Ave., Suite 6 Venice, FL 34285 941-927-2447http://www.homestea explant.html Contacts: Marielee3aol (DOT) com (5-26-99 explant),support group leader near Dr. Barnett: Chris: Tanja@.... comOne woman has reported spill upon explant, 2003. (See post #20374)deb marie <debmarie007> wrote: Thanks Rogene, now that I've thought about it, how could saline not get fungus or mold at 98 degree temperatures year after defies the laws of nature for these NOT to get mold.Rogene S <saxony01 (DOT) com> wrote: The news has been strangely silent on the dangers of saline implants . . .I could go on and on about it - but I won't. I'd suggest looking this site over thoroughly . . you'll be up to speed in no time! I'm afraid that the money interests associated with breast implants haven't been looking out after your interests! Hugs and prayers, Rogene deb marie <debmarie007> wrote: Thank you so much...i'm anxiously awaiting their email. I'm still in shock that I had no clue about saline being a problem until yesterday... I thought I kept up on the news, but apparently I've been so caught up in my job over the last several years that I missed it. Rogene S <saxony01 (DOT) com> wrote: Debbie, Welcome! You're in the right place! . . . I've forwarded your message to a couple of our ladies in florida. Regardless of who, where your implants are removed, be sure to confirm that your doctor will commit to doing the "en bloc" procedure if at all possible - and if not , doing a complete capsulectomy. Very important for recovery! There's lots of info in the archives - I have a broke arm, so I'm not typing much , , , but stick around. You'll learn what you need to get your life back here! Hugs and prayers, Rogenedeb marie <debmarie007> wrote: And one more thing...It's me again (debbie). I just read what I posted and I used the word "bacterial" instead of bacteria... This is so unlike me...slurring words or using wrong words and I'm finding this happening more and more. debmarie007 <debmarie007> wrote: I discovered your website and just signed up last night...I have been experiencing severe brain fog and memory problems for the past 3 or 4 years and it is getting worse and throughout the day and I find find myself sitting and staring at nothing at all. This is affecting my job performance at work...and being in sales, I have to be able to remember things...a lot of my success depends on my energy level and ability to interact with others. I've had saline implants for 13 years, Three or 4 years ago (when the problems began) I was diagnosed with ADD (attention deficit disorder) and a neurologist put me on Ritalin but now it's gotten to the point now where I simply cannot function without the ritalin and now your website has me wondering IF I'm even ADD at all. Several months ago, I started complaining of the severity of my symptoms to my ADD doctor and he sent me for an MRI and other tests...referred to several other doctors,... and the last one--a rheumatologist told me I was "depressed". .. in other words, depression hurts ... I also performed a mold test in my home thinking THAT might be the problem. Yes I'm depressed... that's one of the symptoms of mold...and I never thought to check INSIDE of my body for it! None of the doctors could find anything wrong with me but I have to admit I didn't even mention my implants to them because I was always told saline was safe.Also for the last 3-4 years my implants have not felt right in my body which all makes sense now...I can't really explain why they don't feel right...I'm not in pain or anything...they are just WEIRD feeling...I' ve always had some capsular contractor but lately they don't feel like they belong there. Perhaps my body is speaking to my brain. It feels like I have two foreign objects sitting on top of my chest. The implants did not feel like this in the past. I have nearly all of the symptoms described. Brain Fog, Memory Problems, Flu like aches and pains, tingling in my toes and now and a little bit of numbness on at least four of them, tired, depressed, creepy crawling feelings, trouble sleeping, cold hands and feet...and I live in S. Florida where the climate is always warm. Can somebody point me in the right direction... I want to get these things taken out and am very frightened by the prospect of one of these rupturing and releasing bacterial into my body during the procedure. I need a referral on a doctor who thoroughly understands this condition and can treat me after the removel. I live in the Ft. Lauderdale area. Thanks for your help.Debbie Need a quick answer? Get one in minutes from people who know. Ask your question on Answers. Everyone is raving about the all-new beta. Access over 1 million songs - Music Unlimited. Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates. Any questions? Get answers on any topic at Answers. Try it now. __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 15, 2006 Report Share Posted December 15, 2006 Deb . . . I feel that we're threatening to some doctors . . . They may know, but they don't want to acknowledge the problem. As long as the practice medicine that conforms to the AMA's "standard", they're safe - even if we're dying. If they adknowledge the problem publically, they can bring the AMA down on them . . .and may end up spending their time in court as witness . . . And we know that's not the way to make $$$$. Just my opinion. Rogene deb marie <debmarie007@...> wrote: Now I guess I'm learning what this is all about and seeing that we are really all on our own and therefore the purpose for this website. After this disappointment in not getting an appointment to a doctor who is so close to home, I did, however get an appt. today for the doctor up in Melbourne, but it's not until January 5th. Was wondering why these cosmetic surgeon's balk when they hear the word mold...presumably because of getting into a law suit with the mfgr. or do they balk because they want to keep making $$$$ on implants? I did think that perhaps getting a regular MD who would have my health interests at heart might be an option...they fight disease and hopefully wouldn't have an interest in doing implants. a regular MD could remove these but they aren't but they aren't board certified. ..well never mind...I guess that's playing russian roulette with the cosmetic outcome, it's bad enough to be flat again, worse yet to have major scarring... Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote: To my knowledge, Dr. Kolb is the only doctor who will address fungal issues. You're on your own with the others. It's hardly worth mentioning because most of them will balk every time. check Dr. Kolb's website , , , . . . You can learn a lot even if you don't use her. Rogene deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote: Well, I do not recommend Dr. Pamela Rosen. Her office told me she can't help me !! ...and was very matter of fact about it...almost to the point of being rude. My exact wording was in a request for appointment to remove my saline implants and for treatment for any mold or bacteria that might be present. The receptionist put me on hold and then came back to tell me that Dr. Rosen said, for mold treatment I would have to call the University of Miami. So I explained to the receptionist that she (the receptionist) had jumped way too far ahead of the explanation for what I needed was to see Dr. Rosen first-- to schedule an appointment for getting the implants and capsules removed because I was having health problems to get these taken out and that IF fungus or mold was present then surely this is something the doctor would address at the time and give me whatever referrals were necessary. So she puts me on hold again and comes back to tell me that Dr. Rosen says she can't help me!!!!. THANKS FOR NOTHING, Dr. Pamela Rosen. Guess I'll have to pick another doctor on the list that's 300 miles away from me.Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote: Deb, Here's the Florida docs from our list. Still - see if you can get personal recommendations. - Rogene FLORIDA Bridge, M.D. [Plastic Surgery]Bridge Breast & Aesthetic Surgery Center608 Medical Care Dr, Florida 33511Phone: (863) 684-2506Fax: (863) 684-5785 pbridgewatsonclinicDr. Barroso P/S 524 Arthur Godfrey Rd., Miami Beach, FL 33140 (305)674-8586(He is expensive. Obtain in writing from him he will remove your implants "en bloc" and do a total capsulectomy, if at all possible. Only a few women I know have used him and this is why I am a bit leery. Please report any experiences, good or bad, with him.)DR. HOLLIS CAFFEE, plastic surgeon, Professor plastic surgery, University of Florida College of MedicineBox 100286, Gainesville, FL 32610 (352)395-7972 caffeesurgery (DOT) ufl.eduprofessor of surgery and chief of the Division of Plastic Surgery(He will not admit anything is wrong in all probability with breast implants. However, reports are he will remove the implants "en bloc" and a total capuslectomy., If possible; get it in writing from him with his signature he will do both so there can be no misunderstanding plus send him a certified letter you feel these are imperative! ) DR. ARTHUR DEBAISE, plastic surgeon, 1414 Kuhl Ave. 3rd Floor, Orlando, FL 32806, DR. A. H. NEZAMI, Plastic surgeon, Baptist Medical Center820 Prudential Dr. , Suite 702, ville, FL 32207 1-904-399-5061E-mail ahnezamijacksonvillecosmeticsurgery DR. PAMELA ROSEN, P/S, Coral Springs, FL, I am thankful each day that I found a plastic surgeon who recognized the dangers of silicone and saline implants. She has stopped all implantations, except when she can give each patient the entire story and list ALL of the potential risk factors and thepatient requests them anyway due to extreme conditions such as mastectomy.She prefers mastopexy to implant for healthy women and openly discusses herreasoning.......she cares about the health ofher patients: by :Yannijazzaol (check that Dr. Rosen will remove your implants "enbloc," etc.! She is new to our list; let me know what you think of her ifyou decide to see her! Barbara: Suriliimpaol. See below.)Dr. D. Rotatori P/S 851 W. Morse Blvd. Winter Park, FLA 32789 (407)647-4601 DR. LUIS VINAS, plastic Surgeon1620 S. Congress Ave.Suite 100, Palm Springs, FL 334611-561-968-7111 Dr. Vitale- P/S 1229 S. Strawbridge aveMelbourne, FL 32901 (321)676-5543 (Make sure she will remove your implants "en bloc" and perform a total capsulectomy if possible) Dr. Marguerite Barnett P/S 530 S. Nekomis Ave., Suite 6 Venice, FL 34285 941-927-2447 Contacts: Marielee3aol (5-26-99 explant),support group leader near Dr. Barnett: Chris: Tanja@....comOne woman has reported spill upon explant, 2003. (See post #20374)deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote: Thanks Rogene, now that I've thought about it, how could saline not get fungus or mold at 98 degree temperatures year after defies the laws of nature for these NOT to get mold.Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote: The news has been strangely silent on the dangers of saline implants . . .I could go on and on about it - but I won't. I'd suggest looking this site over thoroughly . . you'll be up to speed in no time! I'm afraid that the money interests associated with breast implants haven't been looking out after your interests! Hugs and prayers, Rogene deb marie <debmarie007 > wrote: Thank you so much...i'm anxiously awaiting their email. I'm still in shock that I had no clue about saline being a problem until yesterday...I thought I kept up on the news, but apparently I've been so caught up in my job over the last several years that I missed it. Rogene S <saxony01 > wrote: Debbie, Welcome! You're in the right place! . . . I've forwarded your message to a couple of our ladies in florida. Regardless of who, where your implants are removed, be sure to confirm that your doctor will commit to doing the "en bloc" procedure if at all possible - and if not , doing a complete capsulectomy. Very important for recovery! There's lots of info in the archives - I have a broke arm, so I'm not typing much , , , but stick around. You'll learn what you need to get your life back here! Hugs and prayers, Rogenedeb marie <debmarie007 > wrote: And one more thing...It's me again (debbie). I just read what I posted and I used the word "bacterial" instead of bacteria... This is so unlike me...slurring words or using wrong words and I'm finding this happening more and more. debmarie007 <debmarie007 > wrote: I discovered your website and just signed up last night...I have been experiencing severe brain fog and memory problems for the past 3 or 4 years and it is getting worse and throughout the day and I find find myself sitting and staring at nothing at all. This is affecting my job performance at work...and being in sales, I have to be able to remember things...a lot of my success depends on my energy level and ability to interact with others. I've had saline implants for 13 years, Three or 4 years ago (when the problems began) I was diagnosed with ADD (attention deficit disorder) and a neurologist put me on Ritalin but now it's gotten to the point now where I simply cannot function without the ritalin and now your website has me wondering IF I'm even ADD at all. Several months ago, I started complaining of the severity of my symptoms to my ADD doctor and he sent me for an MRI and other tests...referred to several other doctors,... and the last one--a rheumatologist told me I was "depressed"... in other words, depression hurts ... I also performed a mold test in my home thinking THAT might be the problem. Yes I'm depressed... that's one of the symptoms of mold...and I never thought to check INSIDE of my body for it! None of the doctors could find anything wrong with me but I have to admit I didn't even mention my implants to them because I was always told saline was safe.Also for the last 3-4 years my implants have not felt right in my body which all makes sense now...I can't really explain why they don't feel right...I'm not in pain or anything...they are just WEIRD feeling...I've always had some capsular contractor but lately they don't feel like they belong there. Perhaps my body is speaking to my brain. It feels like I have two foreign objects sitting on top of my chest. The implants did not feel like this in the past. I have nearly all of the symptoms described. Brain Fog, Memory Problems, Flu like aches and pains, tingling in my toes and now and a little bit of numbness on at least four of them, tired, depressed, creepy crawling feelings, trouble sleeping, cold hands and feet...and I live in S. Florida where the climate is always warm. Can somebody point me in the right direction...I want to get these things taken out and am very frightened by the prospect of one of these rupturing and releasing bacterial into my body during the procedure. I need a referral on a doctor who thoroughly understands this condition and can treat me after the removel. I live in the Ft. Lauderdale area. Thanks for your help.Debbie Need a quick answer? Get one in minutes from people who know. Ask your question on Answers. Everyone is raving about the all-new beta. Access over 1 million songs - Music Unlimited. Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates. Any questions? Get answers on any topic at Answers. Try it now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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